Royal Marine Reacts To The Most Gangster Marine Of All Time - Dan Daly

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what's up everybody and today we're checking out the most gangster Marine of all time Dan daily this is by the fat electrician uh I've watched a few of his videos now and they're absolutely brilliant I was recommended this one it was supposed to go up on Monday but it's going up today on Friday instead I'm not going to get into it I'll tell you why maybe when I go live next week I plan on going live and doing a live stream I've still got a cold I swear to God for the past hour I've been on the brink of sneezing so if I look like this the whole time through this video you know it's because I may or may not just sneak sneeze randomly because I have been on the brink of sneezing for ages now and it's not come so there you go and I've said it and now it's getting worse if you want to watch the video without me waing over the top it'll be down in the description as always it's at the start of the description go down there go over to the fat electrician give him a subscribe because his videos are absolutely brilliant make sure you like his videos and all that good stuff it's really worth doing it um what do I need to say before we get started links down in the description for everything um all my recording gear is down in the descript description if you want to check that out and if you want to see me play more video games which might be a possibility very soon let me know in the comment section because we may just do that other than that let's shut up let's check out why Dan Dy is apparently the most gangster Marine ever all right go ahead and make your prediction now who would win in a fight 200 Kung Fu practitioners with melee weapons or one Marine with a machine gun what today we're trying about the most gangster Marine ever a man so remarkable that generally surely that's just some sort of joke surely that's not like a real thing right right Lun himself would declare him to be the most outstanding Marine of all time a man that was so Fierce on the battlefield that General Smedley D Butler one of only two marines to ever receive the Medal of Honor twice would declare him to be the fightingest Marine he ever knew ladies and gentlemen the only other to receive the Medal of Honor twice sergeant major Dan Daly in New York on November 11th 1873 Dan Dy would grow up competing as an amateur boxer as well as working as a paper boy and while working as a paper boy might seem like the useless details you throw in at the beginning to humanize the main character in this case it's anything but because him working as a Pap boy would create a butterfly effect through time that would change the US military as a whole you got to remember that this is a late can we just appreciate how well done and how well researched the fat electrician's videos are please go over and like his videos and subscribe if you're not already you really should be because his videos are genuinely fantastic they really are some of the best on the internet I'm telling you right now 1800s and information and news didn't spread the same way it does today so working as a paper boy back then meant that he always got the newspaper meaning that he had more information at his fingertips than 99% of the population isn't that mental no internet and so you get all your information from the newspaper which could very easily just be propaganda like they could be writing anything there and people would believe it it's I mean there's a lot of that on the internet these days but you get what I'm saying right like it's just crazy that that's even a that was a thing back then because of this he would be able to closely follow the exploits of future president Theodore Roosevelt and his famous Rough Rider all throughout the Spanish am war and this would go on to be his inspiration to join the US Marine Corps hoping that he too would be able to fight in the Spanish amican War so that's exactly what he would do on January 10th 1899 when Dan Dy would enlist in the United States Marine Corps at the age of 16 years old coming in at only 5'6 and 135 lb but hey as the old adage goes it's not about the size of the dog and the fight it's about the size of the fight and the dog I join the role Marines at 16 in fact you can sign up to the British military When You're 15 and months old and I signed up on the day I remember having it on the calendar I am 15 in 9 months on this day and I went to the careers office and signed up for the raw Marines I was still I still had another year left in high school which you finish back then you finished high school at 16 in the UK and so like I had I was only like I was 15 in nine months it was the summer holidays between the last two years of school and I signed up spent the whole year getting fit for the Marines doing the tests and then as soon as I got out of school and I was 16 I went into training crazy right you shouldn't be able to join it that young you really shouldn't but hey here I am today with all the issues I've got because of it you see the real problem here wasn't his stature but the fact that he joined to fight in the Spanish American War and the Spanish American war ended on December 10th 1898 exactly one month prior to his enlistment date but the news hadn't spread that far yet so he ships off to training anyways so fast forward he finishes up training realizing the Spanish American War is Over he's kind of like me I mean the I don't really know much about the Spanish American war if I'm honest with you I probably should know more about it considering I'm a US citizen but I just don't know much about it Spanish got off lucky can't help it I mean let's face it I'm going to get the action I'm looking for at some point right this is America we've been a country for like 124 is years at this point we've been not in armed conflict for all of like 45 seconds at this point surely something's going to pop up soon so