RTGame Archive: Sid Meier's Civilization VI [PART 3]

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everybody can you hear me hey oh is it going everybody you're very welcome do this dream okay yeah everyone can hear me fine how's it going folks we'll bring him back the Gandhi Games because that idea was so stupid the other day is that I I don't want to just be buried forever so we're doing just a regular safe stream this one isn't sponsored we're just playing the game again and we're rolling with the idea I'm like amplifying at this time so welcome back in my civilization six how's it going folks we're gonna be going to single-player create a game advanced set up so I was having if something I was having a look to see what's the highest number of players we can get in a single map apparently if you said the huge it says enormous map for 12 players but it lets you add more than this and it lets you go all the way up to 20 players and depending on the map you choose is actually supported has to be one of these like base ones here so you can't do earth writing them design only supports 12 so what we're gonna do one massive landmass with surrounding islands we're gonna have 24 city-states and then we turn off no duplicate leaders and this is the hell we are entering today he's black why all Gandhi again because this time we have 20 not just eight or going all in and we're gonna customize the game settings a lot more to the break this has been more interesting so let me just set this up every single character slot filled by Gandhi there we go he's County number 19 he's Gandhi number 20 and let me see if I've got this right yep so just an interesting little thing I'm gonna post in the chat too just so we started pause with setting up the game which Gandhi do you think will win so we're gonna let people cast votes this was Rihanna's terrible idea so everyone just cast their votes for which guy and do you think will win there's no numbers in the poll we're just gonna see which Gandhi is favorites so thanks for your hand for that terrible idea oh gosh okay oh wait it's my mic he can hang on let me just an sentence did it adjust itself yeah it did okay turn that back down it's just like boots shuffled itself up there we go sorry about that folks Mike should be fixed keep that window handy in case a laser do that again okay they're so cast your votes there's like no reason the vote should be split whatsoever if you think about it because literally everything in this poll is candy but you know we'll get it going anyway okay so there's we have to fiddle with the sentence or this one because we can't just play like vanilla sip six are off the bat would all the standard stuff because that's gonna be hell on earth the nanites 400 bits okay first of all neck oh thank you for tier two four months thank you very much information error we're starting at like the end of civilization that we have everything normal game speed 24 city-states map map size okay and we need to decide what resources we want are we going to do this the I'm thinkin if we make it so that there's more water that means all the candies are gonna be closer to each other well let's let's get the onion that put that pushes them together you know we'll make rainfall standard temperature standard standard position we're gonna make it to others inequality among the Gandhis we're gonna make it so that those resources everywhere [Music] because there's particular things we want the guy needs to get a hold of just to see how the game progresses very big one here science victory has to be off and the reason because there's simply too many players we don't want just a closet candy to win like 40 turns in because he built a spaceship but everything else is fair game turn off score victory because it's kind of like the culture domination or religion okay and I think we should be good get make it a little more challenging for ourselves save configuration' began against let's go no science yeah we just got we can't have it so if they win we define special or just be so blind is that FPS counter showing up here that shouldn't be there be built that's supposed to be fine sighs Who am I and only hang on we have deadly weapons that could destroy our planet leaders carefully hang on a moment let me see if I can turn that off for the global community that can stand for years - Claire be kind gandhi babu and you will find yourself surrounded by true friends keep the Indian people safe I turned it off and it's still there isn't elephant warriors okay I'm gonna I'm gonna quickly restart the game then I think I'll the configuration is saved so I can load it will guide you too let me just quickly close the game hang on configuration is saved so it's fine I just want to get rid of out FPS counter hang on two minutes is it that big of a deal yeah I think it is there's no need to have it there so we might as well bop it off it's just a quick restart like nothing should break from doing this of more FPS counters guys we don't need more open up back up okay great game advanced setup low configuration Gandhi games load start perfect a world of information rests in the palm of your here we go networks for instantaneous communications Oh Sean Bean actually says something different if you start later in the game from so she's just starting at the stash and working my way to roll of histories and technology as you're talking about the Information Age we have deadly weapons that could destroy our planet yeah we all we do have deadly weapons but no capable community that can stand Gandhi's got control for be kind gandhi babu and you will find yourself surrounded by true friends keep the indian people safe guarding them with magnificent elephant john venus y'all know he saw their face well guys an era me understand harmony keep your mind old sophie thanks for hundred bits and be the change you want to see in the world be the change you want to see in the world let's go Eureka your militaries defeated an enemy plane I literally just started the game okay Oh God and we start on freakin uranium okay so what do we have we have four settlers machine guns spec offs and Nutter spec ups a lot of spec ops and machine guns and like there is stuff everywhere okay well I mean we got to find one of the cities here I think this spot here is actually quite nice you send us backups over there waters dark and deep okay there's a world wonderful eat sure I deserve that I worked very hard I want to I want to put one of the guys I think right here I mean this is a good spot for one he's gonna find the city there this guy is gonna go and claim the hollow I guess that produces food and faith that that's insane so you get over there you go with them SpecOps will send this way we have discovered an untouched tribal village let's drive over in her camper van and see what we can learn from them okay so yeah so we have one I'll set up and letter one over here - in a minute there's one going that way that's two going up that way so we'll send this guy off this way as well I'll send these guys over here ant choose any research yes we do have pretty much everything unlocked we have nuclear fission already then we still have to research the Manhattan Project okay and we haven't met any of the Gandhis just yet okay so let's discover the tribal villages that are still here first candy will wave because he with the power of deadly what this is 64-bit boy thanks for her trip it's oh this is taking a while for the turn to load I think that's cuz there's so many gandhi's okay well that that's good to know I guess found our first city there how far do we have to go for the second one we can get and we can get another city in here which I think we should cuz there's like there's a bunch of oil crabs silk amber we get that campervan in there this camper vans gonna go back I think you have a traitor already but there's literally no destinations like I'm being bombarded that's a barbarian eighty crew the barbarians should not have spec ups I'm just saying it doesn't sound right oh no okay we're gonna fight them up we got some infantry for making the city it gave us a free builder we okay we need their uranium but like we need a bunch of other stuff too no get the uranium first oh no I can't even because it's like a guy there okay at the copper just start research he longed for nuclear fusion we need thermonuclear devices and do we want globalization or social media it's gonna take forever either way you know Facebook wasn't made in a day as the saying goes Oh we'll just go for globalization sure and then what can we build we can start working the Manhattan Project right away but I think we need some other stuff first so like let's just get a couple of zones okay it's like yeah the populations already starving because there's not enough food like we need some stuff here does this have every building already equipped in the city those are the only wonders we can build apparently you my goal water park government Plaza I need people to not die and we're losing 37 gold a turn Jesus we're gonna be bankrupt that costs three hundred and fifty five gold to buy that village okay just set this up Jesus Christ gallant thank you for the five thousand bits Revenge of the savages thank you very much Karen it's good to see you again thank you to everyone that's given bits though to I've missed a lot of 100 bit donations but thanks guys Jesus Christ Oh Gallants Oh God new government type available I mean this is a lot of okay no we need the economic policies that start I feel will go for copying hissing oh God yeah nuclear device maintenance reduced by 50% gold per turn unit maintenance reduced like it's actually beneficial to get this one there's like there's so many policies where do I start Harriette's do in a high city probably us for food and plus we're production for both cities oh my god get that one we're gonna get some trade routes set up soon no okay though we're gonna get domestic traders set up soon so that people don't starve I'm overwhelmed with the amount of stuff just like in my face right now I have to get another military past policy bald eagle the 50% of the combat strength of the defeated unit uh uh plus 30 percent towards pretty like that just get the unit Yap get that butter Queen thanks four thousand bits here in so I could say fi the better straight god i subbed even if it wasn't while you were streaming thank you very much better Queen good to have you here I'm just so overwhelmed by the