Rome Best Place Tourist Guide 🇮🇹 Italy - Travel and Discover

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[Music] of all of Italy's historical cities it is perhaps Rome that has the greatest power to all and fascinate the visitor it's majestic palaces ancient churches and basilica's extraordinary ruins opulent monuments ornate statues in graceful fountains have earned Rome's historical center the title of UNESCO World Heritage Site Rome's immensely rich historical heritage and cosmopolitan atmosphere have made it one of Europe's and the world's most splendid and favourite capitals [Music] Rome the Eternal City has been an important economic political and religious center since ancient times [Music] founded according to legend by Romulus and Remus in 753 BC Rome was first the capital of the Roman Republic then of the Roman Empire and finally from the 4th century onwards the center of Western Christendom with more than 900 churches plus a wealth of ancient pagan temples and synagogues room is an ideal place to explore the holy places of several religious traditions set amidst the vast ruins of ancient Rome's urban center the Basilica Ulpia was a Roman civic building in the forum of trajan dedicated to the administration of justice in commerce and the presence of the Emperor many of its columns have remained standing over the almost 2,000 years since it was constructed [Music] near the Basilica Ulpia Trajan's column is a monument erected in honor of the Roman Emperor Trajan completed in 113 ad the freestanding column is most famous for its spiral bar relief commemorating Trajan's victory in the Dacian wars it's design would provide inspiration for numerous victory columns over the centuries [Music] [Music] the best place for exploring Rome's ancient ruins is along either side of the Via dei fori Imperiali the street connecting the Colosseum and Piazza Venezia constructed between 1931 and 1933 this road allows visitors to admire the glory of Rome's ancient forums admit Stan archeological Park stretching all the way to the Appian Way located along this street Trajan's forum is chronologically the last of Rome's Imperial Florence [Music] from the time of its first settlement Rome's position at a Ford on the Tiber River soon made it an important crossroads of traffic and trade for almost a thousand years Rome was the largest wealthiest and most powerful city in the Western world with dominance over most of Europe and the Mediterranean Sea even after the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century AD Rome maintained its considerable importance and wealth [Applause] [Music] the forum in Rome is one of the world's most important archaeological sites the arch of Titus stands in a slightly elevated position on a spur the Palatine Hill at the entrance to the Roman Forum [Music] me [Music] Roman ruins come in all shapes and sizes from the majestic to the humble some stand nearly untouched by time while others offer mere glimpse of their former grandeur but I'll provide an incredible snapshot into the civilization of the ancient Roman people the gods they venerated their architectural prowess the entertainment that thrilled them and the decorations and amenities of their homes [Music] [Music] dating from 203 ad the arch of septimius severus celebrates the Emperor's victories in modern-day Iran in Iraq covered with reliefs of battle scenes the arch is located at the west end of the Roman Forum at the foot of the Capitoline Hill because it was incorporated into a church in the Middle Ages the arch of septimius severus is one of the best preserved monuments in the roman forum [Music] [Music] the roman forum situated in the area between piazza venezia coliseum is one of the most important archaeological sites in the world [Music] three thousand years ago this valley between the capital line in colonel hills which was to become the social and political center of the greatest empires of ancient times was submerged in marshland by an incredible feat of Engineering commissioned by the last two Etruscan kings a canal that is still in function to this day allowed the land to be drained the area was soon developed and by the end of the seventh century BC it had become a bustling marketplace and a hive of social activity [Music] towering ionic columns stretch proud yet fragmented into the italian sky while ancient portico stand guard over the empty shelves of buildings that were once the Centers of Commerce justice and worship for the city relics of the ancient Roman Forum sit stoic Li admits the short grass and giant boulders that have invaded its vaunted boundaries the stairs were the great leaders of Rome once stood now lead nowhere the foundations of the temples where the citizens dutifully prayed now rest in disarray and walls that used to house powerful Roman senators now form an incredible open-air museum [Music] not far from the Roman Forum the theater of Marcellus is the only surviving ancient Roman theatre used to stage plays Julius Caesar began its construction to dwarf the nearby theater of Pompeii his bitter enemy Augustus when he completed the building named it after his daughter's husband Marcellus before then theatrical performances were held in temporary wooden structures put up whenever needed this permanent theater fixed the plan for the classical Roman theater a horseshoe auditorium that was built of masonry and not into a naturally formed Basin the scenery consisted of a high backdrop wall of various levels decorated with columns niches and statues the original appearance was altered in the Middle Ages when a fortress was constructed in the building by the Pierre Leone family and yet again in the 16th century when it was transformed by Baldessari Peruzzi into the residents of the savelii family [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Circus Maximus was the largest stadium in ancient Rome built in the 6th century BC during the time of the talk winds at one point the circus could seat some 250,000 people or 1/4 of Rome's population [Music] at the height of the Roman Empire these races were a manifestation of its wealth anywhere between 20 and 60 days a year were devoted to them these were not simply sporting events from sunrise to sunset Romans from every corner of the Empire would travel to witness a combination of religious ceremonies public gatherings and an average of 25 races per day [Music] during breaks from the races the arena also held a variety of religious ceremonies boxing and wrestling matches even the occasional gladiator exhibition found its way into the circus it is presumed that the majority of Christian martyrdom in the city also took place at the Roman Circus Maximus [Music] [Music] better known as a Coliseum the Flavius amphitheater is the biggest and most imposing building of its kind from the Roman era as well as the most famous monument from ancient Rome Construction was began by the Emperor fest pation and completed by a son Titus in 80 AD today then thralls visitors both for its architectural beauty and as one of the greatest triumphs of Roman engineering the Colosseum is one of the most majestic structures to adorn Imperial Rome the exterior of the Roman Colosseum is made entirely of travertine stretching 527 meters around and four stories high The Archers of the second and third stories were originally filled with statues there were 80 entrances with the two principal ones reserved for the Emperor and his entourage [Music] [Music] [Music] the Coliseum is a tremendous amphitheater a symbol of both the grandeur and cruelty of the mighty Roman Empire capable of seating some 50,000 spectators the Colosseum hosted spectacular games including gladiator exhibitions fights between animals executions of prisoners and strangely enough naval battles untold thousands of humans and animals met their end in what is today one of Rome's most popular tourist attractions [Music] the tiers of seats were inclined in such a way as to enable people to get a perfect view from wherever they sat entry to the Colosseum was free for all Roman citizens but places were divided according to social status the seats at the top were designated for the common people while those closer to the center were reserved for those of higher social status [Music] [Music] [Music] Rome is a city that has never stopped changing having built upon its ancient Medieval and Renaissance foundations to become a bustling modern city part of the Roman experiences to witness the juxtaposition between old and new like the traffic zipping around Imperial ruins [Music] beautiful sunny weather is typical of Rome year-round and on such a day one of the best ways to see the city's most important sights is aboard a tour bus as in many other European cities Rome offers open bus tours that allow visitors to see the city from another perspective high above the city's busy streets it's a pleasure to be taken around the center of Rome without the hassle of boarding overcrowded public transport or walking long distances under the hot Sun [Music] [Music] [Music] the entire northern side of the Capitol line Hill was redesigned to make room for a gigantic monument to victor emmanuel ii located almost at the geometric center of rome this monument was built in honor Victor Emmanuel the first king of unified Italy the National Monument is known by several names including the Victoriano and the altar of the fatherland [Applause] the National Monument is one of the city's most impressive attractions complete with intricate engravings impressive statuary and beautiful art the massive monument stands a formidable 70 metres high and 135 meters wide Corinthian columns brought fountains wide staircases and a statue of Victor Emmanuel upon his horse are all on display designed by the architect to SEPA saucony in 1885 the monument serves a dual function as the home of both Italy's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and its eternal flame [Music] locals affectionately poked fun at the monument likening it to a wedding cake a Victorian typewriter and even a set of dentures some think it looks out of place because it's marble is too white and that it looks too new admit all the impressive ancient artifacts that surround it the monument is nevertheless well worth the visit if only for the great views to be had from the top [Music] of room seven hills the Capitoline Hill or Campidoglio is Rome's true heart that Capitoline Hill is where the city's first and holiest temple stood including its most sacred the temple to Jupiter and the Capitoline triad the Capitoline hill is the smallest of Rome's seven hills but it was a religious and political center of the city since its foundation more than 2,500 years ago today the Capitoline hill is home to the capital a museum with its world-class collection of Roman artifacts the long beautiful staircase to the Piazza del Campo da leo is known as a coordinator it is adorned with granite statues of Egyptian lions at the foot and two large classical statues of castor and pollux at the top [Music] at the center of the squares a replica an equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius the original statue can be found in the Palazzo nuovo part of the Capitoline Museum [Applause] the coordinator leads up to Michelangelo's spectacular Piazza del Campo de Leo this is flanked by the Palazzo nuovo M palazzo dei conservatory which has the capitoline museum with its fine collections of sculptures and paintings as Michelangelo's preeminent urban set piece that Piazza embodies a majesty of Renaissance Rome [Music] the Capitoline wolf is a bronze