Rome Colosseum Virtual Tour with Roman Guide

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[Music] hi this is massimiliano with italy for real and this morning we made some videos in the vatican now we're taking a break before ancient rome and we came here to this typical roman style restaurant we call it taverna this is called the taverna romana and uh i'm enjoying a typical roman style lunch you see here just in front of you carbonara spaghetti a la carbonara carbonara spaghetto carbonara is quite famous all over the world but of course the the best one is here in rome it is made with spaghetti with eggs a kind of a bacon this is in reality pork cheek and the the cheese this is not parmesan but it is pecorino cheese which is a kind [Music] milk cheese it's absolutely delicious and a lot of black pepper as you can see here then as a second course this is veal with ham and sage i don't know if you can see the green the green leaf this is the sage this is typical here after this tiramisu desert espresso coffee never never cappuccino we never drink cappuccino at lunch or at dinner cappuccino in italy is only for breakfast okay so don't make this mistake when you come to rome so enjoy your lunch bon appetito and see you later ciao bonjourno good morning ladies and gentlemen and welcome to this virtual tour this is massimiliano with italy for real and now we're going to see ancient rome we start with ancient rome with the coliseum which is the most visited monument of italy pre-covered time six million visitors a year used to come here into the colosseum and it is the symbol of the eternal city when we think about rome we call it the eternal city and the symbol is the cause because it is 1900 years old now you can see just behind me the main preserved best preserved section of the car you see um the face the first ring it is built by travertine and this was recently restored that's why it looks so white because it was restored recently it was paid by de la valle he makes beautiful shoes shoe manufacturer de la valle and he paid a huge amount of money for the restoration of the colusium now uh the face it is 160 feet high it is constituted by four levels four stories the first three levels are constituted by arches 80 arches in each floor it's a kind of a symphony of arches look at the arches of the ground floor they were the entrances and at the same time the exits for fifty thousand spectators five or fifty thousand spectators used to go into the condition through the entrances that you can see behind me and it looks like a stadium on top of each arch of the ground floor there are ancient numbers now you can try to focus look at on on the keystone there is x l x l that means 40 for zero so each spectator had a free ticket made by wood by metal by terracotta the ticket had a number the number corresponded to the extras in this case 40 however there is 41 42 43 and so on like a modern stadium or rather the modern football stadiums are based on the coyote seal and why do we call this the coyote the reason is very simple not only because it is colossal but because before the construction of the koyusuma nearby there was emperor nero's residence the palace of emperor nero it was called the golden house the domusauria in latin and so the golden house was located all around this valley and here in this valley there was a garden a park with an artificial lake the artificial lake was drained and used as foundations to build the colosseum after nero's suicide in 68 a.d and so we call this the conuseum consumer because nearby there was a huge colossal statue made by bronze and gold the statue of emperor nero it was 100 feet tall it means like an apartment building of about eight stories 10 stories more or less and that statue was a colossal statue a colossus colossus call you silva many visitors ask me max where is today that colossal stash of emperor nero it does not exist anymore because all the metal statues of ancient rome they were melted down after the fall of the roman empire melted down to reuse the metal to make christian statues weapons like swords and so on but the nickname colossus survives the real name is not the colosseum this is a nickname the real name is a flavian ampy theater flavian because of the family name of the emperor of especially in the titus the two emperors that made build the colosseum in the first century was flavius amphitheater means double theater because the conuseum is practically two half greek theaters put together so the shape is oval elliptical you will see this inside we're going now inside in a few moments right now we are inside the car you seem we are in the upper floor of the colosseum and in a few seconds i will show you the best view of the interior over the coal museum this is one of the best preservative sections of the car yosemite you can imagine that this was a passageway used by 50 000 spectators to walk to the seeds to the marble seeds and the wooden seeds inside something that almost all visitors ask me is about the holes you can see for instance behind you you see the holes over there why is the collision so full of holes or i could translate the question in a better way why does the cocoon look like a swiss cheese with all the holes the reason is very simple it's not because of the bombs during the second world war but because of the eye of the metal clamps that were used to keep the stones together after the fall of the roman empire all the metal clamps the metal and the metal clamps they were stolen they were taken away and melted down like the statue of emperor nero so this is the reason