Rotisserie Chicken done the right way!

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welcome to barbecue coach comm today I'm going to be doing a rotisserie chicken one of the main reasons why I'm doing a rotisserie chicken today is because I went out on the internet to try to find a good recipe for it and I really couldn't find a good one or one that had the complete instructions or you know most most of the recipes were just you know in my opinion report that out wrong and if you if you follow the recipe you'd end up with a fast roasted chicken not quite done on the inside and not tender and it's just my opinion you know a rotisserie chicken chicken should be a cooked low and slow over a you know medium heat with the lid off so let's get started today and I'll show you how to do a rotisserie chicken the right way we're gonna start out with a 5 out of 5 pound chicken you know first thing we're going to do is trust it up clean it up a little bit and then trust it up you don't want your wings and legs flying all over the place when you're trying to cook this thing up first thing you need to do is remove all the all the giblets and call them giblets and it's basically the flivver and neck and all that it's inside the chicken cavity take all that out looks pretty clean this makes s skin right here I'm going to cut off you can save these if you want to I go crabbing with the chicken Knicks my wife makes soup and that kind of stuff with them but how throw them away today first thing give it a good rinse inside the cavity especially in the outside yes that ought to do ok I'm going to show you how to trust this chicken up but before we do that we're going to put some seasoning on the some places where you can't get the seasoning to it after you trust it up so like like right here in the inside part of the wings and legs and and of course in the cavity here I'm going to be doing sort of a Filipino style chicken rook you know rotisserie chicken is very popular in the Philippines I spent a year there and you got a rotisserie stand on every corner just about then in the Philippines and they basically marinated in a soy sauce type thing and then they use a lemongrass this stuff tastes just like lemon and they put that in the cavity that's what I'm going to do today sip off some of this look that one got away you can use you can put lemons in here limes all kinds of stuff anything you want any kind of seasoning I want to use some of my Chatham artillery barbecue Southwest rub just get that get inside the cavity make some generously in there throw your lemongrass in there or your lemon wedges lime wedges anything else you want in there I got I'll put a couple of rosemary sprigs in there stuff it with whatever you want and then uh hit your places that are going to be tied up you know with some shrub we'll put some more on later this is my new rub by the way you can get it in my barbecue store now it's time to trust this up and then we'll put on some more seasoning so get you some of this butchers twine find the midpoint of about a you know about a five foot long string start out with your legs pointing towards you and you want to the breast side up get the midpoint and wrap it right around that neck bone there then come up and come up right above the wings and around the breast like that and you want to right here on the other side you want to do a surgeon's knot which is three loops actually it's two loops yeah pulls it breast nice and tight up like that do one more loop on top of that those two loops to secure it now what you want to do with these these ends here go underneath the leg the end of the leg and over this side of the breast and this one and go underneath this leg and over to this side of the let the breast go right into that nub on the wing pull it tight pull the legs tight then turn it over I like to go right underneath this neck neck bone again and on top of the neck bone just tie another surgeon's knot pull it all tight now to keep that from sliding back down this way then just go right over like that flip it back over and tie you buy another surgeon's knot right on top of the legs there two loops on the bottom and then one on top cut off the excess yeah nice little package they're ready to go your seasonings on the inside what I'm going to do now is put it on the spit put one of your Forks right here on the on this side let me measure that make sure I got about right Oh that'll work and just stick it right through the center and put your other fork on object here is to keep this thing from spinning and flopping around while you while it's cooking tighten up your nuts and then put the rest of your seasoning on don't be shy with this stuff put a good coating on there this stuff's good on chicken ribs pork butts and brisket on eight grand champions ships with it already now you can actually fit two chickens on this spit or you know a turkey or whatever you want to put on there usually they're going to be a little lopsided so I'm going to show you how to balance this thing okay this is how you balance the chicken balance the hill spit just take your motor off of there on that end and just set this on here so it is able to rotate freely and as you can see you know the breast is heavier than this side so it hangs down and you can actually fit two chickens on here with two chickens it's going to be a little bit more lopsided than just