r/Funny BEST Of ALL TIME Reddit Posts

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our thoughts funny is the biggest to subreddit in the world and for some reason I haven't done yet but together we're about a dive into this and see what comes up what makes this the number one sub rent in the world I'm a treat twenty four point six million people are a member of this that is nutty whether further ado let's do this the number one post on the biggest subreddit the world is my cab cover tonight was so excited to share with me that he'd made the cover of a calendar I told him I'd help let the world see hell yes NYC taxi drivers 2018 calendar look at the pride on this man's face you lick that lolly boys night his name is Paul but during the day his name is Hans old happy to share those fantastic yeah station worker takes precautionary measures up the customer refused to put out his cigarette how thick do you have to be just smoke a cigarette out of gas station it's literally plastered everywhere there's maybe four pixels in this entire video but I can already tell it looks like a tool oh he's gonna fire he's just setting up a fire extinguishing signs no out here trying to save your life and you're here smoking a cigarette at a gas station or a petrol station it's a petrol station it's in Europe okay it's a petrol station hose my mind I too cool for rules yeah we're trying to keep you alive out here but bad took a few shots of Lake Louise today and Google offered me this panorama now I I don't know if I believe this I don't want to believe this I really do but I'm very skeptical it could always be worse oh no look at Dark Souls Box time make him look like a Dark Souls boss by a Canadian version of The Hunchback of Notre to him how's he doing by the way somebody asked Mina's has house burned down I know I'm gonna ask how he is 29 team sucks okay we need to renew in this entire year cannot that be a thing weren't he getting through the yearly cycle the beginning of the year is always you make this year you're here do what you want and then it's already slowly getting to the point where you're like maybe next year we'll do it and then 2020 comes a lot 2020s next year oh my god I'm getting old oh Christ it seemed like last year everyone's like we're closer to 2020 then we are 2010 oh we have like what six nine months less six months left oh man man I'm getting old I'm 24 I understand that's young but silly at my moment update EA announced plans for next gen control [Music] there's a door here I can't escape reality you want to play the game with me ten $60 you want to get past the Start screen ten dollars you want to actually have a character Cruiser lock them all $20 and that's not even including the fun package which is 120 dollars you're paying like $200 to exist my sister has friends over there playing with a Ouija board on no I'm that sibling no no you're every sibling it is engraved in the code of being a sibling that you need to mess with a younger or older sibling Oh bless you sir bless you or ma'am or it 20 isn't funny place it into the 13 year old and a skateboard and called me a candy corn who you are you are you are literally that you look upset but you are okay it's like walking around a red and white striped hoodie and a red and white striped hat and people not calling you all to a wall that's you know what you signed up for especially with those pants man just get your life together kid I'm over here like he looks so upset this kid killed him a candy corn and I'm over here just ripping into me wouldn't work he's had enough he's had enough the best thing I've done is snapchat me when Chipotle just exists I don't have to be in the Chipotle I just I know it's around me it's in the general vicinity and I just know the sweet good damn burritos are close to me please sponsor me Chipotle feel free to send this to Chipotle - I miss you come home my buddy dressed up as a Lebanon honors stranger thing season two I've seen some good cause plays in my David this man's you don't know stranger things that's what eleven looks like small little white girl with barely any hair but here comes Marcus the bad that I've never had the whole angle waffle thing I'm a lot Americans whole thing is new to me rhinos are good why couldn't my science teacher be like that huh my science teacher is just old and crooked and barely functioning fair's the best meme day submission is this guy ahead of my recent subreddit he dressed up as me and my son okay fantastic job even if but something looks like a crackhead that's we should look like that's what he is now the butler from Tomb Raider won again the least a few pictures on here please send chilli sauce [Music] perfect thanks acute those our waitress was a waitress that would be extremely confusing I was a waiter I would lose my mind over that if I want to be a waitress I think what a girl I want to be an auntie to be fair when I look like this this is this is me as the snapchat filter go follow me on instagram by the way just look that link right there oh look it automated a gift for you right there fantastic regardless I look like a Karen who's consistently