Rounds - FREE-FOR-ALL MOD!! (4-Player Gameplay)

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all right y'all we're getting into another round of rounds well i say thank you to everyone inch in our comments that let us know that the uh four player uh mod for rounds with friends was updated to allow a free-for-all yes you're all going down so that's what we're going to check out uh beyond that i don't think we have much else turned on um yeah we turned the special effects should be a little bit reduced so it won't get so you know epileptic warning but here it is now we can choose from team death match or death match so we're going to choose deathmatch i think i am i'm green i'm red oh which is so perfect green and i'm yellow i'm orange rather and i'm blue so i'm mademois um and i'll say we have some people that want us to make new characters as well maybe next episode yeah next time yeah uh anyway start oh yeah it's gonna make trevesa without a bow there you go it seems very quiet um and we are doing two cards per as well dazzle wind up so it's gonna get wacky big explosives sounds great oh ash you're so cute uh bombs away huge emp targets he wants to bonkers i'm gonna go emp i think game is very quiet for them as well okay we will turn that up and just before we start you know what i'll turn it up right now [Music] there we go there looks pretty good it's it's quite right now i'm not once we get shooting loud loud y'all so i need to click back in here there we go oh radar shot uh i mean echo this will count down missile content is going to be so impossible with four of us yeah yeah that goes good radar is good i'm gonna go radar chase you will probably always be in line of sight with someone ooh she'll charge yes that's true remote sounds remote would actually be good in this it would be really good yeah you're going to have something to be so bad though i can't like rub my belly and to pat my head at the same time i'm just gonna say that one time i took it i won i mean that's fair but it's going to be so chaotic i'm going to get poison yeah all right travesta what do we got you're talking about toxic cloud parasite though both good can do a parasite okay good to start it off um huge gosh i better win being green i feel like it's the appropriate time now look at there's going to be so many texts up there half the screen is going to be blocked it's going to look like a periodic table exposing bullets yeah thank god it's a low opacity though oh man oh okay time everyone take a second figure out where you are oh gosh oh gosh this is alright nightmare oh hello that was yeah i'm sorry i'm sorry oh god oh god so then the three of us who die will get to pick a card and the person who survives yeah that's a really good point oh i didn't even think about that yeah there's only three rounds in the upper left oh dang did we do it no unless one person starts doing like except yeah oh god i don't like this at all oops i'm stuck down here oh god [Music] i'm stuck in the middle this is terrible stuck in the middle with you okay okay so me first gosh this is gonna be silly oh it's three it's up to that's what we just said i wasn't paying attention i was she talked about emp again pristine perseverance some people in chat yeah in comments said like if you stack three of them you become invincible essentially yeah uh that sounds boring though yeah uh i think i'm going to keep on saying i will see i will say there is something to be said for there are a lot of y'all out there in combat land who care way too much about winning yeah yeah you care way too much about winning you would rather have a not fun time if you won and that is not everything that i would do you know when they give you two empowers you guys oh did jason get two empowers that's still going to be a lot though but it looks like who's blue ash oh you got double emp i got double not double empowered and you all with all these things oh you get to pick next time i still haven't oh you're assuming i'm already going to lose i mean it's pretty stacked it is pretty stacked it is pretty stacked leave me alone ash go fight bryce get me alone oh oh no oh oh my god seriously wow i don't even know what you did there a lot of things oh what is that that was me being amazing in power and powered poison fire damn it your block is just ridiculous you just one-shotted me with your block yeah oh oh ouch ouch ouch ouch i'm stuck in here ash oh god ash is dangerous with his the block is he just one-hitted me right out the gate yeah i mean there's nothing there's nothing i could do that's dangerous honestly everyone needs to go after ash quit chasing me jazz i try i see you down there i see what you're doing that's true i've i've come to learn i know when jazzy's looking at me the moves they just they they balance out you know i see you looking