r/ProRevenge FIGHTING OFF A CAR JACKER! - Reddit Stories

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today we've got a great Revenge story against  somebody who intentionally depleted another   person's phone balance we'll get into that in a  bit but first my grandfather shouldn't have been   a teacher to preface growing up my grandfather  always made young female bartenders uncomfortable   by giving them a creepy amount of attention think  16 to 17-year-old girls I always tried to diffuse   the situation luckily he's never behaved this way  towards me he also used to be a teacher and my dad   told me the story recently a apparently when he  was still a teacher in high school he would hover   over young girls this was in the 70s or so he  would stand close to them touch their shoulders   and generally give them more creepy attention when  he approached their tables his crotch would rub   the table's Corner cetti Revenge from the boys in  their class cuz everyone was getting fed up about   it but there was nothing they could really do the  boys put chalk on every corner of the table before   one of his classes so for the rest of the year he  walked walked around with his crotch covered in   white chalk he isn't the most self-aware person  so he never noticed my dad was friends with some   of the people who did this so that's why he knows  Beyond his horrendous Behavior I think what hurts   me the most is the fact that op's Dad was friends  with some of the people who did it so imagine not   only do you have a creeper teacher going around  at your school it's your own father I would be   mortified also hi I'm Steve and if you guys enjoy  stories of Revenge like these make sure to hit   those like And subscribe buttons down below that  said our next story is standing up for myself when   I was in college we had a bar within walking  distance we would frequent one night I go up   to the bar to order a drink there's a lovely girl  who I instantly wanted to talk to I broke the ice   and I offered to buy her a drink but the catch  was that she had to dance with me for one song   she eagerly said yes and we were off to a great  start until we turn around drinks in hand and   take one step toward the Dance Floor she sees some  other dude gets excited and hugs him I wait for a   minute but it seems like I'm already forgotten  I see a few buddies nearby and I tell them what   happened my friend Jordan says do something man  so here comes my Petty Revenge I walk up to her   say excuse me and take the drink out of her hand  I chug it down and slam the plastic cup down and   walk away no reaction from the pretty girl and  her guy but my buddies loved it and we had a   good laugh about it hey she didn't hold up her end  of the bargain and you paid for that drink I see   you had every right to do that our next story  is the app I used to make sure I hit my daily   to-dos got bought I paid $5 for Lifetime full  access to my favorite productivity app then they   got bought the new owners added a bunch of stupid  features that slow it way down and use that as an   excuse to make it cost $60 a year so freak that  but I still haven't found an app similar to the   simpler version I emailed them and updated ated  my five-star App Store review to one star and you   can see so many reviews complaining about the same  thing that they don't even respond to what a way   to start out with your existing customers well it  seems like they can't take away my access to the   full version so every day several times a day I  open this app and get a splash screen telling me   to buy it and every day I ex out of that message  and continue using the app just as I had before I   don't even notice it anymore spent like this for  months they probably don't notice but it makes   me feel slightly Vindicated every time as long  as you can do what you used to do with that app   I say keep on using it you paid for it but keep  that one star review up I'm right there with OP   if I got a x out of a popup every time I use it  it's just going to become routine it's going to   be nothing it's like the wind raar pop up every  time you open a zip file at some point you just   have it mentally completely tuned out you just  expect it to pop up and hit close immediately   and now's a good time for everybody who wants  to say use szip instead to do so in the comments   our next story is grocery store Karen this was  years ago when I had a 22 caliber brain and a 50   caliber mouth I was at a grocery store with two  items I went to the customer service desk which   had a sign that said five items or less just as I  was approaching the counter a Karen ducked in in   front of me with a basket that had 12 to 15 items  and she started unloading it onto the counter I   looked to the cashier pointed at the sign held up  my hand with my fingers spread out and gestured as   a question she looked at me and Shrugged as if she  couldn't do anything about it so I said to Karen   you must be a natural blonde she replied I am how  did you know I pointed at the sign because you   can't count to five oh she was mad she paid and  got out of there in a blur afterward the cashier   was grinning I said you probably aren't allowed  to say anything but I can well what's the point   of having the sign there that says 10 items or  