r/EntitledParents MY MOTHER STOLE MY MONEY! - Reddit Stories

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today we have a story of an entitled grandma that  feels like everyone should bow down to her we'll   get into that in a bit but first father-in-law  so there is a lot I grew up with divorced parents   my mother nor my father and his wife were good  parents I have a lot of Mommy and Daddy isssues   with my in-laws I thought I found parents who  cared but in the long run they're just the same   they went around to family members telling them  I had a miscarriage after they told us that they   wouldn't tell anyone they did and the family  members called us just one of the things for   that my my father-in-law came to our house one  weekend day and he fixed our bathroom by taking   off with a toilet paper holder that he broke and  patching it holes in the walls didn't have paint   sanding wasn't good dust all over so my husband  and I had to fix it same weekend my father-in-law   wanted to have dinner with some people that my  husband went to school with someone asked about   our new house and my father-in-law buted in saying  yeah the house is good if you ever need one let   me know I'll buy you one making it seem like my  husband and I didn't buy our own home I found a   kitten a few weeks ago we already have two cats  we called my mother-in-law to ask what we should   do and she helped me talk my husband into taking  care of it till we found its owner I found the   owner a few houses later my father-in-law calls  me a few days later saying you're not allowed to   get another cat I walked away cuz I was going  to pop off my husband and I are pregnant with   our rainbow baby and our baby showers in a few  weeks my father-in-law called saying his whole   family was invited to my husband and my new house  Friday before the the baby shower didn't ask just   said everyone was coming I said no I can't host  cook and take care of 20 some people while being   pregnant and by myself due to my husband working  late that night my mother-in-law agreed with me   I came up with a solution of them popping by  for a walk through after they had dinner my   father-in-law was mad he acts like he owns the  house and he can do and say whatever a few days   later they text in the family group chat saying  yeah so people are staying an extra day after   the baby shower so they can see your house AKA  still expecting me and my husband to host I'm   just over the entitlement I'm a grown Bud woman  and I haven't even started on my mother-in-law my   husband has been great he gets it and is working  with me to set boundaries and rules so he sees   the issues I can only imagine how exhausting it  must be for Opie to be in the position they are   and having to bat down these people and set  those boundaries I'm glad for op sake their   husband is on board and helping with it excellent  ad 1132 wrote tell Daddy Deus that they can drive   by and see the house because no one is going to  be at home hopefully he doesn't have a key to the   house do this every time he thinks he owns the  house and can do what he wants if he does have   a key change the locks now and don't give him  a key to the new lock also when he brags about   fixing some little thing right after he finishes  making sure everyone knows that while he fixed   it you needed to go back and straighten it out  and make it look nice because he was too lazy   to do it right or just tell everyone that yes he  fixed it but next time you're going to pay for a   professional also hi I'm Steven and if you guys  enjoy crazy stories of entitled parents why not   hit those like And subscribe buttons down below  that said our next story is can't give it away   another free comic book day has passed and another  mommy would not let her kid have a free comic so I   thought I would tell the tales of other times when  similar events occurred this taale Begins the way   all the others do with a kid wanting a pack of the  evil Pokémon cards as soon as the girl spotted the   cards the typical mad mommy face appeared and  the usual quote was quoted you don't need that   girl said that she wanted them because they were  fun mommy said you keep losing them so I asked   the kid how she loses them her response was that  she didn't lose them her mother always threw them   out I believed her so I asked her why she kept  throwing them out to which she replied that she   didn't and her kid was a scatterbrain I responded  that I hear this all the time and that the mother   does throw them out again I asked now she retorted  with the I don't like them reason then she asked   her father to buy her one but he took one look at  his wife and giggled nervously took the pack out   of her hand and tossed it on my table so I decided  to have a little more fun I told the mommy that it   was her lucky day it was free comic book day and  the kid could take a free comic from the box on   the table she doesn't need it wow even free you  won't relent I asked the father what he thought   more nervous giggling get a pair sir girl thanked  me for trying and Mommy yelled at her for wasting   her time mommy grabbed her by the arm so she  couldn't take a book another fine parent said that   she wasn't going to waste her money on this crap  I informed her that her kid could take as many of   the free books from the display so she didn't have  to spend a dime on the kid rather than thinking   me she said that was even worse I basically asked  her what without cursing that meant the kid stated   that she hated that he liked comics and was always  looking for an excuse not to buy them for him and   I took that excuse away as he was saying this she  walked away and yelled at him to move along the   worst and funniest one I had was when the Father  and Son were selecting a few age appropriate books   the mommy saw this and pulled the books out of  the kid's hand yelled at the