at me isaac isaac left she zigg's right i see it okay oh god get away from that get away from that oh my goodness trevesa down there with those huge slow explosions try to stay alive right ash get out of here i love your cake our belonged to us okay good one that was scary oh that was that's a sniper this level again to this level ah come on ash did you feel good about that a little bit feel good about that oh god ash oh god it was your own emp my goodness okay oh wow radar would be good i'm going to go with leech i need that a little bit ooh talks of cloud yes yes quick reload steady shot sneaky burst first sounds interesting sneaky sounds interesting too let me see sneaky sneaky snipe sneaky little snack quick shot quick shot and sneak will that i feel like those ones synergize great together how does how does bouncy and sneaky i think the first one doesn't hit and then it bounces the rest yes uh i think it matters bounces and then it sneaks that's true time donation sounds interesting with sneak steady shot echo echo's so good oh echo is good parasite though let's do that all right if you're asking can you double up on sneak you can double up on anything it'll have some effect i just don't know we've done double sneak before oh super slim i don't know how it gets sneaky i think it just was better at it i think it was just a lot more like um tight turning like lighty yeah oh god what was that what was that did i get hit by the the did you get hit by the sneaker no i got hit by the uh oh god uh the floating thing the box and it hit me what was that hey you did oh god please no god i'm so scared ash come on gosh yeah die in there die in my clouds yeah yeah revenge this is chaos this is just pure chaos no no no no no no good job oh man as long as you went out too man which side of my arm down there oh this little guy pretty good for snake i think oops stinky clouds oh god if i get in there quick enough oh gosh right over my head oh gosh i don't like being oh gosh i need you to win this one grab it i need you to cram it okay oh i just oh my gosh okay you didn't even take a hit that time geez then bounces i kind of need to lose i need to get some blocks this shield chart is definitely helping me yes gosh it's just like y'all with all your stuff my goodness now you get stuff no i know just i have to dine to get stuff everyone's dying to get stuff i need you to die mr bond i need you to die so i can get stuff i need stuff poison bombs away maybe target bounce defender bombs a yay bombsie trickster [Music] and windup um so more damage per bounce how again how does that work with a snake right i mean at a certain point i think you just need to cut your losses with sneak [Music] try it okay i need something that's going to give me block moves because i don't have any shock so emp yeah and oh power [Music] nice putting emp blasts everywhere oh this is going to be dangerous ah two can play that game jazz oh god well i died i think i did most of the damage to myself as well oh god i'm stuck i'm stuck hey cram it get under come on elmo what was i going to do oh jeez yeah you can't totally do that hold on run run run i got scared you're gonna kill me sink oh i'm staying cloud okay oh gosh oh god oh ash ash is in a good position all you have to do is just wait for us yeah you're on the one block that didn't fall that's pretty crummy get up here feels like when it's when it's uh chaos like this there's a lot more opportunity for just like lucky wins right you know like oh god plug just flew right on my face oh yeah there's like little tiny little nails like now the game is oh it's just last man standing so yeah you could just hang back for a little while um that's scary my bullets are too big they keep hitting things right next to me oh my god gekko for sure um [Music] steady shot parasite target bounce we're gonna just get weird with it look at that line of abilities um hp bullet speed i don't know if i want bullet speed yeah bullet speeds most of the time it's got pluses and minuses yeah combined you really need to build around it though you know if you don't get it early on oh yeah scavenger i only have one bullet house i saw a comment somebody talking about the difference between bullet speed and attack speed which i think we know like that we understand attack speed is like fire rate bullet speed is how quickly they move um decay decay is really good and i want more careful plantings please provide me with careful plantings okay just a couple of those just uh three four of those you need to win oh god oh ow i got hit i got hit by the boxes it dazed me i'm actually safe right here but i can't get out oh rick you're you're whatever your parasite got me yeah baby whoa i got launched okay wow tricky or whatever gosh darn it dude oh god is there any bets yet chat hmm wow that bounce wow get