r/MC - Customer Refuses To Pay Locksmith For His Work, Car Gets Locked Again, He Walks Home!

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welcome back to reading bear today we will take a look at some new mauritius compliance stories and if you enjoyed my content please don't forget to subscribe to my channel and post some very emojis in the comments let's go first one is titled you need to come in to work now obligatory this happened a while back but as the cold weather sets back in i thought of this sub whilst regaling the story to my new boss i shall set the scene the uk has just been hit by the beast from the east at the start of 2018. as per usual when there is the slightest bit of adverse weather in the uk the rail system is up the wall and trying to travel to the station let alone actually commute into london is proving difficult i work in it on a service desk and therefore basically take phone calls remote onto people's machines and then go to their desk if absolutely necessary our service desk split these tasks so that someone is on desk side whilst the rest are on calls and if your call escalates to the need for a desk side visit you pass it over i spoke with my line manager ahead of the impending storm to say that the areas some of our team lived including myself were due to get hit hard and therefore it may be prudent to test our home setups in case we needed to provide support from home this was a worst case scenario the beast from the east hit and the weather worsened and the snow hit the fan monday morning i wake up to a wall of white and call my manager to say that i will struggle to make it to the station let alone the office a quick check of the rail website reveals cancellations and delays galore manager says not a problem she has had some other calls of the same nature and has asked that i get logged in remotely to handle calls and resolve issues remotely where possible some of our team live in central london and have managed to make it into the office so they will handle desk side visits this same setup continues on tuesday and wednesday as well it works well the people at home answer the phone calls and take care of what they can whilst passing anything they can't to the people in the office to do local visits there aren't a huge amount of people in the office due to the weather conditions anyway over the tuesday wednesday i hear rumblings that the head of it my manager's manager is unhappy with the fact that some of the service desks are getting to work from home and i have been keeping an eye on the weather and the train situation and neither has improved a great deal thursday morning there has been no extra snow overnight and my train company declares that they can run some extra services but they will still be limited and they will be slow trains so delays are expected however the road conditions to get to my local station are still abysmal so i call my manager again and say trains are getting there but the roads are still rubbish happy for me to man the phones from home again today and she is fine with that as expected i head downstairs and get logged in nice and early and start helping out i know that my manager is doing me a favor by not forcing me to come in and so i am happy to do her a favor and help out where and when i can then at around 9 00 am i get a call from my manager stating that you need to come into work now head of it has decided that if he can make it into the office so can everyone else if you can't you need to take today as holiday cue malicious compliance a couple of my colleagues who live real far out say that they cannot make it into work so they take holiday i don't really fancy using my holiday because the head of it is being unreasonable so i say that i will head in i tell my manager that i don't know how long it will take me and she says that's fine i'll see you when you get here so i sign out of my computer and i get myself booted and wrapped up and head out into the cold 9 15 a.m i haven't prepared my car at all this week so is covered in snow and has been sitting cold so i start clearing the windshield and the sides and then make a start on the roof need to make sure the car is clear of snow before setting off to be safe for myself and others once all the snow is clear i start her up and let her idle for a little while don't want to cause damage to my car setting off from cold and this allows the inside to get warm and the windscreen to clear off fully 9 45 am i set off for the station the roads are as presumed terrible i can't drive at anywhere normal speed and considering it is now 10 a.m the roads are busier than when i leave for work normally my normal 15-minute drive turns into an hour and i can't even make it to my normal parking area as the roads are even worse there than where i started 11 a.m i abandoned the car and start walking it's slippery even in heavy duty boots so i take my time no point injuring myself trying to get to work as i get closer to my station the pathways clear up as they have gridded thankfully 11 30 i get to the station this is normally a 20 25 minute journey the trains are buggered all reports that i had seen about them being back to relative normality is bs there are lots of people milling around waiting for a train and a quick chat with the station staff reveals the last one came in an hour ago and there isn't another one in sight at the moment i knew this moment was coming so i find a seat pull out my thermos and get to waiting a train finally arrives at 1pm set to head into london normally a 45 minute journey the poor soul driving the train apologies for the delays and warns us that despite stopping at less stations we are still in for a journey i won't bore you with the particulars but when he said we were in for a long one considering the weather i thought he did quite well we got to our station in london for 3 30 pm luckily for me my office was just round the corner from the station so i rocked up at 3 45 pm i got settled in and logged in said hello to my colleagues and manager and then had a look at the time would you look at that it's 4 p.m i started at 8am so i finish at 4pm so i logged out said bye to my colleagues and my manager and started the trip home to answer some questions that i am sure will come out of this my manager was chill she knew my personality and knew exactly what i was going to do and i knew she would have my back my colleagues found it hilarious the head of it was less than impressed he had a meeting with my manager that day and she basically told him to stuff it as the service desk was hers to manage and we all went back to working from home on the friday and some days the next week till the weather cleared up my colleagues who took holiday got their holiday days back thanks to my manager i got home at about 10 p.m that night because everyone trying to leave london was a nightmare next one is titled first one is titled if you don't pay you don't drive away so i was in the shop one day a customer was in getting some keys copied nice and simple job suddenly while i've got the machine running some shirtless