Explore the Pantheon in Rome, Italy 4K with expert guide

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[Music] so hi there this is massimiliano with italy for real and what we're going to do now is a virtual tour of the pantheon which is my favorite monument of ancient rome it is called the pantheon not partenon in athens in greece this is very often confused this was the temple of the main gods it was the most important temple of ancient rome dedicated to all the gods pan teon all the cats that's the meaning now you see the inscription up there marcus agrippa in latin m.a marcus agrippa the son of lucius luchos philos consul for the third time fetch it made it marcus agrippa was the best general of emperor octavian augustus and he made build the pantheon in the first century bc then it was destroyed by a lightning in the first century 80 and it was rebuilt totally new by emperor adriana adriano this is the the face it's absolutely beautiful now you see from outside the pantheon looks like an ancient greek temple rectangular with the pronouns the entrance and 16 columns pay attention up there to the uh to the to the upper section you see all the holes because originally there were the iron clamps to hold the metal decorations like the roman eagle the roman empire eagle for instance and the gods they were melted down that's why there are so many holes so from outside the pantheon looks like a greek temple inside you will follow me inside in a few moments you will see that the panther in reality is around the building so this is a mixture of two architectures ancient rome round circular and greek architecture which is uh which is squared as you can see from here we're continuing with the pantheon so we started the explanations from outside now we are in the pronouns the pronouns is the entrance of the pumpkin which is constituted by this 16 massive pillars made by granite from egypt look how beautiful it is this is so imposing from outside the pantheon looks like a an ancient greek temple but when we walk inside in a few moments you will see that the fountain in reality is circular it's round inside follow me inside look at the wooden ceiling as we walk forward it is made by wood but originally in ancient rome it was made by bronze tiles the bronze tiles they were stolen the bronze ceiling was stolen four centuries ago by the barbie family and melted down now you understand why this is considered the best preserved monument of ancient rome look at the entrance this is so monumental so perfect and magnificent we're going to stop here and here you can understand very well why ancient roman architecture is even today so famous architects engineers from all over the world they keep on studying the pantheon why is the phantom so well preserved the reason is very simple because it was transformed into a church after the fall of the roman empire there is the main altar just in front of us you see the main altar that byzantine byzantine image of mary now this is the church of saint mary of the martyrs let's work with our imagination you see christian studies all around you see christian paintings behind us for instance okay now if you work with your imagination and if you substitute those christian statues and paintings with not christian statues i mean pagan statues jupiter mars venus hercules for instance this is the way an ancient roman temple looked like because everything here is original 1900 years old about okay and so the original floor the original paving with this beautiful colorful marble slabs from the roman empire the original fluted pink columns you see also the original wall made by my made by marble and the dome as you can see also the dome is absolutely beautiful the dome is one piece of concrete concrete is a kind of we call it mortar it's a culture struts in italian it is made by limestone pieces of volcanic stones fresh water never salty water only fresh water because the salt would oxidate the material it would crumble down and this is very light because the volcanic stones pure miss pump formica fumes stone up there to make the dome light consider that this is one piece of concrete posing for a very simple reason because from a mathematical and the geometrical point of view it is perfect listen to these numbers the diameter of the pantheon is 143 feet wide the height of the pantheon from here to the top is 143 feet high what does it mean when the diameter is the same over the height it means that this is a perfect sphere so if we turn the dome here we get a perfect sphere from a geometrical point of view and this is the reason why this is so monumental and so beautiful so amazing everybody coming inside wow this is so perfect because of this perfect proportions another curiosity look at the oculus you see the opening in the middle of the dome that is called in latin oculus which means the eye it is the only source of light in the pantheon i mean here there are no windows the windows are blind windows and so the only source of light is up there and the door behind us the questions the question sorry by all the visitors coming to the fountain about the opening up there is is it open or is it closed by a window up there there is no marble slab there is no marbles excuse me there is no a glass slab there is no glass window it is open second question what does it happen when it rains now in all the books in all the guidebooks of rome we keep on reading that in the pantheon it never rains this is true if it rains a little bit you know that the lukewarm air goes up so the rain is vaporized so we have the illusion that it does not rain but if it rains a lot in english