RTX 4060 in Alan Wake 2 | 1080p, 1440p, 4K + Path Tracing

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all right so we're back with another alen wake 2 video and this time we're testing the RX 460 I'll put up all the specs on the screen right now my benchmarking system actually had a little bit of an upgrade we changed the CPU from a 12400 F to a 12600 K not a big upgrade but it'll just help us a little in our CP limited scenarios which we ran into on the 12400 F especially at 1080p all right so let's just go over the settings here quickly so currently we're at 1080p native resolution no upscaling we do have these two enabled for some reason those will go right away on the low preset at the moment and we don't have any array tracing enabled either all right so just before we go ahead I'm testing here in the woods because it is actually a very demanding area so let's just to reset our numbers if I can remember the combination on this machine all right so I'm testing in the woods because this is very very demanding this is like a worst case scenario basically what I've seen so far um I'm not that far into to the game I've got about 3 hours but this is definitely the most demanding area so far the town you get around 50% more frames per second uh then in the woods so I don't want to test there and give you false hope so this is just a me giving you the worst case scenario all right so at 1080p on the low preset with ax 460 we aren't really maintaining 60 frames per second and uh I'm just having a look at my nice new shiny 12600 K CPU actually got it for $125 which I think is a steal was brand new still sealed in a box so I had to take it anyway so getting an average of around 60 frames per second here luckily we can play around a little bit with the dlss this game's dlss implementation seems to be pretty good and then we've got frame generation as well and when we used that on the 4070 it helped quite a lot right so not really a locked 60 frames per second experience here let's uh move on on to dlss I don't think we need to change much here we'll just go down to Quality which then internally renders at 720p I do apologize if there's some Fair noise we're going through a a massive Heat Wave and it's extremely warm here uh let me see if I can remember the combination again and there we go so dls's quality bumped our frame rate up from just below 60 to the mid 70 Upper 70s actually so that's pretty good I'd say and our 1% and 0.1 % lows are pretty good as well now the frame time graph does look slightly inconsistent it's it's really not I mean you you wouldn't get a flat line all the time but just moving around the camera Etc I don't feel any stuttering the the same was true for the 4070 very little stuttering I think I counted two stutters in my all my 3 hours of play time so the game is pretty well optimized in that regard it's just that the frame rate in this specific area is is low because there's a lot happening here all right so we managed around 80 frames per second on the low preset the game still looks okay I mean Reflections and everything do look a little bit noisy uh that actually gets cleaned up nicely when we start using ra tracing and uh raay reconstruction so let's let's see I'm going to leave DSS quality enabled and just move up on the preset so let's try out medium so as you can see on the low preset there are still a few things that are on medium and some things even on high this setting year changes pretty much nothing when it comes to Performance and also texture detail not much this setting actually improved our frame rate by around 10% on the 4070 when set it to low unfortunately this setting does not become available or it disappears it gets gr out when you enable Raad reconstruction anyway we'll get there so let's just enable the medium presar here you'll see some things even go onto the high settings here so it's not really just medium some things are actually on Ultra but rate racing is still disabled all right so let's just reset our numbers here and we're getting slightly higher frame rates than what we had when we were at 1080p on the low preset this is on the medium preset just with the LSS quality I mean it does dip below 60 frames per second every now and again this is actually Prime territory to enable frame generation if you do have a higher refresh rate monitor I'd suggest not see an able frame generation if you're targeting 60 frames per second and you've got a 60 HZ monitor to go with that and you enable vsync to lock it to 60 frames per second your input latency will just be quite terrible but what I've also seen in the 4060 or the 4070 video sorry is that frame generation the input latency in this game specifically is really not that much worse when you enable frame generation except at 4K when we enabled path racing I could start feeling the additional input latency but other than that it was pretty good all right so getting around I mean the average was 67 frames per second here let's aim for 69 here I think we can do it depending on where we actually end this Benchmark run uh we might have just missed it anyway it doesn't really matter so a 60 frames per second experience is pretty much guaranteed especially seeing that this is one of the more demanding eras of the game so you can enable frame generation yeah get you close to around 100 frames per second so let's just move this on to the high preset and then we'll start playing with frame Generation all right so we'll just move on to the high presar here you'll see some things go to ultra some things go to High some things are still stuck at medium doesn't really matter these are just the presets you can change them as much as you want there are many settings here rate racing is still disabled so I mean dlss