of the holes the coil seam is so heavy that it keeps on standing even though there are no more iron clamps then another interesting detail i mentioned that this was recently restored so look at the difference you see here before the restoration you see how dirty it is and after the restoration so because this is travertine it's a porous stone it's so porous that it absorbs the pollution pollution of the modern city so that's why they need to clean this this this this stone and now you follow me this way we walk slowly slowly in italian piano piano slowly slowly and we are going to enjoy the best view of the interior i mentioned that the coyote scene was built by emperor of especially in titus and how long did they need to build the coliseum only eight years and why was the collision built in such a short time only eight years from 72 to 80 until 80 80 80 00 after christ it was built for so quickly for two reasons first of all because this is empty it is constituted by arches it is a symphony of arches remember the arches are built quickly and each arch downloads the weight of the building this is the first reason the second reason why the koyu sim was built in such a short time is because it is it was built by slaves free labor thousands and thousands of slaves that were used to build the coyote seal at the dead time no unions for the poor ones no sundays and so every day the poor slaves they were used to build the takoya siemens only eight years unconceivable today and look at the interior look at the inside of it can you see this is so beautiful first of all you notice that there are no seeds there are no marble seeds all the marble seeds they were taken away they were stolen after the fall of the roman empire to reduce the materials the only marble seats that that survive today are just over there on the opposite side can you see those white seats over there those are the only ones that survive remember when we visit ancient rome you will see this also in the roman forum we are going later after the coyote we have to work a lot with our imagination because all these buildings they were used as a stone quarries after the fall of the roman empire so the colosseum it was practically destroyed in order to reuse the stones and it was calculated by some professors that today what survives is only 33 percent out of the original colosseum this is one field out of the original condition it is imposing it is huge it is wow as everybody says but this is only 33 percent the perimeter is more or less the same perimeter more or less but the inside the interior the substance is practically missing so here where we are now you see in this moment this is open air but at that time this was a corridor a passageway closed by a ceiling you see up there and all the seats like in a football stadium were up there so this was not open air but this was a passageway with seats here on top then pay attention under the seats there is a a wooden floor that wooden floor is a reconstruction made a few years ago because the structures that you see down there you see the brick underground structures that was uh the storage room of the colusiuma it was totally covered by a wooden floor a wooden stage so that wooden floor that you see over there in reality started from there all the way here on the opposite side so the underground section of the colosseum was hidden and which was the use we can move a little bit there so we can enjoy a better view from there which was the function of this underground section the main function was to keep the animals because one of the shows that all ancient romans loved here was the animal hunts so in the morning when the shows started all kinds of animals exotic and not exotic animals they were hoisted up from the underground section into the arena through the trap doors those animals were hunted they were killed for the for the amusement of the people you can imagine so animals versus animals or animals versus men hunters not gladiators men trained to kill animals and i will show you from here when i come with the visitors i come here because this is the best best point of view to see the colosseum inside you see this elliptical it's not round it's not circular as most of the visitors i think and from here you can see the underground section much better so remember animals were kept down there it was calculated 470 slaves worked down there for the shows and on the right corner it's difficult to see but there is a ramp there is a hole in that corner over there on the opposite side there is a reconstruction of a trap door a trap door over there okay and you can see here the trap door there it is okay it's difficult to see when you come to rome you will see much better in any case that is one of the trapdoors used to uh for the animals to jump into the arena so lions tigers zebras giraffes elephants hippos rhinos every kind of wild and mild animal they were taken into this underground section normal sized animals down there big sized animals like elephants hippos and rhinos of course they came inside through the arches of the ground floor and they were killed here for the amusement of the people they were scared because you can imagine they heard here 50 000 roaring people they smelt the blood of the animals killed previously so it was quite scary for the poor animals and they were killed animals versus animals or animals versus hunters then at 12 o'clock at lunch time condemnations to death criminals condemned to death they were usually thrown to the animals without the chance to defend themselves so those criminals were usually bound