he end put on ship Duty over in the asianic fleet on the USS Newark and sure enough like after a month of being there the Boxer Rebellion breaks out and guess another one I have no idea about the Boxer Rebellion I have nothing I have no clue about this whose ship is the closest one to be able to respond Dan Dy all right real quick oversimplified explanation of what the Boxer Rebellion is in case you have absolutely no idea at this point in time China had really just been opened up to the rest of the world and foreign influence is just flooding in you have Western businesses going in there trying to make money you've got Western govern can we just be amazed at how quickly China's changed from back then where there wasn't much going on in China to now where they're like a Powerhouse of the whole world crazy in it government's going in there being like hey you guys want some democracy and then you had missionaries going trying to spread Christianity and all of this influence came so fast so quick that a large portion of the Chinese population felt that it was too much too soon and they started to push back and started a nationalist movement part of as what would happen let's be honest that's inevitable going to happen that there's going to be people that are against these foreigners coming in happens in every country right people get angry that foreigners are coming into their country and so China is going to do it as well and that's what the Rebellion is that makes sense it happens everywhere around the world doesn't it as soon as a country starts getting big enough to have influence from outside people get angry about it this nationalist movement was a bunch of young men that practiced Kung Fu now to somebody from the West Kung Fu looks an awful lot like Shadow Boxing so they just refer to these young men as boxers hence the term Boxer Rebellion these boxers got together started their own little club called the the Society of the righteous and harmonious Fist and then proceeded to run around beating the [ __ ] out of Andor killing every foreign Diplomat businessman and missionary they can find and it is at that point that the Marines get that's crazy sent him so private daily and the rest of the Marine can we just like be amazed the fact that the the US Marines were in China like sarting this out like think about if that would happen today show up to Ping China which would later go on to become known as Beijing the capital China at which point they promptly immediately take over a large legation Center on the southern border wall of the city known as the tartar wall they then gather up all the refugees they can find get them inside the legation center and set up a defensive perimeter things are going well now we're just waiting for reinforcements problem hours and hours go by the reinforcements don't show up and it's about to be dark out so at this point the Marine leadership's thinking like hey the reinforcements are definitely on the way they wouldn't just leave us here which means the reinforcements have gotten lost because I mean let's face it if there was ever a time or a place where the directions of of go to the giant building on the big [ __ ] wall wasn't specific to goes to the wrong Wall go to the Great Wall of Cher instead enough it would be in China right I mean they're known for their big ass walls it's kind of their thing so they're lost out there we need to go find them before nighttime otherwise they're going to get ambushed I feel like I'm on the same wavelength as him by like a thousand of these Kung Fu guys and they're all going to get killed so we're all going to leave go find the reinforcements and come back private daily you're going to stand guard here by yourself now I don't know what the I don't know if it was like [ __ ] private daily he's the new guy he can have the shitty job or if it was like Hey private da is a new guy this mission's really dangerous let's leave him here where it's safe or I think it was probably a bit of both it happens all the time in the military the younger people get the shot end of the stick believe me I know or maybe they knew he was the main character and that he had plot armor I have no idea either way private daily is now effectively playing goalie for America for all of these refugees so sure enough like an hour after all the other Marines leave hundreds of boxer Rebels show up and they're looking for a fight now a couple of them have guns like muskets and stuff really outdated Weaponry by and large they're all carrying traditional Chinese martial arts weapons like that's going to do nothing though is it let's be honest SWS bow staffs what have you some of them are even just rocking the old meat mittens but they're looking for a fight either way and this is shaping up to be one of the most ridiculous battles of all time I mean this is the type of stuff you get drunk at the bar and ask your buddy like hey you think you could take on all 300 Spartans if you had a machine gun like that's exactly what's about to go on here I mean in one corner you've got an 18-year-old Marine with a machine gun and in the other corner you have 200 martial artists with like bow staffs and [ __ ] you liter mental isn't it that's absolutely crazy surely you just good them all down though it wouldn't be a big deal as long as they don't close the distance have Gung Fu versus kung fu okay and here's the kicker with the entire thing the Society of the righteous and harmonious fist legitimately and wholeheartedly believes that their martial arts training has made them impervious to bullets classic yeah classic Indiana Jones yeah so this entire horde of kung fu fighters just starts running at daily as fast as they can as he opens fire with his machine gun and they fight well into the night the rest of the Marines were a couple miles away they found the reinforcements but now it's too dark for them to travel in this it's surely he just guns them all down surely it's terrible it's like