quality is still enabled so let's just disable dlss quality just to show you what the performance is like natively on the high preset anyway so we're getting around 44 frames per second here you might be able to enable frame generation here as well to get you to 60 frames per second although I I'd rather just go down to dlss Quality and then enable frame generation you'll just have a much smoother input and I mean that's just been my experience anyway let's just uh enable DSA let's see if we can still maintain 60 frames per second on the high preset yeah right so not a big difference between medium and high preset I mean it makes sense judging by the settings that actually changed in the menu not a lot of settings I think will'll probably be like 10% lower we did drop below 60 frames per second here on the medium preset as well the game is perfectly playable at below 60 frames per second even though I personally would like to Target 60 at all times consoles uh in quality mode Target 30 frames per second which means that I mean the game it's not really that fast-paced and 60 frames per second is not a must I do do know some people that prefer 4K 30 to 1440p 60 for example but me personally I don't know what they happened there me personally I do prefer 60 plus frames per second the game does look pretty good even without rate racing enabled remember this is still rization performance so the rate tracing in this game is pretty intensive but the game does look quite good and uh I mean I wouldn't I wouldn't mind playing like this I don't think we should be targeting a very high frame rate when we enable rate tracing on this 4060 but I mean that's part of the testing and we'll have to do that right away actually I lie let's just enable frame generation first it's just take the Gen over there and uh remember we had around 60 is frames per second let's just reset our numbers so we went from 60 to 90 frames per second and I mean if you do have a 60 HZ monitor that's not going to make a difference for you but this is actually captured on a 165 HZ monitor so it uh it does make the motion fluidity a lot better and this is definitely much preferred and now I keep on running the same path over and over but I'm just trying to keep the Benchmark runs a little bit more consistent but not to be wasting too much time I'm going to be turning around right there so I mean getting around 95 frames per second so frame generation is definitely doing its thing and the input latency increase is definitely not noticeable at all so I'm not sure what's happening there you have to remember that nid reflex gets enabled by default when you enable frame generation but this is actually pretty responsive all right now let's move on to the rate race test so once again we'll just do a baseline test at 1080p with no frame generation no upscaling whatsoever I think let's just go down to the medium preset even though there's not a not a big difference between medium and high so I think let's go to the low preset here and then we'll enable rate tracing so if you enable medium rate tracing Pres researcher you'll see that path tracing also gets enabled so we'll just disable that for now and DS RY construction is enabled it was also always enabled in my previous 470 video in case you were wondering I did not indicate that on the screen settings but I was just running out of space there anyway so DS R Rec Construction direct lighting all that kind of stuff just path tracing is disabled yeah on the 1080p low preset and if you can remember we didn't hit 60 frames per second at 1080p on the preset anyway and now we pretty much half that okay so 26 frames per second I don't know who Logan is I don't really care and um I mean 30 frames per second even though some people say that 30 frames per second is fine I just find it very very choppy not sure if I'd ever be able to get used to it motion blur should be able to help I mean it does feel very choppy it's just because the frame rate is so low when you enable motion blur it it'll smooth over the choppiness when you've got a low frame rate so that's always an option if you target 30 frames per second once again turning around pretty early because this is not really a good experience for me anyway right so that was it at Native now let's see what dlss settings we need to use to actually get 60 frames per second yeah let's just first see what quality can do here for us uh we were getting around sorry that thing is always in the way I do apologize about that uh I'll be using Dallas as quality which renders at 720p let's just uh see our frame rate went up about around 10 frames per second so that's not going to happen let's see if we go down to Performance I'm just uh I'm just trying to H 60 frames per second here at this time let's see what we need and not not good we are at the dialysis performance meaning internally rendering at 540p I mean the reflection look pretty good but our internal resolution is very low 540p and we're still not getting 60 frames per second would we get 60 frames per second when we go down to ultra performance like this is a 360p it's been a very long while since I played at this resolution if you remember way back when we actually played at uh 640x 480 anyway um sure there were times when it was a lot lower than that but maybe some of you won't remember that let's just reset our numbers so dls's Ultra performance to get 60 frames per second on the low preset with the rate tracing set to medium basically uh there's there is some tearing I do apologize about that as well it's just the capture cord is set to capture at 60 frames per second so um the tearing is actually being captured as well it does support vrr but if I do enable vrr on the GPU the screen does black out every now