guy comes in looking really frantic i tell him i'll be just a minute longer then i finish the keys and send the first customer on his way frantic dude geez took you long enough i need you to come unlock my car i'm already a little annoyed since it's almost closing time but i just figure he's got a kid dog groceries in the car and give him the benefit of the doubt me no problem where is it fd a couple miles that way my girlfriend drove me over here you can follow us to it i get some info from him the kind of car it is his name number address in case we get separated etc fd my phone's in the car so if you call it i won't answer me then how about your girlfriend's number fd hers is in there too well okay then since it's pretty much closing time i just go ahead and set the alarm and lock the doors as i leave he doesn't like this and starts saying how i'm taking forever yeah yeah take a chill pill five extra seconds won't kill you i get in my truck and follow him out there when we get there i grab my tools and head to the car surprisingly there's nothing in there except for the keys on the seat no kids or dogs so now i'm just hoping it's actually their car fd you'd better not mess up my doors this is a classic yeah a classic ford pos i open it up in about 10 seconds and check the insurance card and yup it's their car i pick up the keys and go over to him tell him it's 40 dollars and he just looks at me dumbfounded f d wait you mean i have to pay for this me yes sir we charge a service call when we have to go out to the location fd well i'm not paying for that you did it in 10 seconds i could have done that myself if i'd have known me well i'm sorry but i can't do this for free i could have but there was no real urgency like a life endangered plus he was rude about the whole thing we normally would just bill someone in the situation but we've been burned too many times so we'll only do that for companies fd i'm not paying for that i don't have any money me then if you think you can do it yourself go for it i throw his keys in the car lock the doors shut it behind me and leave i get home about 10 minutes later then after probably an hour he calls back fd i can't get it open come back and open my car again me i can go out again but i'll have to charge you for two service calls fd duck you a hole i'm not paying you 80 bucks me then you can call out other locksmith nearby i'm sure he'll be happy to help you click i didn't tell him but they charge 100 to unlock cars never heard back from him next one is titled want a different medicine since you know it all you got it so this is a story in a country where the healthcare is free and it took place in a small heath center an entitled guy who acts like he knows everything medical wise doctor the medical officer for the day meet the medical student oh there we were just working and moving on from patient to patient in order to diagnose their problems and give them the proper medication and in comes ep so what happened with ep was that he had an infection and was prescribed antibiotics amoxicillin for seven days but he just took him for two days came back and started to complain that it wasn't working and wanted a different medication naturally the doctor tried to explain it to him that you have to take it a few days longer in order for the effects to actually show but he was having none of it and wanted a different medication and just generally rude after a while of this the doctor got irritated and said okay follow me to the treatment room for your new medication and proceeded to give him benzathen penicillin for those of you that don't know benzer is a very viscous liquid and because of that it's injected in your buttocks and quite painful not only that but he used a larger needle than the standard ones that are used for giving benzer and after that patient left he goes to me and says doctor well that patient won't be bothering me for three days me why doctor because he won't be able to sit down on his butt properly for three days and you won't see him waiting and sitting outside my office next one is titled okay i'll do what you say and not work 80 hours a week i'd like to start by saying that this may not be the most interesting of the malicious compliance threads you've read but i have to admit this still gives me immense pleasure thinking about it so this happened in 2017 almost a year after i started a new job to give some background where i had previously worked i was mostly responsible for managing the costs of projects within a construction program which long story short was refurbishing a major bank's branch buildings i had worked on this program for almost 10 years and so when a competitor won the new program contract i was head hunted by them for my expertise with that particular client the pay increase was significant and as part of the job offer i was told that due to the local office being more than one hour commute away that i would have the option to work from home when i was not required for meetings etc so this move happened in july 2017 and the first six months were uneventful carried on doing the role i had been doing for almost a decade come january 2018 i was given a promotion so that i was now not only responsible for individual projects but for managing the whole program with a team of five people let's just say that this team of five was under trained by the previous management this team was also based out of different locations to ensure national coverage meaning that the majority of my interactions with my team was over skype phone and if i wanted to spend face-to-face time with them i had to travel somewhere between two and three hours one way but i tried to be efficient with my time and used it by traveling by train and continuing to work on my laptop this will be important later but happy to be moving further up the ladder i decided not to make too much of a deal out of the fact i would not be getting a pay raise with this change in roles with my logic being i'll let my results speak for themselves then they'll have to recognize what i've done for them over the next couple of months doing 70 to 80 hour weeks my contract stated i was required to complete 40 but i didn't mind the extra time as i again wanted to show them they'd made the right choice giving me the promotion and with plenty of time spent training up the team further we were finally getting somewhere and after a particular successful presentation to the client for which i was actually given a performance bonus for everything started to go downhill the meeting i mentioned took place on a friday and the following week my manager let's call her alison was due to be on holiday for a week whilst she was off she had asked that if her boss contacted me could i drop everything and assist with his request i said i would and went home for the weekend the following week i never heard from her boss q monday morning of the following week i was working from home that day and booted up my laptop and almost instantly got a skype message from alison requesting that i have a meeting with her at her office approximately