D-Day style but the people invading don't don't make it I guess most of the people in dday didn't make it anyway did they ring City at night safely so they've adopted a little defensive position and they're just holding position until daylight they're literally forced to just sit there and listen to the machine gun fire and the yelling and the screaming and machine gun fire machine gun fire and then suddenly the machine gun runs out of ammo and then there's bolt action rifle fire bolt action rifle fire he gets the machine gun reloaded there's more machine gun fire and this goes on for hours and then it progressively just gets slower and there's less machine gun fire and less screaming and less machine gun fire and less screaming and then suddenly it just stops at this point the Marines have to accept the fact that their friend has just died courageously in battle fighting an entire by himself because they left him alone and all the civilians that they've been tasked with protecting are going to be slaughtered and imagine how many confirmed kills this guy's got that's scary in itself isn't it let's be honest now all they can do is sit there and wait for the sun to come up so the sun comes up and the Marines start making their way back to the legation center but they're kind of dragging their feet because well they know what they're going to find they're really just there to recover the remains of private daily and make sure that those are taken care of and they start making their way there and as they get closer they're like man private daily really took out a lot of these guys that's impressive and they get closer and like holy [ __ ] this just like piles and piles of people oh my God [ __ ] he took out a ton of these guys this is the most aerodynamic Mass grave I've ever seen and they get to the top of the wall and there's private daily smoking his pipe leaning up against his machine gun and they're like holy [ __ ] you made it he's like yeah why wouldn't I what we heard the machine gun stop firing and we just assumed that you'd been killed he's like no no no no no I only quit firing because they quit coming Dan Dy has effectively pulled off the impossible he has single-handedly defeated 200 Rebels by himself saving all of the civilians as well as saving the day all the Marines are like holy [ __ ] we're going to nominate this guy for the Medal of Honor because this is incredible all the businessmen and the delegates are like oh my God we've seen what one Marine imagine the morale of every yeah like imagine they've seen what one Marine can do and there's like loads of them there morale must be through the roof can do and now we've got 1,200 Marines we're definitely going to make it out of this alive hooray and all the missionaries are like oh my God this is not what we meant when we said we wanted to make these people more holy short you're definitely going to make him holy with a machine gun let's be honest after this Dan Dy would be awarded first medal of honor for the battle and then he would go on to continue serving in the Marine Corps as if nothing had happened okay fast forward 15 years now Sergeant Dy has been involved in every military conflict the US has for the past two decades he is one of the most experienced combat veterans in the entire US military and he is a living legend in the Marine Corps and on October 24th of 1915 Gunnery Sergeant Dy would find himself leading a platoon of men through so he's a gun Sergeant at this point during the kacos Rebellion just after another Rebellion I know nothing about I should really know more these different smaller Wars that the the US was involved with shouldn't I being a US citizen and all that lot I should know this stuff his entire company would cross a river his entire company would be attacked on all three sides by over 400 cockos Rebels forcing them to retreat back and while doing so the horse carrying the Cru Ser machine gun would be shot and sink to the bottom of the river as the remaining Marines continued to cross the river before adopting a defensive position to repel the attack until Nightfall it is now pitch black outside and Gunnery Sergeant Dy knows as soon as the sun comes up they are going to get attacked again and the only chance they have is to get that machine gun back from the bottom of the river so he takes off B himself in the dark of night goes all the way back to the river and just begins diving to the bottom of the river trying to find this dead horse with the machine gun strapped to it and after hours of trying he finally finds this horse manages how did he in the middle of the night how does he manage that to go down untie the machine gun come back up for air go back down again getting pieces ammunition the gun itself the tripod he gathers up all of this stuff gets it out of the river and then straps it to his back and carries it back to his men bear in mind that is over 200 lb of equipment and this guy is 56 135 lbs but he gets it done anyways is this is this real surely like holy crap they should make a movie about him now Marines believe in a couple things when it comes to a gunfight number one bring a gun number two bring friends with guns number three decide to be aggressive enough quickly enough if you're not picking up what I'm put down I'm trying to tell you that he is not about to use this machine gun for self-defense he's about to use this machine gun for self offense first thing in the morning he gets his men together they launch an attack first scattering the enemy into the jungle retreating and Dy has effectively saved himself and all of his men earning himself his second Medal of Honor fast forward this guy's a beast isn't he this guy's an absolute Beast no wonder he's loved in the core wow for two yearsun June 1st 1917 it's World War I and Daly is now a first sergeant leading an entire platoon of young inexperienced Marines into the Battle of bellawood if you don't know the battle of bellawood the Germans are just