RTGame Archive: Monster Hunter: World [3] ft. Kiwo

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so so so so so so hey yo folks how y'all doing can you hear me all right game's not too loud or anything isn't hello how are you all doing that bit hang on hello how y'all doing oh hey as well terribly glad to be with you today i hope you're doing all right man ah it's good to see you it's getting very hot uh here in ireland uh it's getting toastier and it's it's kind of weird because like for camera setup and like lighting purposes whenever i stream i have to completely shut the curtains or because i've got like these big big windows and the room is just blasted with light if i don't do it to the extent that the camera can't pick anything up um so it feels like i've cocooned myself right now uh there's gonna be a weird moment where when we start playing the game i'm gonna have to stop turn off my lights and open the curtains purely for light and purposes at the start of the stream uh i have to set it up like this and then i'm gonna have to adjust everything when we actually start playing but how's it going though folks you're all very welcome to the stream uh we're gonna be doing another long boy monster hunter chill session with kiwo today uh it's going to be quite laid back i i really like the one that we did with this last week and we even did a few but we slipped it in a few times over the course of last week uh people people may have seen that me and kyo even did a drinking game on her channel uh during the week so you you should all go check out kiwo's channel too uh there'll be a we'll set it up with the squad stream soon you should be following her and too because i tend to be slipping into her stream the last well and it's good fun people ask me if i'm going to play rise uh i'm waiting for it to come on pc because it just looks worse uh compared the world um so i'm just happy the way to hear i mean i've only just got into this one so i'm happy to just keep playing this i don't really care if a game is new or not you'll be waiting for a full year i don't really care if a game is new or not uh you know it'll probably be cheaper when it comes out then anyway save some money you know i've got plenty to play and that's okay with me i imagine like everyone is streaming rise at the moment too so this might actually be a bit different for people who want to just see the game the discord invite link is invalid is that correct i don't think it is it should be right it should be working i don't want to test that that's the right link ain't it that's working that's working yeah that takes me there might just be that one fellow uh i don't know what to tell you i've never seen monster and it all sounds like a fun game it is a fun game it's very laid back i would say and it has these like huge dramatic moments so you get like a lot of calm but then you get these like really big highs and it's really fun to play because of that i think kiwa was just warming up with a round of hades it's kind of like her tradition before she uh starts uh kind of like her main game of the day so we'll just chill for a little bit while we're waiting for get people on in you say it's laid back until you get the pickled joe i don't know what that means it's laid back in the sense that actually it's quite chill for a lot of the fights very calm but then you get like a third four and then [ __ ] hits the fan and you've gotta like up your game in like the matter of 10 minutes and it's just insane and people are screaming and dying i love that i really enjoy this game just watch the highlights on youtube from the last monster in the stream so this is well timed oh i'm glad i hope people enjoyed the highlights on the last one some of the fights are crazy they are what happened to you too don't be rude don't be rude don't be mean oh you got timed out be nice cast nothing are you gonna make monster under highlights again i don't really know uh because it's like a very lengthy session to chop down is the only thing like i love it but it might be one of those things where it's just better suited to twitch um and that's fine i'm glad i got even one highlight video up of it um just see how it goes like i leave recording on by default whenever i'm playing games and streaming them so if there is a funny moment might extract it but these ones are super long and i'm aware of that and there's a lot of other videos i want to pop out the next well too uh currently we're working on two big hollow knight edits for days two and three because we beat the game uh so there's a lot of stuff happening there as well because there's a lot of people on the game a live video yet that went up yesterday and they were like where the [ __ ] it's hollow knight and it's like we just streamed it like i think it might be the cap who just don't know again that we are a live stream highlights channel on youtube um i'll never understand them i i don't know how it's not clear but what you're gonna do ah it's there does it stink like the point rewards we don't need point rewards we're good where the [ __ ] is hollow knight daniel it's like we played it we played it that's the thing but i don't know how people don't know that and there's there was one guy as well that's like when you put it on youtube and it just says like yeah it's on twitch you can see it there but when is it on youtube it's like well i'm a twitch channel you know who is he talking to it who knows thank you for the hype train as well thank you to everyone that's hopping on thank you for all the subs and bits that are trickling in or no thanks for 500 bits use a green screen green screen weakling sony you will get upset by the fact that i don't use my green screen that i'm tempted to set up my green screen correctly just to make it a different shade of green i'm gonna make it like a lime green color and that's all i'll use it for because it bothers people so much that i don't turn it on like i like this could literally just be like a blue bit of wall or red and it'd be fine it's actually quite nice that it's green because like it stands out quite well on the stream i like that make it puke green what's the point with the green screen if you're not even wearing green oh dear you joined the new games but happy to see you're interested in the games yeah i am thanks um it's been a lot of fun the last well yeah i've just been playing a bunch of stuff that i want to play you know celeste all night monster hunter it's been cool like we've just been checking off a lot of games um i got plenty more coming this year we're trying to play as many absolute bangers as possible variety is sick to see thank you i'm glad people are enjoying it my itchy testicles good to have you back thank you for the two quid thank you very much unfortunate name as ever um but it's good to see you they're back it just stands out at this point ah dear you play what you want to play thank you no i do i really do i've been having a lot of fun just like with the streams lately it has been very good crack i think this week like the main thing i want to do is we're going to try finish hollow night uh on saturday like we're going to tie up as many loose ends as possible that'll probably be the last big boy hollow knight stream i would say uh and then the rest of it i'm probably just gonna do off stream um just because it seems like with those like especially the pantheon stuff that seems like it will go on forever potentially it seems quite daunting to like do [ __ ] like i don't know how many but like 40 bosses or something that's a bit much um so i don't i like i might attempt it but i don't know if i'm gonna stream all that uh but that's okay no i'm happy with what i've streamed bring back garfield carrot i've never played garfield carrot i love the highlight channel because you typically stream at work so i get to enjoy the fun oh thanks man that's what it's there for you know time zones are a thing ah those will suit everyone this is the first monster in the stream this is like the fourth monster hunter stream because it was like the original one we slipped it in after game of life this there was the secret stream on kibo's channel uh where we stayed up till 3am playing it like last friday and so this would be the fourth so does that there's been like a lot of them um and again i would say go follow kiwo today too because because i've been on her channel a lot for like just slipping in for monster hunter like we had we had a big drinking game session the other day it was so much fun i haven't watched eddie law well i mean some of us on the archive channel some of it you can watch on twitch see how it's content it's all here hey kelly how you doing secret stream is very funny i i had a blast with the secret stream the [ __ ] drinking game that we played so it's like we had like what were the rules i think i have them handy let me go back up in my chat they're laid out here where are they this is drinking we're not gonna be playing the drinking game today because it's too early in the day uh so if you forget to eat you take a shot if you get carried it you take a shot if you fail a hunt you take a shot fail a capture take a shot forget to sharpen your weapon take a shot tree monsters on the scene you take a shot turn four take a shot the palaco needs a revive take a shot you craft a new weapon take a shot unlock a new armor set take a shot you disconnect from the server take a shot you fail to pet your poogie you take a shot uh it was [ __ ] great because all of those things are quite easy to remember and do but if you start to slip up it gets progressively worse to remember them because there's quite a lot of them going on uh so once you start drinking you drink a lot uh and that made it really fun um we had a lot of drinks but it was good crack how did you die because the thing is i did that on friday night before like hollow night day two it was up quite late and then it was just like the next day it's like all right holiday let's go that was fine ah dear i'm sorry i got somehow not hungover today i'm glad kelly oh dude you had like a glass of gin last night oh dear oh it's good to have you all here uh kiwo i think is still doing a spot of hades um so what i'm gonna say that we do is we're just gonna test out some new weapons and we'll do like a warm-up hunt while she's finishing up hades let me do i have to do another thing too which is i now have to open my curtains to let the natural light in hang on one moment give me sunlight please green screens put away natural light hiss oh god okay let me just click on the game there we go uh let me just get the discord chat open as well just to keep an eye on things there you guys sure the game isn't too loud in that audio check is all good haha what is sunlight give me some more vouchers uh today yeah so because i was testing this out on um the secret stream the other day i'm gonna be trying to use the sword and shield uh so we're gonna have like a new weapon combo uh i just need to see what sword and shield i've actually got equipped so i can actually kind of craft a good version of one best weapon baby it's a lot faster than the switch x but it doesn't hit nearly as hard but i do want to try get a bit of diversity in my weapon types so i thought we'd try it out uh so let me see weapons if i go upgrade equipment i can see what one i've got oh yeah so the other thing as well since the last from the secret stream i've got new armor george also has new armor uh let me see still not using the cardi and stuff because it's just too easy where is my yeah so it's just a hunter's knife at the moment so i need to i need to craft like something different so we got to decide what upgrade pat we want to go on grim thank you for your thousand bits happy i cut the stream good luck thank you today's gonna be a very late back stream like we're gonna just be chilling and playing games uh this is like the kind of day where it's like even if i wasn't streaming i would just be playing this anyway but we might as well stream it you guys can watch some of the chaos if you want something kind of laid back for background you're more than welcome here um what tree do i want to go there's a lot of mystery trees here i i already have like a fires axe like for the switch ax so i don't want to go fire again i can only get up to rarity three i think with most of them i get the dragon bone sword think i want something that can go up to rarity six it's a barros tree i get a thunder sword with toby kadachi bits the looks are important here i have one that i think inflicts paralysis already so i don't know if i want that this one does poison blooming knife hooky pookies i don't think i want to fight poopy pookies the [ __ ] lumu knife looks like it's like you know plush i don't know that one's a real weapon but it doesn't look as menacing looks good looks like a teddy bear sword or something general thank you for five quid thank you very much uh born hill thank you for 500 bits jm thanks for 100 bits uh latino god thank you for two quid thank you very much guys there is this one the princess rapier that looks kind of fancy but i need ratty in parts and i don't think we've done that yet i don't know that does as much damage too looks kind of cool i mean i could just go the ore tree and then get a very solid sturdy upgrade like what what are we feeling what tree do you think we should go which one was the power off again the barra i think was the big shieldy boy jag grass i have a jagras axe rattleband was bony boy wasn't it defensive bonus and inflicted sleep i don't know if i like that i could go with the gear ass ones what what what tree do we think lads some of these don't give like extra benefits too so i'm wondering how good they are i feel like it like you want an element it's an ice tree along with a water one i don't have enough for the water one so maybe let's not do that ration tree is always solid where's the ration i don't have any of the pirates thing i want to see if i can start with just like a tear tree weapon rarity tree either poison or paralysis does poison stack would paralysis actually be really good in this kind of with escorted shield because he hit so fast thinking about it toby tree is good yes so paralysis is good with this kind of thing okay uh where's the toby tree this is the toby tree toby tree does a lot more damage compared to paralysis so we're between that and then paralysis uh where's paralysis boy paralysis boy is the gyros which we think thunder or paralysis we've narrowed it down to two the gyros looks better i think it's slightly favored to paralysis slightly it's very close so that was a paralysis and then this is thunder process equals easy free dps it's very close okay kiwi you seem to know your stuff with this i'm gonna give you the call keep it still about which one paralysis okay he's decided i trust you all right so for paralysis then i have to make a hunter's knife mark two and then we go down to pookie pooky and then we go there okay okay he has spoken so down to pookie pookie and then down again to paralysis so we can almost get another one we're just missing some mystery material okay have i have i got it equipped as well change equipment hunter yep gear ass knife one cool yeah we have the complete ban armor set here as well you can see like my hat has changed so we're much more defensive i also got a glider mantle uh i believe this lets me fly a bit increases jump air time makes it easier to mount monsters which is something i do quite a bit i'm not i've never like really used the ghillie mantle so i thought that would be a nice change okay uh let me warm up a bit and we'll try this out because this this thing is much faster the helmet makes you look like juggernaut from x-men that does make me look quite beefy okay uh housekeeper go to training area if you like riding monsters you try the insect cliff i tried it i didn't like the feel of it at the moment i want to try this one because the combos for this one is really straightforward you basically just button mash and all of your attacks kind of chained together like there's not much thought or planning that you have to do you have like a few extra maneuvers you can do like a back step sometimes like a different attacks will come up there as you can see combo to stun foes is just that that that and then backstab charge slash oh okay that actually is a fancier one hang on so that that i'm trying to get that last input hang on one two three oh okay so that one lets you do like a little double strike combo in combos with lipo slash slinger ammo required for here for slinger bursts you can do something if you sling at them and then start slashing i think so it's like and then that that's going to be pretty good for paralysis you also i think you run quite a bit faster with this uh a nice comparison to the like uh the switch axe is i can put away my weapon real quick so if i do need to run it's not as much hassle be in the air oh yeah so that's the combo then okay and you can do that with eh two three four and then you go in yeah that seems pretty good i i like how you can just put that one away so quickly you do also have a teeny little shield it's mainly you're mainly using it for offense i think but like you can protect yourself too which will reduce damage so i'm excited to try this out this is gonna be my weapon for today your voice is suiting thank you you can do the back step after any hit you don't have to do three hits and back step how do i do the back step is it like oh god so you can just do a lot of chain back steps so it's like one back hold in up down you can do that very quickly the b attack the stun damage and the y attack does mountain damage well mid-air okay yeah we're going to be able to do a lot with that i think okay that that should be good uh let me see i'll try do a mission by myself then just while we're waiting for kibo turn the headquarters is he no longer made in the switch axe i'm just varying it up we're just trying something a bit different like i'll probably go back to the switch ax because i worked hard for that weapon um let me see like post a quest what have we got hunting and that is done hunter rattleband special arena oh these are these are yeah these are the combat arena this would be good to just try it out uh let's try honorado man it's just gonna be me let's test this out ichi thank you for another two quid hope you enjoy evil genius special arena is decked out with cannons ballista and even a fallen boulder trap oh that's kind of neat uh let me just i just want to get attack up i'm gonna be even stronger where's kimo kilo's just warming up she's gonna join us soon but don't worry is this how i get down to the arena that's how i get over to it oh let me just ceremoniously make my way into the arena come on georgie i mean can i just do this to start like the battle hang on let me just just gear up the cannon real quick stealthy cannon damage okay you just just stand still buddy i mean that feels like cheating okay let's go let's go up he's a big boy but we're very mobile now okay it's telling me how to dodge which means that it's not happy with how i'm doing let's go there we go wait i need that bit of you come on missing the final blow i hope he can actually be affected by paralysis come on okay let's let's move out of here before he keeps chain stunning us come on gary you're doing amazing can run now so we can cover distance i'm much more mobile than i was with just the axe come on take that okay george has healing for later right for now he hasn't taken any paralysis damage as far as i can see okay let's uh get this over here and we go once he's done doing his roly-poly having a bit of trouble come on okay his face is a bit too strong there's his tail i'm learning look at me go okay that was a big boy hit all right georgie we're gonna need some more healing from here because gary forgot to resupply properly what does this do oh okay i mean if he was in a particular spot that seems handy stand there a moment no he it's gone now let me just carve his tail real quick we got the healing grew up uh i don't know i think i'm doing a bit less damage than before but i'm having fun him in the face i got to pick up monster pirates when i see them too because i think i've missed a few god loving his roland's off because of he chopped off his tail like he's doing his best he's slipping there we go we got him that's not bad this is good warm up for using this weapon goddess scales any bits of them about the place still tail's still here no i think we're good are you playing the arena literally just to warm up and i can do whatever i like man it doesn't matter i might have to take off my like nice dress shirt already because it is simply boiling in here very warm rt how dare you play the game different from chat he doesn't even know about like the the frostwort combo that's i'm having fun so i don't care just equip the pure nail okay i'm gonna call kiwo let's see hoping this works hoping there's no background noise coming in because there's some angry seagulls i can hear outside the window apparently i need to start a veil quest according to kilo graphics quality in that was that all good there too did it all look fine just making sure i install like there's like a high resolution texture pack that i turned on to make it look a little prettier that's fine cool what is my assigned quest speak to the third fleet master i think i gotta go to the other area research base okay i think he was just finishing something up still ah but we'll get us in soon he grant you move with some agility for two-ton armor yeah he goes fast uh oh here you are now is the time oh wait this is starting a mission you got to start the veil quest and i can join your kill that okay okay we'll hop on and call in a moment i don't know if we can skip the cutscenes oh she's no longer dressed like a bee they look so free so what's the bottom of the veil like i could not say it's just dead skeletons down there mere facts and not a single clue to what truth they add up to we know zora magdaros is heading there but why the