ROS and Raspberry Pi for Beginners | Tutorial #0 - Topics Packages RosMaster
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Tiziano Fiorenzani
Views: 147,313
Rating: 4.9318089 out of 5
Keywords: ros, raspberry pi, tutorial, rc, donkey car, python, topic, topics, messages, ros_master_uri, robot, autonomous, ros master, robot operating system, ros tutorial, ros tutorial for beginners, ros tutorial python, ros raspberry pi 3, ros raspberry pi 3 tutorial, ros raspberry pi 3 install, ros rasperry pi 3 robot, ros robot operating system tutorial, ros multiple machines, ros topics tutorial, ros node tutorial, ros package tutorial, how to learn ros, tiziano fiorenzani
Id: iLiI_IRedhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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Looks cool! I'd want to try this out as a side project – hopefully in the future when I make enough free time...
I've never used ROS. What the ROS do in your project? I've subscribed to your channel though because it looks fun.
Definitely interested! Could you provide short details about what you're going to cover please?
Definitely interested! Is the tutorial complete?
Is this a diy-robocars donkeycar?
Really cool stuff, thanks for posting this!
I Just started a book Mastering ROS for robotic programming. Is this what all industry professionals are using? I've been using Raspbian for awhile now and can't find a reason to leave.
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