r/ProRevenge My BULLY Tried To JOIN My Company - Reddit Stories

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On a Friday, employer tells me I'm on holidays next week for 2 weeks. Erm... I wanted to use those 2 weeks during Summer with my family? Nope, they insist it has to be done now as it will be too busy then. My brother had been inviting me to his workplace so I started the following Monday. Two weeks later I called on Sunday letting them know I had found another job paying 40% more and wasn't coming in ever again. But you gave us no notice? You got the same notice I got for my holidays. They tried legal threats and lost. So I was driving to HEB, which is a big name grocery store in my state, when this BMW come flying off the highway and cuts over into my lane almost hitting the front of my truck. Out of instinct I hit my brakes and swerved out of the way, only to have them switch back to their original lane. We pull up to a light and are both turning left as both lanes are turn lanes, and as we turn they come back into my lane cutting me off and almost hitting me for a second time. Well come to find out they were also heading to HEB. Now the reverse on my truck is going out so I park in the far back of the lot so that I can pull forward out of my spot instead of reversing and start walking to the entrance. Just as I'm about to walk by the BMW the butthole driving cones jumping out and speed walks to the store, but in doing so again cuts me off but on foot this time. I noticed the guy was wearing a vendor shirt and carrying a tablet. We both make our way inside and I'm grumbling to myself about rude butt people. I start to head down the frozen pizza isle when I see Mr. Butthole set his tablet down on top of the freezers and walk off. I circle the isle 3 times and then just stop infront of the spot where he left his tablet. I stand there for a good 5 minutes and he still hasn't returned. So I reach up, grab the tablet, and then hand it off to a nearby employee say that someone left it in the isle. I watch as the employee takes it up to the front of the store. About that time Mr. Butthole comes back and starts to freak out about the tablet and I just walk away. No I didn't steal it and I'm sure he eventually got it back. Yes it was petty as heck but so was cutting me off 3 times for no reason. Bit of a short one... i used to work in a small PC shop, we sold anything from PC bits to custom built whole systems. A guy bought a PC from us and about 6 months later his DVD burner failed and he came in and demanded a new one. Made a bit of a scene and just wasnt a very pleasant person to deal with. I explained to him that we would have to test it out and if we found it to be faulty we would send it off to our supplier to get replaced under warranty as we didnt have stock of that burner at the moment. I lied, we had heaps out the back. If he was a decent person and polite about the situation i would have gladly swapped it out. But because he was a dick i did what i said i was going to do and got it sent off and we had the replacement back within a few days. he came in every weekend for a few months and i told him that it hadnt come back yet but i would follow it up, id give him a call during the week to say the supplier had said they would ship the replacement and should be ready for him to swing by on the weekend to pick it up. then id tell him that it handt come in yet and id follow it up. as i mentioned i managed to keep that going for a few months. im pretty sure he worked out what was going on in the end because he came in one weekend and was polite and i handed him his replacement burner. This is a long story. English is not my fist language so please forgive typos and grammar. TL;DR at the end. This story backs to the beginning of the nineties when I (25M at that time) had to serve the mandatory period of one year in the Army in my country. That was a thing everybody disliked, because basically you wasted your time being barely paid some 4 dollars a day without having in return other than some useless basic military training and guard duties and so on. So, I decided to join a branch of the army which has powers of civilian police, MP and military force, all together, on the aim to at least do something good for the community (and get a decent monthly payment in return). To explain, this means you would be simultaneously a police officer, a military police officer, and a soldier. Not so easy to be chosen, but I was more than qualified and I got it. Take into account that we served in a professional police force, as a sort of auxiliary reserve force that was employed on police and public order duties always together with some professional police officer. Despite our rank was “Auxiliary police”, we had the same power and gears of any other professional police officer, and we had full power to operate alone if it was the case. Now, the mandatory military service had two choices you could pick: choose to be a basic private, or choose to be a complement lieutenant (if you had the right requisites). I chose the first because being a lieutenant would mean serving during 18 months instead of twelve. At the time I said no