asking for the manager I feel like my dictionary consists of three words which is um excuse me that's it that that's who I look like thank God I turned out this way cuz I never want to be a Karen and if your auntie's name is Karen shows in this video and say I'm sorry just don't don't sue me thank you please someone tweeted me a Karen that you know there's under the age of 30 because they are a met brought about by the Greek gods thank if you want to be called Karen you need to spread that a little bit further and shoot out a full human not another child not a baby there's a 110 pounds of pure manager requesting almani Oh God the second how I've done that a video and the second time I've hurt myself I need to just stop that ends son's basketball career in 17 seconds all don't do it to him he'll x-games wait do it I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead dad I refuse he didn't just fake him out look he loved it backwards are you kidding me oh you're never gonna live that down never ever ever are you going to oh man it's like whenever you put yourself in school ok it doesn't matter how old you're gonna become we remember what you did down at primary school aged 11 we remember oh you won that's at you you've won today congratulations I'll tip my fedora to you my goodness for Airbnb as a translucent bathroom door I'm used to my impatient olive stalking me through the bathroom door but this to get to a much creepier toddlers completely bald not even a little bit of hair just bald this reminds me in the mr. B side airsoft battle I'm Wildcat it's added to come over my house because they already checked into their hotel they were flying later on the night so he came back to mind for a shower I got into the shower took all my clothes up step into the shower realize there was a window looking directly out and it wasn't it wasn't even to go I'm sighted or two-sided he could see everything that I was I'm really glad I'm I I said dunk matter just in case I just knocked on the window Luke and Tyler went Tyler I don't know we could do this and thus the photo and the tweet was made that look is hard just straight horror also follow me on Twitter magic and lemonnation you can leave the description I appreciate never give up oh this would be good this is the good how are you meant to come back from this he's not even on the screen go on go on get it get it get it you need to be perfect this is like happy wings or whatever is call us happy birds and angry wings gone beautiful beautiful you bit me oh my god oh my god come on are you you did the job you came back with no one else expected you to and then you spiritual level authors warning you will notice in a second that this book actually begins on page 145 don't be alarmed this is not a mistake don't try and get your money back you didn't miss anything I just know that when I'm reading I love being smack in the middle of the book pages behind me pages ahead of me it's too overwhelming to know there's so much less than you're only on page eight this way you can read the book for two minutes and if anybody asks you how far you are along you can say I'm in page 151 and it's really flying he just sails maybe you feel like you're accomplishing something and I get credit for writing a bigger book everyone wins it just costs us nothing this man is a genius it's one of the main reasons why I never really got into reading I've read books at a fun like I used to read a lot of autobiographies the last block completed was a james hetfield autobiography like one nine years ago now it just got to the point where it's just you'd open the tiny crack and you see this amount of pages left and it's so overwhelming so whoever you are you're an absolute Saint my friend hold on I'm going on a tangent I want to see the best totem poles I just came back from EDC in Las Vegas and some of them were absolutely incredible he liked memes just go to a music festival and just experience the totems whether you enjoy the music or not it's a different story totems make it incredible crying Kim turn down for what I'm just gonna scroll through Google and just see what you see because there's too many to cover there really is way too many to cover here oh they're all so good they're all so good feel free to pause the video and just experience some of these reminds me [Laughter] when I've been to the subreddit before it's just wholesome that is fantastic reminds me of taking a bath I'm good okay yeah I'm gonna go but because I have a live mic you're gonna hear everything I'm gonna do in the kitchen anyway you thought I was kidding nope I'm gonna grab veggie straws hell yeah Zorich king nope wait a minute I'm actually why am i cleaning the dishes welcome to content in 2019 I'm literally just washing the dishes lost recording hope you're all having a spiffing time please subscribe ty can you put on the animation now thank you you actually just zoom out of the entire video I just actually show people where it is and boom there it is thank you ty eyes you can also show them one of my Instagram and Twitter is that'll be great hey that's my boy right there ty I don't know why I torture you