Rounds - LARGEST BULLETS EVER!! (4-Player Gameplay)

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all right y'all we're into another round of rounds rounds round around uh this time it'll be me and rick in the first so that jazzy and price have to eliminate each other in the second so gotta hit it like three times for luck right that's right you never know your character is always the cutest overpower is good fastball and combined i'm going to start with overpower i think you know we should do again we should do the dice thing oh yeah the dice thing was fun yeah what's the dice thing yeah randomizer yeah uh maybe i'll actually start with combine i think next time we play this game we should do dice again because then it just it forces you to get really wacky combos sure uh empower i will say people have asked us in the comments to do um having us choose each other's and i'll just go ahead and say i don't think that'll ever work out i think that'll ever be fun i also think it'll be fun i'll say and there's reasons two of which like one of which has to do with the fact that we don't troll each other in that way right i'd be stupid not to get it get decayed and if we did then that just drags out the dragon yeah exactly exactly so we don't play that way i think dice is the best one because it's random you're forced to pick whatever it'd be neat if there was a mod that did that i was yeah i'm surprised that there hasn't been one yet so did you end up getting asked you got overpowered and uh combined which i have very little bullets now i just have to one oh but if you empower your bullet you'll have a good bullet oh it's true the goodest of bullets yeah the power bullet's awesome one bullet to reel them all get down and what did you get rick you got leech and what uh decay oh just ran around in front of him yeah fell over i'm gonna go parasites i could use more bullets please ah this guy doesn't need more bullets just make that one count okay oh hello hello oh geez i like the sound it makes when you empower your bullet yeah it's like a that yeah the the like like turn it on a high-powered light or something for sure oh oh that's not good that's not good oh i'm not feeling well is this death i appear to be dying i appear to have my insides on the outside quick you're really driving that powered shot he really is oh wow that block oh god the distance that you traveled yeah my goodness i kind of wish i died though so i could get one i feel like my decay is not working as advertised [Laughter] um chase echo oh and the other thing you gotta remember is i think jazzy also last time got a lot of extra hp so she had a good base as well as the survivability yeah i also wonder if it's like your damage is spread out over four seconds but if the damage that occurred to you is like 400 of your health then in the first second you still die actually got the one bullet just gonna make it count it's true wow it's like you jumped onto that bullet my goodness that been so good if it worked that would have been like like 40 chests yeah epic moves come here i can do very little except for one bullet you need to get like a shield move so that in power does that that move exactly anything but heal come on ah rick we have some little bullets between the two i know just looking at each other but i still have three times as many as you emp okay so emp i mean yeah that'll be you'll when you shoot now you'll launch an emp uh quick shot i mean i guess you do not want to get healing field you'll be shooting them at him within power um it's like it's like launching medical supplies out of a bazooka just turned into anna from overwatch yeah oh man oh i just ride into that one like a dummy that emp slowed him down look at that yeah oh wait oh come on come on come on please sleep are you pushing him are you pushing him again that would be the smart thing just gonna go just go just go with it just go buddy there you go oh that's really set that thanks be careful of your yeah oh god the pushing is the best thing i love it all right his decay is is uh slowing down that damage oh my god wow you got stunned on that such a powerful shot does one of you have stuck maybe he got hit yeah yeah uh now here's a question do you teleport if you haven't powered i now have three defenders i don't know um because like that'd be interesting you teleported the block but like would you teleport and then teleport when you actually shot otherwise does the bullet don't almost entirely have defensive leech now oh boy i have one echo so you're just gonna live forever is that that's what we're doing i'm gonna try to but it's not going so well oh my gosh oh god i could use more bullets please i mean are you even taking damage i mean i appeared to be taking some oh my gosh ash i need more than one bullet jasmine okay i know we have like that's true no gun upgrades yet yeah i mean your power is kind of a gun upgrade but not a lot it's day 37 of the battle between ash and rick neither rick's not taking damage he has lost the singles i'm taking damage now you know what this is this is this is competitive erosion you just like little bits of sand coming off the corners oh my goodness we're gonna have to put a ban on something i don't know what probably decay my goodness oh my god oh my goodness y'all need to get aggressive i'm trying are you kidding me i'm using the three bullets i have price i'm using the one boat oh my god he has parasite and i have leech it's like we keep getting our health back is the problem yeah well yeah the the problem is that you two have a perfectly symbiotic uh situation going on there finally finally yeah bullets burst okay yeah and [Laughter] then yeah okay you're so big ash a big boy yeah that's gonna help your situation out oh god oh geez ash ash do you heal at all i