rampaging through France making a beline right towards Paris and at bellawood the US Army the Marine Corps the French Army and the British army all get together to stop the German military in their tracks now this made it not only a strategic battlefield but a symbolic Battlefield because how dare you stop the mighty German military now they're going to hit back twice as hard just to prove that it was a fluke because of this right after they stopped the German milit I could listen to this guy the fat electrician tell these stories all day he's really really really good at telling stories just storytelling as an art is really good at it very good and he he just keeps you engaged the whole time doesn't it like it's almost hard for me to keep commentary on this video because I just want to keep listening like he's really good at it it's almost like on the same level as Mr Balin obviously it's a different genre but Mr Balin who is also ex-military is very very good at storytelling and keeps you engaged the whole time he does the same thing on June 1st the French military is like okay we stopped him let's take the W and head back to Paris and we'll fight from there we don't want to get slaughtered in this wood line by the Germans because they're pissed and it is at this point that the Marine leadership famously responded by saying and I quote Retreat hell we just got here and then the Marine Corps pretty much Dawns their gas masks fixes bayonets and proceeds to fight their ass off for the next 26 days straight okay here's I need you to understand on paper the Marine Corps should absolutely not win this fight they are both outnumbered and outclassed the German military is one of the most veteran fighting militaries on the planet at this point in time and the Marine Corps is primarily comprised of a bunch of 18-year-old kids that have never seen combat however leading those 18-year-old kids is a bunch of [ __ ] badasses like Dan Daly okay this video started with him being a paper boy from New York he is now a 45-year-old man with two Medals of Honor that has been in the Marine imagine that being your freaking leader do you know what I mean your sergeant two medal of honors like he's going to inspire isn't it like he's going to make he's going to get you ready to fight easily and you're going to be you're going to fight for him no matter what absolute crazy isn't it course since he was 16 years old this man is a grizzled veteran that has been there done that and has a T-shirt and he is about to Dawn his plot armor and [ __ ] [ __ ] up so the battle kicks off on June 1st pretty much immediately first sergeant dy's lieutenant gets shot and he is now out of the fight okay okay if you don't know what that means the officer is the one guy on the battlefield that sort of kind of pretends like he gives a [ __ ] and he is now gone the regulator is off the War Machine and First Sergeant Dan Dy is now in charge of his entire company unopposed fast forward June 5th German artillery strikes the I don't say yes as in like the officer got shot and that's a good thing because it's not at all but the fact that Dan Daly is now in charge is a big yes amunition Depot lighting everything on fire Dan Dy leads his entire platoon in sets the fire out prevents all the ammunition from exploding saves the entire battle fast forward 5 days June 10th the German machine gun squad would try to advance on dy's company Dy would get up by himself with nothing but three frag grenades and his Colt 1911 using the three grenades to disable the machine gun before approaching shooting their commanding officer killing him and taking the other 14 Germans as prisoners of War fast forward a couple hours still June 10th Dan Dy looks around around at the faces of the young men that he's leading through this battle and they're looking tired they're looking like this is the worst time of their life and it is at this point that Dan daily decides that he needs to get aggressive enough quickly enough this battle's affective people don't realize how difficult it is to get people turned around when they're in a state of um despair in a way right we used to call it the wrapped w a p p d wrapped w a yeah PP wrapped um and it's when uh people like when someone's wet and cold and they just stand there used to call it the wrapped pos position you know what I mean and it's just like people who give up and getting people to turn around in that in that frame of mind is very very difficult it's very difficult even if you had a friend that was in that state of mind when you were in training you would try and talk to and be like you've got this and there'd be some sort of motivation there but it'd be very very difficult so to get you know your whole PL platoon to do that been a stalemate for the last 10 days and he's had enough of this [ __ ] so he gets up walks right out into the open in this wheat field that's functioning as no man's land between the Marines and the Germans he looks at the Germans line turns around looks at his Marines and yells come on you sons of [ __ ] do you want to live forever before charging at the German line all of his Marines that's Dan [ __ ] Daly were going to follow him so they charge too in an act of hyperaggression Dan dy's company catch the Germans offu and would actually manage to punch through their line causing all the other Marines to become hyper aggressive and attack as well effectively setting off a chain do you want to live forever oh it's like the whole like Lord of the Rings Aragon thing where he's talking in Elish and then he bursts out and goes I'll die as one of them and everyone else is like what the [ __ ] did he just say action that would lead to the Marine Corps pushing the Germans all the way out of Bellwood over the course of the next 16 days where on June 26 American High command would receive a single Telegram and I quote woods now Marine Corps entirely giving America its first win in World War I and the Marine Corps its new moniker