RTGame Archive: Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver [3]

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folks how is it going and you hear me okay just finishing getting everything set up on Maya no folks how's it going as audio level sounds okay today sound okay can you hear me all right can you get a game all right just to make sure we got all that right [Music] hey though guys it's good to see you up we starting a bit suddenly today just cause like how this is set up Oh chat has crashed for me hang on hang on in the chat okay I can see people saying oh no and just POG I think it's back now people are popping F's in the chat when I can't even see it their chat crashed everyone says hey mind your [ __ ] language see from those [ __ ] kids watching this [ __ ] channel I keep getting comments lately and I don't know I don't know if it's just like a young people YouTube or something it's always on the Minecraft videos where these people are saying please don't say swears they stop cussin and i see more and more comments like that these days and I keep wondering where are you people coming from you know I am NOT a family-friendly man I feel you know I we go to dark places on our streams we're like little Timmy who's like I call you for something it's just like stumbled upon the channel and it's like my mom's gonna ground me if I keep watching your content I don't know I've noticed that more and more lately Aarti family [ __ ] friendly there with the kids yeah I like we literally pop like a baby in a blender the other day like doctor give you an idea of the kind of content on this channel you know I think me swearin is the least of your problems God but how does it going though folks you're all very well completed stream y'all welcome back to pokemon heartgold as well I know it's been a while since we played this where you are continuing on a Nuzlocke run from before the break I'll give you a quick recap of who we have on the team we have egg we have Wong Cup we have crumpet we have the ye shal we have arson and newly-acquired we now have noodle although I think the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna reorganize these guys a bit I want a fodder Pokemon for Morty because I feel like something's probably gonna have to tank a hit if we need to switch at some point so this may be meta pogs time to shine a noodle is probably not gonna be much help in the fight anyway so I'm gonna I'm gonna switch them back out yeah Metapod is gonna join the party for a while there we go okay so we did quite a bit on the last stream we grinded a lot of trainers we may have to olivine city and we cleared out the white house what I need to do is face Morty and then we're gonna make our way on the Chuck we're probably gonna get like three gyms done today I would say today is gonna be a challenging day to say the least Metapod will probably die at some point but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make no I I don't care for as well being let me just see if there's anything on this route - oh it is this camera no it's not it's just someone talking about the water you look a lot like the photographer man you're very similar back of the heads that this is also camera apparently what I'm the first arrived it will soon be a battlefront to your past year I'm in line to be the first one then I haven't slept for days get in line if you want to be the second one in well this is like the Black Friday sales this is the guy you see camping outside of Walmart for two days because you know he doesn't have a job he just lives in Walmart we'll leave him to it okay uh where do I need to go then I guess I just had gone back I think I'm almost ready to fight Morty maybe we have a few ways we can go about it right some of them involve an intense amount of ground in which I have not done off-camera I'm trying to avoid grinding off-camera part of me wants to just grind until we get Thunderbolt but to grind for thunderbolt we need 10,000 coins and ball total it actually Noakes if I get krump at the level 31 I get this charge only we have to get that go for discharge instead because yeah it's cold we're gonna be here like till the rest of our like life the end of our days if we go that way okay so let's see if we can do a cheeky bit of grinding just on route 39 here this should have the highest level Pokemon we'll give it a go thank you for starting the hype train there lots thank you as ever thank you to everyone who's 7 y'all very welcome to the stream amber thank you for the 5 gift subs is the game audio just a little bit loud I think it is you just turn it down slightly okay and we're gonna we're gonna test out this the egg against the fire fetch there yeah we didn't need to ball anymore anyway friendship is maxed okay yeah we can we can actually train the egg this way that's level 16 - so it should give a fair amount of XP there we go I'm gonna I'm gonna try get the egg to level 20 I think I'll feel more confident with him that way Redbird wing thank you for the five gifts ups thank you very much yeah I got a switch against Magnum I still got to play it a little bit safe question is who else do I want to train the Idul is not going to be much help in this next fight so I might as well train welcome Gengar only a sucker punch for the egg yet so that that is very easy for us to play around which is good and plus it's cuz it sends a soccer point punch shots draws on physical attack rather than special attack like gang are used in Shadow Ball we'll probably one shot kill most things on our team and that's like the true fear with Marty so that's why we're trying to just grind a little bit before we go in more fire fetch disco Red Bear thanks for 101 bits don't forget to drink your water no don't worry I'm well quick thank you he has a leak hit down we're gonna be losing our suit well quite a few times against the fire effects I feel but that's okay these things are quite reliable the train against we're gonna get ourselves to a spot where we can actually beat this slide yeah so these are like arguably the hardest like some of the hardest gyms in the game too it's just all back-to-back and it's some intense fights like Morty isn't fun and chuck is not fun jasmine is okay if you have a water type of actually know why I have surf on dratini though I get a dragon air I can beat Jasmine okay yes so we should actually be okay I think it's just more tea I think more tea is just gonna be a pain Morty and Claire average emulator in this game is just a bit challenging we kill these all you're not we're gonna do it these are the widest names I've ever heard oh no you got so lucky what Whitney uh yeah I mean I got a hair across you know I got pretty much determined the fight that's all we need it Lara thank you for a thousand bits kill them all of that thank you very much give any sort of clauses in place now we're going traditional Nuzlocke rules we don't do anything like that have you want to catch up on the Nuzlocke series as well all the highlights are on youtube and it goes into the rules there as well you can watch it from day one all the information you need is that because that's why I'd recommend you gonna add more Arty's five bucks or it's probably not I I I don't really use the points for much I think they're a bit instru intrusive for the stream sometimes [Music] we got to keep switching because we got supersonic that's that should be alright it's just a set amount of damage there we go amber thanks for treater tea tree bits thank you very much yeah we haven't we have a new mo on today's stream as well as promised a hug a moat is now live on the channel regular a Tijuana moat there's people like people requesting that one too we also have for the tier tree subs just the way the slots works out and so we could actually add it there is a crumpet of moat for tier tree crown that we now have a design there isn't that a cupcake one that's coming as a regular remote to which we're trying to get more Pokemon representation on the channel yeah just so people know Annie oh thank you for 10 quid err to thank you for streaming again it's a wonderful my mental health hope you having a great day thank you very much yeah we're trying to fill out those remaining slots there's a few more emotes that are planned I think all of the regulars here want emotes have now been decided the last one is going to be the dab it's just gonna take a while to finalize the design so bear with me on that front I think I know what all the other ones are gonna be in it's just the case of waiting until completion for a fair few I'm just figuring out the order got a milk tank here this one gives a lot of XP to you know we got a bit of usual training it is for it seems to be pretty good for grinding just right now use bide am I gonna be safe doing this should I have weight it bite is kind of like a bit like counter now we won't shot kill it we're all ghosts of Burbank's four six six quid and 66 cents I still haven't forgotten murderer look no one cares about burb I gotta be honest with you no one who cares about verb but thank you to cash thank you for 300 bits this is gonna stress me out don't worry it's gonna stress everyone else on the stream out - you're not alone Maddy nice to 200 bits I hate having money take money thank you very much it's very clean oh please don't don't do that I don't like how strong some of the attacks again I think that's gonna give good experience to the AG is getting stronger [Music] brach next two hundred bits thanks for feeding my nostalgia no problem I'm so happy to plant a hair cold again it's cool doing the nuts lock run we can take this one by ourselves oh it's hot that one didn't do so much thankfully it was the Radek a time more fearful of this one has to pursue it as well that's good to know Joey is that you he's back he's mobilizes military training for a moment should be ok trying to play it safe and just make routine trips back to the center Ilana Lena nice runs your bits I heard I see game dad will be real soon I'm very very excited no I wish I could say the same dose kill Jeremy Hanks for a hundred bits as well I just want to say thank you for your content watch your videos for a while realize these streams are just as entertained oh thank you very much you're very welcome to the streams I know streams are just like the uncut video basically thank you very much switchin to you for a moment just so we don't take too much damage I think we're gonna have to go heal after listen out many people are injured [Music] come on tiresome there we go culinarily I to dab is just the fish not Artie actually television well I think we talked about on the stream the other night I think the most likely candidate for the dab is just cooking Mihama just dab and furiously but that's still very upsetting I just don't want it to be sands dabbing because like I'd rather die as someone who's never gonna play undertale in this channel to like I don't know why he keeps making appearances sounds perfect Gilbert davon although not the baby we playing your off time no I that game has been spoiled for me I don't like it it's not for me cuz I our teams haven't I don't have to be me davon the world doesn't need that another tourists one's good for XP switch in to the heater we're good Stephen thank you for the 200 bits thank you for all the content gives me a great way to spend time awesome bad verb is dead I do not miss him thank you you know I'm glad verb is dead too he took a bullet for the team if bird wasn't dead someone we actually give a [ __ ] about will be dead instead kill him twice for a licker not eradicate I gotta be mindful of the fang here is that did a lot of damage before a shag poke a lot Eve Sebastian now the burb doesn't matter we don't we don't care about Burke [Music] when burb died I died oh good riddance [Music] alais dice are under bits crucified to kill burtom ho oh god just like the baby on a cross that that sounds horrific I don't like that at all the baby has died for our sins you can make a religion Oh Grod birth thanks around 150 bits fourth string I've cut so far really enjoy your content hope you have a nice break I also don't like crumpet die no promises because this is a challenge and run but hopefully you know he likes lasts till the end I'll be nice I'd sleep ease there at night knowing crumpets not been murdered could be the last people trying to murder me - of crumpets - life oh yeah we're good one more headbutt the egg is getting stronger scorpion-like surrender bits hello Pokemon our goals my first Pokemon game I play after your planet brings back my nostalgia oh thank you very much egg wants to loot learn that ok maybe it's time to get rid of metronome encore could actually be really good cuz why aren't crammed into like sucker punch or something I can inflict like a bunch of status moves or something no don't get rid of metronome well good but we're never gonna use metronome metronome could kill us yeah we got now we gotta get rid of it it's the funny move but no like it's I actually want to keep our pokemon alive we have to try and be optimal where we can metronome is contest I can get it back a bit later maybe that was that for time being I think encore might be quite handy oh all right some of these things hit surprisingly hard and they that make me anxious I really don't want anyone my team to die at this point in the game but like this could be our final party for the run they do seem to be strong enough [Music] iq with your favorite Gen 5 Pokemon I'm a big fan of wins the car okay I'm just gonna switch out the egg this time to get a bit more on Wonka Barack has no - and trip it's the heel is the only one worth saving back thanks 400 bits kill Gilbert we're not the baby's not even here quite here want me to kill the baby again baby's not on this stream Maddy thanks for 140 bits as well do you have any more child abuse streams upcoming that was probably the best thing I've seen on YouTube what a worrying question for my career I don't know if I want to answer that because I might get in trouble [Music] [Music] Joe with ice around your Pittsburgh was too young it should have been me instead no going to Crump it for this one [Music] okay it's just using focus energy that's fine I think headbutt does more damage in Thunder shock I think this is so little base power repeat it down this way Jeff thanks for to acquit name your next team member Gilbert and then he can die for the T well it's a you just want the baby to die in spirit on the stream baby's not suffering enough in the channel today Daniel I don't know how I feel about this I have to wash my blender after that stream - do you know how much like residue of baby leaves no I don't think that I don't think like that baby had been washed when it was sent to cex I'm just saying I feel like wash all my kitchen utensils putting just use them straight off the bat [Music] the baby must be terminated did you fix the cabinet no not yeah I've been able to get someone to come around yet so my cabinet is currently out of action but I did this Lodge the door entirely so it's not at risk of falling over anymore which is good but it's still a bit unfortunate that you know me playing boxing with a baby broke my wardrobe that doesn't sound right either No one of these days I'm actually gonna get in trouble and I don't have a defense oh no that's it that's it no damage just get out of there moment I need to heal up the Idul can take on the milk tanks I think I want to stick fighting ability yeah so it takes half damage from fire it's tactically retreat alkynes