got the parasite i do have parasite okay but i guess yeah i guess it's proportional to how much he loses hp and he just doesn't lose anything oh wow my goodness okay it's getting scary it's not really getting pulled in by me it's too powerful and he's blocking he is blocking yeah yeah the thing with defender is that my block recharges super quick you have emp which slows him down so i think he's getting like frosted oh that's true so you're not only is he getting pulled in he gets pulled in and he gets stopped by the emp this is working though i mean like it was pulling them in when you were shooting those spots just look at that your hp is not going down rick's hp is only going up he's trying to push him into the blade yes i just want anything he's going up in this point there you go i don't understand i appreciate ash that you just you just pushed yourself against him just kept firing and just like it'll eventually work ash held a birthday party but trevesa refuses to leave yeah exactly it's day 79 of the birthday party trevesa is still here we're all out okay oh god cake has been gone after day two trevesa insists that we get tomorrow the party's over when i say it's over they know it's my name at the safeway now going to the bakery and they say the usual this is a delicious human birthday food i would like some more you know if you keep waiting long enough it's gonna be trevesa's birthday that's right that's the trick oh circle i wait here until you bring me presents for your birthday i got you one year of birthdays we just had them last year aren't you happy just die why would you just die this is this is what why oh my god well no i also have parasite yeah um well you get more lifestyle scavenger there you go that's going to change things and then radar shirt maybe because you'll you'll now be able to fire basically consistently because decay means you're doing damage constantly um poison radar shot is how does that work within power you know what we're gonna go radar shark because i do have a cooldown on my block now it's what is on the ground here oh that's from like your future yeah we left that there yeah we'll clean up there we haven't called them yeah this is going to do it this is the winning combo yeah because you have decay i'm able to just shoot forever scavenger makes that yeah turn on the hose man it works wow there it's all paying off i mean for real birthday boy is sick of it no more birthdays forever go home faster i can't believe i survived i thought it would take me to the end up yeah i'm dead now now i'm good see what happened there was actually something really mean and it caught truvessa off guard spread so it was like i didn't even want to invite you my mom made me or something like that you tripped it was just like mostly because trevesa thought that they just learned like a new insight into human anatomy or something you know i wonder how that works um god i need i need power i need more gun power you know time detonation is good that's pretty much the only thing i got yeah um i'm so tempted to get more hp though yeah i actually wonder how that 200 hp thing works with decay i i almost feel like we're gonna have to oh whoa what is that so after you deal sandwiches 200 hp gotcha yeah yeah yeah titans right here oh my gosh you've already got all of your health back at that yeah like you've completely oh god um that damage she like screams and explodes she goes super saiyan those sad little they go nowhere i know i need more regular bolt damages of just my power oh it's just ridiculous i can do no damage to you yeah at that point it's yep it's it's over there's literally nothing i could do we can get big bullet now that's some damage upgrade right or at least the thing is though he can block it and then he has echo so he blocks it again it's like i can't get a shot in um emp might work yeah i mean i need block powers i have zero block powers thrusters thruster could do because that's you're you're suddenly adding a completely different thing right target bounce is good too target bounce could be good but thrusters just wack because like actually yeah thruster will do something that could potentially take him out target it's more of the okay just watch out for oh i know learn from my mistake that's coming right back because i don't have i need more oomph on my bullets oh wow oh wow oh wow oh god you got crushed wow the little mini bombs though look at how big i am by the way yeah you get so big when you have your 200 buff it sounds like the kind of sound that you make in like like a streets of rage or something like that when you get a power up oh my god oh my goodness this is ridiculous wow there's so much life rick it doesn't matter i mean like look at you just you're getting it i have to put like 400 parasites on you for you to die oh god right back at me yeah i know that game yeah i just you got a great build that i cannot compete with yeah this is just delayed and ostagon it's your the fact that you have the case energizes with what i have right yeah i screwed myself yeah i mean you wouldn't encounter no well that's that's the counter that's right we now know the counter to decay is scavenger yeah like because i can just shoot you for at least four seconds and then rick didn't have anything that boosted his block so he wasn't able to adjust to that oh wow how many parasites do you need oh my goodness like that was the first round it took like 20 or 30 minutes that was the whole episode by the way my goodness yeah is that just one episode or do you want to i feel like the game needs like a card where it's just like get rid of a power up right because like once you have scavenger my decay becomes my downfall and what are you gonna do like there's no way to counter the counter yeah that was my goodness uh an echo