to wooden earth to the wooden poles like this you see they had no chance to defend themselves and they were torn apart piece after piece this happened at lunch time in the meanwhile roman people had lunch here you can imagine okay in the afternoon the world famous gladiator combats you probably watched or i recommend you if you come to rome watch the movie the gladiator with the russell crow it's full of fiction there is there are so many mistakes but in any case the reconstruction of the colosseum is very well done and the gladiators usually used to fight in the afternoon not every day as in the movie but sometimes during the year because they were extremely expensive they costed a lot of money they had to be trained they had to be fed like an animal you can imagine okay so one gladiator usually used to fight twice a year not every day forget hollywood and italian fiction that's fiction it's not true and on average 20 times in his career after 20 times if the gladiator survived that was the big question if he survived he became free and rich and the famous popular all the women of rome they were in love with the gladiators okay gladiators had the groupies you can imagine and what happened if the gladiator was could not fight anymore if the gladiator was exhausted he was wounded for instance he had to ask for mercy to the emperor sitting here together with people where did the emperor used to sit i will show you from here do you see that cross on the left side down there there is a cross a middle cross now in all the guide books we keep on reading that that was the imperial seat in reality according to a new opinion the emperor used to sit there on the right side you see all the scaffolding with those workers down there so another new opinion states that in reality the emperor used to sit there this is quite a controversial in any case the gladiator that could not fight anymore he had to ask for mercy to the emperor he had to held his arm to hold his arm sorry outstretched with the forefinger up like this you see and that meant i cannot fight anymore emperor please i'm asking for your mercy the emperor was usually smart usually if he was not biologically nuts again okay and so what did the emperor do he gave the final decision to the boss who was the boss people roman people the crowds remember political propaganda they came here for free inside they were happy because they had a fear and they had a free amusement and the people decided about the life or the death of that gladiator now death of the gladiator in the movie you see this one thumb down very probably this is not true this is fiction italian or hollywood fiction according to the last opinion the crowd shouted this you see in latin you gula yugola jugular vein this was the sign that the gladiator had to be killed and he was killed in the throat without mercy in the beginning most of the gladiators were killed then emperors understood the gladiators costed too much money and so most of them it was calculated ninety percent nine zero ninety percent of the gladiators in reality survived forget the fiction they were trained to fight in a very brave way inside this arena this was the normal day inside the colosseum as you can see another detail pay attention to that arch on the right side of the seats on the right side of the seats that arch was an exit okay an exit called the portal libidinaria in latin the gate of the corpses only dead gladiators and that animals went outside of the coast through that arch it was not at all a pleasure to walk through the through that arch it meant that they were dead the gate of the corpses we are closing our virtual tour of the collusion with italy for real from here from the best point of view from which to take a wonderful picture and also to have an overall view over the cod museum we started our visit from the left section can you see that brick wall reinforcement reinforcement section that was the entrance then we visited it from the inside from the upper floor and now this is the exit and you can see that here the front the first ring the facade is gone because again the koi sim was used as a stone quarry so the best section is that one on the left side with scaffolding that's where we started from but here it is totally missing pay attention to this dry grass you can try to see in the middle here round foundations the round foundations belonged to a huge conical shaped fountain that's the fountain where all the gladiators came after the fights after the combats to scrape off the blood and the end of the sweat so this is where gladiators used to wash themselves after the fights on the right side there is a beautiful triangle arch this is one of the 40 triumphal arches of rome this was built 1700 years ago by emperor constantine to celebrate his victory against the co-emperor maxentius constantine was extremely important because he gave freedom to the christians in 3 1380 and this arch reminds us of that victory and also of the freedom to the christians okay so thank you so much for joining me on this spiritual tour of the colusion remember my name is massimiliano you can call me max if you want to join me here in rome for a real tour to the monuments of rome you can contact italy for real at the uh after the provided information and we can meet here in rome thank you so much and arrivederci see you bye [Music] you
Channel: Italy4Real
Views: 8,145
Rating: 4.8612719 out of 5
Keywords: Italy4Real, Italy, Travel, Rome, Colosseum
Id: dE5d2m2EkqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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