sculpture of a she-wolf suckling twin infants [Music] the Baroque surroundings of the Piazza de la rotura including the marble fountain designed by Giacomo della Porta and topped by the small obelisk Aramis is a second offer pleasant visual contrast to one of the most famous and best preserved of the surviving ancient Roman buildings the Pantheon located in a city full of majestic ruins from the Roman era the Roman pantheon arises unexpectedly admidst a Roman neighborhood of all the imposing monuments constructed really he gave the Roman Empire this one alone still stands the Pantheon was dedicated to pan sales all the gods it was dedicated to the virgin as a fasiq reserved example monumental Roman on European and American architects from the Renaissance to the 19th century [Music] [Music] [Music] Rome's love affair with fountains stretches back to antiquity and the modern city boasts an unparalleled collection of public fountains in baroque Rome fountains were thought to reflect the generosity of papal families [Music] [Music] Piazza Navona is one of people remember oak masterpieces the visual harmony of its forms and colors give it an unsurpassed elegance that is enhanced by the surprising contrast of architectural super houses that alternate with a number of monumental buildings and fountains the main decorative elements of the Piazza its three fountains fed by the aqua Virgo aqueduct and designed by master sculptor John Lauren's over me Gutzon navona provides a perfect setting for the artists who set up their easels here mostly in the summer time to sell their paintings are offered to draw portraits of passers-by [Music] [Music] [Applause] the most remarkable of Piazza Navona 'he's three fountains is the fountain of the four rivers the perfect expression of Bernini's consummate artistry the fountain of the four rivers depicts the gods of the four great rivers of the four continents recognized by Renaissance geographers the Nile in Africa the Ganges in Asia the Danube in Europe and the Rio de la Plata in America each River is adorned by representations of animals and plants native to each continent [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] behind the fountain of the four rivers Rises a church of st. Agnes and agony whose facade is considered one of the masterpieces of baroque row [Music] [Music] the Trevi Fountain celebrates the ever mutating and incredible power of water this marvelous work of art is much more than a mere sculpture it remains a triumphant example of Baroque art with its soft natural lines and fantastical creatures in which hard stone is made to embody movement through the play of water the fountain is a true wonder a gem nestled between the palaces of Rome's historic center the palace in the background blends perfectly with a composition and the game of space and mass gives an air of movement to the entire statue this huge baroque construction inspired by sea mythology took 30 years to build the smooth rocks and cascading water are admired by millions of tourists every year this work of art is so famous that even cinema has commemorated it on more than one occasion a curious tradition regarding the Trevi Fountain says that if you throw a coin over your shoulder into the water you are sure to return to Rome [Applause] [Music] there is perhaps no other city in the world that has more waters and fountains than Rome it has been this way since the Roman era when eleven aqueducts themselves marvels of ancient engineering supplied thousands and thousands of liters of water to the city every day the Renaissance popes decided to renew and beautify the city that over the centuries had fallen into decay by promoting important works such as the building of new bridges the restoration of the ancient aqueduct and above all the creation of public fountains which in addition to providing a useful service to the population adorn the city's squares the fountain of Triton is without doubt one of the most beautiful in the city especially for the naturalism with which the artists represented the sea monster half man and half fish seated on the valves of an open shell [Music] the early baroque fountain the fountain of the old boat that sits in the Piazza de espana is one of the most frequently visited and photographed of Rome's many fountains the structure which recalls a sunken boat was commissioned to commemorate the Tiber flood that devastated Rome in 1598 [Music] the Spanish Steps at the Piazza de espana one of Rome's most popular attractions the staircase one of the widest and longest in all of Europe was painstakingly designed to accommodate the steep incline of the hill between the Piazza di Spagna and a Piazza Trinita de Monte at the top with a splendid French Church of Trinita de Monte is lovely [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the obelisk just in front of the church was originally located in the gardens of Sallust the hieroglyphs adorning its sides were copied from the obelisk in the Piazza del Popolo [Music] [Music] between the elegant Pinchot and the banks of the Tiber Piazza del Popolo opens up into an enormous ellipse churches fountains monuments and marble memoirs of historic events in Rome both ancient and modern tastefully embellished this massive square since antiquity the city's northern entrance formed a vestibule into the city to the gate in the aurelion walls now known as a porta del Popolo or people's gate it has at various names over the centuries the Egyptian obelisk of Rama seized a second second in age in height only to the one that stands in front of the Basilica of st. John Lateran was originally brought to the city by the Emperor Augustus who placed it in a Circus Maximus [Music] on the east side of the Piazza against the steep slope of the Pinchot is the terminal of the