Ron Paul: Crazy, Brilliant or Misunderstood?

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[Music] 70% of the people they don't believe our government tells me the truth and that's really good because they aren't telling us the truth some kids smoking a joint goes to prison and treated monstrously doesn't history Templars that marijuana has been used as medication for thousands of years but what if a doctor says hey run it's not a bad idea for you to start smoking weed would you do it so today we're in the office of dr. Ron Paul if you don't recognize this face he ran for president multiple times once he ran back in 1988 as a libertarian hi and they you ran in oh wait and 2012 as a Republican and an interesting fact about the way he ran his campaign when the internet was just coming up nobody was doing a lot of campaigning through the internet and his concept and beliefs that he had as a libertarian wasn't yet accepted by a lot of different people he went out in the first 24 hours in a 24 hour period campaigning only on the Internet raised six million dollars at a time when nobody was raising money and then you hear about Obama's doing that on all these other guys doing about he was a myspace guy a YouTube guy in his 70s and his audience were twenty year olds eighteen year olds all over college campuses similar to what Bernie Sanders did recently Bernie Sanders many say took a page out of his playbook in the marketing campaign that he had when he ran for office so here we go dr. Ron Paul thank you good to be here with you appreciate thank you for making the time by the way the more and more I study you and find out about you juicier philosophies are very interesting today I would like to address a few different issues one is your book and the Fed I'm always fascinated by economy I'd like to talk to you about marijuana I know you have some strong beliefs about marijuana see where you stand about that and I have a fun challenge for you I'm curious in if you'll take that challenge you you're probably thinking what the challenges we'll get into that part a little bit of the IRS a little bit of Trump a little bit that stuff in an obviously part of your story so before we get into those issues I was talking to you earlier you were saying you were raising a family Pittsburgh five kids you're the middle kid and you're coming up I know you wanted to the air force I know you know to being a doctor I know you delivered over 4,000 babies so the typical person that runs for office is normally and it's you are not the typical one neither you or your son Rand Paul also ran for office when did the inspiration come for you to say I'd like to one day enter politics never happened to me but I was inspired to try to promote a message and talk about a message so the first time I decided to speak out in a political sense was in 1974 which was a Watergate year Republicans were dead in the war lot water nobody wanted to run at that time Texas had three Republicans now we are like 35 you know congressman so it was all Democrats so there was a whole Texas yes so there was a void there and then the Republicans were just starting to you know the shift from Democrat conservative Democrat to Republican so I thought well you know I'm going I'm gonna speak out because I was exposed to Austrian free-market economics and the Mises high act type of approach and I was convinced they were on the right track and I was convinced also that nobody in Washington ever heard of them so I thought well I need to talk about I want to get that message out so I went to my wife and I was very very busy practicing love medicine still I never disliked medicine I never said I'm gonna give up medicine I'm going into politics and so I told my wife I want to run for office in the 70s is when when the Bretton Woods broke down and we had inflation of 15% and interest rates a 21-foot that was really exciting stuff and very very dangerous I wanted to talk about because they harder era yes well no that would pre cause that's right that's why Ford was in office - it was it was said through the Watergate years and we had Nixon era but it was very very exciting but very very dangerous so I went to my wife I said look I want to talk about this she'd what are you gonna do I said I'm gonna run for Congress she'll what in the world with you I had no expectation Lex you have no idea you're gonna be doing this no this was my introduction to her to tip her off would well you know I was planning to do and I say she says well this could be very dangerous I said why would it be dangerous she said you could get elected I guaranteed her totally impossible that's not my goal my goal is just to reach a few people said you said there's no money you know I told her it's not gonna work and she and she's totally non-political a little more political now than she was then because all she wanted to do is raise the kids and and and be a wife and you also had five kids yes right so she she said no she said you're gonna win I said no no I'm not gonna be Santa Claus I'm not passing this I I want to tell people they have to work for a living you know the whole philosophy and she says yes and she said something that's stuck with me because people have come and thrown it back at me she says they're going to like what you say because they're gonna believe you're telling the truth and you know in a way that is what I heard so often and that's why people in my district would support me they said we know you're telling the truth we don't agree with all your libertarian stuff but we like the idea that you're telling the truth and you know and I imagine you have observed at times the starvation for truth right now just think of what's going in our politics nobody knows who's talking about the truth it's totally boys everybody's a fake news you know both sides accuse the others I have fake news so that was why I got into it but of course it opened up political goals and sometimes success in politics has to do with luck you know being in the right place at the right time is there a book like did you read a book like that like who was the I know you were captain in the military you were captain in the Air Force and you were a doctor in the Air Force so you don't know you weren't around back in 1970 I believe when you were not 1970 I think even earlier than in the 60s when you went to Tehran right so I know you've been all over but was there like a guy in your ear saying hey Ron read this book by Hayek hey Ron read this was there somebody not one person but I think people and they're one thing I encourage people that say a graduation ceremony stay curious look for the truth it's up to you you have to go looking for were you a reader were you always a read that that is what motivated me to read you know at the time and then I would look around and I came across the foundation for economic education and that was Leonard Reid's group it was he one of them you always talk about Leonard Reid yeah you're a big fan of Leno really he was in New York so I got to know him but he provided books I would buy the books through them no internet you know the names Mises and got his books and kayak and Rothbard and san hold so I was really fascinated with Austrian economics so my motivation in those years was to study and to understand one philosophy that I Leonard read taught me he says don't worry about what you're gonna do look for the truth and if you've become knowledgeable he said somebody will seek you out and somebody will use you don't worry about the plan no plans somebody's gonna seek you out of somebody yeah one of the most pleasant things that ever happened to me every once in a while an individual would come another congressman I'd be up there and voting all by myself I don't know whether you noticed there was a time when I voted by myself quite frequently and he knew I wasn't you know a loudmouth trying to demagogue anything they would come and sit down said Ron why are you doing this it doesn't make any said you're either not voting with anybody or you're voting sometimes with the Liberals but it was a sincere question and I explained them briefly the philosophy and it's and those several were converted you know over because that's the key portion is the key well to influence and to have them be curious and then for them to study it another example that I just loved was with Walter Jones you know I follow up a foreign policy of non-intervention ISM and he felt like he was lied about the Iraq war and it upset him a whole lot and he voted for it and he saw what happened he voted for yeah anyway he's punishing himself still about that but he came and we had a lot of conversation he turned that priori my closest friend in Washington but he went from you know just going with conventional wisdom of the hawkish Republicans and all of a sudden he say hey you know there's something more to it than this so that pleased me a whole lot 1974 was media as influential as it is