WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR EYE!? - Wildermyth: The Enduring War (4-Player Gameplay)

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so do we assault the windmill i think so i think so yeah let's go attack all right the sun's falling and the silver fog floats from the trees where the shadows pool egg stop for a second fog's getting thick important thing is to stick together [Music] perfect atmosphere isn't it ever heard of the story of oh mitchell and the mountain ghost oh mitchell oh mitchell the quiet forms a fence around them impenetrable the whirling air almost utterly opaque bosh filberg i think we need to not stand here let's go to the trees at least those are solid they halt just inside the shelter of the pines the dark air clean wet the trees they pat they press to dampen their palms [Music] i don't like treat tree clinging generally complain complain complain and then something vast moves beside them slow achingly it passes too enormous to be seen impossibly silent be still be quiet i am you be quiet oh dude is this the same thing we saw in the last camp yeah yeah yeah is it a turtle yes a turtle night's fallen the fog wanders away clinging to the felty outline of the gargantuan shadow yeah let's find the others maybe they saw it too maybe they saw it better i'd rather ask take a look now trails go cold i would be like i want to go i want to go that's what bro tobe would do too yeah all right let's go take a look let's go there you go come on bro tobe we won't go too far still wasn't shouting range it's reckless egg but all right i'll guard you so i'm guarding you why is brotoball scared of something that's reckless you know tonight emptied of silence fills again with noise crickets and owls and scuttling ferrets approximating where the giant had passed they search there are no footprints or are there pools of green light are spaced along between them the unbroken pine trunks perhaps at distances to match the thing's huge strides even as they watch the light pools rapidly shrink into the ground drying sinking perhaps just fading like starlight egg runs to the stoop over one of these and scrapes the earth away with ahead of her stem careful they pluck a glowing seed from the ground as it tries to burrow deeper it slips their grass but it floats settling in the air oh i think we've got some flies to swap snatching the seed egg secures it in their pocket this is shouting distance right certainly worth a try bosh filbert your friends find them oh hi stop but so do their enemies bosh my love so we probably have a weakness yeah walling provides no armor so don't wall doesn't matter okay oh look at these squishy boys yeah oh they're cute okay pixels all right where are they left hand side carapace lamp i can hit him from where i am oh okay okay so i can infuse with things oh there's some on the right hand side too i want to infuse with this it is four of them so are we all going to go for the ones that left first or should we split well i want to take out the ones on the left yeah me too i'll come down here and help ash okay then i can i'm kind of going to stay where i am to be honest i'm just going to get up in this guy's face go for it cause that's what brooktop would do yeah let me go here classic bro tube classic oh they're just out of range now oh no daunted skit stunted dude nice i i went to the exact wrong spot can i interfuse with more than one thing yeah yeah i think three you you can do at least two right now okay yeah i think it's two and then you can get things that give you more this tree [Music] so is ben and jazz both kind of mystics yeah they're both mystics with different specializations so jazzy got the one for mechanical stuff and anna has the one which one did you get nina uh humanist no soul splitting oh soul splitting that's right okay ash ooh ash you're hurting huh all right if you hit a mash i can i can shoot him from behind all right let me enter ash don't move don't move must play or blast them i'm gonna split your voicemail don't move okay no don't move yet okay okay let's see make sure you don't get hit there we go nice okay okay i'll kill this oh no you killed that guy yeah oh and look you get a crit you get the crit awesome bam perfect get blood rage dude all right okay oh yeah that's right you got blood rage sorry this is brother's turf yeah all right i'm gonna go back here oh actually i can crit him from where i am do it do it okay we just got that one other one hey leave me alone he just wants a little kiss rude uh where's he at oh he's up yeah stay here get deaded oh he's good nice it we got a little hurt but we're okay ooh lion sign i mean uh bro tobe should probably take that is that what it's a melee it's a sphere yeah and it would be okay yeah it's a pointy secret i don't have as much knockback but that's fine um yeah spear will be good because it gives you extra range you can always get something later right now this is a tier one which is great because we have tier zeros i think that the range is the best part about that because now you have a two distance range you can hit guys from farther away and when you do the what's the thing is it's not paladin but that is part of it but where you like wall and then like they walk near you you hit them having a range that's really good once again the night air belongs to the songs of ordinary creatures everyone's still here i hate a night battle keep knocking into trees egg and brotov recount what they