world is full of mysteries to consume us yeah and delicious mysteries to consume i don't care about either of you i just want to hunt monsters flap trash thanks for six quid there thank you very much thanks for 12 quid even uh blair thank you for six quid earlier thank you very much hey i think i found something let's set her down or not just gotta let them finish attacking us as i thought grumpy gary is here to save us oh this is the legend we saw this lad this lad attacked us already we should reproof look how grumpy he is he's our grumpy boy okay accept legianna embodiment of elegance hey partner slow and careful oh hello oh hello how you doing kyo good i'm so sorry i woke up i woke up late no you're okay you've nothing to be sorry about i beat hades again you beat it oh [ __ ] oh was my third that's my third win i'm very happy that's [ __ ] impressive congrats thank you it's my 40th attempt and i've been at three times that's really good perseverance the tricky game you got to be proud of that i am i'm very i'm excited for you to start playing it because it's on your list of games to play it is yes someday soon i'm doing good i was just warming up there i fought like a bony boy with a sword and shield oh isn't it amazing it's really good yeah yeah when you start mashing b and then you get the you hit the combo yeah you go up into like the [ __ ] air and like smash down like yep that's really good so i'm just excited for today's fight i'm excited for today's fight i i just got the quest unlocked there to fight like hannah i think it is that's my next one so yes i all right so we're at that point now where we're pretty pretty pro hunters i'd say professionals now when we take on the legiano would you like to try and capture it or do you want to slay it first uh i'm down for capturing it let's get more parts sure why not we're professionals now we're pretty good i was so excited to go on an adventure me too yeah i'm just explaining yeah i'm just doing a few things i realized i forgot to post a notice for youtube folks as well uh so i'm just gonna quickly get that up i'll just be one sec i'll create the online session we have lost control of our lives we are killing monsters i think that's a good description of what the stream is today i'm so excited me too okay let me get the copy session id okay i just posted that there to youtube start the squad stream okay oh it's another you know you can you can copy paste it in can you yeah oh that makes it so much easier okay hang on let me hide this emote i search by id i had no idea you could do that there we go oh it's so much easier someone guess it quick like good luck okay i'm in now are you in the base too okay oh yeah we can't actually see each other on the base we gotta wait till we go out in the field um yeah so i just gotta accept the assignment yes okay all right players two i'm gonna use a voucher i'm feeling it you you are crazy gotta use them up we need those vouchers pulling out the pulsar bow i'm going all in put 5k on red mad oh god i want to go to a casino now dude oh no oh no we'll do vegas someday it'll be all right show you the willy wonka slot machine it's horrible okay let's gear up and go eat yes we're not playing the drinking game anymore i was i was telling my chat about the drinking game because they a lot of them didn't see that um that was really good fun the other night it got really bad because as soon as you start like messing up then you continuously keep messing yeah the slippery slope oh this fight i'm ready look look how fast i can move now like oh yeah oh you got the ban armor on i do yeah the character like the end of the session the other day i'm like i'm decked out oh wait we went to the wrong let's uh go to the other camp do you have the other camp unlocked uh i thought i did oh the northeast yeah um yes yes okay i've got that one why don't i have it you should have it i thought it was like mandatory to get to this point am i oh there it is i'm blind it's okay i could i couldn't see it for a mo either it's like not on like the first bit of map i like how the monster you're just riding just like it magically appears like i'm here okay let's go this is the iceberg let's get him oh there it is wait is he right here yep oh that's convenient track the monster where oh where could he be oh this oh it's so cool okay are you ready for this i forgot to take extra potions but yes let's go i will stock up on supplies soon oh no no oh let's go you don't want to get hit by that ice blast hard to slash at it here oh we're fighting on a slight hill which is nice there's a couple of like um vines in the area okay oh so you can jump up doing the combo wrong i think you know let me let me let me practice this again it's harder because he's a flying boy i think it's bb the whole beat to charge shield and then it's not doing the jump up i think that's because i'm not connecting my final attack hang on let me quickly there we go [ __ ] out for you a little bit like with the game like you saw like freezing in place occasionally uh no he seems fine on my end it's hard to tell i'm on his head at the mo trying to get him come on do the finisher do the finisher slicing at him got him down oh that was good nice broken part of them move it tried to get him with another jump there seems pretty easy to do here because there's a lot of vines like they would they want you just hop it on the slide you're terrible at this game thank you josh don't be an assless come on we're professional hunters actually we are professional video game players all right i did one whole hades today i if that's not pro game and move i don't know what is exactly oh oh okay i'll see you back soon i'll see you back soon i want to get a good job oh you're going to be all right tomorrow yeah okay oh [ __ ] it's so much faster to do everything with just the sword yeah get into the wet stone and that is just so much easier did you upgrade it much um i made it like a rarity tree weapon so i upgraded as much as i could yeah uh i i can't do any rarity four yet it seems because i'm like i'm missing like a bone part i think i love the slides here i guess we gotta go hunting for resources i think so yeah oh he's just down here hello friend though oh oh i missed i missed i missed you're okay get him next time yeah he actually is kind of just stopping isn't he yeah i'm not complaining he's just chilling on me at the moment we really need to mess his face up we do georgie are you planning any healing i think i need to ah good man yourself georgie but there are a few other birdie boys coming in now what's he doing oh he's on me he's on me how do you get rid of the ice effect again when you get that i think you just have to i think that's an item you can use but i i don't know what it is okay i mean i can just persevere for now not bothering me too much stamina oh go for the head go for the head nice give me that head oh we're doing great gold for his claws please come a little lower to the ground sir not low enough beat up his face and off he goes oh no let me has he dropped any parts of his body i haven't seen any um it said like things have broken off yeah things have broken up but i don't see any parts uh-oh oh here over by me is there one here yeah hey thank you all right and i think just getting this help part over here i forgot to bring actual potions for this fight didn't oh no so i'm just uh living off the land right now he's almost dead covered up okay i got my i don't have it i forgot to bring my trap i forgot to bring trash i'll i might have one hang on shock trap yeah i got a shock trap yeah and i got i got tranquilizer too yeah so oh brilliant we're good we're good well someone just finished a dissertation in my chat that's amazing player congrats all right oh you get over there i think it went a bit high i'm here do you want me to trap him how did you get up there so quick uh i flew it's okay i'll finish the job from here hey oh there's some mining spots behind you can get to the base of the rock come on let's head back to the research where where are they i'm flying again get me down okay oh i did not have much time to pick those up yeah so there's like there's a thing you can take instead of the ghillie mantle that lets you fly up updrafts i believe oh really yeah so i i never used like the ghillie one so i was just like [ __ ] it i'm gonna try this oh would recommend now i think we're both on the same quest which is fly to the bottom of the rotten vale okay we've already been in the rottenville like a good few times true i have to talk to the master first for i think oh yeah yeah i gotta talk to them too i said a passcode it let me do that ready to make a sense of the depths i don't know how this is gonna work for joining just talking to them it like instantly teleported me and it wasn't like post a quest like i'm in the rotten veil now really is this one uh maybe jack can help us here is this one those ones where you have to have a cut scene play first before you can join up because it might be there's a cut scene cool thanks lads okay i'm flying down now i'll see you there i'm not flying down i'm there i need to just gather some supplies from the tent before we go because i keep forgetting to actually oh yeah uh take stuff like i need more mega potions i need more regular potions take the tranq bombs take a shock trap i think that's all i really want for now and then we gotta search for zara magdos yeah that one that guy big boy okay i'm just sorting my inventory there you go he's been here i don't know how he i don't know how he got down oh that's so pretty oh my god i'm coming i gotta search too uh which way did you go from leaving the camp to finding them um i went out the eastern exit and i jumped down and started going south okay i think i've started to find him i don't know if i'm on the eastern i'm going to outside should be like zone 12 oh okay no i'm here then the handler is here too yeah you figured it out too haven't you what the rotten veil really is okay come on give us give us a track is this oh no yikes don't touch it oh no what's up what's going on just learning more about the the veil it's just upsetting just knowing i can't go in the wall water but the water seems so lovely it does but it'll kill ya they're just i just it's just spicy fanta spicy fantastic i want to have a taste it looks so nice i don't know if actually no if you're in a cocktail if a cocktail was glowing blue like that i'll be all for it yes this looks good it's just badger blast people are saying but what happened to zora magdaris there's no place else for it to go okay i'm getting the cut scene now on my end i think we should say handler's just running away oh killer come on someone's got to do it it's a boy oh yeah it's the red boy i love the yoga doggo okay so do you want me to join you or um i don't mind i'm still on the cutscene i'm on the scene too i'll join on to you sure alexa after the cutscene oh i don't know if please oh is it just a cutscene where you run away it looks like it no she can't hold that thing off we've got to help her she can't defend herself we gotta help like no no we really don't yeah okay i'm gonna i'm gonna join on to you then oh brilliant hey we did it we i think we won the lady is dead wait how do i return from quest that's it yeah okay let me let me just teleport back real quick to you hey boy thank you what amber said is he wearing it's just the bony boy armor set i don't know what it's called the rabbit dan bony boy radaband ryder band that's his name the bony point yeah it's just bony boy to me okay oh i think i used a voucher on that one so that might be gone oh oh no you didn't oh that's fine i'll be fine i'm the parent i'm on my way hey partner okay are you back at the camp now too oh hello i think i need to eat again just because i hopped off let me get attack up medium there we go okay i'm ready oh my god the yoga doggo this is oh finally and his armor set is so cool oh i'm ready we're gonna get the red armor you haven't seen that one mistake have you i don't think so waiting for a treat you're still going sword and shield oh you got the gyros knife yeah so like paralysis like i i i i ask and i let one person i trust decide because they were pretty divided no giros knife is nice like i like using the um radaban blade because it causes sleep occasionally oh is this the right way that's what the trailer is leading us might be like i just kicked a crab are you just gonna hide oh no no no it's because it has a built-in face mask by the social distance let me take this crimson fruit i'm just missing some regular supplies for a lot of craft and stuff so i reckon i have to start getting these oh he's up top somewhere oh let's get going we will kill him oh this time we will cannot escape us forever um oh there's a few lads here let me just get some more footprints while we run you better not be fighting the rabbit rabbidan oh do you think he might be yeah okay that's the gyros okay we can just get a twofer gotta stop kicking the crabs i keep pressing b on everything okay he's this way i went the wrong way it's okay i get his footprints gotta track him it's important completion we need to unlock everything we do no stone unturned every boss must die no crab on kicked no crab on kicks oh god nope didn't mean to kick it you can't open there he is the crabs must die oh oh he didn't like that he's just like oh [ __ ] you've been cooking my crabs i'm just gonna kill his child real quick he's an angry toby angry toby oh he's moving quick yeah he oh and he hits hard oh no no no oh my god i'm winning an inch of my life already bleeding we fought him before and he are being this to strong oh oh are you down uh thankfully my that's a shot not again we just track his footprints he might be near oh my god how do you protect against bleed you have to stand still like crouch and stand still okay it's a bit hard to do when you know big old boy here is chase yeah people can't get a stun on them it builds up the bleed how do you crouch um a without a weapon in hand okay i just need to i'm just gonna stop my bleeding real quick you doing okay over there no he got me okay i can hold the four in a while no no come on get up georgie that was come on that was rough i'm back welcome back if you grapple on to him it's actually not a bad idea it's a bit harder to latch on but once you're there he doesn't seem able to get you that well considered he's moving so much oh my god did you i'm dead again he he one-shot me yeah he's really strong okay we'll get him next time do we only have one more death and i'm scared oh do we only have one more do we only get three on this oh god oh no what have we done it's okay you just need to play it very safe we can do it i believe in us i might change weapons so i have a bit more of a defense bonus might not be a bad idea ending with mobility i think here is is quite valuable it's long shield gordon shield might be good yeah if you grapple on to him then i found that was like a really handy attack there i can i can get started on them good lord good lord let's go georgie give us that help oh my god if he one shots me again i'm sorry no you're okay i i need to stand still for a moment just because bleeding oh he's got other ideas okay stop the blade oh god oh my god he's so fierce oh god no no no no no okay heartbroken have i paralyzed them there we go yes he's paralyzed get him that was the time okay he's out of it now uh-oh leading okay you're okay do your best to get away from oh i'll try to distract them no we're good we're good he's moving you okay oh god yep doing amazing how was it the other day we were just decimating everything and now like no one's gonna believe us that we're pro hunters i promise i promise we did really good it's gonna be all right we're still pros we haven't died yet just having a bad day you know this is like the monday with all the paperwork comes in except instead of paperwork it's an angry red dog okay he's here oh i need to get away i need to get away george thank you oh let me know when he's limping because i can get the trap down oh need to sharpen my weapon hang on you gonna be all right for a boat yep dodge their attack i've just tried the sharpen oh hang in there you all right yeah nope can stop my bleeding oh i'm coming back oh no ah get over here i want to try and get him paralyzed again that's good okay do you think he's in range of the trap i don't know if it's ready for a trap yet okay get more on him come on oh poison poison i [ __ ] up i made a mistake you're all right then he's gonna be poisoned alright just keep going come on oh he's powerful oh the other guy is here what's it the oh [ __ ] okay one at a time people are saying i'm gonna try it okay oh he's sleeping wait he fell asleep he fell asleep there we go no [ __ ] way oh we got him there's a material somewhere nearby uh it's here it's here it's here next to me there's another one over here the great gear ass material no okay it wasn't the cool new one that's fine that was a tense one that was actually scary where is she i thought she'd be with you good job of beating clifford the big red dog clifford's dead that played in my stream after that it was like clifford's dead lolita thank you now we had a deal don't you remember did you learn all you could about the veil now tell me everything what did you feel out there i think i think the veil is where the monsters come to die it's their graveyard and this whole land come on you're right the veil is where monsters come to rest they sense the end and make their way here their bodies become nutrients that feed the coral highlands also they're like fertilizer from death more dramatic lion king we're like swords i don't know dramatic yeah that [ __ ] was traumatizing i haven't seen the lion king like like probably 20 years or something i've seen in a very long time what monster could serve as the nutrients for a system this large what's the mystery behind the elder crossing you know the answer they die here bingo an elder's death is the catalyst the veil is zora magdaros's resting place everything is dead it's like wow it's so beautiful or at least it should be the clues are all here but zora is nowhere to be found it was drawing in energy storing it as it moved on was it trying to deliver it somewhere hmm i don't know but i know who might the first why variants have lived here much longer than us seek them out okay it's raining light it's raining life like blood coming down if only i could live another 300 years maybe that would be just long enough to see the end of this changing of the guard friends you go finish this i want to stay here a while longer okay see you later lady death has to give and life has to bring mysterious hunter lady i i can't remember her name i feel terrible like he had a name i don't care about these characters like at all oh look at all those look at all these red boys she is the tracker oh so she doesn't even have a name then you can do this the first white variants might be they search the ancient forest for first white variant clues oh yeah we're moving along do you remember what question we haven't done yet request the okay oh the blue yeah yes big boy drago boy dagger boy i'm gonna check my monster manual and see what it's weak against and then we can we can play into it because we're professional hunters also look at the oligodogo's armor set please oh unlock the elder melder as well the hell is that you can convert items into points which can be used to create powerful consumables and bow gun ammunition oh oh it's weak to dragon and stun i don't have what's a dragon weapon uh there are specifically dragon bone weapons i believe oh got a vitality mantle as a tool uh let me just hand in a few bits and then i'm down for the rattalos bratalos yes we're doing it it's finally time just hand in everything uh capture a large no that's we're not doing that complete quests oh i'm so excited it's gonna be good we finally get to fight the dragon boys we're good we'll get like let's just get as far as we can in the main quest today unlock as many zones and lock as many monsters i really like the look of the dragonbone bow oh i'm just talking to everyone an exclamation point i'm gonna see if i can finally upgrade some stuff like further i don't think i can no i'm still missing like a mystery bone i don't know what it is we'll get it somehow oh have i unlocked the chain blades that i would go dual blades for again uh where is my switch axe go where's my other one guy grass the [ __ ] is it flamey boy now flamey boy it's like i'm still missing a bunch i i don't even know what the parts are oh for the yoga doggo no i've just her uh and jeanette ones um they're locked uh for my knife i just need it's a mystery part in the great gear ass tree does that mean it drops from the great gyros potentially okay i want this armor set so badly oh let me i need to see what the new armor is yeah it's so cool oh yeah oh that's a good one you can afford the pants what's the lagania set too oh the legendary set is nice yeah that looks cool too i might have to do it i'm doing it i'm going i'll go doggo there's an ingot set that looks kind of rough but it's affordable you could you're doing i'll go uh auto gaggle dog clifford you're doing clifford yeah okay but i can't i need a plate which is like one of the rare drops oh we can find it let's do let's do let's do him and then i'm gonna try get the lagania one i think it's like contrast for you so we have different sets oh you gotta get all the sets legania is nice though if you want to do uh otto clifford and then i'll do the big boy butterfly we can do all of them yeah we can get a set each oh god let's do let's do the rashi influence though we have to do the ration so dumb i look so dumb i can't afford all the up no is it that like late game world of warcraft like mix and match clown outfit kind of thing i don't want to talk about it it's okay but yes oh the orgo doggo would probably be oh i should have used my ice bow but we're doing uh we're gonna do yeah let's do the main quest more and then we'll see what more armor sets we unlock