Funny side of serious snooker (Part 11)

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[Music] now can Ken somehow pop that red and get on the pink would that be possible I'm not too sure he's got the angle for it so he may just have to sort of controlled hidden hope Somehow Here well if anyone can can can something like that I think I was trying to say if anyone can can can can and he did if if Willie Thorn does as badly tonight as that last one you he's in trouble 68 nice little nudge on the black as well he naughty Welshman and as I say you never settle till you get your first frame and he's done it in St I'll flick the black yes You' be able to get this and even Mark Smiles at that but make sure you get the black in yeah one way to get your first frame on the scoreboard missed it going up and missed it coming back Miss Anthony mcil for he got two choices he can play the shot himself which it looks as if he is going to do so can he play it a little better than cwe that is a brilliant exchange of humor at a moment of such tension between Mill and C we there out there he could have had it replaced he could have pled it from where it was hey Anything You Can Do I can also do 15 Mark's just won the Alexandra P dancing competition don't move don't move don't move don't move don't move what I can't no what are we watching here this is stop the well we're getting the word that uh we might have to have a change of referee that's why John Higgins is getting the balls out of the pocket so that when we do have the new referee he won't have a lot to do apparently our referee com Humphrey is not feeling too good put a WRA him up Alan Chamberlain replacing Colin humph no when you decide black yeah black okay black ball funny he did well called but the Red's in two that's okay that's okay I've lost my mind you were getting excited obviously you weren't used to seeing the way he was Tiny because he normally s fast and he was taking a lot of time very measured sorry all the sorry all the way but he was getting the results he was get the results that's yeah that's perfect you've only got one job Rob good thank you oh you can have a fresh air shot at snook thanks so I for yeah my called the foul on himself there he's going to put him back in again he asked if it was a [Applause] this you see a touching ball would resolve this oh that's a f Marken for enous put it back [Applause] can we just check if he's got it in the right place when he's put it back there where do you think it was I can't Mark sby just needing the brown does it go I just turn around gra and said does it go you think he goes don't you well he's asking he's saying yes he's playing mind games I think Graham saying yes Graham getting invol I'm not sure every player in the tournament or every player I've ever known will be quite as interactive with Mark Selby one of two might might blank him I should think was that the kangaroo hop we saw there it worked are you allowed to talk to the balls now well I think I tried that myself I think if it helps during my career but I don't know what it does [Applause] [Music] [Applause] need yeah completely forgot completely forgot just completely an admission from Brandon Mo completely forgotten now it was hampered by the brown Brandon there you go there you go I know where it is now and the good news is Brendan's doing the final this year know what they saying just me to you a bit more played it well very good look what's happened he's got the brown over the pocket but he's covered it and he's got a very difficult t I tell you what it never ceases to amaze you than is this game really what can happen let's have a [Laughter] rre brilliant plant the red covered the BR you turn around now look at Mark Selby well he'd like to but it's not eate [Music] to he not going anywhere Mark he's just going to stand there a good turn up there but oh well there you go nice line F A Miss we for it it was a tenth of a millimeter Too Short just a handy to have certainly came in handy you don't normally see them being used these days but certainly came in handy there okay Corin says can I have a lend of that little Gadget you had played with the few frames ago you can use it you can use it cuz you're 5 nil down but it was the last frame you weren't getting it no chance so this is one of the difficult ones out of the way here comes the Q ball no Jack Jack to get the Sentry you want what do you want a maximum or 100 brick he's going to come off a cushion and try and FL the hit it as hard as you can and fluke it we've all made a 100 break could be the last shot cjan plays in this year's well he was about to shake his hand was he's having a good laugh he was going to shake his hand there but now he's decided against it not just yet an odd one wasn't it self-inflicted problem that he couldn't avoid wrong chair don't think I've ever seen that before you know why he hadn't sat in it had he he' been on at the table he'd forgotten well he has got some previous for being a bit scatty as Neil and uh there's another example true he looks up and smiles that's one of the best pots he's never played he was just playing a safety shot and he's locked it in the pocket no it was always tough is he going to leave it as he covered it with the black he's covered it with the black and that was always a dodgy well believe it or not he played the pot there oh was the blue come to his rescue well he has he's going to play the swerve try and clip the red on the left hand side as we look got it too much now Mark needs a little bit of look is the pink going to come to his Rescue It [Applause] Is it Is Well he deserved that little bit of has to be [Laughter] said play this with lots of left hand side catch the red thin three cushions back to Bor and you couldn't play it any better than that wonderful shot again you played one well the boys having a little joke with themselves Mark says at least you played one yes he like that one the red could run into the black here oh have a look at this he's got a bit of look again hey have a bit of that how do you like those up I don't know it depends who you are W it's amazing is it Allan's seventh century of the tournament time bit of a joke so in exchange of centuries yes thank [Music] you that's not that funny thank you when I said he came out into The Crucible twice when our comper Rob Walker introduced the referees Lang the came out with him he thought he'd been introduced and uh well he had to go back again and the crowd absolutely loved it and so did he wasn't that fantastic John think you're going to see more of this style of play from this man I'm sure it hurt him yesterday the way the session went now he's saying the pressure's on him because he looked like winning a frame 68 good laugh between the lbs here even St Maguire saw the funny side of that one wellan one it yet he needs the red [Applause] yes bit over the top it entertains the crow just had to make sure he he didn't pop the Black by mistake very nearly went in off it all around the table Mark of course if it was to drop in now it would be replaced by the referee there isn't an actual time with it is it Rie stomping around there isn't an actual time limit it's Common Sense more than anything it like yes an appreciable pause oh he's got away with it again I think Mike's going to stay in his seat he's look he's looking at Barry and head I'm I'm not coming back to the table what are you doing to me Barry Oh that's fantastic well I didn't know about that one anyway that be that I mean you couldn't make it up could you Alan no the only good news is that it's going to be quite an easy replacement
Channel: GTKomissaR
Views: 224,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snooker, funny side of serious snooker, funny moments, ronnie o'sullivan, 2022, compilation, best, top shots, uk championship, judd trump, neil robertson, mark sleby, exhibition shots, trickshots, what a shot, mark williams, john higgins, amazing, hilarious, 147, maximum, luca brecel, 2024, rocket, hotshot, mark allen
Id: v-YYq2r45jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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