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g'day there guys Maki here back again with another episode of our slash tree law now if you love tree law like I do then say tree law in the comments because tree law is the new religion I have nothing else to say sit back relax and prepare to get mad call an arborist and do whatever we do because tree law well since you guys voted tree law over entitled people you guys get tree law today congratulations posted by user Vinny for the win titled neighbor cut tree roots tree fell to its death my neighbor cut some large roots that were growing under his fence there were three or four roots cuts ranging from 4 inches to 1 foot diameter the cut roots and property line were approximately 1 foot from the base of the tree I'm not sure when he cut the roots but the tree fell and now has to be removed the tree was a Willer approximately 60 feet high and approximately two and a half feet diameters at its base the tree had a slight lean directly opposite to where the roots were cuts he admitted to trimming the roots on his site he did not use an arborist to do so and it's quite visibly cuts in my layman's opinion from the pictures do I have any legal recourse how can I prove his cutting of the roots impacted an otherwise healthy tree I've taken lots of pictures insurance won't even cover the cost of removal capped at one thousand for tree removal there was some other minor damage to a different neighbors shared fence shared with me damaged to a wishing well and damage to my shed aside from the tree the damage is relatively minor I'm very upset about losing such an old and beautiful tree any advice would be appreciated this happened one week ago in Manitoba Canada I can post pictures if that would help edits added location edits to thanks everyone for the helpful comments I have posted some pictures in case anyone is interested in providing more feedback only picture I have prior to the fall tree is on the far right between the shed and the wishing well so it's just in that corner over there this is the tree post falling over and here is a view from neighbors side showing cut routes this is the view of the base and angles showing the routes were cut in line with the fence oh that is one clean cut along the base of the route Jesus Christ what cruel neighbors not a lawyer just know a lot about aquatic systems this could be worse than you think depending on where the tree was and how close it was to your house willow trees love water they're great trees to have if you got a wet spot in your yard they just soak it up like a giant leafy sponge with the tree gone you may start seeing excess water pulling in your yard that being said willows have a way of 12-hour roots toward any water and that includes drainage systems around your house they can create cracks in the foundation that often go unnoticed if it got that far those roots will eventually die too and leave the cracks exposed then you'll start to see some flooding usually in the basements for the sake of your house and for the proper documentation in the future it may be prudent to have an expert come check your foundation in basement sooner rather than later in general if they see any weird water related issues happening on your property documented as much as you can pictures date/time map your property and mark where it's happening etc these are serious damages that you might be able to claim but if it's bad enough to damage your house you should get a lawyer who can give real advice sounds like if there is a legitimate case against the neighbor all of those expenditures should be paid by the neighbor go get that lawyer first thing even if the roots are on my property destroying my yard curious my understanding is that you need to document actual damage infiltrating your sewer and water lines damaging your foundation etc and give the tree property owners the opportunity to fix it or give permission for you to fix it if damages to your property continue after they've given notice and failed to act all further damage costs are payable by the tree owner for negligence in court that is you're still potentially going to have to shell out contractor payments yourself if homeowners insurance drags their feet you got to be minding your property and mitigating any damage to this cause to the best of your ability ie not just hacking away major root systems of a pesky tree well see that's the thing damage done by roots only and the necessary efforts to mitigate those damages are presumably far less impactful than the damage inflicted when sad roots are cuts and the two and a half inch round tree falls over not to mention at that width it's pretty easy to assume the tree has been there quite a long time maybe even before you bought the house next door you can't intentionally change something on your property that inflicts serious damage or danger to neighboring properties that's not just covered in various laws its decency and common sense I am NOT a lawyer I've heard that even though the tree is not on someone else's property but the roots are the other property owner has an obligation to not injure the tree or roots in a way to cause damage or they would be liable in this case depending on state law and case law he would probably be liable as someone else said first talk to a real estate attorney or a local arborist to see if that is the case nonetheless make sure you have a good bit of proof for the cuts of the roots and their location before the tree feel our tree really do be feeling right now not a lawyer but an arborist and what you said is correct property line pruning is legal and acceptable as long as the health of the tree is not compromised not only would cutting the roots of the size impact the tree's vigor leading to its death it greatly impacts the structure of the tree the tree fell over limbs didn't fall out its vigor probably didn't even have time to be