r/TalesFromTechSupport - She DARED me to delete her account... so i did...

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[Music] what's up guys welcome to daily dose of reddit this is your host that can play the first three seconds of hallelujah on piano zack in today's subreddit is our slash tales from tech support this story is called delete my account now this story took place about six years ago and it was my second week into a new job with a web hosting company i taken a call from a customer we'll call her karen about some problem with the hosting service she had with us i took a look and determined that whilst there was an issue the faults lay with her cms and wasn't anything we could fix i'm sorry karen the issue is to do with wordpress and unfortunately we can't assist with fixing this however i can send you some links which may help you fix it or you can ask your developer to look into it further that's not good enough i'm paying you ten dollars a month and i expect you to fix problems like this not to tell me to go away and deal with it myself i'm sorry you feel that way however that ten dollars pays for the server space we'll gladly help fix anything server-side that's interfering with the proper operation of your site but we're not responsible for the software itself well if you're not gonna fix it then just delete my freaking account right now okay i can do that but it may be easier stop arguing with me and delete my account clearly my ten dollars a month means crap to you go on hurry up and terminate my account if you don't value me as a customer i can do that for you before i do i need to ask if you have a backup of your data as once i process this it's gone for good no just delete my account now i expect an email telling me it's done click she'd hung up and i sat there wondering what to do i thought about sitting on it but she was quite clear in her instructions delete her account karen had already run through the identity verification questions and had requested or demanded a cancellation i took a backup of her account as insurance and proceeded with determination i also created a ticket with appropriate notes and emailing karen to tell her that her termination request had been taken care of i went home not long after that but the next day i came into work and was immediately called in to speak to the manager it turned out that karen was notorious for this crap she'd demand we do things beyond our scope and scream and cry and threaten until someone said okay we'll do it she'd gotten used to other staff members doing whatever she demanded that she expected we bend over backwards if she ever heard the word no she'd threatened to cancel and go elsewhere it seemed that other reps had just fixed whatever problem in order to stop her tantrums and get rid of her i was the first in a long time to tell her no and the only one who had ever followed through on actually terminating her account you're not in trouble don't worry you did everything correctly i've had karen on the phone all morning squawking about her website oh well by the way did you happen to take a backup of her account yep it's on my computer delete it and pretend it never existed and that's the story of how i destroyed karen's business website as logic said in that song most definitely ah beautiful amazing incredible which is what i describe her handling of the situation because yes malicious compliance to its finest or i guess tech support i don't know whichever one this story is called i'm not restarting my modem i'd rather drive the full 175 miles to your hq to punch you so among the literally thousands of calls i've had in my four years in tech support for an internet service provider this guy really took the cake it was the apotheosis of all those calls it was the most infuriating yet in hindsight hilarious call i'd ever had in my life that's a cool word he came in on a fairly quiet saturday morning and the conversation started quite normally good morning this is name from isp how may i help you yes hello this is his name i just woke up to my wife and kids complaining there's no internet and the television isn't working either oof that's quite inconvenient i'm going to have to check where the issue might be and try and fix it thank you he gave me his postal code and house number i confirmed his details and ran a scan on his address there was absolutely no signal so i needed to do a basic troubleshoot with him first do you know where your modem is sir yeah it's next to my front door good could you please tell me which lights are on or blinking on it there are a couple of lights on not as many as usual though is the online light on no okay yeah your modem is not receiving any signal then i'm going to have to test if the problem is in the modem or the signal towards your house for that i need you to turn off your modem for about 30 seconds could you please do that um no i'm sorry that sort of thing is your job i'm not touching that modem you only need to pull out the power cable wait 30 seconds and plug it back in like i said that's your job send someone over to fix it i was not sure if he was joking or not i was just baffled at the hard turn this conversation had just taken sir there is a basic troubleshoot we need to run with all our customers that solves like 90 percent of all i don't care i'm not getting paid for this so i'm not doing your job now send someone over i can't very well send our technicians over just restart your modem sir you can and you will and you'll compensate me for the time i haven't received any of your services i don't care much for your tone sir either you cooperate with our standard troubleshoot or i