two hours away from where i live the next day i thought nothing of it as i spend at least one a week at that office with a member of my team as mentioned above when i got to the office the next day i was expecting the meeting to be a quick catch-up of anything that had happened whilst she was on holiday she wasn't a very involved manager so the fact she didn't need to know on her first day back didn't surprise me however what proceeded was an absolute crap show she started screaming at me for not doing anything whilst she was on holiday and that i had purposefully been negligent by not doing as she had asked by not helping her boss i explained that he had never been in touch with me and so had thought the required work was delayed again not uncommon she again said i was negligent and should have contacted him if i hadn't heard anything when i explained i was extremely busy with an unexpected issue that had come up she told me that i should have done what she asked me to and left it to one of my team to handle to avoid any further arguing i said it would not happen again however internally this was the beginning of my compliance over the next few months i continued my working hours however would always prioritize her requested some so mundane she really could have just done them herself in 15 minutes and if issues came up whilst i was working on these told my team that unfortunately they would have to redirect the issue to my boss so she could prioritize my workload she did not like this as i should have done this myself to take revenge on my petty compliance she decided that my usual work pattern of three days a week working from home where i would generally work at least 14 hours and two days working from offices based two or three hours away i would leave at 6am and generally would not be home until 8pm was no longer agreeable the conversation went like this ah you need to work in the office every day the current agreement no longer works as it is causing delays in communication it wasn't me but my local office is more than one hour away uh well we'll have to relocate you to a closer office me there isn't a closer office that is my local office and because of traffic it can sometimes take me two hours to travel one way this had sometime happened when there was a train strike road closure etc uh well you have to work in your local office then me if you want me in the office i won't be doing any overtime the only reason i'm happy working the hours i am is because i'm at home hey i don't care i want you working in the office me okay no problem fast forward another two months and i'm doing exactly what was agreed working my hours when traveling i do not open up my laptop as this was outside office hours i don't look at emails received after i leave for the day and for me i'm enjoying having my evenings back allison did not enjoy this as it meant late requests were completely ignored and usually ended up being late there was one occasion where she emailed me one minute late requesting some information she needed for an important breakfast meeting she had the next day but because of when she asked i wasn't able to get this to her until an hour after her meeting started i took particular joy in pointing out to her when she sent me the email and our previous agreement but due to my treatment i had been receiving i decide to being looking for new employment then came the day to hand in my notice she had the biggest poo eating smile when i gave it to her i knew the whole thing was just a way of getting me out however something she didn't understand was how far removed she was from my day-to-day tasks so when i had a program handover meeting with her a couple of days before i left i finished two weeks early as i had holiday days that needed to be taken before my final day i can't remember the whole meeting however the below is a great example of how the meeting went uh so who does abc me i do that uh okay and who does x y zed me i do that as well uh oh that's you as well and who does 123 me yeah that's me uh wait you do that how do you have time to do that me that used to be one of things i did in the evening so no one could interrupt me it doesn't take too long may 2 hours a day ok but who does 789 when you have to do abc me oh when that happens i used to start work early finish abc and then do 789 please bear in mind that during this meeting her she was becoming paler with every one of this back and forth to the point where i thought she was going to pass out the look on her face as i left her with the giant heap of crap to look after was almost the best thing i have personally felt but the best thing is i have recently been in touch with a previous colleague where we discussed alison and how things were going turns out that after i left the entire program came to a grinding halt due to the fact that alison had almost no experience with the client or their requirements it turns out that minor issues were becoming huge problems with the resolution taking way too long this and the fact that alison hadn't trained up my replacement properly found out he started a week after i left the entire program came to a complete stop and that because of all the things that had gone wrong she was responsible for she was sacked about six months after i left still brings a smile to my face last one is titled compliance at work i visited my aunt a few days ago and she told me two stories on how she left work the first story my aunt was pregnant with my cousin and quite moody at work the other employees kinda discriminated against her since she was big and her boss fired her she told her boss that is was fine and to give her her last paycheck to which the boss responded with not until you return your shirt my aunt took off her work shirt and gave it back then proceeded to walk out unfortunately she didn't get her last paycheck but she got a funny story to tell the second story there was a rule at this place of work that everything had to be labelled so on my aunt's last day of work she went to her boss office and put labels on everything in there the labels included old cup of coffee used tissue and other things making fun of him she didn't tell me she said she left a label saying you're going to miss me aren't you when the boss got back to work he told my aunt that he was gonna miss her she was surprised and asked if he already went to his office when he said no and left to go there she left the store thanks for listening
Channel: ReadingBear Studios
Views: 5,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/maliciouscompliance, maliciouscompliance, reddit maliciouscompliance, reddit stories, reddit stories maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, readingbear, readingbear maliciouscompliance, readingbear entitledparents, revenge, idontworkherelady, idwhl, relationshipadvice, relationship advice, readingbear idontworkherelady, readingbear aita, aita, readingbear revenge, redditkrown, reddit krown, reddit krown revenge
Id: t--F1XFGuuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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