let's splits a few of them okay so search the ancient powers of the first ovarian clues yes i i mean i think this one is going to lead to the dragon isn't it hopefully like first with varying clues like that dragon yes yes the pirate on an expedition oh i think can i join you when you go on an expedition oh it's probably going to be a cut scene into a quest isn't it probably how do you feel like you know this by now we we probably should i can't remember for the life of me how do you um cue just for an expedition do you have to talk to like that other person oh you just go to you just leave oh you just leave oh okay i'll see you later no goodbye ancient forest my mouth doesn't look ridiculous i look really cool who are they making fun of you yeah oh that's me don't do that they look cool she worked so hard in her outfit made herself for comic-con all right like you know the dragon i hundred dollars on foam spent a lot of money on styrofoam and it's like impossible to walk you know i cut her some slack everything's held together with hot glue please hot glue and duct tape so i've not been able to get like the full set so i ah it's okay it's okay it's very silly i'm trying to find the so where do i go for this do i just start going up assuming i just go up the tree and i'm gonna find it uh i don't see tracks or anything this time well this way from the bottom half you look like a horse girl what the hell does that even mean what does that even mean people are being mean today i'm just getting bullied this is uncalled for guys i fell from this tree oh there's question mark footprints about have you got footprints because i haven't found any i found some question mark footprints um i started in zone one large doodles and some large doodles i don't know if that's related to it you started in one did you maybe i should go back to one then i started in like the the top one oh there's more doodles someone's just been drawn in my world okay question mark footprints oh yeah yeah yeah can i find something first wyven by varian oh yeah we're looking for people are we i thought it was like the dragon boy no no it's the wyverian people because they're going to tell us how to do something or something what's the [ __ ] plot of this game dragon boy kill i just want to hunt monsters what's all this well they they're living in caves they could just come back to a nice camp but they've chosen to live like this climbing up do you live up here getting rattle ass hunting in two oh god can't wait to beat that guy wanna see what armory drops oh yeah give me so many so many different armor sets honey i need that it's like let me harvest everything let me drain the land dry looks like we both arrived at the same place god i hate the handler did you just find them too yeah i hate them so much let me just harvest some more huh sad thing is after some kind of cut scene and fight we're gonna have to go all the way back and do it again yay just taking me into like the rat loss nest yep please come down and just eat the handler like no no no we're so far away it's so easy just to push her off the trail seems to stop here really oh you missed the handler um if we have to fight this do you want me to log out and connect to you or do you want to connect to me did you use a token no i didn't i can hop out because you got the last one okay i'll i'll just try survive good luck thank you i might need it wait maybe we're not fighting it yet i just fell out of the tree how did the handler get a-list hunter because she doesn't do anything i've seen her hunt like once she just lied on her resume hey look ew what what was the mushroom boy hello sir you're not worthy hello who does this guy think he is we've killed a lot of big boys at this point it's like the the new world is in danger we're trying to help wait is the new world in immediate danger is it actually in danger i mean it does seem kind of rough there's a lot of monsters here can't tell oh the objective is now hunter rattle us okay is it possible to join up now i didn't see a prompt i don't know there's not a cutscene help us out chat it's not possible just yet gosh darn it they just diablos it's oh it's diablo's time wait i found a little palico hang on i'm chasing him on the tree i've got distracted hang on get back in get back here you little [ __ ] all right i'll i'll i'll go back to the main quest in a mo i just gotta find this guy of course important george might be able to make a friend here i'm not looking forward to the diablo so we have to do diablos first what's diablos hmm where did palico guy gone up here i think we could build the camp here i discovered a new campsite did you get that no i i went back to the trade yard again diablos is like the nastiest monster oh oh mixed up we're going to kill him i felt i'll capture him just capture bring back like diablos sounds like you just captured satan or something yeah it's easy well you know there's like there's someone who's like always in a monster hunter stream worlds like that has like 7 000 hours on the game and it's just like cool but actually you're using the weapon wrong the hardest boss is just pushing installing it on your computer because of the file size like you know don't don't pay him any money don't pay him any mind it's it's like one of those things so it's like everyone has like different levels of skills and and they're better at certain things and in other things and just being like it's easy well it's subjective it's like you know the guy in like the south park episode where they all play world of warcraft and he's like killing everyone well there's that one guy in the monster under community except he seems very mean and is intent on putting us down no matter our play style so just just ignore him oh no i'm gonna get some water okay get some water sounds good if you could dodge a diablos you can play g-rank oh he's just let me go back him up he's right there we'll just wait a moment we can connect with cuba is it not possible for me to connect with kyo yet lads i i never bought it with the sos flares i just ask chat no it's not you can yeah i have returned welcome back i think i do i think i need to go oh you need to go back to the yard too then i think people are saying and then okay you should be able to embark together unless there's another quest okay ah horned tyrant below the sands diablos is not a fun boy we're gonna we can kill satan it's fine i mean i did beat hades this morning so uh yeah i think it's possible it's gonna be fine like who's it that did the song recently where the dress up was satan was it little nas like we can take him come on i like the one where brendan yuri does it which one's that the panic at the disco one i don't know if i've seen that one it turns into a demon man it's wonderful it's very confusing to watch i mean for me the representation of satan is still ned flanders from the simpsons um in that one treehouse of horror episode like when i picture what the satan looks like it's just ned flanders you know the last halloween that i got to celebrate i went to a simpsons themed halloween oh my god and it was it was at the marioki bar i go to in london and they had they had simpsons mario key oh my god that sounds incredible i didn't know it was simpson so i turned up dressed as a goblin it you're fine i'm sure no one knows okay uh the there's two missions to accept oh wait i need to i need to build the camp first i think so we can embark at the new point but the rash lost this is like a rat last one in the sands which one do you want to do first i want to get the um diabolos out the way so i'm gonna is that the sands or the other one then that's the sands okay let's do science then i just want to get complete the mission to build this camp while i'm back here before i don't think i did that one seriously you have to go to like deliver stuff isn't it complete deliveries setting up camp there we go okay upgrade your armor rt what's wrong my armor is fine though we don't need to upgrade it yet do we i reckon we'll be fine let me just eat some fish basically the same as armor upgrade i'm stronger now clifford almost one shot yeah but clifford was like a mean boy okay we'll be fine getting yolked in the waste is what i've got to do which is like collect two herb deliver two herbivore eggs oh yeah yeah i haven't done any of those like mine requests like anything that's not like killer boss i've just not bothered with it i am singular in my goal no i gotta get i gotta unlock everything wow i've got a problem maybe i'll do that at some point i might do that off stream oh so the wrathian and then the rathios but yes rathalos wrathian it's man's best friend a quest get the doggo i'm taking a shock trap we're gonna we're gonna capture this bad boy huh diablos uh so which one we doing first in tyrant in the home tyrant okay okay do you want a poster or do i post i'm at the board now you want me to do it yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna take my legiana bow which camp do we want um i reckon the first one i forgot which one is okay i've posted that there if you want to join on me wait what joinable after departure oh cut scene all right i'll see you in the field quill oh i damn it see you in the field we'll be okay my armor almost looks cool almost looks cool have you i got more of the set no okay i think you look cool don't worry thank you i appreciate your costume is she in denial please people are being very mean about your outfit today i'm trying put so much work into it burnt yourself with the hot glue so do we us we just we just have to hunt i guess and then we'll meet up afterwards so i remember you know where you first fight the baroff yes that big field is it mm-hmm there's like a big dune okay in the middle then i saw the diablos over by um you know the cuckoo bird's nest yeah he was just chilling there and i he kept killing me and i couldn't skin him oh okay we'll get him this time we'll get the skin don't you worry yeah oh i'm just harvesting everything i can along the way for some reason like i because earth crystals are needed for a lot and i just don't get them i got one there well i know some always seems to be short of that one resource old footprints i'm on the trail on the trail old scratches let me pick one of these up i'm moving towards them now oh no i'm not i'm not looking forward to this out gonna be fine look what happened with the old girl doggo we beat the argo doggo that's what happened barely clifford's dead you know so like you don't have to worry about it we killed a beloved television character don't worry we can kill satan what's emily gonna say she doesn't need to know the shows went off the arrowhead clifford went to the farm cutscene okay i got the cutscene too now hello mr barros there's just a lot of birds screaming right now i don't want to fight this guy sky well gary get out of the quicksand oh i gotta go skin it i think you're like a few seconds ahead of me okay so do you want me to quit out or do you want to cut out i can survive if you want me to i can survive do you want to cut out yeah okay you get here i'll survive also survive look at the horns on that thing see you soon done this is bad this is bad he's bad it's okay i'm actually doing quite surprisingly well so far just get over here and we can take it back i believe in us it just killed me okay i'll see you here i can survive it's fine what is happening i'm okay just make your way here there's nothing to worry about it's going fine he's burnt he's got a run lauren is waiting to join your quest i'm on the way okay i'll see you here soon yeah i gotta eat just take your time you know i'm not in any hurry fine succulent meal make sure you get a quality meal and you know give yourself some time to digest yeah yeah we'll let the chef decide you good over there i'm doing great yeah i'm surviving about me turn on the flash fly does that do anything didn't do a thorough job perfect good to know everything's in working order he's kind of just stopped for a moment that's good come on he's burnt oh no no no wait is he left i think i got him down the first stage oh sweet is the barrett still over here can i skin it i survived its first stage it went this way congratulations thank you i'm surprised i'm not dead i hate this guy i will learn to love him yet i'm sure he's just misunderstood he's an angry boy we better capture him oh we're going to capture him fight him over and over again in the arena there he is there he is god that thing is huge oh my god this is all new area as well isn't it i don't think we've been here oh no we have oh he's down here okay i'm gonna get a jump and start on him it didn't quite work he burrowed immediately oh joke's on him he can't oh never mind i retract that statement joke's on him georgie no don't you all right no no he just went for the double he's like spawn camping me oh you didn't die did you um almost oh my god i'm very squishy drink a potion okay i need to sharpen real quick too just going to leave you'd be about what i'm fine i don't know how i would do this with the switch axe it feels way too fast i just want to get him paralyzed oh i just knocked his horn off nicely done i think i broke battery of his foot off come on back up the paralysis i know you can cut its tail off okay now it's time to run now it's time to run oh he's got me oh thank god he missed me oh no he's not going for me at all now where'd he go are you down here i hear him he's digging okay there he's gone dead north oh god we're doing great whoa fun fact diablos is a herbivore really is that why he's attacking like everything he just really hates like animals to the extent he won't even eat him what is he doing let's see i'm coming over what is he doing oh okay when it comes to dodging his charge attack oh it's impossible okay good to know give me my rations please just trying to get round all right you're carrying this fight i can get him come on i thought the bow was meant to be the easy weapon all i can see is horn's gone now come on it's because i took it's horn isn't it you're doing great don't doubt yourself i am i'm not the pro boxer positive can do attitude is half a battle and the other half is [ __ ] satan get your tail oh okay come on okay we gotta move oh okay oh oh it's coming for me i can tell i can tell he's no he's leaving he's leaving he's leaving he went this way all right we're doing great yeah we're doing fantastic we're doing good this way so well he's over here there's some bones here too treat yourself treat yourself to some bones it's gonna know he's helping come on [ __ ] him have a snack oh he's he's back in his little cave okay we'll go pay him a visit then let's go say hey wait and there's there's some crystals here too let's get those there we go i'll wait for you are you already down in the bottom of the cave no no no i'm at the top of the i'm waiting to jump down you're waiting to jump down okay um hello he seems to be going for a stroll oh no he's just looking for you oh rockfall come on not go the way i want to okay okay run run run run we're good we're good get a bit of distance you know get some perspective on the fight take a step back don't be stressed i'm very stressed don't be stressed half the battle it's morals come on we can take them okay his tail is invincible apparently oh just watch out for his babies that are watching the fight don't go for me please i think i it's okay taking this time just coming over to say hi he's got a very forward way of saying hi let me get in all right now take a step back no no no he's not going as far with the burrow i think it's cause he's injured come on okay please don't pay attention to me please when he goes down that's actually a good chance to get some hits all right a wounded i thought that's what i was already doing but it's nice to is know looking a little bit limpy i'm on his face so i hope so is he stunned no oh no no no no that's bad that's bad that's bad uh oh oh you're okay you're okay just move as quick as you can now he's paralyzed come on oh you guys are the one there we go see we're doing good he is getting more aggressive do you blame him so are we oh that was so lucky attack fat oh i meant to get that we go keep getting that tail oh oh he's running he's running okay we've almost got him he can't have much left are we going to capture this bad boy yes we are got my trap i'll uh focus on trunks sure yeah he it's all under control he's not that bad he's got to be injured now yeah do i get him with the trap right away um i'll give him five minutes see if we can knock him down again georgie i need you to get here with that healing thank you this is a very small area oh god oh no no good lord good lord tap has healing for you actually we need it right now oh christ he is running look at him go let me on you i think you know what get ready with your trunks oh no all right i have another trap stay on the move emote he just broke it he just that's right that's fine i can get him we only get one shot this let me heal real quick going into the wall yeah oh i'm going for it got him you didn't oh god dad you carried that fight the last message i saw in chat is it's not capital arty oh no that's a real shame there we go oh perfect capture timing we got it i love that my my like cuts my image my photo gallery thing is just me dying that was a tough fight that's a good one that was a good one yeah yeah we did we did great yeah i did i did very we did great i helped yes you did we did it as a team oh that reminds me new armor oh we're gonna be able to make something good from his bits i imagine bloody hope so only weapons maybe i'm gonna see what i can actually craft oh i hate it what's the new armor i hate it is it that bad i hate it what's wrong with it i haven't even looked at it yet it's dumb oh i thought there we go i got a new bow oh diablospo that's pretty good we could use that i'm just stocking up on supplies and then i'll check out some of what's craftable there we go i can get carapa's edge tier three oh that sounds fancy like i don't know what exactly the stats are but i know it sounds good oh i'll just be one sec give up okay wolfman thank you for the 50 [ __ ] quiz hey dad i hope you're doing very good at the game right now well you're doing very good the game right now hope you're having fun with playing multiple weapons sword and shield is defo underrated thank you so much very kindly i need his teeth you need his teeth no well we can get his teeth it's okay i know the pain the pain and suffering that comes not again the apple armor looks kind of cool uh i don't like how shaky it is actually jiggles yeah jiggles oh you're so close to being cool so close one day one day oh god the diablo's hammer looks awesome too okay okay oh on on have you looked at in the palico i haven't actually it's quite cute like a fierce kind of gladiator set uh let me see oh blessing it's this little oh i need another diablos fang to upgrade my gear ass knife apparently that was the one i needed oh oh no you want to go we got to do another one at some point i haven't found that one yet we need more tea again i'm down to fight it again well let's fight let's fight the fiery one first oh christ okay yeah yeah boy yeah yeah oh god i'm gonna get a meal in and we'll be good i i found that like having the defense up there actually helped a lot just because he hit so hard i think the um these flying weapons are gonna be fine come think of it i mean i hope so i imagine i think it's gonna be tougher for me you might have an easier time though you can pepper them at range okay i'm gonna let me post the quest uh is this a cut scene one it might be i imagine for this one just camp 17. that's probably the best one can you join off me okay you can join off me i think i might not unlock that campsite um that's okay we can we can just go for a stroll if you just join out and i'll go to the campsite you're at and then we'll walk through the world together and we'll get up there else grind grumpy gary dragon dentist well they do say dentists are really unsatisfied with their jobs so it makes sense why he's so grumpy he does can't smile himself and all he does is fix other smiles i can go to that camp hey maybe because i have the campsite oh my god let's go i do need to try and bring more tools and items to help because people keep saying like bring flashbacks and stuff like that like i never use anything like that oh they have some here in the supply i just yanked them i think yeah i just young some too hang on let me see if i can get a bit more cause i'm gonna grab some coating for my items can i put cottons and stuff on my sword like is there any items here chat that i should be like grabbing sunni you'd recommend kyo um i don't know if you can put anything on your sword it's barrel bombs like i haven't expects any of that stuff i just have like basically crafting materials just flash pods people are saying where's the flashpot again i think i overlooked it i'm blind there it is okay i'll take some flash pods then is it possible to customize this whole like bottom of the lb menu i don't know actually i've never been able to work it out you can make it a little easier for yourself i think with like holding and doing the wheel you can customize it how do you customize it customize radial menu and options oh yeah there's if you open if you open if you press start ql and then yeah so when you're on quest you can actually you can toggle it so you have everything you want on like a handy easier to access menu oh oh let me i'm just gonna i'm just gonna take a minute to customize this a bit and like remove some of the faff that i don't want nice customize customize radial menu quest settings what yeah so do you see it yeah but it's confusing it's a little bit yeah the ui in the in this game is so [ __ ] dense like it does make it a bit tricky yeah because with lb it just goes through absolutely everything you have in your inventory at any one point in time uh but now you can press lb and then just use the right stick and i can select exactly what i want monster definitely has some ui difficulties menus and venues