Ronnie Coleman The Unbelievable Remastered in 1080 HD - Part 1 Shoulders | Ronnie Coleman

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hey Cory you ready man this ain't no joke you got to get that back bigger baby yeah got to [Music] [Applause] [Music] get intense training requires intense energy you've heard it you screamed it and now you can take it yeah buddy from Ronnie [Applause] [Music] Coleman [Music] [Music] n [Music] what we did for shoulders basically what I'm trying to do right now is do my offseason workout even though I'm getting ready for a contest so I'm lifting all my I'm doing my heavy lift that I normally do in offseason so this is really offseason training being done for a pre-contest for contest for Mr Olympia is 5 and 1 half weeks out but you know I'm just as strong now as I was uh when I was uh I was 3:15 uh for what offseason this year and I'm doing the same weight at 3:15 I'm right now I'm 285 so I'm doing the same weight that I was doing uh 315 at 285 yesterday I started out with shoulders I did the seated shoulder press start out with my light warm up as I always do warm up with every on all most of all the exercises start out 135 like 15 then I go 225 for 12 then I do uh 275 for 12 and uh this is allseason training I went up to 3155 that's Norm about as high as I go I did 315 also 12 and immediately following with that I go over to what I call my uh dumbbell laterals the only thing about my dumbbell laterals since I only do shoulders once a week always incorporate like a giant set that it really helps to build my shoulders up real good so I start out what I mean by GI set I do uh four EX four uh sets back to back and I start out with 30 I do 25 reps then I go to 40 uh 15 reps then I go to 50 for 10 reps then I go to 60 for uh eight reps and I follow that up real quickly uh with another set but I start off just a little bit heavier like 10 lbs heavier on the next set I do the same thing except I start out with 40 for 25 then 5050 for 15 and then uh I did the 60 for 10 and 70 for eight uh after that you know those are my two main shoulder but I do Al also do one like one more shoulder exercise to go with that make it make it three I only do like two since I'm doing a GI set I only do like two uh two sets back to back even though they [Music] Giant [Music] so on my next one I go in the the uh like a shoulder raise but I used a bar uh small bar and I did uh I think that was 90 lb 80 yeah 90 lb yeah it was 90 lb for uh 10 to 12 rep I did like three sets you know with that I just go you know uh back to back with that uh probably take probably about two 2 three minutes of rest in between there [Music] I need to go over to uh some real delts I start out on the uh cable crossover machine but I converted to a real delt we got two different sets of handle so I put in a real depth handle and I normally start out with like 200 lb here and do for 15 reps and uh then I go up to uh I do four sets here I do another set probably like 220 for 15 reps then I go up to my heavier set which for most of the machine I think will hold which is like uh I think it's 250 uh for like 12 reps I do two sets at that so it's all together four [Music] sets [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] I followed that up immediately with uh some shrugs working my traps uh next so I did uh dumbbell 200 lb dumbbell for like I was doing basically just as much as many reps as I could sometimes I get 14 sometimes I get 12 sometimes I get 13 I basically just did like uh four sets of that and that was just one exercise and that was just basically it because after all stuff had had done plus me being rush for work I really didn't have a whole lot of time to spend on that sometimes I do just one exercise sometimes I may do two too sometimes I may follow that up with uh upright RADS or something like that for like three exercises 135 lbs doing uh 10 to 12 reps but yesterday I just did one exercise and and that pretty much uh completes my workout for shoulders on uh and I always do that on Wednesday that's the only thing that I do for that one day Wednesday is always show that everything else alternates [Music] that was rough now time to go to work real work yeah buddy let's do [Music] this
Channel: Ronnie Coleman
Views: 5,609,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ronnie Coleman, Mr. Olympia, Big Ron, Yeah Buddy, Light Weight, Baby, Aint nothin but a peanut, metroflex gym, gym, bodybuilder, bodybuilding, workout, shoulders, Ronnie Coleman Workout, Ronnie Coleman Training, Ronnie Coleman Signature Series, Signature Series, Supplement
Id: 4lVMwl3FsPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2016
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