Ferrara Tourist Guide 🇮🇹 Italy Best Cities - Travel & Discover

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of the great Italian cities Ferrara is the only one to have an original urban plan that was not arrived from a Roman layout the city did not develop around a central area as medieval cities typically dead but rather on a linear access along the banks of the Pearl River with longitudinal streets and many cross streets around which the medieval city was organized the most significant characteristic of Ferrara's urban history rests on the fact that it developed from the 14th century onwards and for the first time in Europe on the basis of planning regulations that are currently used by modern towns the network of streets and city walls are closely linked with the palaces churches and gardens throughout the 16th century the city was planned with the aim of making it a future capital its evolution came to an end after the 17th century under papal administration and it did not undergo any extensions for nearly three centuries Ferrara was and remains today a medieval and renaissance city in 1385 the Marquis Nicola - stay ordered the construction of a defensive fortress and entrusted the project to bartolina de navarra the massive and majestic structure with its moat towers and draw bridges preceded by brickwork ravans date to that era every side of the castle was equipped with an entrance each of which was enclosed in a sturdy evanka as high as the building itself and connected to the surrounding walls an exterior by a drawbridge in ravelin you [Music] the moat surrounding the castle is still full of water beginning in the second half of the 15th century the castle was renovated into a residence for the este Court which was definitively transferred into the castle in 1479 under Duke Arcola the first the new works contributed in gradually transforming the castle into a prestigious princely residence as well as the seat of one of Renaissance Elise must refine in cultured courts the imposing towers which are located at the castles four corners dominate the city to this day as an indelible symbol of the grandeur and magnificence of the estate family two-story buildings were constructed between one tower in the next to form a veritable fortress that opens internally around a large courtyard it's tall an articulated form offering an impregnable defense in its day [Music] the orcs gardenin sumed its present size and appearance under Alphonse of the first in the early sixteenth century over the centuries that layout to the garden was modified several times its original arrangement of alleys was altered with the addition of orange trees planted in large wooden vats the use to which an individual building has been put over the course of its history is one of the fundamental elements determining the state of conservation in which it reaches the present era the decent state of preservation in which for assistance a castle was found at the beginning of the 20th century derives in part from the fact that has always been used throughout its history it was never abandoned or dissociated from its powerful image of important functions in the territory's government today Ferrara's estancia castle is the city's best-known symbol one of the most visited italian monuments a prestigious and well-preserved example of a medieval castle and at the same time a princely Renaissance residence the smart church of st. Julien was first built on the present site of the Estancia Casa the church was demolished in 1385 and rebuilt as we see it today just a short distance from the earlier one [Music] during the Renaissance the city's history was intimately linked with Saturday family and their room Ferrara was an important Centre in the Middle Ages a city with its own laws and even its own coinage but under the rule of the este it became a world-famous capital the estate court was undeniably splendid and for some for centuries advised with those of cities such as Florence and Venice and even the great European Royal Courts like France and Spain successive Pope's looked upon the este alternately as dangerous enemies or indispensable friends the enlightened patronage of the SD attracted all the best artists of the day the family also played an important role in the political life of Europe because their state formed a screen between northern and southern Italy between the Empire and the papacy the st displayed a liberal spirit not only in the realm of the arts but also in economic ideological and religious matters after duke Arcola the first invited the jews driven out of spain to set themselves up in Ferrara the city's Jewish community enjoyed relative freedom Machiavelli was inspired by alkylate a first test day in writing his famous treatise on the virtues of the perfect Renaissance prince the construction of the City Hall formerly the duco palace began in 1245 and was progressively enlarged toward the north until it reached its current dimensions at the end of the 1400s it served as a residence of the Este family until the end of the sixteenth century the massive arch that leads to the town square was originally called the horse vault it is flanked by two monuments one depicting Duke Bor so seated on a throne and the other Niccolo the third of a stay on a horse the column and arch that hold them up our original attributed to Leon Battista Alberti while the