out of here what do you even have i have no idea oh that saved me jeez ritz bullets are scary they're really scary oh i'm ready yet i killed myself i think i killed myself like rick you definitely did a lot of parasite damage to me but hey ray i'm doing so much damage to myself as well i'm fine don't worry about me no you just turn the possibility off wow cool oh good shot oh god synchronized that sucks man that's trash i was like i'm not gonna give up the high ground mm-hmm well i i let's be honest there was no way i could have won that one anyways because your bullets could fire far enough and fast enough that if i stayed up there you would have blown it up yeah so there was no way i could have won that one it was just realistically who could blow up the platform yeah first oh oh okay we okay we still live yeah we're okay we live what was that these overhead lights have weird wiring to them in my opinion we have trouble keeping the hue on because if the hue bulbs ever lose power it resets back to normal and they seem to just kind of flicker yep i'm gonna go huge huge large huge and spray oh no large spray oh phoenix yes oh jazzy just won and then let's do keep in the part where i said we should take that out go back to the footage find the part where i said we should turn up these oh i immediately died oh man i don't think it's going to matter because i immediately died oh my god ash's freaking ridiculous bullets jeez man oh god oh god so much poison i have obliterated myself can we take a moment to notice that the periodic table isn't even in like correct positioning anymore oh good one oh god good shots man they'll get shots big big bullets big bullets seems like we all got a lot of emps going on yep yep good one good one oh god oh gosh oh i made a mistake oh god i actually hit y'all with that shot oh yeah all right we're going again oh man yeah sorry i got really excited i don't trust teleport it's an interesting one but it's also yeah that's great um we'll we'll try wait what's overpowering yeah we'll try sneaky sneaker sneaking chase that came out of nowhere i got so lucky on that the world fell apart i was dead and i was apparently just being squished under a box yeah that level is my least favorite because it's just it falls apart there's nowhere to stand well yeah especially when we all have that many explosives and everything else justice for light fingers [Laughter] let's do um i really want to have the biggest bullet i want the biggest bullet please you already accomplished that yeah been done i want more bullets please there's big up yeah there's big bullets that's literally a big bullet he literally said you want the biggest bullet no i don't have a big bullet is not the same as the biggest bullet uh jasmine wants the most damn yeah the uh what is it called i want a nuke no no but what's the the careful careful planning yes gosh although it didn't seem to help no as much as it was just visually people in the chat or the comments were saying that it doesn't necessarily translate to more damage but a lot of people in the comments did just say you know the more damage you get the larger your bullets get in my opinion there was something about the combination of items in that particular episode that caused it to in my opinion glitch it seems like the equation was multiplying somewhere it should have been adding there's a part of the equation it didn't it wasn't prepared for you know what do i even have again all right not nobility oh grow oh because it's sneaky too ha ha oh geez those sneakies so sneaky that's sneaky little bullet oh boy oh no oh no no no oh sneaky you don't want to get on a level playing field with me everyone just stand still run out of blocks to block me just run away oh oh you killed me with the dropping boxes why didn't do it it was probably actually i think it was ash on his way up oh god i got poisoned oh no um did the bullets bounce off the ceiling uh no yeah they do so that's that's sometimes it depends on which bullet yeah these mine don't interesting mine definitely doesn't i wonder if i i ricochet hmm off of the yeah okay okay could be ricochet oh god i parasite myself all right i got you back i crushed you oh i'm dead all right rick don't don't mind i mind me very much sir don't like that no no steel charge is scary it is having an alien body that's so squishy it's true my body is squishy oh my goodness oh man okay okay um we're gonna do poison oh radar could be good decay is also great but i'm gonna go with radar that's scary uh healing feel a big bullet quick shot chase we'll go quick shot and dazzle's interesting thrush i want it when you when you get lifted off you know you need like spray and thrust yeah yeah let's get quicker load i want spray now steady quick reload's good too i already got a quick quick reload brick reload got