today did they have that much influence because I remember the first debate that was a national debate on television was when Nixon was doing it off radio because it used to be Radio Nixon did well but once there was TV Kennedy Excel because Kennedy did well on TV but Nixon didn't so was this one America was kind of transitioning into the power of media was it barely getting into it oh well that was in the 16 where they had where Nixon lost you know to Kennedy no it was a transition gradually you know and the debates would be have occur they used TV ever you know ever since the Nixon debate but it changed things a whole lot that is when they introduced television recordings of us on the House floor and I said I've never voted for a government program but I voted to put the cameras they need to see what we're doing but that sort of backfired because everybody spoke to the cameras you know they knew how to handle that public relations so how much did a politics when you look at the politics and I see somebody talk and I say okay this person makes sense what they're saying but they're not a good salesperson that person doesn't make a lot of sense but they're a good salesperson this person makes zero sense but they're a great salesperson and they know how to play the game of politics how important is selling and learning how to play the game of politics of pinning against each other and not taking a lot personally I mean I see that being a big strength of Trump how big of an influence do you think those two other parts are as well well yes it's what what you're going life is you know if you're going life has to be a congressman you do things completely different then then what I did young people now when I go to the college campuses they'll still come up and I say you understand what you're saying what am I supposed to do and you know how can I go to medical school and then go to Congress and all I say I said if that's your goal forget it it shouldn't be your goal you know it's back to education I don't believe the politicians who make these plans and lay the plans and join the parties and become a precinct worker and work your way up and learn how to raise money and go to the professionals you're not a fan of that you know I think I think that's the way it's done I think it's wrong and that's why the wrong people go I think it also ought to be a more issue oriented so if somebody comes up I don't like the demagogues the noisy stuff but if somebody comes up and they're very serious and they say Ron I disagree we do because I'm a socialist and we can one person that was close to that was Barney Frank Barney Frank and I got along real well and we had a lot of disagreement but we had a lot of greement because he was a progressive and we'd agree on civil liberties and we did legislation on on drugs how we regulate that and some on foreign policy it was the issues that counted more than anything else but I think most people go in because they want to be a congressman I think you should want to change people's views to me that's the only thing that counts remember we have is a reflection of the prevailing attitudes of the people so I'm more interested in changing the attitudes of the people and understanding why Liberty can be defended rather than saying oh I need help you know I might be out of work and people are poor in this country and this is why we need authoritarians to go to Washington take money from this group and take care of everybody else and teach you what your private personal habits ought to be I just refuse to accept that approach if you really believe Liberty is possible today and here's what I mean by Liberty there's two different ways right one of them is conceptually so it's good for us to keep talking about it because at least the right concepts will stick but will we ever have full Liberty we'll probably guys let's face it we're never gonna have it but let's keep talking about all this other stuff are you coming from we'll play stuff out of no I fully believe in Liberty is possible in America oh yeah well a Liberty is to some degree but perfect Liberty I mean mankind is not perfect so define Liberty what does Liberty and libertarian mean to you I know it to me is one thing on that subject of perfect Liberty versus perfect communism you know it just doesn't exist but the goal should be Liberty so for me to pursue what I have been doing for these many decades is that I have to have a definition what do you mean by livery why is it important to you is this is this a social belief in economic belief or religious believer you know what is it I have come to the conclusion that the most important issue or rule that should guide our lives is something that has been universal and I think we're making progress matter of fact I think that we can do a lot better and we're in a move and there's a lot of reason why I'm an optimist but it's based on a concept which is called non-aggression you can't commit aggression and it's very simply don't lie don't cheat don't steal don't hurt people and don't kill people but all the great religions endorse these things if everybody did that can you imagine how much more peaceful the world be the man is fragile and they aren't man kindness they're not perfect so they will always get away from that the big question is is do you want the authoritarian government people who want to be in control send them to Washington to make sure that you're a better person that doesn't work because then the monopolies use of aggression and control is given to the government you know in and and the ruled it follows this is if you and I have disagreement okay you know I agree with your honor I'm not gonna steal from you and I'm not gonna hurt you I'm not gonna kill you and all these things but all of a sudden government's exempt from these rules the government lies to us they cheat they counterfeit the money we go off around the world we're gonna police the world we killed people we can't we drop a bomb every 12 minutes right now on foreigners it's just totally out of control because the governments don't obey the rules and but people don't address that they keep saying put me in office I'm a dedicated right winger and I want to be in there and have my rules when somebody else comes go no I'm compassionate and I will steal the money from this group and give it this group and I will create perfect equality for everybody well they ought to think about equality under in the justice system is what they ought to concentrate on but I think the government always reflects the prevailing attitude of the people and therefore politicians have a lot to say about that but they're very unimportant they're very very unimportant politicians are very honorable very unimportant overall long term Mises is more important than nobody's ever heard of but if you want to move to a freer economy and understand for instance right now we're being challenged with this notion of tariffs I'm really pretty shocked about the support tariffs are getting but it's a misunderstanding of economic policy but the prevailing attitude should be that people have a right to buy and sell their goods and services and that is what free markets teach but the people get the government they deserve in many ways sometimes it's hard to get rid of a bad government but the government right now reflects a philosophy of interventionism a planned economy inflation ISM central banking social welfare program policing the world you say well that sounds like you're against the Democrat oh no maybe you're against the Republican they're both the same there's too much I've seen Republicans and Democrats are the same in many ways philosophically the basic philosophy is the same they believe in intervention they just have different management styles they might pick out well we want to redistribute the wealth I want this group you want this group so but they endorsed intervention ISM maybe enforcing government power and that's what has to be challenged I got a question for you then so you ran in 1988 as a libertarian right in oh wait and 2012 you ran as a republican why didn't you run as a libertarian again in oh wait in 2012 to change the game instead of running as a republican yourself well a lot more people heard of me 12 than they did in 1988 as a marketing marketing strategy parties mean very little to me even though I'm a lifetime member of the Libertarian Party I've spent all my political career as a Republican it doesn't matter the simpler it is a concept like you look at Trump Rand Trump said what make America great again right it resonated it was a simple campaign and people were just fed up with politicians when Obama ran Obama was what dream or change right what are we changing I don't know what we're changing so voters are like this is cool let's change this is cool let's make America great again do you think partially the challenge with the libertarian concept is the fact that the message is being delivered