to change your bits thank you very much I get everyone's giving bits and subbing to it's good to have you all here good to see people back after the break to like thanks for sticking around always an anxious thing to do working on the online sphere to like take time off you know it's like a fear in like the back of all our brains like if you miss like two days there's only gonna be like seven people on the next stream it's like I've like careers done so it's why a lot of people like online that they try not to take breaks or like that prepare stuff for what you've run though away it's kind of like the nature of it well it's good to have you all here I hope everyone's been keeping well you left for a week we're canceling you [Music] doesn't matter what you do on the internet these days but we'll find some reason the cancer you insult my favorite youtuber but they call me Slevin I've just never been able to watch the man the same again and the hat man's life our tea is over party [Music] i G left for a week funds he's dead basically how being an online works doesn't even matter how much you try communicate that you're away to like that that's the owner thing like because I notice as he were like Sean's content like mr. jacksepticeye himself lisa is on hiatus this month he's just taking some time off the channel and you know he has a big video that literally says I'm away for like this month I'm not gonna be upload but if you checked like all the new comments on the video like half of them are like he's been gone a while but I wonder when he's coming back like the video was literally explains it I don't know how better you can explain it than that you know like you literally say I'm taking a break and people will say is he taking a break I uploaded like um like the brash up the wild like highlights for like the postgame content the other day on YouTube and the title of the video is literally like like post perma - just to indicate the permit that part of the run is over the first second of the video is me saying like three times the permit that part of the run is over the top comment is me saying the permit that part of the run is over the immediate first comment on my top common is is it still permit [Music] like the information is here there's only so much you can do sometimes you can see that I thought that that's still there like I think I left the reply it's like see the title of the video in the first second of the video where I say no no it's not permit app I don't understand what it is sometimes for like no matter how well you explain stuff online like a lot of people just miss the memo and I don't know what of this like it doesn't matter how well you just you you try to explain but is it over it could just be a joke no I don't think it was it was a lot of fun of comments to saying but it's the permit that power of the run over is it over though [Music] Gillies is this a pokemon nose lock challenge guys he's playing Pokemon right now man roblox looks really different today [Music] god III don't know what it is but it's something I found I'm sure a lot of my creator friends can like attest to it too no matter how well you try to convey information like it's people just miss the memo constantly like we do our best but sometimes it just boggles the mind but minecraft texture pack is this who is streaming some people just coming on the stream to like old men right now like what where am i this is an eBay well what am i watching just very confused like twitch.tv viewers well they catch some of you don't even know how you set up your account on the site this isn't Google are we still Lulu hunt good lord blush like sponge of its we all live in a pervert a trump is this our tea though [Music] isn't this YouTube you're still hunting for Diglett oh good lord it's his face but yes Facebook gaming guys off the side I've accepted a lot of money Facebook gaming is the way for no I don't I don't know people still use Facebook these days III i never use mine anymore kind of just like a Twitter and discord my on these days so I'm can you join my fire Darrin like everyone get like those tag requests it's like hey like Wendy your friend from school you haven't spoken to in three years needs help with her chickens as your phone will get like a full-on notification and you get a reminder cuz he didn't respond to the initial notification that was so annoying send me a life in candy crush playing Scrabble with friends wanna help [Music] Oh God farmville having PTSD flashbacks [Music] now I get like notifications for those things all the time back in the day and it's like what's the point you know [Music] sometimes it's just awkward cuz it's like your uncle or something then it's like I know like Terry you can't be doing that now Terry no I don't I look it's nice to see at the family gatherings but I don't want to play farmville with you oh it's like you're on Facebook or something and yo your mom's tagged you in facebook me I can't think of any more like awkward family confrontation then someone else in your family tagging you in fact unlike a Minion's me [Music] take that's right give me an extra glass of wine I'm drinking for two but the entire family is tagged and like Oh mom I it's just very awkward [Music] Farmville plenty true and but the longest while I've been tempted to do like just like a bunch of like old like for lack of a better term for like dog [ __ ] old act at games but like the real ancient stuff that just has no right to exist and just stream that [Music] I'm tempted to follow true someday so you guys up better all be nice to me or else I'm gonna do that I'll act on that threat and it's over praise yes to us cut the rope came foot up it's cut the rope still going temple-run huh oh my god we're just like awakening memories right now I'm gonna apply the Simpsons tapped out don't know what like 20 hours were like a poo the move into the kwik-e-mart just play candy crush Angry Birds cookie cutter oh no cookie clicker isn't it it's cookie cookie clicker isn't it that's the name of it god I feel old when I ask that you all hip fortnight gamers know what I'm talking about flash of client's full place good lord I'm gonna keep trying just a little bit more just to be safe that might be a fun one [Music] it's deliverance thank you for the 50 euro fine you during your fable to run your content is perfect it is professional and maintain an infectious passion keeps me coming back you're a master of your craft thank you for hundreds of hours of entertainment of a man thank you very much you're too kind God glad you enjoyed the fable to stream as well I really enjoyed doing that very much look forward to the fable tree play truth which will eventually happen thank you very much home without even enjoying the content great shadow legend sponsorship one like I okay full disclosure I've been asked to do like a [ __ ] raid shadow AppStore sponsor like I think like 17 times over the course of my career at this point and I I'm never I'm not gonna accept a sponsorship like I I've absolutely no interest and that's not how I do sponsors but I'm actually tempted to play the game on stream at some point specifically unspun surd just to see what it's like and I think by virtue of doing that they're basically gonna get what they want book for free and and III don't know if I should actually just accept the sponsor but like if I was to do something like that was like well flying in anyway I wouldn't actually I wouldn't actually I don't do I don't operate like that but it just seems like help like I got so many offers for this trash-talk them while doing it don't go to the tech side yeah iiiii don't do sponsors like that you guys know me front on the channel I tried to keep my sponsors very related to like what the video actually is in question you know I'm sponsored to play by prison for prison architect I'm playing for comprise an architect how it goes but I'm just curious is like what do you actually do because it's such a meme at this point what actually is the game and that's exactly how they're gonna get me and they're gonna get the free promotion and then the offers are gonna ramp up like tenfold because like they're all gonna come back me saw you playing rate shadow legends would you be interested in checking out the latest patch and like no guys please [Music] accept the offer but do not demand to be alive to say whatever you want completely unfiltered this video was sponsored this game is dog [ __ ] could you imagine I don't think any company that's right in the head would you like to get away with that I'll be honest with you did you openly criticize their product like that what's the point try it may as well yeah we need to fill this Raticate here thank you know a deef en suite for any % now don't repay on does actually seem like a useful service like I've been thinking of getting that myself I probably wouldn't do it I probably wouldn't do a sponsor with him I think just because again you know I'd like for me like it always has to be relevant to the video as an important thing when I do stuff like that Liz I'm going to the Pokemon Center please hold Nord VPN take [ __ ] notes there audible speech er oh god we're just going through it like what what if we just took all of them but in one video like this video is simultaneously sponsored by like audible raid Nord VPN honey like literally all of them and the entire video is just like me promoting products for like 12 minutes [Music] complete sellout streamer I'm sure there'll be no conflict of interest [Music] but wait tell me about honey while I log onto my VPN playing my favorite mobile game [Music] you know this video sounds better when you listen to it on my rake on earbuds I've nothing against any of these companies just to make it clear I'm just kind of like joking about the regular sponsors and that you see God it sponsorship yeah okay so hey Tory is the idea right we get all of them to sponsor us and then I do my WWE session but literally every amiibo represents a sponsor and they just kick the [ __ ] out of each other determine which is the best [Music] like the sponsors WWE like Rumble there can only be one god I I really want to do more WWE stuff it takes forever to set up yeah is the only downside for it I can get even one in a year I'll be happy just because they like the time commitment for that I thank you everyone actually even supported those videos to know it's actually really cool to see people enjoying those politics ones one of my favorite things I think I've ever done WWE Nuzlocke run uh just in terms of grinding as well just so people know I'm probably gonna go to like top of the hour and then we're gonna go fight Marty I'm just gonna get in a little bit more so we can prepare the egg not just gonna be growing forever the video is amazing thank you know that it took a lot of work to do that one unfortunately for settin up each time now I have to retrain the amiibo again which does mean it's going to take even longer like I I think I'm gonna like do like a mix of like the meal amiibo and like the standard smash bros amiibo and like fine things that represent them appropriately for the next one yeah you have to completely reset the amiibo every single time to change the fighter which just makes it very difficult actually WWE videos maybe would start following you in the first place all thank you very much I'm glad you enjoy the money keep the fighters yeah but if I keep the fighters as is then it's like they all have the same names and you know I all just want to do like the same politicians every here you were very dramatic drama Talia's retail and with the heartgold knows luck well bird took a bullet there was much rejoicing and I got very lucky with a lot of my spots pretty much the Nuzlocke run so far [Music] let's do level 9 CPUs it's not the same it's not the same but don't fight as well no I want it to be like advanced AI kicking the [ __ ] out of each other and not just like above-average AI [Music] hop back here you forgot spoons I forgot spoons to eat [Music] yeah there's definitely more stuff I wanna do like that like more like grand project stuff it just takes time [Music] amber thanks 4,000 bits this is me sponsoring you to do to the WWE turnable with the sponsorships well thank you very much mr. bean will indeed reign supreme now I've got a few ideas like a few necks like WWE's it just takes so long to do the that's just like the bottleneck on that series but what more will happen very much in the works yeah thanks a thousand bits as well Eric you just want to say I'm really loving the stream thanks for making such great content all thank you very much from I'm good to see you that heaven has a chilling berry I thought I was gonna have focus sash or something for a moment that's a bit random like random Rattata in the wild WWE sponsored by WWE God if only [Music] getting a few more can aren t getting only fans would you guys support me if I opened up an only chance but instead of like pictures of me it's just like pictures stolen from Kevin's Instagram and nothing else only fans account but none of the pictures are original just for the meme yes [Music] only fans for George God now George George's needs to be shared with the world leg no I think you guys got enough lagging like the the baby video that's enough for one year the heck is please [Music] none but repost and reuploads on your only pens I'll make an only fence but it's just like my old like minecraft let's play series that's not like private it on my channel you can watch minecraft castaway island meet Stuart and Zach on a full soundtrack by Kevin MacLeod we did that back in the day no joke I was really proud of that's theirs I worked really hard on it the original let's play I would legit pay for his ax don't watch like old like 2011 me like I was 16 years open I'm 25 now next year it's gonna be like a decade of me doing YouTube content kind of mad leg pins that's it that's the new merch people want I get everyone's buying the pins too I believe stock is starting to get a bit low on them I'm talking an emerge guys the other day just as a heads up I don't know how much longer they'll be available for but it's cool to see everyone like you know receiving them and enjoy them old man valina thank you for similar 600 bits as a bird parent every time you talk about burb downing it upsets me on a separate note these streams have kept me going to follow my dreams to be a musician keep doing what you're doing because you're a fantastic person I'm very happy you're back oh thank you very much no I best of luck being a musician as well applying an instrument and getting into music is a wonderful talent I'm very jealous also eggs about to die I need to switch [Music] thanks mr. two interprets cooking stream feat sure it will cook in Georgia delicious meal and not cooking George beam Thank You Jo under as well Garrity can't say because of my work I can't wait to watch this later because on my favorite series of yours currently well thank you very much having a lot of fun doing this one no cook cash draw it gorgeous of precious bean [Music] how you doing egg okay I need to be a bit wary cuz eradicate what pursuit can kill you go back and heal there are ten minutes and we're gonna go do more tea I will make my way back to the gym then just crumple the Pokemon culty ask the spiffing the merch link doesn't work let me see good work [Music] good work the button below the stream works too for folks yeah and just making sure I always get very conscious of stuff like that by being broken a little bit worrying and I