less if they don't actually enforce it I mean I   guess it depends on the Chain if this is at like  a Walmart this is probably one of two lanes there   anyways our next story is Keys what keys when I  was 19 I used to work for the small roadside Zoo   think dirt paths and chicken wire holding back  literal monkeys it happened to be really close   to one of the largest and most popular zoos  in my country which made this Zoo very quiet   I was hired is a front reception and customer  service the first face you see if I'm anything   I'm bubbly and they basically hired me on the spot  the owner of the zoo came in one day a few weeks   after I started and struck up a conversation and  a roundabout way found out I'm disabled and seemed   very shocked since it's an invisible illness this  was the beginning of the end I just didn't know   it yet unfortunately for them I was incredibly  good at my job customers were happy office was   clean and I was finished with the work work they  gave me with half of my day empty and boring the   head zookeeper was young short attractive and  had a temperature that could rival Regina from   Mean Girls I tried asking for my responsibilities  with a background and art I offered my skills and   knowledge and other areas just to fill my day and  was met with a screaming almost 30s something man   on his tiptoes spitting in my face that I needed  to sit down shut up and smile for the customers so   I did that was until the incident one day a friend  of the owners drops in this pair of birds as a   surrender this cute little white cockal and a blue  Indian ring neck I own a bird and so when they put   them in an old cage next to the office I was very  excited I wasn't to feed them but I was allowed   to talk to them the days went by and the ring neck  became very wild and unhappy the poor little white   bird was getting really sick I tried telling the  keepers that the seed was wet and the birds had   no dry space when it rained they didn't have toys  or company and they weren't doing well I was met   with violent screaming the head zookeeper had me  pinned to a wall and I was so afraid he was going   to hit me for suggesting his level of care wasn't  good enough that I burst into tears and ran back   to the office I called the owner sobbing that he'd  done that and she reassured me everything would be   fine and to have a drink of water calm down and  finish the rest of my day by the afternoon one   of the other Keepers was sent up to the office and  popped his head in to see if I was okay apparently   he was sent to snap the neck of the birds because  euthanasia was too expensive for surrendered   animals I was unbelievably upset and this keeper  patted my shoulder he was a massive introvert and   this means a lot trying to calm me down he said he  didn't like it as much as I did but he had to do   his job or he might get fired I asked him what  they told him to do exactly and he said when I   get back up there they better not not be any birds  so I asked can I take them then he said as long as   they aren't here I did my job and smirked as he  walked out of the office so there I am smuggling   birds in my shirt to my car the sick little white  one tucked up holding on to my bra all snuggled   close and this blue firecracker practicing for the  next bull riding competition I disinfected a spare   cage I had at home and put them in our sun room  to freefly I was hand feeding the little white   bird with the medic a the vet gave me and giving  her some Pats when I got an email the owner had   sent an email stating due to your ill health  and unhappiness you are no longer needed and   your contract is terminated that's when it hit  me she'd been trying to find something anything   to fire me for besides just being disabled with  an invisible illness me being upset that I was   verbally abused physically assaulted and upset  that they were going to inhumanely kill animals   was worth firing me over so I'm not proud of it  but I ghosted them they didn't give me common   decency so they weren't worth my efforts for  weeks and weeks I'd get emails asking for my   keys to the zoo asking if I got the email I just  let the email sit there finally the owner called   after a month and angrily asked for me to return  my keys I calmly said I put them in the mailbox   the day she fired me and hung up I knew they  were so unorganized that no one but me checked   the mailbox to the office it had been a month and  to her knowledge they could have been anywhere by   now I hope they had to change all the locks to  that office and it was a mild inconvenience that   really graded on them I got a lot of Joy watching  those little birds play with that big chain of   keys I hung in their bird room right up until I  found them a foster home where they would be cared   for well the little white bird was very healthy  and happy when we parted ways but I'd never visit   that Zoo again they feed their dead zoo animals  to their baboons they collected the branches and   grass for their enclosures from private farmland  and have been run off people's property so often   that staff had to be made aware they could get  shot and most importantly why would I want to   support that horrible place when I can pop up the  road to this amazing zoo run by a Legends Legacy   