cannot help you you've got a pretty big mouth there missy what's your name i'll issue a complaint against you my name is first name sir first name what just first name sir scared to give me your last name no just not obligated to give it to you you've been very rude to me so i won't give it to you you think you're so high and mighty because you're on the phone i know where your hq is i'm driving over there right now and you better make sure you have your eyes open when you come out my first name in a mocking tone i snickered at the thought he lived about 280 kilometers or 175 miles from our headquarters plus he only had my first name and he had of course no idea what i looked like if you would rather take three hours to get here and then another three to get back home rather than taking 30 seconds to restart your modem you're welcome to do so i'm now terminating the call and issuing a threat warning have a lovely day i hung up before he could respond and reported a threat of violence to my manager he made note of it and put it through to our second line to pick this further up i wish i could say the story ended there but unfortunately it continued as soon as i resumed taking calls not five minutes after i got back to work i got him on the phone again good morning this is name from ha there you are you think you could just hang up on me i'm taking this to court i'm canceling our services as of right now i've issued your violent thread which we recorded by the way to our second line sir i'll add that you wish to terminate your contract they'll call you back within two hours goodbye i hung up again and he thankfully didn't try to reach me again after that i did learn afterwards that he had in fact taken this case to court and lost his services were cancelled five months before the date of the contract and he had to pay up the remaining five months i hope it was worth it to him i did not press charges for the threat since i never took it seriously i mean i literally laughed it off thinking back on it it still makes me snicker i'm imagining him driving for three hours arriving at our hq asking all the women who left the building their names in hopes he could do god knows what to one of them then driving back home for three hours not to mention having to stop for gas which costs a lot here and still have his wife and children complaining that they have no internet or television idiot wow what a jerk calling an innocent customer an idiot the audacity right this story's called i i blew up my computer names have been changed to protect the innocent but not the guilty there was a young motivated and inexperienced computer engineer working at a small company that built inspection machines for a niche market these inspection machines consisted of wintel computers along with some specialized hardware for interfacing with the inspection sensors and general control enclosed in a nice air conditioned cabinet for all the electrically bits the software was developed in-house as well and ran on top of windows if you ever worked in manufacturing before you've probably run across this kind of setup before now this company built the computers in-house from off-the-shelf parts intel cpus samsung ssds crucial ram super micro mobos you get the drift each developer got an exact copy of the currently shipping hardware and machine components so it would be easy to develop and test locally the hardware was always on the mid to high end so this worked out well for everyone there was a sole i.t professional that handled the company's i.t needs obviously and did the purchasing and inventory for the wintel components the antagonist of our story mentioned above was a fresh college graduate with a degree in computer engineering with a focus on embedded systems so when a small project came up for a small embedded peripheral to this peripheral the computer engineer volunteered to take it and management approved on to the story hear the characters computer engineer smart yet an experienced engineer antagonist i.t information technologist of the house support 30 million of his name king of the servers the rightful admin of all pcs and protector of the databases king of active directory and call of the network that was good that was really good scene it's office it looks up to see computer engineer standing meekishly in the doorway looking as guilty as a young puppy who peed on the carpet after house training i need to pull a new motherboard keyboard and usb hub from stock i'm not sure if i'm gonna need more components okay uh we have the parts in stock but what's this about usually stockpoles are for complete machines is there something wrong with the machine on the shop floor nothing wrong with production as far as i know i just um well it it's the computer engineer is staring at his shoes and moving in a clearly uncomfortable fashion something is clearly wrong and all evidence points to computer engineer as the guilty party sit down and tell me what happened i i blew up my computer what tears swelling up i blew up my computer i didn't mean to i was working on the new embedded peripheral prototype and go on i was rearranging the hardware on my desk when i heard this loud pop i looked up at my monitors and they were all black i heard all the fans running at 100 and there was smoke pouring out of my keyboard and computer case um i cut power to everything the embedded peripheral pc monitors everything in my cubicle i tried bringing my pc back up but nothing happened when i pressed the power button i opened up the side of the case and there was black charring all around the usb ports on the motherboard so what happened i think i put 24 volts on the 5 volt