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today we've got a great Revenge story using a  penny we'll get into that in a bit but first   sent back a steak six times I worked in a high-end  Steak House during college as a food Runner the   food was excellent the staff was phenomenal it  was an all-around great experience never had any   real issues with guests one night a guy comes in  with his wife/ girlfriend he orders a filet medium   rare and the cook rarely misses a temp we bring  out the steak he cuts into it and says it's not   right sends it back to cook it a bit longer which  which we do no problem totally reasonable this   goes on five more times the manager gets involved  and ensures it will be perfect and gives the chef   a look I know he's being unreasonable cue the  chef who is the most professional and easygoing   guy I've ever worked with he looks at me dead  in the eye and says never say a dang word about   what I'm going to do he takes the Stak drops it  on the ground and drags it with his foot across   the entire kitchen and kicks it by the grease trap  steps on it then places it back on the grill I run   it back out the guy thanks me and said the  steak is perfect I report back to the chef   and he says in his 30 plus years of being in the  kitchen he's never had a stay come back that many   times we never spoke about it again although this  customer was horrendous and deserved some kind of   treatment can we all agree that this was way too  far and way too disgusting I'd sooner the chef   beg the manager to just comp the meal at this  point because like how much more can you refire   a steak and not get it right aka the customer  will never be happy also hi I'm Steven and if   you guys enjoy awesome stories of Revenge it would  be amazing if you left a like or left a review if   you're listening to my podcast that said our next  story is accidental Vengeance on an aggressive   driver when I was pregnant with my first my  husband was driving us to visit family this   guy started driving really aggressively chasing  us passing and break checking us and hubs was   being evasive across the six Lane nightmare that  is Greensboro North Carolina I had hyperemesis   that means I threw up a lot the guy flirted to  get next to my window right when I rolled mine   down leaned out and began to projectile vomit my  normal car sickness plus the hyperemesis and the   evasive maneuvers set me off I absolutely painted  his Jeep front side and top were covered in vomit   his window was down probably to scream at us I  painted him too I couldn't stop I'm hanging out   the window going 55 snot and vomit running down  my face sobbing my eyes out because throwing up   like that hurts you know the guy backed off after  that my husband laughed himself stupid he called   me his Mobile Defense Cannon and the vomit cannon  maybe the guy learned a lesson about driving like   a psycho probably not husband still joyfully tells  the story of the vomit Vengeance though Now That's   What I Call some serious biological warfare you  want to to talk about somebody who didn't know   what hit them top tier candidate in my books our  next story is disgusting Airline passenger this   happened on a long haul flight between Shanghai  and Singapore which is about 5 and 1/2 hours I was   in seat D on a 747 which is the leftand aisle seat  in the four- seat center block dude was seated in   G three seats away and we had two empty seats  between us before the aircraft had been in the   air for 2 minutes dude lifts the two armrests up  and lies down taking up three seips he didn't ask   or even acknowledge me I couldn't believe the  tarity of it I didn't want to necessarily lie   down myself but having the spare seat next to me  instead of this bloke's feet would have been nice   after about 10 minutes I got up and had a wander  to see if there might be another two empty seats   and I quickly found two about seven rows back and  relocated I walked back down the aisle near his   head to use the toilet and could hear the dude  snoring and smelling quite strongly of whiskey   I asked the hostess for a cup of miso soup which  she duly delivered to my seat 5 minutes later in   which I let it cool to a nice body temperature by  now the lights had been turned low it was a late   evening flight so I walked back past the dude  this time down the aisle At His Feet where I'd   been sitting I poured the Miso onto the rather  porous blanket in the crotch area and walked   onto the toilet again coming back I noticed that  he still hadn't moved the Miso soup had clearly   not been noticed at body temperature as tempted  as I was to make another run perhaps with some   toothpaste or similar I decided that discretion  was the better part of valor and let him off when   the lights came back on a couple of hours later  I could see the dude waking up he stood up from   under the blanket before realizing he had a  big wet patch on the front of his trousers I   don't know what he thought but I'm pretty sure he  thought he'd ticked himself crotch miso probably   smells an awful bit like urine he soon realized  where the discomfort was coming from and took   off to the toilets emerging about 10 minutes  later with