Roundabout Upgrade | Cities: Skylines | Ep. 11

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hey everyone and welcome back to our city i've had a huge influx of subscribers recently so i wanted to start this episode by welcoming everyone to the channel and thanking those who are already subscribed for their continued support i originally wanted to do an episode about recovering from a disaster but i was having issues during recording while the city was being hit by the disaster so i had to switch gears and now if you hadn't already guessed i'll be doing an episode about upgrading our original highway off-ramp slash roundabout as you can see the traffic isn't terrible but it is having some issues before we decide what we want to do with our roundabout we should probably try and figure out what the problem is first if we go to info views and we go down to traffic routes what we can do is we can actually click on a segment of the road and that will show us where all the cars are traveling along that road are going by clicking just on the other side of the roundabout we can see all the cars coming from the northern side going through the roundabout we can see that most of them are private vehicles and they're either going to the left straight through or to the right it also gives us an idea of the volume of cars coming from the north as these lines and arrows are overlapping each other quite a bit i think that the problem we are having is that the volume of cars going north south and east west has increased to the point where it is too much for our roundabout we are basically at capacity for the amount of cars that it can support and the traffic going in either direction is starting to interfere with one another and considering that this is the first roundabout that we had in our city at the very beginning i think it has performed quite well up to this point so what i did was i looked through the interchange page on wikipedia to try and find something that would work for our city i wanted to find something that would support the amount of cars that we have something that wasn't too big because we already have development around the area and most importantly something that would be easy for me to make since i'm going to actually have to build it what i decided on was a two level roundabout and i'll walk you through how we are going to build it for our city two levels of our two level roundabout are going to be the highway running north and south i'm going to make sure that this has a continuous road going through the area and then the roundabout itself we're actually going to level that up one level to get started we're just going to pause the game because this is a pretty major road going through our city so i don't want to interrupt our citizens too much from there we're going to delete all of the roads that are connected to our roundabout and as for the roundabout itself if this were going to be a normal roundabout on ground level usually what i would do is i would start with a cross let me just put one in here real quick so i can show everybody i would start with a cross it looks just like this and i could use the row tool with the curved road and i can click on one of the points of this cross and bring it to the road guideline of the next point click again and then just curve it around the perimeter of this cross now because this is going to be an elevated roundabout if we were to try and do that here with our current cross and we bring up the road here we're going to step it up just one step as soon as i try and connect up to this point at the bottom here it's going to bring our road down to ground level automatically so it's pretty much going to make it impossible to make an elevated roundabout so what we need to do is we need to make ourselves a new set of road guidelines that are the same as the old road guidelines from this little cross here that we can use for making our elevated roundabout so to do that i'm going to use the old road guideline of this point right here i'm going to follow it along just to the right side here and i'm going to make a little road segment just off to the side so the road guideline of this new road segment is the same as the road guideline of this point over here on our cross i'm going to do the same thing for this point on the right side here i'm going to follow it down and make another new little road segment at the bottom here so we can see that the new road guidelines are the exact same as the old road guidelines from our cross that we have here so i'm going to do that in each of the quadrants of our cross i hope this makes sense it'll hopefully be a little bit more clear as we go along but we can see if we do that we follow the old road guidelines and make just little segments of road along here we're making new road guidelines that are in the same area as the old road guidelines from here what i can do is i can delete two of the segments of our old cross here and then we're going to start our elevated roundabout so i'm using the largest elevation step and i'm going to step up one step i'm going to make sure that we're using the curved road tool and if we follow our new road guidelines right to here we can see this intersects with an old road guideline from our old cross and this would have been where the point of our old cross was before we deleted it so we're going to start right here we're going to make a click and we're going to bring it over to our new road guideline which is the same road guideline as where our previous point on the right hand side was and we're going to click again and we're going to bring it up to right here where our new road guidelines are intersecting with the remaining old road guideline and this would have been where our second point on the cross used to be so we're going to click there again and at this point i can delete the remaining segments of our old cross go back down to the road tool and connect up to where we were before i can bring it back up again to where the new road guideline is click again and bring it to the middle road guideline so this would have been where the point at the top of our cross used to be i'm going to click again bring it over to the next road guideline over here and down around the outside edge and do the same on that last quadrant there and now what we have is a almost perfectly circular raised roundabout [Music] now if we did that properly what we can also do now is we can go back down to the road tool go to our highways and we can actually reconnect our highways back up underneath and hopefully it looks like everything worked out well and the support pillars for our new raised roundabout actually lie right in the middle between our two highway road segments here so that worked out quite well before we go any further what i want to do next is i'm going to actually go into the landscaping and disasters tab down at the bottom and i'm going to go to the