effective with a lien in the opposite direction that's a recipe for disaster the weight had an advantage when its anchor was removed all it would take is wet soil and a gust of wind that's scary talk to a lawyer first then agree on sending a certified arborist out there to look at the tree they would most likely do the removal to pio she is is a certified they would corroborate that the root damage had a direct cause of the tree falling also think about the monetary value of having a fully mature tree just because the removal cost one thousand and there was other damage doesn't mean your tree wasn't worth money you definitely have a case to get much more of a lawsuit based on the value of the tree if your neighbor is a dick you can absolutely screw in good luck and truly sorry about your tree hope that helped you treelore enthusiasts and ex-post is by user Methos celerity titled questions about possible future recourse my house backs up to some undeveloped wooded lands on that land not ours we had a survey to be sure is a very large cherry tree that has a significant lien to it over my property as it stands now if it falls there is a good chance it will damage my neighbor's house or mine we are also putting in a fence this summer so if it falls that will guaranteed be damaged my neighbor knows the property owner and reached out to him for me but the property owner said he's not going to cut it down but I'm allowed to if I want to I'd like to have it cut down but I do not want to pay $1,500 to $2,000 to cut a tree down that doesn't originate on my property we had an estimates my question is if in the future it falls and damages my property will that property owner be liable or will I I don't know the law regarding a tree that hangs into my yard but does not originate on my property any advice would be appreciated Thanks location would be helpful but I can offer some general advice if the tree falls and causes damage your homeowners insurance should take care of it it would be your responsibility to remove the part of the tree that was on your property though since it's a large cherry tree why don't you try to find someone who will take it for the wood certainly would offset the cost thank you that's a good idea I'm located in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania if you do find someone willing to remove the tree in exchange for the wood be sure to have a letter from the proper owner authorizing you to remove the tree and keep the wood good call tough part is that I'm only home every other week and I'm trying to get a fence installed as soon as possible as we just got a dog so I have messages out to the landowner a lawyer friend an arborist fence supply companies and a contractor for a retaining wall that's necessary not sure I'll hit paydirt offering the woods but worth shots I believe cherry wood has been used as material for fence maybe look into that honestly you probably won't find an arborist that will safely take it down for the wood it's not worth enough and would require additional processing to even make it worth something you might get a guy with a saw and their insurance when you get a tooth pulled well the dentist take the tooth for payments it's a good points I own a tree company in Arkansas and we get this question of lights should be able similar in PA a reputable tree company can confirm but in Arkansas if your neighbor's tree falls on your property it is typically your responsibility however if you can prove that you communicate the risks for the property owner they choose not to address the issue and the tree does fall the property owner legally could be liable I would recommend mailing the property owner a certified letter stating the hazard ideally the letter would be drafted by an attorney to properly motivate them insurance if the tree falls and damages a structure fence house shed then the property owner with the damage would file a claim through their policy it doesn't matter whose tree it is you are responsible to pay your deductible it can vary by policy but most of the time insurance will cover removing the tree from the structure and $500 toward hauling off the debris repairs to the structure can vary some policies are better than others if a tree falls and it doesn't matter who's and doesn't land on a structure insurance will not cover removing the tree debris it is considered an act of God thank you so much I will look into having a letter drafted by an attorney in Tennessee you need a certified arborist to make a determination of the trees health if you don't have a determination from an arborist even if the tree is clearly dead and dying it's a lot harder to prove negligence and can be ruled an act of God if it has a risk of failure the arborist can send a certified letter to the neighbor informing them of the hazards which shifts liability to them it's a good idea to retain a copy of the letter for your records and send one to your homeowners insurance as well so they are aware of the problem in case the neighbor decides to ignore the letter and the tree does fail this is where things can get complicated now say your neighbor decided that since it is just a large chunk of land without a structure on it why bother insuring its well your homeowners insurance now has proof that your neighbor knew that this tree was going to damage your house when it fell so they won't pay for repairs as he is now liable but he doesn't have insurance since now personally owes them tens of thousands of dollars in repairs which he might not be able to pay now you are stuck with a demolished house your insurance won't pay and he can't pay either that's all hypothetical but it is a real-world scenario to be thinking about best advice talk to a lawyer and a certified arborist thanks I'll definitely have a certified arborist come look at the tree typically homeowners would pay out as falling tree damages a covered loss and then look