his hands covered covering the wet   area I didn't see him again in a way I hope he  realized that he'd been pranked as a result of   his selfish behavior but who knows it really was  a fine Revenge chances are they just unlocked a   brand new fear and may never want to sleep on an  airplane again or any kind of public facing place   I think all op did was succeed in making this guy  feel like he's now a bed wetter at whatever age   he's at our next story is Kevin loses $100 because  he stole some pennies okay so for context I worked   at a popular gaming store for a while that did  not do cash refunds we warned people of this   prior to purchasing stuff after they purchased  stuff and even pointed it out in the receipt   yet people would still come in and yell about  getting their money back also it's important to   note that corporate said no me and my co-workers  were the minimum wage middleman we didn't have a   say anyways a customer who I'll call Kevin came  into the store one day and immediately came off   as aggressive he was angry about something he  bought and and wanted his money back my cooworker   explained the policy to him showed him on the  receipt and told him that the best she could do   was offer him inore credit which came out to be  about $150 the same amount he had paid for the   item he was not happy he argued and yelled some  more before I was pulled aside by another customer   in the store who told me that she had witnessed  Kevin shoving some Pokemon cards into his pockets   we aren't allowed to confront thiefs at my store  corporate policy so we waited until he left before   checking the cameras he was in fact stealing our  Pokémon cards Pokémon cards can get very expensive   we have cards in our store that are selling for  up to $200 and on average most of our cards are   probably worth about $5 however we separate the  expensive cards from the bulk any card worth more   than 75 cents is put behind our glass counter  that being said most of the bulk cards we have   are worth a single penny this man probably thought  he could get get some good cards from this he did   not but he did get banned from all of our stores  for stealing so he won't be able to use the $150   in store credit he had I would feel bad if he  wasn't a jerk I hope his common Pokemon cards   were worth it little did this guy know he probably  walked out of there with 20 assorted energy cards   or some basic common Caterpie or something it's  kind of like the equivalent of trying to steal   from a deck of cards but yet this guy only walked  out of there with ones twos and threes aren't next   story is my cousin's Petty revenge on her ex my  cousin female 30s used to have a fiance male 30s   she broke up with him for a number of reasons one  of which was that during covid it really came to   light just how much and how often he was drinking  it was bad after the breakup my cousin wanted to   remove her ex from her phone plan but needed his  signature to do so the ex still salty from the   breakup refused keep in mind that the ex had made  very good money and my cousin is on disability   paying for both phone bills Q Petty Revenge while  my cousin couldn't remove him from the phone plan   she could mess with the settings the amount of  monthly internet data on the phone plan was shared   between the two phones she throttled his internet  allocating him only the bare minimum of data he   called her up angry because his friends ridiculed  him for having crappy phone internet she told him   he wouldn't have any problems if he just got  his own phone plan if op is the owner of the   phone plan account what op Maybe could do is maybe  report the phone as stolen and get a new SIM card   sent out to you that way at the very least you'll  have that SIM card and they can't do anything on   your phone plan our next story is enjoy your pee  towel this one happened to me in my second year of   college many years ago I was a non-traditional  student as I came in after a six-year stint in   the Navy so instead of joining a frat Ben there  done that or dropping in a dorm did that too I   was put in apartments for international and grad  students my first roommate was great and got me in   with people I'm still friends with 20 plus years  later he graduated and moved out after about a   year this story is about my second roommate he  was an international student that was apparently   the son of some important person back home he  had been completely cared for while growing up   and didn't know how to do the most basic things  he couldn't operate the stove didn't know how to   wash his clothes or clean Etc his English was also  very poor so I had trouble explaining things to   him him I was finally able to get him to clean  up after himself for most of the apartment so   I wouldn't have to be his maid but the one place  I had trouble was in the bathroom again since he   was coddled he didn't understand that leaving the  sink or floor soaking wet was a problem but the   real kicker was that he apparently didn't know how  to pee in a toilet I dreaded using the bathroom   because there was pee everywhere on the seat all  around the bowl and all over the floor I asked him   politely to clean up and he was