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today we've got a great Revenge story all about  a rejection hotline number we'll get into that   in a bit but first kicked out for revealing  theft made them destroy $11,000 machine was a   member of a local word Workshop call it TMS just  after I joined they purchased the very used CNC   wood carving machine in bad condition with no  idea how to use it after it sad for a while I   took the task of fixing and learning it after 18  months myself and another member had rebuilt it   and taught ourselves how to use it the two of us  were doing some beautiful work and it was starting   to make money cost of machine repairs Cutters and  software $1,000 approximately enter a thief of a   president with his minions they refused to show  the financials and closed all committee meetings   with no minutes among other illegal moves a copy  of the books was left in the open photographed   then given to a very good accountant very creative  books and $20,000 out in short myself and several   members were were illegally thrown out for finding  this out the other CNC operator included this left   them with no operators for the CNC and a comment  from the Now new puppet president that anybody   can use it now two years down the track and the  CNC still hasn't run and I am being blamed for   sabotaging it I still have good friends there who  have confirmed on video the idiots had not reset   an emergency stop reset it manually and it would  run recently told they were looking at getting rid   of it so I made more Bets with old and existing  members that they would rather destroy it rather   than be embarrassed if it worked again I put the  word out it was for sale the shop I'm now at made   a good offer and several other good offers were  made even as far away as Adelaide and the members   wanted to sell to my shop their majority say was  ignored and the CNC is now scrap to make sure I   didn't get it I made $400 on bets if anybody  can use it that makes the TMS committee nobody   $11,000 out of pocket and in financial trouble  all for the lack of brains arrogance thieves   and being an oligarchy I mean if op knew that a  lot of this illegal and kind of Mony laundering   stuff was going on I mean I guess it's not op's  responsibility but you think you would like report   it rather than just kind of let it happen if  you were that upset about it or maybe it's a   field of work where op felt pretty secure and just  finding another job somewhere else you know this   place isn't you know worth his time to care about  maybe one corrupt president would just be replaced   with another corrupt president who knows also hi  I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy awesome stories   of Revenge why not hit those like And subscribe  buttons down below our next story is wife wants   to leave the tags on so I made sure to leave every  tag on this is a pretty simple one but I love it   because I saw my strategy slowly producing results  in real time I noticed about a year ago my wife   leaves the white crinkly tag on all home items we  get the pillows the couch pillows the beds pillows   the duvet the extra long leather for show pillow  Etc I have no clue why I ripped one off once in   the beginning and she got all hot and bothered so  I said I won't do it again but the annoyance still   stuck with me I hate these tags I think they look  cheap and after I realized it was a thing it's all   I can see looking around our home I figured I'd  play the if you can't beat him join them strategy   so I've made sure to turn the pillows to show the  tags loud and proud now you definitely can't miss   them when you walk around guests over looking at  our nicely redone room bam that stupid leather   long pillow at the front of the other show pillows  has that tag sticking up in front and center it's   taken a few months but I think she's realized what  I've been doing and is jokingly said recently that   I won and can go rip off all the tags ripping a  crinkly tag off has never felt so good and a beer   has never tasted so sweet you know for some reason  I've always had the mentality of never ripping the   the tags off any pillows I've ever had I don't  know if it stems from the whole thing where as   a child you always heard oh it's illegal if you  rip the tag off a pillow or a mattress or whatnot   but it also might be me conditioned from when my  sibling was younger when he was around probably 4   to 6 years old he had his favorite pillow and  the pillow still had the tag on it and when   he would sleep he would take the tag and wrap  it around his fingers as like a comfort thing   I think one day I the younger sibling went and  like ripped the tag off just to like be funny   or something and he started crying and admittedly  I felt terrible and my mom actually sewed the tag   back onto the pillow for him so I think maybe I  have some conditioning for my childhood days to   not want to rip tags off of pillows but I will say  when I put them in pillow cases it's definitely   tag in the case first our next story is be a  garbage human being I'll spoil something you   love I don't think this is required as the book  is nearly 20 years old but Harry Potter spoiler   for anyone who's young or reads of the piece of a  snail I worked in the mail room at a bank in 2005   I say mail room it was a section of the office  floor that was