father I said no   shredded them and slammed the pieces on the floor  the father looked at her and stated that he said   yes and the kid could have them she went widey and  yelled back back for him not to defy her he walked   back to my stand apologized and asked if he could  have a few more all the while she was screaming   that he better not do it of course I said yes and  recommended that he hold on to them all the way   down this aisle she tried to grab them then about  halfway down he finally had enough and yelled what   is your problem and to knock it off she didn't  about 15 years ago I had to close my account with   my distributor and the last time I officially did  the giveaway I counted the number of parents that   did this I usually did this for the month of May  as keeping the books was taking up space I did   two markets at that time one in Pennsylvania and  the other in New York I had 48 parents that would   not let the kids have free books 45 were the  mother two of the fathers blamed the mother and   the third was like that guy in the first incident  one of the markets I used to do had a Halloween   party every year so instead of giving away candy I  would give a kid a free book most parents did let   the kid have them except for one when I told them  the giveaway when the kid did trick or treat she   stated that the kid wanted candy kid stated that  he wanted a comic that was better she told the   kid no You Want Candy the kid said no I want this  the mother well you get the picture the kid says   no you want candy every year you steal my candy  mother got mad and told the kid that now he wasn't   getting anything we both knew that anyway so we  took a freeb and thanked me and the mother told me   I should be giving candy because that's what the  kids really want what's really disappointing here   is these Comics would be really great for these  kids even if they're the kind of comics that don't   have lots of words how many people have you heard  of growing up that do fantastic things in art in   film in any kind of industry who was inspired so  greatly by Comics as a kid let alone the fact that   if it is one that does have dialogue and writing  getting a kid to read is always a great thing   unicorn Star 1988 wrote I think it's important for  kids to read whether it's fiction or comic book   especially with all these game consoles  and screens people have forgotten to sit   down with your kids and read a book together it  helps the kids learn words and grammar and even   improves their speech but some people are as  stubborn as mules and stupid as dodos our next   story is my mother tried to stab me because I was  talking to my friends after 12: at night okay so   I don't even know where to start this was going  to be a pretty long one but please help me out I   16-year-old female lost my dad when I was 14 due  to lung cancer my father was an amazing dad and he   was my best friend he basically knew everything  about me some context about my mother I knew I   wasn't her favorite out of my other two siblings  14-year-old female 19-year-old male early on in   life she's always favored my brother over me and  my sister because he's a guy and favored my sister   over me because she's the younger one she made  me babysit both my maternal uncle's children now   11-year-old male 12-year-old male and 9-year-old  male and do all the household work with when I was   around 12 too my father was out of state during  those times she could very well afford more than   two Maids during that time too but she just didn't  I broke my leg around the same time but she didn't   take me to the dock until I called my dad crying  out of pain and he sent his employee to take me   to his Clinic he flew back the next day and they  had a really bad fight I have a very vivid memory   of all of this but I remember my dad telling her  that I'm not a toy she can keep however she wants   actually her Behavior wasn't as evident before  as I had my dad to make it up I hope that gives   you all some idea about it my mother has been  emotionally abusing me since dad passed away   but the physical abuse started around a week and  some days ago I had my exam the next day it was   well past 12:00 a.m. and I was on a conference  with my friends discussing about that exam only   she doesn't want me having friends there was one  of my guy friends on the line too I was in the   living room when I told everyone I better head to  bed as soon as I open the door I saw her standing   at the door frame in her night suit she asked me  who I was talking to I said my friends she said   no you were also talking to a guy I replied yes  it was a conference she started beating her head   with her hands and asked me why I would do this to  her it was like she was having a psychotic episode   I tried to calm her down but she went inside the  kitchen the living room is attached to the kitchen   and brought a knife she tried to hold my wrist  and use the knife as I was trying to push her away   as gently as I could in that moment of panic so I  wouldn't end up hurting her I held her hand which   had the knife with mine and she started pinching  it with her other the pinches were so bad they   left bruises when that wasn't working she took the  knife to my chest as an attempt to reach my throat   but ended up giving me a very bad cut around my  ribs I was only wearing a very thin undershirt she   didn't even stop when it started bleeding when I  saw the blood and finally pushed her away with all   of my Force she hit the wall and started crying  while while holding her knees I tried to calm her   down yet again but she pushed me away and went  upstairs I went to clean up the blood and when   I came back my phone wasn't there she did give  me my phone back a week later she even banned   me from going to school or my tuitions now since  that day she gets frustrated so easily and hits me   any chance she