apologetic itic  and agreeable but it didn't change I asked again   and showed him the problems with the toilet and  the water all over and how it should be cleaned   he again seemed agreeable but then the next day  it was a disaster again after the third time I   gave up and just started wiping up the bathroom  every morning with his bath towel and hanging   it back up he used that towel every day for his  shower until he moved out a couple of months later   are you telling me this guy used the same towel  for months I'm just wondering but did this guy   have like a huge case of like acne or something  somebody that's like why can't this problem ever   go away I just don't understand not just cuz he's  using a p towel but especially because he's using   a multi-month old P towel our next story is jerk  neighbor loses temper gets magazine subscriptions   so a friend of mine told me to put this here I  had a neighbor that was a butt I have two dogs   who spend time outside and I have an aquatic  child important for later he decided that he   was better than my my little family because we  were renting the house we were he would threaten   me he'd threaten my son to his face he tried to  get my dogs taken away he would scream and yell   at me and my son if we were playing outside  he would throw his nasty cigarette butts on   our yard he called our landlord numerous times to  try to get us evicted he even had his girlfriend   call our landlord he never would say anything  to my husband just my son and I we never even   met really other neighbors had complaints against  him too he was in general just a a jerk one day   while waiting in line at the grocery store my son  wanted to look at a magazine no harm no foul and   he was entertained that is when I got the idea I  took the magazine inserts and signed them up for   everything while checking the pay later option he  started receiving everything from home cooking to   Cosmopolitan to The Inquirer I also created a fake  email for him for these magazines it was Slash is   the only way to unsubscribe from them yeah has  since moved and we now have awesome neighbors   but I still wonder how many magazines followed him  to his new address keep in mind I had made this my   life mission I went to a bookstore and literally  spent 30 minutes getting these inserts considering   somebody that showed that much interest in their  magazine they may follow them until they may   follow them until they absolutely curse out some  poor customer support agent on their hotline I   bet some of the less reputable ones don't even  care if there's a slight chance they can make   a sell for their middling magazine subscriptions  they may just keep hounting this guy forever this   next story is aggressive driver gets played this  happened about 10 years or so ago my husband and   I were each driving our own cars because we were  moving to a new state this is before either of us   had Bluetooth technology in our car so we brought  along some walkie-talkies for easy communication   when we needed raw driving he was in the left  lane slowly overtaking another vehicle and I'm   in the right lane when another car comes hauling  Fanny and starts riding his bumper he radioed me   and let me know his plan to be a jerk back he  slows down so aggressive driver gets behind me   he speeds up aggressive driver takes the bait and  switches Lanes he does this a few times and then   radios to have me get in front of him to pass  the vehicle I'm still behind in the right lane   and then to move back over we keep side by side  for a few more miles until my husband decides   aggressive driver has suffered enough from his  horrid driving etiquette and passes me and gets   over aggressive driver goes flying by and is gone  a few miles later guess who we saw pulled over by   a cop we honked smiled waved and kept on going  of course all of these Antics went down on that   stretch of road right before a cop was watching  the whole thing just imagine how upset this   aggressive driver had to be in that moment when  op and their partner just completely played them   at their own game and finally when they've blown  past them and they can just start letting it go   they hear the sirens start blaring our next story  is eat my oyster I still feel quite ashamed about   this one I was the sales representative living  in London at the time when I was driving to my   first appointment from beckingham to catford  in peak hour traffic traffic was moving along   okay until the tradesman's van pulled out of  a driveway right in front of me to the point   where I actually skitted on the slightly wet road  to avoid running into him seriously ticked off   I followed him until he moved into the right  hand lane I had an absolutely streaming cold   at the time and snorted a mouthful of dense snot  into my mouth as the traffic slowed down I moved   up beside his van on the passenger side ready to  spray this mouthful of snot onto his side window   I plan to take a left-and turn directly ahead  of me in order to escape any repeal keeping   my eye on the road ahead in order to stay safe I  wound down my window and right when we were dead   level I turned my head to the right and spat the  mouth full