RPM Act: Is This Really The End Of The Road For Us?

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so let me preface this by saying that the rpm act is something that you need to go out you need to be aware of you need to follow and you should really take action and the best place to follow and know what actions to take is through sema so pay attention to what these guys say but i want to look at this issue from a slightly different angle because i'm sensing a lot of doom out there's a lot of people like this is going to be the end they're going to wipe out motor sports there's not going to be any racing they're going to modify car to go racing it's really not like that i spent a little time researching um i i listened to the video i watched a video that sema put out a couple days ago which had a lawyer from the epa along with a few lawyers of theirs discussing the issues didn't seem very doom laden um i read this article in uh about a couple of things but i read this article in the uh union of concerned scientists uh page and union of concerns that is very anti-rpm act but even these folks you know that are they're like you know tree hugger deluxe they have no problem motorsports they they don't want to interfere with racing or the hobbyists ability to do things with their cars so you know but there's a sense of doom and it's because of the way certain things are warded you know where where cars that were originally mission controlled can't be touched in any way modified even for racing when they're no longer on the road it's a little bit of worries but there's doom sense of doom right so doom people of my generation are no strangers to doom we're the ones who grew up you know in classroom when you see the flash hide under your desk and close cover your head at six years old you know that's not gonna work but we went through it anyway we knew we were gonna get nuked it was doom all the way right it's how we grow up it's one of the reasons why my generation is kind of the way it is because there's no tomorrow if you were a car guy in 1970 71 there was this prevailing sense of doom then too the insurance companies had decimated the automaker's ability to market high performance cars the clean air act was passed and the clean air act you know by its and the clean air rack by the way is the same exact one that we're dealing with today so the clean air act was passed and it meant certain doom for hot rods you couldn't modify your car they were going to seal the hood there was going to be no headers no cams no carburetors had to take the car exactly the way it came from the factory and you couldn't touch it but it didn't affect our industry um one of the things that the epa did was it made each of the 50 states responsible for its own standards that's why you have different standards for emission testing and frequency and so on and so forth california the california air resource board was the strictest of the bunch and that's what you've always seen for your whole life you've always seen not for use on emission control vehicles in the state of california not for sailor use all right well because each of the other states had their own standards the industry was able to get around that um so parts sold don't say in tennessee don't have to meet the same criteria as they have to meet in california even though they're manufactured in california well what happened was about five years ago you know i hate to point the blame at anybody right you don't want to play the blame game but this is really what happened um the whole rolling coal thing became the thing right people rolling coal everywhere it's their thing you know but that caught the eye of the epa you know and then you would think it would you know people running around with these giant blowing clouds of black smoke you know all over the place um you know there's a problem there so that's what the epa looked at that really is the gist of everything that's going on it all revolves around the diesel truck deal so what happened was they uh they started researching the epa did and they found that one out of 10 10 of all of the diesel trucks on the road today have been modified in some way to either either disable or reduce the effectiveness of their emission control systems that's a lot of trucks right that's not you know that that's not just a couple of like you know cars here or there no that's a huge number of trucks that are spread all over the country all right so that's one that's bad enough but the industry the diesel truck industry is was blatant enough to advertise their parts their things um to deliberately disable these systems it's kind of rubbing you know okay so so you've got this legal you've got this this regulatory arm of the government right and you're rubbing it in their face right so that's pretty much the roots of where this came from that's where the ire is and if you listen to the lawyer the epa's own lawyer on the sema video and we'll post a link to that video below so you can watch it yourself he keeps going back to the diesel thing he really doesn't want to talk about cars he doesn't want to talk about hotlines he doesn't want to talk about racing to him those things are moot they don't they don't mean anything and you know he's also he's he says in there that it's not the individual they're going after so let's just say you've got a car or a truck and you tune it you modify a little bit you know they realize that's just that's a small isolated case they're after the industry they're after the part of the industry that's deliberately going around the rules and you're flaunting it you know like they're they're making a deal over it that's their sell that's what the epa is after now the wording in within this within this whole deal uh has to do with not being able to modify vehicles for on-road off-road any type of competition if it's a stock if it came from the factory with the mission controls you can't touch it but you know that's 50 years old that's not new it's always been danced around it's always been worked around i guess the rpm act the biggest part of the rpm act the most important aspect of it is to use to is to strike that wording from you know from the legislature now of course they're also trying to protect the industry because it's shima and you know you're talking about the you still have a huge number of people who are going to be affected people assault tuning equipment and and whatnot but you know what let's not worry about that let's worry about us but let's just say for example right let's just say that we live in strange times and we do live in strange times and nothing is predictable and like nothing is sacred so it's like okay what if they're able to do this what if they're able to just eliminate the modification of anything that was ever you know fitted with emission controls you know how bad would that be well i mean it would be bad if you're a new car enthusiast and it means you know you're done right but let's take that to the to the next extreme let's go all the way let's say that they've been anything having to do with high performance new car old car any car they've been a lot of things in the history of you know look at the war on drugs you know they banned a lot of drugs drug people don't have any problem getting their hands on their stuff but the one that i i always think about and it kind of puts a whole different light on things was uh in the 1960s in russia the beatles were huge in russia even though the communist party was like no you can't have that music played here in this country you can't import the records you can't do anything like that right the the russian government was like dead set against any type of western influence like that so uh what happened was they would smuggle a record in okay and these these kids these high school students were going around to all the hospitals and they would go dumpster diving and get the x-rays the old x-rays out of the dumpsters because the x-ray was made out of material that you could actually burn the record into so that's what they would do they would take the original record and they would transfer it onto these x-rays onto these old x-rays and then they would just fold them up over their arm you know under their sleeve bring them to school and sell them that way and that's how these things got distributed and because of that and it was so prevalent that the beatles actually had this huge following in russia it wouldn't be any different with with our car stuff we'll find a way you know if you're concerned if you're like oh i'm not gonna i'm not gonna spend any time or money or thought on cars i'm just you know that's it it's over if you're that concerned you know there's always always will there's a way we will get through the other side and it just presents a whole different you know set of challenges but either way cars aren't going anywhere hot rods aren't going anywhere muscle cars ain't going anywhere hang tight but pay attention to what's going on follow sema follow the actions that sema recommends and uh all get to the other side i'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Uncle Tony's Garage
Views: 99,850
Rating: 4.9335794 out of 5
Id: kujbVL7F_6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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