if it rains cats and the dogs it rains in the pantheon you can see the drops of water falling down that's why on the floor there are 22 holes from here you cannot see there over there in the middle there are 22 holes working as a drainage system and the floor is a little convex not concave is convex that is for the word to flow the rain water to flow through the drainage system another curiosity look at the dome again this is so beautiful remember all the architects they keep on studying the dome even michelangelo when he designed the saint peter's dome he wanted to reach the same diameter of the fountain he came here to study this dolma and he was not able to reach this diameter saint same period as the dome diameter is 142 feet wide this is 143 feet wide same pedestal is much much higher 464 feet this is 143 but you see the diameter is absolutely uh absolutely absolutely unique you see so huge so massive then pay attention to the sun up there look at the sunlight up there you see this in this moment here in italy 20 past 4 p.m every day the sun at this time is up there practically the fountain works as a sun dial so the sun begins in the morning from up there from the opposite side it goes down at 12 o'clock at noon to the door you see the main door over there at 12 o'clock and then it starts rising again so this is a sun dial but if you came here today at 12 o'clock the sun would be not there it would be at 1 pm because now there is there there is there it's summer time so the daylight saving time if you come here in the winter time at 12 o'clock the sun will be always at the door at 12 o'clock so this is absolutely perfect also from an astronomical point of view let's move over there slowly i want i would like to show you the tomb of a famous artist because the pantheon is a church working also as a kind of semi there are important people buried here you see there that's the second the king of italy umberto the first second king of the red italian means the king of italy down there there is margherita di savoya the first queen of italy she's famous all over the world because she was the queen of the margherita pizza you know margherita pizza that was the queen to whom the pizza was dedicated enables and here on the right side you can see the tomb of my favorite artist of rome together with michelangelo raphael raphael this is where rafael is buried if you watched the the the video about the vatican rafale's rooms we talked a lot about rafael rafael's portrait is up there in the initial you can see that's a raphael raphaelo famous all over the world because of the beautiful madonnas because of rafael's rooms in the vatican at the age of 37 in 1520 he died probably of syphilis this is a little bit controversial in any case it was a big tragedy in rome and he was buried here in the pantheon you can see there ossa at cineres in latin the bones and ashes of raphael are buried here this is an ancient sarcophagus there it is you can see ossa and the chinese head chinese okay the ashes and sorry the bones and the ashes so this is where raffle was baby in an ancient roman sarcophagus because he loved the ancient roman archaeology and he was buried here up here there was up here there the the the devoted digital mary by an assistant of rafael and they're on the right side there is an empty niche it was supposed to hold the bust the portrait of raphael's fiancee the girlfriend called the maria bibiena she was the daughter of a cardinal but it was never put there because a rafale in reality he was not in love with that woman he was in love with la fornadino with a beautiful woman the daughter of a baker for narina means the daughter of a baker making the bread and that was the real love of rafael okay um this is the tomb of rafa remember he's one of the most famous artists it is now 2020 and just 500 years ago rafael died in 1520 so there are many many exhibitions dedicated to rafale there was one in the quirinal palace just a few weeks ago it ended it's absolutely beautiful very well and now we finish with the pantheon we just came outside but we walked a few minutes to another monument which is a little bit uh hidden but i find it very interesting because this temple was dedicated to hadrian emperor hadrian the same emperor that made build the pantheon and look at this temple only the right section the right side of the temple survives you see all these fluted columns the cella the holy chamber with the hadrian statue inside is this one in front of us and at the base pay attention to the base down here here you can see very clearly how deep ancient rome was ancient rome 1800 years ago was that deep then during the centuries because of the the floods because the drainage system did not work and so on the layer of rome grew so high as it is today so today this is where we are but ancient one was dead deep and even the pantheon was uh was seen by the ancient romans from down to the top so there was a monumental staircase in front of the pantheon so roman people saw the pantheon from down to the top it was much more monumental than today and so thank you so much for joining me on this virtual tour of the pantheon with italy for real if you come to rome remember my name is massimiliano max and you can contact italy for real and we can we can we can make with a range arrange a private guided tour here with me in rome thank you so much and arrivederci bye [Music] you
Channel: Italy4Real
Views: 16,875
Rating: 4.9470701 out of 5
Keywords: Italy4Real, Italy, Travel, Rome, Pantheon
Id: TOVUeaudrC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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