"Royal Bay" FULL FILM [HD] - Joan Crawford Diane Baker (1963) aka "Della"

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[Music] this is the city of Morrell Bay something over 200,000 people counting my own splendid contributions I built the staff at boatyard here and raised my sons and saw my grandchildren grow up the boys still live and work in Royal Bay two of them went their own ways a long time ago but joelle my youngest stayed with his old man good hands good engineer yards mine now paid and clear [Music] well find a buddy of good what to do and even a nod to wander back to the place I came from that gracious old building his royal bass City Hall where I learned the fine art of political knife fighting my son David so my oldest son doing all right I'll be seeing him for dinner tonight the hospital where his boy Chris is serving his internship and the farm where I was born broken-down old barn it never did look any good one of the reasons I ran off to see you when I was 14 [Music] that would be my son Barney he's going back to where I think he is you cut a fine piece of trouble for himself [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it was almost a year since Bonnie came back to Royal they probably still as restless as I was when I came back so many years ago and justice ready to declare war against everything he didn't like [Music] here deal mr. Bennett right after your isn't it in the end it'll be up to mrs. Chappell we're retaining your legal services not mrs. chapels Gault Industries is interested in royal bay and we expect the community to be interested in the plant we want to build here water power highway railroad Harbor test facilities dead living space for our people this land mr. staffer do we pick another city this one mr. Bennett Kearny New York [Music] well it isn't every day I get to entertain the City Council especially my old man well you're a pretty busy fella Bonnie well that's the general idea isn't it pop come on in the gang's all here hold on cause big Rick I appreciate all your busy gentlemen finding time to stop by dad you know Walter Garrick of course all right here sir would you sit here yes thank you gentlemen mr. Garrick is with us today as della chapels attorney mr. Garrick would you tell the City Council what you told me on the phone this morning about three days ago I presented your offer to mrs. Chapel Delta space industries offer $1,400,000 for the circus towns property I regret to say that she is not interested and we regret to hear it counselor I can't believe that Walter try it's a fact why I don't think that mrs. Chapel need explained herself I mean Delta Industries can choose a new site they happen to want this one oh they'll choose another city that's exactly how Royal Bay is going to lose out on about twenty-two million dollars a year science space business that's your figures gentlemen not mine is that worth fighting for pop we all want that plant Bonnie it was your job to explain this to her now come on Sam you know better than that I tried getting the lady on the telephone eight separate occasions each time I was told she was resting can't be disturbed she won't discuss it Barney not with you not with anyone not now or ever and in that Sarah lies a very reason for this meeting I may not be wise to say what I'm going to say in front of you but all of us but the apparent exception of mrs. Chappell are committed to the interests of Royal Bay so I don't see why we should have any secrets right now the 90 Samata acres of circus downs property bring in about eleven thousand dollars a year in City Texas I've developed as an industrial site this tax figure would become something like a hundred and fifty thousand dollars now gentlemen under the circumstances I don't think it would be unfair for this council to order a reassessment of the property and increase the present tax rate by let's say a factor of five Stella's land she owns it she has a right to do what she wants anything she wants pop even against the community interests why because she's locked herself up in that mansion affairs for the past 15 years because her grandfather grabbed everything in sight and bought up the rest all right as much as any one individual can own a city della Chapel owns this one but she doesn't own me she doesn't own you I'd be glad to hear your opinion we can't decide this now Barney just tell me whether anything I've said might strike the public as being unfair or illegal or illogical mr. Nadella Eric mr. Jordan mr. Stefan you play pretty rough oh I don't play I work I came back here to live remember pop it's my city too mr. Garak your witness I'd I'd like to phone my client please help yourself did you have to pull this in front of him think of the cause herb sometimes we all have to go through a little embarrassment how am i doing not so bad as long as you gonna stick around counselor I'm still in the market for a good attorney Oh No you're a rough customer we'd end up fighting you would we would like just now mrs. chapels on the phones you'd like