Royal Marine Reacts To YouTuber Range Day - Brandon Herrera

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what's up everybody and today we're checking out we hosted the biggest YouTuber range Day Ever by Brandon Herrera ever since I've been reacting to these gun tubers Brandon Herrera ganthor um administrative results uh Demolition Ranch uh there's probably more that I haven't even done yet but ever since I've been reacting to them they've been telling me to do two things I have one go on the uh unsubscribed podcast which I was already chatting to the fat electrician in Instagram a couple weeks back I think it was and he was like Hey if you if you know when you're back in America cuz I am an American citizen he said when you're back in America just you know give us a DM and we'll s it out um and then the second thing is people are always like you should go to the range day and I have no idea like is this like an invitation only thing is there something that you can just rock up to and so I've got a video by Brandon Herrera five months ago where they had the YouTube arrange day we're going to watch it we're going to have some fun we're going to take a look and we're going to see what it's all about again like always if you want to watch the original video which you totally should do you should go over to Brandon herrera's Channel it'll be down in the description first line of the description it always is right there go over to his channel subscribe like and all that good stuff okay guys um do we have anything to say before I get started I don't know when this video is going out I've bulk recorded a bunch of videos because I'm away on vacation and so I honestly don't know when this video is going to go out but I do know that when I get back right now it's Friday the 14th when I get back at the the end of next week I'm potentially going to be doing more games let me know what you think about that anyway let's shut up let's pull this up oh and if you want to check out all the stuff I record with my audio setup my roadcast Duo My Stream deck my computer my monitors my lights my camera my headphones my mic everything down in the description for links anyway let's shut up let's check this out what's going on right now me and donut Operator just hosted the biggest donut operator is that one that I don't know is this a channel I don't know yeah I haven't seen this guy's Channel I'll have to check him out as well holy nearly five million subscribers I'll check his channel out with some point as well guys Creator range day of all time we invited YouTubers streamers Pro Fighters meme Lords my son to a private demolition ranch's brand new Range I brought out a ton of my personal machine gun sponsors brought some of their own guns and between me donut and demo we put on the biggest Creator range day ever that's sick so somebody's Landing in a helicopter and I don't know if we have a landing site for that or not I think we're about to figure the [ __ ] out though I hope they circle like several times they didn't know where they were so I assume it's him Kentucky biscus he's the guy that that is 50 cal or something blew up on him I was going to react to that but YouTube doesn't really doesn't really agree with that video all that much so just going to keep to the core rules of gun safety treat every gun here like it's loaded cuz most of them are know your Target and what's behind it in that case that means keep everything on the BM nothing goes over the BM keep your finger off the trigger till you're ready to shoot that means gun is loaded and on target and never Point your weapon at anything you're not willing to destroy which hopefully includes other people if you guys stick to those four rules everybody's going to have a good time and leave with as many holes as they came with welcome leave as many holes they came with that's brilliant he's going to start it off as it let's see how many like YouTubers I can recognize in this while we're while we're watching I'm going to turn it down a little bit though cuz it's just shooting now they got a 50 cal there The Undertaker no way holy [ __ ] sure [ __ ] it I'll shoot one this thing stupid Christ alive whoa three in Slug Jesus 120 oh my God hello my I already did wind that's so cool I shot that abomination of a gold shotgun dude we didn't expect it to be this [ __ ] people helping us out so I don't know that one unshot I'll be happy hey manel's fine many bitel this is our first real year doing this I feel like I don't know if it's invitation only or not but if it's not maybe next year I'll fly out and do this I'll happily fly out back to America and do this obviously I'm going to be back and forward between the UK and America for the rest of my life aren't I because I'm a citizen of both places we did one Creator range Day last year kind of a bigger one but it was [ __ ] nothing like this real quick shout out to just all the amazing sponsors who came out and help make this thing holy you guys were awesome and the people who came out love demoing some of the product you brought they really did something successful here didn't they [ __ ] red that's so cool I would love one we were