level terrain tool and i'm actually going to just level up the terrain in the area here just to make it a little bit easier for myself the game can be a little bit picky for some of the things that you do you can see i'm i'm humiliating pardon me a little bit of a cost under 500 bucks so it was already relatively level to begin with but just to make it so it's nice and perfectly smooth i'm gonna just try and level it up as much as i can so the next thing that i want to do is i want to collect pardon me i want to connect our raised roundabout to the highway itself i'm going to go into the highway roads tool here and i'm going to go to the highway ramp and i'm going to connect it up if we go and we look on our roundabout we can see we are already have a couple of nodes around the outside edge here and i'm going to use the one on the outside edge and i'm going to connect it down to the highway down at the bottom here um actually sorry i'm gonna i'm gonna do that with the two lane road i have something to admit to everybody i actually i did this a little bit ahead of time so i have a little cheat sheet off to the side here with some costs that it's going to take for me to connect up these roads and it looks like i may have used a two-lane road when i originally built it so sorry about that i'm gonna i'm gonna connect it with a two-lane road same thing i'm going to connect to the node right here and bring it down to our highway and i'm just going to let it connect up with a cost of eleven hundred and forty dollars so we can see that that is not too steep it looks a little bit a little bit weird but honestly it doesn't look that bad i think that'll work out quite well so we're going to do that for each of the lanes on our highway just connect up to the road have a cost of 1140 and you can see here it's a little bit of a weird discrepancy that it has it has a cost of 1140 right here but i can also move it and it has a cost of 1140 still so the length of road actually does change but the cost stays the same but i think the 1140 cost that's the shorter road matches up better with the cost of the 1140 road on the right-hand side so i think that matches up pretty well no actually maybe not that looks a little bit shorter let's actually delete that and see what it looks like with the cost of 1140 on the second one [Music] still not lined up perfectly but i think that looks a little bit better than the previous attempt that we did we're going to go to the other side here connect up to this node cost of 1140 down to the bottom cost of 1140 down at the bottom here as well that one lined up a little bit better i think it's not going to be perfect i don't have any mods turned on and this is a little bit kind of near the edge of what the game is going to let you do so we can't be too picky with the roads that we're making here and so from here what i can do is i can actually upgrade these roads to the highway on and off ramps which is actually time to do that now so i'm going to upgrade these and i'm going to make sure that the direction that they're going is the same direction that the highway is going that it's connecting up to so the road on the left here is going down so make sure our highway off ramp our pardon me this will be an on-ramp is going down as well so this one will change to go up this one's going down and this one's going to go up and we're actually going to have this as a true roundabout and going around in one direction all the way around the outside edge there [Music] the next thing that we want to do is we want to make sure that we have connection for our four lane collector roads here to go to our roundabout and to do that i'm just going to take a quick measurement i'm going to use the two lane road here just as a guide for a length of road to make sure that our two-lane road on either side of our roundabout is the same distance away from where the roundabout is so i'm going to just connect up to here and i'm going to make sure it has a cost of one thousand forty dollars so that should be where our two lane pardon me our four lane road is going to meet up to check on this side 1040 so that one works out well we may actually end up having to remove some of these commercial businesses over here but we'll get to that in a minute and then i'm going to go over to our four lane collector road down over on the side here and i'm going to switch to the dirt road tool and what i'm going to do is i am going to run a dirt road tool a pardon me i'm going to run a dirt road um just on the right hand side it's going to be i can zoom in here a little bit it's going to be two grid spaces over and two grid spaces down and we're going to bring that up just a little bit to the outside edge there and the reason i'm using a dirt road tool is in order to connect this up to the four lane collector road i find it much easier to do that with the dirt road tool if we were to use the two lane road right here you can see that it's it's a little bit more picky with where it's going to let us connect up and if we use the dirt road tool it's much easier for us to just find a spot to connect to and do that so we're going to do that with a cost of 180 dollars and we're going to do that with the same on the other side and then as for the connection to the roundabout itself we're going to delete this uh measurement road that i put in there we're going to switch back to the two-lane road and then we're going to connect it straight up to where it was before just like that i think that was the cost that i wanted to do that with actually maybe that's a little bit too much so we're going to extend our dirt road just another another 40 dollars i think that way i think that'll work out well then we'll go back to our two-lane road connect up to there i think that will work out a little bit better so i'm going to do that on the other side over here so as i said before it looks like we're actually gonna have to delete some of these commercial businesses i do have some historical buildings here so we'll just delete those get them out of the way we'll move our child health care center down as well as our road maintenance department and we're going to move our crematorium i'm not going to put it over here beside the emergency shelter i feel like that's maybe a little bit ominous so i'm going to move it over just beside the cemetery over there i'm actually gonna also uh de-zone these areas so that the businesses don't try and pop up after we unpause the game we're gonna switch back to the dirt road tool and just use that as a guide two grid squares in two grid squares down and we're gonna bring it up to the outside edge and then i think i added an extra little segment there let me just double check how long that was cost of eighty dollars so we're going to go back down to here cost of eighty dollars there we go and then it's going to be a cost of 180 dollars to connect up to the four-lane collector road