amount of stuff here I'm just trying to look at policies commercial and harbor adjacency sure maybe that'll help maybe that'll help you 100 uh maybe that'll help yeah sure this is too many policies oh god we have a governor now as well we have like two like like 4,000 years of like human progress just being like trohman in our face right now the financier new promotions [Music] yeah we we need money sign there we go Jesus Christ we haven't even met the other Gandhi's and there's like so much happening we're not losing as much money now you have ten promotions available do I actually oh god hang on these guys are under attack okay first things first let's wage war on the barbarians here Brian gun down there 18 crew they have gone get a mind built there it's found in another city here just take all of that land we're making a profit no gotten like another builder Jesus Christ sure go fishing for Amber set up a trade route yep set up another trade route [Music] they just built the commercial district in one turn okay that is insane though finally we get a bit bit of a boost just to help us off at the start I guess that makes sense telling us to build a spaceport but I don't know if we need that I think we're gonna need a campus let's get let's get one of these in we'll pop it pop it over here education has been established over here we're gonna get at just a harbor right off the bat oh my god we have another governor we can promote this one too Cass tell you no that's that's not the right kind of military honestly okay yeah let's get you do you seem to know what you're doing a sign okay we can just promote these guys like right off the bat any number of nearby industrial zones not just the first sure okay he's doing good we'll promote you to you've already got like so many promotions oh no we have to pick we have to pick one here double the JC plus gold double adjacency tax purchased districts with gold to just just get it all there we go okay and I with so many units as well they were just taking forever to actually get into the world we have yet to meet another Gandhi this Capra van is still on its way over here [Music] I'm gonna call this gand evil will call this Andy Boomtown Jesus Oh the villagers share the secrets of their well-organized community your progress towards a globalization advanced considerably as they'd social media thanks tribal villagers good happy to have you on board oh Jesus [Music] okay this campervan still needs to go somewhere yeah go go down here hey we met Gandhi and he who the first of many people call me bapu but please call me friend would you admit to the game okay candy sample our city the first of the Gandhis a city is starvin maybe we can get some food from the Sutter Gandhi just gunned them down it's backups there we go okay I'm with the Builder we just need to yeah just mined the uranium the shipwreck over here this oil you know we'll just get an oil rig going baby steps you know of our first civilization well we have so much military we can still build all these districts are practically free oh so we might as well just get like one of these fully decked out industrial zone just like that and here we'll get a commercial hub pop it in there and a boomtown gonna make money Jesus let's go hey and we met Gandhi my people call me Babu but please call me Frank Libya would you admit that again great to finally meet you Gandhi it's an honor we just love the sample your hospitality and there he is there it is spec ups Gandhi wants open borders that he's given us five coins no thanks candy they'll let him finish the Manhattan Project so we're gonna we're gonna get it ourselves we should be okay we need to see where these other Gandhi's are in the world there's another tribal village is there a way to disable the auto-select thing hang on aim OTO enter and city range attack oh there's not a way to turn that off is there auto download application auto unit cycling why is that an interface disabled okay so now we don't get like pulled across the world what are we gonna build next for the Gandhis the citizens are starving 66 turns turns they will lose people but that's ok cuz we're gonna get a very pretty harbour no no we're not and get an aerodrome us forward to the nukes we got to finish the van Hatton project even our adviser wants us to get a move on with this okay just start working the Manhattan Project oshino cuz it's gonna be faster to get that by other means like if we invest in the city a little more there enough housing for citizens yeah there's plenty of housing get a trader I don't think this is the fastest way to get the Manhattan Project we need to get some other items first we need the power plant but if we invest first we can get it faster so yeah so get the power plant and purchase an item purchase a builder and you guys need to move so I can purchase a bill to here there we go uranium is mined get the goddamn cheap nukes nukes nukes guys there's a process I have to give it a little bit of time well found another city here capitalize on the wonder as another tribal village our infantry have discovered set up a new city there okay and we have another oil rig a scandi boom town looking and a boom town is booming get more oil guys once we get the power plant we can get we can get the nukes he wants our oil sorry Gandhi that's our oil a recent news article reveal that India's expand and add a new settlement Rajamundry that could be either of them we don't know there's so many Gandhi's here like your guess is as good as mine which will not refers to yeah well we found our first conquest to work on it we're gonna take their capital city oh these guys have a promotion as well okay move the campervan over here let's see if there's anything else new worker antiquity site there's some salt get the salt and we need to get even more here you guys get the silk you guys are on your way over there next turn recent years Erica revealed that India is worship at panting out the gods focus on the religious settlements belief alia no panty ons have been formed please friend remove your soldiers from my borders they make a peaceful vine like me nervous ignore this request and a leaf up on the edge for a little bit okay we should put this next to the river in here [Music] and that's that's just ready these troops up it is tobacco up here got the salt it's like this alerts like everywhere we're just stuff to collect and pick up they're gonna okay it's some irrigation in there these guys are still on their way your knowledge of compasses has advanced considerably thanks villagers for your hidden technical seekers appreciate it isn't it or Gandhi - who way how many and boys do it okay we have 19 to start with let's just send six for now and just yeah we're now caesarian of that city-state cool and by doing that we can now see another city state so yeah so we can get another one of these too let's become caesarian of them okay we've there's it's not Gandhi okay that's American Gandhi and sure you know will support Brussels as well confirm placement and we're just gonna reap all of those benefits there we go invoice have been placed we've met a lot of new city states we got a lot of new quests tech boost met civilization these guys are all our allies now actually we're even is Brussels if we I can't even see Brussels on the map my blind I thought okay we don't know where Belgium is we Frank no one knows these days find them later left oh that's Brussels oh my god they haven't settled yet oh no wonder I miss them they stood the entirety of Belgium is living in this camper van oh no I shouldn't have pledged to support them so much they're literally just a truck right now Oh [Music] okay Belgium you got you got a saddle soon hey and we finally met the man himself Mahatma Gandhi when people call me bapu but please call me friend finally madam it's an honor to meet you sample your hospitality the meaning the check that one off the bucket list Gandhi no you can't have my oil stop asking Belgium yeah gotta settle soon this is because there's not enough space in the world I think that's why they're struggling but like we just we just need to like cram in our settler as soon as we can we get a foothold on the world or like we're just gonna be in trouble it's getting industrial zone but this end here sure I'll get some commercial okay so this border seems to be fine because we're a caesarian of them there's another city-state that just appeared Vilnius okay so there's American Gandhi so we have to make our way down to him we're gonna get that Gandhi soon so let's just leave our troops here actually no no we're gonna bury them around don't need as many here these guys have got the silk I'll get more silk and these guys can make greater to their guys need to get that gypsum not stone ours he asked the commercial hub keep them on the border get these groups around as well I think I can buy like a scout that's like a balloon at this stage in the game biplane not the biplane hold this is just a drone support unit ugly copter we can just save up for a how they counter or something that should be fine let's get another builder like there's literally so much to mine the more oil that we need to get over here like Gandhi Ville needs people to [Music] gonna be Gandhi Berg if the infantry let's get them to the border hey news article reveal that India is expanding and the new settlement Buffalo yeah like India is expanding and the new settlement Chicago like that's not in here that's why I always confuse American gandhi's expanding again yeah it's just getting at a power plant we have the commercial hub set up get a bit of science why don't we and new city like this one just comfortable us Detroit I think that's not us it's a Gandhi become human just get that set up over here guys we'll get the nukes eventually like copy paste in the hash tag and twitch chat ain't gonna make time go any faster all right I'm just saying we will get it like we're gonna get them on how the Manhattan Project it takes time we need to make sure that Gandhi's making Bank know that's what Gandhi's about yeah send those troops over there we do already have the uranium which is like puts us some miles ahead of all the other Gandhi's I would say how much uranium do we have just a single bit we're gonna have to make that count fortify or get you up a bit more there we go you guys get over there fortify at master fish thank you for a thousand bits the Maharaja Oh No [Music] okay let's fortify them up get the amber your