aqueduct with a fountain representing the goddess Rome armed and Lance in helmet [Music] twin churches stand at the far end of the square emphasizing the elegant lines of the Trident as the three streets via del Babuino Via del Corso and Via della pietà which radiate out of the square are known at in depth and perspective to the overall picture [Music] two large marble groups stand at the center of each hemicycles of the square here Neptune is depicted between two Triton's a typical Baroque theme developed in the neoclassical style Rome's splendid squares contribute greatly to its considerable charm any visit to the city must include time to soak in the main squares each of which enchants with its unique atmosphere [Music] [Music] [Music] stretching from above piazza del popolo to the top of the Via Veneto Villa Borghese crowns Rome in a glorious canopy of green despite the passing centuries and extensive developmental changes to Rome Phillip Borghese has remained a green and pleasant space diluting the impact of an otherwise ever-expanding urban metropolis the park was originally a private vineyard redesigned and enlarged to grandiose proportions for Pope Paul the fifth nephew the Cardinal Shapira Borghese however it was named after the book as a family since it was a location of their residence the most luxurious and magnificent dwelling in Rome [Music] the secret garden is a charming feature characteristic of Italian parks and gardens of the Renaissance and Baroque periods when there was a revival of interest in all things ancient these lovely and closed spaces often near their owners homes were reserved for privileged guests such places are imbued with an atmosphere of seclusion secrecy and tranquillity adding new dimensions of beauty to their surroundings in the 1700s after a major expansion and restoration project in the park the lake garden was added to the valley of the plain trees by the English designer Jacob Moore during the nineteenth century became a center for festivals and public events often with flamboyant and colorful firework displays and water games in the fountains or on the lane [Music] as it is a pleasant place to stroll on a fine day it became a favorite place for leisure time activities such as boating with its tranquil atmosphere graceful trees relaxing fountains romantic walkways and evocative views of the city set off to perfection at sundown the lake and secret gardens are the perfect spot to wile away a summer afternoon the wild and exotic animals at once roam the park together with the numerous birds even before the Biot park was built made the villa borghese gardens enormous ly popular in earlier centuries [Music] Villa Borghese is a largest public park in Rome it features a lake temples fountains statues and several museums the Borghese Gardens offer a pleasant refuge from the busy streets of the city center [Applause] [Music] dating back to the 17th century the principal role that the Piazza della zadra fulfilled before becoming Piazza della Repubblica was as the site of the city meat market the square was enclosed by imposing colonnades in the late 19th century and filled with shops it was officially renamed the Piazza della Repubblica at the end of the second world war with the downfall of the Italian monarchy Piazza della Repubblica is most famous for the four magnificent representations of nude nymphs in the fountain of the Nile each figure lies on top of an aquatic animal representing water in its four principal geysers a seahorse for the oceans a water snake for rivers a swan for lakes and a lizard for subterranean streams the poses of the figures give the impression that they are enjoying where they are and what they are doing [Music] santa maria del popolo ranks as one of the most important monuments from the roman renaissance not only from an architectural point of view but also in terms of the paintings and sculptures that distinguish this place as a Museum of Renaissance art [Music] Rome's fortunes have risen and fallen over the centuries with the increasing power of the church came the decline of the city itself which became a battleground for powerful noble Roman families as in other large Italian towns the city of Rome strengthened its administrative position during the 12th century soon to be annihilated once again by the power of the Pope's and their domination over the area of central Italy known as the People's States today Rome is the seat of the Italian government as well as that of Roman Catholicism in the Vatican it also remains one of the world's most important cultural and artistic centres attracting people from all over the world who come to see its majestic ancient ruins along with its incredible works of art and architecture from the Renaissance and Baroque eras [Music] best known for the pocket a la varita on its porch Santa Maria in Kozma Dean is one of the most interesting churches in Rome with important medieval art and a neutral crypt in an atmosphere of antiquity dating from the 6th century this multi-layered complex was later transformed and expanded into a larger Church most of which still stands today when Greek refugees fleeing the iconoclastic conflicts in the East settled in Rome [Music] the large marble mask in the church's porch called the Booker delivery table or the mouth of truth is an ancient Roman artifact that was originally either a drain cover or part of a fountain it's named in popularity derived from a medieval legend that if a liar placed his hand in its mouth it would be bitten off today visitors line up in the porch for their turn to be photographed with their hand inside [Music] the old Lateran Palace was demolished by Pope Sixtus v but the apps are the people dining hall that cle-cle neum leone has been preserved on the outside of the remains of