always like I like having anxiety like God how long has it been like that professional stream yeah I think that's all working try buying stuff to be sure guys are just making sure the shop works can everyone just like purchase an item just want to make sure just want to test something yeah just put your credit card information in there oh no [Music] I spent my life savings on the shop that it goes to her wasn't there like like a Bitcoin scam or something that happened on Twitter last night people see that there's a bunch of people who post it where it's like I'm giving back to the community give me a Bitcoin don't give you twice the amount or something yeah there was I saw like the tail end of it like well it's time for me to give back to the community by two items of my merch and I'll give you a one in return I sent it wait jesse did you actually send it or did you see it oh no [Music] they got you too Bill Gates got his taking seemed okay was about to say big concern I'm not a hacker profits tight no no keep an eye on her doesn't seem trustworthy [Music] plumb Bella is a hacker [Music] Oh [Music] just a few more battles to get in it seems like something a hacker would say it's true though you know because it looks like it immediately cast suspicion on you but like if I tell you guys as a chat I'm not holding the knife behind my back that could be 100% true and the thought may have never crossed your mind but the moment I say it Jesus all you can think about is does he have a knife behind his back I'm not a hacker that's an interesting statement Daniel wait do you [Music] maybe if you had a business that you were passionate about you know what I take the rudder [ __ ] business for you Toto Jesus he's got an honey how are you guys I can't confirm there is a note behind my back don't don't let that just dwell on them on your mind just up in the air I can confirm it here and now be afraid and a few mystery salt [Music] and what to do with the baby off stream it's actually kind of funny I had to get the thumbnail for like the baby highlight video after the after the stream so I had to like very organized space in my kitchen and like find like the perfect like on a camera shop to convey the baby like being cooked [Music] I don't know where the baby is since then I haven't seen him weird flex but okay [Music] we're almost there eggs should be able to survive like a little bit now I might get next offense to but probably give us the best odds against Morty because then we'd have some extra physical defense because the only thing he's gonna be able to hit us with his sucker punch [Music] happened to your wardrobe I like tried to close that and it was just like stuff in the ground like it dislodged the door hang it's kind of hard to see on the streaming ball yeah it actually is just broken at the moment that's okay I didn't need anything in there anyway it's just all my streaming equipment mediocre thanks about 150 bits parity just bought the pins I just want to say thank you for being one of the funniest people on Twitch oh thank you very much hope you like the pins [Music] you're more about us baby is not holding the knife behind its back well you know thanks for the back slaw it was actually like probably enough room for a knife in there I was originally planning to like like slice and dice the baby on the stream like just using like a pair of scissors or something but I thought that might get me in trouble I was even tempted to like actually try blender on the stream but like that's that's very obviously a fire hazard I would have done it I would have done it if it wasn't a possibility of like meat burn in my place down it wouldn't fit well no but the thing is you blend the baby bit by bit and then eventually you get the full baby in there just gotta blend it down [Music] [Music] can use the easel here sees Wonka I just arrived what the [ __ ] Geddes this doesn't sound great out of context thankfully twitch staff are not here tonight Bosh no I mean we're crying it's all just a meme it's okay Maddie thanks for 240 bits [Music] oh this is you I don't like that Lara nice 200 beds well imagine getting a blender sponsorship and shoving a baby into a blender on Twitch I'm just saying like Blendtec I will it blend no I'm a huge fan of your work and the pushin blender is like above and beyond I'd happily be like like to be sponsored by you you know you can even take power like the WWE sponsor Tony [Music] big fan of blenders we need a cola for him KitKat game in sponsor there's like more and more of those companies like cropping up the KFC has like a gaming department now and I it just confuses me [Music] why do those exist I don't know [Music] KitKat game and also exist does it actually okay but we're in a weird time as far as humanity is concerned I'm gonna need to switch hair cuz you got five hits you're gonna kill me I want the crumpet real quick lair thanks for 150 bits apologies for missing the early Earth nation only over the watches license quarantine has been a real joy in this tough time you remind me of my younger brother back when I used to watch him play on the Sega and ps1 thank you for bringing back from enjoy astrak-- childhood memories thank you very much glad you enjoyed the content patty - 100 I was sponsored to kill babies also the US military as a gaming Department so you should try and get them response at the actual military [Music] now Blendtec and Mercedes that you I'm pretty much an ambassador for Lego these days as is call me guys we can work something out dear Miss Ireland have a military yeah we do sure like most countries have a military know granted iris is probably significantly smaller to most we're not that big of a nation ah okay it's time to go do more tea gym battle number four and then a lot of the world is gonna open up after this this will be a scary fight egg we missed an egg we're gonna trust [Music] able to cross over responses dad tries to blend in verse a DS GLA but with Blendtec kind of skate it's just a frittata lend Morty No oh no not mad at pockets not as time to die switch into the Idul instead egg is about to get scrambled if I'm catching one of Artie's dreams do be excited oh you're very welcome to the stream can you blend little Timmy no stop that right there Blendtec has gone too far this time how much damage this is - it's not stab I think I just have more special attack this is a move we're gonna be using it's more tea because they're all poison type okay it's about 1 pack you blend Joey and his Rattata well there's retired as top percentage so it might survive the blender Blendtec apology as the Blendtec guy he's gone too far and it's like blended a child and it's like just the traditional like youtuber apology it's like like video size like a deep sigh he's patting like his pet dog this is gonna be a hard video for me to make photo just you know trying to get some simply like hey guys in my RIT most recent video I just like to say I'm sorry I've heard your guys concerns and I understand what I've done wrong I shouldn't have put a seven-year-old child in a blender you know and I like in hindsight I should have seen this mistake coming I'm furious at myself for not cracking down this suitor and going this far in production you know when he started screaming when we like to lower them in we should have taken that as a sign we should have listened to you guys because we care about the content on our YouTube channel so you know if you could just stay subscribed and liked the video and understand that we're sorry that we appreciate it this is a joke this is a joke Blendtec please don't sue amazing apology still like ends the video like a dubstep intro or something watch let's content here for legal reasons stuff was a joke yes it is I'm not insinuating that Blendtec blends trilled Hren let me get that as clear as I can for the record okay oh dear but they could know you stop that right there what they can but those clothes are good blenders you know we gotta stop talking about blending children okay let's let's Morty for gym pokemon heartgold mom I'm sorry you mo I'm tempted to get in the moat that's just like the baby but let the cooking mama baby but on a cross I think I might actually be a good huh [Music] okay we have the team here a hope this is good enough that this this could be a hard fight so we've already cleared out the gym I did it [Music] I didn't do a good job of clearing at the gym hello okay well I mean this will be the test run for fighting Marty and we can just get some more experience under the eggs belt hit mean look will be a problem if they use curse this curse still affect you even if your normal type that's something I have to worry about mean look is like a kind of a concern with curse yes it does okay so it can still hurt me all right that's just that's just good to know okay so there's curse as the main fear for the fight [Music] I can learn he'll bail I don't have access to he'll about right now I believe we need to get a higher level follow me let's follow me used to draws attention to itself making all foes take aim only have to use their that's not that great give up and follow me let's stay follow to me on twitch that this decision could tank my entire career [Music] unfollow there are oval nose lock move yeah it's just not gonna do too well for us [Music] cancelled oh not again Maddie guys roadtrip it's that Oakland children yet there's always time to fix that Lauren thanks for a hundred as well can we call the next generation Blendtec babies Bieber thanks for 100 as well that gets killed by a ghost of does he get sent to she'll that's terrible you should be ashamed [Music] okay oh I have to check something you're in room we didn't feed that milk tank that food prevent it from dying my berries kill if I don't harvest them in timer they just gone oh no that was all my Oran berries well I guess I thought milk tanks gonna starve unless mom spends more my money on berries Seinfeld thinking I did actually add a new sound effects like the sound board feel like going forward I now have just on command from like the baby sound effects so I'm keeping that one around I fixed the laughs I'm attractive that is finally back if we have a funny moment that's on hand now oh I still need to heal egg [Music] have a rare Ken - let's use the rare candy I don't actually want to use the right kind yet save that for a little bit it gets prior to level them up this time yeah yeah okay in case things go so let's just make crumpet as strong as we can I want to get crumpet evolved into an Ampharos soon give it a metapod now about Metapod his father we don't care about him okay safety save just in case the game crashes or something and we're doing well it's fight Marty [Music] why is the audio so whacked is the game audio sound fine what do you mean the sound effects it's fine I think it's fine cool okay there we go scary fight it's good of you to have come here an equity Pokemon have long been revered it said that a rainbow hue Pokemon will come down to appear before a truly powerful trainer believes I tell so I have secretly trained here all my life now if you're secretly training and you're like the public gym leader it's you're not doing too well keeping the secret the result I can now see what others cannot see a shadow of the person who will make the Pokemon appear at the leaves that person is me you're going to help me reach that level here we go Gary fight for Pokemon come on egg [Music] okay meanlook is good every time they use mean walk it's basically a free kill curse is the one I'm scared of because curse means I'll have to switch and that means something else takes damage ideally I want him to go into his gang car immediately after this because Ganga is the biggest threat and I can switch into other Pokemon my team easier whereas I can't switch well into Ganga okay he's having none of it at the moment that's fine I do not account for hypnosis I've AG I'm just gonna need you to wake up real quick oh okay don't take any chances egg woke up okay they have dream eaters that's something of note I'm like yeah we gonna play this game Marty this is this how it's gonna be Gilliland hypnosis every time egg woke up okay that that's that's the curse curse has been laid on egg I believe this would be a good time just a straight-up switch and we could use something else to kill the hunter go in the crumpet [Music] hypnosis missed that's good if nose is missed come on it does so little No get him down [Music] you're really playing this game okay Ireson might be faster [Music] flame well oh my god okay this starting to get a bit Orient I can't use the old I can live one Dream Eater [Music] that's fine I can live a second dream later I need to break out of it with an attack just by stopping you with the awakened and every time he's just gonna use hypnosis again Oh God back in the crumpet can't use Ireson anymore [Music] I want to try to wake up crumpet I still have Wonka Wonka can shed skin so I'll have a higher chance of waking up god this is only a second pokémon - we haven't even got the die-hard but I want to paralyze I think the speed oh my god how many hypnosis is that you gonna land [Music] like Jesus Christ that's good okay we need to take a moment he'll crumpit its PP is 20 god you're gonna land it again no we're just gonna go for curse oh okay well tap out and it's paralyzed Wonka can kill it and Wonka can like live a hypnosis well I have a higher chance of waking up from the hypnosis [Music] get this thing down dragon rage it should do enough there we go the egg is getting stronger for the Gengar fight Oh No [Music] okay uh Wonka does not want to be here what wonk I'm pretty sure can die in one hit it's time to sacrifice makka pakka he's fulfilled his purpose goodbye Metapod you did well can i anchor him no bunker Senora well on cowork is its normal type will it work I don't think it will my son [Music] No yes it works people are indecisive I work at try it okay all right he's anchored into hypnosis just keep missing this might kill now half half is still good oh he's got a [ __ ] berry as well as a citrus berry I hope this next one kills okay so he can only use hypnosis right now he can't switch over just yet so we don't have to use the awakened and we can keep using extrordinary come on egg wake up wake up and kill it wake up and kill it if the anchor ended awakening because this thing definitely is alright this thing definitely is dreamy I think it's mean look Dream Eater Shadow Ball hypnosis but no wait no what's moveset it's a half Dream Eater doesn't have Kirsten does it it doesn't have Dream Eater all come on egg come on [Music] okay we're in the Claire it's just a hunter left good on yang Wonka's you could just like sneak some of that experience I would to know it's not over yet not yet I still believe we can do it you've lost more tea you're going to be canceled you know you're not gonna be allowed back in this town gonna have to retire as an Instagram influencer he does look very fashionable he'd probably be an Instagram influencer there we go what was this possible rickety got two thousand seven hundred and sixty cents something mom I don't think our potential is so different but you seem to have something more than that so be it this badge is yours let her Jim down and all we lost was Metapod but that's okay I think we get the TM for Shadow Ball as well which actually is pretty good because it's just hit strong and make our way back out oh wait I co just jumped off and teleporter more teaches losses Blendtec sponsorship over this loves the moment we're out of