people settle too close you should consider seeking Lyon elsewhere Gandhi there's no room I like I gotta ignore you there's like where else am I gonna settle I'm like boxed in here already like I only took like uranium a world wonder like several mountain ranges the oil amber some deer and a river because I felt like it you know you're not giving me much more much room to breed here oh thank you God we finally met kandi as well Todd to me across the sea it's it's it's Pangaea that this is it there's no other land this is all we have we can build we can build a space center in Gandhi Berkshire we might be able to do something with that I'm sure it's acquired for something and we'll just set this up here I'll be boosted by the quarries fortify all the other Gandhi then all the other surrounding land probably like Belgium hasn't even been able to settle the Belgian people are being like pushed into this mountain range like I don't know what's gonna happen for them I probably shouldn't have pledged to protect them Jesus Christ the rankings word they were doing pretty good not so much of a religion we're leading on domination strongest Gandhi Empire rebels were thank you for the five gift subs thank you very much Gilbert off thanks for six six six bits as well watch out for American Gandhi when he sees you have the oil hood enter a blood list like a shark smelling blood I'll keep an eye on American Gandhi it is true we do have two oil rigs here we're not probably gonna set up like two more before long gotta be careful yeah another builder okay these guys go up along here get the crops where were you guys gone Oh No I mean we have a lovely little mountain range here Gandhi you gotta work in your deals oh no a Gandhi a what would it no he won't give that up at all oh no that's a shame okay this is new Gandhi which can where is this Gandhi okay Kartik Gandhi has become like enemy number one because he has uranium that's bad that's really bad [Music] right well let's just set up our however now to get the one turn builds in often as we can [Music] launch our satellite oh so the space race thing is still in it but oh this reveals that the entire planet we might actually want that so we've yet to meet all began nice but you know a bad idea yeah you just get more traders get a power plant we need the production [Music] have another builder go get that oil values are already set up here go get the deer we hit that rice after the harbor we're gonna start immediate work in the Manhattan Project because I fear for the safety of this world set up a quarry that often that a quarry soon at the iron - is there anywhere else with uranium recent news article reveal that India is trading within Teja laughs who would have guessed okay build at the Manhattan Project insider Trey get the camp get the quarry okay so the Manhattan Project is under way we have power plants being produced everywhere else means to trade caravans as well Rose our thanks for the hunter bids its who do we just like have to get a move on they're almost there get the fish y'all time for the shipwreck we'll get that oil next there's more oil here it's Christ and these guys seem to have left themselves quite open they have some infantry corpse it's kind of scary at the gypsum keep our people happy go get the rice move your way down you guys just go get that iron you guys get that oil where did you got and you guys were supposed to be heading over here I think keep making your way up means having a weapon it's very different from actually using it the candy you say that now but you don't know one of the other gandhi's has you naive fool Oh India expanded adding the new settlement Las Vegas you're moving up in the world hey we could choose our Pantheon it's about time you know we might as well just get god of the sea we have we have enough boats sure [Music] okay we're gonna just get more trader so we can send them to Gandhi villages speed up its production because I think that would be best oh wait Plus do gold all coast towels for the city that's actually pretty good too I'll get the traitor get to just get the traitors maxed as fast as we can't the rice go get the coal we need to build a paddock corner I mean we do have one thing Iranian we just need to finish the Manhattan Project and we need to make sure there's enough like food for all our cities spec ops are almost here too all of our troops are mobilizing on the city having a weapon it's very different from actually using it and getting scared how many of them are saying this a new city-state quest okay yep send this to Gandhi Ville they need production my convoy that's healing there's one bonus move over the units adjacent to it not bad maybe we should just get some more troops that would help might we're gonna have to we are gonna have to invade some of these cities those are both support it's more spec ups do you know what no Gani burg can't gonna burg start working the satellite yeah I want us meet all the Ganges like that means we'll get a view of the world - from war uranium which I feel is very important right now okay make your way over here candy you gotta make a better offer so many of those just like here's a shiny penny let me in a in Belgium finally found a poem I'm proud of them they're like tucked away in all these cities works kind of well because these is like the tree city states we're now protecting and they're all right next to each other we have a great buffer from American Gandhi I'll destroy all these places first we can increase the loyalty or we could just get more signs I thought if that get that cat yep senator can you become human you guys okay you're having trouble cuz there's like another border is there another Gandhi no that's the same Gandhi look look at these offers give me all your valuables I'll let you in and I'll give you some coin Gandhi I'm gonna kill you have any coin I'm gonna take it oh we gotta stop everything we're doing a moment finally met Gandhi people call me bapu but please call me friend an honor to meet you Gandhi we've now made contact with five different Gandhi's and this one's upset with us moving up in the world seaport that's gonna help all of those resources there and you guys there's a thing of oil we missed go get it okay come on Manhattan projects then we got to go all in oh I can form corpse too I wonder if I should do this I think it makes like one super unit oh that's worse no trouble try one okay gotta stop lecture us about weapons Gandhi [Music] porque viewers really for save oh that's actually quite surprising but you're all very welcome to the stream how's it going folks actually choked by that yeah it's not very much last everyplace SIV it's cuz of the nature of the game alright we're gearing up for war like we are going to invade India several times over there's a lot of India's to invade we're gonna do our best Oh India attic Cairo cool so close but what else do we need to produce nooks then we need uranium obviously but I need to finish research in the Manhattan Project there's a different tack for thermonuclear devices which is something we're gonna get gonna take a bit to work towards but like what what else do we need is that is there any like special buildings or like other resources do we need a special districts oh I'd hold the phone folks we finally imagine the man the myth the legend would you meet again Gandhi an honor to meet you there is no shame in DJ's already warning us okay talk to you soon Gandhi Google is free yeah but all I can see is the chat I thank you for the four quid there huh anything else I need and get missile silos for more range okay but that's um do I have missile silos already I don't think I do okay that's fine we'll just get a watermill here at the oil you need got in the air yes the airline we've been for missile silos the military engineers was using the captain with an arsenal okay right cuz I mean I guess we're cats for the first nukes we can just transfer them the Gandhi burg and drop them in we need military engineers I can't even make them at the moment aircraft carrier make a destroyer yeah we can't actually build the things we need just yet where are they in the technology tree rocket artillery mechanized can we make missile carrier do I don't see it you need an encampment oh okay right so we botched that then and we need the airport - okay so we need an encampment we need an airport let's work towards this next until then let's just get a mighty aqueduct why not this is the world when t-series takes over oh Jesus and the Manhattan Project is almost complete then we just need to get to miss us if we can get helicopters it just get some tanks yeah they seem like they'll be handy candy you gotta stop stealing my gems Oh God and he's got like a spec office tree over there I do not like that and Hatton project's almost complete I spoke to OB actually how'd your bits big fan never gets to see the stream just YouTube holla it's gonna go to shout out to my friend huge are you oh I see what you did there first name Hugh second name jars well played Toby I'll fall for that one though do we have it Manhattan project is complete build nuclear device oh boy but apparently we can build the airport here - can I build a nuclear device anywhere else you see yes I can build that here okay perfect put that in there now tweeting than Calvin first or the aerodrome first which do we need aerodrome our encampment I think do we need a bomber is it that just needs to be a unit and transfer anything aerodrome for plane you can [Music] okay Barbara can drop nukes encampment I think okay more people are saying an encampment I'm gonna get the encampment first then set that up [Music] get that going the only one turn anyway I love RIT actually reads the chat yeah I do my best the tired to catch everything okay so we have to build quite a few things I mean a population of 16 for the next one so if you guys were right on this aircraft carrier do I have to build all this up now I just get another nuclear device now I only have one uranium you need the armory for military engineers okay that requires a barracks so let's get that ok can I purchase this beric's armor military engineer there we go [Music] well research of military academy ok we have the military engineer do I need to go out let's get him over here he's made [Music] got him set up the new killer device is being prepared build a silo at the edge of your territory now I'm gonna put it up like if I put it like here or something I can like