of snot to the great horror of the Vans   passenger who had wound the window down and was  lighting a smoke half a cup of disgusting mucus   slopped into the side of his face I hurriedly  took the next left and disappeared I genuinely   did not realize the window was down so mate my  sincere apologies if you're reading this it was   totally unintentional this was about 1995 well  I think the important thing here is it wasn't   me this is just about a horror story and I'm  glad I'm very far away from ever of having to   it this is very much a horror story to me and I'm  very glad that I'm very far away of ever having   to experience anything even remotely similar  although now it is bringing up a little bit of   childhood PTSD involving spitballs in school but  uh I think we'll just move on our next story is   giving back my roommates energy a few years ago  I rented a house with two other women we were all   in our mid-20s working full-time and with various  social obligations we kept the house tidy though   sometimes a dish or two was left in the sink for  later if we were running late n all fake names in   this post called a roommate meeting and said we  should all wash our dishes when we're done using   this no problem right that's what we mostly did  except for the rare occasion when somebody was   running late we were extra conscientious about it  afterward however a few weeks later I came home   one afternoon to my other roommate Petra standing  in the kitchen and looking annoyed above the sink   was a Post-It note reading per our previous  conversation please don't leave dirty dishes   in the sink in the sink was a coffee cup small  plate and Spoon Petra had missed her alarm and   I guess Nell came home during her lunch break saw  the mess and left a note but here's the thing this   was the first time Petra or I had left anything in  the sink since that convo Nell however regularly   left her dishes in the sink until the next day  the next night Petra and I come home after n was   asleep she left a cup in the sink Petra ran to her  room grabbed a pile of sticky notes and wrote per   our previous conversation please don't leave dirty  dishes in the sink I asked if I could leave a note   and it spiraled from there between the two of us  we left every step for washing a dish a note on   the soap soap is your friend by the sponge use  me to scrub away dirt the faucet you're almost   there rinse here and the towel last step drop I  then put away I was the first to leave the next   morning Upon returning home the sink was empty and  a single Post-It note remained I don't appreciate   the passive aggression the only sad thing here  is I'm assuming they automatically assumed the   person who left all of the sticky notes was one  person and probably the same person that they   caught leaving a dirty dish in the sink but I  guess as long as Nell didn't know who exactly   left the dish in the sink the anonymity is better  than knowing everybody's ganging up against them   our next story is if fake interview equals true  then launch Revenge Petty this story isn't mine   well just a small part but my friend Mike's and it  happened over a decade ago so Mike was job hunting   back then since the company he worked for had  closed down Mike was a skilled Tech but he didn't   have a higher degree which limited his options  one day he got a call from a company for an   interview seemed like an interesting opportunity  although the company wasn't huge so he went for   it initially everything seemed fine the place  looked decent and the owner seemed reasonable   they both sat down in an office and here's how the  conversation went the owner said Mike let's say we   have a recurring issue with our servers sometimes  our systems inexplicably slow down during peak   hours what would you do to fix this problem  Mike replied well in my previous experience I've   implemented stricter server resource monitoring  and optimized processes to avoid bottlenecks the   owner replies uh-huh huh I see all right but  imagine this problem occurs randomly even with   the same server usage as the day before Mike  smelling Something Fishy replies I have a few   ideas to investigate but that would require a  more detailed study of the problem the owner   then says what if the server throws an XYZ error  after slowing down Mike with all alarms going off   in his head says that's a very specific question  does it have something to do with the interview   or is it a current issue in the company the owner  replies yes of course the interview currently you   don't have a higher degree right Mike says uh  no as indicated in my resumés I have experience   with servers and studies in computer science but I  don't have a higher degree the owner interrupting   said I'm sorry Mike but we need someone with a  proper certification for this position we can't   hire someone without the necessary credentials  Mike naturally upset says why the freak did you   even call me for the interview then you already  knew my educational background is this some kind   of joke the owner quickly replies I'll have to  ask you to leave the premises or I'll have to   have you escorted out Mike was stunned trying  to make sense of how something