yeah it feels very dense like i'm sure like they want it that way so you could customize it to this degree but it is it is scary to say the least okay let's go are you ready to hunt the big boy i am that's at least one of us let's go oh i think did you move this oh i missed the vine yeah hey wait can you get across that yeah yeah let me go i'm gonna let me walk around how did you make that jump you just um have to like sprint towards a vine and then it'll automatically do it for you oh okay yeah i didn't realize that i always have to like you have to press a and time it uh that makes a lot more sense i'm coming up hey you will what you're trying to do i caught a gecko oh what does that do i think when you capture those like little animals you can put them oh oh you can capture for the base can't you yeah oh there's honey here wait what is this it's like an abandoned camp this is a different camp maybe this is where the mushroom man was living um kick over his food that'll learn him for trying to survive uh do we just go back is there nothing else here so cute god i love no fall damage it's like if this was the real world your knees would be broken right now okay i think he's just up here there's like a little crawl space and he's like right here oh he's not in at the moment he was here before he must have just missed him oh he's popped out to the shops hang on i've got him tracked people are saying we should steal the egg will that get him here oh yeah where's the egg where is the egg i don't see an egg oh here's an egg okay so do i do i bring this anywhere um we could drop it or take it back to camp it'll be this way oh it's coming oh lord it's coming gotta bring the egg the egg's too big to get through i'm just i'm just gonna drop it oh i'm sure that won't piss him off oh it's coming come on big bird come on where's it going not interested after i killed his child i need to care a little more let me take another one is there another one there i think they respawn come on where are you like i'm just throwing his children off the cliff now he's coming he's coming i thought he'd be more fussed about this like at least four of their babies have died now i harvest the bones while i wait oh scales yeah there's bits of them just sitting about here is he really not coming i thought he would at this point he's like way way way out let me take another try do you want to take an egg too is there another one there i think so this i'd hold on to the egg okay come on take the egg away from the nest people are saying uh it's definitely coming is it oh yeah oh here he is hello sir i've got your child oh now he catches on okay let me just drop this child real quick let's go he's coming for me okay okay we can do this grappling on is gonna be your friend then i'm what do we do there's water are you okay yeah you almost knocked me off the air wait you didn't fall all the way down did you no no no oh thank god let me adam oh i'm on his face it's a bad spot to be oh i need to heal real quick there's um some wasps behind you oh thank you george had one too but i already chugged the potion yeah i think you're gonna be able to do a bit better here it's hard for me to get in at him i'm gonna try oh come on oh oh that was a direct hit with a freaking all right come on that was um unlucky what's this do oh the flash pod it stuns them for a brief moment but it's very brief oh he's still stunned he can still attack he's just a little disoriented i just gotta have to heal at the mall oh no there we go it is nice of him to open up this extra space for us to kill him oh yeah we're doing good we can take them there's bones back here it's not time but for later wait oh i started mine and hang on let me just finish the animation real quick oh ow he's on the move nice he got him down the first face that's pretty good oh no shall we finish getting the bones ancient bones nice uh doing the backup upswing attack can mount if you do a sword swing when fall instead of the shield bash shield bashes the extra blunt damage oh so when i'm in the air that i press wide to attack him instead that's good to know oh i do y i usually attack him with the y i just keep matching b i think that's my mistake but good to know do you ever use the different attacks when you grapple uh no oh you should i never did the tutorial to learn how to do all that it's amazing and wait where are you i'm still right now oh my the other nest wait oh no i'm not with you you're not fighting them yet are you um hang on i'm coming you just sit tight i'm on my way now you doing okay down there yeah great i'm here to help i missed oh wait i'm a little disoriented it's a bit stunned the fact that he does like poison damage of all things drink up oh ow ow oh he dude he do oh i got him on the ground he dropped a bit of him here if you want to grab it because i imagine his materials are quite valuable get his team people outside i'm on his face oh christ you okay nope come on oh i've gone far down oh [ __ ] i'm coming oh jesus oh his ass landed on me oh broke something oh keep getting them all right that should send him into the wall knock him down nice nicely done oh it's very hard to see what i'm doing not just monster hunter yeah it's like camera is not cooperating oh georgie give me that oh so what you can do is you know you're hitting y to attack him yeah that'll cause him to drop like slinger ammo and what you can do then is next time you grapple on to him you can use b as a like to kind of move him in different directions but then you can use b when you grapple on is it and it like can shift his direction so he's facing a wall for example and then you use right trigger to unleash you with that slinger ammo you picked up and it like all explodes in his face and charging into like a wall or something okay thank you that seems really good so you get on him instead of doing y for slinger ammo once you have it you press b and then right trigger to release once he's facing the wall gotcha but if he's already like facing wool you can just you just right trigger yeah it's awesome sounds like a plan and it knocks them down too so that's good enough there he is he's not injured yet is he um it's gonna be i can't tell at all it's a dangerous spot for him to be please come towards the land sir i planted some bombs on him there but i don't think i got the walls done and i wind it myself let me just rest nice example god oh he doesn't look too happy you think he's injured yes he is it's time we can do it we can do it we can do it okay just gotta find where he lands holy [ __ ] we're doing it gonna bring down a dragon this is how bobo baggins felt oh i just fell i fell down a hole oh was it the correct hole no oh i'll see you later goodbye i'll meet at the dragon apparently there's a toby kadachi around here too at the moment i love toby i love him too i don't know if i want to face him right now no i don't want to fight angerman nanjing ass what is going on i want to fight angie benji all right now it's not time i don't know where it's leading me it's taking me back up the tree yeah i'm just gonna fast travel back to camp it's probably the best way to get to him honestly yeah it's like i'm like walking all this way like man where is my uber taking me i'm trying to make my way back is it down is this he's sleeping do you want me to just catch him i'm almost there i think okay i'll just sit tight i'm back at camp just catch him okay let me just go go to sleep go to sleep i did it mom i did it look at me go you did it i help there's more bones no we did it together i i'm helping yes you are couldn't have thought of what have you oh we got a lot of parts oh so you actually see what you get them for so because we broke his wings we got a wing talon turns out if you read what's on the screen you can learn something i didn't know that i had no idea oh the dragon boy is talking to us okay uh something about the live stream um and possibly ending the world oh so now there is some sort of threat everyone please quiet down we're not just hunting monsters anymore and three so if zoro commander i'll tell my sister there's no time i'm yes sir i did a little dig so if we can lure zoro we can mitigate the blast bio energy released which started don't worry a very big plan is that what i think it is we have a big plan to stop him i think we're getting on a boat soon captain you sure took your sweet time not to mention i've skipped all the dialogue it's time it's nonsense all of us listen to me it's like i've never been so uninvested in a game story but at the same time i love the game like i'm thoroughly enjoying this and the story is like subtracting from that enjoyment yeah because i just want to get back out there and fight i i've never had it to this degree with a game just please shut up and let me get to the next bit like it's where i'm at we did it we did it so oh we better get to fight this boy again we got vitality mantle oh you gotta talk to everyone and look at our new armor oh yes we gotta see what we're crafted next i feel the exact same way yeah like is there anyone here in chat who actually like enjoys the story okay is there anyone here there's like one guy and the rest has been no he said he sat there and he's a monster on a world shirt and his little artist that's posted on the wall like yes this is the best day ever he just ruined i'm just [ __ ] on his favorite story oh man he really hates it oh i'm so excited the handler's my favorite character but it's like one of those things we might not care about it but then we're still picking it up we we understand what's going on enough i think to a degree yeah we're still professional monster hunters actually got our bones i'm just taking the field research ones like every time for rewards all the time where is fatty to explain monster hunter lore no but like fatty explained lauren this game just means that vadi actually paid attention to the plot like i don't think there's too much to explain no i'm like you just have to read it i would be all over that i would become like the monster hunter world are a hunter but why do we hunt the monsters are we not the monster ourselves that's what it would be like he's here [ __ ] love his videos it's like oh god i played um for honor with barty once and that was like one of the most like exciting moments oh that sounds cool that was like when the for on a beta came out i think oh yeah yeah he covered that a little bit i think he featured it in one of his videos like a souls like games one oh god now i'm gonna have to go and watch all his dark souls videos again new armor oh new era let me see obviously let me see let me see let me see i'm running i'm running oh wait i don't like it oh there's a quest at it which is hunt the power couple which is like two dragons in the ancient forest we'll do it oh we gotta see if there's any new weapons though new armor oh rattle loss that's the one oh it does look kind of cool it's not as good as diablos armor though apparently but it does look cool it does look very cool doesn't it guys oh there's a wrathful sword and shield excuse me oh that looks so good i still need my diablos uh fang okay that looks awesome what's the rattler sword and shield um it's gonna be underneath the all tree it's a flame knife oh i like that oh but i worked so hard my fire axe i don't need more fire yes you do so i'll work slow no i i i gonna go for the great gearhouse we're gonna upgrade paralysis okay so what like what enemies do we want to hunt for new armor then because like top of the food chain at the moment seems to be rattles and diablos in terms of armor oh don't oh that's the same tier two isn't it the old i'll go doggo i'll go doggo what about i'll go there oh we can keep going i think we i think we're at a pretty good point i might oh god that flame knife looks awesome oh gosh darn it so many things to get oh we can build myself um charms uh can we build charms yeah i don't have any aquacore ore so i can just not build like any of them i think we get that from the uh what's it called the coral highlands yeah i might need some of that are you interested in any of the leguana stuff oh wait the event also has free new armor new armor from the events is there a new venum blossom's been here a while have we got a new oh there's a new rathalos set for the paliko ah i'm just asking chat like which armor set do you think is most stylish for me which way do you think we should go dragon boy the uh clifford keyword was going for so we're not gonna get that one ourselves no you can still get it because it's awesome people want me to go for rat loss okay okay all right i'm gonna i'm gonna start putting this together let me see two and three two ah because the shells are limited i can only get one piece for now but that's fine okay we're gonna get rat loss armor then are you up front and some dragons kiwo yes i am gonna i think i'm gonna try and work towards getting the rathalos sword and shield oh yeah that would be cool i might do that too i do i just go full rat loss i've worked i mean i could just make fire my element and just refuse to change outside of fire okay what's what's what sword do i need it's or tree i need a steel knife steel knife one i need webbing and marrow gordon shield where is it oh we just make a new hunter's knife isn't it and then i'll work my way up mm-hmm okay don't equip that now because it would be kind of shy sort by tree sort by equipped maybe a hunter's knife upgrade equipped by accident that's fine upgrade it again okay steel knife i'm working towards getting the i'll go doggo stuff i need more fangs of course i do there's also a mystery tree here with as diablos and agodago stuff that could be cool and of itself i'll just keep that steel knife handy and then we'll decide what way to spec it later i think that might be the smart way to do it so much i'm so overwhelmed i still i still want to upgrade my gear ass knife i think forge palico equipment what's paliko got uh we can give him a mighty sword oh i can go all the way with my blooming barrel set oh see i i don't think i have the patience to commit to every arm reset but there are a few where i'm like i kind of want that yeah okay i'm gonna get the ratlos armor set then we'll work towards that lads uh i have that new mission that was to hunt two dragons do you want to try that we could get a lot of parts from it oh you want to do a twofer yes i do okay why do i want to do i yes i do let me stock up on supplies oh my i have so many gun lances oh okay uh tranq bombs i need sleep herbs i need to actually harvest more from the forest because i'm actually running out of supplies constantly wow the rathalos gun launch looks insane oh this is bad this is number five business okay redefining the power couple uh we need to hunt two dragons in the forest i'm gonna post it faint three times is the failure condition too this is gonna be hard we didn't even faint once true actually yeah excuse me is that a goddamn sniper i just found you found a sniper it looks like a sniper what like you just just straight up a gun yes you'll see i'm going to make i'm going to make it right quick oh so that's a legiana tree so i've got to go all three okay okay that's a heavy bow gun my only harvest the most honey i need to actually set up my farm better this is like things i need for crafting they're weaving same thing same thing don't be the old technically guy it's a dragon oh it's happening i'm ready are you good to to parrot no yeah just one more okay here it is that did you craft a full set no i just made a gun that looks like a freaking sniper oh my god if i use the switch axe here is that going to be any better lads i don't think it's going to work against the the rat loss is it special scope would it be any better for me to use the switch ax or sword and shield is better against fire monster what could go wrong yeah that's you sword and shield all right okay i'm ready okay i need to grab the right kind of ammo i'm ready i'm ready i want to get into the world and kill it looks like i it looks like a sniper i am so excited i want to see this all right oh have you already posted the quest yes which cam 17 yeah i reckon one of them is going to be up there party members let's go oh boy okay two fern dragons i used a voucher tool for money okay uh we're only gonna i think we'll only have one shot each to capture each one because we can only carry one shot trap at a time it gives enough dung pods if we want those don't know if i do too full to eat again as well did i eat back a base i must have get into the world get the draggle boys i'm gonna see if one of them's just in the nest here one of them's here i don't know which way you went i don't have to get back up there so it's just straight to the nest so you have to kind of go down sit down hang on he might be taking off in a mo so i gotta i'm just gonna aggro him real quick but you can find your way over here oh he left i'm on my way i was i was right here he didn't want to stay eggs oh yeah oh yeah here's my what that's like out of halo oh i got a pistol i got an egg do i just hold the egg and is that like aggro come on down it's like neato kicking needle queen as long as we don't have to fight ball at the same time i think we'll be okay which way is he coming oh no what does the egg actually do lads i don't like when we hold it is he here oh no that's the that's the misses oh hello ma'am i found your child we haven't fought this one oh oh we're gonna be fine okay please be fine please be [ __ ] no oh thanks georgie that was a ballsy grapple come on go for its face give me your teeth damn my cluster bombs miss uh i mean i can try them in a mo i don't know what i'm doing i need to get a handle on the grapple mechanic so this is not the fight for it oh she be going for georgie okay i gotta remember to do the sword at the end of that combo to get on oh oh oh why oh you good company no you're good oh no the water oh oh try to get to the side oh oh oh she's taking me with her no no no oh oh she fell down we gotta go we gotta go i'm coming where's she oh she fell trying to get rid of her tail oh come on tails not gone yet okay oh i spent all that time setting up my menu so i could access stuff easier i'm just not even using it there she is hello man oh she's spitting dropping more slinger bombs come on get back here rashid old footprints it's like it might have been here all right who knows i have a feeling it might have been here it probably was here possibly maybe archaeologists will have to investigate the site from this point and take up the investigation from here we simply don't have enough information to discern oh what was that um i was the other one here i don't know what's that i don't know that doesn't sound like i ain't never heard nothing like that before uh i'm sure it's fine we have nothing to fear oh papa's home wait wait old scale sometimes those actually give you a skill when you pick them up come on up it's probably easier like to just travel to the camp every time they go back up the tree isn't it yeah takes us a long whole time to get back up this way that see that would make too much sense true we can't do it we've got two of them we gotta pat out the streamline sometime okay because like god only knows we haven't been streaming that long lately oh it'll be like an hour stream if we did everything correctly oh oh are they fighting no they're fighting me oh you're in the middle oh i'm on fire i'm in the middle all right i'm joining in oh they they double teamed you alive yeah thankfully my cat no okay i won't ask that again so i got locked i got locked there that was brutal stay alive um you know some things are easier said than done george is having a real bad day oh god oh no i'm almost back okay i don't know you're ready okay so the females i separate them a little good good good good so if you come down the path just run past the first one you get to where i am with pleasure oh you went down the path i jumped off the ledge oh no that's okay we just have to improvise oh i'm stunned no no no no no no no no i got i got carried it hello hello don't forget to grab your rations thank you oh we can eat we can eat again it's tough when they were together there that was unfortunate i still have the dung pods but i didn't use them there so that should make them flee okay i'm gonna get the fence up i'm just gonna eat fish okay i'm ready to get back out into the world yeah put myself out there again i'm terrified they're both back are they just chilling together yeah oh we got to use the poop to separate them then i think people were saying the dung pod will do that i don't know how to like i've only got bomb pods it's a it's on the item let me just back up real quick oh he's just back up oh my god they're both down did you get through the gap they just like they just bought attacked me instantly oh no please please let me through okay instant poison right that's fair come on georgie i got the green one the red one is also looking if you take the green one i'll take the red one because otherwise they're gonna come after us wait what am i doing stop sharpening with your wet stone oh it's coming back up oh that's fine stop chasing the bag this way all right you get down the path oh my god did you get it with a dung pad no that's just your gun oh there she is okay oh okay let's get her with the pod no the we want the other one with the pod i fired a dung pod it's the other one with the pod okay the red one we want the gr we want the green one the green one's low health we're lower okay uh we gotta chase him back down they're together again great okay so these two are inseparable yes this is making it like comically difficult all right how do i miss i fired all my tongue did i do it i did it the red one's gone nice no [ __ ] way wait it's dead it's dead holy [ __ ] you did it oh my god oh i shouldn't have sent the red one away now we gotta go find him again wait did we catch the other the rathalos last time we did yeah okay we're gonna have to try catch it this time are we catching it again yep okay we gotta get the parrots true i gotta get my uh my raffle