get all of these cities you think [Music] let's let's try get it like we'll get it we'll get one here to start we can build several military engineers like all I can buy another one hey Gandhi how's it going stop lecturing me okay so just March about buying information on cadence I don't know if I've been told life in Gandhi Ville gets real old though the Sydney Opera House but I don't think we need that right so what should we get there next get him over there we're getting will train that our military engineer these guys we have a road to all our cities yet I think we do this just keeps down at the candy boom town that makes the most production yeah Opera House will make the nukes better I don't know if that's how that works Merrick thanks for five good as well [Music] sending out the trade route bomb is being assembled we have this guy here yo we're just gonna declare war on the first candy like let's get some more foothold I want to drop it on like a bigger Gandhi declare war weight declare okay you don't wanna be my friend Connie declare surprise war games to avoid violence have food and I fought and I only makes the world blind Yeti up honk a today piace hey Otto up kanako-sama been given out no candy okay sorry we only need six of them six candies don't like us anymore Jesus oh no okay boys I did nothing what was the point of this okay boys fall back oh no doesn't notice it either and see that one guys we're just gonna wait for the bomb I may have messed up here oh my god Gandhi Gandhi calm down David save another City over here - there's a spaceport over here major defeat I may have made a mistake okay everyone which are all from the city draw their troops out first the military engineer needs to get here to set up the side of them oh no Gandhi's denounced us he's just the unbridled rage I think you're a war monger oh here we go again we pissed of the candies oh I should have thought this true Jesus Christ can't even bring himself to say like this is the candy with the nuke as well so that's scary I don't like the back and he doesn't like me either hey we finished a thing here okay we're gonna need like troops and fast we can make like higher quality ones and they have like more strenght I believe let's make a real big tank okay and fall back [Music] guys just fortify good improvement missile silo so I I can't build that yet what do I need for the missile silo [Music] [Music] silo there we go [Music] Oh cries rocketry Oh No we have rocketry don't we yeah we do do I have to get the bomb first or do I have to be on planes let's walk on the horses that's three flatland okay will I remove the horses in a moment amen fall back you've made an error in judgment I'm sure we'll get up to go over here purchase tile I can't buy that tile unit has been killed a reason use idols they revealed that India has declared their friendship with India tragically we're not involved in this get them down it still can't build a you guys should do I have to wait to have the nuke first is that it I still can't do it not on resources can I clear this resource those are the horses okay do I have flatland there's so much Hill here there's a thing a Sun Tundra here but it's next to them [Music] which place save I can't you remove horses yeah no you can remove any tile improvement I'm surprised he can't if there's a tile here but that's not near the guys I need to kill that's the problem but that lands not flat as antiquity site there he thinks you should have waited to make sure you could build nukes before anger in the entire world yeah mistakes were made not gonna deny it that would have been a better plan I would say we'll make our way over to the tundra anyway hopefully the machine guns can ease as Christ hold up against these guys [Music] boat before oil was before oil was merely a curiosity of scholars now our tank wields as a weapon for the first time in our world we got a tank get him over there that's a flat spot there's no suitable location for the aerodrome cope [Music] good just build a waterpark for these guys there we go are we doing got some more invoice fellini-esque yeah we want to win them to our favor next start investing [Music] and these guys removed the horse no this is not there's no way to get rid of the horses I try remove the marsh instead then there we go get them over there we've almost got the nuke turn there at the turn limits fine below this time I'm fully aware that it's on as well you know like it's gonna go on forever otherwise [Music] [Music] or just get some more infiltration a they can build a missile silo we have one set up it's might be heavily I've never had a machine gun is one the day you did it machine gun okay we have a missile silo so we can probably reach them with that now we just need to set up another missile silo over here keep the tank here okay soon we will launch at least one bomb okay keep these guys here you're rid of the marsh we have some more clout I'm gonna I don't know where I'm supposed to put these guys now there's not a lot of flat land to actually work with hey is there anyone those freaking horses weren't there I guess we can build one here after you know the destroyed it's gonna be a swift surrender on their end you kiddo a freeze the future how can you not see that but Gandhi I'm building one right now you're pissed at me for not building a bomb when I'm going above I don't understand the Gandhi sometimes oh gosh well that means he has a bomb to the sanest okay well let's build a second one okay where is the bomb located then [Music] we have a nuclear device how do I use it oh you go over this nuclear strike capable okay big boy moment this is all red is it supposed to be red no this is where I can hit what's the radius of the bomb can I get like a twofer if I go here [Music] don't just hit the city commit the launch sequence oh no that's stand out fire oh Jesus a time you know rebels we're singing allowing have a good time oh Jesus thanks for the five thousand bits fine yeah I think that dad I move in climb the city Jesus Christ okay the first bombs gone off hey listen you silly verse - okay let's just didn't save those horses while we're here Engineers here set up the second missile silo okay yeah we have another bomb being produced I'm gonna see can I just I'm gonna see if I can get to on the go if I'm quick with how the resources expended I think I might be able to move the military engineer in great minds think alike I see there so this Gandhi's like praising me for nuke and the other Kenji think he is good good Jesus Christ hey you're a war monger oh you lost nice work about a bomb though you know I can appreciate toes a good total nuclear annihilation I'm gonna hook Andy oh no the people died before he could take the city ah we got to get in there it's all irradiated okay we got a time it I think or to fire up a moment we need to take the city it just just buy some more troops yeah by some infantry I'll start getting them returned the radiation Dania the radiation will kill you Oh Cody as air buds guys it's fine now I'm I'm gearing up for that gonna be okay hey you just you just go to sleep okay hopefully we can get in there next to you be nice gentleman I can engage this war without sacrificing Maura so don't ask me how you wouldn't understand Ono declares a joint ideological war against you magnetic tacky kobani da bina is generally solicit down oh no how many of the Gandhis just declared war okay only two of them a neither of them is the guy at nukes so that's okay this is the Gandhi what nukes that we gotta like be very careful around the city states are gonna act as a buffer American Gandhi declared war he found out about her oil and he's pissed I'm gonna go over here I'm gonna move there and I'm gonna run in and claim the city and I need to get rid of them too you just go build a farm buy a tank there we go get them in I'm taking that city oh okay well there goes my builder not a wise choice he's gonna die he wasted his turn on that we launched the satellite actually not of nuclear-missile this time Oh No okay you guys ready for the gauntlet but his niece in the country Jesus Christ but people call me Babu - please call me friend it's an honor to meet you County we'd love to sign for your hospitality Gandhi good to see you my man we need to talk more off Amaze has taken this long the past year in the home people call me bapu but please call me friend it's an honor to meet you sample your hospitality Gandhi my man my god haven't seen you since college it's good to finally catch up my people call me bapu but please call me friend it's an honor to meet you we'd love to sign for your hospitality hey Gandhi long time no see okay I'm gonna skip it just to show you how bad this is this is me like fast forward and true meet the Gandhi's oh we discovered a natural under two lake retba signe is a 250 so things are get here the dark brand the Giants thought result the natural history of this archipelago is very remarkable Islands the wonders of the heaven along Bay what a grand sight this must present aloof Sean Bean is stoked we got a satellite here's the continent we live on oh my god it like the only space I think left untouched is like tiny little bits in the tundra like ignore sensation look how pacta this is Jesus cry there's so many like a look at so many of these aren't parts of India there's Albuquerque San Antonio Cincinnati this Toronto that's a city-state my god San Diego that's a lot of Gandhi's [Music] okay let's just prepare the second missile then you know no gear them up to go in and invade the place oh thank god okay we can make an airport here yes give me this New York and New Orleans all the places native to India hey I need to capture this city and then we got a launch in another nuke we need to finish research on thermonuclear devices the nuclear fusion get rid of them yeah get our builder back Oh God oh no now they're all gonna make me crappy trade agreements for my oil I'm gonna have I have to refuse so many of these Gandhi no I don't wanna give you my resources look if the other 5 candies didn't have any luck you're not gonna have anything there oh Jesus it builds another thermonuclear device we need more at the farm up the city has been conquered its irradiated and rebellion but it's ours oh Jesus and everything is broken who acquired district is contaminated oh Jesus okay look I know everyone is dying from rads but get an entertainment complex : yeah back up a moment there's backups okay we're waging war