gets she did with a belt because  I didn't clean up the cupboard my sister messed   it up and I had just come back for my tuitions of  4 hours she tried to choke me because I told her   I'd do the dishes after I completed studying for  my tests so it's pretty bad I did tell my brother   but he instead asked my mother if she did that  he saw the bruises and a picture of the cut too   and as you may guess my mother took it out on me  for telling him too I would report her but she's   a good mother to both my siblings and I don't want  my sister to lose both of her parents yes I'm sure   she doesn't abuse my sister or brother in any  way my friend who lives on the other side of the   country offered to buy me tickets and I could fly  to him but honestly that would just make it all   worse my father was a well-known investor and has  a lot of property and it is a lot I can't inherit   any of it until I'm 18 obviously he had a college  fund for me too but I can't access it until I'm 18   either legally I've turned 15 this year yeah they  changed my birth year for some school admission   thing so I'll be inheriting any of it 3 years  later only I have PLS to study on the other side   of the country and I need her to fund me I think  she's just looking for reasons to make me stay   here and torture me how do I collect the money  to go study where I live teenagers don't really   do part-time especially not girls it's all too  tiring honestly and I can't deal with all of this   anymore help me out with anything at this point  please so I know op doesn't want to report them   because they seem like a good mother to the other  siblings and they don't want to take the burden   of I guess getting their parent taken away from  them but honestly it's ridiculous to try to put   up with that and I'm afraid that if op gets old  enough and moves out and there's still that young   sibling there that it eventually will be passed on  to them and realistically you never know what they   might be doing behind closed doors you don't  think somebody that is hyper abusive I mean   honestly tried to end op could not possibly be  doing something behind closed doors to the other   kids Pokemon fan 68 wrote why aren't you telling  all of this to a relative or friend or anyone you   can trust in general this for sure can't go  unnoticed our next story is this park is for   young people you can't be here context I'm not at  a traditional school I'm autistic and I go to a   special needs school with a class of only about  three people there's a playground SLP park near   my school that the teachers often take us to for a  break if we complete all the work we were meant to   do today at school the teachers took me 16 and my  friends who will call a 13 and b 14 to the park we   had some snacks and drinks so after we went on the  tire swing we went to a climbing frame that there   were almost never kids on and even if there were  they didn't mind us being there and we moved if   we were in their way and sat and talked while  we ate them a woman who was likely in her 60s   walked over to us and this conversation happened  the woman said excuse me why are you sitting here   and stopping kids from playing B apologizing a lot  said we'll move the woman replies are you guys in   school or college a says we're in school the woman  replies why aren't you at school a tells her they   take us here for break breaks we got up and went  to sit on the benches near the park to finish our   snacks it takes a while for me to process things  and by that point I'd fully process the whole   situation I have passed trauma related to similar  situations so I was scared and upset while A and B   tried to comfort me we decided to go and play on  the swings for a bit after that we wanted to go   on the tire swing again but the woman was sitting  on the bench next to it the teachers went with us   and despite me being nervous we played on the tire  swing for a bit I ended up very scared when the   woman walked over to us again and started saying  something about us not being supposed to be there   be walked over to the woman while a hugged me  to try to help me stay calm the teachers and B   told the woman to leave us alone but she said this  park is for young people you can't be here one of   my teachers told her that it didn't say anything  about age at the park and the woman gave up and   left I just love the total lack of self-awareness  here the inability to look around and realize the   only person causing issues here is this person  walking up to these kids and complaining like as   if it's their job to be the Park police how about  you go conjure up some Park legislation first   Karen over Maran Berry 686 wrote sigh I apologize  for my fellow Boomers that are freaking clueless   and stupid it's a park if it's for children why is  she there it's for anyone our next story is scared   need advice on how to break the news of moving in  with my boyfriend hello everyone I'm a female 21   Mexican woman from a first gen immigrant household  I turned 22 in a couple of months and I've met my   boyfriend who's also 21 we had multiple talks  about our relationship how we feel about each   other and that we're serious about one another we  discussed and I'll be moving in with him in the   summer by that time it'll be around a year we're  together we'd have more money saved and it'll be   a good time to move before the semester starts  again for college this is my last year now I am   very scared telling my parents I've lived all  my life with them I stayed in state for college   live 15 minutes away from it never really made any  friends at college and have never really been to   parties done drugs drink so much Etc I am pretty  decent at school I am generally a pretty good   daughter in those aspects but they're quite strict  I understand that this is their house their rules   but it's overbearing I feel suffocated and I feel  like