last hammer yeah it's true we need teeth we need its teeth yes i might go back to i'm gonna um which camp you go on i'm gonna go back to the ancient forest camp and swap out my bow gun for uh the smaller bow okay i'm just going to gather some herbs in the meanwhile then i don't think he's too far from me i stopped taking the red pits too like um yeah terrible with slinger ammo give me the slinger bomb moment of calm do i need to sharpen my thing i could do just to be safe all right this is your first time playing someone asked we've been playing this for about a week he was more experienced than me well it's also been a while since she's played we're slowly making our way through the story it's uh we're just having a big brain fest like i'm loving it i i do not give a [ __ ] about the story this would be a better game if there was no plot like in my opinion oh my god like that's how far i would go like riders you know you worked hard i'm sure there was no need you could have taken the day off but if there were even with the plot though if we could just go through it together that would be nice i would be more invested then instead of having to like it's because it's so tedious to access the story that's like i just don't give a [ __ ] about it okay i found him here i'm getting there okay i'm behind you take a slinger bomb hello let's go still make the mistake with ammo did he let go yeah oh no are you down there no i got i'm on him nice wait was it right trigger or left trigger hang on uh i have no idea right trigger left cat rubber oh you've grappled it no it's different to you just keep hitting him but there's like a point where you have to hold on oh he knocked me off oh he's down was it i think it was right trigger okay stay down please all right am i doing it what am i doing i don't know what was happening there i'm trying to do new inputs oh i need to not die here come on he'll feel he'll georgie if you have oh he's always a [ __ ] oh no no no no let go of me all right that works wait where is he he's falling down he's giving me a hard time oh he's going back up he was spamming the clutch claw i need to learn the controls for this thing plan a bomb on it come on ow it's dropping more slinger ammo is it limping i have three bomb pods let me get on his face all right oh he's not looking good he's not i'm wondering how close he is broke his face okay he's got to be almost down get back here okay i think we can trap him from here you might even be sleeping in the middle oh he's not quite sleeping okay hang on let me try it is he there we go it's not working no i used all my bombs i should have done that it's okay i got some almost shouldn't have just wasted my supplies oh what's the vigor wasp station so uh i think that's so you can get your boy to place one down okay that seems handy plot it without his tail come on you can't have much more oh oh god he dropped a bit of him under him there another power broken this is webbing i think okay i got it he was living there no i need him down oh he's leaving isn't he he's going up there oh we're so close all right i'll uh i'll go into the the capture thank you yeah i squandered that with my supplies there i thought if i kept spamming the uh what should we call it the tranquilizer bombs that eventually work that's not how they work i i really need to get just get some more supplies i think get sleep herbs yeah we can definitely do that we can go through and do um we need mango and spiff we do so we can just run through all these forests and everything again yes that would be really good and like a new one yeah supply hunting get the gang together eventually one day one of these days it's just slowly taking time hopefully we'll get you some good stuff i need i need to get all my my drago armor like any and all bits of his face i appreciate it find a use for everything you know it's just like how they make sausages except it's closed have you have you ever watched the youtube channel ordinary sausage you showed me that and it was so upsetting oh i was so upset some sausages and and no he didn't even need the tranquilizer well uh job done i guess we just harvest some bones oh bones quickly damn it the syrup sausage is cursed yeah so ordinary sausage to the youtube channel it's basically making sausages out of things you should not make sausages out of the one kilo sent me was like a mayonnaise sausage and it was absolutely disgusting like i hated it he made an onion sausage he's made a blood sausage um he made a water sausage like blood sausage is just black pudding you know that's not that's not too fancy we have that here like mayo it's like what it's terrible absolutely hate that channel it's not for me i'm obsessed with it it's my favorite have a problem thank you normally i try to be supportive of everything but this is one time it's like you sick [ __ ] oh good lord so upset oh goodness oh new armor and weapons i think oh hang on i'm just sorting inventory a little bit i need another shock trap then i need the craft you know i'm gonna just save my power shrooms and sleep herbs i'm gonna plant them and get more because that's the smart thing to do because i keep running out wait can you plant power streams because i can only plant blue mushrooms and it's really upsetting me maybe i haven't tried oh the rathalos bow looks awesome too oh no i can't i can't plant any of those things apparently this is unacceptable yeah i'm coming over to see if all i can craft i'm gonna get more of my armor do need another diablo to upgrade my knife too all right new specialized tool the bandit mantle what does that do armor oh i need more i need one rathalos marrow i've got my gloves i've got two bits of the rattle alzheimer i've got three i can make the hat too oh oh my guy's looking kind of cool so i need more shell i need a rattle loss plate and i need a rattle lost tail oh the wrathian is that's going to be rough yeah because i actually have a cool helmet i'm going to actually show it for once too let me just what's a toggle your hat under i would not know that i'm sorry that's okay chat might know head armor show god mike i look like a full on like anime character now it's kind of wild but i kind of like it all right do you want to go for the next quest and see because we might have to fight the zoro mag wait can i i can get a rarity for jagras axe wait i can upgrade my jagras axe into the rattles axe no yes that's awesome oh [ __ ] hang on so i can take this down here oh but it's gonna take a lot of pirates it's the thing oh new assignment oh you know what [ __ ] it we're doing it we're doing it oh are you upgrading your jagras i have a rattle ass axe now of course you do oh that's gonna do some crazy damage we're back to switch axe boys so i need more diabolos then because i need to upgrade i have a sword and shield i can still upgrade um but then i need to finish the rash loss armor so let me just wish list a few bits it's like forge equipment armor reject sword and shield returned to switch axe i didn't last long did i well that's the thing you can mess around with them you know i swapped weapons halfway through a fight true okay i'm gonna need a lot of parts for these the plate in particular is gonna limit the mail oh but when it's finished like look how cool our character's gonna look and george we're going to get you some rattles gear too we're going all in wait does the rashi in gear now too i mean that actually looks kind of derpy i don't have the raftian gear i don't think i got enough items from it you're not is there actually in here there is but it's not actually that good kind of just looks like a regular armor set hmm yeah it's not nearly as good yeah we need it to be ridiculous yeah we we need the stupid looking armor i mean um are you down to do another um i'm down for anything so we could do a rather loss and then could we do an orgo doggo yes you need the doggo this is like this is like when you order your sushi at the japanese restaurant what do you want okay let's go around the table and get the waitress our order oh we want just a little bit of everything get us a platter get us a mix there's always the awkward one who can't pronounce anything on the menu so carl can you do my order for me please i'll take a 27.00 i'm gonna i've gotta go for my glacial bow now if you're fighting the fireballs yes get a closer your vote oh i might be able to upgrade no save it uh we gotta control ourselves we've already ordered a lot of sushi okay we've we can only eat so much right now damn it oh my god okay uh those had a special arena is for a rat lesson diablos but that doesn't give us that doesn't give us anything does that give us monster parts yeah yeah you can still skin them i guess so you can't capture them can you they can skin them and it does take all of the uh you know the fighting side like sorry the hunting out of it which is true ideal yeah i mean i'm down let's do a special arena rattles and diablos there's an i'll go doggo here too wait ratlos and no no so one at a time oh wanna you can still capture them in the arena people are saying really we just need to bring supplies okay do you have any tranquilizer bombs because i do okay i have plenty of traps so i'll bring one of those okay let's just work our way down we'll start with a diablos we'll do one of each actually no we'll start with your ago doggo there we go okay i'll use another voucher yep i'm starting it now oh i'm gonna eat oh wait did you post it too yeah okay hang on let me let me join on you there we go okay let's kill them all in the arena we'll get some more parts that way oh and there's giant traps you can use in the arena so we need oh i need we can we can still eat food before we enter the arena there's a chance that's it's all right yeah i can get it right now see that let me just get the fence up i do i think i'm doing way more damage with the switch axe but the trade of mobility i'm excited to see what this looks like when it's fully taken out oh it's gonna look awesome it looks so much cleaner than like the other like t-rex boy weapon i've got so once you start getting the different weapons i know that i know there's an armor set that i'm looking forward to seeing again but it's uh we're on the hunt uh some fights i remember nothing can stop us oh god i think we're almost high ranked hunters now oh so we get towards like the end of like like gear for iceborn i guess like how many rarity tiers are there total i have no idea a lot we're only on like four no because there's like with one quest off of so we're almost high ranked so 12 tears apparently my god well so much for thinking we were really far through hey you guys haven't got well uh we're doing our best oh yeah and we can oh we can utilize all the traps it's gonna be good you know let me just get my equipment apparently i've already eaten or i'm too full right now grumpy gary is ready for action and luckily you just have to crawl into the arena at the end it's like don't mind me just sneaking in i'm gonna be sneaky where is he my god i want to just see what this looks like that's such a cool sword do you want to jump down and get him let me help you load the cannon first i love the noisy makes okay here i'm gonna i'm gonna jump in okay yeah yeah yeah i missed wait but he hasn't seen me what does this lever do no yeah that would have been good if he was under it oh okay let's get going the speedy boy so the switch acts may actually not be as good here i mean it does good damage i'm stronger now because of my new armor oh maybe if i latch onto him how much will that do oh oh that come on i'm coming over how much does this do i mean it does look good okay amount okay i can do the wombo combo still i remember that gotta relearn it a bit nice break his face yeah i mean this is good for breaking bits of them because that's so big a hitbox oh i'm gonna break them up oh you want to pick it up here get that real quick oh can you bring him over here sure hang on we might wanna georgie oh no we can't can't use it yet kind of hard to kind of oh my god a little bit not having mobility it hurts in this fight he's going for a tap can't just do that nice okay let me get the wombo combo parts broken again that's good oh she's tired should have gone in there come on i think come on trying to chop off its tail got a bit of it i think it like you think it's injured oh he's struggling should we trap him uh there's a time there's a bit of him under him there too oh he's enraged he's angry he's angry oh oh going to try trap him um there yeah let's do it here use the tranquilizer on them i don't have any oh tranquilizer equalizer click quick the traps worn off [ __ ] sorry it's okay uh if you have another trap if you haven't got a trap you gotta go for it where's my oh my god i don't have it oh no he's dying it's okay we can do it again no mercy oh no i'm bleeding hang on ow oh no no no i'm doing it hey check this out okay wait what are you doing oh my god too much it was like 500 look at his face oh he definitely wasn't ready for a trap yeah he's still got a bit more to go that's fine oh i need to do my jab i haven't tried the jab with this weapon yet it's only started glowing now let me just let me just stick it in real quick oh goodies thanks perfect yeah we'll trap them next time oh i got a plate hey that's what we want to see oh get more plates soon i just desperately need sleep herbs to make tranquilizer like i've none i'm surprised you can't just buy tranquilizer from like the shop i think you can buy um well i think you need the blue mushrooms or is it just sleep huh i can't remember and i can't remember where to find them either probably the coral highlands can think of it um i mean we could just head there at some point we'll probably have a job to like hunt something there let's just hunt a bunch of [ __ ] today again i mean we're almost at high rank i don't know what that means people keep saying it the next tier oh so all the armor we have will become obsolete and we will need more great oh i can't wait come on let's get that odo okay get your auto gear manage items let me stock up oh i just put everything away give me another shock trap i need it sinew um we'll we'll get to find another one it's okay oh i can buy the legs we can fight more kill them as much as we want okay here i'm gonna post a quest for my dragon boy and then we got a wrath loss as well dumb you want to do diablos next or atlas up to you uh let's go raffles you want that full gear i want that gear and remind me to this the arena was great hunting monsters is great yeah it's just the more stuff we can kill the better you know because like that's just what i'm down for yeah the more armor we can make the better because i don't know about you but i'm a big fan of the armor arab was pretty good um you got to get a weapon that matches the armor it's important okay give me a defense up are you going to play ryze check back next year you might be waiting a while oh there is an or uh there is an orgo doggo side quest that we can do instead of the arena oh okay an arathian quest as well is that the rattle is that the green one or the red one that's the green one i don't know if we really want the green one like we can kill it but no it's a side quest and you know you know how i feel about my question okay all right we'll kill it too you don't sound too excited oh you know i guess oh god we'll kill another dragon go ahead i got the traps oh shoot i wanted to go with um actually the glacial bows would be good for this one i am just going to take a quick little water break and just refill uh so i'll just be back in the mo lads oh yeah i'll do the same i'll see you in a second catch it a bit war break everyone you heard the you had the man it's not a drill i have returned i beat hades again today i can't wait for dan to stop playing hades i'm i'm gonna oh oh that's gonna be so good i'm so excited so and he's back oh hello welcome back thank you just use the loo there too i got more water all's good i'm so ready oh actually you know what i'm definitely doing cannons on this one oh got all the traps all the cannons all that that's the wrong way one minute it could be used oh i'm so ready it's like oh oh there it is okay right i'm gonna start chilling let he's not gonna shoot us from here is he i mean oh he's coming over oh yeah oh the cannon's not worked change of plans what are you doing i got it i gotta hurt him somehow he won't come down i'll have to come up there he is oh oh i'm poisoned is there a way to stop the poison can we chop off a certain bit of them um i need hope oh come on oh lord it's a tail apparently [ __ ] this guy if we get his tail we can stop it okay oh this is going to be a tough part i'm stunned just go for his tail get rid of the poison because that's gonna be the worst thing here dragonate can be used i'm gonna keep him there i can't get past keep him there don't move don't move bud oh my god this is so cool h thank you come on georgie oh my god it's so hard to get on him i keep getting i'm stunned and on fire it's a bad combo oh no i will come back to help in just a moment his tails off no it is oh okay sticking my sword in come on get it off how much damage does this do not much more but he is resisting it so i'll take it though i want to get that done first aid med is he just not doing anything oh he's hurting break his face come on break his face just gonna keep swinging here a bit ah don't forget to go grab his tail when he can because if we're trying to capture him yep okay i'm gonna i need this i need this real quick tail acquired thank you oh no no i broke the cannon the bastard you can now eat again i was getting a bit peckish in this fight oh no oh no i should have eaten hang on i'm back here i can eat all right i'll stay alive i'll try to stay alive yeah i'm going as quick as i can okay sharpen give me a fish platter wait i should be getting elemental resist because it's fire nope too late now oh wait he still poisons oh he's poisoning again he shouldn't be this is clause oh that's not what chat said no you mean chat was wrong hey but the way they talk they're always right they light you can't trust anyone these days oh oh jesus welcome back to the fight good to see you hold on come on get him with the axe oh looks like he's come on he's slowing down oh come on crap please he's stunned okay i'm doing it i'm doing it i'm doing the trap yeah get him oh my god nice that was well done ah jesus goodness did you skin his tail too okay we're good we got all the juicy bits i think with the tail i can craft another bit of the armor side i just need to get a plate um is just like a fancier scale isn't it yeah nothing there but we live in hope got it before long you have a go have a look see and see if you can make it oh i might make the raffle sword and oh i got the bow though the bow is like this isn't fair it's not fair there's too many things you gotta pick one and commit i think and start with that never ever i'm gonna make everything at once give me every piece of sushi you have i'll just put an all of them out at once oh god there's so many oh no i've got another bit of my armor set the diablospo is nice too it's just the plate i'm missing now the wrathian bow then he's catching the wrathian so close to perfection are you gonna do another one well i mean i just need the plate that's the thing i didn't get any marrow let's do it hang on buy him again well fight him again but do you not do you don't have one that you want to fight too though well there's another quest that we can do afterwards so let's get your plate oh [ __ ] i i think i'm gonna need more plates because apparently the rat loss axe to upgrade requires them yeah let's let's do the okay i also need two more of his tail for the axe yeah we can do that oh thank you okay let me just get another shock trap and more of those okay georgie yeah we're gonna make georgie just a rattle ass boy you deserve it georgie people are saying we can do investigations for extra rewards it might be a way to get some more materials do you want because because we just did the arena there do you want to try to do like the other like main mission ones yeah that's what i was thinking because i'm turning into a little bit of a completionist at the moment okay really upsetting me it's okay it happens to the best of us it's not fair we still tolerate you so don't worry tolerate tolerate it's all right everyone has the faults you know tolerate jesus so post a new request let's see what we got optional um this one man's best friend where we capture a doggo wait so what are we capturing the orgo doggo okay yeah i'm down join a quest optional uh which camp i went to the first camp okay i have no vouchers the game informs me grimly it's like you have ran out of supply jesus i mean you should use the vouchers like you get like was it two every day might as well use them up can only carry i five forget okay i'm ready all right i just had to eat stand by and let's go you should focus on getting the higher act before making a lot of weapons and armor sets you should do whatever the [ __ ] you like in this game and have fun because we want all of them have you considered enjoying the game who would do that come on hello you take me for some kind of nerd oh yeah i'm ready i've had food oh we i kind of want to go grab some short saw sorry there's sword and shield and just take on the rabadan just for the sake of it because it's so much fun is he just chilling over there oh jesus uh do you wanna do it um we gotta capture the doggo and he's a bit of a pain in the ass in this all right let's go okay there he is just over here i don't see him oh there's the paris rooms here no that's not uh parachutes we do need yeah they're the ones we'll find in the wastelands cool we haven't found a snow zone oh yeah that's the whole ice ice that's that's the expansion contest i believe but you know most games they have like an icy zone and there isn't one apart from where the leguana is which is it's true dogo screamed at me scream back at them show me he's really gunning for tap you know what i'm fine with that just leave no