just saw a colossal striding silently through the silver fog the others never saw more than the great banks of miss separating them they make a further search for sign of the giants passing but are forced to camp uh precious hours of sunrise having found nothing but i found that seed yeah yeah did i oh you i didn't tell anybody i was like this is my seed you're an enigma little seed [Music] eggplant i think i know what this is egg plants it a sun blessed hillside uh in a bed of soft earth who knows what am i gonna have a baby is this my tree baby i think tell me what this does i know what it is i think you do too jess yeah don't tell me i don't know yeah let it be a surprise it's all yeah this game part of it is like the the surprise element um okay so we can secure it to get like an item yeah let's do that yeah okay [Music] uh so investigate thoroughly is what we do yeah we want to get items right now yeah and luckily we have two mystics which uh should uh make it go a little bit faster and then you guys heal at the same time yeah uh that's fine yeah i think that adding more enemies it's going to happen anyways plus it's still early we're getting one of each yeah [Music] okay there we go we did it oh my god a thorough delving into the mysteries of the cob pipe windmill have proven rewarding so you could just hit your neck through this because it's going to be the same so some stuff and a ring currency potency is good for mystics yeah it increases magic damage essentially and you can take the first one okay well here's what you should do hover over yourselves okay um okay so anna will actually get up to the next level of potency whereas jazzy you're all ready it won't take you over so give it to them no i see so then give me the ring anna can you claim it um or do i have to do it here i just clicked on anna and gave it to her oh okay so should we go south first yeah because we'll want to end up at that last one yeah so then scout let's go let's go the bottom once infested not yet okay not yet [Music] um okay okay let's do it i think what's assaulted yeah roto is always down for an assault yeah that's true um this looks like a good place to stop for the night rest up everyone we've got a busy day tomorrow hmm oh i'm not on read along with the leader i gotta go do something see you all a bit later gotta go poop in the woods that's basically what you're gonna do do you want some company egg to poop poop in numbers do you need a poop too yeah group poop yeah group poop you can watch each other's back um you not get enough walking in today not that i mined a nighttime stroll oh who's that someone i used to know died on this day okay yeah so each year i light a candle for him that's a real nice tribute egg it was ages ago but well you never stop missing them no you just learned to carry it more lightly uh what's that it looks like a shrine [Music] oh ooh [Music] these are good choices oh i sort of want to just light the candle and see what happens um but it also looks like a sacred place and i don't want to disrupt it so a toast would would respect that so i'm gonna find someplace else all right all right they move on until i think there's a clearing up ahead whoa this is astonishing yes this is the place this is perfect there's a constellation of the crown of ophelia his favorite these rocks should do what are you doing determining he's riding a candle oh yeah i'm lighting this candle sometimes my chest hurts i miss him so much i'm talking about sephiroth yes why don't you tell me a bit about him really what you want to know about yeah he sounds like he was really important to you well yeah i've talked late into the night you're like i regret this choice sometimes through tears sometimes along with laughter the stars traced the ancient path along the sky and a new tradition between the two of them was born oh you love stuff out too yeah i'm a huge fan now i'm a stan all right okay okay oh i do want to infuse let's see oh yeah yeah i want to infuse with these as far as i can go yeah i'm gonna go yeah i'm gonna go right here rubble because i can still hit them i could move farther but or i could just guard him um i might just guardian yeah that's a guardian that's what it is and so yeah you see you have extra range on your guardian now which is so good yeah because your spear gives you extra range holy crap that's so good so it's it's really good and then if you get the range up um upgrade it's even better okay i think i can hit both of them yeah well i killed one of them okay well i want to try how do i barrage oh it's way too far away oh you can see that when you hover over you can see it's raining oh i can discuss there you go this is good where it's at and discus can oh i can get to the door and open it uh oh we have a door so i can let me open it um just wait until first of all uh let me um interfuse with a uh a mechanism because that allows me to poison oh uh i'm just gonna trip just walk all the way in okay i can't actually do it here but i think i'm going to silk step no stop stop come on oh because one of you guys is doing something sorry no it's okay i was just like why isn't it going yeah i needed to get i love the way that we can move at the same time simultaneously yeah and we can still coordinate because like we can be like oh you move there okay now i'll move here jazz how do you uninterfere in there's an actual thing saying yeah withdrawal withdrawal well that would draw both of the things uh no i think you