surrounded by baffle boards to   make an area we could sort mail in side note the  best part of the job was stacking the mail onto a   little trolley and delivering it around the floor  meant I got paid to be offered biscuits and have   banter with lots of people one side of the mail  room was a telephony department that handled all   the secured connection calls and since it was  the only telepon department near us we could   hear every word from the staff there was one woman  who was particularly l L and super obnoxious let's   call her Brenda Brenda was horrible she has zero  empathy and would refuse to budge to help people   who were going through financial difficulties I  get that there's a limit to what you can do but   she seemed to relish the pain of people and had a  major attitude problem the issue was she was great   friends with the manager so nothing ever seemed to  be said to her and she continued being a dill hole   the worst thing about Brenda was what she did  between calls she would laugh at our customers   and talk talk crap about them can you believe  that idiot just cuz your man left you and your   kids doesn't mean you don't have to pay your  credit card boooo that customer's mom died she   probably died of embarrassment for having such  a jerk of a son you get the picture a garbage   human now about me I was a huge Harry Potter nerd  went to get the books at midnight on release date   type person I also would stay up all night after  the release and finish the book before I went to   sleep one day just after the release of Half Blood  Prince which I had finished Brenda was telling her   colleagues how much she was loving the book and  that she couldn't wait to finish she wasn't far   into it from what she was saying I emailed my  friend who works in mortgages who was also a   Harry Potter nerd and thought Brenda was a jerk  I explained and he practically ran to my desk we   waited for her to finish on a call with a customer  then started loudly gushing about how shocked   devastated and saddened we were when Snape pushed  Dumbledore from the astronomy Tower how could   Snape murder Dumbledore while Harry was frozen  under his invisibility cloak she went mental she   came around and glared at us but there was freak  all else she could do she still continued being   a jerk but I got lots of satisfaction from that  encounter surely if you work in a place that is   official enough to have a legitimate mail room  I mean op said it's a bank if you're working in   a bank surely you have to have some kind of HR  or somebody higher up that you can talk to to   report somebody who's loudly talking so bad about  customer sensitive information right it's one   thing if somebody's like upset or needs to vent a  little bit about a frustrating call but somebody   coming off of a call complaining about somebody's  man leaving them in their kids and saying boohoo   that's not okay right I mean if she's saying  that stuff at work what is she saying about these   customers to friends or family back home our next  story is drunk jerk has a long walk home I was on   the last London tube train one Friday night in  the mid 9s from Lester Square after a night on   the gas with workmates the carriage was virtually  empty barring two very drunk Lads and a couple of   restaurant Waiters with ethnic Indian backgrounds  we chatted after the incident I'm not British but   from another Commonwealth country sure enough one  of the drunk boys starts up on the two waiters   what are you packies doing on my train this train  is for white British people saying obscene things   about their skin color this went on for a bit  so I walked closer to the waiters and sat near   them trying to provide some support I said to the  drunk racist give it arrest mate or I'll report   you to the conductor I was wearing a suit and tie  so probably came across as reasonably respectable   he ignored me but kept up the racist patter turns  out the drunk boys and the waiters were all going   to houndslow a long way the waiter tried to ignore  big mouth but wouldn't let it go and they couldn't   get off because we were on the last train of the  night eventually I stood up and and wandered over   to where drunk racists was standing right next  to a door and nonchalantly pretended that we were   coming up to my stop we stopped to the station the  door opens the door starts to close and I quickly   push drunk racist off the train I'm not tall but I  weighed about 105 kg in those days so it was easy   enough drunk racist didn't fall over unfortunately  but he left it too late to get back in and ran   along with the train banging on the door his mate  who hadn't said much but was very drunk started   peeing himself laughing saying about time about  time over and over again it was very gratifying   and while I was quite drunk but I probably  wouldn't have done it if I was sober I just   calculated on Google Maps that drunk racist had a  10m walk home that night not only is it a 10mile   walk home but I can't imagine that 10m walk at  night leads you down too many streets that leave   you feeling very secure and safe plus the dude  was PL basted so good luck making it there shoot   if I was told I have to walk 10 Mi I'd probably  just move into the City and start a new life in   the place I got kicked off the train in our next  story is be careful assuming where someone is from   several years ago I