to recover their loss from the other property owner I hope we all learned something that's very epic all right now this one isn't particularly tree law but it is posted by Iggy ville and it's titled neighbor instructed their loggers to destroy my yard last October my neighbor hired a logger to do work in their yard neighbors told loggers to come through our yard to access their yard without my permission and the logging truck destroyed my lawn the loggers are a dead end and they are unlicensed want to take the neighbors to small claims for damages instead edits one i'm in new york state to not actually a logging company they operating unlicensed 3 various formats and spelling on mobile apologies for clarification 5 wow this got a lot more traction than I would have expected I'm reading and considering everyone's replies thank you for all the robust discussion and considerations sue both the neighbor and the logging company originally we were going to sue the logging company but then we did some digging and the guy has multiple felonies with a crazy rap sheet we'd never see a cent out of him and don't really want the trouble of dealing with him does it hurt our case to just sue the navel it really does hurt your case one of the general reasons you sue both potential defendants is to keep your case intact when they both point to each other in this instance if you just sue the neighbor his potential defense of I don't know what the contractor did I just told him to do the job and trusted him on how to do it would be complete and very likely effective how can you hire a contractor then not be liable for what they do honestly that doesn't even make sense to me I hire a contractor in many or most cases specifically because I don't know how to do what they do they're the experts and certainly fundamentally the person who does the damage is the person liable for it any other outcome here would require some specific provision of statute creating that from what I'm reading if you hire an unlicensed and unbonded contractor you're liable for the damage they do is that not to correct that is in many cases generally correct how that might apply in this situation is uncertain more importantly the advice is to sue them both no one is saying leave the neighbor out there saying that suing the neighbor without the contractor is a bad strategy how is the logging company a dead end they were the ones that drive across your private property without permission if they allege that your neighbor improperly gave them permission they can go after your neighbors after they pay you are they a real company or some guys with a truck and a chainsaw some guy with a truck and a chainsaw also with multiple felonies and an extensive rap sheet we learned after looking into him not looking for that kind of trouble Jesus firstly this is not necessarily a small claims action you have a trespass claim and damages to your lawn depending on where you live in New York I'm guessing up States or one of the West in down state counties based on the logins but I assume you might be in Westchester the jurisdictional limit may be 3000 for small claims 5,000 in the cities if your lawn will cost more than that to repair you should file a New York supreme if you haven't had a landscaper out to offer you an estimate yet and what are you waiting for do so once you know what the damages are you're in a better position to understand where to file second if the damages include trees earned by you well boy howdy is this the forum for you trees can be very expensive to replace and an arborist should be hired to determine the value of any trees lost hopefully you have photos to show the age size and location of the trees before cut down third the tree company may be liable to you for fraud under the New York gen bus law section 33 49 H I suggest you speak with an attorney in your area before filing anything and good luck yeah seriously regret not filing a police report for the trespass as soon as it happened lesson learned on taking immediate action you guessed right upstate Westchester is my second term there and I miss it a lot the damage did not include our trees thankfully although it would have been nice to make the front page I'm gonna say that it counts as tree law because there was a threat to the trees health from this felon girl and our next post is by fear Lord 420 titled Naples tree is half dead and killing all plants of what can I do what killing is that like an Irish name hello everyone you can see by the title the water coming in my neighbor has a dead tree in their yard and thanks to whatever parasite is infecting the tree it's killing all the plants in my backyard then I try to plant zucchini bell peppers green beans tomatoes all the works toss it in a salad eat it up and those stupid tree is keeping killing all the plants they were trees have grown Alchemist troll and cui contention because well tree law I'm yet to ask them about the posing tree because I want to know all my options before I go and confront them please help also for grandma issue one mobile you can sell them granny I really must know more about this alchemists tension fear Lord 420 that grandma on mobile can confirm this happens to me every time I'm on mobile here in Naples Italy or Naples Florida do you know what kind of parasite this tree has okay let's give this a shot I'm pulling off a dr. hal sia juglone toxicity the tree is a black walnuts as it's decaying juglone is spreading through the soil juglone is particularly toxic to plants like peppers tomatoes and eggplants juglone is naturally produced by black walnuts that soil will be bearing to any plant that is susceptible to it for a while probably a season or two try snap peas carrots beets parsnips onions melon or squash are you okay ah / I had a stroke the Naples tree is causing a stroke this ladies and gentlemen is why I make treelore posts people lose their wack posted