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so after a further study of the map it looks like the town that's farther down here is actually leadville and we'll have to go through another pass like what we just did i don't think it's gonna be as like rocky or rough um to get buena vista but we actually have no idea so we'll just be going going with the flow peter and dan here from the adventure guys channel for the past five years we've been living off the grid and overlanding to some of the most remote places on earth join us as we continue on the journey bringing an all-new perspective from the saddle of our adventure bikes [Applause] now we're heading downhill let's take a chill 15 miles an hour oh you would not want to fall down that wow that's beautiful but man that would be the end of my bike me just check gaia to see if we go up or down i assume we go down but it might be an alternate route that we could take as bikes we're right here it looks like we just continue and go around the bend this must be an alternate route that goes where only cool guys go so so this uh the very top of the peak there or the pass is eleven 975 feet that's a pretty tall pass yeah for sure and it looks like this wasn't the end of the rocks no certainly not whether you come up or go down i assume got some rocks going down is like both easier and less fun because it's it's way easier so you're more chill but it's it's not exciting so you're like oh i can't wait till this ends rocks certainly some stunning views as you head down around corners and then you come up to cliffs like what we were just at there oh look at this i'm gonna ride down in these i took the wrong route these are some washouts i'm sitting down whenever i get the chance same legs are tired oh wow see that's the road down there i'm guessing or like the highway oh what a cliff we right into rocks that'd be something i'd do going up coming down i just wouldn't want to risk look at that that's not too bad you just have to go fast and not spin out on your rear oh man my lower back i know i'm feeling it all day standing up it's pretty uh tiresome fourth oh i mean and yesterday was a lot of standing as well some rocks in this quarter there's a jeep huh well if i'm sitting through this you're sitting through it you're ready for some butt ache up here uh so as we neared the bottom of hegemon pass the road began to become smooth eventually changing to pavement as we came closer to leadville the road into leadville was beautiful the smooth pavement passing by turquoise lake and leading into the town was exactly what our backs needed after a long day of riding off-road after a quick stop in town to fill our tanks and grab a few necessities we headed back on the road making our way to weston pass in search of a camp for the night after scouting a few likely places to camp we found the perfect spot alongside a beautiful small river all right so i've been sent ahead to save this spot for everyone because who would not want this little piece of paradise okay so we got the jeeps all sorted in here turned out to be a perfect camp i was a little worried about the entrance to it since it was pretty steep but it doesn't get better than this you know getting out and doing an epic camp and i mean in this spot is like waterfalls and a beautiful river right beside us i'm just surrounded by nice pretty trees park the bikes in a nice place and you know just chill for the night so it's earlier than normal but i think it's perfect time everyone's pretty tired ready to just chill this is a lot better than a koa or hotel for me this is awesome so for anyone who's seen our earlier videos we had the perrin moto rear rack and its extension plate and we got that just for this duffel but if you get an x-frame or any other rack i'm assuming the proon moto and the rack won't merge together right away you need new hardware the prune motor sells the hardware to be able to adapt to this outback motor track rack i didn't see it until a little bit later so the way we have it now is it just strapped up on top and see dan's one consequence of that is it sits right there on the fuel uh like the gas cap so when you have a fuel dongle like we had i have the clark i have the clark free flow stop then got the ktm one that it's like a ktm power parts piece and funny enough the clark one's holding up really good it's totally fine and then the ktm piece tore on his today from all the bouncing i think and then when we got to camp or just before coming into camp here we took a look at it when we were fueling up in town in leadville there and the top like the whole point of the thing that stops the gas from being able to spew i don't know what to call it like the vent cap basically it um had popped off so he just had a torn up tube sitting there without a vent cap so he just popped it off and sadly right when we got into camp here he set up in this cozy looking spot but it was all sand and he walked away from his bike and it tipped over and just was dumping fuel onto his pannier and all over the side of his bike so for now i'm just we're gonna find something to plug that uh cap with probably duct tape and then i don't even know what just duct tape it and hope it sits there check it every so often um i'm sure gasoline venting onto duct tape will make it melt and get all ugly so we'll just change it out until at least three hours of riding tomorrow over the bumpy pass because we'll be in buena vista and hopefully there they have that shop we've been looking for these past few days so we're all getting settled in i still got to take off my armor dan's all cozy and pjs already i'll have a nice dinner and get ready to hit uh i think it's a call i already forgot what this pass is called but i'll find it out ready to hit it tomorrow all right so this was an awesome camp i love finding places like this super memorable and special i always have a great time um today i found out the name of the past it's westin pass that we're crossing over i it really shows us 13 miles so it might be steep i don't know the elevation gain we're going to be doing but might not be half as long as the other pass and then we've got a decent trail into buena vista where we'll be spending a few days [Music] it's exciting because we're you know coming into buena vista is a fun thing for us we're going to spend a few days there off the trail but then it's also like both fun and kind of sad because kind of the next three days of trail riding and we'll be down the colorado bdr because buena vista we go up into the san juan mountain range um and then down into lake town i'm pretty sure it's called or lake view or something like that and uh from there it's up imogen pass down into telluride and then how to tell you right it's just a trail [Music] weird all these logs in the middle yeah makes me think there's mine in here oh stink my gopro fell off somewhere i see it sorry buddy it's alive poor guy yeah i got it sweet so dan had lost his front gopro there and he just recovered it so that's good this spot on the tower seems to be very vibrated did it crack off or did it just fall out like it wasn't no it just slid off somehow ah it must not have been fully put in yeah i must have not mounted it correctly yeah sharp roxy look at that old cabin mine shed or something one thing we've been looking at a bunch is the skydio drone nothing looks quite cool if anyone's had any experience with that'd be cool to hear because from the website and from videos i've seen of it looks pretty amazing you just have a remote on you launch the thing and then i'm gonna pull over up ahead to see if we're heading that right direction so um and it like it'll follow you and do all those same cool shots but it cannot crash here we're gonna pull in here or just pull over here the convenience for a biker with that where you don't need a remote you can just launch and it'll do its thing is that you don't need to worry about it i think we we just continue on down this road this is westin pass though as high as like the actual pass goes there's probably some cool trails that lead everywhere so that looks like the top of western pass from where you can drive there's some offshoot roads that probably get way up there i've got the top of there i can see a road now we just uh i believe we'll be heading mostly downhill yeah there's point of this stuff okay after studying the map dan and i found there is an alternate route that takes you on a harder road through the forest but loops you back onto the main trail of the bdr yeah this looks more like it first gear oh great oh stink i thought i could push those through those branches and they just pushed me into the rut yeah this would have been fun coming up this way see way funnier than going on the main road huh yeah you watch this totally not link up at all yeah this leads to somebody's off-grid cabin oh boy yeah ouch that was fun stay tuned as we near buena vista and discover the road of head isn't going to be as much of a smooth sail as we had thought [Music] you
Channel: Adventure Guys
Views: 2,002
Rating: 4.9617224 out of 5
Id: 1w8Z37LQKc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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