mid-60s male was visiting  Australia one afternoon in Sydney I was sitting   outside having a beer and from where I was sitting  I could see the bridge over the harbor I noticed   several people that looked like tourists climbing  it and walking across the top there were a group   of guys at the next table and by their accents I  assumed they were locals turns out they were all   from Sydney I asked about the climbers and was it  something that a tourist could do yes we chatted   a bit longer about the city and where I'd been Etc  and then one of the group I'll call him Mike asks   which part of the USA I'm from I say I'm from  Canada Mike says that's pretty much the same I   with a big grin say well I guess that's something  a kiwi like you would often get wrong and yes I   knew that kiwi is a nickname for someone from New  Zealand there was a moment of silence then all of   his buddies started laughing and mocking him he  blushed I finished my beer and left now I'm not   Canadian so I can't speak for Canadians for sure  but besides maybe the guns are they all that wrong   our next story is happy ending to a crappy story  small Revenge but it makes me happy and amuses   friends and neighbors my neighbor is known as the  town crazy lady it's been my turn in the barrel   to be the target of This Woman's vitriol for the  past 9 years or so she made everyone else on the   block her Target prior to us buying our home she's  a truly miserable person she lies she's a bully   she's a manipulator a hoarder to give a quick  example she called the police on us for having   our porch light on it was only on because it was  night and pouring rain and my kids had walked to   the movies we wanted them to be able to see on  their way home anyway this fall she put up a   privacy fence she had the property surveyed first  first and after the fence was up on the property   line all of the wooden marker Stakes were on my  side of the fence I just pulled them up and put   them back in her yard there was one more steak she  told me I'd better not touch the last steak she   said she'd do something she didn't know what but  something to me if I touched the steak I took that   as a threat so I didn't dare remove the steak  from my yard so I just started piling my dog's   poop bags around the steak it was fairly warm out  still so there was some smell and flies this went   on for about a month with daily additions to the  pile this earned me another visit from the je DARS   who laughed in a certified letter from the city  I explained the situation to the city manager and   assured him that as soon as the stake was gone the  poop bags would disappear also he came personally   and removed the stake and I picked up all the  poop bags moral threatened me and deal with my   large dog's poop filed bags sir do you realize  you're leaving poop bags on your legal property   uh yeah I just kind of like it there it's like  decoration you know our next story is he wanted   a customer support agent that speaks English  some years ago I was working as a technical   support agent the us-based software company had  chat phone and email support agents but chose to   skimp on the phone support which included hiring  foreigners and paying them less than minimum wage   they had three phone support agents me being one  of them working through a 12-hour business day in   three shifts this meant that if you get called in  for phone support roughly within an agent's 4-Hour   shift you'd get the same agent every day thing  is this software could be loaded as part of a   US telephone carrier's business tools if you paid  extra the carrier did offer phone support General   company support and simple questions related to  our software but would forward more difficult   or technical calls to us or the customer could  call us directly which was more convenient as you   wouldn't need to go through the waiting times for  the general support I am not a US citizen nor do   I have a US accent but grew up in a former British  colony where English is typically the language of   instruction from kindergarten to University yes I  do have an accent I suppose a mild African accent   more like you wouldn't need subtitles if I spoke  to you in fact almost 99% of customers heard me   clearly even when I'd have to give them technical  steps to follow over the phone heck even today   as I run my travel and Safari company and I have  to speak to people from different countries with   different English accents we all understand each  other one day on a Thursday I got a direct call   from a white guy who sounded maybe 50 plus with a  bit of a southern us accent and the conversation   went something like this I said hi this is op  from X software company how can I help you today   he goes what goes off in a bit of a rant finally  comes back to I can't understand you why can't I   get someone from this country can I get someone  that speaks English now unfortunately our calls   are recorded and I knew that if I spoke my mind  it would probably come back to bite me however I   knew from his little rant he did mention an issue  that could only be solved by our team and not the   general support to the best of my knowledge the  US telephone carrier did employ US citizens for   their General support and the waiting time for the  general support was about 1 to 1 and 1/2 hours so   I knew that before he could be routed back to us  it