by user young men's 25 titled neighbor's tree encroaching on our service power line there is an adjacent rental property that has a tree in the backyard about 12 inches from the property line and a large overhanging branch is touching and deflecting our service line to our house several small limbs are also future concerns Denver Colorado one who is responsible for the cost of removing the concerning limbs - how do I get ahold of the owner to request the removal each being a rental 3 how far back do limbs need trimmed back from high-voltage residential service lines thanks in advance edit thank you for the consensus I will reach out to the tenants for the owners contact information and keep my fingers crossed maybe try calling the power company to see if they'll take care of it for free I am a CSR for a Power Company our policy is that if it is the service drop line that runs pole to the house it is the homeowners responsibility we will come in and roll back the line so the trimming company can do that thing but we will only trim trees that are encroaching on less than 10 feet away from poles to power lines RP would probably want to seek out the owner of the property and get their permission to trim the tree or tell them to do it if the power company catches wind of the service drop being unsafe they can rollback service until it's done I also work for a Power Company we will handle anything up to the meter we actively discourage tree maintenance near lines by property owners we are in a rural area and our state already has too many issues with Ag equipment causing contact events it won't be pretty though anything within ten feet on the sides and beneath as well as anything above at all will be gone our insurance company told us we can take anything within twenty feet if we really want to and they'll happily respond if a property owner complaints insurers really don't like contact events and hears answers to the Opie's one two and three one as others have stated check with the power company in my area one provider maintains the vegetation around the service line and in another city it's the homeowners responsibility to ask the tenants they know how to contact the landlord or the property management company three the hazard you want to address is the limb touching the line as that will disrupt your service and possibly damage the line I would recommend asking the limb be trimmed back as far as possible to the trunk unless an arborist recommends against it I moved into a new house last year when I met my new neighbor before they knew I owned a tree company they let me know they had a tree company scheduled to address their tree limbs that were touching my service line people will generally do the right thing if asked nicely unfortunately there's still a lot of dickbags out there to iron a tree company in Arkansas and rental properties and an ex post by base cat 75 titled tree cutting neighbor hi folks our back fence neighbor has reached into our yard and made several cuts to one of our privacy trees it has created a large hole in the middle of a 14-foot evergreen we were in the process of having several additional privacy trees installed and noticed the cuts yesterday while measuring for the additional trees we asked the neighbor about it and they admitted to making the cuts we expressed to them that this was not okay and that he absolutely did not have permission of any kind to ever trim the trees on our side of the fence these are not cuts of limbs that were growing on their side these are cuts made almost all the way down to the trunk at least a foot into our side of the we are now cautious of spending 700 plus dollars to have additional trees installed if they can just reach over and chop holes into them too we are wondering when and if we need to take some sort of legal action do we have a lawyer send them a letter file a police report trespassing and property damage file in small claims court for tree damage or is there any advice someone can give for this situation what would our next steps be any help is greatly appreciated pictures of the hole in the tree close up and from a distance for perspective thank you in advance Portland Oregon God who needs privacy when you just have a big gaping hole through your privacy tree jeez yep we're allowed to do that here we can do what we want ha ha take the law into my own hands 1 your neighbor is a dong to look into the property lines and whatnot to assure it's on your property 3 I don't have any experience or knowledge but higher up forces should be able to take care of this problem so yes I encourage you reaching out and getting advice and possibly sue for damages done good luck and get it keep us updated if you would be so kind yes this is the best way of action I've read many of these and they all get a lawyer and things like that the best way of action is to look into the property line and if it shows that the tree is on your property you can get a lawyer and go to courts and dopey replies thanks folks we spoke to a lawyer and they told us that a police report might escalate things further and wouldn't do much if we ended up in small claims courts they advised against that unless the neighbors started getting creepy and such peeping tom type stuff you know if we wanted to hire a lawyer to write a stern letter then we could go that route and that they would be happy to do it for free but that again it might escalate and wouldn't be much good in a small claims there is a language barrier between us and the neighbors and that confounds the issue as well we are thinking of maybe having an arborist come out and give an assessment of the damages and advise if what was done would kill the tree if the tree dies because of what they did then it would be worth going to courts otherwise good fences in all posted by user you Trulli jaja titled tree on the dentist's property had a branch fall and knockout power