know i had to choose the one yeah oh you dodged it right i do want to interfuse i'm going here i'm going to hit that guy hold on i'm going to crit that one or uh you know nice stunning barrage there we go yeah if you use that one if you could get that one anna the boiler yeah that'll also crit that guy oh i don't think i can get the boiler but i'll get this table there you go there you go give me a table love me a table tuna hey good one oh and he was stunned he couldn't do no thin nice wow wow that's what you get when you mess with broto oh i forget the different classes have different um thresholds for level ups this one would be good oh it's melee accuracy and ranged accuracy probably i would love yeah i would love the ranged accuracy yeah i think that's for sure go go oh okay oh yeah these guys they can spit fire yeah gross hot fire hot fire uh secure yeah and let's do the investigate because then you get an item i think it's always worth it worst case scenario you have to um oh did we do it yeah we did it no there we go okay we had to click on it um worst case scenario you salvage it but like you know just a little extra time i think it's worth it [Music] bonus damage damage probably bro yeah yeah bear striker would work for any of this yeah it says bear strength on it you know yeah we gotta keep with the theme uh okay so now north let's do it scout it out this just makes me want to play this game more and more and more right it's so good once you play it a little bit you're like okay i gotta play my own campaign yeah i gotta do another campaign all right the the harebar wilds oh no i don't think we could do it i think there's still there must be other ah we gotta go all the way down here let's achieve our other objectives first what were the other objectives clear all hostile sites so we have to go south so we have to go south okay so now we just travel all the way back down yeah okay here we go look at us go yeah we could because the because of that we couldn't um finish the quest finish the class creep going to spread now back into my series it might but we could just get rid of i don't think enemies will pop back up okay let's do it what do you think we talk about while we're walking let's sephiroth now might get some more wood for the fire uh you're gonna be up longer philbert's already turning in i go to sleep at like six yeah good he deserves the rest we all do anyway you want company don't feel obliged i won't be interesting [Music] i know that already this face this is this is a conversation that y'all have had this is peak our relationship yeah rattle clunk more wood thanks give me the wood the fire wriggles through the fresh wood happy as a mud dog okay this is a sinister yeah eggs eyes grow tired they begin to see things oh what is okay oh are you having like a little flashback yeah are you looking at it yeah you choose what your vision's gonna be do i want the the mine or the more foggy i gotta go with the monsters that's cool oh okay some more thoggy have a taste for fire oh others will acid still from uh still others suck remnants of life from bones chewing through fuel turning it into deeds we're not much different in that way the fire creaks agreement does it end in ash yes yes eggs suddenly realizes they have no idea how much time has passed i'm so tired more foggy on the brain tonight [Music] and rightly so turns out tickings and clinkings blow through distant pines dessert bro tobe filbert [Music] we were dating she wants you to be safe yeah your eyes strained to see beyond the dying light oh oh oh okay yeah nice so you got your information yeah okay so i guess the other one would have given something else all right escape done sorry i forget we all have to click it on those ones all right i'm gonna wait let's see where okay i see one yeah where are they at he's very far far far left yeah oh where are you going hi since that's the only one we see no there's there's other venues behind us there is a lot more so ash i think you should go uh right and i'll take care of the spectacular i'll go this direction and just see what i see nothing should i go down should i move down check out here i might move up actually okay i can move up a little bit or you're moving up all right i'm gonna move right here i'm gonna shoot this guy you shoot him okay i'm gonna hit him too there's oh there's so much more to the right anta up though oh yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna go right it's too sweet i didn't really follow you yeah so you're not alone yeah you all check up there and then we'll send you what you're doing jazzy oh okay there we go nice good job i love splinter blasts it's good it's good okay i'm gonna check up yep there we go all right south i don't think there's anything south because it looks like it cuts off right here should we go i think we could go to the right and explore that bigger area yeah i was thinking oh no there is stuff down there oh i didn't see that okay um yeah i'm gonna go here here we go i can't hit him i don't think so i have to wait i'm in a silk step uh where is it e it's right there let's close the can [Music] you will still take fire damage on next turn though oh just get one square closer all right jazzy you hit him from one side and then i'll go after that move down so i don't do that oh you you couldn't hit him oh no okay that's right i don't want to be in the fire turns are bouncing around yeah i'm gonna wait until they're done that's it for up there