would probably be after my shift was done for   the day I said yes that is possible I can provide  you with a support number that has Us customer   service agents it's 8100 I give him the general  support number he actually repeats back the number   to me and I confirm it all this is happening in  English obviously it bummed me out but I've had   worse before so I was a bit happy that I could be  Petty he actually calls back the next Tuesday same   number same voice and I'm nervous but completely  ready to hear him rant of how I sent him on a wild   goose chase blah blah blah but surprisingly  he somehow now completely understands my non-   us English accent explains his issue and I solve  it in roughly 5 minutes no mention at all of the   previous encounter he even throws in a few dry  jokes while I was working on his issue I mean   maybe the guy was just having a bad day obviously  whenever that goes on and I call a customer   support thing and I'm just not having fun I just  try to keep in mind it's not this person's fault   and this person is not getting paid enough to deal  with that I had one incident recently though that   really ticked me off not because of the customer  support agent but I had just opened a credit card   with that company and I had that credit card open  for like 15 days I go and I purchase tickets to   an event and they immediately Flagg my card for  fraudulent activity so I call them up to get it   unlocked right the support agent asks for my  phone I give it to them and they explain that   they're going to send a verification code to my  phone but then they pause and they say they can't   do that because my phone hasn't been added to the  card for more than 30 days because the card alone   is not 30 days old I literally could not get it  unlocked over the phone literally I had to either   wait another 2 weeks or go to the local branch and  walk in to get it unlocked now that was upsetting   our next story is organized leaving gifts for  cooworker I knew she wouldn't like I used to   work in a microbiology lab in a hospital we had a  big staff lots of people coming and going and the   managerial staff were honestly not very good most  of them had been promoted due to seniority of lab   experience and qualifications and very few had  any Management training whatsoever a big issue   I had with management was that they'd arrange  collections for co-workers selectively usually   they'd only remember to do it for managerial  staff but there was an exception for staff on   every level to chip in so I took it upon myself  to organize the Forgotten collections leaving   presents significant birthdays and collections  for new parents for members of staff at every   level not just the ones who were chummy with  the heads of Department this colleague I'll   caller Linda was an older woman with a lifetime  of experience working for a well-known travel   agency that had recently shut most of its branches  Nationwide Linda resented being trained by younger   staff even though she had no clue about anything  remotely scientific she was lazy and would refuse   to do tasks she found boring even if they were  essential for lab maintenance but worst of all   she was a bully she particularly enjoyed picking  on an autistic colleague and anyone who seemed   vulnerable this culminated in her trying to make  Sarah jump as a prank after she learned Sarah was   particularly jumpy and prone to panic attacks  when triggered we never disclosed this but it   was due to her past in an abusive relationship  Linda thought that people who were triggered   were snowflakes and woke on a particularly busy  day Linda jumped Suddenly at Sarah who responded   in flight or fight mode and punched Linda in the  face breaking her glasses and busting her nose   naturally Linda couldn't handle the humiliation  and the dirty looks she received after that   everyone was unanimously supportive of Sarah she  handed in her notice and found a job as a carer I   had spent a lot of time training her and decided  to do a collection for her as I did for everyone   and I did feel kind of bad for her even though she  was Dreadful while I'd been trading her she told   me a lot of her personal gripes she didn't like  chocolates with Raisin or nuts in it she didn't   like books as gifts homework she didn't like  when people bought her bathing products intimate   inappropriate presumptive and insulting and she  thought candles were for hippies to be honest I   think she was making a joke about some of these  but she was also very rude about hippies around   a Jamaican colleague who wore dreadlocks I  got a lackluster collection for her and we   got her a leaving card signed by everyone in  the department in including Sarah some fancy   chocolate covered fruit a gorgeous copy of weaing  heights my least favorite book at school regifted   bath bombs and incense sticks with a wooden holder  tray honestly she was beaming when she was given   them and she seemed genuinely touched I hope she's  happy now and who knows maybe she's an excellent   care worker I'm not sure if this counts as Petty  Revenge but I still feel Wicked when I think about   it I'm willing to bet that although she says  she doesn't like these gifts she's just more   than happy to receive something shoot the person  who acts like that probably didn't get too many   gifts in their time at least in the recent years  God forbid