I haven't learned a single thing in terms   of the real world I want to gain independence but  I'm also scared of their reaction not only theirs   but my older sister too she acts like she's my  other parent and also lives at home with us and   has complained I'm always out and never want to  spend time with her because she's also like them   my parents think that I shouldn't go on trips with  my boyfriend my dad also expressed that he didn't   really want to meet him yet because he's not ready  I'm so worried my parents will want to cut contact   or try to convince me to stay that I don't love  them or something which is not true I have found   not spending 24/7 with them is a lot better for  our relationship and would think it would improve   my boyfriend is also willing to provide and help  with the majority of the rent and even suggested   just me moving in and I wouldn't have to pay rent  because he just wants us together and wants to   help me get out of that situation I'm very worried  of my parents and sisters reaction financially I'm   also at a hard point because I was cut for my new  job and it's so hard to find a new one but I know   I'd figure it out I just want to live my own life  and be my own person alongside my boyfriend and   do things independently I also have a curfew  of 10:30 p.m. every night that my sister also   is hard on me about I also rarely hang out with  my friends because sometimes if I'm out too much   my family gets upset that it seems like I don't  want to be with them which isn't true I just like   seeing them and also during that time I had a lot  of work in school and I do my best to divide and   balance daily and social social time I just want  any advice on if anyone has experienced anything   similar I just want to start this New Life with  my boyfriend and live my own life too I feel like   it gets a little bit more sketchy if Opie can't  financially support themselves if things could go   wrong for them especially if for whatever reason  the relationship with your boyfriend doesn't work   out long term but realistically if op is dead set  on moving out I think op should move out and you   don't have to cut off your family and of course  they'll probably say some harsh things to try to   reel you back in but if they really care they  won't actually cut you off it'll probably be a   bunch of empty threats until they accept that  this is how it is and you are your own person   retired nightshift wrote if you can handle the  financial aspects independent of your parents   then move in with them expect a severe reaction  and threats of disowning you they will eventually   adjust and accept your need for Independence and  don't want to lose you maybe keep your new add   secret too so they can't show up to try to  convince you to move home you are old enough to   move away from your parents be strong get all your  important documents before dropping the news our   next story is Grandma feels entitled to everyone  bowing down to her because she's the patriarchy   of the family edit I mean matriarch of the family  thanks for pointing that out great grandma to be   exact I married in and ever since I heard stories  about her from my husband and my in-laws everyone   but these are my own she lives on the property my  in-laws own her rent is controlled by them super   cheap it's an old trailer but well-maintained  I see this because her rent barely covers the   expenses of the property they put more money into  that trailer than they probably should have but   they did it for her she doesn't care she expects  it it's wild she expected my in-laws being the   landlord to buy her a chest freezer because they  gifted one to us our house started being renovated   to fix foundation issues and overall maintenance  she wouldn't stop complaining that everyone was   getting an upgrade her house was getting a few  external upgrades and guess what they were too   loud they're making such a mess her house is so  dusty from all the repairs like you wanted them   fixed so what is it her microwave broke and she  thought someone messed up and smoke was in the   trailer it turns out she blew up her own microwave  she couldn't even acknowledge she put something in   it she wants in-laws to buy her a new one she  would tell anyone how they should buy her one   they didn't but someone at church got her a used  one she plays this game where instead of asking   you could you take me to the doctor or to lunch  she starts sighing and talks about how she has no   ride she doesn't know how she'll get there or how  she's going home to be shut in all day so boring   she has a car she can drive she has friends she  can go out to eat with but she wants family to do   it because then she gets out of paying smart old  lady is what she is so manipulative every house   got carpet cleaning before we moved in as any  landl Lord would do before new tenants move in   boy she wanted them to do hers because they have  to she's entitled she's a tenant she should not   have to pay for her carpets to be professionally  clean she'd been living there for 10 plus years   never complained until she saw the other places  being cleaned no one likes to spend time with her   all she does is complain about stuff or praise  different family members she's never invited me   over but expected to be invited over all the time  when I have company same with my mother-in-law it   blows my mind how everyone tries to tiptoe around  her to keep the peace the only one that doesn't do   that is her youngest she has three kids oldest is  the word of God to her middle is The Golden Child   youngest is the black sheep the oldest lives far  away has nothing to do with her and I can't blame   him for everything she's done to him because he  disobeys her but she will hang onto every word   he says since he's the boy middle child is her  favorite person she does a lot for her spends the   most time with