the gym oh you did well in the for gym you beat Morty did you I'm gonna do winning the prize money for that one a son why don't why don't you give me some of that money just just a little I'll go spend it on something nice okay thanks mom Laura thinking for the hundred bits there as well sorry max X 400 as well forty and his grandfather Rick just got cancelled thanks for the bits guys okay that that's Marty down next up we got to go towards Chuck nice thing is for Chuck because we're gonna have access to more trainers we should be able to get our Ampharos in time which will make the battle significantly easier once we have that we can also train in like a fair few bits choppa berry to that reduces fighting type super effective silk scarf that increases the power of normal type moves Koba varies a counter what they do [Music] no further packages okay who can learn shadow bow you see I'll put Metapod in the bank I will do in a moment I can learn it okay that's a candidate for it I'm froze might be able to learn Shadow Ball as well so I'm gonna hold off a moment there he truce to my togetic as well with the egg we add shadow claw but we didn't use it in the end this way [Music] only the util could learn it I'll save her TM for the time being okay let's drop off Metapod yeah we're doing pretty good we have access to a lot of areas in the game now - like the world really opens up after you get surf from this one so let me welcome to the Dead Box [Music] burb spoons and Metapod [Music] another companion has fallen but I just like using these guys for fodder when the time comes fodder is still alive by ironically but his time will come yet I might need to bring a switch for the Chuck fight okay uh let me see so okay so there's like a few places we can go the surf really opens up the map in this game there is a complete new section in Union cave we can go to we can go straight to chuck or we can even go to mahogany town and do the red Gyarados and then make her way back there's some merit and actually go in that way because you'll get a lot of experience under your belt if you do head off that direction and fighting the red Gyarados will actually give you access to experience share as well which is quite valuable [Music] okay yeah I think people want me to go for the Gyarados all right let's its journey off then we'll get the Ampharos along this route too variance check isn't as lucky I the experience share I think would just be very valuable we haven't had our encounter on this route yet as well I think I want to save the encounter for the other side of the route because I think can we get a fancy on this route donphan might be a kind of okay round type the highs like a nice type attack in the foreign place charter plane you guys access to it do you know I probably won't swine up or something like that if I'm going for like a nice touch i scrounge that's probably better okay yeah just take a water-type this rip rosh that's fine we also have the map Mordor spawn here and let's get these in afrikaans it's phanpy silver only oh it might be actually yeah and you Gliscor in seven this one or gligar [Music] no it's both okay oh that's fine let's just see what we encounter who'd be grand I think I'm out mortar the only the main Pokemon of note I think it's a marrow you can catch when you go inside I don't know if it's better to go in surfing or just walking on the walk like walking around the cave there oh here's our encounter [Music] it's a Goldeen I'll take it it is a standard water type okay just just bruised it a little egg its Christ I do need to get some more pokeballs soon too there we go [Music] okay what are we gonna call Golding just name it fish what an inspired name there's fish okay and we have a few trainings we can fight away here too [Music] well I want to try and get like things evolved where I can at this point so this one we need to we need to teach a discharge first and then we evolve it one more into Ampharos yeah and so people were advising me to do what level is a cool IVA into Typhlosion we need to get the ego just stronger and then if what level is dragging there as well 35 oh god I was 32 it might be 30 feeling this game actually yeah they just some of the level up things for this game I think it's 32 sounds right then 36 what's dragging their dragon air is 30 okay so we basically just want to get everything leveled up I'm gonna try to get up to Dragonair first I think for dratini that's gonna be a big step up in terms of stats and I think it will get access to the better moves to oh cool fish let's kill it Oh No don't do this [Music] thank you fifty-five is dragon right yeah we're gonna we're gonna have to like go quite far to get our dragon I think we may have a dragon air by the time we do the Elite Four I don't know if it's physically possible to get Pokemon high before them well we could chance our luck in the day Karen just like I could idol the game for like 17 hours but that would that be it against the rules of the Nuzlocke there's like leave them in the daycare for like a month and just keep walking back and forth well mom found out we have money again not against the rules oh no I feel that might be poor sportsmanship [Music] day care is based on step stuff oh yeah so you just keep walking back and forth let's play the game offline awhile [Music] dragon rage [Music] when shape is off the table and your opponent uses in the legal drag good night it's true yeah mine says like dragon Heights at levels that are like practic just completely impossible [Music] gajju teeny requires so much experience to get to like between levels as well [Music] it's gonna take us a while to train this thing Johnny huntin when we're not doing shiny hunting I think in the nose lock run but if you find a shiny or hopefully take it should I use my moonstone yes you should have you just lost your nuts lock mom I [Music] didn't even pick up in time I didn't expect her to immediately call me no there's another Diglett I think these guys now have magnitude so we need to be a little careful I have surf mom can smell the money yes she can [Music] now we're gonna get a lot on the streamlet because we're gonna gonna do Gyarados and we're gonna do at least one more gym in this session I'll see if we can just do like a full like six badges maybe we can work away after jasmine like if I have a dragon air I think it'd be comfortable fighting stealers Oh Dugtrio is a little bit stronger don't use magnitude thank you let me kill you it's just like lay down and die there we go Wonka wants to learn agility um Billy raises it by two stages twister dragon rage still kind of has its uses right now climbs kind of good surface kind of good [Music] and we just replace I couldn't replace twister that doesn't wrap them around thing slam is 75 accuracy yeah maybe slam actually I can teach a head but if I want a normal type attack I won't be slamming tonight all is good space jams been canceled you often see the red the Gyarados rampage at the lake I love this tree so inconspicuous nothing out of the ordinary going on here okay I do need to stock up on some items - I need more pokeballs mr. teeny cannot get extreme speed yeah I know the Train you're talking about it's just we'll get that too late in the game - realistically be able to use it so that's honestly okay that we don't have access to it are you kid you knew in mahogany town since he knew you should try a yummy rage candy bar right now it can be yours for just 300 poker dollars sure thing it's a key item in this game ever a person from as far as Kento came to buy one a long time ago I happen to have none none stock then a person left Ryder upset what kind of sorry for that please let me move on I want to upset you have to buy him one from me but buying a rage candy bar is nothing to do it whether I'd allow you to pass through here there's many places to visit such as the White House of olivine in the pharmacy at sea on wood why don't you slow down and enjoy sightseeing through you old man Pokemon games even back then get you a bid but back in the day they still do give you like a much more like significant degree of freedom you know there are places for me to explore right now just a souvenir shop nothing suspicious about it no need to be ill her we don't have a knife behind our back here here wind blown into this room that is just me whistling enough about that why don't you buy some disease does he give you the premier ball if you buy ten yes he does he's like covering up for a criminal syndicate at the moment is that here's a little bonus gotta honor the customs [Music] they're $100 cheaper also no no pokeballs are $200 the same price I think that's just kind of funny here are things are two quid sure you think you've around your bits how are you I'm good thank you I grant me power links to 200 bits as well very much eat the rage candy bar back to mr. Pokemon I give you an XP shirt no you miss remember and I think it's the right scale you need to take back and you get the red scale after you defeat the red Gyarados okay um I think I just want to get my Ampharos today let's just let's just level up crumpet because that means if we're ever in the bonds we can just bring in Ambrose its trained it up okay cancel that plant didn't want Ambrose anyway let's go back to getting dragged in there [Music] incredibly rare Sandra [Music] the screen usually flicker like that yes I believe it does when you use the touch screen of flickers I think honestly surf is one of our stronger moves you'd be a dragon Pole tone this is some of the [ __ ] oMG a legendary sad true Oh tears like a mythical legendary then look how strong he is never before seen in the wild he's dead super rare what's going on like a rage we upon the campfire where do I get the amulet coin as well we're still looking for that out we that we can actually have more money [Music] what over there kiddo the toll is $1,000 to go true thank you very much oh you bastards [Music] straight up extortion I just got I just got mugged [Music] oh no oh here's our encounter for the route I guess it's a Pidgey verb could come back this is bigger verb verb Jesus level 17 - which is not bad okay let's catch it [Music] I'm gonna need more pokeballs to get the red Gyarados anti cuz I do not have a lot of them verb the revenge oh there we go give a nickname I'm gonna call you just big just big verb if that's what you are [Music] big burb joins the team Berber [Music] just doesn't sound right verbis to evolve Pidgeotto do you level it up or DF the trailer I can't remember dragonriders should do it iki our descent 200 bits I don't know much about Pokemon only ever played the newer games it's really cool seeing the older games thanks as always for streaming problems its level up ok thanks I see somewhere in the 30s you just evolve to a new stage of life when you hit your thirties but you know unlike unlike the real unlike Pokemon in the real world your stats go down when you evolve Oh No [Music] Oh God stop hitting me thank you level 36 does the guy that's like 20 tree I am 25 I'll have you know level 25 right now gonna get stronger I can't walk up we may need to switch it here you're quite badly injured you got a lot of money there [Music] I'm gonna get this guy's phone number and mom's gonna call him he isn't [Music] oh my god I'm actually safe [Music] okay level up the ye shal a bit more no I if I'm not loving the Wankel right now I want to level up just crumpet I want to get like all the evolution stages because we just have more like in terms of stats then wonky you just sit tight for now got to keep going into the like the lake of Rage because I got to pay the toll again otherwise I think but you know I can walk around it Kanta there's a pat in the grass oh hello crumpets cousin Bob there's only room for one sheep in our family look looks like that one a crumpled instead of being a crumpet and mom mom spent her money as well he'd gone to like a rage to let's play for a little while so funny dad I mean that would thought was hilarious I was this comedy go flat for me I've missed having this button I think it's way too loud at the moment to like I think I need to tweak that again and turn it down there's that like deafened people when I do like the laughter sound effects like I've just like killed all headphone users on the stream unfunny unsub Oh [Music] let's talk about Clefairy I can't hear any more but still who knows thanks for 250 bits thank you very much grant thanks for hundred fits as well just my bike - oh I can't wait the growing black tower for a shiny gibble well best of luck with it hope you have fun with it yeah the towers are fun [Music] this is a Nuzlocke estimates [Music] good god he has a laugh track I'm just so funny know that I value if I was streaming in the 90s I'd be on like TV I'd be like those were your life be reran all the time but next like the unfunny episodes of friends so all my past broadcasts kai constantly aired like that that that's the dream for me you know just gonna come a day where I get just getting too old stream and then it's gonna be nothing but like arty game stream repeats I'll be past my prime you mean all of friends never growth good to see you again man our TV and reran because I plan on streaming until I die basically like could you imagine what I'm like 70 is just gonna be like a grand party is like let's go Huck I watch my first how are ya videos oh I was still so young and full of life then that was before the motorcycle accident Oh boomer Artie like that's what we're gonna do III come like the ten-year anniversary of the channel next year like we're just good should we just do it like a series of strange we wash like the original terraria let's play in like its entirety like ten years on this platform just here sixteen year old me I was reviewed by 26 year old me and we just started doing that every ten years and we just kind of see what I was doing ten years ago but a hundred percent yes who will be a target audience when you're 78 well hopefully some of you [ __ ] will still be here and hope it's like wow I got like a 492 month streak in the chat but I though that that's how it's gonna be which currently does up to like 8-year substrings I'm hoping by then it's gonna be 80 year sub streets it's gonna be just a full-on gradient of colors for the sub batch subscribes 478 oh my god 8 years sounds wild oh you can see the sub batches I think I think they come up or something when you actually go to sub like the 8 year one is like kind of like the end of the world like on a hellfire a key I did some really cool designs from we have them for every year up to 8 now III need to do something still because I know they're like for the tiered subs they add like a little star or something on the sub badge I still need to actually do something proper there I think I'm thinking I might change the color of like the letters R T for the tiered subs make it like red or gold or something [Music] okay how's my Pokemon doing yeah they're good you can only see up to three years it might be because like the lighter years I aren't possible at the moment so that would kind of make sense but you can't have been something me eight years already max I can see is four years that's probably because that's the next one that's gonna be available for some people because there's some folks who have two three year one I got partnered in 2017 with Slowbro I cannot wait to get discharged so we like Tundra shock just isn't doing it right now got a car oh thanks 400 fits I'm gonna write my subscription into my will like well grandfather's gone