she has to work around all those woke   panic attack havers our next story is his reaction  to the Revenge was explosive I was driving a taxi   back in the late 80s and my passenger a bloke  about my age about 24 and I were having a good   old chat sitting behind a car at traffic lights  I saw the driver in front reach his arm out the   window and drop a burning cigarette onto the  road I made a comment something like freak I   hate people who litter my passenger who didn't  see what the driver had done asked me why I told   him he immediately got out of the taxi walked over  picked up the burning butt and dropped it on the   driver's lap I didn't expect the next bit though  the driver in an understandable reaction hit the   accelerator and shot across the intersection the  light was still red unbeknownst to us there was a   police motorcycle three or four cars back he took  off and pulled the guy over and presumably gave   him a ticket we didn't stick around to find out  the light went green and we disappeared laughing   our heads off in hindsight it was lucky he didn't  run into another car or person it could have been   ugly I mean even if they did the bottom line is  it still wouldn't have been op or the other guy's   fault and for that reason alone that's why the  cop should have given this guy a ticket I mean   it was clearcut I just hope that the cop was on  that bike watching it all go down see them pick   up that cigarette butt but and in their mind  go yeah get revenge on that litterer it's bad   enough with cigarette butts but when I see people  dropping like water bottles out of their car or   like chip wrappers and whatnot like you just got  to be some scummy freaking people to do that like   as if it's hard at all to just leave it in the car  till you can throw it away our next story is going   to be a star someday Clint Eastwood was filming  in our city and had a whole Motel rented for the   production crew arrogant friend was sure he'd make  it in Hollywood if he could only get one of the   extra spots being offered so he'd be discovered  even dropped off head shot to them he couldn't   stop talking about it I was dealing Coke to  support my habit and ended up getting ripped off   all of a sudden this guy has a stash that never  had it before I have my girlfriend call him and   say she was Clint's secretary and they'd like to  meet at the bar in Rada about a part in the movie   he contacted everyone to say goodbye because his  ship had finally come in in when he got to the bar   of course no one knew what he was talking about  or who he was looking for well he wasn't leaving   until he talked to name Mr Eastwood's assistant  ended up taking six cops to drag him out of there   and the only film got was his mug shot on the  news trying to explain why he was in jail so   let me get this right op was dealing and all of  a sudden this guy that was wanting this role in   this Clint Eastwood movie he all of a sudden had  a stash after op got ripped off so the assumption   is they ripped off op or what stole it from op I  just got to say at least he dreamed big right our   next story is Christmas bonuses returned by staff  this is my mother-in-law story we'll call her Kate   it happened about 15 to 20 years ago Kate is a  very nice woman works hard doesn't push things   she worked at a nursing home for a while she was  General help cleaned helped people whatever pretty   low in the totem pole as were most people it's  a pretty thankless job her boss was was rarely   around the worker such as herself handled all the  worst stuff including things well above their pay   grade Christmas comes around and her boss gets a  nice bonus the boss then turns around gives all   the workers at the nursing home a bonus for their  hard work the bonus turns out to be a gift a watch   a crappy crappy watch the kind that costs no more  than a dollar or two if that these are just Ultra   cheap and tacky now Kate is not a confrontational  person she works hard keeps her head down doesn't   like conflict but this ticked her off so she  helped organize all the other workers and every   single one of them puts their gifts into a box  which was then wrapped up and given to the boss   as a Christmas gift from the nursing home staff  someone set a big box on the boss's desk packed   with all the junk he had given them the best part  was that every person at the facility tossed in   their crap watch it was a big collector middle  finger and the boss couldn't be mad or retaliate   at any one person my mother-in-law was kind of  freaked out by what she helped organize as she's   so non-confrontational but she and me and my wife  were proud of her she didn't last too much longer   at that place Mega cheap sadly the bosses are all  about cutting costs so they paid crappy wages and   pushed limits to cut costs mother-in-law couldn't  stand to see how they treated people both workers   and residents yeah it's pretty clear that these  managers who were super cheap probably got plenty   of bonuses for cutting all those costs AKA  firing more staff and expecting the very few   that are left to do extra work to make up for  it we are being so efficient and the number of   hours we're sleeping at night has gone down but  look at the bright side that means more hours   for them to work our next story is I'm working  from the sofa today because I exhausted myself   at the gym despite