due to the blatant hyperaggression of the Marines the Germans began calling them the toel hundan or the Devil Dogs and it's all because of the actions of First Sergeant Dan Dy after the battle of bellawood Dy would continue to serve throughout world War I until on the 11th Hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 the Germans would surrender effectively ending World War I which is why in America we celebrate Veterans Day on November 11th which is also by sheer coincidence I'm sure Dan dy's birthday the guy that's actually pretty crazy isn't it that it's his birthday on the same day yeah and obviously in Britain we we celebrate that day as well and pay respects on that day as Well's the main character I don't know what to tell you so then because Dan was like the badass at the Battle of bellawood he gets put up for yet another Medal of Honor potentially becoming the first man in American history to pull off the medal of H hatrick getting the threp absolutely everybody that was there that day all signs off on it his men his chain of command they do the paperwork they send it off to DC to get this man's medal then the political side is like no absolutely not we don't care if he earned it or not it's not about getting what you deserve it's about doing what we think is fair and we don't think it's fair that he should get three Medals of Honor so we're just not going to give it to him because we said so go [ __ ] yourself so instead that's mental that isn't it it's like when I saw um you got the Victoria Cross here in Britain which is like the most prestige and we don't give medals out as much as America does like if you get a Victoria Cross I think how many raw Marines have got the Victoria Cross I think it's having nine is it nine oh my God I should know this cuz I knew it like the back of my hand is it nine or is it 11 oh it's 10 right in the middle it's 10 there's only ever been 10 people awarded the Victoria Cross in the Royal Marines right and I don't know how real it is but I was told in training that the reason there's less Royal Marines that get the Victoria Cross compared to you know other AB Services is because the higher command expects us to do extraordinary things and so you don't get awarded it as much which almost sounds ridiculous in a way doesn't it dead they go ahead and they give him the distinguished service cross and the Navy cross which if you don't know both of those are like tied for the second highest military honor because apparently second plus second equals first I guess anyways so he gets those instead and then bear in mind this is 1919 right after World War I like a month later in 1919 the military creates a new law that you're only allowed to earn one of Honor okay Dan Daly is so [ __ ] gangster they literally had to change the rules on how many times you're allowed to achieve the highest honor in the military that's absolutely mental isn't it after World War I he would retire as a sergeant major having turned down becoming a commissioned officer on multiple occasion citing that he would rather be an outstanding Sergeant than just another officer he would then go oh that's a burn no wonder they wouldn't give him a medal that's a burn right there to work as a bank security guard where for s 1 years he would be the living embodiment of the world's shittiest lottery ticket for anybody dumb enough to try to rob that bank could you imagine just being some bank robber trying to get some quick cash and you run into the most gangster Marine of all time okay I'm just going to throw it out there he didn't retire from being a bank security guard until 1936 and John Dillinger's bank robbing spree was from 1933 to 1934 so for a couple of years there there was a significantly greater than 0% chance that the world almost got the Ultimate Clash of the bank robbing gangster and the most gangster Marine to ever live and I'm going to go ahead and write that down in my book as the coolest thing to never actually happen in conclusion Mark absolutely incredible this story isn't it they've not made a movie about this guy yet Dan D cuz they really should have is frequently accredited with the famous quote it's not about the size of the dog and the fight but the size of the fight and the dog when in reality it wasn't Mark Twain that said that first it was actually Dwight D Eisenhower five-star Army General and the 34th president of the United States somebody that would have known good and well who sergeant major Dan Dy was and I think that maybe just maybe he had that 5'6 135lb devil dog on his mind when he came up with that quote thank you for watching best way to support story fat electrician well done for telling that so concised and so well put please go over to his channel let's just let him finish off his he deserves to hang out I cannot believe that my favorite character from Starship Troopers is actually based off Dan daily and I had no idea really you hate you want to live forever I expect the best I didn't know that that's hilarious and I give the best I did not know that that was great good his storytelling is so on point it's so well concise where there's no dips there's no like lows and boring points it's absolutely perfect well done well done what a great one of the best videos I've watched on YouTube in a long long time not just for the fact that the story is incredible but the way it was told absolutely brilliant please go over look right here subscribe to his channel right here and like his video right here okay guys please make sure you go and do that there'll be a link down in the description other than that I will see you next week I love you all have a wonderful day goodbye
Channel: OriginalHuman
Views: 60,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the fat electrician reaction, fat electrician, navy, usa military, fat electrician pirates reaction
Id: FPsn_Q90A8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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