against Greene Gandhi oh no I moved the tank in hang on no get him out no Oh bollocks they're gonna die I did not mean to do that that was the that was the upgraded unit my demands must be met like Gandhi off you can't just do that man oh okay they're not quite that they're not quite that I can get him out fall out okay get him out gotta get our boys out of there - Jesus Christ a bride's plus eight loyalty returned to this city get a government Plaza that'll keep them in line unlike some good old administration I deal with the nuclear fallout and that's built up you're untrustworthy this is the worst kind of violence think you're oh not again Jesus Christ it only seems to be to Gandhi's this time it's not all of them that's okay all of the Kennedys are unhappy the news is getting pretty stale I'm a big lady it's the same article twice Jesus you only have one uranium so we can only build one at a time [Music] let's just get more nukes yeah we'll build a lovely warlords drone you deserve a promotion [Music] a major victory get them out of here major victory oh no they were supposed to rest whoops does that eat the trade route these troops over here so the radius is only like one tile around it so I can't really get a twofer because I pop it here it will devastate both these cities but it won't destroy them that's a real shame we do have all like over here now for missile silos that's something is that their capital that's a new capital of India okay because we just bombed their original into the ground ether own nuclear I don't know if we're gonna get it in time today Gandhi no I'm not interested please stop asking for my precious gems India trade with India India trade in India India and as his friendship with India [Music] city's losing loyalty take them down [Music] well we've almost got bombs aren't you been to it India now India is my best friend [Music] look at this India form the lives of India India's trade with India India expands welcome to India news weekly well daily the only stories the entire world is talking about is literally the entire world is India sorry it's India and then American India we're gonna Washington over here it's the worst news Jetta no use flash India uh rule a oh thank you for five 20 bits earlier well fire likes 400 leaves already to make having a world folders Pat peaceful person ever sound like a bad thing knocking about thanks 400 pizzas oh I just joined this again the nuclear war happen in the real candy would have been perfect oh Jesus I'm already thinking about how I can refine this cuz I want to do this again sometime already if we just make it so it's like domination only or something in future and we see if we can like install some custom mods to make the space even smaller tweak the AI so that everyone's just a warmonger surely it has to be possible yeah we need more bombs and yeah make sure the vote in the straw poll to which candy you think is gonna win my money's on Gandhi baby thank you for 200 days away could we laugh exams over you want to jump out a window or Jesus I know that feeling best of luck in the exams no they rebelled [Music] I mean we have a second bomb no surely we got a strike somewhere new we can't just newcomer yet oh no we like we gotta use this somewhere else like there could be another sit welcome you got ever fell against my rule oh there should be nothing left of this city [Music] like their populations but devastators produces aa we need a bomb launch in every turn that we can go like all in production every settlement all in yet population is dying just know up Jose just produced the bombs it's how we need oh Jesus Christ we need more make peace give me all your cities [Music] I'll give you their uranium I'll give you a shiny penny I'll give you that horse you wanna remember the horse refuse what do I or another you'll give me your wealth very high and mighty consider I've launched two nuclear bombs on your candy I'll have your money yes produce more yeah we got another one where can this one strike we could just we could just declare war on another Gandhi let's go this candy has done nothing wrong flower woopsie better hit the utter Gandhi it's an honest mistake I just half the population of Delhi can you forgive me make peace okay 10 turns whoops butterfingers make more just just keep making bombs you're so floater see maybe it's better to put an end to your leadership whatever you say Gandhi again these do not approve of randomly launching a nuclear device not a fellow candy oh here we go every single Gandhi is upset with us yeah we got true though some of them must be shocked like what is the relationship working looking like at the moment like this Gandhi is friendly with literally every other Gandhi there they're all friends some of them have alliances like view relationship first impressions different governments your warmongering Gandhi is upset where your whoremonger [Music] it just seems like they're putting it very mildly I feel but this is the Gandhi who got nuked Gandhi is upset we are war a mongrel but they're pleased to see his civilization in a high population I imagine they are their own population just got cut in half Jesus Christ Gandhi uh he's gonna give her some nighter if we make peace wait this is a different Gandhi this is the one that did this County didn't wage war on us okay yeah we'll accept that one thank you friend no please call me bapu Oh though or untrustworthy again I think you're a war monger oh no these Gandhi's didn't get there their warnings in last turn they're all gonna do it this turn they're catching up oh Jesus but no candy you got to give me that uranium Gandhi don't just give me the uranium and I will make peace give me the won't do it well what else can you give me you can give me amber spices how much gold per turn will you give me I can get it up to 20 those are the that was those with the joint war Gandhi's who like Riley to protect her Ally didn't do anything and gave up a turn or two later okay the Guyanese are still enhancing her suit oh Jesus think you're a war monger to take your a warmonger that think you're a war monger God Jesus you know Gandhi accomplished from any great things in his life a huge part of India's history this is this is the lesser-known history I imagined with a rally together to exile the one rogue Gandhi numbers a new recent news article reveal that India is trading with India city loyalty lost she's just Christ the city states had to negotiate peace with those Gandhi's okay that's all them daddy made peace with Gandhi enemy spy disrupted rocketry not even do it using that you would have gained a casus belli a casus belli is it how do you prance that cat's belly to declare an ideological war and Gandhi see that's great for which candy is it cuz there's a lot of Gandhi's one of the first ones denounced oh here it is yeah no it's it's down here oh no but it's hidden in this one of these Gandhi's has an ideological war that's been added I'm never gonna find it oh no we found it okay that it's kind of lucky oh wait no but I just didn't see it now some of them are okay some of them are a different ideology the ones there for democracy I can now declare an ideological war on okay that's good to know just prepare our troops when's the next bomb eight turns what are the reports it's just building a nuclear device everywhere there's all our resources our main one is uranium from Gandhi Ville oh my god we're never gonna get nuclear fusion in time we don't have enough science the next time we do this we're gonna have to invest a little bit more I think because of the vote we only have atom bombs oh Jesus Christ breaking news India made friends with itself what do I need to get be nice Jimmy oh and another one the Gandhi's just declared or a joint ideological or Auto this is Elda is this all the candies that followed like of a democracy if I want to look into a few more of meanies for your citizens I don't think they're enjoying rule if they're producing bombs are having the time of their lives ongoing nuclear emergency remember that the emergency was captured specific cities from Gandhi wait defend Gandhi Ville Gandhi thieves the most powerful weapon in the world in the nucular genie is it sounds like Gandhi is the genie when you put it that way I don't know if that's how it's supposed to be is their extinction at hand okay so they're waging war against me if they succeed they split a part of sixty thousand gold oh Jesus yeah I thought that doesn't sound right with the phrasing [Music] okay well Dave declared an emergency they're trying to conquer gand evil I have to defend Gandhi well for 60 turns was 38 left in the game Johnny's found out about bombs how do they know I was producing nuclear weapons I was there a resistance Mountain in this city too like it's completely irradiated the population is gone delis just sitting here oh I should send a guy over the deli you go conquer there let's just take tally read ourselves I'm usin Trevelyan no Jesus make a piece you know what we can launch our bottoms at a different kind you next time we can make peace with this Gandhi for a moment even us mercury so sure thank you friend oh please call me Babu India with India India with india india with india india with india the freakin prompts okay we're gonna we're gonna take over Delhi from there we'll attack Chicago just repeat the trade routes where it where is the other uranium on the world the espionage I didn't recruit any spice lenses [Music] or ISM eel continent [Music] we need those icons is there a way to see it add pins on the map we just have to look I guess we haven't seen most of this territory ourselves yet [Music] and see it without haven't already been there your units okay yes we don't know who else has it they could quickly go true making deals with them - gotta fall at our one of the Gandhi's look at that might be us okay so there's one Gandhi there's one Gandhi one Gandhi has it you've track of the colors when they have them - that's another Gandhi who has it tree four five okay a lot of Gandhi's have it we can't see what the ones are at war with six seven h9 okay so half of all Gandhi's have the means to make nuclear warheads in the world that's a bit worrying and I'm the only person they're pissed off with there's nine people with atom bombs they're just gonna save him for me oh no they're all friends and the formalin alliance give me a pillage didn't enemies ooh its SpecOps I can't even see the game the Indian switched her government