Rope Brush - zBrush Tutorial

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in today's video let's go ahead and take a rope brush that already exists and attempt to tie it around this sphere this dynamesh Sphere for the sake of uh simplifying this tutorial why not just uh grab one that already exists so for that I'm gonna head over to Art station and there's a free rope right on Art station at the under the shop Marketplace so you can find many different uh grade brushes that are completely free here's one uh created by Eliana flipova flip over and I will include the link to this brush as well so you can just download it and kind of follow along right so go ahead and download your brush once you uh download the brush simply go to your brushes and go to load brush then just navigate to your brush and once you select it you will see that it appears in your brush window here right and the next thing you want to do is go to white box and just double double click on this Dyna Dyno x 128 so let's use that for today's example okay so now with the brush selected and the Dyna wax ball being available right all you need to do is if you just simply drag on the sphere you should see how the brush works right so I can drag the rope and then just magically kind of positions itself right on the surface of the sphere really cool all right so let's go ahead and tie it around this bowl how do we do that so I'm gonna pay attention to the fact that this is the front of my sphere and I'm just simply going to go all the way around so I'm going to start here and go all the way around so once you drag a little bit you can then kind of find if you move your brush close you can see the red line appears and this is going to allow you to continue to draw your line all the way around so I'm just going to do this and I don't have the Symmetry on for the reason that maybe it would be cool if it was a little wavy a little Dynamic looking so it's a little more kind of a unpredictable right I kind of like that so if you grab the very beginning of this you can kind of position the place you can grab the very end you can also go to your uh stroke under curve and you can change some of these uh settings right you can lock the end you can lock the start so for example if I lock the start then this is the start so now if I attempt to move this you can see that the start is not moving there's a few different things we can do we can change the resolution for example of our curve we can change the fall off and there's a bunch of different settings that you can play with all right so I'm gonna uh stop uh here and then the next step that you want to do if you want to commit to um your uh rope and you no longer want to you know play with the Curve you can just click on the mesh and you can see that gets rid of this line which means the Rope is now um you know turned into editable mesh which means for example if I grab the move brush and attempt to just move it you can see that it's going to behave very similar to any other mesh essentially it's no longer a curve it's kind of baked uh baked in right another thing we can do is we can always go to split and split for example on Mast and you can see this is going to be now on two different layers which is great because now we can control this a little bit better and uh to achieve the squeeze effect right The Squeeze effect that the Rope is actually squeezing the ball all we need to do is just let's select our sphere and I'm going to turn on this button here called transparency right and now what I can do is if I make my brush about the size of this row and hold down the Ctrl key I can go around mine is a little large I can go around the entire thing and just mask portions of the sphere that are underneath the Rope so I'm just going to quickly go all the way around something like that and the next thing that I could do is I'm going to turn off this transparency button and now I'm going to use my inflate button on the inflate button is located under deformation and you can find it right here it's called inflate so let's go ahead and use this to make this maybe a little nicer what we could do is hold down the control key and just simply click on the sphere a couple times and that's going to blend in The Mask a little bit better so it's not so so sharp and now let's go back to our inflate brush and just attempt to inflate a little just a little bit I think that's pretty cool I can hold on Ctrl and drag to get rid of the mask and then I can go to my polish button or polish slider in that deformation as well it's right on the very top and we can just simply drag it a couple times to polish or smooth the part of the sphere this a little bit too sharp right another thing of course you could do is grab your standard brush make the brush kind of large and holding on the shift key you can just go around and smooth it even more you can kind of manually do that as well in addition to using polish right so I'm gonna go do that go all the way around all right really cool so now we have this uh piece of rope that's sort of uh tied around the sphere so I'm going to select my rope and I'm just going to Simply create a kind of a rope Tangled of what I think you know a tangled robe might look like so maybe let's do something like this we can of course move this around I think that's pretty cool another thing we can do is let's click on the sphere and maybe create one more Loop something like that and now I can take this Loop and just simply maybe move it to kind of create a little more variation move it into position very nice so at this point it's just a matter of preference but let's say I'm happy with something like this another thing I can do is let's go ahead and merge um let's go ahead and on unmask it by clicking Ctrl and dragging then I'm going to merge everything down into one layer and now what I would like to do is I'm going to click on auto groups and that's going to give me a different Auto Group for the sphere now I can hold down control and shift and select the sphere and maybe mask it out then do control shift click to just have the Rope visible and if I go into deformation under inflate I can inflate the Rope a little bit just to make it maybe a little more interesting and playful I can of course keep my grab my move brush and maybe if I wanted to change the position and the shape of the of the Rope as I please so something like that and that is pretty much it [Music] alright and there you have it so this is a clever way to quickly create a rope that looks like it's tied around a sphere alright thank you for watching this video and I'll see you next one
Channel: Alan Balodi - 3D Tutorials
Views: 9,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rope brush, rope tutorial, zBrush, creating a rope, cg, cgi, 3d modeling
Id: Kf2l32w1glE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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