like this had   just happened to him he left the place and went  to smoke next to the building at that moment he   had an idea he grabbed his laptop and found he had  access to the company's Wi-Fi but it was password   protected so he called me I pick up and say yes  Mike tells me op I have a problem I just came   out of a job interview where and he tells me what  happened and I reply you're kidding right he says   I wish but I'm not calling you about that I have  the company's Wi-Fi but it's password protected   are you still in the computer lab me sensing where  this is going I say yes I'm actually in front of   the computer Mike tells me could you run that code  on the lab computers they were much more powerful   than a laptop that generated a Brute Force attack  back if I connect you to my setup I say if you   were here sure if not it's going to cost you an  arm and a leg for me to connect remotely he says   I don't care can you do it I say well I need some  time to set up the script to work remotely though   it might not find anything for a while Mike says  it doesn't matter let's give it a try I say okay   I'll call you a while later after preparing the  program we initiated the connection and somewhat   rudimentarily we began 15 minutes later we found  the password I know it was a bit Shady but I knew   Mike wouldn't do anything malicious after this  Mike and I said our goodbyes and the next day   he told me what happened upon connecting to the  Wi-Fi he had access to the company's Network and   could locate a bunch of printers so he created an  image with a raised middle finger and a colorful   freak you and sent it to all the printers he  could find hundreds of copies from what he told   me he stayed there for quite some time resending  his love note whenever a printer stopped printing   I guess because they unplugged it and after  a while they turned it back on I don't know   what happened inside the company but between the  time they stopped working and the ink they spent   that day must not have been very productive that's  so slimy when you're thinking finally I might be   able to land a job it's so difficult considering  everybody wants these credentials just to be met   with the reality that they're just trying to fish  for a quick and easy solution from you they don't   want you they never did they weren't ever going  to hire you they just wanted to see if you could   fix a problem for them and them to take all the  credit for it our next story is the penny Revenge   so Canada got rid of the penny many years ago and  I know people celebrate that fact but personally   I mourn the loss of a chance for petty revenge for  future Generations so back in the early 2000s when   I was a teenager I lived a few blocks away from  a local ice cream place and heck yes ice cream   should have been a daily in enjoyable treat only I  had one problem that problem being my only path to   said ice cream took me past the local gas station  and the male gas jockey whom I also attended high   school with seemed heck bent on perfecting his  cat calling skills every time I walked past I   mean most of us might wonder about the total  lack of common sense in brain cells required   to cat call someone from your place of employment  but well teenagers aren't that smart so of course   after having a nice thing ruined quite regular  for a while I decided I needed some revenge and   I got plotting so I decided my course of action  would be to subject him to pennies as many pennies   as I could collect he wanted my attention and he  was going to get it I went around school trading   nickels dimes and quarters for pennies I happily  asked anyone and everyone if they had pennies they   wanted gone I had my friends hunting down that  annoying and often discarded bit of change for   me from anyone they could and in less than a week  week I had collected $2 and pennies 200 shiny bits   of copper glinting with Revenge so after another  trip for ice cream was once again ruined I threw   those pennies into my pockets and headed to the  gas station want to feel inflation I could buy   a pack of Skittles and a Gatorade for exactly  $2 so I went in with my pennies clinking in my   pockets grabbed what I needed and waited letting  just enough people ahead of me so I could be rung   up by my target the look on his face as I started  dumping fistful after Fistful of pennies loose on   the counter he of course tried to refuse it as  an unreasonable amount of change but I started   quoting him back all the crap he'd been yelling  at me every time I'd walked past and asked him if   he didn't appreciate my full attention now that I  was done ignoring him I also because I was a very   Petty brat didn't just let him get on Counting  nope I would toss out totally random numbers   to confuse him because he wasn't smart enough to  make piles of 10 cents when I finally left that   gas station I told him if I heard any more cat  calling out of him I would be returning with $5   and pennies also because I'm sure people will ask  why I didn't tell my parents my mother was dealing   with health issues we thought she might have had  cancer at the time and so I didn't feel like she   needed my problems so I didn't ask