talking about it the other day I'm like oh yeah cool it's like uh it's all the the good of the mutant without having the gay ar charging or the uh buffer tube it's even more in though yeah oh my God that's sick that's [ __ ] cool man The Recoil impulse on it is so much different than it isn't it it's different I'm not even saying it's like better or worse it's just different right this is so cool are you in I know I am greetings from the road touring District 23 right now I guess a sponsor I'm just going to go past the sponsor quick quickly guys it kicks like a shotgun it kicks like a shotgun yeah don't know who that is either homemade rocket launcher there's no way I shoot that 2 one oh God that's kind of dope there's no way I'd shoot that there's no way how are you doing dude [ __ ] can't compl the turnouts great yeah [ __ ] clearly dude this must have been the biggest amount of like admin you guys have ever had to go through we've had a really good team really yeah I see you guys is that the is that proper for um for Health [ __ ] like for a hospital no no no so that's uh one of the guys a rich guy it's a rich guy either like a medical thing or it's a rich dude it's either one of Sir hey administrative results I know that's why I kind you know dude you reach for the officer is Brendon small or is he large is he tall cuz he's he's towering over Brandon right now working up the courage to go for one of the cops handguns wait until they look really exhausted at the end of the day just I know how like a [ __ ] Beyblade like a Beyblade oh my God how are you sorry clean who's that clean spell with a with a K is this the same guy it just like uh is that the same guy I don't know if that's the same guy or not maybe it is yeah it looks like him so it does like gameplay stuff that's sick sword did our swordens just touch yeah they just holy crap the turnout is [Music] huge what's up boss how you doing man to meet there's so many people I don't know Taylor PKA Taylor PK yeah I'm I'm going to find that is that him absolutely manes this is kind bigger than we thought it was going to be a lot of people came I didn't know there'd be food trucks and vendors my Uber driver dropped me off like a half mile up he's like I'm not going any further like I was like I got out went to a little tent like an awkward idiot I was like just stopped the guy in a white van tics Labs I think ordinance Labb and like hey I ride with you there like get on in Sean's a psychopath that Mak sense yeah do you need them yeah do you are these better than these wait that tall guy isn't that the Canadian guy that used to do the eating Channel or it looks like him what was it called that channel they used to do like the crazy like food that they would eat you can try yeah yeah they are those are kind of dooky I was drunk last night and I talking about my childhood dream that I've always wanted to punch a congressman in the face and then I was like oh wait wait this could happen my dream could come true but we got you know hey Jack how you doing God you has nothing to do with anything I just I this has been going on for 30 years now like I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I just needed to sorry you're the first one I had access to up bud man oh I know him he was on The Joe Rogan podcast wasn't he calling Noir I'm pretty sure or yours just bumped that was kind of you know you know that means go together now Mr Kennedy sir how are you Kennedy holy [ __ ] I am well three hours I was really just raging at them I was like what the [ __ ] going him there I recognized him from the unsubscribed podcast as well forgot what his name is I think he's done some stuff with Black Rifle coffee company cuz remember I've actually spoke to Black Rifle Coffee Company quite a few times I had when I was doing a podcast I had one of the lads on there I'm actually you know I wouldn't say friends with them but acquaintances with Black Rifle coffee companies that's pretty cool say hey and how can I support you guys I'm pretty sure he's done stuff them like [ __ ] I'm overwhelmed I'm going to leave yeah it's kind of been it's been a lot of ping but we still have four hours for people to Sho Tim Ken Tim Kennedy's there that's sick I I I rebuke those words listen to me Jesus no I got a gun while almost school's yours I'm working on it so Sergeant I don't know this guy either everybody has has to start somewhere you know I don't have an just collector oh well that's [ __ ] more impressive then yeah that's uh I hope you surpass me one day hi guys Savvy here we're here with Mr President future Mr President Congressman I don't know who she is either if you can make out with any male here who would it be and why is it Eli oh it already is Eli it's been Eli it's always beeni it's also like he just he feels like he'd be a good little spoon as well this looks like a great time doesn't it I'm got to go to this next year I'll have to find out what it is next year or if they're going to do another one I'd totally fly out to do this so dude what the [ __ ] is this so it's a 50 cal plasma pump I call it it's electrically ignited a solenoid rocking mechanism so the the pump trigger here unlocked