but he's left a lot of things for the family unfortunately is saving seem to have put aside I'd wants to support like just some Irish like boomer on Twitch off TV we don't don't even use domain names anymore ever since we transcended space and time [Music] that's in as well we can't change it you're not a real fan unless you write me into your will space RT you should be a show advertiser hundred bits only 99 years to go in till 100 years sub badge god oh god there's like a grim [ __ ] thought I just have like so imagine like the sub badges and sub streaks like we're still here a hundred years from now and like we're just streaming right I'm like we just it's like all of us are just old as [ __ ] but every time we stream it's like well shout out to the 20 subs who passed away in the past week just of old age watching our content cuz we've been here to LA oh gosh they're like the [ __ ] sub credits again oh here's the subs we lost this week we've just been here too [ __ ] long Oh No [Music] this got daiquiri okay careful you had a real friend unless he give you last words on stream oh good gosh I don't like where this is going I apologize for even introducing lists [Music] to be fair you brought it up the way this isn't this isn't Wonka I brought in the wrong Pokemon wait nope brought in the right Pokemon still super effective grandson was drafted into the space war can I get a pug Oh [Music] these these are the events we have to prepare for in future oh come on egg as well but you can beat the neato King so didn't egg egg please oh I don't like that [Music] okay we're good we're good why then the review puck - how many versions a pogchamp do you think we'll receive in the next 80 years presume that twitch like TV is still alive as a platform for god knows what reason as much as I love twitch you know like times changed so we innovate on things you like we're not using money space anymore only one [Music] seal up egg we're all immortal until proven otherwise I like that logic okay [Music] he's just chillin here accent he talked to him twice guy with the goatee thanks for 100 bits [Music] Oh Brent what are you on this is Brent how are you did you know evidently bill isn't very good at bat one so that's it then why don't you phone call me that you'll call me to tell me this is so little information [Music] here's his legs maybe Ron panting Gyarados when there was any connections there mass outbreak now okay Oh big boy fight next I think this is a scary fight as well like this guy can actually cause some damage I'm gonna have to lead with crumpet but it is actually raining and he's gonna hit quite strong because it is a Gyarados it's a level 30 Gyarados Oh God [Music] um [Music] I think I just want to kill this you think is that a heinous crime to suggest consider and this is literally a shiny pokemon catcher of riot yeah it's just because this is gonna hit like incredibly strong I don't think I want to fight this yet I think I want to come back but I am froze or something and have higher stats but then I don't get the experience shared to a much later in the game [Music] I don't know come back and catch it just use a quick ball catcher I won't continue my 80 years so Oh God should we be brave you wanna you want to be real [ __ ] brave [Music] this could cost us the entire run now quickly I just need to use the quickl repel though that we don't have an encounter before hello friends I think I think thundershock may not kill it in one hit it's four times it were effective but this is a big bulky monster and thundershock is quite weak I can get in a thunder wave what what moves does it have what have I got I have an ex attack that okay that doesn't help me [Music] I'm scared chat what moves what moves us have dragon rage twister bikes and there okay so it has dragon rage that always does 40 damage so that's the most that's the most fearsome thing it can it can all wait can always do 40 damage oh my god you can kill everything on my team in with two shots [Music] how many land items do I have when I use the HP up [Music] I don't have a lot of healing items - I can get it in an encore okay if things hit [ __ ] hits the fan we have to sacrifice noodles you got to live dangerously sometimes let's go [Music] here we go it's gotten intimidate - that's fine CT wife defense is going to drop by one [Music] paralysis is important fight should hopefully not kill us in one single shot if it does then very unlucky I think it's under shock won't kill Hey okay it's on perfect range [Music] oh my god we knocked it out of the park we got a Gyarados on the team oh my god okay everyone can rest easy okay I should not have done that there's a lot of things that could have gone wrong there okay and because this is an intimidating like sea Leviathan we're gonna name him Gilbert we get the red scale Eric and energy thank you for the ten gift subs thank you very much suddenly arrived at like a forager pits joke of all trade sex for 200 thanks with another 100 the cool thanks for a hundred lo neg thanks for a hundred there - thank you very much guys oh my god the red Gyarados was enacted right as I feared somebody must have forced it to evolve and then some [ __ ] just came along and caught it you're Mickey D I'm Lance the trainer like you then I took an arrow to the knee I heard some rumblings so I came to investigate all the way you battled earlier Mickey D you can tell that you're a trainer with considerable skill and a substantial amount of luck like Jesus Christ you should have been punished there if you don't mind could you help me investigate your lucky bastard excellent seems that the lake of Rage is Magic camp for being forced to evolve mysterious radio broadcast come from mahogany is probably the cause suspicious souvenir shop waiting for you in mahogany make it weak [Music] gilberto and became for us I can't believe we thought like that actually hat like works like we started up don't have to train as much no to we have like a solid water type on the team oh yeah like it's a pretty good one we can keep that about if we if we want to a Gyarados is pretty strong terms of stats great here's just a regular magic card now do we have a water and you water type what evolution do you think we'll get that's the thing yeah because originally we were gonna go Vaporeon so we had access to ice beam what else can learn on these feet Gyarados learn ice beam it might be better you Gyarados learn ice Fang place yeah I don't really want clay on the sleek really chance to frail Gyarados can learn how he's fine okay yeah but we might just pop out on Gyarados then Gyarados might be better equipped for dealing with things like the Dragon Knights too because it gets intimidate so lower their attack but you know I mean it's a bulky monster when you factor that in probably most likely for eeveelutions than the best one I wanna say will be Umbreon just in terms of type coverage Espeon is too frail to use we can't dis it's a magic hat crumpet you never got to fight this one apparently nope I was gonna I was gonna use Thunder shock adjust mine again level 32 for ice Fang that's perfect then yeah oh god Umbreon can learn psychics well yeah I'm Breanna I think has more physical attacking special attack it's more so just like a bulky pokemon I guess it'll be a hired counter for ghosts and psychic types too so you know should be worthwhile we can teach you heel ball and stuff like that I think - does it get wish by level up or is that an egg move [Music] [Music] trying to get around this house here if I can Oh like I'm going the right one it's an egg move okay so we can't get wishing it that's a shame I think I'm thinking a baton pass that's one you get by level up or something I think I need to invest in some more repels here to the encounter rate is so high in this game swing on around here yeah this is the correct popping it's what I have Sam - I'm Brianna get the moonlight for heels and what wishes a bit more versatile because you can use it the heel at her teammates hack the game to add sylveon still beyond its a class eeveelution you know it's either we don't have access to it here keeper power doesn't get moonlight until level 71 oh then we're never gonna get we're never gonna get access to that then it doesn't help us so much hello you have straight fire here I have meditated inside me a new power has been awakened let me share my power with your Pokemon take this child okay thanks strange old man hidden power it that this is a move that's only really good and compared to Pokemon because you can just tweak it so it's the exact type and highest base power that it can be Plus like everything you learn it well we just got to face 20 more encounters until we can get back to the shore [Music] I'm shocking her Jenna got rid of hidden power and pursue yeah they made like a lot of changes in it I think some of its less slow but they got rid of it but more so it's just not available yet at least I like to think that's the case pursuit is a nice one you have a super repel I think I'm just gonna use it I just want to get out of the lake [Music] because we're gonna be here the rest of our lives otherwise we're still gonna be here the rest of our lives apparently I believe I'm like a Wednesday if you visit the lake it's actually not flooded and you can walk down in between all the trees here it's a pretty cool thing that little thing in the remakes I think oh no you're not big brown ideas the train to Evie on these magic hair Oh possibly uh III think for Evie I'm just gonna get the experience share now and we'll level it up that way like in the interest of time that's probably the best way to do it God but it's so slow against some of these guys isn't it brain off Gyarados that's probably a better way to go about it we can grind it xp for crumpet really easily once we get discharged [Music] Vaporeon Special Attack e110 ice beam so oh you run the math to see if ice Fang is stronger on Gyarados with its attack or ice beam would pay poori on ice I think we might just use the Gyarados because we lucked out and actually got it and it would even save us on XP because now we don't have to try and Gyarados as much now it's level 30 out the door [Music] feeling a high friendship at 94 on Breanna oh yeah we'll get there [Music] make it back to the town do we do the seventh gym before we go do like chucking them we have to do the rocket hideout here - I think we've access to like seven gyms at this point in the game well seven badges which way do we want to do it we want to do this streamer do we want to trek across the seat Chuck and then Jasmin Chuck for fly true yeah we can come back here [Music] yeah I died I kind of want to do the rocket hideout for a lot of XP the rocket hideout wouldn't be bad because I can get like wonka up easy and get krump it up [Music] now what [ __ ] it let's just do the hideout do a little bit here rageh night hyperbeam you just straight up uses on a person here like a lot Lions just tried to kill a man range radio signals coming from here this pushes them aside stairs are right here caddy we should split up to check this place I'll go first and he goes do you still sell potions to me now he doesn't anymore oh yeah so in this hideout there's a lot of bottles because every time you pass one these Persian statues the alarm sounds true Tyler [Music] we're gonna have to fight a lot of encounters there but that's actually pretty good cuz that's what we want right now grab Gilbert I'll get to over - we don't need to actually train Gilbert at the moment because he's already at the highest level [Music] where was the amulet coin again them cuz I really want to get that soon yeah maybe I should go back and get the XP sure there's so many things I want to do I don't know what order to go about you turn the statues off but you don't want to though cuz like you're getting XP from its two battles per statute rocket hideout and goldenrod as the amulet coin okay so we can't get that for awhile [Music] xB shirt and rocket hide at 1oak so we go to the XP show we might as well do Chuck I think the order actually is I think we go do Chuck we then go we'll get the XP sure because we have to fly all the way back to mr. Pokemon so like we have to go across the entire map just to pick up that item and then I think we come back into the rocket hideout it's a bit long-winded but there's quite a bit to do at this point I think I won't fly mine help yeah I said I think that's what we're gonna do we're gonna just back out of here real quick jump it's level 30 I shouldn't evolve it just yet because I need to get discharged [Music] the straw group could be taken under suit of wood all right yeah [Music] Oh cuz it's mr. Pokemon isn't don't don't evolve crumpet just yet after having some internal discussions with chat we're going to hop on back out of here we're gonna grab the XP share and we're gonna go fight Chuck and we will return to that hideout a little later with a bit of luck we can still get two more badges don't like too nice okay we really want to push it we could try and do three [Music] why stop evolution because it learns discharge at the next level and I wanted to know discharge I froze those learn discharge a few levels later but I want to have discharge first also I need to stock up on items let's do that real quick what a mom buy me more berries [Music] more berries and that's it okay thanks mom [Music] ten of those so do we actually have a few it's kind of though so we have a few volleys more antidotes doesn't hurt more paralyze heals doesn't hurt more awakenings definitely doesn't hurt after that like tragic contour display and we have a bit of it oh we don't have ice he'll mind that soon for an upcoming gym but in a fair bit of money but I think it's worthwhile by some repels too there we go the pouring is much better for a Nuzlocke in general too but we have a Gyarados I really want us to use the Gyarados we're just gonna see what we get [Music] you go up seen a stream we get wiped out by Chuck before be careful well you don't know who you're talking to I'm the streamer got the red Gyarados first try despite everyone screaming at me not to do it I'm a bit of a professional so have no fear don't get cocky practically the pokemons you're like League champion already let me just go fight red real quick I can take him you just got a Pikachu I felt like a fire Hedgehog just chuck it out [Music] is the Usain Bolt's of Pokemon [Music] dear let's talk to mr. Pokemon real quick okay here's the read scale give me your XP there we go okay now we can train up a noodle for the first time so we can actually get some XP onto him there we go actually wait I it's noodle gonna even be in the party I didn't think about this who do we switch for the Gyarados I'd have to actually get rid of someone [Music] oh no it's gonna be noodle we worked so hard to get the egg up I didn't think about this at all if we want to use that red Gyarados we have to sacrifice one you told the bezel [Music] I'd say I think the weak link is new don't like thinking about it well no we have a lot of flying types in the end because presumably we'll have a dragon night God maybe it's egg the each all I think is really good to keep just with type coverage I don't want to get rid of like the egg cut the egg is an invaluable member of the team we could just not use the Gyarados is that this is that what I'm supposed to do here [Music] no if you want I didn't think about this at all someone has to go [Music] don't use the big fish get rid of crumpet its noodle our egg it's like Wonka's been here too long as well I