they came in restored power cut a bunch of limbs off about half on my property do I wait too Monday to see if the dentist's are going to pay for the removal of all the limbs oh my god that tree has just been decimated hasn't it that is brutal if the power company removed the limbs then that's who you need to contact not sure where Opie lives but when a similar situation happened to me the power company here in Maine told me it is the property owners responsibility to remove the debris I asked if they meant the tree owner or the owner of the property where the branches were left you guessed it I was responsible as the lucky owner of the yard the branches were left in in my case the tree Arnold lives out of state earns a wooded lot across the street from me I called my father over with his chainsaw chunked up the wood threw it back onto the lights across the streets I would hope though that if you have a nice neighborly relationship the tree owner would pay for removal especially if approached nicely in most cases tree stuff that ends up in your property is your problem if they were overhanging your property the same is true if something like a storm knocked an apparently healthy tree onto your property so if these limbs overhung your property then you're responsible for them in Australia the tree owner is responsible for damage I had a huge gum that lost some big branches in a storm that damaged my neighbor's fence and back shed the owners of Myr ental had to pay through their insurance to repair both and have the tree removed which actually cost more than the repairs posted by user Luis Aaron titled tree damage advice there's this tree outside my apartment that has storm damage and its trunk is split vertically does it need to be removed or pruned yeah I'm so sure it's so safe to keep that tree there what with all those cars underneath it in a split trunk hood probably is slowly gonna keep getting damaged over time that's whoa let's keep that one there arborist yes the tree will not heal it's been left too long to try to repair should be removed probably waiting till their annual trim to remove it at that size I wouldn't be too worried about it it will fall on the roof huh yeah would have given them the benefit of the doubt if they hadn't done a huge trimming of trees on the property a month ago I'm not two certified arborist but I would say yes in my personal opinion you could talk the complex maintenance or manager to get it arborist out there to assess the tree they may want to cable or bracelets to help heal the wound if they want to keep the tree bad enough okay thank you but I've brought concerns to the property management a few times already and they just ignore me so I wanted to make sure it's actually not okay as is before I make a bigger stink about it I don't know much about trees but this just doesn't seem safe send a registered letter to your property management voicing your concerns about liability and damage to your vehicle from the tree keep receipts and record of what was sent maintain pictures with a time date stamp and you should be covered if anything happens it looks bleak but at the same time that limb will not crush your car completely it'll break the awning and make you unable to remove the car without further damage or work to extract contact property management manager insurance and take notes on the other hand it was the non-dominant leader that was removed and the tree could begin to thrive if it has the proper attention attention in the woods some beautiful trees have evidence of traumatic events that survived hundreds of years after you never know in the real world most likely property management wants a tree and if a real fuss is made than they will remove and replace in house rather than hiring a real arborist there is no one correct answer for your car your property manager and the tree edits on a third look the tree looks worse than I thought the remaining ball does not look good posted by JA haker titled article from today's private eye about to save the m32 maples campaign maple syrup Bristol prides itself on its green credentials so environmental campaigners can't understand why the City Council has stood by while a developer cut down Matsuya trees standing in the his housing project despite them being covered by preservation orders activists also say a council property records clearly show its highway department not the developer earns the trees and their surviving companions a lawyer hired by the n32 maples group notes the parcel of land allegedly owned by the developer mr. garlic has expanded since its purchased in October 2005 by an additional 26 square meters this represents the land on which the trees are sited the authority denies this along with any suggestion that the developer required the strip of land in question without due process but activists have reported planning official to Avon and Somerset Police which is investigating their allegations of misconduct in public office they are also considering seeking judicial review of the council's actions the campaign is saying elected mayor Marvin Reeves would need to plant one hundred and sixty trees just to replace the five mature maples to have been felled and the other three remain at risk with campaign is maintaining a vigil at the site the trees grow alongside lower Ashleigh Road a busy route between the m32 and the city center it runs through st. Paul's where almost one in every two young people attending the Docklands Youth Club reports having a SMAW how is having asthma um relevance to this situation that's a crazy stat about the asthma if true wouldn't surprise me the link between exposure to traffic pollution in childhood and asthma is really really strong it's because of the push over the last 25 years to buy Diesel's because they produce marginally less carbon dioxide the fact that they admit a screw load of PM 2.5 etc was of little consideration