with one chicken or if you've got a turkey on here it's a lot heavier on one side in order to you know balance it out so the motor runs a more freely we give you this weight which you put on the handle here and just let it roll freely and as you can see the breast goes down and so you want to put this up to offset that way you can put it up higher if you got a big turkey on here something or lower if you got a small chicken and just tighten that up so it's facing up and now you had a well-balanced chicken one thing I don't have time to do today is marinate this chicken but it really needs to be marinated I'm on I use a mores marinade just put it in a ziplock bag and put the ziplock bag in a foil pan or so I don't leak all over your refrigerator if it leaks and marinate it for about eight hours flipping about halfway through or several times throughout the marinade and just what you put what you really want to do with a lechon minook which is what the filipinos call it let you own my nuke is marinated in a soy sauce or half mores marinade and half soy sauce or better yet lors has a teriyaki sauce a teriyaki marinade which would be great with this recipe just just go to the store and get you some more 'z teriyaki marinade and marinade marinate your chicken in that i'm sure that would turn out well so i don't have time to do all that but marinate your chicken beforehand but your lemon or lemongrass inside the cavity with with whatever spices you want use your favorite rub on the outside or this Southwest rub and you're good to go let me get cold started okay we're ready to put the chicken on and throw our coals in there what you want to do is start out with one full chimney just stall in there sort of line them up parallel with the bar spit not one layer deep is good you don't need that's about all the coals you'll need always a good idea to wear heat-resistant gloves when you're handling this fit because it's a especially after it's been on here while it's a hot get it in the motor there and turn it on as quickly as possible because you don't want it to burn good goo break load a little bit more Southwest while it's turning let's talk about the pit setup here for a second if you if you were to put this lid on at pit temperature in there we'll shoot up way over 450 degrees in no time at all probably closer to 500 500 degrees in my opinion is way too hot do you mean if you want to roast the chicken put it in the oven yes a shooting way on up there real quick it'll get real hot with this lid on so I prefer to keep the lid off if you're going to put the if you want to put the lid on and get it done quicker don't use as many coals to start with maybe half a chimney open the vents in the bottom of your your kettle grill all the way and if you put the lid on open the the vents in your lid all the way and right like this this is probably put this right over there sort of this temperature right here is maybe in right now I just put a bunch of coals on there but it normally is in the 250 to 300 degree range this is going past 250 right now is about 300 degrees right now which is just about perfect for what we're doing we want to slow roast it's not not not hot fat you know you know not hot fast we want to just going to basically take four hours remember the the vents and the bottom of my kettle grill all the way open I just got one chimney in there I got a bucket here of flavor wood I can throw on there probably best to do some up you know it's been sulking for about an hour just go it right on top of coals best use a like a fruit wood for the chicken or you know like cherry or apple you can use anything you want though Hickory mesquite pecan if you got two of these chickens on there make sure your coals down in there go all the way to the edge because these chicken if you've got two of these chickens on their level it'll come all the way to the edge of your ring and you want to get some heat way over there on the edge too so make sure your coals are spread all the way out and that's about it but you'll have to come out here once an hour and throw about oh uh you know about 10 to 20 more briquettes on there to keep the heat going and this is going to take about four hours to cook this chicken this way and it'll just be so tender and moist it'll just lead to just fall apart one thing I do want to mention is all have stuff on the internet will tell you to put a foil pan right underneath the chicken and put your ear coals on the outside sort of trying to set up indirect heat I don't know how to like that method I tried that and the chicken was ice-cold I mean all the heat was coming straight up without the lid on you know him I work with the lid on but with the lid off for your heat came straight up out of here and didn't work at all I mean it was underneath the chicken was ice-cold the reason they tell you to put the pan in there is so it doesn't drip and catch on fire you know but that's the that's the beauty of a rotisserie it doesn't drip and it's not supposed to drip if you stop that motor yeah it'll start dripping but if you keep that motor going which you're you're supposed to do it will it will not drip it will just self baste itself and that's the beauty of rotisserie cooking this thing will start juices will start coming out and getting on the outside of that chicken caramelizing and self-basting they won't drip off they'll just keep rolling