by such super smart intelligent guys like you like Peter Schiff like some of these guys that people are sitting there saying it kind of makes sense but man I'm having a hard time understanding this talk to me as if I'm a sixth grade you know level four okay we're say that could be a reason well what I I think you're not emphasizing is there's been tremendous changed to get this message out that is that was truly agree yeah I just think of the progress we've made and you even mention it in the introduction the internet helped me six million in 24 hours this I mean it's fantastic the people that you reach you can change things because you're changing people's minds but if you're saying well you got it if you join the crowd and say well anybody about trumple we got to get rid of this trumpet he's real evil this kind of stuff and in that that is all political chicanery but it has to be philosophic which is not easy but that's where the progress is made when I went to Washington 76 nobody ever heard of Mises or the Federal Reserve needed auditing right I mean it did the early on I live in a Bible Belt district and I took a position on the drug war no drug war it's evil it's monstrous prohibitions don't work and get rid of it and I thought well there goes by they're not gonna reelect me now and I thought that came up when I was out and went back in again but they never held it against me because because the idea was out there but they were afraid to say it so many families had already been hurt because of some kids smoking a joint goes to prison and treated monstrously in here now they're saying you know it doesn't history tell us that marijuana has been used as medication for thousands of years why don't we think about using again just yesterday it was announced that we might use it and that's ideological and I figure you might say back in 88 Ron you talked about drugs all that what good did you do you've talked about it you know in your congressional campaign you talked about in the presidential campaign but all of a sudden you know we did it I can I consider it a great victory I think it's a massive progress you would a face of libertarian for a long I mean you made a lot of progress some people will give you more credit than some of the other guys that originally started it because you got the message across the board and the toughest part with you will have so much respect for you is you were able to connect with an audience that others had such a hard time getting to the younger audience and a message dad I mean look at the media today you would soon if the left the Liberals the left the Democrats control what percentage of the media matter of fact let me ask it the other way around what media platform today in America is right outside of Fox knows what else is right outside right wing you may like wing yeah see I don't think in right and left I think an authoritarian and non authoritarian they're all authoritarians you know just about everybody ELISA fees to to talk about conservative economic philosophies that is not going to be on the Left that's going to be on the right to talk about constantly giving up social programs just because let's tax people higher yeah that's a fiction that Republicans are better than the Democrats on that the Republicans are the ones who have introduced the legislation to increase government control and abuse of the medical care system oh no it was Obamacare you know that sort of thing but previously one time the vote that took the longest in while I was there maybe in history it lasts about it ten hours they had to pass prescription drug program and because it was a Republican thing it was Bush and we stayed up till 3:00 in the morning you know until they got the votes to support the drug dealer I'm well they are drug dealers the drug industry's it's run by corporations that's release a drug dealer that's so funny they're dealing in abuse I'll tell you because they're at the FDA then they're in big drug companies and all someone's getting paid yes different they have different people are supporting it's it's fair to say you even said it earlier when we're off-camera CNBC when Tucker was there before he got fired when he supported you in the 2008 convention that you guys had with Jesse Ventura all these other guys I showed up is it fair to say that if you were to say MSNBC CNN you know Time magazine money magazine fortune some of these magazines some of these platforms are leaning more towards a higher tax rate and maybe Fox is gonna say let's be a little bit more limited government on the lower end yeah I think you're putting an important thing because intervention can go either way intervention can be bad or good but it's the intervention that I want to to challenge sure but your supports Bush initially when it came out you were kind of little bit optimistic about what he was gonna do until all of a sudden the government started getting bigger and bigger and he hired more right the limited government became Wow are you sure talking about george w bush bush well i think the strongest statement I ever could have made was he used to say in the campaign that we should have a humble foreign policy and that we shouldn't be policing the world you know his his statement was thrown out there to appeal to a few of us and I thought well maybe but Trump does that too okay so you're saying let's find the truth fair I want to find the truth you found out the truth because you talked to Leonard Reid and Leonard Reid gave you these books that he would say he read this read that and you went through it and then he said if you keep talking to truth eventually someone's gonna notice you and they're gonna find a way to use you fair enough so if you're saying that then what is the truth and how can I a naive 22 year old a naive 18 year old 27 year old 38 year old who's never paid attention to politics I was a former military guy now I'm starting to realize I'm paying a lot of taxes life is getting expensive why is this President Donald Trump he makes no sense this guy used to be in business I like him I don't like him some people hate him some people love them where do I get my source of the truth well a lot of people aren't ever going to pay any attention you have to think about the way the world works is their thought leaders the people who run the television companies there are people who write books to people who have programs on the air their persuasions are very very important and people have to have a basic understanding of what they believe in and if they don't have that they can't hone in on on how to handle interventionism you if you endorse the fact that government should have this power and authority to run our life police the world tell us what to do and you know run everything then you say well we just need better leaders we just need to clean up the mess we don't want the you know the loafers to get on you know that sort of thing it isn't a management problem it's a philosophic problem on whether or not the government has the right to use guns to redistribute wealth and everybody in Washington except for about five people believe that they endorse that principle sure it varies about the tax code I read just yesterday that it said that this tax code which you know sounded like I couldn't vote it for it cause it lowered lower taxes but there was there was one vote they just discovered oh they're raising taxes in this area so it's it's intervention and I think the argument ought to be does the government have the moral authority to intervene in your personal life to tell you how you run should run your personal life and your social life or your religious life the answer should be no but we take that that answer and apply it to economics and say should the government you know sort it out so that there's more equality and that everybody has you know being taken care of nobody fails in this sort of thing and and the libertarian says it doesn't work it bankrupts the country it's done by force and the people who use it an extreme point are the people in Venezuela you know and it doesn't work and this is where we are today we are totally bankrupt because there's been too much concession because people want to be humane and say you can't just throw people out on the street is that a Republican principle or democratic principle what on handouts oh it's bipartisan everything is bipartisan you're saying you're saying handouts is bipartisan is the welfare state produced under Oregon party and a lot of big programs Republican so your opinion okay so how about we go one by one by one marijuana what's your beliefs on marijuana should it be legal should I not be legal well it should be decriminalized it should be no criminal penalties for using marijuana and that's clear-cut you have a right to do with your life in your body that you want and up until 1938 it was legal so it's just this not up until 1938 whoo yeah oh that is when they put a tax on it and they knew