r/NiceGirls BEST Of ALL TIME Posts

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First: There was the NICE GUYS... And, by popular request, then there was the nice...girls? Ah, we're starting with Twitter. The cesspool that is. I just been to Starbucks with Josh and I was in a mood so I said I didn't want anything and he actually didn't get me anything anyone want a useless boyfriend? HA HA HA HA HA Ah, it's crazy how life works: when you don't ask for something, and don't get it... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA We're out here in 2019 Twitter bitching, where people ask for stuff and don't get it... She's in 3019, where she doesn't even ask for stuff and not get any complaints about it. WHOLE DIFFERENT LEAGUE. Relationship advice: counterargument; "If he loves me, he should just know." Rebuttal: JUST. F*CKING. TELL US. WHAT. YOU WANT. EASY. We got you! Just let us know. Let us know. Alright, this one has nearly 12,000 likes. It's gon' be SPICY. If your girlfriend cheats on you, you need To understand that you lacked something that made her cheat, So instead of leaving her for another girl find out the error in yourself, Apologize to her and be a better man What if a guy cheats on you? He's a scum! (Craig laughing) Not "He is scum..." He is a scum! Let's recap. If your girlfriend cheats on you, the MAN is supposedly meant to apologize for "not being good enough." THAT'S SOME BULLSHIT! How about in a nice, healthy relationship: DON'T CHEAT. This is more of just me telling the world how to have a real relationship. It's not even me telling the world! COMMON SENSE. Is not a thing, nowadays. And it makes your boy sad. Can we get 10 likes on this video? God dammit. Oh, here we go. :) Text conversations; perfect. *Clears throat* What The Fuck PATHETIC! Pretending you don't care just 'cause you didn't get a chance with me, loooool. Fucking Man Whore. Hope your next girlfriend gives you AIDS Ooooookay I see I dodged a bullet. Have a wonderful evening! -I don't think we had a spark. -Don't worry, I didn't think we had a spark. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? r/NiceGirls OR...double standards. If you wanna hate yourself, clap your hands! *Pewdiepie Double-Clap™* *Laughing* Oh my God, I love my boyfriend so much... BUT THAT'S THE BIGGEST WANG I'VE EVER SEEN! HOLY SH- This isn't a rant about girls being unfaithful; Guys can be equally as unfaithful. If you're not happy in a relationship... DUMP THEM. *Pewdiepie Double-Clap™* If you're not happy in a relationship... DUMP THEM. *Pewdiepie Double-Clap™* Didn't think I had to tell you that...but here we are. Whoo, 2019's gonna be a good year! It's drinking time! My English was just- It auto-corrected. *Confused scoff* *Laughter* Let's scroll back a little bit... I thought you were a gentleman, but you're not a gentleman. YOU'RE GAY. *More laughter* Figure that one out, society! Also, if you're on a date with someone, and all they can talk about is making out with someone else, RUN! Don't even try and go back for it, There is no point. (muffled) UNLESS SHE GOT A FAT ASS... OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH SHIT! KOBE! *Mouse crashes into something* F*CK F*CK F*CK F*CK!! Excuse me ma'am, would you like some help with your things?- RRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! *Wheezing laughter* I think the beautiful thing about this, if you watched my NiceGuys episode: Guys are f*ckin' weirdos! This episode proves that girls are f*ckin' weirdos! And we're just in the middle... Just...sane. Y'know? Be okay with that, okay? *Laughter* Trust me, ladies. Okay? Not all guys are gonna cheat. We don't all just smell p*ssy and be like: UHHHHHH I NEED TO F*CK! This is probably gonna be the same person who wonders why they can't find anyone. HHMMMMMMMMMMMMMM... RAWR. I don't know why I'm getting really manly and aggressive... When someone's in a relationship, There's a barrier! There's a- fckin...There's a barrier, kay? No! Do not be a home wrecker. Do not be that person. When they're in a relationship, They're out. They're not in the party. They're not in question. Just because you're a horny, needy, little bitch... Doesn't mean you gotta do shit. Just go and take your ugly and fat self somewhere else! There's a beautiful app called Tinder, where you can f*ck...ANYTHING. Actually to be fair, we found out last time there were some crazy b*tches on there, so... I don't know, figure it out! Ah, we got Soph here. UGLYy nooooooooo... Noooooooooooo hoo hoo! Solidify the deal with being a racist! Hoo hoo! I don't know who you are, man, but you just dodged the BIGGEST BULLET of your life! What can I say? B*tches be cray! *Corny laughter* Darling, darling! Darling! And then there was a gap of nothing... For like 2 weeks and then: After not saying anything for 2 weeks! by the beginning, their conversation is null, Not riveting; nothing is happening. I mean, you can appreciate her being EXTRAORDINARILY direct with her needs... She's just skipping over getting to know him, foreplay... Whatever the hell you want, Getting to know their parents... SHE JUST WANNA F*CK! I think the scariest part of that entire thing is the fact that she recorded herself having sex, Was proud of it, and is sending it to the world, nonchalant. I don't know about you, but I would NEVER video me having sex because... I think I'm doing a great job. But from the outside, it could be a whole different story, and that's me demoralized, FOREVER! Ah, nothing's gonna get me off more than watching MYSELF! YIKES. Just the: If you have to say that in a relationship...you've got baby girl with the 2 pink hearts at the top... If you knew where that was gonna go...RUN AWAY. Run very, very fast away! Oh...Christ, no... (Tone gets more and more aggressive as it goes) Who's this? It's Katie from the bar HA HA I'm sorry I don't know you, I think you have the wrong number. I love how- It went so Russian at the end! (In thick Russian accent) *laughter* I love how she said, "I didn't even like you anyways," yet continued to say "hey" 7 DIFFERENT TIMES. Alright, I think I'm gonna leave it there. But before you go don't forget that Twitter is up here, Go check out my Instagram as well. Everything you need to know: Links are down below. Link me your favorite Reddits and I'll be sure to go over and hate ourselves even more! And if you don't subscribe, I will be VERY sad But with that being said, like, subscribe all that stuff I'll talk to y'all in the next one Subreddit videos on the right, and another regular video on the left. Don't make Mini sad; Subscribe. He's moving to Oregon so goodbye setup :(
Channel: Mini Ladd
Views: 3,839,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mini, Ladd, MiniLadd, subreddit, reddit, #1, First, Best Of, Compilation, Montage, Hilarious, r/, New, nicegirls, r/nicegirls, reddit nice girls, nice, girls
Id: jai6TAnfmtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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