Roof Framing Project 171 part 6

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we're up to the roof framing in this video so behind the camera which you can't see but you'll see it in some drone footage we had the gable front to back so we set that ridge just to lock all that in seems like every time we left rake walls we get high winds in this case here we're setting the ridge beam that's over the master bedroom and the master bath we elected not to frame any interior walls you can see there that we have lots of room for the ladders plus with zip roof will be dried in and then we could frame that at our leisure when there was bad weather now for some reason i didn't get footage of the beam that was going to go on the lower right to where kyle's cutting out i mentioned that in the last video but anyway you'll see that in other footage keep it nice and quick let me is this fogged up don't tell me is it it is recording you tell me if it's a little foggy to you nope okay you look amazing you look even better in 4k what's 4k 4k okay everybody here's the trick i learned from caledon timber framers on the interwebs last week just make a wrench out of a scrap piece of sheeting and then let leverage be your friend i love that show here's shane you want to try it even even a 21 year old can use it thank you instagram and calendar on timber tag glow yeah put in a hat i wish i was taller i don't use a table saw on the job site very much i don't want to run power to it i don't like unpacking and packing them up but this little cordless eight and a quarter inch milwaukee saw weighs like 30 pounds and i'm ripping 2x10 blocks on a 712 bevel you'll see the blocking detail up along the ridge and then at the eaves and we've just found for our sheer requirements etc that ripping a bevel is totally worth it all of these pieces are cut offs from the rafters a lot of times we can't get 14 foot rafters so they send us 16s on all the cutoffs end up as blocking but that's a cordless table saw how cool is that and it's lightweight honestly don't tell anybody we typically hide it somewhere and here's that blocking detail so kyle nails the beveled blocks between rafters as he goes it actually makes it a little easier to set rafters because you got something to push against he lines up the sharp point of the bevel with the top of the ridge in this case because it's a sealed assembly normally we'd have an air cap you'll probably see that in future videos so he just nails him as he goes shane hands up the two by ten rafters easy so shane and kyle just used a pattern sometimes we gain cut rafters that'll be a future video in this case it wasn't worth setting up at least not in my opinion where we're framing even though we're a high seismic zone we don't typically have any special hardware requirements at the ridge we've gone over this detail with our engineer and he just tells us how many nails to use and it's nice and efficient because we get to use up the scrap we're not using any special nail guns no hardware there you can see how it all connects at the ridge how the ridge connects to the rake wall remember that was that back wall that was sighted now at the eaves notice that our e-framing was all pre-done and then as shane was at the eaves he just blocked as he went off of a ladder as kyle was at the ridge he just blocked off of a ladder and that way when they get down to the other end they're completely done so you can see the framing there i also have a video on my channel that shows how we do our eaves soffits when we pre-assemble them before lifting the wall a lot of time savings i think you're getting an idea for that took a little while to work out the bugs because i make lots of mistakes so there's this there's this particular house plan we've got two 712 gables front to back and then a 12 gable that you'll see here momentarily but there's that 42 foot rake wall siding windows all we had to do is take guard rails down later very simple to do with um any kind of reframing experience and having the gables up there also makes it safer when you're on a ladder nobody has to worry about falling over so nice and straightforward it's a bummer that it's three stories up on the front side but on the bright side it was a really small roof so once we got into a rhythm it goes pretty fast oh one thing i almost forgot to point out there's the glue lamb that i mentioned before so it's strapped to a sheer wall and it runs all the way back where kyle was cutting out the plates at the beginning of the video and then you can see all the rafters land on that and then they get a little bit of hardware later so shane's all tied off and he's just taping the seams i'm going to get into this in a future video probably the next video um how the zip system works in the tape and all that good stuff basically tape the seams in your dried in but there's going to be more detail in on how we do that in a future video [Music] okay let me get this depth set that this is a pretty slick way to do it yeah i mean normally we set them on posts okay what i'm going to do is kind of push down yeah if you go basically what i want to do i'll give you the gun okay i've got the mark on this side basically i just want to toenail it i'm