they weren't a lot of regulated because when they want to regulate booze beer and alcohol yeah they had amended constitutions to put it in your food when they would give to military guys you know joint used to be in there that guys used to smoke back in the days and you're a 1935 guy so you're saying marijuana should be legal not criminalized absolutely I mean it's you're sort of asking is who should protect you from yourself and nobody in a libertarian society not protect you from yourself because your habits maybe the problem you might eat poorly you might take stuffing in my smoke and do all these things and governments cannot do that once you do that you give up your liberties so you always aim for the purity of a libertarian society where you're responsible but in this response and the young people you wondered why young people came my way and they cheered me on this I say you know in a libertarian society you can do what you want you can smoke and drink and all this and you can earn as much money as you want and we're not going to take the money from you no taxation but if you screw up you can't go to the government and I would get a loud applause on that it was responsibility freedom and that you are rewarded why do you think some people are against the concept of what you're talking about everybody has that instinct I think we're all born libertarians and then when we're too or a terrible - and we start getting @b tonight then we're sent to a government school which is considered a prison by a lot of people and it beats it out of us that's it took me a lot of years to beat the bad ideas out of my mind from from a grade school and high school and college they were all teaching me the wrong thing and so my challenge was how do I get rid of those bad ideas and it took me by any gradual gradual gradual 15 or 20 years but I think that the momentum is on our side in spite of the ups and downs you know that we are so so much better ever smoked marijuana yourself no are you open to the idea I know I don't it doesn't attract me a bit so I was with Kevin Hart the comedian he's a big comedian he's got 150 million followers Kevin Hart said if you're ever gonna seize never he was never found of marijuana he said I told my kids the only person you have the permission to smoke marijuana with a snoop dog do you know whose snoop dog yeah I saw it at a rapper by the way I don't know if you know or not one time he posted a picture of yours in his Facebook page and he said smoke weed every day with your picture while you were running for office smoke so if we could arrange it I don't care he's responsible for his own life whatever you want so so why don't you want to smoke marijuana well why do I not want to eat badly and gain a lot of weight because you don't think it's marijuana is good for you well I have no desire for it and I I don't know I think that it is not much positive except I'm not the decider if there's medicinal plant benefits from it they what they did was they just legalized and I find out you know all these kids have had these severe epileptic fits are being held but what if a doctor says hey Ron it's not a bad idea for you to start smoking weed would you do it I'm not interested in it but I I know some people I mean if you're gonna be forward wouldn't it make sense for you to try it unlike the 1600s then I was a better spokesman for for marijuana than anybody you could find I MD I didn't use drugs didn't want my kids using drugs and that's so different let's say I was hippies type and didn't they care about anything else than smoking that turns a lot of people oh yeah he just wants to do that they knew that I was being very upfront I want to do this for a freedom reason I want to legalize freedom I don't want to legalize marijuana I want to legalize freedom of choice to run your own life and take your own ribs I think anything and then you know how Richard Branson came out and he said I think heroin should be legal I think all these other things should be legal is your argument because marijuana is God mate and heroin and all the other stuff is man-made is that kind of the argument you're making yeah you know and one of the debates they asked me that question in the debate because I took the position you know you legalize heroin so I said in my answer was it's the funniest thing in the world this was a religious conservative crowd is okay we're gonna legalize heroin Amara I want to see the hands go up on how many people are gonna rush out and use heroin nobody's going to that's not the reason they do it in the people and making it the illegal just makes it goes into the hands of the drug dealers so it's all the negative things come from from the regulation of allows people take all their own risk so you're not for heroin becoming Farren no marijuana yes I said no am i arguing wrong also yeah legal that's why I said to the crowd let's make it legal how many of you would use it and they said no nobody was going to use it they answered my question legalizing it isn't going to encourage you can imagine a new country okay Ron Paul has officially been granted a million acres of land in a small part of Australia it's gonna be called Ron Paul land okay in our case making money and that's not nice I'm not making fun this is what I'm saying cuz what I'm trying to say is you say that what market does it attract for instance I'm from Iran I was born and raised in Iran what attracted to America for us to have 41 million immigrants here is the fact that they offer capitalism so I'm attracted to it so I come to a place like this but that's okay I have an example yes oh that that situation which you think would be your implying well there's a little weird is we've had that at one time we're where did the founders come down hard on cocaine or anything it just existed the drug war actually the real enthusiasm for the drug war and filling up our prisons came from the Republicans in the early 1970s under Nixon he started this obsessive war on drugs so yes you have the intervention with the Republicans on social habits and you have the Democrats on economic habits and they both endorsed each other it's sort of like you know you endorsed my my deal and I'll endorse sure to you because that's the way it is on military there'll be some Democrats it's not too many anymore to say you know we spend too much money overseas killing people but we'll let you do that you Republicans if you give us more money for food stamps so ok that's a fair deal and what does happens to our dad its skyrocket ok so you're not coming from a place of what's better what's worse your argument is who cares if it's gonna be legal if people are not gonna go out and use it anyways I care about Liberty you care about Liberty that's fine I respect that you can't hurt anybody we're just an opinion you were doctor what's worse marijuana alcohol or cigarettes based on your opinion as a doctor which of those three is worse for you well it all depends I know that I'll give you the answer and I know it all depends on how much you use you know of a guy if a guy smokes a cigar twice a week you know that's one thing but all those three I think cigarettes are more deadly more deadly and what's second for you would it be alcohol or marijuana no obviously alcohol so you putting cigarettes worse then it's alcohol been marijuana yeah and somebody might occur so is that alcohol and cigarettes you know they're combined so often and give people heart problems and so what I think overall long-term society and freedom of choice would have made a much better use in a controlled use of marijuana but the market works pretty well with with alcohol prohibition was horrible because they had alcohol and it was very concentrated very strong and also very contaminated so when it became legal it was much safer and matter of fact it was when yet prohibition you had much more potent alcohol when you made it legal you had lower percentage of alcohol and you could pick a weaker beer and this other thing markets can handle this people people aren't idiots this idea that we have to control people is based and members of Congress told me it's based on assuming the people are stupid and they've told me that they said Ron I agree with you we shouldn't have to do this on but people are too stupid they're not gonna do that I know that if you're gonna be stupid maybe you'll hurt yourself but people aren't that stupid like you that crowd show me nobody said oh I would use heroin they're gonna do that yeah it all depends also what market it was you spoke to how old they were worth Pross and you know where are they I would you know risk and accessibility so okay so let's talk about the next thing ending the Fed you wrote a book based on a talk you gave I think you gave a talk in Michigan I want to say and you were talking about the Fed some kids scream and defend and they start taking out you know currency and they're ripping it up and throwing her you know all