to talk with you [Music] - Davin [Music] well I think we might arrange that thank you mrs. Chappell nice talking to you [Music] Dutchess just decided she'd like to talk it over tonight two o'clock well gentlemen the meetings adjourned [Applause] bonnie was proud of himself that night driving up to the chapel place I suppose I should have guessed some of the things that would happen there but even if I had I couldn't have stopped him this is Della's home if the effect is a little overpowering that's what it was designed for as long as anybody could remember wealth and power had lived in this place since the last time I'd seen her quite a few years ago tell her Chapel had lived most of her life inside these walls I suppose she had visitors but not many of them were from Royal Bay there was her attorney Walter Garrick of course that night Barney [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] mr. Stafford [Music] thank you for coming thank you for asking me do you mind working so late not at all I think I would if I were you what's your opinion of Wally Garrick well the garrix are very fine attorney as a man I wouldn't know would you challenge his opinion possibly come on do you consider yourself ambitious moderately I should say immoderately do you want it that way let's not try and impress me with your self-assurance I know why you left Royal Bay and what you were searching for mr. Stafford I know why you came back and I know within a thousand dollars how much your practice is worth shocking isn't it I also consider you something of an honest man for the time being at any rate I expect honest answers when I ask for them why should I sell my property mr. Stafford I'm not exactly need of funds if it means anything Jim is this Chapel that plant would bring about 3,000 extra jobs here to Royal bed thousand extra people what happens to them if Delta loses its space contracts they'd be in trouble just like our people I need work right now what if I told you I happen to like Royal Bay exactly the way it is what's going to change mrs. Chapel whether you like it or not would you prefer it dominated by a board of directors in New York no and if you'll excuse me not by you my family made this city mr. Stafford would you consider the possibility this city made your family mrs. Chapel I want to show you something [Music] what's the word for two books three books about the same thing or a trilogy what's two books I don't know I the duology I suppose no I don't think that's right my daughter Jenny mr. Stafford [Music] how do you do Jenny [Music] I guess paroled family friends my mother used to know your father very well I'll tell him I'll be seeing him tomorrow [Music] excuse me [Music] the circus towns property came out of this patchwork of old deeds several of them go past my grandfather's time mr. Stafford for the sake of argument let's assume that your marvelous power is the persuasion might lead me to accept your offer Aldi Garak tells me that there might be some restriction to my right to sell the land for the sake of argument what sort of restriction suppose you search that out for yourself it's really part of your job isn't it I'll have to look through these I'll be very interested in your opinion the papers will have to stay here [Music] [Music] he's very nice Jenny all that talk about the land you already know what you're going to do of course well then why ask him here it spoils our nice little prison unless you want him for one of the prisoners [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I've been waiting for you you you people always stay up all night thinking well my mother does ever since my father died that was before I was born that's a statue of the moon goddess do you think she looks like me you're pretty that crazy went over there's our Sun God mother and I made him out of clay when I was little I used to bring in gifts Jenny do you and your mother ever go out sometimes we take long drives at night in my car oh I like that fine going fast if you come back I'll take you for a drive don't look so sad it's not so bad here I'll show you my favorite place [Music] come on [Music] I got it when I was 15 Jay are you happy I am now you don't have many guests no would you like to see when I was little I used to think that paradise was about a hundred friends to play with mother doesn't like people much I think she hates them the way she hates the daylight why something terrible happen once something she did to keep all this to keep me I suppose [Music] but I don't want to hate you [Music] Jenny have you had a boyfriend why are you gonna be my father [Music] Jenny isn't there anything you want outside this place one thing just to be free that's what I want to but you are free I mean really free I traveled to a lot of places talked to a lot of wise men try to find out how to do that I ended up coming back home I have to go now [Music] please you're hurting me I'm sorry I have to go Kenny [Music] [Music] [Music] any conclusions mr. Stefan what got circus downs that is the point isn't