it this uh solenoid is basically just a locking bar probably a little bit more of a sophisticated firing setup than my uh my pipe gun just a little bit although I have heard rumors that the Shinzo AB guy uh stole my design cuz really he was oh I did actually hear that he was using um he was basically using a bridge wire which is my original designs used a bridge wire with black powder but yeah Japanese uh Japanese media at least blamed me so oops that's worth something yeah straight malfunction straight malfunction Epic Meal Time that's the one holy [ __ ] I used to watch them tons back in the day holy crap is he still making content or did they stop they're still doing stuff holy [ __ ] that's crazy I was doing a podcast now it's a podcast yeah fair play to him that's so cool I've ever seen the guy's a giant delete that up good finally meet you man how are you wait that was him from black RAF Cofe comp there I forgot his name I had him on the podcast over here on the left what's [ __ ] his name I'm so annoyed that I forgot his name and I'm here I'm saying that I'm acquaintances with him I've literally had him on my podcast a while back I'm I'm an embarrassment let me get it up real quick the the video and when I say let me get it up real quick I mean the video okay guys podcast there we go jarard Taylor or Jared Taylor Mr Taylor yeah he is one of the co-owners of Black Rifle Coffee Company right here just over this guy's shoulder here really really nice guy like I had a good I had a good chat with him before and after the podcast super nice guy how are you Sam H I don't know who that is dude thanks for coming out [Applause] [Applause] just rounds going constantly I'm surprised people can even talk to each other oh the fat electrician I believe you for our grand finale World of Warships donated a nice H1 Humvee for us to well destroy what what hey CE fire will be on a siren his horn doesn't work police siren so I think we're about to do a mad minute on a perfectly functional kind of sad about that that's amazing it's their hve their hve their rules thank you oh my God wow that's unreal isn't it 50 CG going and everything Christ [Music] almighty that was crazy that's sick I got to get your out to this i'mna I love you I love everybody here maybe I can convince uh Ryan gendi Commando to fly out with me I'll show him America My other Home Country got to go home you got to get the [ __ ] out of here all right I think we nailed it right all right beauti so that was awesome thank you so much to the creators out hopefully you guys had a good time thank you to the rsos for making sure that everybody was safe nobody got injured I know crazy right a line full of machine guns ammo helicopters explosions and you know somehow everybody's able to be safe it's it's kind of wild it's like as long as you're safe nothing bad happens weird thought huge shout out again to the sponsors this was an expensive thing to put on just from the amount of Manpower the guns the ammunition God it was a lot of ammunition you guys were awesome and you help make thisen I'm looking forward to seeing you guys back when we do this again speaking of doing this again let me know down in the comments other creators you'd like to have out influencers celebrities whoever you can think of the real objective of these events honestly I'll fly out and do it I really would is obviously to have a good time and to make sure everybody else has a good time but it's to take people who have an audience who have a following from other walks of life not just in the gun industry and showing them and showing their audience that you can be safe with guns there's safe ways to enjoy guns and they're not as SC as people think spreading the gospel of the Second Amendment so to speak in a safe healthy and fun way and now I appreciate you guys staying all the way to the end of the video and I will see you sexy YouTube mother lovers probably from the next video I have to make still on the campaign Trail oh yeah I forgot they was doing the campaign trailer around this time where I'm walking this is a hotel room oh there a bit of for at the end GTA that looks terrifying already one Nick scar I really don't want another one today just uh that was still one of my favorite bits from that [ __ ] I saw the edit before you guys put it out no Matt you don't have the neck meat great video anyway I'll leave a link down below to the original video if you want to go watch it if you want me to go let me know let me know message Brandon Herrera say hey Luke original human wants to go to Range day and I'll fly out to America I be it' be it'd be uh it' be a good laugh it be good life I don't need a visa cuz I'm a citizen USA USA anyway I digress there's a link down below to the original video if you want to go check out the original video which I highly recommend you do other than that I will see you in the next video I love you all have a wonderful day goodbye
Channel: OriginalHuman
Views: 29,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun, military stories, brandon herrera
Id: KnbqsYLvYr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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