it's a small Petty but still Petty revenge in my  opinion I wish I could have done more honestly I   mean I think Beyond Revenge I think what op did  here was the right thing those birds obviously   didn't deserve to get euthanized if anything maybe  they were doing it to cause op to have an outrage   considering they put them right there next to  them said don't touch them maybe even touching   them would have been their reason to fire op and  maybe they were trying to cause an uproar for   euthanizing the birds I don't know I don't know  if there's some regulatory body that could shut   down this place but it sounds like they're not  treating these animals right I feel like they   should be reported somewhere or at least be spoken  out against pretty publicly if they aren't already   let alone the fact that there's a better Zoo  nearby I think it's the fact that they're so dumpy   and slimy that would contribute to them being so  poorly visited our next story is there are people   who use this foot path you blocked with your car  you know so I was living in this massive block of   apartments near a small Creek the bank on which  the building is built is well above the creek and   there's exactly one path that leads down to the  kids playground where Mom Ms take their kids and   babies and strollers and people walk their dogs  one beautiful spring morning I walked with my   dog to the beginning of that path and found a car  parked on it occupying the whole width of the path   there was a massive pile of snow left on the path  inkle deep mud right of the path and spaces in the   building's designated parking area my dog and I  crept through the snow then I packed some dog crap   in a bag and placed it snugly in the driver's door  handle on my way back the jerk didn't take the   hint though there were multiple crap stained wet  tissues thrown on the floor where the car had been   but I did at least get a petty Revenge story out  of it I'm not saying I'm advocating for smearing   dog poo all over somebody's car who Parks like  such a jerk like this but I understand it our next   story is remembered this and it made me chuckle  about 5 years ago before we bought our house   my wife and I lived in an apartment complex that  had buy annual inspections we were Model tenants   especially compared to our neighborhood the place  was prettyy strict so we saw a lot of people over   the years we lived there get evicted my wife and  I both work nights so we were asleep during these   inspections we just locked our bedroom door and  slept through them knowing everything was in order   the last one before we moved out had a handwritten  bit on the standard notice of inspection stating   that they absolutely needed to see the inside of  the bast bedroom okay so we sleep during the day   and had extreme blackout measures in our bedroom  all in accordance with lease rules so for this   one we left the door unlocked and I stuck my  wife's suction cup you know what stuck to the   wall next to the light switch so my question  is I guess is this suction cup you know what   stuck to the wall next to the light switch also  in accordance with lease rules I mean I'm no   expert with leasing rules but I would suppose  that there's probably not any subsection about   sticking a you know what on your wall as long as  it doesn't have such strong suction that it would   damage it our next story is I must have picked  it up from you father here's a short tidbit from   when I was a young child I'm the oldest child and  have a younger sister let's call her Eliza Eliza   became a bit of a potty mouth after she started  school my father complained that it was my fault   and that Eliza must have picked it up from me I  had to nip this in the bud I cannot be held ACC   accountable for every single transgression of my  sister so I came up with a petty plan I purposely   dropped a pen in front of my father and swore in  frustration hey you don't have to swear my father   remarked sorry I said I must have picked it up  from you I'm surprised that it actually worked my   father stopped blaming me for Eliza's wrongdoings  from then on instead he would just talk to Eliza   directly thankfully my father had insight and was  not the kind of person who would discipline me   for talking back to him I'm really glad for op's  sake that they clarified that last bit I feel like   a lot of people who are willing to blame you for  your siblings transgressions would also probably   overlap with being the kind of person who cannot  tolerate having an actual conversation where you   disagree with them our next story is Jump the  line at the grocery huh very Petty and yet it's a   business day at the grocery and all the lines are  long they get another cashier going and a few of   us move to it this is back before self-checkout  then a lady pushes past from the back of of the   line to jump in front of me hey I say come on  really she says nothing but smirks a little and   stands her ground my eye contact with a few others  in line confirm yeah that was a bench move I begin   to quietly berate her G-rated stuff wow not cool  Etc and she turns away to ignore me aha I continue   to berate her to keep her turned away and start  taking things out of her cart this looks important   oh I bet the kidss wanted this candy I'm