he's up the way sir sorry forgot your order oh my god he just keeps swiping at me these are all my favorite monster designs so aggressive oh oh nitro nitro shrooms did he leave oh he went up that tunnel bit again no he didn't i think he did oh we've unlocked that path now okay also we're not restricted then underground fruit gives research points i'm just collecting everything if you do see any like sleeps uh the sleep herb or the parish rooms just please let me know because oh he's up near the top again okay i'm coming back oh christ oh whoa he met us halfway oh god he met us halfway got a hill he roared at the end of my combo i can get them on the ground i can break like every part of them by just swinging this thing oh bleeding will you run away he's not staying long having none of it gotta keep go he's gonna be up top with the rabbit oh they're gonna fight oh yes we might get the rabbit then let's hope yeah uh rubber down bailed ah maybe we'll see him yet oh my god get up here i can't oh he's down he's done oh no ah it was a fake out oh my god he inflicts so much bleed i need to get away from him okay let me just take shelter behind a rock for a moment he dropped a bit of him here just so you know now he's down get him oh come on i think he might be injured oh he's getting there one of his legs ain't standing so good compared to the rest of them there we go i'm gonna try it you're gonna go for it oh no oh he's back no that's all right just keep hurting them gonna be injured soon just heal up a little oh now he is now he's good to go now he's good to go okay okay shock track going down going down oh i put one down too oh well i got him just shocked him to death okay returning to the the base of the gattering hub doesn't matter um yeah we'll just go back to base okay we got him i'm proud of us okay did you get like a plate or anything like that that you need it i got a tail jamie can't like trade items or something like that i know um okay it might be good let's see we'll see i need complete deliveries is there anything new here i need shamas hides a gadget skin and shamas hide okay don't know what they are probably small monsters yeah yeah yeah i'm just completely overlooked come on please try what like should i be cultivating in this garden what shall we do damn i need i need to fight the boy one more time hopefully damn it that's okay what we can do honey blue shroom and herbs okay um now we'll get some more herbs then swap it out for a bit we're getting a lot of honey all right so did you want to do i mean i still need to do my draggle boy just as often as possible yeah might as well uh we'll just take it in turns we'll do spice it up a bit once we both get our armor set sorted then we'll go on to the next quest how's that sound sounds good okay awesome do you want to set up the quest oh there is a diablos one as well [ __ ] do you want to do a diablos arena it's an arena yeah [ __ ] it yeah let's go hell yeah let's go let's get him done he's really hard i i struggle with diablos how we can take him probably actually be more difficult such a small arena that you were going to be fighting him in comparatively i believe i think we got this we're gonna succeed not gonna let our dreams stay dreams we're gonna we're gonna realize them their dreams have been realized and i dream of armor i dream of armor sweet sweet armor oh it's gonna be so good oh i find that like if you get the fish that will help you stay alive on this one because it's just pure defense and he just kind of knocks into you a lot oh god it's also giving us a screamer part hmm is an interested choice okay uh i should actually i need to just quickly grab some more potions hang on one sec i always i keep trying to grab the potions but it's like let me just put your the potions you have away it's like game please i'm kind of tempted to do something dumb what are you thinking pull out a hammer no no no i'm gonna use this for the diablos like i mean you're using sword and shield are you yeah i think so it's probably a good call i probably should switch back to my sword and shield i'm going to try switch acts on them which acts just can be just so powerful and so i can be quick and i can try and gun for the tail off keep moving oh crap well i'm gonna have to put away my switch axe a lot when he goes underground wait are you in the arena no oh i'll see you here soon i'm almost there i'm crawling he's digging a lot oh if he stays there can you learn back to the middle oh i can try nope never mind got him i was in it too but it should be okay let me get him in the face his face is rock solid oh no oh come on i got the shiny sword come on no i found it i got planet on his face and he just headbutt against the wall unfortunate combo oh okay okay i'm coming back he's a real nasty bastard you do it all right yeah i'm almost back he's crawling in as quick as i can parts broken i don't know i broke but something broke nice that's good wait wow just keep them busy i've got an idea just keep busy oh my god thanks georgie oh you ruined my maneuver oh georgie we're gonna need this in the middle here need the drink navigating that faster to access radial menu is going to get me killed oh coming over oh oh yes okay i'm on him nicely done oh no oh i'm back you're okay nice oh that just exploded instantly ah use the wrong ability oh he just runs that yeah oh no i'm stunned this is bad oh he's going for me he good oh where's my mega potion like walked over to me and then walked back to you really hates him you think we can get him with the drill oh we break his horns get him with the drill i mean i can try positioning here oh there we go nice there goes his horn both this horn yeah we got both of them we're doing good oh no oh we're not doing good remember positive attitude half the battle come back here come on oh no no no no he's gonna get me he's gonna get me he's gonna get me no tap's got you oh no right let's try to create a buffer you okay yeah you're good i got a wet stone oh i got a wet stone too at some point okay i can i can survive a little longer okay i'm good okay i'll do a mine in a sec i needed the ammo i want to chop off his tail so much to keep up with him he's too speedy come on oh come on let me just who's gonna use the damn explosive ammo he's digging digging he's going back i want your tail no and he's going back gonna run thank you georgie isn't he great no i fainted again i'm so sorry i'm so sorry don't apologize ah this boy's hard yeah i can't do him as well with the switch axe i think sword and shield i had a much better chance just because wow so fast i can eat again apparently too let me just get my fish i'm on my way i think i only need like a common material from anyway to upgrade my weapon so it's not so bad oh wow wow okay i'm going to continue loading the canon because he's not looking right now he starts to dig i'm gonna have to take shelter him up oh he's digging i gotta move i gotta move oh yeah you gotta go wow okay the cannon has four balls in it i just need to fire it come on oh he does not want me to get at it i think he's coming for me okay i'm right the cannon is loaded i just need to get a good shot will this hit him from here does it shoot that way no he has to be at the far end yeah if you can get them against that back wall i could take a very powerful shot over here yeah over there come on doubles i can push it this way okay i could have got there if he was there is he coming back for you no oh no cannon's still intact oh you broke the [ __ ] can no i'll kill you get back here you little [ __ ] every attempt made to mount this guy i failed oh come on if we can get him in the middle the boulder traps back okay he's coming down i think all right let me let me just force him a little bit gotta move we need him here preferably just hacking away at him grumpy gary come on this is for my cannon this is what you get come on i need to be careful don't die he might be injured oh yeah he looks okay oh no you want to try it i can do a shot crap let me go for it oh wait hold up hold up uh got him do you have a track bomb yeah yeah i'm coming i got one too oh oh still for the cannon still upset we got him canada didn't get revenge you should have killed him kill him next time what did i get is that some armor sphere i desperately need more aquacores i don't have any of those i can't make any charms just because of that leguana or just uh just coral highlands yeah shenanigans i will get there soon oh okay i'm gonna see if i can upgrade my sword and shield because i might be able to push that further i'm also just like on a light real quick i'll just be one sec there we go god diablos is hard yeah he's a nasty bugger so let's do an ogo followed by rathalos yes and then that should be our armor done and then on to the boss oh [ __ ] workshop weapon tree if i get a rat lost hill i can make a sword shield called heavy bang oh yeah it looked awesome didn't it yeah what what sword and shield was i gearing up for what i was like on the diapers was it the rathalos uh sword and shield is the the princess sarah looks sick too damn this one called heavy bang gives you more defense why are you looking at the right one giraffe's knife that was it okay i need a great gear ass tail and presume some very rare resources by the looks of it that i simply do not have i forget that i have four andernet plates as well yeah maybe i can do something with those something rattles axe yeah i'm not going to be able to upgrade that for a while uh sorry i'm just seeing what else i can consider upgrading all right didn't have like a jaguar x axe after that i think i'm just blind again it's so hard to spot what you're looking for in the menus i just want something that looks cool you know just as long as it looks cool i'm happy the main thing oh no my jagrax axe turned into the rattle loss axe that's why that's where it disappeared gotcha okay i have a rat loss axe and a giraffe knife that i mean that's a pretty good one for a combination geras knife i can't really upgrade any further right now rattle off axe i'm not gonna be able to upgrade forever so i just need i just need that uh plate i need some rat lost shells too okay we're doing our uh i'll go doggo next yes okay i'm just having a look the request for him completely complete it bachelorino for an arena for an anjanat no thank you i've done that one too many times oh this is not fair what you're trying to do all of them let me see if there's any event once actually god there's every hunter's dream where it's an arena with the black guy and a rattles that seems horrible i'm gonna get the heavy bang and then there's one where it's like a diablo and two of like the other guy like the big jesus and a bone boys that seems insane some really tough event ones at the end okay uh do so we have to find an investigation for it do we um what do we just do the arena again we can see if there's an investigation oh there was a oh oh there's another oh god do you need it i need the chain blades that's my goal i think um absolutely there is a for the rathalos was it is that what we're doing now yeah yeah yeah i was having a look to see if there's like an investigation for it or something but i don't see any i don't know if anyone else sees any here there's some monsters that we just i don't think we fought they're just chilling here okay giraffes we have let's do an arena rathalos then okay sounds good to me i'm just trying to see if there's a way to search no so ratalas isn't a target of investigations yet that's a shame agodago isn't appearing as a target for me either we must have to get a little further and then we'll uh unlock that okay uh i am ready to join you oh oh yeah i can't find it in the let me let me just post a new one you can post one that you've done before yeah so i've got diablos in my arena but i don't have the rather loss oh yeah it's not in the arena for me either the ghani is there why don't we have that any more though i don't know it disappeared because we did it no it'll be in the completed tab because i've still got diablos oh people are saying if we hunt more of them then we'll unlock it more in the arenas arenas rotate apparently oh i can just queue it up so we hunt a rattles okay post it i've switched back to my uh sword and shield for mobility because it's also upgraded now i reckon it might be kind of strong 17 let's go let's do this monsters he captured go to the arena but we did capture a rash of loss that's how we fought one in the arena there the thing we did that i guess i guess it needs a break maybe let me take a ration take all the free potions it gives i need to craft some more big boy potions oh god yeah yeah yep big boy potions crafting some more of those yeah i'm just trying to get everything i can i don't have any tranquilizer still need to get more parish rooms and sleep herbs we'll go um get power streams at the uh what's it called um the carl place so we can do we can do a hunt for in the carl place maybe next oh parish streams i think the most that we find most of them in the wastelands okay the borough yeah let's do we can do a hunt there and stock up on a bunch be grand all right egg oh you killed the one you captured oh cause do you have to capture it each time to fight it again in the arena is that how it works i don't know if it works like that yeah no it's not no some people were saying on my chat convinced of it yeah it's like you're just wrong you don't know what you're saying man i might as well just take this arena's rotate in and out okay that's grand it's telling me to go back towards the camp oh i've got the egg oh so we should just come over here eventually then yeah yeah i'm running down to like the lower section because it'll probably have more space down there i oh he just kind of ignored me wait how far down did you go because he was here yeah i meant that's not the right one that's the female um baby steps let me just i'll just start slicing look i see a monster i get to work i'm running back to camp with an egg i guess i'm just here a while oh come down come on scoob i'm currently on its tail oh yeah i might be about oh no i dropped it i dropped the egg that's okay i killed it that's okay we don't need the egg that was dinner it was dinner no they do give us rations in the box we don't need to capture that we actually need to capture one of these don't we yeah we do oh the ration is still here and chasing me again i'm with you oh i've got a beat bit of it let me just heal up you know i think i warded him away wait are you in here mm-hmm are you fighting it oh big boy's here oh i'm coming this might get ugly the ball here i'm here to help oh come back here ow can you not oh why wouldn't you let go of me he really likes you he throw me down the bloody hole again i'm coming coming down there we go oh that poison is its claws oh no he's going for me i might be in trouble oh give me the healing george thank you oh my god that's so hard to hunt why did i pick this arm oh i just healed hey i'm covered i'm trying to drink an answer though like desperately oh he's like there's a whole little combo going on on me oh no hang on i'll i'll be here soon i'm good oh i'm here ready to help again get him georgie oh my god so hard i feel like this one's tougher than the last one we thought too we haven't staggered him once don't pay attention to me please i'm out good i'm going with them got him down nice i'm trying to break his face okay he's fleeing grab the what mushrooms a jerky do i don't know okay let me wet stone yeah i'm coming anti-bleed is it okay oh there he is i need that herb i'm at his nest i'm coming going as quick as i can just need to get him a little more injured he just knocked me all the way bloody down oh i almost fell down by my own accord but i would have been equally as mad come on give me a little slide ah not enough they're the ones here is it they're both here oh i mean i've i've injured uh the green one before so maybe we could take it on oh let me climb the wall okay red's up to me i think the ball after you okay i'm trying to do what i can to get a hit but like they are just zip zap it all over the place come on don't die in the fire oh not the wet stone they both poison okay this is fine yeah i've got one of their attention got both their attention oh kevin's coming in with the raid as well oh damn it kevin oh no no no no no trying to just get some of that healing good to see as well kevin thanks kevin ah we're struggling yep i don't know which one i'm hit just keep yeah if i see feet i'm getting my logic oh god damn it i got knocked down again um it's okay done uh about um what's up that's fine i can take them oh i may have rolled hey hey look behind you oh [ __ ] oh they're bolt here again oh no no no no no i'm in a very bad way you're gonna be all right it's gonna be okay my hands are sweating again i think i think they've gone different ways oh god thank you so much for the the raiden host kevin i appreciate that it was very cut this sounds good oh no there's my mega potions yeah we're good i'm good i found one wait what are they up or down uh down i need the regular potions because i'm running low on aid oh you're there oh i hit the wrong button i'm gonna try wait a second till you came but did i see you're already here come on all right i think she's confused see this is the one i want to capture wait which one are you fighting because we're volcanic and the green one yeah with the green one we want the red one but we can capture them both hopefully we'll see i mean she looks pretty beat up because you can tell by the heart rate is like just let me just flat one of those on her head oh wait no i don't have it equipped but i don't know if she's ready uh i mean i'm i'm happy to chance it let me get my trunks ready right get back here oh oh she's going back to them did a 180 there she's going back up way back top nest top nest i think yep no where the [ __ ] is she going i think she's confused well um we can try find her i guess what the hell is that what is that it's not just the ration oh the red one's back oh you know what they're both i bet they're both going to the other bloody the nest is there yeah they're going up top so let's uh a quick travel okay i'm gonna just sharpen and i'll be there i don't know if it is it doesn't matter down this way yeah maybe they have somewhere else that we haven't checked oh uh let's see come on down where are they hiding i don't know if you're supposed to come in this cave is that green one limping i can't tell oh the green one's enraged right now so you won't be able to tell how messed up she may or may not be it's so hard to see you think which one we gotta make a car i wanna say the green one's good to go uh let's chance it okay i got have you got the trap ready hang out let me yeah i got the trance ready where is it you're right next to it trying to find it in my inventory oh no i do have it i don't have it oh i can run back where's the nearest camp no no no no no don't worry about it i'll get the it's fine there's a camp just up to the north can you hang on if we trap one now yeah i will trap one now we'll grab everything in a minute okay okay let me let me get the shock trap ready i'll go i'll work on the green one i'm gonna keep fighting the red one come on no it didn't work okay so we now need to go back for bolt traps i think we just keep breaking its face this is insane okay we there's a camp up here to the north let's go we gotta get supplies well we're not gonna get them both at the same time so if you grab you don't want to kill them left female left okay they're both leaving okay that's fine let's go back to a camp we can resupply i think they're going up to the top one okay travel up to the top one then we're almost there wait which one was the top one was it it's not six is it it's 17 isn't it the very top uh wait they're in zone one okay well we have a camp there too yeah okay your favorite camp yeah and now we just need never use the dung pods uh i'm just not gonna bother need materials for tranquilizer all right okay i'm ready i'm almost ready i'm just getting defense up again give me some fish oh yeah dinner have a meal it's been a long fight today sad thing is this may not even drop the plate i need yet oh and hope never notice how much the the chicken jiggles like the chicken when you eat the chicken it jiggles a lot oh no that's where all the budget went i imagined oh my god they're just both there oh god all right we gotta we have to focus on the green one okay green one first jesus sure got more antidote oh that would have been a very smart idea oh i almost got the combo on it oh come on the chain in their attacks off each other no no come on wake up gary oh this is bad okay green one yet yep it's not helping that they're in the water jesus the red ones aren't me and me i might die here okay oh no i have no way to make an antidote okay run back to the base oh nice hit they're both down they're both down right now okay we unload the green one get it low enough to capture i'm on it come on come on i can get you the red one's trying to hit me off i think i don't know if i can though when i'm on them surely that's got to be worth something [ __ ] my god it just never ends oh come on green one are you injured where'd the red did the red one leave yeah that's good no you bastard they're still not dead and they're both gonna go up to stupid area which is camp 17 no they're not that's the lower one i think we just walked to that one yeah okay let's go there they are let's finish the job swinging some vines too have some fun oh i'm having so much fun oh no greeny's leaving green is still flying it's just red boy here yeah let's go to green okay which way the green go this way i don't like that roar okay there's red moving that way too so they're out by camp 11. okay so i'm gonna travel over god damn it oh it's a it's a chase it's a proper hunt today we can get them it's just gonna take a lot of work did you get antidotes nope there's some free ones in the box i think too oh we could do this we are doing it yes oh no i think that up oh you can enlarge the map you know