and again right so I mean we're pretty much getting 60 frames per second although it won't be locked it's just that the resolution just look at the finer details they're like the branches and the leaves and stuff you can definitely see this is this is not 1080p dlss is trying its best to upscale to 1080p but this is like 30% of a 1080p resolution so it's it's having a bit of a struggle all right so that's not going to happen without frame generation so let's just get back to respectable settings actually and then we'll enable frame generation along with rate racing right so let's just go with dialysis Balan yeah I can't remember what frame rate we actually had here so 44 45 frames per second I think we should be okay I'm going to leave that uh screen open and just enable frame generation here that you should be able to see still that frame generation hopefully this will be able to take us from 45 to above 65 frames per second I do think it will it's just a question of the input latency right let's just reset our numbers here and I mean we went from 35 to what was that 75 so that's pretty good and the input latency is definitely not an issue especially in a game like this I mean it's pretty slow paced so inut latency is not an issue but even even though I say that the input latency is not an issue the input latency does not feel much increased by enabling frame generation which is is pretty strange as I said in all my other videos all my previous videos regarding frame generation I always advise you to aim for at least 60 frames per second before enable frame generation because the latency will just be too terrible if not and in this game that just seems to break that rule so not terrible at all so sure we are on the low preset but we do have some rate tracing and abled here and the dlss balanced right so not too terrible now let's just see what happens if we enable path tracing here so I'm just going to enable path tracing medium here and uh see how it goes let's just reset our numbers we might be able to like get close to 60 frames per second at all times the input latency now definitely feels a little bit more sluggish although it's it's still not terrible i' I'd like to see it when we actually have to shoot enemies get into a gunfight not sure if it'll matter then but it does seem okay I mean you have to take my word for it or you have to test it for yourself but it definitely does not feel too terrible so 60 frames per second with path tracing at 1080p well 1080p output on DLS is balanced on the low pret I mean it's a it's a mouth full mod 60 frames per second is definitely doable if you don't mind the lower internal resolution the DLS is balanced uh users so right that's it uh I think it's time to move on on to 1440p all right so we're at 1440p frame generation is now disabled on the low preset here and no rate tracing enabled right um this is once again just to get a baseline I'm expecting around 30 frames per second 305 uh exceeding my expectations here I mean this game definitely does look a lot better at 1440p especially on this monitor but definitely not playable unless once again you are targeting 1440p the low preset once again is not really that low the game does look pretty good except for the uh LOD popping right just look at that Branch there the moment you get closer like it just changes shape completely anyway so getting 30 frames per second not not the best experience I 1440p native is probably not an option for many of you that have an ax 4060 but luckily there's some upscaling to the rescue right right so let's see what we need to do to get the 60 frames per second yeah I'm going to leave that open cuz that's not in the way anymore it does uh decrease in size when you change resolution but I think it's big enough for you to still see it so let's go to balanced let just see our frame rate there H pretty close I'd say I'd say we can we can actually give this a shot okay so 57 frames per second dys is balanced I mean seems to be the the way to go for this GPU even at 1080p when r pring is involved the experience is definitely much better it's much smoother and motion fluidity is much improved as well I really wouldn't mind playing the game like this it looks pretty good it runs pretty well and as I said in town you'd probably be looking at around 80 to 85 frames per second with these exact same settings it's just a matter of how much time you actually spend in town versus how much you spend in the woods I'd say I think he'll spend more time in the Ws and that's exactly why I'm testing yeah all right so pretty much 60 frames per second with the Lys balanced all right let's see now that we've got 60 frames per second what do we need to do to get rate racing working at 60 frames per second so I'm going to be doing exactly the same as previously I'm just going to enable the medium preset here but then disable path tracing once again I do think this is the only setting pertaining to path tracing I might be wrong if I'm wrong just to correct me in the comments uh not sure if any of these actually pertain to PA tracing I mean obviously that does but um when you disable that this one becomes unavailable this is the only one that actually mentions something about path tracing in the description so anyway let's see how many frames per second we lose by an aing rate tracing at 1440p and once again we pretty much halfed our frame rate which is not ideal but once again this is definitely not a 1440p GPU just uh I know it's it's a little bit overpriced at $300 MSRP but the specs speak for itself I mean it's actually lower spe than a 3060 of L chain it it performs slightly better than the 3060 sometimes it actually loses to the 3060 but I mean it's definitely a GPU Target at 1480p gaming so 1440p