putting  a few things in my cart but most goes on the gum   rack and the under belt where the small baskets  live I even got a few off the belt after she   unloads she never sees it hopefully she figured  it out when she finally got home and the family's   asking for the barbecue sauce and snacks I don't  blame op but I do feel kind of bad for the kids   that might have had their favorite candy coming  home or whatnot or Uncle Mark Zuckerberg was   going to come over and all of a sudden you don't  have the sweet baby rays our next story is try to   steal my car enjoy losing your partnership this  is something that happened a long time ago but it   still tickles me I was young and had had my little  hand-me-down Acura Integra since I was 16 my   parents let me borrow it and I paid for everything  repairs Insurance gas Etc when I graduated high   school it was my graduation present I had actually  paid about $11,000 to them to cover insurance for   a long-term time not long before they dropped  having me pay for insurance because neither my   sister nor stepsister were paying for theirs my  stepdad was a mechanic and specialized in cars   made for racing and car shows he and his boss had  had their vehicles featured in car magazines that   were sold internationally he took care of the  repairs for it and I paid for parts when I got   to be around 23 to 24 i' had moved pretty far away  so obviously my stepdad wasn't taking care of the   repairs anymore but I did know some basic things  I was driving down the road when suddenly smoke   or steam came pouring out from under the hood I  panicked but pulled over as safely as I could and   quickly contacted triaa they sent someone to come  tow their car to their garage to get it repaired I   get to the garage after I finally get a ride since  they wouldn't let me ride in their truck they tell   me the mechanic is looking at it now I wait a bit  and then the guy comes out he looks concerned and   then lays it on me oh well your whole radiator  blew it'll cost about $2,000 or so to have it   replaced I began to panic because that was worth  more than the car was then with a slight smirk he   says I'll tell you what I'll pay you $2,000 and  just take it off your hands for you since its   repairs are worth more than the car itself alarm  Bells went off immediately this guy was obviously   trying to scam me and take my car now I'm ticked  I don't let it show though and say have to make   some phone calls I step outside and walk around  and peek into the garage Bay the guy steps back   into the garage and goes to his bench and starts  chatting with the other mechanic he's grinning up   a storm and plastered all over his workbench are  photos of modified cars one of the photos happens   to be my stepdad's boss's car which is a bright  yellow Acura Integra and hard to miss it was the   one at the front and it all clicked into place I  called my stepdad and asked him about How likely   it was that the radiator had completely blown  he said that it was highly unlikely but not   impossible I explained everything to him and he  told me do not sell that car he's trying to get   it because he wants to kid it out ask if he can  show you exactly in the engine where the problems   were if he shows you he might be legit but take  photos and send them to me so I can be sure if he   refuses or attempts to distract or dissuade you  he's lying and get it toe to another shop right   away do not let them do anything until after I  verify I hung up and put back on my distraught   face making my way back into the office I asked  the manager if the mechanic could show me exactly   where the problem was the manager went and got the  mechanic and wouldn't you know it he absolutely   refused to show me saying I wouldn't know what I  was looking at there was no point because it was   completely busted and any other excuse he could  I told them please do not make any repairs I'm   going to have it towed to another shop they  got angry and tried to dissuade me again but   I wouldn't budge I called AAA to see if they would  cover having it towed to a different location they   said no and that had already been taken to a  AAA garage so any other Towing would be on me I   arranged my own Tow and had them tow it to a shop  right next to where I was living that had the best   reviews in town the reviews all made a point of  saying that they never tried to get people to do   unnecessary repairs and often did their best to  save people money one even said they had taken it   to a different place and they tried to get him to  do a bunch of stuff before being brought there and   told most of it was completely unnecessary after  I had it towed there I got a call from triaa again   they wanted to know why I was having it towed to  a different shop as it seemed very odd and they   were following up on that request I told them  everything the lady was silent for most of my   story she asked me do they have AAA logos on their  vehicles I confirmed that they didn't have just   one but no less than six AAA logos on each tow  vehicle they had and was prominently displayed   on their website and pictures of the trucks were  on there too she stayed silent for a while and   said she would call me back again before hanging  up the other shop looked over my car and everyone   