can't bring myself to let go of the egg I think it's gonna have to be noodle I I can't bring myself to let go of the egg the alternative is we just don't you it's we don't use Gyarados [Music] let's see only at our option [Music] people are gonna be upset no matter which way we go [Music] boo till the noodle the egg has served its purpose but the egg is still really good and we get the AG evolved into like a togetic that's was brilliant [Music] fry the fish keep the you know the egg is stained the egg is stained the egg is a valuable team member it's noodle or Gyarados right now I think because everything else here I want to keep I quite like the Yi so I want Typhlosion to stay alive noodle must go [Music] I think I think it has to be noodle then yeah I don't after I have to go and back that fire as well we're just not gonna use it what a twist [Music] surah Pola no no I'm trying to gauge it by like chat and what I think might be best here this isn't a democracy you guys could you guys I have no sadness [Music] uninterrupted stream [Music] I kind of like the idea of using the Gyarados especially because it saves a lot of experience now what happens if we get one of the legendary dogs who do we sack we do all this time I never realized that our team was more or less finalized we can keep one of them as a backup sacrifice Berbick n I'm heartbroken back thanks for 5 good don't worry Dan someone my dad you have a Pokemon that could be any type in the back this one's a quiet nature it's lower speed but I look at it stats like it stats are actually still just insanely good I think it was to be any of them it would have to like noodle would have to go this Gyarados kind of fulfills the role that would have fulfilled I I think we have to keep you over around all this time cuz every other teammate we've used that's the thing if we want to add Gyarados to the team it has to be noodle you Lisa [Music] people at very controversial decision Dara's wasn't the first in candidates is illegal no it was on the lake of rage was the first encounter I don't have any fodder on the team no - okay you have tree flying types bro you sure yeah it is it is a lot of flying types against an electric-type pokémon we will have trouble but it doesn't seem to be too many of those and we do with an electric type of resist if needs be - in the form of crumpet wells not ground electric refine machine you can resist it in part two because it's dragon token yeah okay I think I think if we want to you alright here's your straw pole right wait which has an inbuilt pole features I always forget this manage pole new pole which one stays we're gonna say which one were you voting for which one stays so it's noodle and then it's Gilbert [Music] it's gonna run for a minute [Music] is that is that coming up on the stream no it's not at all wait no no it it should be coming up a lot of people have voted where does it come up over 400 votes have been cast it's a parent somewhere [Music] uh not a mobile okay it's a landslide for Gilbert anyway III think if the results are clear if to refresh the stream forth to appear there we go yeah it very clearly Gilbert seventy-three percent of the votes [Music] okay goodbye noodle gilbertson joining the party do it again it was rigged okay all right I don't think it was drop Oh [Music] which one stays noodle Gilbert there you go let me see yeah it's a landslide it's still Gilbert yes that's democracy there you go it's heavily favored towards Gilbert goodbye noodle look close to the same ratio as it was before all right the decision has been made [Music] Gilbert is joining the party and noodle will live in the box for the time being democracy has decided we're gonna level up the ye little bit with the XP sure yeah I'm gonna focus on like leveling up everything here so I want to evolve you of all view of all view that's that's the next go all hail Gilbert silent majority if you can't lean back in the silent majority in a democracy if you don't vote then like tough [ __ ] you don't you've wasted your say that's on you exercise your right to vote can't be upset with the results if you didn't [ __ ] vote [Music] there I voted I'm obsessed well then you're okay - didn't pop up I post spammed it and chat no like the second poll that to spend to polls you've had a chance to vote Russian heck oh no the biggest controversy yet for democracy Oh [Music] the Russians want to kill Oh No okay gonna pees ball camps what if I rename Gilbert just like noodle then like the vault practically there combine them into one [Music] I'll do it I'll do that soon as I can I'll get fly first [Music] what a great compromise then people can say it's like ah he like he got rid of noodle on his team Oh stream like the [ __ ] after you just like sack them it's like what are you talking about noodles on my team no I can rename one of them burb - no you can't get upset over that one - verbs right here it's my Typhlosion okay we gotta cross the ocean real quick no it's just terrible IRT yeah let's get going [Music] yeah so our goal for the experience in next wall is just to evolve everything and get the gang all around level 30 and that should I think for the Pokemon League in this game you want to be around levels like 40 or something before you tackle it you want to be as high as you can I think like a lot Lance has a level 50 Dragonite which is the big fearsome thing I think realistically you'll be close to 40 question is can I get a dragon on each before I do the elite 4 I don't think I can [Music] mid 40 should be good ok we got we got a fair bit of training the Duke but we're gonna do we're gonna try clear a bunch of gems back-to-back today a lot of XP no gap you do the lighthouse first I've already done the lighthouse you vote ps4 Xbox let's get the console where it's going guys you want to go with like original Xbox or Dreamcast I ask the real questions in 64 are Sega can't remember the names of their consoles [Music] the study here oh I forgot that's the thing there's a clear winner in the console war lads the cloud NeoGeo looking PSP game boy color what color was a banging console oh is this our first encounter it's a tentacle that's actually not bad Tentacruel is pretty reasonable pokemon together Oh [Music] right could be a fairly easy capture colecovision er and intellivision is where the war is that do those are before my time I don't know what those are only like vaguely heard their name once or twice [Music] okay what do we name in tentacle why did someone say Nakia not like in the console or it's I think ank Squidward is winning pop of this height fit with the name to go Squidward joins the team [Music] got a lot of battles on this route too we'll get a few more in and then yeah we'll get we'll get these bottles in and then sure [ __ ] it let's get up to six badges will get treat hems done today I think we were gonna be good for Jasmine now we literally just teach Garrett of surf and that's all we need for that fight I think heracross can take on the Magneton I think she has doesn't have a magnet on isn't it he's like the steel type gym leader she has a steelix and what else Tamara what the other one is [Music] just - Magnemite is it okay well that that's Grandon yeah i should be a fairly straightforward jim was your fifth badge fifty ID is gonna be Chuck yeah he's across the ocean here and we want to be him so we have access to fly [Music] quit orders going to be the next big sacrifice Oh No I don't I'd like to think we would sacrifice like rookie rat or something before a lot no I would just sacrifice my shiny red Gyarados [Music] and I thought you mean you had five badges already I got confused at nowhere in speech the usual grows in power never use father's father take him to the league instead like pockets send them out against Lance the Elite Four properly scares me because like it's very realistic possibility that someone in our team will die now we could just straight-up wipe on one the gym I'm like one of the Elite Four [Music] gettin a lot of XP n on the ocean though here that's pretty good trumpets just gonna grind oil Fricke rod is what we worship grind father to level 100 to defeat the league see that sounds good in theory but then grinding humble 100 I think that's gonna take like 90 hours of my life okay I don't have that time yep like better get started all in good health 90 hours of our lives ix I got a stream the entire time [Music] this game hasn't elite for your pro gamer you have to to God and we got a long road ahead of us yeah I was thinking the other day like for brush the wild I might have to stream that one will play that one off stream just to gear up for the trial sword again the trial de sword is the main thing I want to do I was thinking I might just work my way up to that I I'm I I might try be cheeky with it I'm not I might do something where it's like I'm Eric all the shrines on the map or something and we started hitting them off and maybe do like a shrine run stream we were just try and get as many as humanly possible we do it that way I haven't decided just yet but go back to trial of the sword and want to try beat up it's finally time crumpet to take our final form we now have a beautiful and profs [Music] actually quite strong all growing up [Music] gentle nature hey look at the stats nask compared to egg she's so much stronger big boy crumpet pretty good even looks like a crumpet okay next up we have to do Wonka [Music] we're gonna be training a while yet on the ocean it's quite a big old place [Music] baby has become big strong baby pretty much all right let's get everyone to level 30 in the meanwhile I really want to teach Blanca some new moves dragon rage has been good for a while but now it's at the point where it's like most monsters have more than you know 40 HP so it's a bit sad [Music] so I'll train all these other ones maybe maybe my training the eggs more no I want to get one cup next pick that off the Idul give this so Wonka so fighting a bunch of water types right now get the egg to level 30 yeah I can still fight here [Music] said monsters cancer Pocket Monsters yeah in there this is superior sheep from put our cupcake I've it don't ask me to choose between my children that's not very nice he can't just pick favorites like that crumpit for life we know you love one more walk is getting stronger oh my god the encounter right we've got to get a lot of experience on the ocean I might turn off the battle animations just to speed up some of the grind she knows we're fighting trainers in that too we want to keep him um we apparently grind and then like we would do that that was trainers keep mom fought is warm here I'm loose and limber sure I'll take you on he's swimming in like the middle of the Atlantic Ocean long way from land come on egg and now the battle takes even longer please the water warmed he just peed in the ocean don't judge sometimes nature calls [Music] huh global warming's just win like someone pees in the swimming pool that's more or less it [Music] greenhouse gases are just too many people fired [Music] why do you tell us he's loose and limber I don't know it seems like an odd thing to mention counting great shape today okay what do you what do you want me to do with this information my muscles just feel so relaxed right now okay he's hit nothing well he had me when he mentioned the water was war he's got prune skin now as well isn't it relaxing just floating like that see you later I'll leave him alone [Music] my way to the world islands I'm going exploring what friends is that the dodge is deadly whirlpool first I can get in Li like 300 pits from but one from cute cheap the wasp kangaroo that's nothing that's a fair description of an Ampharos wasp kangaroo some Pokemon are just weird when they evolved they started off so cute in the first form but they liked it I'm just a change [Music] Piplup is a good example if it's just like an adorable baby penguin and then like its final stage it's like steel weapon of war that's like supposed to be a submarine [Music] pain changes people oh no the eggs getting stronger what about octillery now we'll just try to goes from like little fish gun the like octopus cannon in sinner or it's like the old baby kitten wrestler it's just not what you expect sometimes [Music] Torchic second forum has seen some thing [Music] supposed to be a big Pokemon deep beneath the world islands I wonder what it could be okay just use some potions here just the one should be fine [Music] hope you like more encounters [Music] Savo cute frog thing into James Bond yeah it's kind of wild doesn't it like score bunny is just like bunny rabbit into football player I think it's a wild one pleaselet wick is consistent yeah it goes when candle to chandelier James pom really is James Bond oh my god the old Christmas carrot cracker joke come to life don't call it football you confused the Americans oh sorry [Music] but below 7 I had a goldfish called but below 7 way back in the day Oh egg can you take this one okay but do we need to send in crumpet oh no we might need to send in crumpet [Music] it's just hit at once and it's just gonna like get out of here this is actually a good battle for Gilbert did we get the intimidate off I'm you but stronger oh look at that yeah that's great just dragging ready just in there go Gilbert there we go keep Guilford alive I'm gonna try to it is very handy to just get a free level 30 at this point in the game the experience seems really hard to come by in this region I feel like my team is still so weak I think here we just want to use krump they want to keep crumpet very strong for the gym because you got a fight hollyrock I think it's the final Pokemon [Music] we get to use discharged now - which is so much stronger oh it's pretty nice XP grinding gold and silver is way tougher to literally any other Pokemon game is it actually we're like doing like a hard one for a Nuzlocke around are we [Music] well that's pressed pretty good to know where were pro-gamers now he went for hired mode just getting too ballsy after beating Brett of the wild I think that honestly is one like the most impressive things I've done on this channel never mind even like the cupcake grind and things like that something just banged in my apartment again hangout I think it's the same picture on the wall I tried to hang it up again but I don't think I did a good job just I'll be right back I don't know if people heard that [Music] [Music] [Music] hey without guys oh so good just have to clean it up a bit can't believe he's dead how I mean either but you know it was this time you're Frankie was getting a bit old [Music] sorry about that necromancy oh oh oh it doesn't have a yeast beam or something we should be okay Oh [Music] that a break or something yeah I think it broke that time I was just trying to clean it up a bit but that's okay ice shard is a bit stronger I didn't know he had that oh I shouldn't have chanced this no or okay that was the crit I'm very lucky here [Music] okay let's leave egg for the time being Matt I think we get more ice types my magic still feels so awkward the Train I feel like my team does not have good type coverage even after all this time I don't know why like it's really not bad [Music] poltergeist that's really annoying that pictures following them twice now like you're all heard it fall like yesterday too I'm gonna have to write a strongly worded letter of complaint you need a ground type why try to think cause I there's no electric type Jim should be okay you need grass slash ground why don't he ground there is one yang canto that's miles away