we can delete the measurement road that i put in there and then collect up pardon me connect up our two-lane road to our dirt lane road at the bottom there now as for the four lane collector road i originally i wanted to do a um three level roundabout and we still probably could but what i did was i made a tunnel for our four-lane collector road and actually went underneath here and connected it up to the other side but what i found was that nobody was actually using that road everybody would go on the ramps up around the roundabout and back down over here so there was actually no point in having the third level of the three level roundabout so that's why i've stuck with the two level roundabout for now and i think uh in the end you'll see that it works out quite well actually so from here i'm actually going to delete the ends of these four lane collector roads here we can see that finishes it up a little bit nicer and if we look at the the corners here where the highway off-ramp goes and it goes to the on-ramp of the four-lane collect road here this corners is not great for doing that so what i'm gonna do is i'm also going to put in another lane that kind of goes around the outside edge for people who want to go from the four lane collector roads onto the highway so to do that i am going to use the dirt lane road again and i'm actually going to use the freeform road i'm going to try and freehand to put it in here i'm going to connect it up to our dirt lane road that's right here and we're going to just bring it off to the side try and make it look as nice as possible i'm going to turn off toggle snapping and that way we can put it on a little bit smoother than if we were trying to kind of fight with all the other things that that was trying to snap to there earlier [Music] so put this bit in here and then we'll connect that up to the highway it's not terrible and i think we're i'm gonna just gonna speed through and do that for each of the different different quadrants of our our interchange here so problem that i brought into is that it looks like the the highway here is a little bit too short for me to connect up this road segment so what i'm going to do is i'm going to just move this police department out of the way just over to here and i'm going to try and move the tunnels a little bit closer to the road over here see if i can get the tunnels to start a little bit closer to where the road was turn our snap two guides back on that won't work do we use that as a guide to to see if that's too far so we'll go one one grid's grace pardon me grid space back from where that was go down that'll work perfect i think just make sure that those are going the right way all right and we'll just connect this last one up off again there we go that fits perfectly and now as for the roads going from our four-lane collector roads it's going to be highway off-ramps and we want to do the same thing that we did with the highway off ramps coming from the highway itself so we're going to upgrade these so that the direction that they are going is the same direction as the highway that they are connected to so this will come all the way through here down like this we're going to actually upgrade this one as well so you can see that all the little roads and each quadrant of our roundabout are going in the same direction off into our four-lane collector roads over here so this quadrant over here will be the opposite of what the quadrant was over there and we'll have everything hooked up going in the other direction all right and that is going to be our highway interchange it's it's not perfectly symmetrical uh as we as we discovered at the very beginning the the highway on-ramps and off-ramps right here weren't perfect but i think for the most part they turned out quite well so what i'm going to do is i am going to unpause the game and let the ai kind of figure out the new roads that they can travel along i'm going to do a little bit of decorating and i'll meet you back here and it'll be just a second for you and i'll show everybody what the results are this is what our roundabout looked like before and this is what it looks like now our two level roundabout is performing significantly better than the round nut that we had before traffic is flowing smoothly north south and east and west and there are virtually no issues with traffic within the interchange or the roundabout itself if we go back to info views and we go down to traffic routes clicking just before our new interchange slash roundabout i'm not exactly sure it's kind of a i guess it's kind of a hybrid of the two we can see that the traffic is doing exactly what we wanted to do it's splitting off to the left going to our four-lane collector road or it's going straight through on the highway with no interruption or going up to the second level around the roundabout and off to the right hand side like i said it's performing uh significantly better than what it was before and it also looks quite a bit better than what we had here now the only other change that i've made since the last segment was i actually moved this intersection a little bit further away from the off ramp of our new two level roundabout i had it a little bit too close and there was some issue with the traffic so i should have i guess i should have watched my own principles of road hierarchy video and made sure i had enough distance between the off ramp from the highway to the first intersection of our roads here but i fixed that and everything seems to be going uh smoothly now and with that uh that will be the end of the video i hope everybody enjoyed and thank you for watching i may upload the interchange to the steam workshop sometime soon if anybody would like to use it in their own city i'm not exactly sure when i will do that i'm hoping to do it this weekend so you may have to come back and check the video out again for a link in the description or um maybe a pinned comment or i might even actually do a time lapse video of me building it in the workshop like i did with the last highway interchange that we did so i'll see exactly trying to figure out what i want to do so thank you all again for watching and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and don't hesitate to leave a comment like or a dislike [Music]
Channel: jester.Gaming
Views: 45,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, cities skylines roundabout tutorial, cities skylines roundabout highway exit, cities skylines roundabout no mods, cities skylines roundabout interchange, cities skylines roundabout design, cities skylines interchange guide, cities skylines interchange ideas, cities skylines interchange design, cities skylines interchange no mods, cities skylines interchange tutorial, cities skylines layout, no mods, unmodded, jester., jester.Gaming
Id: uLdT08Z2shg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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