so now we can go down in it are you sure okay everything's revealed up here yeah okay so i'm gonna i'll withdraw from these this tree all right price why don't you go first and then i'll move okay because i was thinking i would shoot him from this right side yeah yeah go for that all right hold on i can't move right now oh yeah there he is yeah i'll go to right here um will that get a crit though from your thing i don't think so one hit hit him i don't think i will stunned him ah well he's stunned so he's somebody stunned yeah yeah he's not gonna attack again cool go ahead oh anna oh damn i uh i'm coming soul splitting helps getting help i can't make it all the way to you yeah that's okay i can move behind you yeah you should run away or price i will take care of this guy if you help anna yeah i can go up here i can i can shoot this guy but i can also infuse hopefully draw some of his ire yeah there you go can i illuminate oh oh and then you can pull fire from it later yeah cool okay all right that's what you're doing all the way oh so that's where you're stuck got it yeah [Music] hey nice okay oh he's coming right now oh no good perfect oh good okay let me shoot him from here first no no you'll you'll yield to him yeah i wanted to give ash the crit i want to oh i can shackle or steal fire i'm gonna say the robbers will probably kill him yes if you had hit him first it would have been a guaranteed for me yeah yes because it happened until the first person attacks i thought it was more just about character position i thought you just had to be it's position after the first hit there has to be a hit first all right yeah replace your armor ash get some look at that fancy fancy clothes like none of us could wear that armor skin going to the beach what you don't like my new skin um the last of the orange light sinks into the embers egg remembers their earlier rivalries revelries revelries reveries yeah reveries and tucks them away the next day they sour or they score south war mine scraped up but empty maybe they all smelled us last night and came running that's that's that's such a bro yeah i was feeling a little overripe myself i need a bath anyway a lot of work to be done you think they smelled us broto oh brotobe all right do we get an item secure it all right that's secured [Music] and then yeah we heal that's right it's better to do that because then you heal a little bit yeah i do love healing because we squishy ooh boy it's already getting we're getting a lot of cards it's okay yeah it is what it is i mean if we ever feel like it we can get rid of some yeah yeah [Music] that's true who has lowest dodge uh anna probably yeah anna and it does yeah well then i'll take it sash of grace typical me so graceful i just went ahead and set us that's fair i feel like one person just needs to do it yeah all right let's go to the stacks oops uh old formed caverns stretch beneath the stacks yeah bro keep up we're pushing through seriously only their back barking echoes answer them wait where's bro tobe how many breaks does he have to take i was so perfect weird i thought he was right i thought huh this place lies to your ears i guess here we are a little uh here we are with one brittle light i don't know why that took me so long they score they scour they scour the steps for the last sign of broto oh here's where he went i bet anything uh an almost triangular crevice and beyond is a tight twisting tunnel below them in the coldening ground in the fungal glow yup yup yup this is exactly the thing i ought to be doing by myself me the unsp uh me and the unspooky mushrooms oh and the treasure cave which is i suppose that's what this is under blade sharp stones a wider space a firmer shine there's a powerful smell a heart smell uh a heart the heart of the mountain and at first glance i go for it at first glance he thinks a massive grey man is hunched over the blue right flame he's having visions he ate the mushrooms he realizes what is that oh smooth contour is perfectly edged carved now by tools and any hands have held you're in you're trouble aren't you i should probably go get that man i travel with sometimes all of them i mean when did your iq lower yeah and i do wonder if there's a reality in which i don't at least pluck at that gemstone i mean you're practically daring me [Laughter] i mean that's bro forever the other one said like let's not upset the gods temper you think brother this is your fault knife gut knife jesus into the seams between this gem and setting and only a moment after he does an interesting tremble travels up the blade you don't sound happy harmonic vibrations they swell they sing in the joints of a skeleton roto bends near lowers his knife i don't see any thunderclap a luminous flood [Music] a wet bloody odor in the surface scent of fresh split rock time sees a pause and the world fills with in with light and then he fades into normal motion colored ash you lost an eye you got a stone you're better now where'd the what did you just do pro tub that's me uh there was a brilliant gemstone i found it here i tried to remove it i got rebuked and now the gems gone which is like gem shouldn't just go away putting your hands on what's not yours what are you on about reach up try touching your eye a short while later uh it can at least see i can see through it facets of things that shouldn't have facets the emergent daylight encountered the enemy they thought they sought and brothel will look at things differently from