that wait which way are they they are up i'm back at the camp i just went in a big circle wait there which way oh no you went in the circle yeah i'm ah where are they going i don't know the green one the green one's apparently up above us it might be at the the upper nest i'm gonna i'm gonna just quickly check i'm gonna be pissed if it is it might be oh my god i'm trying to see no it's got me somewhere different wait the [ __ ] is it oh that's guiding me for the red one i got the green one selected i'm being ah i think the green one's up top yep it's here at the very tippity top yeah it's asleep do you want me just to capture it yeah go oh i don't have a tranquilizer oh [ __ ] okay hold on okay let's just have an arrest we should be okay climbing up almost there i believe because we haven't caught this one yet yeah i don't don't think so that means we get the killer in the arena afterwards no brilliant perfect more murder murder let me get my trunks ready i'm ready okay i'm gonna pop down the trap there you go okay that's one down don't have to worry about him anymore all right rattles he is apparently down this way here we go hello my legs are horrifically broken no he's not he's not he is not he's just going back up ah yeah back to the camp oh there's an engine out near the camp back we go i'm gonna get another a little shark trap real quick i went to the wrong camp it's okay which one was the 17 let's never hunt in the forest again after this never it's not where it is oh yeah 17 is the one i went up and it's like the side pack to the nest there so who's up with the captured one yeah it's not gonna wake up the captured one isn't it i hope not you gotta be careful not to hit the captured one capture ones like is in the arena no oh which is a little unfortunate oh at the wall the water is open the captured one seems to be sleeping through it which is good at least oh okay no the captured one got swept away with the water wait where did she go oh [ __ ] it might have fallen no it's fine oh still gotta get this one to like the point of injury oh oh speak of the devil oh i know i should let me stop mine i do that every time it did a long animation too because i found a rare material oh oh oh no no no no no no no no i'm in a bad way oh tap you okay oh i was in a bad way but tap to save me oh i got saved by george too thanks georgie i'm exhausted we still gotta fight the main boy still doing poison i tried come on drink the ante though georgie you got that help thank you i can't see for [ __ ] oh let me do it again okay i'll just extract more oh come on please don't oh please come back oh my god it doesn't end it says there's a wrath last material i don't see it oh he's coming not going far wait is he injured he might be he's kind of flying limp see if he sleeps no oh it is limping though you want me to try it all right hold up let me get close i got another trap hang on let me plant it i got my i got my trunks i got away from the land but stay still i think he's enraged right now the trap's there but he's not in it oh come on come on come to the trap come to the trap come to the chest go up it's okay i've still got a trap on me as well i can destroy it or if i destroy it does that pick it up again no it's gone okay oh oh i got him in the trash on is this it oh he cut his tail off too where's his tail where's his help oh so hard to see the camera it's like under it's under him next to me harvest it in time please oh got it oh oh that was cruel i hate that camera angle at the end terrible didn't get the plate we might need to do it again oh good lord oh ironically i got the ration plate you did oh you can hit escape to skip the camera that's good to know so disappointed i'm proud of us because that was a hell of a fight yeah but at the same time it's like oh [ __ ] didn't even give us the thing we were after oh you're here oh my god okay manage items gun power to put away put away all this ammo i was exhausted in that fight that really was like i'm actually back how you doing chat did you survive holy crap i need more water that's fair oh god i'm dead what's your favorite monster of the hunt so far in your favorite area i mean i was quite proud of us getting the t-rex before because that was so hard the rat lost that was like another thing altogether i like bony boy because he's so much fun to break apart you just tear him apart limb by limb satisfying make a few more antidotes i need materials for the bombs oh i'm having fun i wish i could get that last bit of armor need to get my uh my chess piece in line with the rest would you say this game is souls-like no no not at all i don't think you can compare everything to the dark souls man okay welcome back oh god that was that was exhausting uh that was intense yeah it was an ordeal to get through but that was two two more captures lots of new materials messed up pet my poogie oh it's good thing we aren't playing the drinking game today yeah oh we'd be long gone it'd be like on our last legs like i don't feel so good okay um okay what do you what do you need to do next because i was i was we were trying to get like the plate for me you need to do argo gear is up for inaugural why do you have the raftian oh no yeah all right no the wrathian armor is not pleasant let's get yeah it's weird isn't it i need that rash lost play can potentially get a tier 5 axe if i find some few more upgrade materials there it is special arena ogradon oh i can upgrade i can get the rabble rattle ban hammer get a rarity four up to those i just need some sleep sacks i need one give some extra defense i'm gonna go grab some food and then whenever you're ready the thing is up i'll be there momentarily i'm gonna get some food too oh let's have a nice meal having more meals than this than irl i pay more attention to this or like when i need to eat like just compared to actual life video games that's what you gotta do oh who like why pay all your bills irl when you can pay off your mortgage and animal crossing one's more exciting and leads to a home expansion that's true that is true did you post the quest yeah let me join you what's up i might be running out of tranq bombs okay so we need to do a trip then for uh supplies yeah i just craft and trip we go on an expedition we hunt some bosses we can do like the coral one so we can get like all the sleep herbs and the parish rooms i think i think the power streams will get them from the wild like the wastelands okay yeah let's do that then we can we can we will do we'll do this one and then we'll go get some materials oh we could probably do one of the small investigations and then just go return back to camp and carry on as an expedition like the guard you skins are the ones i'm ready to go straight in oh hang on i'm just grabbing some extra potions tend to need them let me eat my ration the noise it makes makes me so happy what noise the the dog noise i don't know what noise it makes it's just so cool here i'm just loading the cannon but you're just taking pot shots on it oh here if you keep it really busy for a few minutes more i can get this cannon ready i just hope he doesn't notice me don't look this way buddy don't do it don't hit the cannon i've been hurt once before thank you okay okay if you can get him in that back wall i've got a five cannonball cannon ready no no no don't do it don't do it don't do it don't hit the cannon cannon didn't do anything wrong neither did you but that's besides the point where you're supposed to you die ammo for your boat yep oh that's kind of bad he's in the back wall okay get him a little more over no oh i've messed up they heard that didn't like it all right we can do them cannonless ow i can't i need he is just moving so fast oh if we can get them in the middle you can get fighting right right in the middle you're over here sir come on look at me look at me hey look at me oh he's looking at you okay look at me look at me come on oh he's so engaged with that no the last minute you got me okay oh man i need ammo so badly do you think you can go back and change your weapon would you have time um yeah actually because at least with the other bow i do damage true is he gunning for you while you go change ammo god he's relentless all right i i can hold him at bay for now no no ammo stopping no it doesn't let you nope i'm in a bad way this is all on you man okay uh i mean i can do it it's just gonna take a while because i'm not good at this guy you just try load up the cannons again careful he's coming up trying to see if i can grapple him from here come on oh come on i was gonna jump on you is that ballista loaded oh no i need money both still oh he is like hopping all over the place today okay ow let me get some ammo piercing pods let me get on his face come on this i'll go doggo does not want to go easy oh my god i'm bleeding again the um dragonite thing should be ready soon the dragon eaters oh the drills oh maybe we can get him with that i just need to stop my bleeding for about the dragonator can now be used oh god it's having none of it he dropped a bit of him you want to get that i want to get this come on over what does it do i think i got him you broke two parts though uh hell is did wait do you have a machine gun i don't know what just happened why do you have that i don't know where that came from come on how do i redirect him into a wall again a b b as long as you're on his face yeah nice wait did i get him oh let me just keep stabbing him we're doing it okay there's a few parts of them about the arena have you got them cool oh there we go okay just gonna keep hacking and slashing oh you're stunning him as well hey he's paralyzed at least briefly give me luck you okay yeah put some piercing pods in its face oh i gotta do that oh or not i grappled its face as it went to bite me and was able to dodge like at least the first bit of its attack oh what oh my god there's another bit of him in the arena oh let me heal another scale that's good get you all those materials want as many as we can get get down oh [ __ ] it let's go he's stunned get away from me you just take out a machine gun like what is that ah you can now eat again oh oh he's in a bad way have we almost got him i don't know probably try the music seems to have stopped i have a shark trap do you want me to go for it yeah go on then yep got my cranks ready we just wait to get him in the one spot here we go okay he's shocked there we go we did it he's incapacitated i thought that was brutal that was a hard one but i did learn how to use the heavy bow gun yeah i think what the [ __ ] is that you have a machine gun yeah yeah oh please i think i've got enough hey that's really good the hair i think i got i think i got enough i'm happy for you we're doing it oh this is exhausting this is like the difficult the difficulty spike is insane oh god i just i just want to get my chest piece that's it that's all i ask that's what we're doing next give it one more go and we now have we need to do um a craft and run don't we um sorry you're about to say i got the full logo done hey you decked out it is done cool i'm gonna get some extra attack up oh i'm happy for you got it all but now okay now we gotta do big boy drago yes once again not in the arena think any events from yeah that's strange why you wouldn't be in the arena there's an arena event where there's him and another guy who's the what's the other guy it's like the bat but you have to fight him at once which seems a bit intense jesus i don't know i mean we did fight to at the same time i do need to take more investigations because the moment my investigation is just like the water guy pookie pookie and jagrus feel like we've uh beaten those guys a few times now yeah it's like there's one that's here that's just hunter rat loss we could just do that again but it's harder to get him you have to capture the wrath loss in order to find him in the arena we have done that so many times my man oh god i do appreciate the advice but it's been suggested if we've done it okay i am i'm down for whatever you want to do i'm just trying to find one for a dragon like it seems to just be like we'd have to hunt one on an investigation she know there's not even an investigative investigation for it just this one yeah okay i want to do drago boy one more time i'm gonna try one last time to get this because i know it's gonna be hard to actually get the plate i can make do even if i don't have it like it's okay you put the crust up yes every time every time i mention that we're gonna hunt these there's always a guy in chat it's the i'm actually a guy it's like low rank farm and it's not worth it it's just the time waste we're having fun i like having fun we're having fun let's go it's like we don't care if it's sufficient we're enjoying ourselves this is uh efficient what we're doing is efficient because we are we're gathering all the materials that we could ever need that's not efficiency i i don't know what i don't know exactly we're going to get a lot of materials let's run too oh yeah so do you want to do you want to go for the kill this time would you want to go for the capture i mean it just makes sense to go for the capture doesn't it we just get more parrots in general he's like trust me you're not having fun you're having fun wrong you're enjoying yourself the wrong way enjoying yourself that means you're not true gamers damn it as much as the monster to play in me is like riding inside you are having fun so okay i'll see you here when you're ready oh i can't make any more of those okay okay this is oh i can come straight in with the heavy gun like uh oh that'd be cool oh he's picked me up hey oh mike wow he true me into it oh come on swim to safety swim to safety i don't want my switch axe equipped again so i don't know if i'm gonna be able to do as well i think i need to go back sword and shield is good against certain enemies the switch acts think it's just my favorite explode at his face i need to get his tail too 104 damage with that bad boy oh you're doing good oh oh i need to move it's a bad point to be stunned oh we dropped the material just the scale not quite i plant that on him i can't tell get him here no i tried to go for it right oh no not again oh it's a bad time to be gathering oh i'm stunned i'm gonna die i'm gonna die uh just trying to heal some poison get me on fire trying to come in not again just go for the red boy the green one will lose interest i'm sure i'm sure they'll lose interest soon you okay there if you're still whimpering it means you're still alive and i'm still alive oh come on i hit the wrong one it's okay okay the other one's leaving which one's leaving the red one yeah okay let's get the green one a bit so sick of your [ __ ] oh no you know oh no he's out causing damage as quick as i can come up yeah take it down nice all right this is the ammo this is nasty come on stay down i just want you dead you get in the way every time i'm so sick of you how do i say latch on twitter okay he's back okay this one might be gone soon oh she's paralyzed okay i'm gonna i'm gonna keep hitting her see if i can get a quick kill oh god i latched on to the other one while attacking no everyone's the enemy god not yet okay she's leaving i almost fell not quite though oh he's down oh no oh broke apart that was lucky we're good continue the odd slot oh just keep hitting it oh i took a full bruh that roll roll roll georgie where are you oh he's got me it's okay we can get him i need your plates there we go we're gonna go come on head again let's go oh just get him down come on it's disgusting just try to hit him as much as i can oh nice another power broken there we go come on be paralyzed yo be paralyzed oh i'm stunned poison and he's gonna hit me with fire oh god come on i can get out oh she's back she's back gotta drink the answer though real quick oh i'm not dead oh the sound came up oh yes that's great i only need one more tail bit where is it oh that is amazing news he just appeared over there he's not going far and you do well georgie has one too [ __ ] poisons back again oh he's in a bad way oh no yeah i'm just drinking poison the antidote the other one okay calm down but the other ones here investigation at it breaking more parts of them oh my god this is insane like the double dragon fight is like has to be the hardest thing we've done uh-oh georgie it's over here yeah might be harder really than two dragons just keep pepperon oh come on you okay over there i'm just trying to heal yeah greedy boys going for me if one of them could get to the point where we could capture it it would make this significantly easier okay the red one's falling over again i can't help i'm healing i'm trying to get it but the camera is having trouble one of you please go home you see the thing is think we are actually technically in their home got a second home the dragons they hoard gold oh he died bad time for the cutscene though cause there is still another boy oh we can just hit start we can just hit start and it'll um it's gonna be hard to carve though with this other lads here i'm gonna try go for it ah god i'm going for the caravan same oh she's leaving oh no i gotta play oh i did not get a plate i mean there might be one movie in the quest when it finishes there's a little more here that was an ordeal again yeah every time we do dragons it's just it's a mistake it's so tough oh i got the tail at least so even if i didn't get the plate that's something george got a sausage i'm happy for him oh my god no i didn't get a plate got it that's okay that's okay you got all the doggo stuff here i did yes so we're just on dragon duty it's a shame that's just the plate we need because that's so hard to get this is like the t all over again understandably rarer yes for some reason they got tagged in a tweet of top irish streamers wait what hang on i don't know your irish chemo well oh that's funny oh god so dragons gotta do [ __ ] dragons i have unlocks waiting i don't know what that means i mean i'm just trying to see uh does anyone can you melt together for a plate with the elder melder so i got the silliest sounding name in this entire place you can later okay but not now that's unfortunate let me see what i needed that tail for again oh i've got a new quest oh slayer kieran what's a kieran oh i don't think we've encountered them yet have we oh um if you go to the botanist the box everyone like my old chat is just oh no oh my chat's like my chat's also now uh freaking out a little oh where's the botanist again um the big tree it's like the table of the tree there's a little old lady at the back with uh research impatient chief botanist yeah uh impatient biologist she'll be behind the table laid back research hunter should be next to the i think my poogie is stopping me from interacting with them no they don't they don't have it for me but i mean i can i can do it off yeah oh yeah yeah so hmm i'm gonna get the bow back i am going to change to my switch axe because i think i just need the extra damage sword and shield is nice for like for mobility more than anything are you down to check out this new one yeah i'm down for the new one okay so i'm gonna go with my bow and it's a thunderboy so i think i go sword and shield actually or do i want to take range do i want to be oh hmm rattle ass axe i'm equipped oh i'm scared the kieran's weak to fire that's perfect um my entire class is fire weak to fight that i can i don't have a fire bow yes i do okay i'm gonna what what food should i get like what stat do i want lads elemental probably like probably okay let's get a veggie platter with like extra meat vegetarian friendly turkey don't worry what was that bow i just passed the wrath slinger i need two more wrathian spikes to get the wrathian bow oh no do we gotta go back and do a ration we might have that in the arena now did we catch one i can get the wrathian sword though i can get the wrathian sword i'm doing it not baratheon the rathalos yeah oh okay i was going to say we have we have the ration in the arena now it has showed up that's a hunter rating quest that i've got that was a good few opportunities now oh we got a brand new monster to fight we do i'm so ready i'm not really but i am willing to give it a solid attempt anything else i want to take right now like it's come good i really want those new dual blades oh we'll get them for you i'm gunning for the i'll go doggo chain blades and i think i'm on the correct path for them okay hopefully all right maybe lazy okay and then i gotta go and grab all my ammo i can craft like a mystery item oh dash juice oh i didn't know there were mystery items i can make of those dash juice sounds handy oh i might have oh what's up would it be an optional what you're looking for you're trying to find the enemy is it yeah did you see that crust it says posted a quest now let me just talk to the old handler going quest gone in a flash which camp are we going oh the um not the first one the second one okay yeah let's go let's try it elemental i'm getting the gunner's plan with the elemental resistance we still haven't done our gathering someday it's gonna be fun we got this guys you gotta believe everyone's saying like preempt of f like we haven't died yet look you gotta get the positive energy going because the pot like that's half the battle you know if there's like the chat's full of negative energy we're not gonna be able to do it you guys can do this thank you to the one person who believes in us one is better than none at least wait is three the bat is three the unlucky number let's go we're gonna win this we can do it it got in the flash time limit 50 minutes it's a long flash we uh oh we got gotta gather some materials while we're here too look at the blue and glowing where is that it's directly outside i didn't see which direction they went yeah i'm not really sure either maybe we just go this way we just harvest what we can i remember this fight being up high okay which you want me to like if i see like the air a bit you want me just to fly to the top to see if he's there frick i didn't get my the mantle it's okay don't worry you can climb up that