statues are copies replacing the originals destroyed during the Napoleonic occupation a loggia dating from the Renaissance era stands just opposite the entrance to the square the right side displays the marble framed windows of the Estancia apartment the square the 15th century work of petra benvenuto de orden II is dominated by the splendid staircase of honor by the same architect [Music] dedicated to st. George Ferrara's patron saint the cathedral was built beginning in the 12th century and now bears traces of every era of the city's history its grandiose facade with its unusual three spared forum was begun in the Romanesque style that predominates in the lower part the center the facade is dominated by a Romanesque door above which is a splendid pro3 'im opening onto a larger and crown by tympanum the upper part of the prom was constructed around 1250 it consists of a large above which the theme of the Last Judgement is developed on three registers of French influence this work is unique in the panorama of gothic architectural sculpture in Italy [Music] above the romanesque base the facade is composed of three parts / buttresses and open by lodges that rise up into three equal spires the Romanesque portal belongs to the first phase of the edifice construction and features elaborate decorative sculpture reliefs representing John the Evangelist and John the Baptist adorn the sides of the Protheans arch the supports of the Pratham consists of a serpentine column held up by a Telamon or human figure which is in turn borne by a lion in marble from verona young curly-haired men used both their hands to help them bear the weight of a column which consists of a band of smaller columns that twist into a knot a capital adorned with leaves crowns the structure [Music] the cathedrals majestic Renaissance bell tower in white in pink marble an unfinished work attributed to Leon Battista Alberti soars over Piazza Trento Trieste [Music] Korso air cali primo de este was formally caught via de Anjali after the church dedicated to st. Mary of the Angels that rises along its length the Corso is one of the two fundamental axes of the additions to the city carried out under Dirk Urkel a line not by businesses but by beautiful palaces it has preserved its character of residential artery that the Duke wished to give it the urban works began in 1492 and were completed around 1510 their purpose was to create a direct link between a southern part of the historical center with the Estanza castle and the northern part of the walls up to the Angels gate the principles of town planning of the Italian Renaissance were implemented for the first time and on a grand scale at Ferrara the urban plan put into action in 1492 on the orders of Arcola Prima - day was based on concepts of the ideal Renaissance town developed by leon battista de Partie vincenzo scamozzi and filler 8t Biaggio Rose a team made the palaces and churches of focal points of the views and perspectives within the city plan in so doing he made a vital contribution to the development of modern Town Planning from 1995 on UNESCO has included the historical center of Ferrara in the list of world cultural heritage as a splendid example of a town planned in the Renaissance that has preserved its historical center intact the criteria used in lain at the city of Ferrara would have a deep influence on other cities becoming norms in urban planning over the following centuries [Music] you [Music] the palace of diamonds pelota de diamante at the center of the adicionar Kalia an important crossroads known as a Quadra VOD anjali belonged to the Dukes brother see his mando deste its name derives from over 8,000 pink and white marble ashlars in the form of pyramids or diamonds that cover the two facades the palace was acquired by the city in 1832 and today is home to two museums the national picture gallery and the exposition space where the famous exhibits at the palazzo de diamonte are held [Music] the architect Biagio Rosetti created an urban masterpiece especially in placing its main decoration on the corner an artifice designed to emphasize the importance of the intersection and turn the palace into a wholly original work created for its perspective view not for that of the facade indeed the corner is embellished by splendid candelabra sculpted by gabriella free journey and by graceful balcony a bit further back the name of the palazzo sky Fonua derives from Amaro's Kavala neue meaning avoid tedium and refers to the building's function as a place for amusement and recreation as it was a so-called a stencil delizia palace for recreation construction of sky fan Noah began at the end of the 1300s in a green area near the Pearl River nowadays the palace has the appearance of a long building divided into two wings the single-story 14th century wing to the west home to the Civic Museum and to the east the two-story 15th century wing which makes up Duke bors's extension of the years fourteen sixty five to fourteen sixty seven the interior decorations including the Hall of months were severely damaged over the years though what remains of the splendid cycle of frescoes is widely considered one of the highlights of the Italian Renaissance Palazzo s Kiefer Noah's Hall of months whose frescoes were commissioned by Bohr Sudeste from the greatest painters of the cities workshop active in 1470 is considered one of the