this other stuff and it became this revolution type revolution love behind that was your campaign Ron Paul revolution and that led him to you writing the book and the fat so talk about and the fit because when I read the book in the Fed it is a very convincing book if you haven't read the book and the Fed no matter how old you are whether you're a Republican Democrat independent libertine you don't care about politics you've got to read the book and defend oh I want to mention that episode in in Michigan because what you mentioned there is a very important point for me is that I didn't of course I talked about the Fed and that was my position but it wasn't so much that I was up there lecturing the kids you know what I want to do is end the Fed all right you people here's a shout-out in the Fed what shocked me and the reason I wrote the book then was they had heard this from other sources that meant the educational process has infiltrated the climate they weren't saying legalized marijuana or something like they said in the Fed and the Fed so they were already there and of course they they probably knew my position but I thought that it was an encouragement to me to know the date they already knew kind of goes back to how you ran for office which we accidentally kind of inspired an you tell your wife so it's a purpose of the book the whole thing is is I want to end the Fed we got to get rid of it central banking is bad the world endorses it fiat money is counterfeit money it's a source of many of our problems today all these trade problems that Trump is harping on it's it's all related to the monetary system and it's it's a tremendous amount of power you can imagine what it would be like if if you came across a group that had the printing press and they could print money but it was really counterfeit because it wasn't the government and they would print so much you usually would destroy the value it was counterfeiting is so bad the reason well there's so many reasons first it allows governments get too big this arguments going on for a long long time but in our history it went on with Jefferson and Hamilton and Hamilton was for the central bank and regulate and in control of money and all this and Jefferson was against it and they had just gone through the runaway inflation of the Continental dollar and that's where this slogan comes not worth a continental because they destroyed the Continental dollar by just creating too many of them so they argued it out and but nevertheless the Federalists created the First National Bank which was a a precursor to a central bank Jefferson got rid of that and then they put the second bank of the United States was introduced it did the same thing and Andrew Jackson got rid of that because he didn't trust the bankers banking control of the money is a powerful weapon but then again it evolved and to the point anytime there was a ruling on whether they have this authority the courts always ruled in favor of the counterfeiters the government counterfeiters yeah the Constitution is very clear the only thing that you can use as legal tender in this country and hasn't been repealed is gold and silver that's the only thing that we're a lot of used so we've a disobey day so it's unconstitutional it doesn't make good economic sense it's terrible politics it's it's the reason why is it terrible politics it or is it a convincing politics for the majority when a Bernanke comes out and says you know quantitative easing and that concept comes out and people say well this was used in Japan this was using UK UK got three hundred eighty billion Japan's done multiple times you know I think what you're saying now in the short term yeah but yeah but all mean what and what I mean is not good for the economy but politically it's a good campaign to run because it's convincing because in majority how many honestly like how many people you're watching this right now I'm really curious I want you to tweet me and Ron Paul the following answer do you understand the concept of quantitative easing if you do I'm curious to know the reason why I asked this question is the following reason so you know how you said too many times Americans we pull out of trust into our politicians so my gosh this guy looks so convincing he's on TV he must be smart he went to a nice school he's a so UC Berkeley guy Oman he's a Harvard guy he must know everything I should trust him to make all the decisions for me and we throw a big war light they're like quantitative easing if you were to explain quantitative easing in the simplest way what is quantitative easing mean to you you know they they have said that and people do trust a politician they do lie in a demagogue the issue on the short run but eventually you know that the troubles come quantitative easing just means massive the creation of money and credit so we had point eight trillion dollars when the crisis hit and they took it up to four point four trillions and trillions of dollars of new money well who got the money the money serves the interests of the powerful bankers other central banks around the world who are in trouble other governments I think they use this for military reasons it's its secret that's why the audit is so threatening to them I concentrated on the audit but that's when they get hysterical no you not a lot of look at our books because this is why when you get into a financial crisis all this QE when it's painted and people do they get low interest rates than they buy houses but it creates the bubble that inevitably bursts and when the bubble bursts in oh wait a no.9 the very wealthy the banks got bailed on the people who made all that money on the mortgages they didn't go to jail you know but guess who lost their jobs during that time and lost their houses it was the average guy it's really and you know that's right they they claim the economy it's just right up there right now there's still a great division in this country on wealth distribution those people haven't all recovered there's any even in LA and see a lot of this homelessness that what we have done as a consequence of this brilliant idea of printing money and one reason was is the people philosophically believed in that it wasn't that I'm gonna do this no they philosophically have been teaching KZ and economics inflation ism central banking in our colleges ever since the depression so we have a challenge that's when I see a victory where kids are shouting you know in the Fed what look at what we're challenging a system that has been brainwashing our kids for generation after generation so everybody that you see at the Fed is going to have the same position yeah QE this market as much now they're tightening this whole thing is they don't know how much money is necessary they don't know what interest rate should be it's all manipulation for special interests and to pay the bills like the to keep the military-industrial complex going and keep the wealth oh so run this is why I ask you to question at the beginning when I said you think a big part of politics is one foundational beliefs where your true belief you are a true believer everyone knows this you just watch you whether I go to 1986 when you were a guess I think 1986 when you run I guess I'm Morton Downey jr. back in the days and you and him were going back and forth it was a little bit sensational versus I watching the debates i watching the things you write about you're a true believer fair enough check Ron Paul's a true believer the next part is selling you're a good salesperson so you know how to sell your concept you need to be because you have to believe if you believe you can present you can pitch a good pastor a good coach a good parent needs to know how to sell the belief system pass to the audience but the third one is the part I asked you and you were kind of like you don't think that's the way to go to the top the third part is a game there is a game to be played there's a political game that some people play the game better end up making it to the top my concern is that somebody's watching this I've been a part of that for longest but my mother's family were communist might outside their imperialist I didn't do politics because I was like you know what I don't want to touch politics because they're all manipulative that's what I've heard in my entire life until eventually it was an interest for it how do i how do I read between the lines the manipulation of politicians on both sides to know who is right what philosophies right to be pushing that concept well essentially what happens in order to see the change is you and others and this is what's happening is you just reject all of them you know all the politicians are saying well no we don't we don't need this guy as head of the Federal Reserve we need this guy no we need to get rid of the Federal Reserve so you have to join the group now 68 70 percent of the people they don't believe our government tells them the truth and that's