where did you oh you're running away hang on yeah i'm going to the legianna oh yeah no this is the right way yeah i'm on my way down okay i'm coming i'm gonna go off the weather's oh there it is i found it it's there i found it i'm coming oh my god i'm almost here i'm just climbing the wall real quick oh he's fast wait that's him he's a small boy oh good god it's like a pokemon kieran oh trying to hit him i mean at least for breaking him he's tiny come on i believe in us oh no what oh my god that one shot me wait you're dead no i i got i got my first um revive okay oh he's got a lot of lightning around him which is unfortunate okay we just gotta learn his attacks that's all there is to it oh my god oh there's we're on a nice slope here so we might be able to get an easy jump hit on them so those attacks that there that's what took my health and won okay but that that's well telegraphed so we can we can watch out for that okay that one is a bit speedier but we'll be fine cool looking monster there it is yeah oh electric unicorn let's go oh he likes to put attacks uh defend himself too oh my control is drifted a little come on he hasn't staggered like once no he gets a little worn out every now and then like that but is it possible to hop on i'm gonna try c he's just kind of ransom oh nice got him down go for that face i want that horn oh come on nice i'm going with them okay that was pretty good all right let's keep going we can get more supplies yeah if you see any shrooms let me know oh he's down below somewhere oh there he is you know i might be able to oh you moved and he also kicked me he has that move good to know thanks for the heels georgie seems stunned no okay don't want to be too close to him yeah oh oh right oh he's got two now oh i didn't see the second one and that properly stuns you after two move out of the way tried to get him there that was cheeky just stand clear at least when he does that he doesn't actually attack with his body so it's like it's very easy to just stand out of the way it's like world of warcraft right tactics don't stand in the fire oh fortunately i was bad at them and wow too if you climb on the vine it doesn't seem to hit you oh wow wow wow wow that was dangerous i almost oh oh i'm stunned oh he's got me he got me okay hang on i can stay alive not liking him georgie i'm gonna need that i think he moved oh that was horrible you go up or down he went down i'm chasing him i'm on the hunt he's back at the place with the legeanna in the open field really yep dammit you just sharpen up i gotta drink my dash juice as well i forget that's the thing i've got now and then my ration okay you on your way here yeah see you in a moment oh god i didn't mean to pull him i thought it was enough distance wait which legion oh you mean the one uh like ground the big open field this might be a bit easier place to fight him especially with like his passion attack i'm coming he has a move where he just kind of starts bucking about i am arrived hello it's nice to meet you i am arrived come on i've got the ability to stick my sword in them come on just legionnaire oh he's prancing can now easy oh he's down oh he's limping he's limping can we catch him um do you have tranquilizer i do i got a trap let's go this is he's really badly injured let me just let him go up there everyone's telling me we can't capture them oh well that's okay are we still gonna try i'm tempted to just all the same hey we try it and we want to learn it for ourselves that we can't we can't do a thing let's do it yeah do it out of spite the um actually guy is gonna be raging good no it's a sub-optimal play you're wasting valuable resources perfect powershroom oh where uh try to wait i'm on the wrong bit no no look for the uh bugs following the bugs and you should be able to use the beetles oh there's a bit more up you can use the beetles i'll just jump in i'll just climb i'm getting too old for this parish room oh this is cool coming up oh this is the one i could have flown up to i think i found the side part hello i'm here oh he sleeps he's sleeping let's trap him that's cute oh maybe it doesn't work you want to try the tranquilizer okay well let's get him i missed him yeah he's freaking out of it oh he has a pirate you can break you wasted two items you'll never recover from this oh the economy is ruined this is worse than the suez canal oh he jumped on me can't just do that but wait that's illegal wait a minute oh my ax is locking hang on you see i think he's like almost dead like i had to guess because like he's not even moving that much yeah there we go that was grand that was fun yeah that was good that was really good i don't know why everyone was freaking out about that one i thought that was easier than the dragons take his mane got his tail too oh you can get you get a thunder horn off him yeah all right we we knocked this horn off what a pretty monster i i this one has a cool armor set oh yeah he's gonna have a corn time to give up on the dragon dream it's the unicorn dream now let's go dreams oh my name oh no no no no no no no yeah oh no it's too late the screenshot of the fight is not very good thunderhorn you got a commendation ooh that's just the thing they dropped now got a second thunderhorn too it's like commentation like here's a certificate for beating this guy belief has worked it's true oh you're here it's like through positive energy we killed a precious precious unicorn yes the world has been made a brighter place oh no we've ruined like ruined life for kids now unicorns are dead now i couldn't be happier so the the women's armor set what the [ __ ] is a little see i thought there was a different set i didn't expect this there's not very much there so even on the man's version of it there's not very much there i've got yeah they've got like cutaway bits from the crotch wearing a tank top with it i don't know how i feel about this i don't i mean thankfully i don't think i want this armor set at all so you know we don't have to grind unicorns i thought that would be like a thunder weapon but apparently not there's no weapon with it isn't there i'm looking oh i can finally get a charm uh what charm do i want guys oh i did get complimentation cool just get attack boost there's a lot of different charms i'm gonna get an attack charm wait can you equip multiple charms at once is there any lemon on them i don't know actually no it's one at a time one at a time oh there is a there is a kieran knife sorry sword shield sword oh let me have a look three thunderhorns i don't know i got two there oh maybe it's not too bad um karen the dual blades look so good you go dragonbone sword and then down to that it doesn't seem to have an upgrade pat past that which is unfortunate yeah it like just stops that looks awesome you will use this weapon very briefly yeah carrying great sword is the i mean we gotta kill some dragons again oh no what i know i'm the one who wants the armor set but i don't know if i've got it in me to do another one oh we could do the main quest question mark oh i also need the right last plate i think for the um the rat loss axe oh no we could do the main quest a little bit what you feeling yes okay except the colossal task that's the one i'm on have you got that too yes okay i'll post it now i think after this main quest i might hop off for the night if that's all right after this one yeah of course i'll let you off you'll let me off i'll get the clock out kind and benevolent oh you know i think oh i post i posted it there too oh you joinable after departure ah so we both got to just leave okay okay hope there's a point to eat after we leave oh rin thanks for the solid advice on the 10 quid you might be able to craft max potions i think i can uh make them but i can only carry one oh i mean it's still handy but all right let's go over the operation subterranean what's a lava cutscene continue deep underground all right so i think shot to divert it here when it surfaces if we let it slip by we can carry two out of our kicks forever that's why you maximum oh some story moments are happening uh-oh the ship is turning on its side frank uh zach thank you subs thank you very much this is the dragonator the dragon maiden drive zoro back and divert it out into the open sea the target will be coming at us full tilt so your job is to wear it down and try to keep it in check target is very tilted you heard you weren't using resources efficiently in monster hunter and is leaving an angry forum post as we speak if it gets in our way it's up to you to stop it this whole operation rides on how well you do that we can do this scout ahead signal us if you spot any trouble okay i'm hoping after this first cut scene we can just join on each other is there any particular reason they like dock the ship in such a way that it can't set sail again oh yeah do you see that like it's just like it's stuck on the rocks can we join on each other now i'm still going through the cut scene so you might be able to join on me okay i'll see you in a moment okay destroy the magma chorus to weaken zoro magdros the success yeah you can now use the sos player okay i'll join off yeah let me just like return from this quest cool job's done that was a close one i like and prefer monster underworld story compared to monster hunter rise how how bad is the story in monster hunter rice it has a story apparently but apparently it's worse than this game i just got disconnected oh no it's okay we can set up the lobby again wait you joined on to me didn't you no you joined on me i did yeah okay hang on they heard me talking [ __ ] i did did you already quit no i'm still in it okay right here uh dude do you want to get a new code i gotta abandon the quest too it's search by id oh that means one of us is going to have to go in the cut scene again doesn't it no no no we don't have to watch it oh perfect it should start let me um yeah once i got your id i'll connect oh i'm tired online session tough day playing monster hunter all day oh takes it out of here it really does oh it's exhausted enough thank you very much copy session id thank you there we go all right posted the quest we should probably eat first oh yes we should i'm gonna i'll sign up for and then i'm gonna just go eat real quick mirror thank you as well i'm just going to get food same i'm gonna have to get food after the stream heads too i haven't actually eaten today oh my god i had a light lunch i wasn't feeling too hungry uh i mean i i'm assuming there's gonna be some fire boys on this guy so i'm gonna get an elemental meal i did the same oh it's so in sync right we're professional monster hunters professional monster hunters and professionals think alike exactly we've been maxing the strats yes i am you ready yes let's go let's go mid max and much the dismay of that one oh um actually guys we need to weaken zoro magdaros enough to capture it once you're on its back give all you've got easy you appear to be stuck running on the spot oh uh oh there you are you can do it proceed with caution oh we got to get one of these oh yeah look for mining oh yes there was always a war on these guys forget the ancient evil yeah let's just harvest them that's the best part oh found one resources resources as much ore as we can i love when we're on this guy for this i really like these fights i think it's really fun another one go on coming just going the same way as you so don't miss any oh i think we got a uh yeah we got a core down here and if i remember correctly that changed a lot when we hit the core yeah there we go but there's also some ore down here is there more over here no okay let's just leave the car intact so the monster lives oh well i mean if we're looking for all the mine in our props we got a couple of them i think you're better suited for getting the cores here than me you can just stand back i can still go in but if that's blowing you run come on come on crack it open oh okay that's a that's a surprising amount of blast yeah we're just sipping on a potion here real quick oh what armor set can we craft all right let's go this way we're not really monster hunters we're just kleptomaniacs i want everything all of the materials oh yeah well oh oh there's just a ball of lava is there one over here yeah there's a there's an outcrop on the right here i don't know if you saw it oh really sora magdaro's it's like pimples well he's alive creature you know oh wow what the hell was that it's getting a bit rough does that heal pull back pull back you're okay just tackling this one queue up yeah i can try help i gotta like be very careful oh oh i ran into that i was didn't quite get me there okay let's get it i can't tell whatever you can oh we gotta fight this boy again i don't think we do i say i wish i brought potions oh god i have one mega elixir and five regular ones i gotta be real careful unless george decides to heal me oh we have to fight him right this is a bad time for me to not be prepared i'm just gonna climb up hunters we need to get you there and take out the gun oh okay let us climb real quick there could be precious aura left on the beast i'm on him no god i don't want to fight keep climbing we gotta keep climbing okay keep climbing oh there's all right there oh no we can't get that because he's turned but he's just lower i'm here ending up there oh i'm coming we're on its head okay that's just oh there's the final car on his head oh this is gonna be all right gonna keep a steady footing just keep swinging it doesn't seem to have lava is that supposed to happen mining mine it all worked out oh wait we have to attack no gaganto we actually have to attack it but do we really yeah can we not get the last car why did i do that i'll whistle on him i'll see you later okay how do i get down this bit oh did you did you survive that fall that's one problem we don't want to deal with yeah continue the operation i i don't know how to get back up you just climb surely mom really come on down there's oar down here so nagigante just got bored of waiting and left wait did he i think so we like we thought they would fight the boss at this point oh oh he's kind of like unpacked a bit again pat's just opened all right is it glowing again i see a red glowy bit no no no we've already destroyed them well this one's taking damage wait what yeah i found one here uh if you just give me a few minutes i'll get to work on this yeah part broken nice ow you okay no no it's a lot of lava falling if the hunters don't arrive in 15 minutes he's legally allowed leave wait is that ore there's ore up there yeah yeah yeah just get this real quick are we on the head of the tail i think we're in the head hard to tell i don't know where this guy begins or ends i think this is his head yeah okay we need to stand up yeah we're getting there commander what's going on here i i guess we oh we're at the barrier load the cannons oh there he is okay i'll keep leaving this cannon for you if you're you're like ready up we can just ready it's like load it together here if you put one more in i can fire it okay nice let's keep loading we just need the one cannon we have a system it's like only two people trying to stop this beast from destroying the entire world you go okay oh no you fire it oh i'll go for the next one i gotta be quick i gotta be quick oh he's fast wait this cannon's already loaded oh no nice oh tap tap was loading the other cannon that entire time he's helping me thank you tap he's such a sweetheart my little goblin cat oh no i'm out of cannons over here it's okay it's really give it everything you've got just keep filling the cannon we're trying all i can do is the freaking ballista yeah maybe if the military hired more people than like two hunters and their pet cats we might stand a chance i just jumped i just jumped all right what time for the dragonater the switch is on the bow of the ship barry your defense has a meter now do i go do i go towards the ship hello i guess do you want to make your way down to the ship uh i think the ship's over that way to the left oh all right we just quickly uh finished loading this cannon just to be safe i'm just proud of my work you hurt him like that i just did 18 damage that's nice huge okay um it's over here is it jumping down to the ship good luck switch is at the end of the ship i'm going hey partner wait where is over here there it is i found it sorry took me a moment that's got a drill the ballista is not doing much okay yeah i can stay here and just get that uh drill whenever needs be there's more cannons here that are already all pre-loaded which is nice our cannons aren't looking great just push this the cannons down the ship are all fine there's more npcs here too and they seem to be actually loading them [ __ ] where's my dragonator um did we do it we dragonated a guy he's dead the world is saved no more monsters it's over no more existential threat it only took 40 years it took 40 years jesus we've been streaming a while kimo jesus hmm i don't know what the like that pedal represents life it represents life do you not remember back in the coral highlands grandfather no no i didn't be honest with you i have no idea what the symbolism is hmm wait a minute there's another antagonist is that sephirot yeah i think it might have been rarity six for the zoro magdaros uh parts oh a new upgrade level for armor is now available some magma from them you think we could have caught him if we put a trap down yes don't talk to me hunter handler damn it oh that that means she's gonna talk to me too in a minute hey where are you hey where are you away from you seen today's wares we did it oh there's a trade ship that occasionally comes into the place now no new armor i can purchase a bunch of goods oh i need to get more water no worries oh my goodness i'm just seeing what i can get from here uh just buy them all might as well have so many points request goods materials maybe a few consumables the aragassi i bought speakers from their ones my god our goss is in this game do you request it because it's all catalog based they'll bring the goods in stock later oh god what's wrong part of an expedition is the current quest okay get back what knocking everything over in the hallway on the way over you're okay don't worry we did it we did it it is done it's over it's done go back to the shire i got this creature apparently called the hornetar that we missed huh the horneter that's the weird little bug boys oh okay that apparently had an armor set i just never got any bit of them yeah i had no idea pure ass knife great giraffe's tail can i upgrade anything else beautiful wrath loss axes not upgradeable right now is there anything you can make with like the the big lava boy parts um not yet okay get a magical armor set for your palico with the kieran stuff oh really yeah it's a bit wild looking um i guess i'm good for now just trying to see what else there is andor i think it's just gonna tell us to go somewhere new no actually hey partner he wants me to go to wild spire waste we've been there haven't we yeah we have whoa i don't know if i can do more monster hunter i think i'm at my limit too yeah i think it might be a good point to call it maybe for today oh that was some intense monster hunting like the [ __ ] dragon fights where there was two of them wow then we had to take them on yeah that was insane heavy oh i think we did good yeah we did we accomplished something today all it took was seven hours of video games seven hours of yeah now it's been good fun thank you thank you was laughing for playing with me it was a good time um yeah just let me know if you ever want to play again if you want to hop on for an hour every now and then or seven or seven yeah that works too yeah that sounds good i'm looking forward to it okay are you still streaming after this or are you gonna get another hades running because i can't stop thinking about it okay i'll i'll i'll pass the radon to you sure then yeah i'll send people over here all right it's been good crack have a good night talk to you goodbye ah there we go how's it going guys yo 24 hour stream maybe not but thank you so much for coming by everyone i hope you all enjoyed the stream i've been loving like like the long monster hunter session that we've done the last two weeks it's been good crack i guess thank you everyone just keeping me company uh i'm saying hey watching me and kevo play people are like how long is it gonna take him to beat high rank what's he gonna get to the end game content it's like i'm taking my time i'm taking my sweet ass time yo 40 years stream won i found out kimo was irish whoa yeah it's been good crack i'm gonna i'm gonna take the rest of that off uh tomorrow there should just be um more minecraft highlights coming i probably won't be streaming tomorrow i thought i think i'm actually i think i'm actually going to take a day off um dare i say it oh akia thank you for the raid right at the end i'm literally just finishing my stream but thank you how's it going i hope you had a good stream yourself i'm just about to send people over the key on my end we were like get done in like two minutes i'll send you some though it'll be grand thank you very much all the same that's very kind okay go say the kiwo i'm taking the rest of the night off i'm gonna go make some food and i will see you all the next stream come thursday ah should be the next one have a good night folks you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 12,112
Rating: 4.9457011 out of 5
Keywords: 968824279, Gaming, Hunter, Irish, Kiwo, Monster, Monster Hunter long boi stream ft. Kiwo, Monster Hunter: World, RT Game, RT game, RTGame, Twitch, boi, comedy, die, ft., full stream, funny, funny clips, funny montage, game, haha, i want die, long, minecraft, pc, poe, poespas, pokemon, rt, rtgame, rtgame accent, rtgame full stream, rtgame stream, rtgames full stream, rtgames stream, stream, tf2, twitch, video games, west virginia, woolie, xd
Id: mEt1EzFVthw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 417min 2sec (25022 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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