okay okay tastes blood uh oh scavenger's good i'll go ahead and start with scavenger build around that steady shot shields up firing your last bullet triggers a block see but i may not ever have last bullets if i'm trying to fire all the time so um tank more speed more bullet speed a bunch more bullet speed station deals damage right sort of as long as you're dealing any damage of a kind scavenger yeah yeah it looks like it yeah [Music] little babies compared to i know it's like a birthday boy i do feel like they shrunk the initial size you know i'm curious what was the percentages on the last round good job gosh decay i'm not here it's arrived i'll get sneaky we hit our decay quota for this episode sneaky let's do buckshot sneaky buckshot it's trixie it's not gonna be careful well it doesn't go that far ah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh no no more yeah nice i can't shoot that far yeah sneaky and bug shot don't work actually what's sneaky do oh it's the it yeah it like kinda works but not very well silence okay okay see that i don't like that and let's do you got thrust you got scavenger you got explosive bullets all good oh boy oh boy detective oh gosh no stop stop jazzy jazzy jesse stop jazzy no jesse no nice nice all right down okay thank you okay steady shot um i mean if you're going to come close that would well no i don't want you got power don't you he has static fields bombs with bombs bombs and bombs oh my god oh my god oh such fast it's a trash box oh god nope nope nobody got it yet oh this one yeah oh god okay i need something gives me some range yeah see i think that taking because you got buckshot right yeah wind up bullet speed that doesn't really help doesn't bullet speed increase range uh i don't see with the buckshot it's so different i don't know it'll probably tell me range right yeah i don't think there is one for range actually yeah i think that bullet speed because it's a combination of bullet speed and trajectory you live the thruster it pushed me so far away oh wow those buck shots are scary no that's silence the silence is so messed up come on jeff i tried i tried to leave you in my chill zone you're done where's the chills it's wherever malmo is what is this what is this i'm waiting i'm waiting for my ammo to reload i literally [Laughter] didn't even move oh my god oh no all right are you scared you got like an infinite murder button you just have to get close enough to use it oh nice i feel like what jazz just did with the one shot thing was like when price took the murder card kinda oh yeah oh my gosh oh god get out get out why am i going to find out you survive i have no clue your health bar is nothing nice [Music] let's stay alive a little bit longer okay um [Music] i need some uh thank you that's that in powershot putting that uh static field on her is huge it's huge yeah but all jazz he has to do is hit me once and i'm dead so or just shoot the boxes in front of me apparently goodness those heels man i'm so scared of you price why what you're already scared of me the the murderer running at me with a knife like a shotgun that can destroy i'm scared i am so scared i am scared i want to say i want to say something political but i'm not gonna but there's a certain type of person toxic there's a certain type of person who would do that like it and then like i gotta go homing i have to oh yeah okay are your boats too fast for homie nope don't work again oh god you don't even need to heal you're just so scared i am okay okay no look at that look at that here hold this at nothing and now it's it's fine scared it's ridiculous [Music] jesus [Music] so jazzy oh my god fast homies oh god oh god gosh so much is happening oh yeah i see you should wait until i get there cloud it really slowed me down i could barely escape um okay let's see what else we got uh sure i really don't like taste of blood the whole like getting a boost of speed randomly is horrible in a game like this oh god oh my god oh my god you're scavengers yeah yeah yeah that's the first card i forgot about that yep i haven't been able to use it because jazzy just can heal infinitely oh my gosh this is marbles well done well done uh it's actually we're still in the sash yeah no yeah we're still going i don't know if you remember that you guys took 10 years oh i forgot that we took 10 years uh where am i i'm blue hold on well done that was great i forgot i have to play now um let's go poison and teleport let's get wacky radar scavenger poison barrage let's go barrage and uh let's go radar if either of you picked a k you're out you're out of the band so used to being orange that is that is a legitimate thing orange bias yeah i'm used to being blue so i'm okay with it but i feel like you're always orange me oh nash i think ash is always orange just because he's position one oh good job ash ouch ouch so close oh wow wow the rare second this same as the first we only got two bullets right now wow enjoy the sparkler for your birthday that's what jazzy said oh my goodness no no no no no no no i don't actually like a lot of these but try that and silence target balance combined um i guess we combined you get one bullet again oh no you still have like a lot of i can't i'm orange oh man [Music] wow just do that again yeah that was kind of interesting gosh the way that they fire ash's bullets are like a little like basketball of dunes all right let's do god i'm so let's get wind up a lot of the same thing i know yeah there were three yellows yeah those are like basically the range ones right let's do bouncy nice oh god okay that one was perfectly like grommulant yeah or well you know there's like a lot of stuff whoa did that catch you that got the blade came down and got you that was rad i couldn't tell if it was the blade of the box falling