going to push it yeah and then if you tap yours up the rafter that might be all we got yeah i think that's fine yeah nice and um yeah i'll toenail it a couple times here okay we got it so i'm at 107.6 i'm on my mark okay that's a layout mark that's off yeah so i'm gonna do this next this side correct so if you want to let me um i'll raise this a little bit should i nail it in yeah i think so now ah that was too easy dude that was way too easy and those plump cuts are basically perfect yep so here's how we did this because we had the truss jib we just suspended the ridge we pre-screwed the rafters where they needed to go with those simpson screws that you saw in the last video and that was just temporary in case we needed to move something then we nailed them perfectly at the ridge now it's self-supporting and we could pop the screws because we're just going to reuse those they don't need to stay there the nails are going to hold it so here's how that worked the ridge just stayed suspended and we used those four rafters to get it all locked in that way we didn't have to calculate or measure any kind of ridge posts and deal with that there's always some kind of variation and we just skipped it all by using the dress jib to hold the ridge this was a great friday afternoon by the way i mean when things start to click and go well then you really start to pick up momentum and just the simple fact of using that trust jib probably oh i don't know maybe if we were to try and set that up on posts it might have taken a half an hour to an hour because you got a signal and not in this case probably took us 10 minutes i love it when that happens it doesn't happen often enough for me but when it does we're gonna mark the bottom corner level yeah then we'll just snap this right there yep hey kyle yeah let's go one six seven and a half sharp to sharp and then we got it right when we set it it's two inches down hill from the line right it depends on the roof pitches so that's why we always play in the bottom and then we go parallel okay i'm going with the 42 not the 44.78 that you calculated oh um go with the 44 yeah 44. yeah pretty good there right there yeah yeah the bottom piece two slipper that goes to the 44 okay now we'll just butt it up tight oh i see for the backing yep all right then what we'll do is we'll get measurements you remember how to lay it out just pulled two kinda all right everybody happy friday we got quite a bit done as you can see behind me after lunch we got this ridge set rafters cut and the over frame would you guys like to know what an over frame is i'll show you [Music] [Laughter] okay so an over frame roof is when the roof over frames on top of the other oh he's not done [Music] oh that's classic dude this might be the best update video we've ever had okay let me run you over to the whoa all right get this whoa hey get these turtles down it's friday okay so you guys want to know what over frame is my whistle basically this whole roof is framed and sheathed whoa and then this roof behind me frames over the top over frame over the top now on this side it's a little funky because i'll give you a gun the ridge this was easier in my opinion we planed that side up that's this mark is the top of the zip that's the underside of the zip or the framing we'll whack that on monday we have a broken hip from here that lands on the sleepers and then we'll finish up all of the framing so there it is hey kyle not a bad view maybe we should have gone up like two more stories and of course the guys down there have blocked us in it's like they're pouring concrete oh man that was pretty hilarious i can't believe i i remembered that or i've learned it okay anyway happy friday everybody hope you guys have a good weekend we'll deal with all this stuff when we get down to the eaves [Music] yeah and then i'm definitely gonna blow this off hey you just dropped that on the ground what do you have to say for yourself you didn't even say heads up i knew that nobody was down there oh okay let me blow this finally got smart i i don't run into this scenario very often so i got smart this time and took a picture and labeled the angles so because it's an irregular roof we have a broken hip that lands from a 612 intersecting with 712 the miter and bevel up at the ridge is easy to calculate i just like to use build calc now i used to do it longhand but my brain is not as elastic as it used to be the miter and bevel at the bottom however is a different animal so the saw setting for the bevel is the same as the backing angle for that irregular roof on the 712 side and then the miter is your level cut times two subtracted from 90. clear as mud yeah man we'll get into that in a future video we got to build this house again okay there is the roof all skeleton is framed that is ready to be sheeted i'm gonna get into that in the next video thank you guys so much for following along please like and subscribe and hey why not tweet that this is the best youtube channel that you've ever even imagined
Channel: AwesomeFramers
Views: 87,741
Rating: 4.8962622 out of 5
Keywords: roof framing, framing
Id: vD67DJ-Rzd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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