really good because they aren't telling us the truth and they say well you know there'll be a tragedy there'll be 9/11 there'll be Kennedy assassination there'll be another thing we'll have a commission but the Commission is set up and they lie to us now you know the Kennedy Commission I think it's like 80% of American people don't believe that Oswald was a lone assassinator so this is a major step you got to reject the old in order to open up people's mind so I think they have to hear it so people who are in a position to influence others should do it and in my case I never saw myself as do this I didn't I didn't have a degree in economics and I didn't teach in a university and and I didn't have access but all of a sudden it's opened up and I couldn't believe it I it surprised me but you know one thing that came out of my two campaigns is the young Americans for liberty are you familiar with that group yal they have I can't remember I can't keep up with hundreds and hundreds of chapters around the country that's changing people I believe that and they are also I believe pretty political too they are supporting certain candidates and they are winning some of these races that but they they've done this right because the ideas have to change then you have to do it then you have to get the supporters one thing that I also liked in Washington because I knew how much of a minority I was many members would come to me and they would like vote with me on a tough vote they say Ron I'm a libertarian on this vote and I never had anybody come and say you know I can't do this or I'm gonna do this because I'm a socialist they don't use that that you started saying libertarian freedom responsibility they wanted to sort of appease me and say you know I'm with you on this for good reasons so that happened you know toward the end of the time I was in Washington and I think that's all positive what I see on the campuses interchange in a philosophy very very positive you create a movement with a lot of a young generation that's just all over the place you see them I mean you go to I go places and I see and the Fed and defend in offices everywhere that just means a lot of younger people are reading the content that makes them question things that's been conventional for a while which surprises me a lot is you know I've said a lot of things what I'm worried about yeah this too much dad too much war and all this and probably if I speak to a group for an hour maybe about 45 minutes will be these are your problems they're all yours you have a lot of debt and look at the fan look at all this and then I talk about why and why things are moving directly and people will have to say you know I like what you're saying because you're such an OPS and this well that's good but you know I was saying a lot of things to worry about but they want to hear an answer and they love to hear the positive some politicians are able to do that you know make America great again I sort of think I fit into that category but a completely different different definition from Barney Sanders or Donald Trump he said nice things about Sanders before you've said really nice things about Z and this goes back to the non partisan stuff some of these some of the stuff that Sanders which would say agree on foreign policy we supported same bills and anti corporate Azure versus and but when it comes to drugs Trump wants to put them all in jail you're not for them so let me ask you who do you like like who have who's ever been a candidate where you've said this guy is a candidate if I were to campaign and support somebody I feel this candidates a solid candidate and it can be you well I guess I guess it would be self-serving if I mention the family so that people would write there's also a little bit for the right than you are though Rand is a little bit further right than you are I know he's your son but he seems nobody can't have the same approach that I have I mean everybody's gonna vary because I think you're an anomaly I think you are an anomaly so when you cut what are you gonna do with me no idea how bad I every single time he says something send it tweet at Ron Paul we're gonna put the correct one here and Patrick Padilla can i name my website sure because I do a daily program I don't have the numbers that you have I mean well I I do a daily program and it's a streamlines Ron Paul Liberty report calm by the way you know what be very interesting seriously this would be very interesting if it was me you Snoop Dogg in the same room together and you talked about marijuana you know why let me explain to you why this is why 88 percent of African Americans vote Democratic you know this I know this it used to be 60 percent 64 percent back in 1960 before Goldwater you were around to kind of see what happened with that transition there today it's 88 percent it used to be 94 percent I think if your message gets to I'm Middle Eastern most of our you know people don't listen to your views and what you're saying except when you're on a national stage if Middle Eastern Hispanics African Americans many minorities heard that message I think you can spark a certain mindset into minorities that maybe they haven't had before you know they we've done a little bit of polling on this just by which groups are most anti-war which I'm strongly yeah I don't like of course he's unnecessary war the Hispanics are very very anti-war whether those statistics are reliable or not but it was fascinating it was probably done you know in my district you know a poll I told Charlie Couric I said Charlie too many people that you guys are talking with these concepts are white too many I was at his conference he had thousand people there five percent were non-white I said we need more we need more not just younger Millennials and Gen Xers we need minorities to hear this argument currently 66 percent of Hispanics vote Democrat eighty eight percent of African American you know the big the big problem in politics for myself would be all right I'm talking to a minority group and what are you gonna do for us I said I don't deal in that way because I don't want to deal with you as a group you're not important because you belong to a group you're important because you're an individual and an individual should be treated the same way it's important for me to have data to know what my center shoots free-throw wise for me to be able to go and address an enlighten that community I think you have a lot to offer dead serious and I think the part that you can influence is the younger minority non-white in America I really believe and we're doing pretty well on our yal conferences on campuses okay we will get them and no worries out very clear so IRS talked about the IRS because they didn't have it we shouldn't have an IRS now today's tax code is a little over 74,000 pages back and when he got started I think even 1913 one Federal Reserve got started December 23 1913 our tax code was run thirteen to twenty pages give or take right today seventy four thousand what do you think about it well I think if you endorse that principle and most people accept it because they think they're going to get something back but the whole thing is if they accept the principle what you're accepting is that the government owns you self ownership as part of the lubrication you accept what well income tax there's two things that shows that you let the government own you and that is the income tax because if you make your ten million dollars this year the government wants to come and take four or five million oh I thought it was my money no the government has the right to keep whatever it was hey have a total control of your income and they give you permission on how much you can keep so you've lost your ownership because the harder you work you know if there's more socialism the less you're going to get so you've sacrificed yourself ownership and the other thing is if you endorse the military draft if you say the government can come anytime they want and I lived through and I was in the service in the 60s the tragedy of Vietnam I mean we lost 60,000 men and what for insanity bad ideas and that that meant that the government I had a school teacher that had been in World War two he was drafted in in Korea before Vietnam he got killed over there for what you know now we've had all those years over there prohibiting Koreans to talk to each other that was our policy we never let the South go to the north and that's why I love what's going on now in in Korea because it's the leaders the people of South Korea elected to god has said we ought to talk to the people in the north and that's wonderful which you should let that happen you know what let the people solve their problems let the people individuals solve their problems and get rid of the IRS so if we get rid of yaris what should it be sure to be just a flat tax I don't want them to tax your income at all we didn't have until 1913 we did pretty well we had a lot