it well it'll take a dad to when you come back you better plan to stay until the job is done and try to remember that it's my property not Jenny's good night [Music] [Music] day after Barney met della the family got together for a picnic he didn't say a word about it neither did I at first II fell asleep by the lake at me I salvaged myself a boat you know k mr. Stefan okay it's perfect you better say look right don't go giving my work a bad reputation [Music] hey man have a little game a family ball man no man play no family ball man where's papa he's over there he's talking with our smart brother it's a matter a nice smart no you're the one who's gonna get rich think so huh you got the touch counselor hi all right join the party come to eat no thanks I just send the intern knocked out me too I've been working all night at dela chapels place like a deal maybe not yet pop I understand you used to know her that's right that why you got so edgy in my office I never get edgy don't you know that that a fact David that's a lie Barney how well did you know a pop well enough how well after your mother died before till I got married she was different then what changed her I wouldn't know what goes on up at that funhouse don't ask me David you're the psychologist she has a daughter David why do people lock themselves away like that well there are all kinds of nightmares Barney I remember you taking me up there once for a daughter's birthday party it must have been about eight it's funny party it's nighttime all the kids fell asleep at the table what's the girl's name Jenny she's a beautiful girl somebody ought to take her away from that place just do your job Sonny Boy don't get involved just make yourself a lot of misery [Music] [Music] he came back Jenny did he well I'm sure you didn't know darling I want you with me when I talked to him you have to learn about these things someday you'll be alone I'm already alone we need each other Jenny we're all we have please don't touch me [Music] I thought we were done with all that I'm not I'm sick of this house I'm sick of you do you want me to go away Jenny is that what you want no to leave you alone just you alone in this house please [Music] it's alright it's alright darling [Music] you must know how much I love you we mustn't hurt each other ever well can you give mr. Bennett a message for me I can't give him an answer yet on that Royal Bay property I'll need at least another day thank you I hope your room is comfortable mr. Stanford fine thank you I'm pleased you came back I enjoy your daughter's company oh so I'm an ambitious man I believe we established that don't get too ambitious not with Jenny not in this house dinner mrs. Chappell our guests will be dining with us [Music] magnificent come swim with me Barney oh I'm dazzled by the invitation but old men like me have to get our sleep you're not so much older mmm just enough you're too young for her oh who do you think [Music] stay with me buddy don't go away I can't stay here Jenny drive down and visit me sometime we'll find you some nice friends [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna go away why don't you afraid of what I might not be if you'd stay here a little longer what are you afraid of none of the world's not of anything out there your mother she can't keep you here Jenny and if you want to live [Music] J how long was she here not long she wanted to talk about you as a matter of fact and you had to show yourself off now wait a minute don't get any fancy on a fine man you are what a fine strutting animal you are but that's all you are all you'll ever be and all you'll ever understand [Music] why don't you go away I want you to just leave us alone you wanted him for yourself didn't you you pretend it doesn't matter but you've always wanted everything for yourself Stover Jenny even me I was right mother wasn't I [Music] till I was in first shock that morning he was used to dominating people especially people from Royal vague she'd been born and bred to it but Barney it was a brand of lightning she didn't quite know how to handle mrs. Kyle tell mr. Stafford I'd like to see him in ten minutes what time did he leave [Music] a few citizens had a shock of their own that day teller Chapel drove down into the city of Royal Bay like a cloud burst in the middle of the Sahara [Music] your name please mrs. delle chapel do you want me to spell it I don't seem to have you down for the appointment mrs. chapel I'm sure mr. Stafford will make time for me mrs. delle chapel to see you sir okay yes sir you may go right in take a chair I want to talk to you about in a minute mrs. Chappell I appreciate you don't get out very often but this happens to be my home ground I'm afraid I was upset this morning the things mrs. Chappell just for openers we don't like each other very much that's hardly necessary as long as your work is competent Thanks my client still happens to be the dump industries you probably know your grandfather tried to restrict the powers of his grantees from transferring the