usb rail by accident how i i left some wires hanging loose off the prototype and must have bumped them i had a usb adapter i was using to communicate with the prototype or the loose wires touch something they shouldn't have the main power supply on the prototype is 24 volts and one of the loose wires was on the 24 volt supply it touched the 5 volt usb rail on the usb adapter am i going to get fired how much equipment in dollars do you think you destroyed um answer honestly uh 500 grabs tissue from the box on it's desk 500 okay assuming everything company owned in your cubicle got fried that's probably what three grand worth of equipment right wait i haven't finished oh have you ever brought an embedded control system to market before no this was a prototype you were working on uh-huh something went wrong and the magic white smoke came out uh-huh remind me again what went wrong i left some power wires loose and they touched the adapter i see you left some wires loose they got bumped and some electronics got destroyed yes grab another tissue here's what's gonna happen i'm going to pull the components from another complete system for you from stock you're going to go back to your cubicle and rebuild your pc i know you can handle this since you built your pc on your first day here you're going to return all the old components to me for proper disposal keep the original ssd if it still works no point in reinstalling the os since the replacement hardware is identical and the ssd probably survived you're probably going to be back up and running in an hour huh what did you learn oh it's not a true question what did you learn never leave wires flying in the breeze bingo 5 10 20 years from now you will never make this mistake again this company just spent at most three grand training you i don't know what you make salary wise but my guess is the equipment you destroyed whereas case is the equivalent of five days of what this company spends on you it probably cost over twenty thousand dollars to hire you considering the recruiter fees hr time interview time and so on you did something that cost the company a pittance compared to what it took to hire you never mind your salary and benefit cost you obviously know what you did wrong and you'll never make this mistake again if the company fired you over this they'd be spending another 20 grand minimum to replace you crap happens it's happened to me it's happening you it happens to everyone you're young you're inexperienced college should teach you how to learn and you've learned from this now take these parts or build your pc and let me know if you need anything else thank you this isn't the first time i've dealt with destroyed parts and this won't be the last just don't leave wires loose again absolutely this happened five years ago i was the computer engineer and i'll never forget these lessons ah you gotta love people like that that was so nice that's a good boss or whatever the hell he was to that person um that's that's a wonderful story this guy's like a better parent than like 90 of actual parents let me know in the comments below like a time when you messed up or you thought you messed up like insanely bad and you thought you were gonna like be killed or something for it and the person you told just made everything better made you feel better and you learned something from it basically what happened here seriously let me know and i'll freaking probably cry if it's super sweet because i will admit i get teary-eyed really easily when nice things happen i don't cry but you get what i'm saying and you know what so what if i did cry what are you gonna do about it laugh at me probably i'd laugh at myself too tears of a clown alright this one's called i was fired because i made the customer feel stupid i work in i.t and sometimes do support on the side for people in business i'm sure most of us do or have done this one of my long time customers recommended me to a local law firm and they called me up did a couple of support calls for them all were easy things set up a vpn connection between offices poke holes in the firewalls for various things a few minor ad tasks stuff like that a couple of months in i got a call that they would no longer need my services not a huge deal but i decided to ask why turns out i made the office manager feel stupid because i was doing the things they asked too quickly and made it look easy i stopped for a second and said you realize i have done similar things every day for the past 20 years right it's what you hired me to do it didn't make a difference i made it look too easy and he thought that made him look dumb ps wow this got more attention than i thought this is a small portion of the side gig maybe a hundred dollars to 150 a month not a loss at all i just thought it was amusing after 20-something years in it that was a new one for me okay even if you were intimidated by someone's superiority in a certain thing that they worked in for 20 years anyways even if there's a potential for learning there now this guy seems like a reasonable person and i'm sure if you wanted to see how they're fixing it maybe they'd be okay with explaining it a little bit i t people in the comments below i know you're here how would you feel if someone asks you how you're fixing it and be honest would it be kind of annoying does it happen a lot let me know i'm curious don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 27,455
Rating: 4.9274611 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, She DARED me to delete her account... so i did...
Id: Pq8bamlz7ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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