of economic growth our biggest growth period was in a 19th century you want everything to be private for the most part well I guess there's a few things that we have to do but I mean the goal might be out there that it could work but as we're along so far away from that we have to have a judicial system but there it's a rotten system I mean I think the judicial system is so unfair how about enforcing the drug laws look how biased it is against minorities so the judicial system is corrupt and look at all this baloney going on with Russia gay people want to build this hostility toward Russia they'll lie and say anything they can they'll corrupt their justice system we've heard so many lies and innuendoes on who did what this whole thing and it's gonna be all the accusers of Trump doing these evil things with Russia are the ones who were doing it themselves it's right that that's the judicial system it's a rotten system so but equal justice under the laws or what we should be dealing with but there's too many laws there's way too many lost too many prisons we have more prisoners than any other country in the world because we have too many laws and we need a lot less laws and if you have infractions they should be done locally so you so you probably like the fact that the Trump is doing a lot of the deregulation with whatever you I think I think that has given some euphoria to the markets has helped the markets and the taxes helped him - the more I listen to what you're saying or your belief system fully possible to happen in America or does it have to be done with a new country that's getting started with a constitution I think what you're saying the Constitution has to be kept and held and even some of the ways I mean this stuff that you're talking about are we so in too deep that there's no way in the world we can work backwards in those areas in many ways that's true because they could you campaign around that if you know there's an there's no way in the world it's gonna fall apart you have to have something to replace it with I I know so you're saying if it falls apart we have some we know the system is not viable or if you don't think the system is viable we have this nearly 22 trillion dollar debt 21 trillion dollars that they gave to the Pentagon and they have an audit that they don't know where it went so it's gonna it's gonna fall apart so what are you gonna replace it with is is the big question it's like the deficit you say well are you Ron gonna get a few more people and why al is gonna help you that's all good because of the messy but will you get enough there where you start winning the votes you won't win very many votes there are too many people totally dependent before I went to Congress I used to think it was the poor people you know too many people on food stamps that's small compared to the trillions and trillions of dollars who owned a Federal Reserve in a banking system now you have to get it to the point where it will have to be done when they bankruptcy is declared we will have a bankruptcy the dollar will not work and we will have to do something in there lining up and I'm certain that it's a non-viable system because it's never been viable in 6000 years of history where you can just run out compute it used to be printing paper now you just use a computer it doesn't work I think it's a how it works out is it's gonna be a it'll be different we don't know how it would do I hope it doesn't end like Venezuela but we had smart before then become Venezuela that'd be a whole different story yeah we're gonna we're gonna have a rough time but the only thing counts is how many people will endorse the idea that Liberty is better than authoritarianism for solving our problems that's the only question what should the role of government be in a free society and you know it's no more complex than that and you say well you're too much about perfection you're never gonna have it probably two but at least at least you know where you're going today nobody knows where they're going in Washington let me ask you do wait Trump leads when you look at JFK Reagan and Lincoln there's a couple things doe study had in common politically maybe one is left one is right but JFK probably today would have been more independent than a Democrat if he ran today JFK would have been he wouldn't been today's Democrat or the liberal that we have the one thing that I saw with those three names is they couldn't be controlled by money they already yet they were not they were true believers all three of them they had very strong opinions and behind closed doors they couldn't really be pushed around that much Kennedy Reagan and Lincoln at least that's what happens when I study history and I see some of that here would Trump do you think that Trump is pushing the envelope a little too much are you happy with the way he's going sometimes you know we mentioned regulations I think less regulations is good and I think less taxes is good so in that sense I I'm glad that he flip-flop on Korea so when he flip-flops sometimes I'll give him credit that's what my program does when he does think it's like that I do it every I'm try to say very independent but when he treats around like they're doing you know and say well what I advise now is nobody should buy one of gas from her on I don't I don't like that because I believe trade is good you know that's what we want we should be trading with Cuba so he doesn't have a basic principle even though he has some libertarian instincts he's an interventionist and he's very much of an authoritarian and that's not a good place to have an authoritarian because the executive branch in this government has way too much power they can start wars they're getting ready to have another Authority use military force passing to Congress which means we're going to have perpetual war against any country in the world and right now you know we're bombing 60 or 70 countries we're in a hundred and twenty countries that's all going to end in to me I think that would be a blessing that would be a blessing you know if we could talk to the Chinese and the Soviets when they were pretty monstrous it was a benefit at least the Cold War ended you know and we weren't threatening us but now some people liked it well that's not good for business we need to sell more weapon so we need to stir up trouble it's those Russians they've caused all the trouble I don't I don't quite buy into that so on the Border's side yourself with all the talks right now with border where do you stand because libertarians they're 50/50 on border you hear some people saying well you know should be open border it's about liberty and some say no we need to leave it to the state no should be federal level what do you think about border in my book Liberty define I have a chapter in there about borders and I think what you do is you have to remove the incentive you know if you subsidize something you get more of it so if an individual can come in and barge in and to me it's similar to barging in your house nobody wants them barging in your house but barging into our country is like our house because we have to pay for it you know so they barge in and they do end up getting into our schools and and medical care and they get an easy road to citizenship that shouldn't be you know we shouldn't do it so if they weren't rewarded they wouldn't be doing this and it's just too bad that some of the some of the messages in South Central America we've been involved in Central America many years you know interfering you know most recent Columbia because it was drugs and different things like that and there's a lot of poverty we'd have done much better off if we would have had a private group inviting people up here and teaching them Austrian economics teasing on what free markets all about that's what they need and they don't need just more dollars what's unfortunate is what we offer most countries is you know if you come our way and do what we tell you we're gonna give you money if you don't we're gonna bomb you and if you mess around on wanting to get rid of the dollar as your reserve currency we don't like that we'll get rid of you and look at what happened in Iraq and Libya you know and and Assad was too independent was that a Republican saying Assad had to go that was Obama the peace can hey that's why yeah similar to another president like Carter who kind of influenced a shot to be gone in Iran as well there was a lot of influence there as well with the connection I was like hey you know Iran's have a little too much power and they're coming up and they're about to pass UK and all this other stuff well we can have Iran have too much control and then we saw what happened with that afterwards half a million people died when a war started between Iran and Iraq fair enough that that's interesting with the borders how about education your big supporter of changing the entire educational system you're now in the same page with that I