someone I look like I'm nice  so hardly a day goes by by that someone doesn't   try to steal my weights at the gym I'll be at  the platform in the middle of a set and people   will walk up and take weights like I'm not even  there there's only one small set of Weights per   platform and only two weights that most people  use and I like to challenge myself so it ruins   a session when any of the weights aren't there  it never happens to anyone else anyway there I   was yesterday in the middle of a warm-up set and a  woman started removing weights from my platform I   said excuse me and she bed something about needing  my weights I said sorry I'm using those and she   wasted over 5 minutes pretending she didn't  understand and then insisting she picked them   up off my platform so got them first under first  come first served my New Year's resolution is to   put up with this kind of thing less so I said  thank you so much while taking the weights back   and putting them all on my bar so she couldn't  get at them today I'm having to hold the wall to   go to the restroom and could not make it off the  sofa to get to the office I did a session that   lasted nearly 90es minutes at more than twice  the normal weight I dealt with and would have   stayed even longer but 90 minutes is how long  it took for the woman to surrender the battle   and leaving a huff I mean good on op but I'm just  glad for op's sake that it didn't go any further   I mean when you work at the gym with weights hard  enough to the point where you can hardly even get   up I mean God forbid op pushed themselves so close  to the brink of a serious injury our next story is   disrespectful X gets regular lessons on respecting  women my ex who's from another culture that does   not tend to respect women as much as they should  finally showed his true colors to me a few years   ago he presented that he wasn't like this when  we originally started dating I wasn't allowed to   speak up with how I felt and he would basically  tell me he was going to teach me a lesson for   speaking up too much by giving me the silent  treatment and ignoring my calls and texts I took   that opportunity to never talk to him again he  later freaked out when I realized that I took his   silent treatment and ran with it however whenever  I see a good video on social media about how to   treat women right I sent it to him from throwaway  numbers to keep them in continued education on how   to treat a woman with respect stay Petty out there  I think op's doing the world a better place or at   least those that's touched by this disrespectful  ex by continuing to give them good material on   how to treat women right and hey doesn't make  op have a few laughs being able to fire off   another one of those from an anonymous number then  it's probably still worth it to some degree this   next story is so you think that rejection hotline  number is funny enjoy this happened over a decade   ago a friend and I were instant messaging back  and forth about a project that we were working   on out of nowhere he tells me to call him at this  number I call the number and it blurts out welcome   to the Rejection Hotline you have been rejected it  was a phone number you could give to someone that   you weren't interested in that was asking you for  your number I was annoyed and it only took me 10   seconds to plot my revenge I knew he'd been trying  to sell a piece of business Hardware that he got   as a sample on Craigslist he was trying to sell  it for $5,000 I knew that thing was never going   to sell what business is on Craigslist looking for  used specialized server Hardware it was very Niche   so I waited an hour and I created a fake email  account I responded to his ad with something   like wow I can't believe someone is selling one  of these that's a great price but would you take   4500 for it let's talk give me a call at rejection  hline number it took me like 15 minutes to write   that email since I would type a letter or two and  I would start laughing so hard I had tears coming   out of my eyes pep talking myself out loud okay  man control yourself you got this just focus I   would type a Word out and imagine him being super  excited about selling that thing and completely   lose it all over again I click Send and less than  a minute later he ims's me you are a jerk you have   no idea how excited I was when I received that  email I did crack a smile when I heard welcome   to the Rejection Hotline this is such a good  Revenge story it's so low stakes and you put him   on a roller coaster he was like yes I'm going to  finally sell this thing welcome to the Rejection   Hotline knows exactly what happened who did it  to them it's just top tier satisfying and nobody   got hurt but with that being said that's all the  time we have for today now if you want to hear   another awesome Revenge story check out that  video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 11,838
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, pro revenge, reddit pro revenge, Storytime pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash prorevenge, pro revenge reddit, top posts reddit, pro revenge stories, pro revenge video, r/ prorevenge, r/ prorevenge Storytime, Storytime r/prorevenge, funny reddit stories, prorevenge posts
Id: fPiklYy1Gt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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