Efren Bata Reyes 7 Famous Shots That SHOCKED the World Of Pool

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in this video you can watch the seven famous shots of the magician Ephron Reyes that shot the pool world and were admired by fans [Music] worldwide number seven this shot happened in 2010 in vgo Spain where Ephron Reyes was there for the Spanish open and while ephrine was drinking and watching a friendly match the players noticed him until they asked him to try a difficult shot Efron even said but while holding a sandwich wrapper and still having a bag on his shoulder Ephron Reyes undoubtedly made the shot and showed them a two rail kick shot [Applause] and the crowd couldn't believe what the magician did most of them couldn't believe what they saw let's watch again ephrine waved his Q stick as a sign of his gratit ude to the fans Efron Reyes is really a humble person number six our sixth amazing shot by Ephron Reyes happened in the 2005 US Open nine ball championship match against John Schmidt this happened in the first rack of their match first gentleman is a player representative for w nothing down John didn't pocket even one ball on the break and Efron showed early defense [Applause] here JN responded with a good defense and hid the Q ball behind the number four ball tour from Columbus Ohio one of the hardest working guys in the business efine answered this with another kick safe and placed the QQ ball behind the number six ball and of course e is Master of the kick safe John's shot didn't go well he can get out of that was a pretty good hit I mean he he uh didn't and efran made another safety shot here C back see what he did there see the two ball control he hit the rail and he had reverse of the ball John made another safety shot and it became a safety battle between the two thank you man we're spiring right here look at this kid he returned the favor and here Ephron Reyes will show an amazing shot that will surprise the audience they all come to watch chb car welcome the that was one of the time you see what he did there wow unbelievable let's watch it again [Music] number five Efron reay's fifth famous shot happened on the 16th rack in the 200 world9 ball championship against Steve Davis two down Steve pocketed the number two ball on his break many dry mouths still will dry mes they'll yell if Davis keeps this up and he pocketed the number one ball in the corner pocket here he goes then the position vital the red goes he also pocketed the number three ball so Davis under as much pressure as you could imagine here Steve Steve made a safety shot here placing the Q ball behind the number six ball and now it's the Champion's turn to be under pressure snook head to with in an area the size of a pound coin and Efron hit the number four ball and the shot was open for Steve but rest assured Steve has done this on his own he is beating reyz at his own game potting him P go Steve pocketed the number four ball but his preparation was not good for the number five ball playing at this in the spirit brandom jump there could be going out and Steve made another safy shot here he put the Q ball behind the number nine ball vicious absolutely vicious snook out well this is going to take everything that Reyes has under that helmet to be able to hit this one Efron thought about what he would do and here Efren Reyes showed an amazing shot that pool fans will never forget to leave the five on if he hits it can he get enough of the side cushion they say he's the greatest kicker out of snuggers toart in the world what a shot how do you reply to that let's watch it again [Music] number four a fourth famous shot of Efron Reyes happened in the fifth rack during his match against jang-yang wa for the final match of the 2004 Asian 9 ball tour Jun pocketed the number three and number eight balls in his break Jung took a safety shot here he HD the Q ball behind the number nine ball [Music] and because of Efron's unique skill he showed off a four rail kick shot to hit the number one ball and pocket it wow unbelievable even the crowd was surprised by what efran Reay is did number three this shot was shown by efen Reyes in his match in a rotation game race to four exhibition match against fellow Filipino renado alcano this was shown in rack number two of their match exhibition here Break by efon Reyes he dropped the number one ball well for also pocketed the number two ball lower left corner but I'm sure E Bas can weave some of his magic to find a way the number three ball was pocketed but his preparation for the number four ball was not good [Music] off the rail here for Ean re and he's hoping for a safety and he hits a kick shot to hit the number four ball Rees safety perfectly executed by Ronnie Alo Ronnie Alano answered that with a wonderful safety shot to hide the Q ball efon thought about what he was going to do until up sh oh boy he made a three rail kick shot to hit the ball and pocket it in the corner pocket you can see the smile on eon's face the fans couldn't believe the shot made by the magician Efron Reyes let's watch this awesome shot again 1 two exct the four number two this number two shot by the magician Ephron Reyes happened in the three-day challenge called 2010 Chong Joo 10 ball challenge of Legends the match was erased to 610 ball Affair in