the building [Music] dedicated to John the Baptist and John the Evangelist the Basilica of st. John Lateran is the first among Rome's four major basilica's st. John Lateran contains artistic treasures from every historic period a tribute to the important role the basilica's played in the history of Rome and the Roman Catholic Church the two-story portico that makes up the facade of the basilica dates from the 18th century as to the large statues of Christ and the Saints which crown the facade [Music] the basilica's late baroque facade was designed by Alessandro Galilei it's colossal entrance doorways framed by enormous pared Corinthian plasters uniting the facade in the manner introduced by Michelangelo and the Campidoglio [Music] the Basilica of st. Paul Outside the Walls is one of Rome's four major basilica's originally founded by the Emperor Constantine in the beginning of the 4th century the Basilica Saint Paul is a burial place of Saint Paul the Apostle the church is located outside the aurelion wall hence its name it features a fascinating array of historical religious and artistic sites to explode since its earliest construction the Basilica has had a tumultuous history having first succumbed to Saracen invaders and later to fire the colossal statue of Saint Paul that stands right at the center of the atrium was the work of the sculptor - sepia OBG the Basilica Saint Paul Outside the Walls is one of the seven pilgrim churches [Music] [Applause] the Basilica of st. Mary major is another one of the four patriarchal basilica's of Rome as well as one of the seven pilgrim churches a patriarchal Basilica is a church in which the high altar is reserved only for the use of the Pope for his representative set atop the Esquiline Hill the Basilica of Saint Mary majors considered one of the most beautiful churches in Rome even though much of the exterior was altered by renovations in the 18th century while some of the impact of this commanding location has been diminished by the growth of the modern city the Basilica still emanates quite a presence [Music] st. Mary major stands on the site of an ancient temple to the goddess Sibley according to 13th century legend the first church was built here by Papa liberius on the site of an apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary [Music] [Music] an interesting walk follows the winding route of the Tiber River through the heart of Rome revealing many fascinating sights of the other Rome up until the construction of the embankments in the late 19th century the Tiber was completely navigable and characterized by an unending sequence of buildings that faced onto the river and were reflected in its waters the river was used for fishing and bathing the water was used to drink in for motivepower the presence of several small islands in the Tiber facilitated crossing of the river and led to the building of the first permanent settlements on the surrounding high ground the seven hills of Rome [Music] [Music] it would be difficult to find another city that offers as many important cultural works that have had such a profound influence on the evolution of art and architecture and in such a small area the fascination of the Eternal City with its history legends secrets and traditions has endured over the centuries [Music] the state of Vatican City is a walled Enclave situated within the city of Rome it is the smallest country in the world both in terms of population and surface area the square in front of the basilica is delimited by monumental colonnade the work of master sculptor and architect john lorenzo bernini it's open arms symbolically welcoming the world into the Catholic Church [Music] it is 340 meters wide with a 240 meter central ellipse enclosed by four rows comprising 284 columns with 88 pillars the balustrade is topped by 140 statues of saints while below at the foot of the grand staircase the two 8 meter high statues of saints peter & paul seem to welcome the pilgrims to the basilica [Music] st. Peter's squares Rome's largest square in Roman times it was the site of the circus of Nero where st. Peter was crucified the largest church in Christianity st. Peter's towers over Vatican City like the hand of God supposedly located upon the hallowed ground on which its namesake was crucified construction on st. Peter's Basilica began in 1506 and would continue well into the following century in the center of the square stands a towering obelisk dating from a 13th century BC it was brought to Rome from Egypt in the first century to stand near a circus some 250 metres away including a cross on top in the base the obelisk Rises 40 meters high [Music] [Music] since its foundation room has been inextricably linked to the making of Western history as capital of an empire that dominated the Mediterranean world for five centuries Rome became thereafter the capital of Western Christianity and home of the papacy today it has retained its religious cultural and political importance as the capital of Italy and one of the world's most magnificent cities [Music]
Channel: Travel And Discover
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Keywords: rome, rome italy, rome travel guide, rome tourism guide, saint peter basilica, saint peter basilica church, tourist guide rome italy, vatican city, travel and discover, best places in rome, play audio, city of rome, roma italy, travel rome italy, azzurra music, rome square, rome squares famous, rome places to visit, best places to visit in rome, travel, rome city, what to see in rome, rome city tour guide, colosseum tour, best place in rome, rome documentary, rome guide
Id: 087tV-8NXpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 44sec (3224 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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