to fascism okay alright calm down there India Oh God morgue India's declare in friendship oh boy or two you really now like literally every other Gandhi on the planet hates me screwed okay we're gonna take Delhi soon what'd you do to enrage Gandhi I bombed his city twice it's okay we have like more bombs being produced we're gonna have four bombs in the next ten turns let's just make them count the number of people living in your empire is truly impressive says Gandhi as I conquer Suzy from a different Gandhi oh Jesus Wow yeah you just got like 70 population in your city it's really impressive let us decontaminate the commercial hub [Music] and there's this so little flatland for us to build the missile silo out of got off right out of here for a while it has fairly good range so it's not the worst but a governor in the new city yeah I probably should uh-huh no I can't see the game again and you complete the space race project launch Earth's satellite it's an Addison that are Gandhi there that knows every Gandhi on the planet that is disloyal no assigned governor I'm gonna reassign reassign you dally [Music] this is gonna be new Gandhi Ville pickup [Music] prepare the market gotta get the tank out before they completely die you you just stop there's lethal radiation everywhere there you just stay here no one I'd love how we have the city-state's on our side like that like they're just like support and what we're doing here they have the power to stop this base Oh God they might be trying to stop this base Oh [Music] beat the root Pete the root [Music] you've the city-state's anyway the city-states didn't do anything to us [Music] I know they're coming for us okay we've almost got the bombs who is winning though it's really difficult to tell in terms of domination we have the most military might just a little religion we're not doing to a good Norma culture just just fix the bank land is still completely a radiator but gotta get the money going [Music] our Empire will expand and you just heal up you just cut up camp there yeah India did something with India again oh my god there we go we have two bombs oh boy you know we need two more bombs this city as it requires project location could contaminate it just repair the stock exchange okay guys we get to do a twofer today some reason we can hit Kannada oh it's not showing these areas because we're not at war uh war with them and I can't declare war with them because we're at peace now in Tanana Revo can just be like screwed over here we can't quite hit Washington good eat Brussels hit them for some reason should we just take out the city state we could get to her though we can't get the Revels every single time they've suffered enough okay that's that's um yep let's let's take Nashville new capital of India fire here we go there goes Nashville their horses have been contaminated and now we got one more bomb I can hit the mountain next to Brussels but I can't hit proccess I can hit this city state I don't how pointless is this you just launched into you cuz I get rid of these soldiers who are on our border like I don't want you're coming in here can I get it too far if I hit this mine will that work if I hit here without take them out too I'll getcha cago oh we missed Chicago yeah we did okay let's get Chicago the device has been launched rip Chicago hey we can conquer it soon too if you turn there these guys over here make your way down the Nashville God where she got to conquer a few territories I'm gonna get like so many cities there oh god more the Gandhis have declared war on us so what a chat just had a wish I'm in Chicago oh no oh God is another joint war how many Gandhi's are gonna be upset that we launched two atom bombs in one turn haven't already launched two atom bombs before this about the four to Ikea detonations now no sorry no work the five one two tree and it's four or five because we hit there twice clumsy me forgetting how many we've launched build a neighborhood for new Gandhi Ville get that set up there we're gonna need someone you to live god only knows they can't live here take your cargo it's step low represents our civilization spirit and defines a landscape of our Empire yeah ravaged by nuclear warfare oh we can burn Chicago too we don't we don't necessarily have to keep this one do we burn Chicago to the ground or do we take it as our own Jesus let it burn oh there goes Chicago Chicago just got snapped off the map oh my god it's gone it's too late other candies must be like oh I just deleted Chicago we gotta do something oh god it's not a raid it's not radiated anymore I hope we can build something to you let's get the monument back up I just make your way to Nashville oh my god how many more turns the next one is next turn we're gonna have another buff BVD pirates thanks for a thousand bits every other City for perfect moments thank you very much Pvt ah god this poor world India's trade with India again cool Liz thanks for five quid other major there's a lot of streams just see a blood stuff up lovely on YouTube though me and my friends watch it daily together all thanks very much Liz you're very welcome to the stream okay build a nuclear device build a nuclear device err outdoor defences 332 turns build nuclear device where is next we can hit Washington liddie of India here what we have to declare war again [Music] declare war we know how hey Gandhi the peace treaty war off a turn ago you might want to renew that there goes Washington oh Jesus yeah honestly I don't want a bomb Baghdad cuz that just sounds Rock that like that that's terrible that one's gonna be spared that's to really do some yoga well Kandi's up several bloodthirsty the bomb in DC is fine it just gets too real FBI wants to know your location he does we follow their tree possible oh yeah it's fall our tree this is how Todd Howard got the idea okay so what we can do now yep - so there's no candy in range though if we can find some flat land over here when maybe when we conquer Nashville let's get the military engineer over here they'll take them 9 turns in the meantime we do have a missile could hit Washington again okay here goes Damascus this poor continent there goes another one oh my god yeah so we'll get the flash the flatland in Nashville and they won't be able to bomb somewhere else make Beast give me more refuse deal Makepeace gotta give me the uranium Gandhi can't just let you run free with that get a candy and probably like should we fire one back what no do you wanna be next oh god Oh what we can do here instead of waiting for the engineer to come over we can just buy a new one they have an encampment rfx let's speed it up significantly okay these guys are gonna take a bit of radiation damage but we will get Nashville oh no they rejoined us now we gotta do oh you give me that City no it's not even open for negotiation what would you give me for my uranium shiny pennies I know thanks candy I got a nuke the rebel City Oh or untrust already again I think you're a war monger Andie's are taking their time [Music] okay military engineer get over here take Nashville keep the city those soldiers will give given their lives to claim it that's okay just decontaminate the commercial hub yeah we need to get another governor in there you are in Uganda Ville I'll reassign you to Nashville there we go we've all the news India did something with India is this for switch now we're playing on PC today there will be there will be another safe six sponsored stream I believe on Wednesday that's when we're doing the next roll we're gonna be playing one of the challenge scenario things then this is the heads up I'm not giving you my iron good switch even handle so many Gandhi's like that's what I was thinking so I'm just gonna do this one on PC might be a bit much honestly it's like there's so many buyers here I thought you didn't straight home Wednesday I'm doing an extra stream next week get that up they're asking the joint India again but it's utter India how long until the next bombs tree turns - oh god it's slowing down is maybe the last volley of bombs we have four more lads we're gonna have to make them count get the engineer forward we'll build a missile silo here though we have as much range as we can on the continent we kind of kept Mumbai oh no another counties at war with us a joint ideological war not again for money do you be nice gently he suddenly sat down mommy Gandhi's are at war us at this point one two three four so wants to make peace but we're gonna refuse that you know refuse I'm trying to count the amount of Gandhi's one two three or oh my god I can't count the Gandhi's all the Gandhi's just want to say something else five six seven eight we're at war with eight countries I need to spend my money on something too we should we should just buy some more troops in each place can't afford the fancy ones just just buy a tank a church just by a thank you and they T crew repair the bank send an invoice we still Cesario a Muscat and Brussels still believes in this too we lost this one so we want to win them back there we go [Music] yeah how how many more turns to Zeki contaminate it contaminated fortree turns God it's like these guys can't even make it past at the moment when's the next bomb in two turns oh god this guy and he's at war with us I didn't even see him slip in the troops to the front and the tank after them Space Station is still on fire these guys down you know we'll just make a temporary one here here they're better foothold now India trade with India UK everything that breeds I wonder can you just launch a nuke um like the site of like the silo itself though it just goes up in the air and destroys it well it's gonna take a long time to build anything plus 999 just work on repair in the stock exchange keeping them off our lands oh I can't go in there I can't he has open borders with this candy he's hiding in there crafty bugger [Music] well just keep them there for a moment these Gandhi's got to go around mindful of the site of Chicago going to ideological war sure man that dick that equal to by an idiot I feel this is just a scapegoat for declaring war on me but ok I can take it what would a lot of gotten these now I think they're still all buddy-buddy as well yeah they oh no look they're actually unfriendly with some of the other candies this candy pissed off a lot of other candies [Music] is there any candy who's actually at war with someone else this candy is really hate it this candy is like a beloved candy so when