Routing Maschine in Cubase 11 Pro using Komplete Kontrol keyboard

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all right hey i'm bunga john i'm here to show how to utilize cubase 11 to work with machine 2 which is a loop based instrument i can hold multiple instruments loops and plethora of sounds what not one shots and samples and midi and audio in cubase 11 and so i'm going to create a new project and then be able to route all your sounds to individual outputs right which is a cool feature and to be able to print ideally make it happen as far as the audio outputs to actual wave files actual audio right that's you can manipulate with more ease after the fact oh that wasn't easy to say all at once so anyway we're gonna go here we're gonna go a new project i'm gonna go empty we're gonna label this as uh keys uh 12 or machine m-a-s-c-h machine 12 28 20. all right then we're gonna go in here and create instrument machine two is when i'm loading right i'm gonna add track i'm going to go here we've got machine loaded we're going to press record and loop and we're going to rewind the top and we're going to load a sound no browser we're going to load not a loop to start with but an instrument see that instrument i'm going to go to battery just to kind of demonstrate here we're going to pull up a kit these are these are loops based on the kit so uh but these are the sounds that are in in there okay so we're gonna go with three uh this one right which is the three on it kid i think you're three on it kit all right so we have these sounds right right so we'll make this loop however long we're not sure yet but this will automatically this will automatically adjust for your loop so we're going here rewind and just press play you're not not recording in cubase it's within machine that the recording light and the loop is on for those kind that combination so we go here [Music] okay [Music] okay so started over it's playing it's not perfect right right so i'm gonna quantize it so i go in here just in the pattern right [Music] uh we're gonna grab that whole area uh hold quantize we go fifty percent or 100 percent we're gonna go 100 then we'll go over here and we're going to load another sound all right my brows i might want to add a hi-hat to the other track we're going to add a high hats at the track so we go back here all right [Music] then we're going to quantize it we have a pattern [Music] all right okay so now that's in there right so we have that loop going right then we'll go to the next sound this is all within one pattern of scene one group a1 which can be arranged in this mode right which we're not playing that we're designing our loops right now from browse we'll add a synthesizer or something base i don't know we're gonna find something that's uh [Music] running aquarius into sound too all right we're gonna quantize that you can see there's right there you can zoom in and right here and see that it's been quantized you'll see it you can tell that all the notes are spot-on right okay so i go to the next sound i'm gonna browse try kinetic toys try that okay i play you know i'm just improvising all right we're going here quantize make sure pattern is selected for full pattern now i will add a sound four okay so browse another kit we want to add some like prism a baseline here more so or something to accentuate the base that's there the bassy sound the aquarius okay so we're now going to quantize that okay so so there's our loop right basic loop we might add an additional sound like a sample instead of midi right i'm going to do that so i want to play it so instead of instruments we'll add a loop [Music] so grab that which is kind of unusual a little bit different kind of compliments we're going to lower the volume of it i like that right maybe raise this up a little bit this one's a little loud all right so there we go i'm gonna go out a mixer i'm gonna minimize this okay so now next step we have our all of it's coming out of one output there's for a record engineer that's really frustrating not to be able to you know mix all that and having to do it within machine would be a pain and there's not really much in the way of automation etc controls to do that in the machine so what we'll do is we're going here and activate outputs right we're going to activate six outputs just to be on the safe side we activate all these right i just do that right or rewind i'm going to take a look at those outputs oh here we go now we have our mix console right so we're going to routing right we have a machine which is uh machine two all right that's our midi out midi in we don't need that this is really not necessary okay so now we're gonna go in here and we've got our outputs right but we've got one two three four five and i think that in machine just to make sure we have in here [Music] one two three four five okay good cool so we're going here i'm gonna close that for a moment it's still open in the background that's kind of a misnomer of programming but uh i'm gonna go to the other page and we're going to go all the way down here and we'll right-click and we're going to go add group channel to selected channels and we're going to create five of them five okay i'm gonna add that now we have these now we're going to create five audio tracks okay i'm gonna create five audio tracks stereo they're already stereo okay and we're not going to worry about that just yet so we'll create five audio tracks right now we have this to see more easily we're going to do this all right so now we go into our audio tracks and assign our groups however we still have to go into machine whoops four and then five still have to go into machine and assign our outputs right so we're gonna go here back to the other page again and click on machine but we're gonna go here into machine now we need to click this right here i'm going to three on kit we're gonna go here and go extension one [Music] two [Music] three [Music] four and five okay now here's the thing you still have to route one more thing group one this should be group two this should be group three this should be group four and this should be group five there we go all right so you're going okay that's all fine and dandy right now okay so now we have individual outs right of out a machine that we can add effects to you know go in here and you know tweak it out we've got inserts we can add a we can add something to that track and we can go here and add a reverb or something or a delay delay might be cool you know it's a creative palette let's create a poetic license however you want to go whoa [Music] i'm just you know showing for example i'm gonna try something like a [Music] no [Music] we're gonna stick with six scenes okay we got that this track base [Music] try [Music] one up a base here basic plug in changing it up having fun with it right going to the next track add some reverb right okay i'm going to group four so with that there's the other base right kind of a more definitive base there's actually a base sound uh more so and then we're gonna add some i don't know let's let's try some chorusing so let's go to modulation and course it up all right anyway i'm just you know as an example so we got group five which is this drum kind of loop that was the loop not the midi but the audio loop and we're gonna add uh hmm we'll try some uh spatial panner right we're going down here imager yeah that's nice that works okay so okay so that's what we have and let's just say we've finished our mix we've got everything where we want maybe pan this little to the left and pan this to the right right we got our mix and we want to print the tracks to audio right we go back to the other page right and go back to the other page here and we are going to actuate our audio tracks right rewind and we are going to print audio pretty cool huh there you go that is audio being individual tracks going into coming out a machine going into uh regular old audio tracks in cubase which is way cool because then if you want to tweak it more you can [Music] right so then now we mute our groups that's import and we do that by just muting all of this you don't have to mute machine because it's already routed a different way i'm going to rewind and we go here that's the audio there's first track with effect [Music] it's kind of distorted a funky distortion based driven plug-in there's that right [Music] we have [Music] right it's this individualized so there you go hope that helps you out there in internet land or wherever you may be um so um i'm signing off for today though so that's that's pretty much it as far as for cubase 11 pro you can't do it in artists or as far as i know that you're limited to how many tracks you can you can press like this as far as the number of outputs that you can route as group in your cubase version whoa all right everybody take care now bye-bye you
Channel: Bongo John
Views: 1,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zTYct-gvrdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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