wrote a book called drop out and get school because I'm not a very big fan of the current education system at all so I think a lot and and the stat I was reading about what's a follow and I want to know what you think about this so currently today you're a big supporter of homeschooling which is about three to four percent today's homeschooling right private school used to be 11.2% I think it's dropped off to nine point seven percent and then the rest public is 86 percent okay is what we currently are those are the ratios we have currently today what direction would you like to see that take place in the future well my program the Ron Paul curriculum is homeschooling you say three four percent it's you know to change a country's attitude you don't have to think in terms of majority you don't have to say boy Ron you have to convert 51% of the people notice you said 20% that was another I think I think eight eight percent or so of people who think about these things if they're speaking the right message and they're in the right places they can influence it because you know even when when our home revolution occurred the average person was sort of you could criticize some of them because they they were ambivalent about what was going on but the leaders they were very very philosophic and they knew where they they were coming from but they were definitely less than they 10% of the population maybe there's seven or eight percent so that's why there should never be discouraged now how are you ever going to convert people so actually we sort of offer our courses to people who who want to be involved in promoting ideas and promoting the libertarian philosophy you're recommending parents take charge your kids don't let the government manipulate your kids or brainwash your kids whatever Ward is take control take the responsibility start teaching your kids the right things is that kind of where your that is it and I think that's we should be very encouraged by that do you think parents are afraid of doing that do you think parents are I'm wondering I don't know if I can do it or do you think we're just lazy it wears a lot there's a lot of that okay I wonder whether I have been patient enough and always busy delivering babies for some people but there's the answers to that there is a private schooling and maybe five families could get together all kinds of things I could adapt you think a four-year degree today has as much influence as it once used to have like hey you know you don't have a four-year degree I don't know if anyone's gonna hire you in the free marketplace do you think it has that much influence today as I did 30 years ago do to do in certain areas in essence I think if you want to go to a big firm you gotta have credentials for law firms and even business they want you have a master's degree but the average person you know somebody who's asked me what would you've done if you didn't get into medical school I said looking back I probably would have said I think I'll be a plumber I think I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna be the best plumber in the world because I don't have to go to college to learn how to be a plumber yeah that's sort of say it's pretty yeah or be a salesperson entrepreneur a lot of that stuff you can do it but I think when it's specialized engineer doctor lawyer yeah I have the degrees and we have four grandchildren that are in medicine three of out of our five of em days and then there's four grandchildren you're building a team that's exciting I'm still at six for two-year old I still have little babies I'm Way I'm just a startup so so okay so we talked about that with education would you support a you know Mark Cuban's a big and ran guy big I was sitting with mark you and I give him an original sleeve original cover Atlas Shrugged whom it was very pleased he had never had something like that before would you support a few ran out and says I'm gonna run for president will run as a libertarian would you support some other lucky Jimmy do you think that would be good III don't know his views well enough it would be sort of like when Trump started running I have no idea what his views were I just don't know it's gonna be built somebody asked me by something I said as of today mark I have I'm not madam man right now the only contest would be how good is your tweeting he's actually pretty good Trump's an entertainer yes what human is trying to become an entertainers where he owns a sports team shark tank is there anybody out today said if he threw his hat in there I'd support him like I know Schiff was a former economic adviser to you if he ran which is supported are you a fan of what McAfee is saying consider himself as a you know libertarian cybersecurity guy because that's the biggest threat we have in America is there any names that you actually would like one that pops up and I would know all his beliefs I'd want to talk to him and I might dismiss a fraud but there would be some like in Congress if my son ever ran again you know there's other like Thomas Massie and Justin Amash these are real good voters but there's only under fortunately about a handful of them you know so there there were you akira johnson guy had read some stuff that you were not a gary johnson no I didn't think he was because if there's any one place that you better be as pure as you can is when you're trying to set a standard you don't have the license in a in a third party you wouldn't want a socialist running and saying what I really wanted is to build GM or something like that yeah you are more for when the Kelantan one market collapse happen let GM go out of business that's where you are more that's what's supposed to ya if they mess up they mess up otherwise you know the people who get bailed out are the ones who have to buy influence and that's the system we still have yes but what I'm saying it's gonna end you're saying it's the bankruptcy so much like the 21 trillion dollar debt that we have you're not including all the unpaid commitments that we have with Medicare health care all 200 that's over 200 that's against 200 trillion dollars that's a scary number by the way that is a scary number especially with the fact that we are living longer so that could be even imagine I'm scare a lot of people into looking into our philosophy so here's what I would say I was in Greece four days ago okay I was in Greece four days ago in Athens and we held a meeting and one guy showed up honest I'm gonna say Panos because there's a million pounds in Athens so Panos like st. John so it's not you know trying to pinpoint so they come together and say Pat what can we do to change the economical system here in Greece I said you guys ought to go out there start the biggest revolution with young entrepreneurs talking about capitalism and start studying the concepts that helps you all these great minds that were raised in Athens and you know Greece you ought to be inspired by some of these people so my suggestion to anybody that's not even in America but if you're not in America you're all over the place I suggest go buy all his books literally start with Liberty define it's good you know book you have about revolution about what the educational system and the fair I think it's fantastic book but go one by one by one with the books he's written and study its content I think 50 years from now a hundred years from now people are gonna consider the man sitting to my right they don't have to agree I don't sit here and just I don't know if I agree with that I don't know if I agree with this but the point is everything's going to basic fundamentals that challenge all sides of politics and I think that's very healthy for your processing to become better in politics it makes you question everything because initially especially when I said we got three people here that are libertarian maybe one is socialism I was being sarcastic first thing you said was what that's good because someone's gonna make our arguments get better that was his immediate answer having an opposition so I suggest you go read his books I suggest you follow some of his content you do have YouTube channel yourself as well I noticed that and if you watch this again anything you heard especially quantitative easing quantitative easing anything we heard today that was of interest to your questions send me a tweet sent a tweet Adam I'm really curious to know what you took away from today's episode and would that being said dr. Rampal thank you so much truly enjoyed you very much really enjoy nice thanks for watching everybody by the way be sure to subscribe take care guys by
Channel: Valuetainment
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Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, Ron Paul
Id: VieHZm9aJR4
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Length: 68min 55sec (4135 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 09 2018
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