I declared war oh no okay so none of the other Gandhi's are at war they're all peaceful build nuclear device we can squeeze another one in five repair fortify or defy okay get Mumbai there's no mercy another day in the indian empire okay so we can walk in and clean up like Andy later we just need to get our tanks over easier said than done because like the line is so heavily already hated oh we just got shot at Charlotte from there make peace nope nope I refuse to give in these city-states who kind of sweatin at the moment because we have killed everything in their vicinity should we just save up tree bombs for the finale and just like do a triple whammy and take all their cities Jesus is what history class doesn't teach you [Music] we need to get you over here get a closer missile silo snap the ball will go until the turn timer runs out for today's dream I think I think we're getting there we're kind of just waiting for production of bombs at this point and he sat in the stream starved himself by oh we research robotics one day there will be no but I don't we cost globalization's no flags and no countries and the only way we can get a new policy oh geez haven't looked at these in a while let's see is there anything else to do with nuclear warheads it's for science I'm villains and campuses I should probably get that that might actually speed up thermonuclear research ah extra gold production governor's a little C doesn't seem to be anything else 25% less war weariness than usual that might be handy yep we've all been at war are at war with like every Gandhi on the planet resource management energy you can buy nukes where's that one copy was treaty resource allows you to produce and purchase units requiring it in any Oh heed this one where is it I don't know if that worked Oh cuz it's not a unit that's why it's a policy okay so that actually doesn't work the way people thought it would bit of a shame oh well that's just research Facebook oh no it lost Nashville oh no we lost terrible they have a missile silo okay we we might need a new natural again okay there's a sign you in kind evil that production up Gandhi boomtown in there maximize production major victory oh my god might be able to take it with the tank but unlikely that that tank needs to move anyway get the engineer back Oh God and when do we have the next bomb for turns and survive a little longer [Music] oh my god and it's regaining health before a rain strike oh they're invading by sea now okay let's just leave that tank there waiting for him you'd be fine oh that's okay the rebels don't have any nuclear weapons send the tank over there you know and they're just fine now there's another Gandhi who's declared war ray city's cat rebel yeah but we can't build missile silos and raise cities manitech equal to I need to get be nice generally that's the problem my chick is he okay not a Gandhi we won't understand war not making peace for any of them so few people living in your empire must be hard to get anything done don't you think I do you complimented me when I took over the other city and had more population what was that a different caste make Nashville Asheville Oh No [Music] they've been scared away tank there and you can't evil will have a nuclear device in ten turns as well so we're gonna have at least five more bombs that's pretty good without those guys asleep ward them away I'll being chased hey make peace nope use [Music] is it certainly whatever your unique idea I'm having a lot of fun this just came about from like this save stream before I'm so happy we get to turn it into something repaired the space station no we have enough time for one more bomb you can squeeze it in take them down okay so what's the closest range on these weapon unavailable is that still register as my site I hope no harsh I need a book okay well we just need to hit Nashville again open fire suppress the rebellion or Nashville now we get in their next turn and we take it back no stop trying to get my oil Gandhi talked about this they're insulting the amount of people in my empire they're insulting the amount of people in my Empire this Gandhi though the number of people living in your empire is truly impressive is that a sarcastic comment consider what every other Gandhi saying don't understand how okay we can get another more head in retake Nashville the number of people living at your empire is truly impressive this is the candy we declared war on at the stars hey Nashville keeping you this time and we have another bomb oh we can launch it out of Nashville now they'll Mumbai is already devastated we just need to get like a vehicle there I mean I could very easily take this upon yeah I kind of want to do whatever people Jesus I can't even wait Oh moments like the moment you just launched a new cleaner worried in the cities like a Gandhi no nice work with that city their population is booming I hear but Jesus what are you feeding the people nuclear annihilation or Muscat it didn't deserve this okay we'll build an entertainment complex in the desert I'll keep them happy get him in Nashville reassigning Stuart the Muscat call this Gandhi's leg roof maybe yeah every India is friends again except for me Oh another Gandhi declared war on me you wouldn't understand here's the other Gandhi there are now 1 2 3 4 Gandhi's there anti-war of me and one of them is the ones that like I nuke the ahead about the starfish that's it every other Gandhi hates me they're the Marcos we need to we need to move you somewhere it's safe going to our beloved allies at Brussels up Brussels at for a moment hey we can build an airport - nice I nope there are 5,000 oh no war oh i miscounted I think apologies a beautiful day in Gandhi's Empire normal age ongoing city-state emergency it was liberate Gandhi's liquor from candy it's an emergency guys he put his feet up on the sofa okay that's just fair oh we have it was a little stadium keep him happy don't feel a little if day Oh India did some stuff with India again there's something like it's like fighting me and I can't see it like there's too much news that India's doing something with India we have time to make a bomb no we don't they have rocket artillery Oh God oh that's not for me oh they might take Nashville again on [Music] maybe make some infantry no they came out over there that's the wrong spot [Music] Canty was like peace no way Gandhi hopefully they don't realize they can conquer Nashville nope no peace you must keep going you come again if you have to I will finish another bomb and just barely have time for one more cut cutting it close to the turn timer and we just got to go to the end I'll know that they're not attacking us are they oh god get them off our lot lines we go okay guys I'm to conquer Belgium in crowd a range yeah just barely let's just scoot on in here here we go yeah we'll keep process entertainment complex keep the people happy there we go they did they didn't realize they could invade Nashville perfect yeah well the tanks gonna die this time he ain't making it out alive so we will need to give Riley the troops together for our next stop that over there with a bomb next turn more bombs coming they're getting desperate please just make a piece candy I beg you while you got Astor - so much in the world and we lost another unit can we off nope we're not gonna make that bobbin time can't do it we'll just get a trader Russell's just repair the industrial zone I'm safe rid of that yeah we do have a bomb ready but we don't have a unit ready to actually do anything with the bomb that's the current problem we have to wait for this guy to get into position and our maybe we can get Las Vegas we have to declare war again my attempts to avoid violence have failed and I fought and I only makes the world blind yeah that's fine Gandhi we've been through this before here we go guys oh okay I thought that was gonna be a lot worse thank God like that easily could have been and march on Gandhi we got to get Las Vegas with a bomb okay these boys need oh no its are still irradiated for more turns okay get him oh I think they're gonna die no another one full house and we need we need to rename some of the city still to this one is now Asheville this one we call this one a Belgian waffle that's how the landscape is looking right now [Music] okay let's gear up [Music] we need someone to make it to Las Vegas need to get him like here gonna take a few turds get out of a swell Makepeace ever people are ridiculously unhappy Nutter Gandhi I think just declared war oh no its city-states declaring war on me now [Music] that's all of that a 15 plus caddy though I dare you finally got it do we have time to produce one oh no we need Operation Ivy well the next time we do this we're gonna do it without a turn limit because we need to get thermonuclear devices Andy finally got there yeah that's a bit of a shame there are defenses factory repair [Music] I only these guys are even gonna make it to Las Vegas sometime oh they're actually launching an attacker oh no it's just one heavy strike helicopter worse [Music] we have to stockpile of now I just want to get in there so close we have 10 more turns how many more cities can we nuke lost another unit it will fire on Las Vegas Washington in Mumbai you haven't recovers okay fire hostages now we just need to hit Boston and we've gotten all the modern fall outs well the modern fall is that were talking about rip West Virginia yeah let's build another neighborhood I got Spurs that jingle jangle jingle sure we'll just build a power plant in the Belgian waffle I don't think this guy's gonna get there what are these guys doing the helicopter just got into a boat and is like now trapped on the lake why he's just stuck there now okay wait one turn we're gonna take binder you're untrust already does the worst kind of violence denounces you whatever you say Gandhi a hell of an accusation you know you're gonna need to present some evidence if you're trolling at about this political place I don't where you get an idea from can't take Las Vegas effect unfortunately it will have some final bombs though and squeeze just a few more in let's build the Sydney Opera House yeah start working now air the monument okay it's time to take pander shouted my beloved city stay allies couldn't have done it without them no they just like occupied the cities though I walked into claim can we go as a lovely green color on the left all of these cities are still on fire Jesus Christ all this Gandhi's coaster [Music] like look at this like the helicopters got to come off the water now oh no no I can just kill it from here it's so pointless it refused to make peace we are the Gandhi with the most cities now at least I'll give you some sugar if you stop killing people No Deal oh my god we lost another unit oh it's the soldiers they died from the radiation here can't invade it the research centre breakdown I should get those workers while I'm here just build a nuclear device oh god they're actually trying to attack me I don't really have a defense for this bombs having one too ah [Music] I don't really want to lose Gandhi Berg [Music] oh this would take care of oh Jesus [Music] let's dress those ruins were there before the nuke that wasn't us the Space Center was already on fire we didn't cause that much damage really big piece nope there are tree gandhi's I have not declared war and I see ash nope I'm not making peace don't care how much gold do you give me you got to give up your uranium I'm doing this for the good of society I'll stand down if you guys stand down you know I think you're the truth the real aggressors here so I got nuclear weapons do you know how dangerous they are look at my empire do you know how many people I've killed with them and just be doing that it's irresponsible [Music] don't get these these guys out of my civilization 1 million IQ strats featured RT Gandhian nukes [Music] yes five turns right claim a great person where the did we heard a crate merchant of all things I thought it would have been the great general emphasis districts provide +10 tourism sure I'll take it I mean we're gonna be doing really well on tourism once the rest of the world is destroyed I guess that's how that works nope we're not making peace no matter what they say Las Vegas is destroyed they haven't even been able to rebuild those cities if we're oh we might do we have an engineer handy add an engineer handy we could build them in her launch site I don't think we're gonna get one though in time okay well Vilnius you're next on the chopping block did a tank from out of gandhi's legroom you guys just start working infantry those dear you know it's gonna matter at this point in the game nope what are the latter fields I wouldn't like the island all by themselves here because like they don't have to deal with any of us we separate from the atrocities on this continent wait did I accidentally give him the city I think I did did he ask for my city did I accidentally click that was that Gandhi trying to be very cheeky and make peace and chuck it like steal one of my cities did I click that he asked for it cheeky bugger I know you're being so devastating this war you know so you give me like your second most important city I'll go easy on you lucky bugger yeah we have another one we can get the villainess and then after this we're only gonna have one last Anouk it's take villain of villainous fire the lovely arc on this one and the dead roll in the tank keep the city and now decontaminate the theater second I in the word Venus makes the you after it's off so you don't the say the I owe those of illness is that it but I be getting around it's a little tip oh no an enemy spy got out he escaped Gandhi boomtown a caddy boomtown dit this isn't gonna be tolerated we have to teach them a lesson daddy boomtown just went boom Jesus millions are dead yeah it's built a seaport yeah we got a trace of you infantry gonna get some harbor ship and going that's what the people want any pills it's pillaged but your monument Gandhi moved has been pillaged by the Indian empire by population pillaged everything oh no no sorry it's saying it was pillage that's just like the cover story for me launched a nuke of I own civilization and losing all these upgrades yeah it's been pillaged guys those goddamn Raiders coming in and launching their nuclear warheads on our city oh Jesus just been pillaged guys no candy I'm not making PC its denounced the India has denounced the evil deeds of India even the other kind easier like like that's too firebase something the nuke all of us now you're killing your own people his leader is unchecked he's lost control over his Society he's just torturing the poor buggers oh it's the last turn all right what's our last accomplishment the expression spend the afternoon in Ganges like means to have a wonderful time oh you can't make that [Music] [Music] oh it's beautiful that's the funniest I've seen all the games over that was the last turn that was the last being candies like room as that's the Moonies Netflix and chill and you've got Cantonese oh my god I'm sorry that's so funny it's so funny to me I am 12 okay next her games over games over yeah we can't top that just end the pain and the pain 12 and from two it [Music] well I think we're they're good guys [Music] it would be good enough right civilization crumbles which our civilization first rose so too shall we return as the light of our people fade to nothingness we wonder if one will rise to rekindle the flame Danny boom town went boom mr. fee he looks pretty chuffed about this mystic where do we rank oh great Nero who is always ready to believe what it's told it would what it's told him will never do well that's not great we're below Neville Chamberlain and louis xvi could be better it could be a lot better let's check the graphs okay it's a culture per turn eros core hey G what was going on with this one it went on excuse me all in I can't tell which Gandhi is me and on the pink one this is when I spent all my money okay so I had the strongest economy like fire there's like my stuff was skyrocketing weight total cities destroyed well that was me when I raised a city under storm the green one no am i no I'm the pink one total cities captured god total war decorations received over thirsty it was another candy got target of like ten wars in there somewhere I wasn't the only one causing trouble on the continent there was another Gandhi there Gandhi's hand oh my god that's why he's so happy he knows exactly what he's done god that's the timeline is there not a thing where like you do I could turn by turn play replay movie no it's not that I thought it was like a step by step thing you could look at to Gandhi goddess all 20 people 30 war declaration ello some declared war twice that's civ 5 ah ok I missed that future is a view timeline no view timeline is eras like the Dark Age isn't that okay well thank you so much everybody we're coming by to watch the Gandhi games I love that stream oh that was so much fun I think that's one of my favorite ones I've done I was so good Oh God we're gonna we're gonna roll the credits just to thank everyone who subscribed so it was a lot of them that came in thank you very much guys thank you for all the bits as well we'll sent I apologize again just for missing stuff there was just a lot happening in this session tonight I kind of want to just be on top of it thank you for like we had over 4,000 at one point that checked in on the stream like that's insane for civilization so like thank you everyone for coming by if you interested me playing more Civ I will be doing a sponsored Civ stream on Wednesday 2k is kind of reach out to me it's the first well it's the second of two I've done so that's gonna be on Wednesday that will start at 7:00 p.m. UTC people are interested in that and you know I reckon we'll do some more civic and at some point in the near future there's an expansion coming out next month no it's very much on my radar so we can probably revisit this at some point great soundtrack for the scrolling credits yeah it's pretty epic main menu seem is just like so over the top four six six it's great what a sexy how dare how rude which candy one the Gandhi games reigns Baku Supreme none of them we all lost he plays Canada new expansion I really want to I don't know if everyone here actually knows what like I'm Irish Canadian dual citizenship that's cool to see Canada wrapped I was like we've had Ireland before I mean save five back by Boudicca kelts that you were Scottish not Irish Canadian canady a god fallout 5 candy nucular Boogaloo [Music] those days just so stupid I loved every minute of that give a Canadian powering so from a part of Canada yeah my mum my mum is overthrow comes over from Halifax near their Nova Scotia [Music] these next save be the brexit games yeah as much as I joke about brexit I'm getting to the point where I myself I'm quite worried about it cuz debt like they we joke about it constantly because you know that's what you got to do like to face a danger so that you kind of make it okay for yourself you do it cuz you're nervous but yeah I don't know if I do that one just yet my hold off a little bit the political situation it's getting worse yeah it is it's like talk about hardboard or in like Northern Ireland now that's just what we're preparing for and locate that scariest that just means there's violence in Ireland again no one wants that Oh God of course it's someone who may or may not be looking to move to the UK in future you know it kind of affects me like as much as I joke about it it's a concern for many of us I'm not even there and I'm concerned that's most people yeah don't worry though the people who can't pay me for brexit are also equally concerned how brexit might go this turns out no one has any clue but hopefully won't happen I hope so Oh God okay is anyone else stream and sieve utilization six twitch I don't see anyone online that's streaming we're not coming up there really know anyone here uh I'm having a look oh no wait sir okay sir needs treatment okay I'll leave in sir nice care he's playing good old tf2 the stream is called crap men so god only knows what that means go say hey to sir anything yeah thanks for coming folks I will see you next stream will be Tuesday I'll probably get some highlights of this together for tomorrow I'm gonna work on it that was a really fun thanks for coming guys y'all soon you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 14,956
Rating: 4.9378238 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-370740485, rtgamecrowd, The Gandhi Games - 20 Player Gandhi Royale, Sid Meier's Civilization VI, Twitch, Gaming, The, Gandhi, Games, 20, Player, Royale, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips, funny montage, Irish
Id: 0dkE2VMMJDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 46sec (12106 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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