circus towns properties any business corporation for a period of 50 years it seems grandpa also like royal bay exactly the way it was wouldn't that be interpreted as a restraint on alienation that's right they're pretty good at this game aren't you in my opinion no court in the state would recognize an unreasonable restraint of this nature mrs. Chappell you can do what you want with your land I'm prepared to sell it mr. Stafford congratulations you're an hour too late Delta industries withdrew their offer I am sorry yeah so a mine you've gone to a great deal of trouble for me forget it it's on the house I'm not in the habit of accepting gifts my pleasure mrs. Chappell there'll be other problems from time to time we haven't discussed a retainer yet would you accept 25,000 a year I'd love it my pleasure mr. Stafford unfortunately there wouldn't be quite ethical I'm sure we can settle any conflict of interest not this one her name is Jenny what about Jenny she's a frightened girl aren't you being a little presumptuous I'm gonna presume to help Jenny get out of that night flowering Hut house into some kind of a decent life but she might have a chance at being happy you don't know what you're talking about well I intend to find out you count on that now you listen to me I'm not helpless and I don't make empty threats I have the power to make you a rich man or a hopeless one if you start prying into our lives I swear I'll block you out of this city on the state miss crane yes do you call Sam Jordan at the Inquirer tell him I want to pick up his file on della Chapel starting with the day she was born any questions miss chapel [Music] I had three phone calls telling me you'd come down off the mountain quite a miracle isn't it you know you're always welcome later I wasn't the last time we talked the last time was a long time ago how's Jenny all right you have a big yard here you be surprised how many people buy boats these days I'm not exactly out of touch with the world I still handle my own affairs so I hear this time I made a mistake you made one a long time ago Dilla mistake about your son I never should have brought him into the house you should have asked me Barney's a tough fella so am I so are you hey pop I've been checking over the engine specifications on the cabin Charlie mrs. cha excuse me Jenny's falling in love with Barney at least she thinks she is how would she know the difference he'll try and make her leave me I won't let any man do that what are you going to do about it destroy him if I have to we've known each other a long time you you know I mean what I say [Music] [Music] that's why you packed your bag is now you knew you'd leave this place today if that's what you really want it is you said you wanted to get away from here you told me that the small I do wanna do you said everything you wanted was outside come on Jenny now I heard you I know what you told me yeah the party you don't know you know you don't know what she's like and tell me why why does she keep you here no no no Jenny look it just takes one step just one step Jenny all the friends you ever wanted her out there all the help all your own life but you have to fight now you have to try go ahead you duty asks once and for all Jenny the first step [Music] do you know what you're doing yes I'll be all right now [Music] Jenny [Music] I'm sorry honey look look what I bought for you today the pearls you wanted they looked lovely on you it's not so bad is it just the two of us here like this [Music] David was meeting me for dinner that evening I hung around the yard of expecting Barney to drop by I suppose somewhere in the back of my mind I had a father's yen to hear him say he was in trouble so that I could help it but he never said it to me yet and he wasn't about to begin now [Music] [Music] he's taping around he's in their office but you can't have dinner with us thanks I'd like [Music] I don't know Barney psychology is not a parlor game I'm not playing any game all that business about Sun gods and moon goddesses that can be manipulated any way you like the mother's little stories to her child elaboration of a family Jew but I told you everything I saw and heard with all due brotherly respect you wouldn't know what you saw and heard your own imaginations getting in the way I didn't imagine the look on Jenny's face when she tried to leave that house I'll give you an easy answer for that one a phobia no I've seen that kind of thing before this is the mother see her she has some kind of a weird hold on her I won't from Della's newspaper file with no answers there I tried to talk to Walter Garrett he wouldn't even see me oh and two phone calls when I got back to the office The Inquirer decided to try a new attorney just for fun and so did the breed low corporation bingo Mama's quite a gal what about the daughter how do you feel about her she deserves better than she's getting well it's your battle Barney you know I've got a hunch where you'll find some of your answers asked pop he said he didn't know I think he lied Joel