around on the outside of the skin and you know there is a big you know you ever seen those a ferris wheel type of rotisserie things where your chicken just sits on there like that and it doesn't turn well that's not really rotisserie cooking because the whole point in rotisserie cooking in my opinion is rotate to me so the drippings stay on the chicken and night and they don't drip off you'll get with the ferris wheel you get a little drip edge from one chicken to the other or one rib to the other but it's not true rotisserie cooking so just keep that motor running for hours come out here about once an hour and throw on some more coals and we'll be good to go okay one hour has gone by and we're just going to reload on some of these charcoal briquettes down here doesn't need a whole lot as you can see but I'll just talk about - you just want to basically keep one layer down there in the bottom just throw something down in there um I'm probably using about 20 and I'll do it for the next hour so uh few more chunks of wood on there too and then ought to do it for the next hour that's all you got to do every hour as you can see it's not burning just turning a nice golden brown working out nicely juices are starting to flow and do some self basting one thing I want to mention right now is uh if you did want to baste your chicken I don't recommend doing that for the first couple hours or three hours uh maybe the last 30 minutes to 60 minutes the reason is call that any most most base that you would use contain sugar and you don't want to put that on too early or to start caramelizing and burning so maybe get you a spray bottle or something like that and hit it with some apple juice and maybe apple juice and soy sauce mixture or just plain soy sauce or teriyaki only during the last 30 to 60 minutes just so it doesn't burn I wouldn't use a mop for brunch or anything like that on here because uh that would you know knock off all you rub it if you use the mop so I would just get you one of those go down on a garden center at your hardware store and get you some get your spray bottle maybe one of those pump up spray bottles okay our chickens been on for two hours and I'm going to go on a few more break cats here like I said before you just want to try to keep a one leg in one good layer going at all times there and remember if you're cooking two chickens on a spit get your get your charcoal way up to the edge there so it gets a you know your chicken will be way out here so you want to get the charcoal way up to the edge go on a few more flavor wood that's it one more hour we'll put on some more briquettes which will be our last last batch of briquettes and as you can see it's turning a nice golden brown nothing's burning they're nice and low and slow all the juices are starting to flow and do some self-basting looking good okay it's been three hours and notice some of my coals on this hand going out so I'm going to move some hot stuff over here let that start itching on those are more coals on their order for them to catch they got to be touching a one that's lit so this ought to get me through the next hour and then we'll be done and our work topo my last flavor would on here still looking good notice how it's not getting burnt on the outside and still uh self-basting real nicely this chicken will just melt in your mouth it'd be so good okay it's been four hours now and I'm going to turn the rotisserie offered here real quick and whenever you cooking chicken you always want to make sure it's done just stick a probe in the in the breast or you can stick it in the thigh you want it to be at least 165 as you can see it's starting to flame up now once I turned off the rotisserie didn't flame up the whole four hours I was using the rotisserie though you don't want to leave it not rotating for long it's 165 it's that's perfect I'm just going to take this off here make sure you got your heat-resistant gloves on you want to let this rest about 15 minutes before cutting into it just pull the spit out take your string off all this smells good okay this is rested about 15 minutes and basically you want to pull the legs out and just look for the joint and there they almost as you can see it it just fell apart skin mmm skins the best part pull this leg out just breaks apart easily at the joint just cut right through at the joint take that a thigh and do the same thing just pull it out like that or to cut this skin away and try to cut it right down there at the joint there you go same thing with the wing just falls right off there's a thigh and for the breast you just slice it right down the middle you can is a poultry shears help a lot too let's get in there and cut those bones like that what I like to do with these breasts is uh just cut them right in half like that she there you go you dare taste this mmm all right off the bone nice and tender as you can see its moist as' as can be its melts in your mouth great flavor great smoke flavor mmm rotisserie chicken the right way low and slow I you
Channel: bbqbook
Views: 255,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rotisserie chicken, lechon manok, Chatham Artillery BBQ, Competition BBQ Secrets, Barbecue (Cuisine)
Id: xMfcFAehvQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 43sec (2263 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2013
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