this way five four three two one and welcome back to the content windows Bing windows program exists windows I think it stopped working I think we should kill it or you've got Sony Vegas who will just end itself I need the car we've drunk in their garden exists what in God's name is that yes we all threw that as a car functionality-wise it's a train wreck this is not okay alright I appreciate them going through with it but this is not okay a girl highest from salt and warehouse closet we'll be done no he's not no he's not you're lying you're lying guys I haven't played siege but I used to play the hell at a Rainbow Six Vegas - it reminds me my squad rolling I'm trying to find the last person in the non multiplayer game basic the oh no oh no god it's the little things in life otherwise sprayed by the water just a reminder for those who maybe you know 12 13 years old whatever the help you never actually grow up you know you look at people whenever you're like 15 16 and they're like 17 18 or a year or two above you and you're like they're so old they're so wise and then there's me 24 I'm still young in comparison to a lot of people but I still have no idea I talked about 30 40 50 year old friends they have no idea I realized my parents who are now 60 they have no idea the world goes around in a circle with everyone not really knowing what's going on just to give you some motivation for the future like what am i taxed isn't the one about rent person you're renting us probably doesn't have any idea I've passed this every day it always seems like someone caught it alive where do you work oh the medical building Oh we'll see dress up one two three four I will you do there it's the surgery sit I'm feeling it's gotta be some like undercover like FBI CIA building where everyone just thinks it's a joke but you go in there there's some messed-up stuff happening in there I couldn't relate to this because I used to live in a place called a 1 2 3 4 I'm not gonna say the name of the address or whatever just the first numbers it could be anywhere I lived in one two three four and when you're on the phone with someone they think it's a lie I've been called out twice people going no but really where do you live am I to tell you is there a one two three four fake street one two three four fake streets for sale top the market damn it I want to live there but at the same time I really don't people ask why name Justin's nut butter after myself hosta give me a battery it's because I'm very proud of each flavor wheatcraft I I can't not think about it in the way you are - because I've dedicated years to perfecting my one-of-a-kind grinding and because of all the hard work it takes to make these delicious recipes I have very little energy to come up with clever names just ask my son - oh no no don't do that don't know or my daughter Justin yeah you're one of a kind grinding process just ask my daughter oh yes my nut butter i perfected over years of grinding on my daughter and everyone the company went haha XD how I fly under the radar using my exes Netflix - Captain James my brother if you're watching this because I'm the only page for the Netflix account my family okay I have my mom my brother and my brother's worker wherever you used to work if you start pulling that I will end you James okay don't don't even do it don't even do it I might here putting my money on the way that baby looks so old I'm sorry I was just scrolling I wasn't even finish to that part a little bit oh my I'm sorry I was just so distracting get that man a Guinness get that get that small child again us oh why why oh it looks like Charlie's 54 years old and been working in the coal mines all his life wife sent me this after picking up our dog after surgery today says he's still under the influence that dog is gone a dog is in a different planet altogether someone just threw something in my window hello would you like something the bird just flew up my window there's a bird a burgess blue of my window just took me way off track the eclipse of 2017 let's have a look another builder clip so dumb it's so stupid it's so stupid what you builders look like they're having the most fun I feel like some people who are working towards becoming like you know a building a site manager or something like that they just see the dumb videos online we're like you know okay all right last one my kid sleeps like you fell down in family there's no need my life you guys won't watch another video videos about to end is you go over here and just continue washing or you can subscribe or get submissive manner he's gonna grow up to be an absolute Saint absolute Saint you're doing great sweetie you're doing fun I just finish the video with the family guy one have a good one guys see you tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Mini Ladd
Views: 3,320,926
Rating: 4.9389997 out of 5
Keywords: Mini, Ladd, MiniLadd, subreddit, reddit, #1, First, Best Of, Compilation, Montage, Hilarious, r/, New, fail, funny, reddit funny, biggest reddit, r/funny
Id: 9euEQHu0Rho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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