thanks. Let's get rid of it and back home. Well, many of you know how miserable your life in the military can be if you’re low rank and so unlucky to get the wrong commander. And of course, my platoon was assigned to the most evil, idiotic, dumb*ss 20ish yrs old lieutenant you could imagine. Take into account that we were, for the most part, people who had a good instruction, and smart enough to join a kind of elite force like the one we were in, also because you could postpone the mandatory military duty until you got the university degree. That means that there were a LOT of people with a degree among us. There were lawyers, MDs, architects, and so on. Of course, many of us were well beyond 25 yrs old, so at least a lot more adult and responsible than an entitled child like him. As in DL (Dumb*ss Lieutenant) opinion, all of us were just some horsesh*t because we were not at his rank level. And he treated us consequently. Wanna go out the base to see your family when off duty? Nope, permission denied because “you have your shoe sole dirty”. He would ask to check your personal gun and immediately ground you for 15 days because “your gun has not to be given to others no matter what”. Next time, accordingly, you DON’T give him the gun? Well then, “you’re grounded because you disobeyed an order”. Finish your duty in time with good results? Not for him. Go on night shift because you’re lazy and stupid. …You get the picture. He invented new and smart ways to just…make our life a heck, with no reason except his sadistic satisfaction. Well, as time goes by, he finishes his duty and gets back to civilian life, where he’s just an entitled jerk with no power of no sort. And as time goes by, we finish our duty too. Except 6 of us, who decided to join the force and stay on duty indefinitely. I was one of them. So, I stayed in the army and was transferred a couples of months after to our country’s capital. And just went on with my life doing my job until a glorious day, when I was on traffic patrol duty. A black car speeded on a red light in a heavy trafficked urban boulevard with lots of pedestrians, just in front of my eyes. And who was in charge to decide whether was the case of stopping people or not? You bet it was yours truly. And who was the driver? You bet it was DL. To be clear, I didn’t know it was DL, I would have stopped the car anyway because the situation was very dangerous for pedestrians and other drivers. But when I approached the driver’s side to ask for the papers, I recognized him immediately. But he did NOT recognize ME. You know how it works with this kind of entitled jerks, they simply don't care to remember the faces of their slaves. In my head I said "UUUhhh, dude, you are gonna remember me for a long time after I am done with you". On a normal voice: “Good morning sir, driver’s license and car papers please” “Here you are officer”. Tucked Inside the driver’s license there was a badge of the veteran army police association. Without a blink I gave it back to him saying “this has nothing to do with driving sir, please hold it somewhere else”. He was smirking in a kind of attempt to enhance some “bro code” and saying “I am a retired colleague”. And I responded in a full smile “yes, I perfectly know who you are, you are not retired, you just finished your military service, you served in (name of the town) and I was serving under you, don’t you recognize me?” If I had hit the guy with a loaded truck couldn’t have hurt him so badly, when he realized the kind of nightmare he was entering, having in front of him a police officer whose life was ruined by him, and having broken traffic rules. His face turned from smile to despair in less than a second. He knew he was in deep crap, and that he would be fined for red light and speeding. But what he didn’t know was how deep the crap was. Because you see, he didn’t know that, despite what he said to my face multiple times that “I was just a perfect nobody with no rank”, I was f*cking good at my job. So, what I did was just doing my job properly, nothing more, and I went to check thoroughly EVERY SINGLE issue he could have had in the car. Speeding? Check, 100 dollars fine. Red light? Check, another 88 dollars fine. No use of safety belt? Check, 95 dollars fine. Dangerous driving in town street? Check, 155 dollars fine. Tires not properly maintained? Check, 45 dollars. …and so on and on and on and on, until he was begging me to stop, but you know, when he said “I guess I have learned my lesson now”, I told him that there was nothing personal, after all I am just “a perfect nobody with no rank”, so I have just to abide and apply the law. And went on and on and on. When I finished, a looooong time after, believe me: he WAS finished also. So I told him “I should just confiscate your car and tow it, with some kind of 2500 more dollars fine, but I am NOT a freaking jerk who takes advantage by his power. Let me just give you the best regards from my fellow platoon mates and show off”. That night, I don’t know why, I slept very very well, with a smile on my face. I’m not a petty person normally.. I am now 29 and think back on the things I did and am quite ashamed but also have a little