was super kind and friendly the mechanic came and  got me from the waiting room and took me back to   the shop he pointed into the engine see that hose  there it's the factory hose it's over 20 years old   it ruptured because it's too old I'm surprised it  lasted this long I asked about the whole radiator   being blown and he looked at me like I'd grown  several heads what no of course not I even tested   it and it was fine even well beyond its labeled  rating whoever told you that was lying their butt   off we went back into the office and I explained  everything to them and they looked at me horrified   again the mechanic interjected what a jerk how  dare he lie and try to steal your car like that   what's the Shop's name so I can make sure no one  I know ever goes there trying to say it'll cost   $2,000 to repair when it just needs a $20 hose  replaced they fixed up my car and after I got   it home I got a call it was AAA again and the lady  asked if I had any updates boy did I fill her in I   didn't leave anything out everything the mechanic  had said the discrepancy in the repair costs the   actual repair required she was silent but I could  hear her fingers madly typing away once I was done   she said I am so sorry for what happened we take  these things very seriously don't worry they won't   get away with this a week later I checked on that  shop all the AAA logos were gone and they were no   longer listed as being a AAA approved business  honestly although they didn't help out on the   second toe having that experience and knowing that  they actually took it accountably would make me   feel a little bit better about having that AAA  membership or whatnot the only sad thing is you   wish you could go back and rub it in their face  find that manager or that mechanic that was trying   to rip you off and call them out in the lobby  even better if there were other people there I   think I would take my savings of $1,980 and spend  a little bit time trying to make a public outcry   about how horrendous this place was our next story  is deliberately deplete my prepaid phone balance   you will pay for it $1,000 times over I went to  middle school in the early 2010s right before   smartphones really took off I got my first phone  right before starting sixth grade it was a slide   phone with a pay as you go plan that cost 10 cents  per minute for calls and per text message center   received worse yet sending a receiving photos cost  25 cents each it was very expensive and my parents   only gave me $100 a year for this if I exceeded  the amount I had to cover the rest with my limited   birth and Christmas money I had fortunately most  of my friends were good about helping me preserve   the balance they would call and I'd let the call  drop but immediately call back on a landline   so it wouldn't count as a call and they would  email me or message me on Skype for most things   everything was good until Derek joined the group  in seventh grade at first we thought he was funny   but we quickly got fed up with him as he was very  unpleasant and exhibited many antisocial behaviors   he started drama within the friend group and also  caused issues between us and other kids outside of   the group he was manipulative and always played  the victim when others rightfully called him out   on his crap and he knew how to charm parents so  getting rid of him was easier said than done he   was the one friend who didn't respect my phone  situation he very frequently texted me dumb memes   even though I told him multiple times to just  email or Skype them to me instead since picture   texts cost 25 cents each unfortunately blocking  phone numbers was a feature that was unavailable   for this pay as you go plan so there was nothing I  could do as he spammed my phone one day he got mad   at me for some reason and spammed my phone with  memes he must have sent me over 100 lol cats over   text he kept sending them until I lost service  since my phone balance was depleted I had lost   the $40 remaining in my account as a result  I was extremely ticked and demanded that he   pay me the $40 he had cost me and he refused and  said it wasn't his problem I got home from school   really upset and told my dad about the situation  expecting him to go and tear Derrick's mother a   new one and demand the money but my dad said that  it wasn't worth the battle I even asked him about   a small claims court but he said that not all  battles are worth fighting and that the effort   wasn't worth $40 he took me to the carrier store  and loaded $50 onto the phone the carrier changed   my phone number and they managed to block derk's  number they had initially said that blocking phone   numbers wasn't possible with this plan but my dad  insisted and would not leave the store until they   did it I was extremely paranoid about my phone  number being leaked and other kids spamming it to   freak with me fortunately my parents got iPhones  that summer and got me one too and the new family   plan had an unlimited text plan nonetheless I was  ticked at the $40 he essentially stole from me out   of malice fortunately not too long after there  was a big blowout between Derek and the rest   of the friend group at the end of the school year  and we permanently kicked him out of the group he   was an outcast