Ronnie O'Sullivan 'Disrespect' Moments!!

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sit these are the disrespectful Ron O Sullivan moments starting off with his gifting frame incident against Dominic Dale as he blows the frame by flying the Q ball off the table to get him behind the black he's got the pot as he got the Canon over the middle pocket if so some shot and he's played it if he played that it's a brilliant shot I'm not so sure he did Dominic grinning well Sullivan shook his head as if to indicate he didn't oh oh you're kidding me he's just blowing the frame extraordinary Ronnie somehow won the next fours frames and defeats Dominic and he later on tells that he was just checking the pockets and wanted to play a banana shot brilliantly what are you thinking here I just wanted to Banana it in I just wanted to see if the pocket could take it so you knew you needed it yeah I know I needed it but I just wanted to really banana it in and whip it in but the pocket obviously couldn't take it did you play the cannon on the pink cuz I thought you did in commentary the cannon yeah it was going into the black I thought it was yeah I thought that I thought maybe it was a bit of no you had no I was just going like that say I can't believe my luck it's gone over the O so okay so you knew you need black but you just thought a little bit of well just a little bit of banana you know what I mean just it's so nice to play that Top Spin shot you know what I mean I was just thinking like it felt so good I thought there's no way it can't go in coming to his hit and hope shots against Mark Selby in the final frames of the 2020 World Championship now what about this for an outcome a hit and hope and I'll tell you what what an outcome he's had there I love it he just was relying on a bit of good fortune he and as he had good fortune Mark did not like the way Ronnie played in the last frames and said in an interview that Ronnie was disrespectful during the match I felt like he was a little bit disrespectful the way he played every time I put him in a snook he just got down and hit the balls 100 mph and could have gone anywhere so I don't know whether he was just in that frame of mind but I just felt it was a little disrespectful to me at the table but last three frames he played great I got no complaints so you're almost feeling as though he was being Reckless not Reckless just obviously disrespectful to me I mean rather than obviously like sometimes like if if you got no shot you get down and you can just hit him as hard as you can and hope you try and flute one since the 2018 World Championship Rono Sullivan and Ali Carter have been engaged in heated arguments stemming from a contentious shrugging incident between the two players that's certainly not what he CED he was trying to get in behind the black dirt he smiles away oh but they've had to laugh about it afterwards very tensions escalated prompting the referee to intervene and diffuse the heated exchange just play on you that's unusual right now this is got a little bit it looked like it was a bit funny there but the referee got involved it's far from funny told you there was an edge to this match it did not stop there and Ali expressed his frustration by celebrating emphatically at the match's conclusion Tak an awful long time he packs him on the tmy to say Well done and look at that Ali darker after all this time manages to beat the rocket Rono Sullivan despite the unfavorable outcome Ali mentioned in the interview that both players maintain a good relationship backstage emphasizing that the ontable disagreement was just a momentary lapse and the celebration was just the emotion into words out celebration at the end well it's just a lot of emotion you know um you know I've waited a long time for this and I'm someone that doesn't like losing at all and it hurts me and to lose to him twice in the final really did hurt me big time and that stays with you for a long time and that gives you the fight and the determination when you need it to to go on and pull off a victory like that and obviously that was just a bit of letting it all go and he's spoken to you backstage yeah he's of course yeah he wished me all the best sh my hand you know I've got the utmost respect for Ronnie um and I'm sure he has for me too you know so everything's all good Carter you have blown people away with a brilliant brilliant run to the final and I I hope you can take some consolation by how much they've enjoyed watching you get this far he's beginning to annoy me you know it's good week obviously I'm gutted I lost um the final it's all about winning at the end of the day but you know before I um before I rocked up here last week i' took the final so lot of good things to come for me so I'm um I'm I'm heading the right direction the feud continued backstage when Ali expressed dissatisfaction with Ronnie's Behavior noting that Ronnie was snorting all over the floor and in response Ronnie went too far and added a fact that they haven't spoken in over 20 years and he really needs counseling as he got issues he's got issues manate I'm telling you he's got to go and sort his life out he's got to go see a cancer or something man he's got he's got to deal with that you know cuz that that that ain't no good man I don't talk to him I SPO him for 20 years I was nothing but uh I played with it you know played with him when he was a kid you know shared a lot of stuff with him for him to kind of come out and start trying to talk to me and trash talk like that you know what he's like everybody knows what he's like he's got issues manate Alli responded ahead of his Grand Prix meeting it does not make any difference to me what he say he says different things on different days I guess he does not know what comes out of his mouth at certain times I even feel sorry for him the matter is already reported to wst and they are looking into this situation and disciplinary consequences are likely to follow next Ronnie concedes the match just after few frames played against Henry 24 sitting I don't know what's going on I'm sorry man Steven later on tells that Ronnie said to him he'd just have enough while shaking the hands I don't know what to say I mean Ronnie's obviously got his reasons and and you know I'm not going to sit here and start criticizing from doing something like that because you know he's as I say he knows what he feels inside you know what did he say to you when he came up and shook your hand uh he said he's had enough you know and he came in my dress room afterwards and said good luck for the tournament and I said you're all right and he said yeah I just had enough so turning up to Ronnie and vf's Feud this one started in 2017 Ronnie makes exclusive comments on low-ranking players and call them numpties not just that Ronnie again criticizes the snooker Next Generation in 2020 World Championship you know if you look at the younger players coming through they're not that good really do you know what I mean most of them are like you know wouldn't even wouldn't even make they probably do well as half decent amateurs do you know what I'm saying not even amateurs I mean they're so bad that you know a lot of them that you see now you just think Co you got you got I've probably got to lose an arm and a leg to sort of fall outside the top 50 do you know what I mean so that's that's really sort of why we're kind of hovering still around because of the uh just how poor it is down that end you know it's not that bad well anyway thanks thanks Ronnie and then in 2021 Ronnie started smashing the balls in the breakoff when he was on a brink of a defeat what and after that in 2021 vaf lashes out and calls for Ronnie's retirement and he said that Ronnie is not good for the game not just that Hossein added a more spice to the matter he gave a shocking interview ahead of their Grudge Match to show the people and shut some people mouth and to show them what can what I can do this is just a beginning like I think uh my best doesn't come out yet if my best come out my a game come out are definitely going to do some damage yeah what mouths or whose mouths are we trying to shut uh Ron solivan yeah he's this did not stop there and Hussein made a smashing breakoff during a match settle down please silly really to get involved in that it's the world championship [Applause] yeah that's a first for me somehow vafi was wrong in this Feud as Ronnie did not Target him individually but hosse took this too far but this matter got solved after this defeat from the RO ran and just listen to this Crucible [Music] Crow for
Channel: Rocket Snooker & Pool
Views: 284,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tqcZM89s2Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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