a quick reload for you oh that killed me in one shot oh god throws ass [Laughter] just my bullets flying oh boy don't do it jess i'm getting out of here [Music] this is my little armor sneaky oh my bullet just hits your bullet ha ha ha ha friends now get out of here stop it get out of here i can't i can't beat rick in like a while i can't be around price he's got radar she's talking about he's scary ain't got nothing oh ah jazz your reflect killed me with my own point that's what i want to hear come oh my gosh oh god it's coming back down those ricochets oh my god dude is trevesa gonna just steal it take it all right everybody after trevesa barrage oh god this is why death net sucks these target bounce bullets aim for visible targets when bouncing oh that's gonna okay get ready y'all it's a nightmare though get ready i know the first target i'm ready i am ready with oh that's a nightmare i got multiples bunch of humans getting taken out by what an alien thrusters again there's an offensive 1990s movie about this but that's interesting you know what let's go let's go nightmare this is just gonna be a nightmare that's what it is no oh god what did you get don't worry let's do radar shot as well oh boy within power that's gonna be really interesting yeah and then um that would keep you alive probably let's keep myself alive a little bit let's do that jazzy may have just turned things around a little bit okay run run run run all right let's try this i'm on fire no i got thrusted we did our best and i think you know i basically shot and then i waited and then i was dead i was the one who died in that oh what does rick have that is getting us because as far as like it's planning it's just power my shot is very uh okay i got it oh wow good bounce but oh your shots are so i know they're so fast there's oh come on good one good neat yeah thing the way that radar works like that yeah you almost got me i know with the box oh it's coming again all right we gotta go after this dude trevesa's getting this y'all oh god good lord oh god oh god oh god yeah i'm going to die oh god oh god oh god get me back out now that thing is swinging ash i know right oh no oh no block block this is a nightmare yeah oh just i did it all right it's me combined sneaky oh you know what we're going to go sneaky i hate that level that level um give me i've kept it alive uh you know what time technician might be good too [Music] but i also want to be alive longer homing being alive and um have we all passed up on scavenger when it has shown up jasmine got it one time last round i think because it's like i've had the opportunity and it's so good but like i needed something else i need like poison or parasites let's try just getting real just sniper shots laser beams um see wicked spray i want spray yeah but i got careful planning so i can't get that [Music] um [Music] what you're going to do frost slam i need a block and ooh oh because you need to live longer oh no all right hi jazz hi truce okay [Music] i mean as best good job oh man just know i'm not actually aiming for any of you it just happens it just happens oh god christ oh god oh man okay oh my god let's see fast forward time detonation combined drills oh my god yeah boy i've never had drills it's going to be weird so but here's my thing i have like a thousand bullets now so i'm just gonna fire these off and it's gonna be cows let's just get a bunch more hp okay um because i think i also have like bounce shot wave i have a lot of conflicting abilities that will work it's just we don't know where they will work oh my god yes trickster your scientist is like this will do something yes we know it will do something i'm out oh god enjoy the party oh gosh kill traffic almost i wasn't paying attention at all to what was happening to you because i was so focused on killing rick but i got him we got him that's me okay okay i'm still alive i'm still still alive i think wow we're all just sitting there waiting oh my god this is a nightmare this is the nightmare price is just that is just ridiculous they were everywhere don't worry about me though oh god flying away some of those came back oh that was pure chaos all right y'all that's been the end of that round of rounds that was that was with the the free-for-all mod and the uh pick two cards mod insane uh let us know what you guys think we're gonna play around with some more mods in the next episode i hope you guys enjoyed with that we're gonna move on [Music] you
Channel: Stumpt
Views: 65,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stumpt, Stumpt Gamers, Rounds, Rounds game, Rounds gameplay, Rounds multiplayer, Rounds 1v1, Rounds unlocks, Game, Gameplay, multiplayer, unlocks, Landfall, Funny
Id: 4Yp_kFgsVu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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