when the policy was started when it became apparent that the non greenhouse gas emissions from diesel was so incredibly poisonous diesel particulate filters became more and more required there's no enforcement on DPF slur I'd bet a thousand pounds that if he pulled over five diesel taxis in Bristol all five would have their DPF disableds dbfs don't work very well around town and for short journeys anyways that combined with the lean and rich mixture fiddling and she devices means modern Diesel's can be very dirty indeed whatever it says on paper what is it with the local authority planning departments I can't think of any other public sector body where we get Weis value for money yup they literally do the opposite of the right thing to do small extensions on house in the middle of nowhere denied massive developments only benefiting the investors with lots of objections go right ahead we will even pay you to do it I'm not a planner but I've worked in the sector unfortunately many local authorities stripped down their planning teams after the cuts started coming in after the 2010 election often they lost experienced people and the pressure from many elected officials and central government policy is in favour of developments even when it's of low quality that's so true apparently in Bristol Council there are just three planning offices one head and two juniors who pretty much have full-si over everything no committee their oversight keeping them in check and it doesn't matter if it's a garage extension or a new block of offices is there a tree law in the Philippines ah that tree really did get done dirty though where's all its leaves at brah my girlfriend's neighbors just cut them and tin aguar trees branches without telling them sorry Mundt India when they confronted their neighbour he said that the tree was already leaning and has a tendency to fall on their house it just has a tendency to fall we just put it back up I know that my girlfriend's side should have taken care of the tree but I don't think that their neighbour has the right to cut the tree down without telling them need help or clarification your girlfriend's family should have taken care of the tree to add its look to be in the box of the power line it should probably be fully removed if sir as it will require most of the tree to be cut and is leaning in that direction already yes I told her but the main problem is that their neighbor proceeded to cut the tree without even talking to them in most places you can cut the branches or hanging over your property without having to notify the owner of the tree you just can't destroy the tree but trimming a few branches on your side of the tree is legal in most of the world I guess it wasn't they were afraid that if the tree fell it would hit their house fence okay bozeman MT I'm currently renting the end units the right side of the fence is private property can I trim the branches that are leaning over the fence lawn mowers won't trim close to the fence because of the branches hanging down typically you're able to trim branches overhanging onto your property as long as the trimming will not negatively impact the health of the tree when you say lawn mowers won't get close enough to the fence I'm guessing you mean the landscaping company I'm also assuming based on the photo this is a common area and not part of the property you rent I'd be careful trimming anything without going through the landlord they can contact the landscaper to do a better job getting close to the fence and handle the overhanging branches if they are in the way and it's additional comments the branches aren't the issue for the mower getting close to the fence they need a weed trimmer to get those edges don't be a bad neighbor just weed whack along the edge if you want a perfect lawn it would take less time and energy and be far more attractive the title implies that the individual posting is not doing the actual mowing they need to talk to their landlord who can work it out with the landscaping company if I he was doing the work themselves then I would agree with you 100% you are perfectly right but plants can grow out of control over time and become more difficult to manage communication with the other party is key but any conversation Opie has with them will be more productive if Opie is reasonable respectful and properly appraised of the property rules RP says thank you all for the advice I just wanted to add some more details on this to clear some questions up the private property is actually a Montessori School I'm willing to contact them about trimming their trees but I am unsure who I would speak to you regarding that aspects as for the lawn mowing I was referring to the lawn maintenance company the apartment complex is part of an HOA so they are the ones who figure out all that fun stuff I'm not really well versed about HOA laws but I'm guessing that they would be the ones to talk to you about trimming trees I do not earn any weed whackers or lawn mowers I do however have branch cutters which would be the easiest way to solve this I've worked on a lawn maintenance crew myself and they have an idea of what it's like mowing lawns and why they don't get near the overhanging branches thanks for the advice g'day there guys outro Markey here hope you enjoyed the episode as much as I enjoyed making it today if you did be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe tell me what you thought about it down 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Channel: Markee
Views: 19,928
Rating: 4.9152541 out of 5
Keywords: Tree, Law, r/treelaw, Treelaw, r/tree, legaladvice, legal, advice, tree advice, r/legadalvice, Markee, Reddit, Markee Reddit, Markee Treelaw, arborist, dead tree, HOA
Id: LhSJ1ipv2-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 33sec (2193 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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