chuckle to myself at how crazy I was as a teen. when I was 17 I found my boyfriend of the time having a threesome with my best friend and my brother. My brother and my boyfriend were friends and they were both semi professional bmx riders. I was filled with rage so I started to do the pettiest twisted crap to them thatat the time gave me satisfaction. Examples of the things I did.. I ticked in a cup and poured it over there bike handle bars and cigarette packets and left the ciggies out in the sun to dry…. And then watched them smoke them I loosened and took the cranks and nuts on there expensive bmx bikes and slashed the tyres. When they thought I wasn’t home. So they had no idea who did it. I put eggs under my brothers mattress, told every girl he dated and bought home all the embarrassing things about him and turned them against him. I broke into my (now ex) boyfriends house when he wasn’t there coz I know he kept his laundry door open during the day. He lived with his Dad and he worked long hours. I poured every condiment I could find in his fridge all over his floor and bed Tomato sauce, Mayonnaise, Honey, cracked eggs. Oh and a tin of dog food. And then…. I started prank calling all three of them. Freaking them out.. freaking with their heads. pretending I was some stranger after them. You see I knew every detail of there lives because they were the closest people to me at the time. My best friend lived two streets away. I would go to her house at night, her dog never barked because he knew and loved me… I would tap on her windows throw rocks on her roof grab a stick at rattle it along the corrugated iron on the exterior of her house. Slash her clothes that were hanging on her washing line.. she would often be home alone her father was an alcoholic who lived at the local pub until at least 10 every night and lost her mum at a young aged.. I knew how much it would freak her out. This list could go on and on. I know what I did was cruel and petty as Freak but it was satisfying and after about a year I moved away from town… And barely ever thought of it again. I was not going to sit at home and feel sorry for myself so I decided to have some fun. And freak with the three people who betrayed me. In the end none of them even ever expected it was me. Because while I was doing these insane things to them… at school and at home I was acting completely unfazed and like they didn’t exist to me. Last year one of my(40F) partner's(47M) relatives first got very sick and then died. While he was in hospital for several months, we regularly dropped by to look after his house, fix the garden, make sure nothing was amiss and such. Now, one of the neighbors is a real consolation prize. As she does not like to garden, she had the garden (front and back) of the property she has rented filled up with gravel. I think it's stupid and ugly, but as long as she is happy, more power to her - in HER garden. Said neighbor started pestering my partner and me about things she wanted changed in the relative's garden. Bushes cut off, plants removed, that stuff. She also claimed that the way we were gardening was attracting harmful "bugs" (which, when I showed them to a friendly biologist, were confirmed to be wood sorrel seeds). Anyway, I talked everything through with her to confirm what needed doing and removed any plants that were threatening to intrude into her garden (ivy, blackberry etc.). The only thing I did not cut was one hazel branch, as it was in the middle of a dry spell (cutting them then is bad for the plant) and we were planning to relocate the bush anyway. I explained this to her and asked if she could wait until spring. She said it was fine and let me get back to gardening. The next time I dropped by, "someone" had hacked the branch in question off, at the widest area near the base, splintering and at a weird angle. To be clear, legally she was allowed to cut anything growing over her property back, and the branch was appeoximately 10 cm across the border. I'm just really annoyed she said it was fine to wait and then hacked at the plant the moment we were not looking. But as my partner's family was worried about the relative, I decided to let it slip and kept taking care of the garden. (By now we have cut and relocated the hazel, as promised.) There was an empty spot in the middle of the relative's front yard (maybe 6 x 4 feet), and I decided to put some regionally native mint there. In case you do not know, mint is a very useful plant (insects like it, you can make it into tea, it smells delicious and keeps mosquitoes away) - and it's unstoppable. I know it will spread into the neighbor's yard and mess up her peaceful gravel paradise, and it is all but impossible to get rid off (it spreads along underground root tendrils). My father thinks this is hilarious, obviously I got my petty qualities from him. My partner, on the other hand, thinks I may have been unnecessarily mean. The family plans to sell the property, so by the time this problem becomes obvious we will be long gone. I have also ordered a bee-friendly mix to freshen up the grass in the back yard, as she complained the grass was too high-growing and we had to rake out most