then on yeah so okay you have an eye i want to look at what ash just got that spoiler i know what it was okay let's see you got a gem eye you have colored water spirit that'd be real good i think i i might i'm gonna go run out and grab that water spirit okay because i really want that what does it do i can get a um water bow which is a stronger bow and the thing is is water bows or water any weapon when they crit you get an action back oh that's cool yeah so you can technically what should i name my bow the slender arc's not bad oh oh hold on but it's water right slip and slide [Music] [Laughter] let's see let's see [Music] okay all right i'll do that i wanna i was trying to figure out something like uh with squirtle but that's just a suggestion purely from broto oh okay yes the baja blast is perfect it's so good all right i'm out of actions okay i'd love it if you yeah move into the position where you're protecting me so i can attack him here um oh hell yeah yeah with a ladder i guess and nice well that that deals with my concerns let me go next to ash and then i should move i'm interfused with the stone just to cover myself and then a weight turn well actually i can move a little further actually [Music] there you are hi that's a big boy [Music] [Music] i might just move forward and then guardian yeah i'm gonna go to here i can discuss one from yeah here okay i'm curious if they're gonna move towards you hold on hold on hold on wait wait boom i got a crit with the water bow i took out that guy okay i can still discus one two nice maybe you probably can't if you just kiss the one in the front it might bounce the one in the back because maybe i was just seeing as someone else's attack stuff i think this stone here that you have that's mine oh wait no this is pink on it right no i guess not close i see i'm just not [Music] so available i can interfuse with this stepladder from one step ladder to the next i forget you get that extra armor with that soul splitting come on that's one step away okay okay [Music] i want to throw a discus at somebody do it hit us i'm going to hit this little septic down here nice so we're all shooting this guy huh i'm going to just go straight up to here oh nice good one here we go yeah all right level up for bro tube yeah see so mystics take the longest to level up in the beginning oh okay wind walk isn't teleporting but like rotom's not gonna pick that exactly um the other two though shield sheer and thundering challenge which has to switch out of prototype frightens an enemy forcing them to spend their turn running away shield stream is also really good where you can shred their armor like you can do that and then attack right yeah because it's a swift is that a swift action yeah it's not bad i mean and then you could also upgrade blood rage so these are these are good options gain plus two damage honestly i think i'll probably upgrade blood bridge all right ooh [Music] just do you want this because i got the other item sure i think the stavs are good for defense as well i think they give you more of that i mean i don't mind it's good damage i'll take it yeah all right you're gonna name it i'm gonna rename it uh i name it my [Applause] uh battle stick battle stick nice oh block i think bro tube yeah you're going to be up in there might as well have more block chance [Music] the kind of guy that just wants to have a lot of hp but still be taking damage so that he can have the rage exactly exactly with battle done they stand still a moment warmed over the rays of the lowering sun the gems cast a tickle of light on bro tubes thoughts just a tickle sorry you may not like it but i think it's an improvement what a thing to say you can still fight you can see and see well [Music] uh i see the edges and faces of things like i never saw before it's it's weird hey that sounds not bad or i don't know who knows maybe i'll be a diamond person soon maybe it'll travel to my heart under my ribs someday you'll find only a cold glittering impervious jewel wow you're taking this very well whether it was wrath reward a trap or a twist of coincidence will always be hard to tell years will show how deep the changes go okay so it's gonna be over time and an ancient god will dream in darkness frustrating visions above the earth [Music] you're a symbiote now venom i'm venom okay or i'm controlled by venom um all right so now we can go do it now can we do it yes investigate that okay and then click do it all right oh we still need to secure yep there we go next necklace warning okay so that's magic damn or magic uh armor defense yeah so all three of y'all will get uh you will go to the next level of it which means you get another warding um maybe jazzy because anna you have the bonus defense yeah i've got that's my skills yeah go for just lame oh right oh more block more block wow more bro tub all right more broke too just because you're up in there like that's the goal will be that they're mostly targeting you in the future right that is the goal so do we just go all the way there yeah yeah here we go [Music] you
Channel: Stumpt
Views: 12,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stumpt, Stumpt Gamers, Wildermyth, Wildermyth Game, WIldermyth Gameplay, Wildermyth Multiplayer, Game, gameplay, multiplayer, chapter, funny
Id: VI2IROmdniQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 3sec (2283 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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