we'll be fine I think we're good stole the painting from Hogwarts grinders immune to electric how many electric type fights out of there is there is a gym in Vermillion City and I think that's literally it like I can't think of any noteworthy battle in the game where you need it red that's the very end of the game you can use something else to beat a Pikachu it's fine [Music] I think we should be okay [Music] okay there's the next town I'm gonna just stop in the poke of set Montand Center real quick and heal up and then we can fight some more here Dan you better prepare for the final boss from right now that's the thing let you keep it like people saying it like I need it for like the gym in Kanto it's like that's eight gym badges away we have to beat the entire Pokemon League [Music] like ah Daniel you're doing good but you haven't prepared for the Sabrina fight like we're gonna have time [Music] we're good talk about planning ahead you're doing good but you're ready for Giovanni yet like I did you ready to fight the final rival battle right now what - what are you doing why aren't you ready mixer I just picked my starter there's so many encounters on this water like Oh Mike I haven't even left I guess it's good for experience but like money yeah yeah you gotta prepare of the beat Whitney got a [ __ ] on all of them there yet [Music] that's causing a lot of damage - I forgot how much special defense Tentacruel has [Music] come on some chance unless I want a chance to hold my god egg hey why and what is a hundred accuracy to item miss twice okay [Music] I'll just run back to the Pokemon Center real quick [Music] and we're good you [Music] and before another encounter before we like reach land oh okay it has hustle right that makes sense it's a bit unfortunate serene grace is definitely the better ability noodles nice 400 bits make it he thanks 400 bits as well okay uh there's still a few more ocean battles I think I can do we're just gonna have to fight like seven more tentacles like place your bets now how long until we find in the counter here oh we actually we lasted a little while there [Music] if you guessed four seconds not quite - in your correct [Music] at but the staff [Music] Oh [Music] I always look like a tentacle is smiling and it's bright yeah it kind of does he's just having a happy old time it's just chillin in the ocean so elegant ridin your Pokemon like we're on like a tiny little dirty knee like using them as like a pool noodle oh no Val against the right one hurts so you gotta be careful whenever I use head but then it does more damage but actually as the same accuracy is like slam it's gonna miss a lot I just want to get air slash on this thing oh I can learn wish [Music] prefer a wish over sweet kiss [Music] it's a which is kind of handy because it basically it'll heal you at the end of the next turn after you use it so you can use it and you can switch into another Pokemon so it's a good way to like switch the Pokemon and basically have it come in at full health kind of like you use a potion in advance pretty good [Music] you can flinch though yeah I can flinch but it's just like an accurate headbutt any badges do we have we're up to four we're gonna try and get six before today is done I think I'm gonna head back right now let's just do Chuck right now we can take them [Music] we had serene grace that flinch chance would have doubled yeah serene grace it would have been like a so much better but life is unfair sometimes [Music] go I see fairly infants gen4 troll togas that was serene grays confusion headbutt and paralyzed I think you're misremembering that the comp moves that actually and the common moves that was the thunder wave like air slash serene grace is the ability and you would have like wish and protect or something like that and it would just basically frustrate the [ __ ] out of people to fight it because you like you'd have they'd be paralyzed they've keep healing and they keep flinching you and it eventually just beat you down i but ii know i don't think it used head but i think it was air slash yeah you give it a king's rock to if you wanted to but I was kind of overkill okay oh here's the pharmacy you give me medicine for the lighthouse thank you but you can actually go back and drop this medicine off and even do this gym out of order as well you can just straight up leave this town go to that next [Music] sure we'll give the supply if we beat the gym so let's beat the gym here he is someone do his training he doesn't seem to notice it okay I see a friend okay yeah let's just work our way true I guess keep leveling up the egg a little more [Music] he's having a shower just a power shower in the olden days okay there's actually gonna be oh god it's gonna be some strong things in this gym isn't there oh oh God [Music] good up my credit that was that [Music] that crumpet is probably the bulkiest thing we have that can take a hit it probably a thunder punch which is why I'm scared of sending Gyarados go into krump [Music] mega Ampharos actually gets dragon-type them interestingly we're good here this fire punches Louie yeah I don't like how much that does please kill thank you [Music] there's so much let's go back out to the Pokemon Center see you later absolutely terrified crumpet is gonna have to tank a few hits I feel here you know like that was just Hitmonchan most of them will have thunderpunch Gyarados is gonna be really good yeah just need to teach Gyarados like some moves that can hit back way it doesn't have any flying type attacks oh my god secret power ruse embargo drain punch payback go block flying-type move maybe nope these Gyarados surf but i think i want to teach a waterfall instead you might just clog up its moves too much [Music] we can learn shadow ball I can learn shot of all that probably is gonna go to egg them I would say Oh her ones : you beat Morty back to take Jim that's just incredible actually went to the gyms entrance let's cheer you on did you know that everyone had these candles on their heads it was kind of creepy so I chickened out and took off for home God love you Irwin you tried you know has areolas he does but I don't know how well you either will take these heads because he's kind of like weaker than a fair few right now and go around my bridge there belt lung what is interesting there Sorceress's fighting-type moves as long as not a fire type of should be all right here's hoping what a seismic toss do again damage based on level level of the user [Music] okay we're good getting wonk up hanging their egg don't like that I'm probably gonna switch after this because I don't I don't trust if my defense is fallen [Music] you're getting stronger almost got our dragon there primate okay does this thing get Tunder punch because that kind of dictates my next move yes it does not naturally [Music] good of rock moves gets every punch in okay maybe to be safe we switch to krump at them [Music] so scared of like thunder punched I can't even I know he's just screeching again okay but you know we're gonna be brave come on Gilbert [Music] blow in our defense it's fine you know how much the hit would in return twister oh it doesn't matter if I lower his attack is he's probably with seismic toss [Music] it's doing dragon rage karate chop that's fine oh my god use super potion [Music] hopefully don't get a crit again their regular screech is fine I think I went first no he's just gonna keep screeching like if that's fine with me there we go he's just very upset monkey is defeat sounds like torture Oh No [Music] eggh how you doing use a potion [Music] okay [Music] or it's a useless let you fit through the talk and oh god calm down and chat lies no don't don't just take that as a reason to spam thank you [Music] mom's quiet too quiet if she hasn't called us in a while it's putting me on edge what's she doing with my money where is it going right now it's not like she doesn't wait this long normally she's gamble ooh she's in the casino trying to get the slowpoke yeah I mean right dude we are addicted to gambling ourselves so it doesn't surprise me that mom might be as well it'd make sense if we got it from somewhere well we did it nob is an unfortunate name [Music] one more like mother like son lady thank you for hundred bits lots and a randomizer nuzlocke sometime after this play truth uh I don't I don't want to think I had like that that's okay I'm I want to do this playthrough first Oh IIIi don't want to be doing this it's like there's gonna be 17 more nuzlockes after this you know like no I just want to enjoy this one I'm gonna miss all I wanna do later okay focus energy that's fine [Music] to shop is don't immediately critical kill me I just meditate a while that's fine God he's gotten ready for like a complete sweep of my team stress the shame he didn't live long [Music] there we go this isn't real wake up all the dream it turned the winch here we go okay um so what's he got i I think that Chuck has two Pokemon doesn't he one is a poly rat and I think the other is just a Machamp he might have rockslide yeah I'm very wary going into this one he's a prime ape in a poly rat [Music] yeah willfully Hill up to [Music] I think the safest bet may be to simply [Music] it may just be to use crumpet the entire time because it would avoid a switch and discharge is probably like gonna be it's probably might be a one-hit ko on the poly rap might not it'll definitely be a two-hit kale on everything though ain't crumpet and tank most of this fight and if things do turn south that's when I turn into like switching the Gilbert [Music] primate has the rockslide okay [Music] all we have to see crumpet in the overall - are you doing crumpet crumpet is very eager [Music] okay [Music] we're gonna be using crumpet and we're gonna tank it let's go slap pound and waterfall right onto my head ah well just off the waterfall from pouring on me just spoiled my training and ruined my power shower after warning I'm a strong trainer training every day under this waterfall but it isn't to do a pokemon it's true come on we shall do battle there we go scary fight level 29 prime up come on crumpet it discharged don't like wah okay we landed the first one who shot kill I do not look you need to hit this crumpet there we go we're good the fungus focus punch is a base power 150 fightin type attack if it only works if you're not hit that turn if crumpet missed that prompt it would have died the fight should be relatively straightforward from don't you start this again the fight should be relatively straight forward from here okay but delicate citrus berries now to keep this charging we're good beat them down so that could have been a very scary fight if we just like mist or like double team played into it more cuz then krump would probably would have touched easy fight though just collect this batch ready of the storm match if things went wrong that would have been our end basically I think it gives you focus punch as well thanks Chuck very powerful not just the hit I see you let a friend give us fly I beat your husband alright we're gonna see if we can do one more gym tonight though mom's calling first you gonna congratulate me on like how well I did like mom I I got a perfect grade I'm becoming a more powerful trainer I'm being recognized shopping there's your berries you only ever calls about money she never calls to like ask how you're doing okay we need to train the rest of them up to level 30 rcent has fallen behind a bit in levels too I do need to get ours and like back on the grind you the photographer no you're just talking about the boulders oh this weekend it's just sitting here I forgot about this hello there he goes yo Mickey D wasn't a suicune just now only caught a quick glimpse but I thought I saw sweet cumin running on the waves beacon is beautiful and grand and it raises through towns and roads that simply awesome speeds wonderful honestly sook an up close I've decided I'll battle you as a trainer to earn sweet Koons respects come on Mickey D let's battle now this is pretty much a rival fight got some strong Kokomo [Music] okay I have to use that buff [Music] confusion that's fine good special defense not a headbutt [Music] oh no oh no oh this is a bomb [Music] yeah we do we do have to switch out the egg [Music] it's unlikely he would explode right off the bat if you tendo's an electric-type attack it would have to be crumpet that's good that that missed [Music] that's not so good that I hit that time [Music] oh my god it does barely anything um [Music] does the Edo resistant I need to switch because my defense has been lowered [Music] sonic boom that's fine I'm gonna take a very risky play here and get in a single brick break oh I probably would have killed me oh I probably would have killed the you know we need to go back at the crumpet well we can make it true this oh he's missing he's missing we're okay Christ No [Music] Oh No above that true it hit true and hid true it hit true [Music] the bombs when the first bomb has been defused off is getting stronger [Music] he's got a hunter for the final okay the egg knows how the deal with hunters [Music] that's fine [Music] you can kill it in the next hip [Music] I mean look that's fine okay we got it oh we got it I didn't I just didn't think you had an electrode honestly that was a very scary fight just because of that any time you see an electrode they can just use explosion and I could just be like a team member dead you're amazing Mickey D I notice how a sweet can was keeping an eye on you I'm gonna keep searching for suicune of a feeling see each other again see you around [Music] I like terrify me [Music] I don't know let's just go back in here [Music] we really like that barely any when regular Pokemon games uses Strath like double explosions let Plus protect I think there's some Pokemon games or they actually do try that but like it's only like a one-off Jesus Christ bond do you think of it the to quit earlier thank you very much amber thank you for hundred bits as well well we're all alive should we go with one more scary encounter for today we do need to love Wonka Valve's level 30 yeah I think I need to get Wonka like just ever so slightly up okay [Music] all right we're gonna do a few more battles and then we're gonna battle the six Jim oh this place just isn't open oh it would be okay can't go there yep we should before we leave here as well there is a camera that's just set up we should take a picture of the team because everyone that's currently on the team is someone that we hopefully want to make it to the end there's the gang [Music] let's get that documented okay and then we need fly we can learn fly just only the egg okay you're gonna have to learn it we need that we probably need a head but well I can actually hit for a bit of power do I want to keep wish or encore [Music] wish I would say is potentially more useful because yeah it offers us a safe switch sometimes we'll forget on car the egg learned to fly egg is moving up in the world okay I'm gonna go to the rocket hideout for a brief moment we're gonna train on a few battles and then we'll make our way back to olivine to end the stream tonight [Music] I heal up my team as well yeah I did encore is too circumstantial true like it does have its uses but yeah we're better off just getting like a more moves then there's a lot of trainers in the hideout like we can just walk in front of the statue and here's like a nutter - it's a good place to Train [Music] experience share yeah it's it's on wonk at the moment we're trying to get wonky leveled up and what won't once