especially on a game like alen w 2 we're definitely pushing it a little bit now I don't know if I forgot I did actually forget to reset the numbers that's why the 0.1% lows are so terrible and the average frame rate says 50 um don't take that into account this was just a test run to see how many frames we actually lose by enabling rate tracing so let's just go and uh see what we need to do to get 60 frames per second yeah I don't think we we are going to get 60 frames per second I mean 480p highly doubt it um I mean so getting 50 frames per second so I think we'll need to use frame generation so let's just go back to let's say the LSS performance which is at least 720p just want to see the base frame rate here we are uh sitting at 50 frames 40 frames per second sorry and uh then we'll enable D ls's Frame generation and uh see if this works for us so let's just reset our numbers and I mean we are basically getting 60 frames per second now though the input latency is noticeable it it's pretty strange like it it feels very floaty now um very strange at 1080p we didn't really feel the input lat and see uh even at uh RR performance or when we weren't using R tracing I didn't really feel the impul latency and with the autic 47 at 1440p also didn't feel the input latency unless we started enabling rate racing at 4K all right so with the rate racing enabled um these are the settings that'll get you 60 frames per second like not ideal so just stick to 1080p with this GPU but we still haven't tested path tracing so let's go and uh do that right away let's just enable the medium preset once again and we'll probably be in the 50s again all right we're not even hitting 50 and like now there's it feels like about a half a second delay let me just reset our numbers here because uh this is going to get confusing did I reset it now there we go so 50 frames per second this is not going to work so let's just see the only other option we we have is to enable dialysis Ultra performance yeah okay so 480p internal resolution maybe that'll get US 60 there we go 66 frames per second that's exactly what you want now let's just see if it can maintain 60 frames per second and now it it still feels floaty but doesn't feel like half a second delay anymore I wouldn't play like this uh just because when there's going to be the inevitable gun fight um that you probably won't be able to to hit anything unless they stand still this is the input latency is definitely very noticeable which is strange as I said our output or final output is still 70 frames per second same as at previous settings where the input latency didn't really uh feel this sluggish at all but you can just see the game the game looks pretty good with the path racing enabled and rate racing enabled and all that kind of stuff you just need to determine or make the choice whether it's worth it to you or not all right so that concludes our testing at 1080P and 1440p I'm I'm going to do one test at 4K just to to show you this game is extremely demanding you shouldn't be playing at 4K just look at our vram usage there we're sitting at 6.7 gabt and this is on dlss Ultra performance so I mean 4K is definitely not going to work so I just an abled 4K native and we're getting five frames per second um but that's because frame generation is still enabled and uh all these other things let me just sort this out and uh we'll be right back all right so I managed to disable raate tracing and you can just see in the background the texture is loading we're getting there we go 60 frames per second in the menu but you can see here the FBI sign uh or logo hasn't loaded at all um so it's on the low preset 4K no rate tracing and um no dlss or frame generation I think I said that all right so let's resume game I mean this is a less than cinematic oh you can just see we're definitely running out of VM here um nothing loads in the textures on the ground aren't loading in um right so 8 GB gpus aren't doing 4K in this game at all you can see OB Ram usages at 7.5 GB I mean I'm clipping through the I'm clipping through the terrain yeah it's just because nothing is loading okay let's see if we can fix this with the DIYs S I mean we might but I don't I don't think so there we go just the enabling dialysis balanced uh solved all all our issues for us and we are still getting 30 frames per second but at okay can now it broke again 4k on 8 gigs not doable I do think there's supposed to be a bench here that's why I can't walk there I don't know if scanning can help us not run out of vram here let's just uh go with ultra performance and uh see what happens all right so we dropped the vram usage down to 6.7 gigs our frame rate is uh 40 frames per second and I mean this is definitely somewhat playable I mean this is much better than previously for obvious reasons but yeah that's our I'm not going to be testing 4K um definitely avoid 4K when using an aex 4060 all right so that's going to be it for this video hope you guys enjoyed it if you did hit that like button hit the Subscribe button and as always we hope to see you in the next one
Channel: Mostly Positive Reviews
Views: 8,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtx 4060, alan wake 2, ray tracing, dlss 3.5, geforce rtx, nvidia geforce, nvidia rtx, alan wake 2 rtx 4060, alan wake 2 gameplay, alan wake 2 pc performance, alan wake 2 path tracing, rtx 4060 review, alan wake 2 performance, alan wake 2 benhcmark, alan wake 2 rtx 4060 benchmark, alan wake 2 pc, alan wake 2 review, alan wake 2 1080p, alan wake 2 1440p, alan wake 2 4k, rtx4060, rtx4060 alan wake 2, rtx 4060 benchmakr, rtx 4060 benchmark, rtx 4060 alan wake 2 performance
Id: _Pbp-wrkmdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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