her for help  finally a Revenge story that makes sense B Dum   Tish Honestly though with how bad this guy wanted  op's attention this guy should have been in heaven   he got all the attention he wanted he could stare  into op's eyes and count all 200 pennies all they   wanted what more could they have asked for well of  course not counting the fact that he can't count   and do another thing at the same time our next  story is update the thief that stole glitter bomb   Christmas gift not sure if this is the right place  to post this or if anyone wanted an update on how   everything went down after the Christmas program  already found part of the first post on Facebook   summary I volunteered for a Christmas program  making fake gifts one had a glitter bomb inside   meant for the director my old teacher a lady had  her kids steal three decorative gifts including   the glitter bomb lady opened it and got covered in  glitter complained and tried to get compensation   only to be banned other volunteers were upset  because their kids looked up how to make bombs   I now call them glitter storms update first off  the program went off great everyone seemed to   have a good time and I got more glitter to gift  it to the director he liked the golden Flakes and   made sure I was also covered in it the gifts were  given out without any problems that I knew of the   program got new toys and gaming systems for the  kids to play with I ended up teaching a Saturday   class how to make a glitter storm and origami  filled with glitter I'm not well-liked by some   of the parents because of it I think I get called  glitter storm by some of the employees I had had   Christmas dinner with the director and some other  people who were very kind to me until I opened a   glitter storm in their dining room it was a good  joke and I did get a real gift that I loved as for   the lady apparently she has a history of taking  things and cannot find a job because of it she has   allegedly stolen and sold things from other people  before I had not seen her before at the center but   recognized her as the lady who had come to my home  and tried to take the donated gifts I was keeping   safe so she's facing a few charges for what she's  done and possibly a divorce according to gossip   her kids are still in the programs but get dropped  off by their grandma or Dad it's just crazy to be   in a situation where you stole presents that were  meant for other people and then getting upset   about the contents of them I don't care what she  found in those boxes the whole thing was messed   up to begin with why did you take them could you  self-report any harder our next story is obnoxious   motorists gets slightly delayed I was driving into  work on the motor way as usual and shortly before   a big tunnel I saw some idiot zigzagging between  cars he got stuck behind some traffic though and   ended up merging in immediately in front of me  then we all went into the tunnel cars close enough   that he couldn't pull any overtaking stunts so he  spent the entire around 2 minutes it took to get   through the tunnel revving his engine as loudly as  possible the motorway system here is a bit chaotic   but to set the scene the tunnel is three lanes and  has two exits at the end two lanes going each way   middle can go either way left lane is usually the  least clogged but After exiting to the left the   right lane is the fastest idiot driver and myself  are in the left with a large truck in front of us   as we exit he's still in low gear revving mode so  I quickly go to the right successfully block him   from merging ahead of me look over and give him  the stink eyes as I pass and then take my time   passing the truck he's now stuck behind me and  the truck of course he went off screaming past   me as soon as he could the road merged with  another and became five Lanes so I couldn't   block him for long but it was nice to cut off his  bull crap Shenanigans for a brief moment I can't   lie anytime I hear a story like this especially  about somebody who is an utter hotthead it kind   of makes me a little bit afraid because the  reality is this is somebody who has probably   a legitimate anger problem or some life event  that's making them snap and they're operating a   multi-ton metal machine like at the very least if  they snapped they could make at least your day a   lot more miserable and considering things like the  truck maybe other people's days too I'm not saying   the Revenge wasn't fun or satisfying but man I  just feel like in those kinds of situations it's   just not worth it but with that being said that's  all the time we have for today now if you want   to hear another awesome Revenge story check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 10,778
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, pro revenge, reddit pro revenge, Storytime pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash prorevenge, pro revenge reddit, top posts reddit, pro revenge stories, pro revenge video, r/ prorevenge, r/ prorevenge Storytime, Storytime r/prorevenge, funny reddit stories, prorevenge posts
Id: w0adwuo5X9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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