walk is a dragon air we should be able to do the gym okay sink [Music] go egg [Music] what about iris and yeah I do need LevelUp Ireson to arason won't be so good for the steel type gym this because it's steelix and it's like school ground I honestly I think so if dragonair using surf it's probably the best and most reliable way to win the gym I can teach Gyarados surf as well and I probably should for the time being we'll get access to move to later I think by the time we get waterfall anyway it's just so he has a strong water type attack and you get stabbing it too [Music] let's Steve's the pure steel the probably knows a grand type move or two in any event yeah it does have ground-type attacks you know might actually just be safe is to teach Gyarados surf because then if i has a ground type attack to account hairless hey that's the best way that actually be that [Music] News Ireson for the Magnemite it's true then we switch into Gyarados after price you can get waterfall in the ice cave okay I think it again into the ice cave though you have to have seven badges [Music] and then it's like because you have to do like the rocket hideout or something does that whole event or the radio tower egg is a great and creative name egg has been like a very strong member of our team he's been carrying us today if he would not have beat Morty without her this all around quite powerful I wish I could evolve it into a Togekiss that's the main thing I did actually find my copy of platinum and diamond and I could be very cheeky and just trade to get like the shiny stone and evolve it but I do think that is kind of cheap [Music] now it's Lydia Apple it isn't really [Music] involved in the game with a stone yeah it's just getting the stone though you don't get it until after you beat the Elite Four you need to have the national dex and then like the bug catching contest reward to open up and so do the Pokemon rewards so that that's just miles away will survive so egg is still quite strong [Music] [Music] doing good I'm just I'm just very concerned about the Elite Four I actually don't know how I'm gonna beat once like I have a Gyarados to beat Lance all of his Dragonite snow Thunder there's a slight problem here I can't even think of like a Pokemon that's like foolproof against like getting true them can you get Mamoswine in this game you can get swine up and then evolved into a pile of swine if it's or another they shot you can't get clichy and I think before then you so don't think so and even then Glaceon is very frail like that will still take a lot of damage Dragonite you're not resistant anything I think it's like Mamoswine and tango or something you can get because like they're actually in the johto decks on this one they like make a change or something I don't think I'll have to ran an iron time for lines I think it's the half of the Elite Four I have a find tiny Grove in lickilicky I think that was of this three there's a few additions with the national dex hold the Drobo Dex Quagsire we do we didn't get a Whooper low so we can't use that trying to think why is there even like a steel type I can get that would just resist most of what for hack and I can do I don't think so it's gonna be actually like a very hard fight in Gyarados Gyarados can get dragon bands that only an egg move that will be one way of doing it get asked Amory or steelix Skarmory is so silver only yeah [Music] fortresses steel ice beam it's time to going through the game Cordy I'm gonna have to get that how I do Lance usually I'm just scared about that one unfortunately I think we may lose a few Pokemon man screen remove all caps god damn lapras Aarthi every Dragonite knows thunder it will die in a single shot you haven't thought of true of a man please no screen [Music] use noodle is fodder Mamoswine is probably the best bet if we get it we might not get lucky unfortunately I'll have to say that leave word for the meme gosh we'll see what we get [Music] this is unfortunate come on Anson doesn't want a fire blaster yeah like one of them does actually think it's a horrible fight for a Nuzlocke [Music] but it's just incredibly challenging you mayn't we map the grind in advance of the elite for got a Charizard to Amazon takes nutri damage from fire bus oh yeah but it's still hurt I'm sewing something bulkiest a Pokemon we'll figure it out we got time you know arson [Music] come on arsim oh why did I stay in we're good [Music] and spawned on thanks for 500 hits what do you say a level go like level 50 an evolved egg once he gets that level um if it's not in this game though I think it's kind of cheating I think the only exception I would make for evolving a Pokemon here is specifically the Pokemon you have to trade because I think that's fair cuz otherwise you just like there's just a lot of folk when I just shite I'd be ok with doing man I'm trading back and forward another game about would I only gonna be okay but like trading to another game and taking an evolution stone I think that it is a step too far the wonk is almost evolved gotta get some more XP on arson and the usual doing good Dragonite is the couch with the dragon knight but the thing it that he has Dragon Knights - that's the problem you ever played Pokemon fine right again or romhack probably not just have a better Dragonite we need like Lance's team but stronger that's how we beat lens [Music] why not I'm just not interested [Music] you tracking I wouldn't be cheated since he's a lower level than the evolved and level he's retired at this level one to destroy him we could go leave the full endeavour strapped level one Rattata you teach it to moves endeavour and quick attack and you have a focus sash it takes a hit I found the one help you use endeavour to put their Pokemon the one he'll as well and then you just use quick attack it works if they don't have priority there's an actual competitive strap for a while some people will try it you just see like a Rattata and like the compact that their competitive lineup it's kind of mad [ __ ] are what ice beam actually seems like a good one it might be bulky enough to actually live it and it resists on there as well it's not a bad suggestion arsons just a bit dangerous I'm just gonna switch we have to sacrifice it would have to trade another pokemon in our team no the duo that's the thing [Music] level some electrodes and explode oh no will use that strata gainst them now you fear the bomb oh no not now [Music] every one of lances dragon eyes know a different cover to move thunder one blizzard and one fire blast could Hodge it's actually so horrible isn't it walk is evolving now [Music] and what crocs iris is very bad special attacking ISM bulky yeah that's true as well actually let's just hope we get a Mamoswine maybe I would solve most of our problems Blanca's evolved did it we get a dragon they're moving up in the world now it has stats didn't have those before Dave thanks for two hundred bits longer dratini basically look at look at the stacks now the numbers have increased on par with other pokemon actually has a bit of defense now to just really good I'm gonna keep experience share on wall Co just in the off chance we can get a dragon eye on our team why not just go for it oh I'm strategy but Claire I like to ite I forget how difficult this game is who died some of the encounters you really have to prepare for I don't have anything for Claire's kingdra is that that's the only week to Dragon type attacks I'd have to use Wonka maybe Gilbert oh mighty ice being from Togekiss oh you came to earth King doesn't have something oh sorry yeah I'm over sir I was thinking I had ice cream I think that's what it was that's all I was worried okay we should be ready for this Jim oh why my healing I'm gonna go to a Pokemon Center head on back in if you had a Lapras people keep screaming laparis for the dragon I've heard Lapras isn't gonna do it like Darras is gonna die too thunders Oh mom's called [Music] backwards is also a bad Pokemon stuff yeah like black mistress isn't very good okay I don't really want to use it we we have we have access to better Pokemon I would say [Music] lappers dyes have only only of thunder hits and if thunder hits the entire team dies you haven't thought it true leather can miss it can also hit I think we need more of a strategy than a [ __ ] coin flip going into life says the gambler okay let's see what mom got us what we got back true from your mom Oh mutton stones actually quite handy yes it's not like the most useful thing that mom has bought us this entire time you can actually use that like pop I don't like Anita King or something here we can get Nita Queen happily mom actually gave a good item I'm like kind of in shock as well all right there [Music] okay how's it going here's your medicine make I'm feet good well again please don't be offended and fee will not take anything from anyone but me oh he's gonna claim credit for healing them [Music] but yeah you helped Jasmine did all the work mm-hmm I'm so relieved this is just so wonderful thank you so very very much I'll return to the gym okay that is all we need to do there and now the gym is open Rox I can be a friend dirty rock side to be very good against the dragon high school hopefully you could Pokemon to use o the Perry boys call hello this is warden by Oba sorry to have kept you waiting we finally open the Safari Zone do you know where it is you know the gate inside the cavern in Ceyhan would city go through there and walk for a short while you should soon see to Safari something a little out of the way but please come visit okay so new routes have been unlocked we'll check them out next time for now we're gonna do the gym I think the eatle can learn stone-age the usual is gonna have to take down lance and you need to come here thank you for helping the gym leader we bottle is a separate matter go first all they just have kind words no capable you are from the lighthouse it's time to show that side of yourself the Jasmine good luck thanks for the encouragement friends [Music] I have to teach surf to my Gyarados guys for dealing with stealing I think this is the safest way to do it we can remove surf from this as soon as we get waterfall I believe we get access to to move to leader in black throwing city that's after we get waterfall anyway we'll just get right over there [Music] go she doesn't lead with steel accessory my okay and she didn't a Magnemite am i or am i okay going in with this guy I just want to make sure it's a Magnemite okay alright Jim six let's go thank you for your help the lighthouse this is different please allow me to introduce myself I am Jasmine a gym leader I'll use the clang steel type you know about the steel type a very hard cold sharp and really strong I'm not lying here we go we've got a Kling Klang on our team he's foreshadowing oh it's level 30 rcent you're still okay for this one buddy that didn't kill let's just get it one of those [Music] come on Harrison hit trow it hit true it come on I arson okay if she goes into steelix next that's ideal because that means I get a really good switch perfect level 35 [Music] come on Gilbert okay we have the lower its attack which is pretty good and it missed it screech as well this is perfect we get the head of it a super effective stab surf and it's a two shot ko even after citrus that's fine it's just sad enough sign okay right steelix just completely wasted its life or fine couldn't have worked out better rest of the fight should be pretty straightforward he gets a special defense to it I think it's only rock-type to get some special defense boost ok Magnemite is last roughly tempered steel won't be made rusty by things like this anything's possible Jasmine switching into Wonka's best cos this resists that you just hit with dragon rage and return here bulkier than arson d-wave is fine as well as we have shed skin Anna thank you very much for the raid I hope you had a lovely scream you just caught us in the middle of a tense battle thank you very much though dragon rage [Music] okay that good turn straight I've got thunderbolts about that actually that that will hit everything quite strong even does a favor to Wonka oh my god okay thank you [Music] 2-shot ko we're on 51 it brings us down to okay crumpet finish the fight [Music] corporate doesn't have anything strong I just used discharge it's quite badly resisted but that's fine we're good oh my gosh that we ought we almost lost Wonka there but we're good we're good a letter Jim down leader Jasmine has been defeat it the team is intact the team is intact amber thank you for the gift subs they're better trained to mean both skill and kindness are also exceptionally lucky on accordance with League rules I confer upon you this patch it's a half's birthday tomorrow happy early birthday look David Hasselhoff that badge all Pokemon Clun trainer PO going up to level 70 who will obey you so pretty well cover the next while oh good god take me back to the Pokemon Center my mom's even given a space like she just saw what happened it's like oh [ __ ] I shouldn't call him right now don't know if it's okay I can still spend your money I'll just call you later God Almighty well we got three badges in one day I think that's pretty good for tonight's strength I think that's a good point to wrap things up for tonight let me just quickly just the credit size because we're streaming at 720p well apologies here we go thank you so much everybody for coming by the stream tonight I hope you all enjoyed it the next stream for me is gonna be on Saturday at the later time of 8 o'clock because we're gonna be taking part in the Minecraft Championships ten oh drills just as a big heads up there there will be no afternoon stream on Saturday I'll be going live at H I believe we're playing we're gonna be playing with Jesse we're gonna be playing with Tommy and Fundy as well sach would be a good craic I think we're Pokemon I think I'm gonna be continuing more of this on I think probably Sunday I'm gonna get it in the afternoon then I definitely want to get price done in the next session and then I think just a [ __ ] ton of grinding because we need us like honestly yeah we do have the rocket hideout like the radio tower event happens I think after price well that will give us a lot of XP right there which is good yeah well we got our work cut out for us so next well Julia thanks for 200 bits right at the end good fight thank you very much Stephen thank you for 100 bits I was gonna give these and someone died but no one has it so you get them anyway great stream thank you very much now thank you as ever for coming folks to wrap up and round off the stream I'm just gonna see if someone else's life whose care can I leave you in and screen is not properly resized but that's okay Josie is streaming she's playing Crash Bandicoot sounds like a good time go ahead or she's a good bean thanks for coming folks I'll see y'all Saturday you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 29,591
Rating: 4.9566159 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-681536063, rtgamecrowd, Nuzlocke Day 3, Egg is out for blood. New RTGame !pins now available, Pokmon HeartGold/SoulSilver, Twitch, Gaming, Nuzlocke, Day, Egg, is, out, for, blood., New, RTGame, !pins, now, available, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames stream, rtgame full stream, rtgames full stream, video games, funny clips
Id: dv6o5nPy-nM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 50sec (14390 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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