A Quick Way to Create Rope in ZBrush - ZBrush Top Tips - Daniel Bel

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hey guys it's daniel here i work at scishow collectibles as a sculptor and art director and today i would like to share some tips with you let's begin okay guys uh what i have here it is a kind of a hammer axe or axe hammer i don't know the name of this exactly but um i would like to share with you some of the process i've used to create the grip i'm going to tell you how i did this um the course the in this interlaced chords let me show you okay first we are going to insert a cylinder um let's try to find the same volume that we have here something like this perfect um let's turn off all this subtitles then we need to apply or insert or open that better say a helix 3d um and then i will bring here our cylinder so we have a reference of how tall this course should be then we need to go to initialize so we can we can trick some of the settings of this helix first we're going to set the radius i will read off this point here in the middle just moving out of this window here so now we have this shape like a almost the same size of our cylinder then we're going to adjust coverage so let's say something like this and thickness and for the thickness i'm going to lower the spine and try to do it exactly the same on the other side double check that you have the same volume on the vertical side it says 1398 let's try to do exactly the same to the other side there we go let's trick the radius just a little bit lower okay perfect okay now i'm going to press make polymesh 3d so we can unlock the rest of the options of the geometry i'm going to press shift f so i can see the polyframe and i will hide the rest of the sections because i will try to make a kind of a tile a tile of this section right okay there you go so now i'm going to delete hidden here or you can go to the geometry panel and use it like this geometry modify topology and then they'll even i'm just using my personal ui but you can go like the normal way you can use the normal way okay then i will press w control hold ctrl click and draw release and we have this copy it then i'm going to duplicate this sub tool and i will go to deformation and press mirror we are going to work in this overlapping chords so let's select move topological you can press b m t then press alt and push out move out this and in this section just push in this is out and in then press alt click on the other tool so you can select it quickly without going to this palette and do the opposite just push push out push in and push out and push in right so you will have this kind of um effect of interlaced then we're going to do the same thing in the other side so let's just push out this out is in and in alt click on the other sub tool select it page in this i'm sorry this out is in and this out right so now we're going to merge both sections i just go to subtool menu merge down okay you have both the only thing we need to do first before copy the rest of these chords it's to hide and delete this section because uh we're going to close and connect the holes later right we're going to keep this section with ctrl shift click and drag then drag outside to make the opposite selection right and the hidden and that's it we just simple press w click drag and release but don't release a click because if you're going down you can keep coping using the same amount of distance so this is pretty useful thing then release and that's it so a quick way to connect and well all these parts it is um we can go to geometry then to modify topology and well points of course we we have to just well distance first let's say uh i okay perfect and then it works perfectly and it is just one entire thing and if we if we want to check uh if this was well done weld we can press auto groups and just check if the entire thing is one solid thing which it is right then we can press close holds and this holes will be closed and yeah pretty good okay now we are going to insert our cylinder that was our base we're going to move it like this and uh we can adjust this perfect and then we can play with thickness uh pretty easily like using implant if you go to select your helix then go to deformation panel and just look for inflate put it like a minor 8 for example something i think it works perfectly and then we can scale it you can put this you can use the gizmo to scale you can adjust the distance like a using an axis scale and now we can look for uh this square shape that i showed you before instead of just being like a cylinder we can make it more rectangular shape right okay thanks for the escape option of the autosave guys thank you so much for that so you can do this uh in a multiple ways right but let's let's do like uh like i did it so let me show you just merge down and put in just one subtool both the chords and the main frame then press w uh select the gear icon and present deformer and you will get you will get this this is a former which is pretty awesome because you can you can work with this uh contour points and you will deform this shape right but um if we're going to make it like a rectangular i think what we can do it is have another section play compress in this orange icon you're going to make sections so you have more control points more control points more control right over the entire geometry i i want to put just two sections and g sections like this then i will select this section in the middle click invert then i scale it and as you can see we are getting this uh rectangular shape and i'm going to do the same for this section and scale it again so for rectangular shape you just select this section here and then push up and there you go then the only thing left is go to a gear icon again and press accept and that's it so now if you press ctrl d to make some to add some submissions you're going to see this looks pretty nice so let's just select this thing here and do a minor inflate so you get this it's pretty nice right pretty cool and another thing you can do to make these um sections like a with a better interaction between each other you can go and select one chord then damn standard and just try to pull this right so you're going to create the effect of tension you can do it in in every piece of course it takes some time but um and i know we could do this before but i think if we can if we can work in every single one we're going to get a more natural shape and uh the behavior will be different actually you can go and use the move topological brush and then you can move it just a little bit to add more variety right you can push it this and and again you can control and select and you can go to dime standard or any other brush and just make this right you will get a better form and another thing we can do it is to add the texture so in order to do that first we need the uv maps and this is pretty simple you just just go to see plugin uv master that click on polygrips and then unwrapped and it says this function is required that you be at the lowest division level plus go to one and try again which is i forget thank you for this guys we can try again and wrap and that's it it's pretty easy and quick now let's go to surface noisemaker let's click on ub uh press uh click on colorblind and put zero um then select a texture perfect and i will put some i will put my mix basic noise on zero to scale down just a little bit more and i would add some uh strength and i will click more tiny texture something like this i think it's great okay click on ok and then i recommend i always recommend to use layers before apply a texture because if you want to change it of if you don't want any more or if you want a more pumped with more intensity you can do that with layer without any any problems right so layer noise maker apply to mesh and i'm sure it looks pretty cool yeah it's pretty nice then turn off layer let's name it like a texture again texture and um let's try putting in true intensivity so as you can see the effect it's more obvious so this is it guys um i really hope you can find these tips useful and if you have any questions please let me know you can contact me through my social medias and keep enjoying this zebra summit and i hope to see you next year but in person bye bye guys take care
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 22,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zbrush, zbrush tutorial, zbrush beginner tutorial, zbrush 2019, zbrush 2020, pixologic, zbrush free, z brush, sculptris, pixelogic, zbrush live, zbrush download, zbrush core, zbrush trial, zbrush brushes, blender, 3d coat, 3d modeling, digital sculpting, zbrush student, etsy, zbrush character modeling, zbrush character, zbrush sculpting, zbrush realistic face, 3d printing software, 3d modeling software, zbrushcoremini, zbrushcore mini, zbrush mini, figurine, zbrush 2021
Id: F0X8grf9VYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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