jangu Province China it was against Chia Fon Pang here chiao Fong Pang was thinking hard about what to do because the Q ball was behind the balls and there was no good shot for the number one ball [Music] and he decided to make a jump shot the audience was impressed by what he did but they didn't know that Efren Rees next shot would be one of the most popular in the world of pool he here Efron was thinking about his shot to make until wow magic Efron hits the corner cushion of the side pocket with a side spin on the Q ball and goes straight to the number one ball this shot is amazing because the C ball didn't even hit the number eight ball and this is what they call ephren Reyes the lsh shot Efron's Talent is [Music] unmatched number one this number one shot by Ephron Reyes is the most famous and greatest shot ever in pool history this is a match between Ephron the magician Reyes and Earl the Pearl Strickland it took place on June 11th 1995 for the race to 13 match in the 1995 Sans Regency open n ball it was a hill hill match the match was tied at 12 to 12 and in the last rack of this match Efron showed his magic that made the crowd go crazy with the one solid you don't the one's going to go to the center of the table possibly we got a few Earl made the break and he pocketed the number two ball he's drown it underneath here he got around and gave him a shot no he gave him a shot now Earl's safety shot didn't go well here he's going to hit it to where the cubble then go maybe into the nine or possibly a quarter of way back up table and Efron easily pocketed the number one ball can make the four ball he's not going to shoot he's just going to draw he's oh he's shooting this ball here's one of them spin shots ooh does he hit these shots good perfectly hit that's like wimy next he pocketed the number three ball and had a good preparation for the number four ball Efron is thinking about his preparation for the number five Ball come out of there maybe he'll go into the six or not doesn't matter all he has to do is just draw this ball and it's going to bump off the just make sure you don't draw too strong just nip the top side in here just draw it straight back just a little bit just a little bit I said what he didn't have to do that you see what I'm doing he made a draw shot on the number four ball but Efron was is not satisfied with his shot he figured the nine was going to go into the six and he was going to move the six well he might have figured that yeah he must have figured that otherwise why would have shoot it [Music] like that shots available and then he can use the six as an interfering ball if he Pockets the bank if he Pockets the bank he'll have the six to shoot well no he didn't uh watch the eight watch the eight oh my goodness and Efron made a safety shot here but the number five ball accidentally hit the eight ball and pocketed it oh my oh [Applause] boy Earl Strickland was very happy with what happened now the Q ball is behind the number six ball efen thought carefully about what he was going to do studying the table and because of his skill and courage in matches like this this next shot will be the greatest pull shot of all time oh what a bad roll horrible roll horrible roll horrible and it looks like the short cushion is the only cushion you can go to Five in other words going to the left hand cushion just missing the seven ball nipping the five and coming three cushions back down table I think did going twice I don't like you said and you might miss this [Applause] ball what a put camera Efron hit the number five ball with a two rail kick shot to pocket it amazing the crowd as well as the commentators especially Earl Strickland could not believe it you have seen everything oh my goodness oh boy even ephrine was amazed at his shot and this is where the most famous Z shot by the magician Efron Reyes became known around the [Music] world and he's fallowing a little short the now has to that's it he's home he's home what a finish what a fin what a finish couldn't get no better you ask to do what a finish Efron won this [Music] match this is hill hill a race no better than this look at this perfect oh my goodness what a shot and what time to come with a shot like that and those are seven of the most famous shots of the magician ephren Reyes shots that seem to be mixed with magic that's why he was called the magician shots that have made a mark in the history of pool for you what is the most famous and best shot by Efron Reyes comment below thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe and turn on the notification Bell for more upcoming videos [Music]
Channel: Jao Tom
Views: 957,219
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Keywords: efren bata reyes, efren reyes famous shot, efren reyes z shot, efren reyes magic shots, efren lucky shot, efren reyes best shots, efren reyes greatest shots, the magician efren reyes, amazing shot in pool history, chao fong pang, efren reyes, efren bata, efren reyes best match, efren reyes bank shots, efren reyes 2024, efren reyes 9 ball, efren reyes amazing shots, efren bata reyes famous shots, efren bata reyes famous z shot, famous z shot efren reyes, efren reyes magic
Id: 4L0cORiUmpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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