said mrs. Chappell came to see him this morning well weren't you young gentlemen like to die I think I'd better be a good husband go home to Vivian you and Barney go ahead night Bob I hear you got yourself some grief you might say you really stuck your chin up I'm not doing this on a whim no you had yourself a big deal I've had him before all right Breck girl you don't even know I know enough you don't know anything and you tell me you get this straight Barney jealous capable of doing exactly what she said she can rip you wide open with a dozen phone calls I've bought my share of battles you won't win this one no what do you intend to do try Jenny out of that house with a court order maybe if it comes to that but just now I thought I'd asked my old man for some help well no kidding you finally said it all right I lied to you I don't know everything just enough to tie you in knots I swore to tell her I'd never tell I've never broken my word Barney not to anyone I'm ready to it now because if I don't you're going nowhere but right down the drain Jenny Chappell stays in that house lives like that because she can't leave whatever it is is concerns Jenny locked her mother a long time ago della locked herself in that prison to share it with her daughter every day of her life body my god [Music] and what do you expect to be mr. Stefan I didn't come here to ask for anything just to apologize yes Bravo good manners and the contrite attitude I'm properly impressed lose a few clients and now you want them back I wasn't thinking about my clients mrs. Chapel what if I said I still intend to fight you why did you ask me here in the first place not the circus downs deal mr. Stafford I had every intention of selling that land then why you were wanted garrix choice to take his place he felt he was getting too old that I'd need another attorney I had you checked in this Delta thing came up a chance to know more about you I had to test how strong you were how good you were before I could trust you with your fortune with Jenny's life I didn't want to hurt Jenny mrs. Chappell I just wanted to make her happy please [Music] Jenny's in love with you I suppose you know that I knew she was lonely you can't even imagine [Music] my daughter has a certain skin condition she was born with it [Music] the nicest way to say it is she's sensitive to the Sun in time exposure to the Sun will kill her killer there's no cure no treatment yeah [Music] except to live in darkness she understands that [Music] she can't always accept it I tried to share it with her not advertise it that wouldn't help us mr. Stefan I won't be pitied not I not my daughter not by anyone [Music] I make her life less of a torment to take out all the twists I couldn't not altar I should have sent you away that first night when I saw what was happening to her all the fantasy she made she lied to you of course try and hold him she didn't want you to know that it was all quite quite unreasonable when I realized what you came to mean to Jenny I tried to buy you for her in your office yesterday I still couldn't bring myself to say the things I'm saying now in all my life I've never pleaded with anyone not anyone except Jenny and now you [Music] I'm asking you to be her friend to visit her to share that [Music] romantic [Music] part her life [Music] I don't I can't do that mrs. Chappell how would you want even if I was in love with Jenny Ike I don't think I could live like that the way you've list I'm very sorry this Jeff yeah I say goodbye to her I don't think that would be very kind already come back here every game Barney thank [Music] Jenny Jenny Jenny [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] if you want me to stay I loved my daughter sometimes she hated me and blamed me I expected that sometimes I had to fight her brutally [Music] her life didn't destroy me and not this [Music] finally this what happened it had nothing to do with you you must know that don't you is it too late for the new plant I don't know if the company still wants the land I'd like to build something with the money something in the city for children could you arrange that for me please thank you [Music] [Music] well I'm flying into New York tonight Delta Industries will make the deal what about dealer I don't know pop after all those years pretty hard to pick up the pieces then you help a body you'll be closer to her than anybody [Music] pop you ever in love with him me family secret Sonny Boy that was true enough a secret already not the first secret in royal Bay and certainly not the last well maybe I'll tell them about that one someday what I get to be an old man [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: TheConcludingChapterofCrawford
Views: 404,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joan Crawford, Diane Baker, Royal Bay, Della, 1963, Film, Television
Id: gE7TWOa01CQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 33sec (4113 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 05 2019
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