of it. Can't sell a house with a bare-dirt backyard, right? My lazy stoner, freaking stupid roommate literally only sits & watches TV all day while her husband supports her with his crapy job. I do all the chores. And the worst part? She’s in the living room 24/7 hogging MY couch and doesn’t fluff the cushions. So I decided to start playing moderately loud, annoying bagpipe music (and some other annoying stuff; I played Baby Shark a couple times last week) while I cook, clean the kitchen, do living room chores, etc. I just succeeded. She left the living room in annoyance. Can I get a little commotion? A round of applause? I’m going to keep doing this. Years ago I was in an advanced math class in high school. Math was not my best subject (idk how I was put into the advanced class) but I consistently passed my assignments and got Bs on tests. There was one guy in the class (we’ll call him Joe) who loved pointing out how much better he was at math than me. On test days, after tests were graded Joe would come over to my desk and ask me what I scored. At first I would just tell him my score, but then he would smirk and say “only x%? I got [higher score].” And then he’d leave. I started flipping my test face down so he couldn’t see my score when he came over, but he’d just flip it and look anyway. He’d make his snide comment, smirk, and leave. I got tired of this. So when the next test was coming up I studied so hard. I met with the teacher after school for extra help and took great notes. The next test came. I got my score, and as usual flipped my test face down. Joe slithered over, said, “what’d you get?” while immediately reaching to flip my test. What he saw was a perfect score. His cocky smile disappeared so fast, and he left without saying a word. He never came to ask about my test scores after that. I used to work as a cashier at an amusement park. I would work in the employee's break room area where we'd serve meals like chicken, fries, and a drink for as cheap as $2.50 because we were all employee's. I would sometimes let people go without paying, especially if they only got a drink. One day, I was working the whole station by myself. I was cooking food, serving it, and cashing people out. There was a line out the door and I was not in the best mood. As I was on my way back to the cash register, one of the guys I served skipped the line and left. When he came back to grab sauce, I asked him, "hey, could pay for that?" There was a lot of other people there, I didn't want to give one guy a free meal then have everyone else get charged. The guy looked at me, rolled his eyes, then shrugged and walked away. After I was done I called security and he was fired for taking a meal that would have costed him $2.50. Was it petty? Yes. Was it excessive? Also yes. But I didn't care lol. I used to be a Starbucks barista. We had a woman who would come in every morning and order, I crap you not, a double-tall vanilla latte with 3/8ths a pump of vanilla. Not a half a pump; 3/8th’s a pump. She even made one of the baristas mark our bottle pump with a sharpie. Every single day, the first cup we would make, no matter who made it, was always wrong. Either too sweet or not sweet enough. So after a while, I began to just pretend to make another drink; pull the steam wand and wave my hands about like a fool behind the machine. I would hand her back the same drink we made her the first time and it was ALWAYS perfect the second time, even though it was the same drink. On my last day of work, this woman decided to come in twice that day. She was being over obnoxious and talking on her cell phone about ‘deals’ and ‘her assistant’ and essentially just announcing her importance to everyone in the room. It was 3:00 in the spring and the place was filled with teenagers ordering Frappuccinos. I had both blenders going and both steam wands going when this woman decided yell at me, “GOD, I CAN BARELY HEAR MYSELF THINK!!” So I replied, “funny, I can still hear you complaining.” If you knew me, you’d know I have the perfect facial expressions to go with it; I look/ed like a snarky little crap. I told her that I’ve been handing her back the same drink every morning for over a year too. I said verbatim, “kinda embarrassing now that you know, right? 3/8th is half a pump for all intents and purposes here ma’am.” She lost it. She demanded my manager fire me on the spot or she’d call corporate and we’d lose her business, blah blah blah. I HATED my manager. He was the opposite of a ‘spirit of the rules/law’ kinda person and really enjoyed making our lives more difficult than they needed to be. I knew that firing me actually reflects quite negatively on his quarterly reviews and knew he wouldn’t do it. He told her it was my last day and the best he could do was send me home early, which would be a reward rather than a punishment since the store was so busy. She proceeded to spend the next two hours on hold with corporate outside, then when corporate either accidentally hung up on her or told her to shove it, she threw her glasses, called me a ‘little bench’ in front of a ton of kids, and ran to her car. To her husband: So sorry for that night bro; totally my fault 