the following year in e8th grade  nobody was tolerating his crap anymore and he   changed schools the year after and we never heard  from him again fast forward to a few years ago I   was back home for a few months between graduating  college and starting a new job on the other side   of the country I went out to some garage sales  one Saturday morning and I ended up at Derek's   house I recognized his mother but I don't think  she recognized me I guess glasses and a beard   is all you need I noticed some Pokemon napkins  out for sale and when I picked them up to look   at them dereck's mom said that her son had been  obsessed with Pokemon for his whole life and that   she was tired of Pokemon stuff occupying her home  for so many years I said that these napkins were   from my younger cousin who's really into Pokemon  and asked if she had any more Pokemon stuff she   said she didn't know people were still into that  and that there were a few boxes in the Attic with   her son's old stuff she actually took me inside  the house which I never imagined I'd set foot   inside ever again and let me climb up the attic  ladder and take down several large boxes to look   through the first one had Christmas ornaments in  it and other junk but I freaked out inside when   she opened a box jam-packed with Pokemon video  games in the original boxes though I kept my   cool on the outside the whole reason I had agreed  to go inside in the first place was because I was   holding out hope of this exact scenario happening  see I knew Derek was obsessed with Pokemon our   friend group liked Pokemon back in the day even  when other kids thought it wasn't cool but Derek   was on a whole different level he bragged about  his Pokemon collection all the time at the time he   had every single main Series game in the original  box and in mint condition as he always had to add   in I went to his house once and he was showing me  his collection he yelled at me for touching one of   the games nobody was allowed to touch them except  him he had many older Nintendo games in excellent   condition but Pokemon was his favorite he had a  couple incidents with his mom damaging or throwing   away his things it wasn't out of malice but  just ignorance as she didn't think the games or   Collectibles had any value fast forward into the  present day I was thinking about this when I asked   his mother if she had any other Pokemon stuff she  ended up bringing out the mother load we opened   all of the boxes she had me bring down within the  boxes there was the Beloved collection of Pokemon   games all very well preserved as well as several  Nintendo consoles hundreds of games two dozen   binders full of Pokemon cards and there was also a  box of many Lego sets with the original boxes and   everything with many old Star Wars sets when I saw  D Jango Fett I knew I struck gold I told her that   I like old Legos as well and asked her how much  for the five boxes of games cards and Lego sets   and she thought for a second and said $100 a box  or $400 for all five I told her I would take it   all and hauled butt to get to an ATM I loaded the  five boxes into my dad's truck and a immediately   drove home I knew there was potentially tens of  thousands of dollars of good here this was the   score of a lifetime and I finally felt Vindicated  for the $40 Derek had taken from me all those   years ago I ended up giving all the stuff to my  uncle who's a hobbyist eBay reseller he offered   to sell it all he was willing to go through  the effort and sell everything individually   and despite my insistence he said he wouldn't  take more than a 10% cut of the profits after   all fees and taxes we went through and logged  every single item along with the estimated   value and and the total of the whole lot was about  $40,000 $40,000 was a poetic number since this was   a thousand times the value of what Derek stole  from me all those years ago my uncle sold most   of the lot before the end of the summer and ended  up writing me a check though it was considerably   less than $40,000 it was still a life-changing  amount of money for me I was able to pay off my   remaining student loans and put the rest towards  a down payment on a new car man it really sucks to   make some enemies as a kid huh you know those kids  grow up and uh they get a little bit more powerful   sometimes I almost kind of feel bad for the mom  because they just didn't know the value of what   they had and I mean you can't help but feel bad  for Derek when they're inevitably going to come   back home and find out oh that oh yeah I sold it  for $400 just your life's collections being pwned   off for 400 measly bucks but with that being said  that's all the time we have for today now if you   want to hear another crazy Revenge story check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 10,146
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, pro revenge, reddit pro revenge, Storytime pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash prorevenge, pro revenge reddit, top posts reddit, pro revenge stories, pro revenge video, r/ prorevenge, r/ prorevenge Storytime, Storytime r/prorevenge, funny reddit stories, prorevenge posts
Id: Fymn098xK-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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