her she's so understanding about  her situation her medical problems Etc youngest   she gets treated like dirt she has a million  medical problems that have long gotten worse from   Co she's immuno compromised but she treats her as  her escape goat gas lights her she's the only one   to call her out and when she does grandma didn't  do that or says that and if the convo really   doesn't go great grandma's way she started to say  she won't be here tomorrow that's her Ultimate   Weapon not that she would do it I don't like being  around her my parents are narcissists so I'm no   contact with them and being around her is like  being around them I get why everyone enables her   she's old she won't be here long but boy she  might outlive us all just for the spite yeah   entitled Grandma I can go on forever but those  are the main ones that drive me nuts what's really   even the perk of bowing down to somebody like that  especially in op's position is there even a point   I guess probably op's kind of removed especially  just being an in-law but like what is entitled   granny actually going to do chase you around  I mean it's just so sad that if things really   aren't going their way they just start going to  well I just won't be here tomorrow sne wordss 4839   wrote no reason you need to bow down to her do not  offer to do anything for her op responded saying   never have never will she came late to my baby  shower because her daughter who lives 25 minutes   away was running late she l a 2-minute walk where  the baby shower was being held two minutes she   couldn't even have driven over in her own car but  she wanted someone to pick her up and drive her   over she was ticked how late she was and how she  missed the arrival of everyone coming didn't spend   time with the main family when we were setting up  she was in the corner far from the family having a   sulking moment oh she even yelled at my toddler  for opening my presents I honestly didn't even   care I was too fat and tired at that point but she  was mad that she was doing that me our next story   is Mom can't stop taking my money I 20-year-old  female need a vent about my mom's behavior and I'm   feeling really lost I've lived with her my whole  life while my dad works in another city and rarely   visits they're technically still together but  just prefer Separate Lives growing up Mom would   constantly tell Dad I was a big spender using  up all our money on food and things here's the   thing we weren't poor and she's a stay-at-home mom  yet she would pressure me to lie to him saying I   needed school money money she would then keep for  herself this went on for years even causing dad to   talk down to me about spending habits recently I  landed a high-paying job that allows me to improve   my lifestyle mom of course found out and pressured  me to pay my own tuition while still asking dad   for money she'd pocket I naiv thought I could  finally give back by offering them both money   as a thank you big mistake the moment dad received  some money from me Mom flat out lied and said she   hadn't gotten anything this made dad think I was  prioritizing him wrong and he even threatened to   give all his money to Mom that's when I start to  feel really angry her lies are making me look bad   I also wanted to help renovate the house for their  retirement I figure I could save enough within 7   months for a complete makeover but even on my  first pay paycheck mom insisted I stop saving   and enjoy my money I knew that starting to spend  would break the saving cycle she wouldn't listen   borrowing and pressuring me until they had nothing  left this borrowing has become a constant issue   it's impossible to track how much she owes me  recently when I refused to give her more because   I needed to wait for payday and I needed to save  what I have left to make it last she flipped out   she demanded access to my bank app and requested  a state of account to know where all my money   went she was so Furious that I was spending things  on whatever I want even though she's the one who   told me to enjoy my money by the way she took  my last money I just feel like I'm trapped in   this cycle of manipulation and financial control I  desperately want to move out and have my own place   and freedom as soon as possible I actually don't  understand how op is allowing their mom to have   so much control over them why at this point give  them access to your bank account why at this point   allow them to take that money from you because  surely for them to take that money out of op's   bank account op would have had to have authorized  that right op needs to put a boundary up and soon   bung Crosby wrote absolutely do not give this  woman access to your bank accounts if I were you   I would change Banks without telling her get new  accounts at a different bank and tell them under   no circumstances should they give anyone access  to your accounts have your statements routed to a   private mailbox so your mom can't get a hold of to  them you may have to cut them both off don't give   either of them any money seriously let them figure  it out themselves if necessary block them from   calling or texting but with that being said that's  all the time we have for today now if you want to   hear another crazy entitled parent story check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 8,361
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/nuclearrevenge, r/nuclear revenge, nuclear revenge, nuclearrevenge, reddit nuclear revenge, Storytime nuclear revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash nuclearrevenge, nuclear revenge reddit, top posts reddit, nuclear revenge stories, nuclear revenge video, r/ nuclearrevenge, r/ nuclear revenge Storytime, Storytime r/nuclearrevenge, funny reddit stories, nuclearrevenge posts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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