on jasmine one of them yeah still that was neat wow have we ever knocked over that tower before i don't know i don't think so let's lower the attack speed that's helpful yeah let's do that and then um let's do it again wow that'll be a lot of damage whoa what just happened i'm scared look at how big that is what the physics of the game i just killed myself just i'm so awestruck what did you get that did that two careful planning two careful plannings what is it that's synergizing with it though it's because she has the uh she shoots three bullets at the same time did you get no i still grow you use the mouse because she's got the spread for the first time ever poison teleport scavengers none of those thrusters that's the size of it okay it's just double careful planning makes your bullet that big apparently oh my god something happened that's incredible fire one more time no don't do that all right jazzy you know you need nexus homing uh oh my god it's bouncing but it like has no idea what it's doing yeah and i really only have like i worry that it's so big that it can't hurt you no i think it can it could definitely hurt me yeah yeah yeah they were real good yeah right yeah oh big bullet that's not good keep getting careful planning for real can i get it my goodness we should we should turn off all cards except for terrible planning right careful planning like explosive bullet or something just half ten cards all explosives yeah yeah just reduce the list down to the most monkeys that that's probably you know what yeah that's like an alternative commenters down below i start making a list of your top ones that would fit into a murder horse mode the fact that it's thruster too because you can see that's it's the thruster that's really getting longer that gives it the size yeah i think well it also like the flame shape rather and the flame that sticks it looks like a missile and i think it's because it's the first oh wow jazzy's bullets are awesome but there it's there's a cost yeah they're hard to hit anything with i only get one too you have to wait for the entire thing yeah so just wait for the shoot and then attack yeah just shoot a smaller bullet through the bigger ball obviously this countdown might work because you have time to stand around while she reloads but i also like my whole strategy is about like getting close to her um right so you wait for a business countdown and then you run at her look just get a bunch of careful plantings okay yeah i thought literally it would just slow down the bullet so i can calculate it totally i did not know it affected the size yeah it did you know what i might get shield charge shield charge is great yeah okay oh my gosh what's happening that little teleport hey so you actually have two bullets good one hey there you go so is my radar shot launching three times or four times because of shield charge uh three times three it was at least three because i'm like yeah cause you have echo right go so your echo is gonna do shields twice uh it keeps uh uh bouncing around and it's gonna do the other one twice four times so like a shield charge is going to also release one right isn't that how that works that's what i was wondering so i have radar do it four times so i think i'm doing it four times yeah okay all right guys you ready for this what'd you get what are you doing another what'd you get and it didn't hit you what what the bullets are gigantic the bullets are the size of that level there's no escaping what did you get my bullets she got uh combined and she got treated oh man i want to see you reflect one of these back at her though yeah that would be amazing oh my goodness what even what all right we're gonna careful bleeding give him another one come on game do it you know you want to ah i mean not cowardly you slowed your bullet if you do homing it could synergize pretty well that's true i mean i need to be up close to the person anyway so oh my god [Music] did you blow yourself up yeah yeah yeah i'm surprised that didn't happen i know like wow good job i think you should like you won the the combo you won the synergizing combo that was incredible i've never seen anything like that was it was it just two careful plantings or was there something else that we're not understanding i think because the bullets were much larger than ever because obviously you realize because yeah careful planets has more damage but i didn't realize it makes the bullet bigger i assume damage must just translate to increases the bullet damage and explosion size per bounce yeah but that's not going to do anything so it's going to get bigger right but trickster she got last i mean trickster might have been contributing to the making the bodies it wasn't that way you were firing damage can scale the bullet size yeah that must have been what it was her damage was must have been yeah astronomical yeah um anyway i hope you guys out there enjoyed watching if you did be sure to check out some of our other episodes as well and let us know what your craziest synergies that you've seen should we do in all careful planning episodes oh yeah let us know like we talked about what would an ultimate murder horse round of of rounds be like which things should we turn on and turn off to make the most absolutely insane options for ourselves let us know down in those comments with that we're gonna move on [Music] you
Channel: Stumpt
Views: 78,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stumpt, Stumpt Gamers, Rounds, Rounds game, Rounds gameplay, Rounds multiplayer, Rounds 1v1, Rounds unlocks, Game, Gameplay, multiplayer, unlocks, Landfall, Funny
Id: QLbsgEXnGqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 16sec (2176 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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