😎 My grandma has been at it again. This time she decided to blab about some recent medical issues I've had to several family members who I don't speak to and who have zero business knowing about this. I told her it was not ok for her to do that, she got offended and started telling other people I barely know about whats going on. In return, I "accidentslly" sent a family email with screen shots of the nasty texts she sent me after I asked her not to tell people whats going on becsuse I'm still processing and I'm not ready for everyone to know...and the back lash was glorious. She's been disinvited from 3 family bbqs, 5 church functions and her sister in law called her and chewed her butt like a pit bull with a bone. My husband passed away 2 years ago. He was a remodeler who had a broad list of clients. For a time, to help out the adult daughter, let's call her "Kiki" of my good friend of 42 years, "Ami". He would hire her as a helper on some of his larger remodeling projects. During that time, K would occasionally borrow things for her own projects- a portable cd player, a pair of channel locks, a winch & come-along, a table saw, chain saw, a Graco cart paint sprayer, and an air compressor and nail gun. They were all borrowed clean, in working order, in good condition with all relevant parts included. Every single one of them was returned with great delays, all broken and missing significant parts and a crap ton of excuses. Over two years, Kiki managed to cost him nearly $5K in losses. Finally, he also quit hiring her as a helper because he caught her stealing from one of his clients and forced her to put the item she took right back and then kicked her off the job immediately. Last September, I was visiting Ami and Kiki was there. And then Kiki hit me up for what she called her 'promised' inheritance which was the first I ever heard about it. Given that my hubby and I spent the 8 years of his terminal illness talking about what he wanted after his death, given that he gifted things of his that he wanted friends to have BEFORE he died, I knew dang well he didn't intend for Kiki to have anything. My husband left no will. Ami knew that my hubby had quit lending her tools after getting the cart paint sprayer back (it was a $1200 purchase and was less than 4 months old when it was borrowed and returned broken in ways the warranty would not cover.) Ami also knew Kiki's attempted theft had caused him to refuse to have her work on anything with him for any reason. (Ami was also a victim of her daughter stealing from her as well.) Now, our state is a community property state. When a spouse dies without a will, only the surviving spouse inherits, so Ami told her daughter to back off and I got the bright idea of how I was going to handle getting rid of all that broken stuff which was still taking up room in the tool shed, so I told her, I'd be sure to pick something out for her even though her own behavior was the root cause of the bad blood between herself and my husband. So, the next day, with Ami's help, I dropped off ALL the broken tools and the busted-up CD player Kiki borrowed from my hubby at her apartment. Kiki wanted to know what I expected her to do with all of it. I told her that I expected her to do with them whatever it was she had expected my hubby to do with them after she returned them in the condition they were in. Now, she is the proud owner of a bunch of useless tools and I got to reclaim nearly 35 sq. ft. of space in what is now MY tool shed! I had a boss that made people walk on eggshells and had made at least 2 girls cry because of how mean they were. Employees quit because said boss can’t control their temper despite the fact that said boss is actually incompetent and likes to act like they’re a big deal. The workflow depended on their mood and whether or not it was going to be a good day depended on their personal life and how they were feeling that day. If you were having a good day, it was ruined because boss wasn’t having a good day and so no one else was supposed to either. Very disrespectful and unprofessional and not fit to be in any type of leadership position. Fast forward to when I got a new job, said ex-boss applied for the same company that I work for. I warned everyone under the sun about them and I made sure everyone in the interview process knew about their sins. I was elated when I found out they didn’t get the job. Turns out because I gave the warning about the ex-boss’ defective personality, they focused on those traits and asked questions relating to them to see how ex-boss reacted. Ex-Boss evaded answers and appeared to be disingenuous so management identified the red flags and went with my testimony. The best part about this was that ex-boss was gloating about having this interview in the bag (ex-coworkers told me) and they were so proud. After the rejection they were so defeated. They finally got a reality check that they aren’t as grand as they think and the world doesn’t revolve around them.
Channel: Storytime
Views: 26,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HC2-zWowTFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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