most magnificent examples of secular renaissance art produced by the Italian courts of the 15th century because of its artistic quality as well as its many references to the eras Neoplatonic culture one of the most important cycles of frescoes from 15th century Italy adorns the walls of the Hall of months a collective work of many painters including Francesco del casas and air-quality Roberti the large room is divided vertically into 12 sections one for every month to be read counterclockwise the only March through September have been preserved to realize a cycle of frescoes that entirely covers the walls of the hall developing in three bands one above the other in such a short space of time must have required the involvement of Ferrara's entire workshop the occasion for the cycle of frescoes was expected investiture of bas Adeste as Duke of Ferrara in 1471 by pope paul ii the subtext to the festivities embodied in the fresco cycle is a right ordering of mankind in nature under the good government of the Duke the guarantor of peace and prosperity in the esta dominions the architect Pedro benvenuto de orden II was called upon to develop a ducal apartment on the upper level providing the building with the Salone is suitable for presentations of ambassadors and delegations a counterpart of the governing structure of Ferrara housed in the former Palazzo della ragione destroyed in world war ii they're in the saloon Adeem easy Kazuma Torre's purely pagan cycle of the months presents the cycle of the year as an allegorical pageant with the appropriate Olympian gods presiding on their fanciful cars drawn by the peace proper to each deity the adjacent Halle virtues is embellished by a splendid ceiling with painted and gilded recessed panels the 15th century work of Domenico of Paris the work depicts the cardinal and theological virtues together with the undertakings of the esday family [Music] [Music] the Sun struggles to penetrate Ferrara's winding medieval streets miraculously preserved which follow the course of a river that has long since disappeared via San Romano takes its name from the Church of the same name whose existence was documented in the tenth century making it older than the cathedral the street a very ancient origin belongs to 12th century Ferrara the street is lined by proto cars on both sides at the end of the street once stood the San Romano gate no longer existent in terms of fortifications Ferrara's distinguished from other contemporary examples by the emphasis on the urban character of the city walls although the prince invested substantially in building a fortification system his aim went beyond simple defense he wished to give the walls political and social significance ideally the aim was to provide citizens with a safe urban settlement where the fortifications not only indicated an extended limit to the ensemble but also constituted an important element in the urban communication system the walls of Ferrara offered an early reference for the design and further development of fortification engineering Ferrara today boasts what was one of the greatest Italian centres of the Renaissance were alight in order harmony and balance present history with the poetry of an extraordinary urban plan in 1995 Ferrara's historical center was included on UNESCO's List of World Heritage Sites as a marvelous example of a city design during the Renaissance which has preserved its historical center intact then questionably unique set another Poe Delta is an area created by both a sedimentation of the river and the work of man who over the centuries has controlled its course and drained the land around it in the Delta area nature history tradition culture and art intertwine to offer the visitor an original and surprising landscape the park originally del dr. Lupo covers some of Italy's most productive areas rich in biodiversity the park includes the country's largest protected wetlands areas of great ecological value it is a territory with a variety of natural environments housing hundreds of plant and animal species the considerable number of existing species is deeply linked to the diversity of local habitats whose characteristics depend on the different chemical physical conditions of the soil and on climatic conditions the particular geomorphology of the territory enabled the growth of a deciduous and evergreen forests only a few traces of the ancient bosco le Tale quoted in historical manuscripts remain on the ancient dunes of the ferrara coast around Ravenna the wood is more recent and dominated by stone and maritime pines the pine woods among the most important elements of the total landscape are the so-called valley or lagoons and wetlands the brackish lagoons were created by the flooding of low lands by the sea or by the human transformation of the territory for the purposes of fishing or producing salt within the park there is one of the few examples of freshwater wetlands in continental Europe the so called valley in Argentine Mar morta which escaped the land reclamation activities thanks to the essential hydraulic function as expansion basins the history of the POE delta area is a story of a millenary interaction between natural forces and human activities which fostered the existence of a great diversity of ecosystems and cultural landmarks these elements continue to interact nowadays in a constantly changing context the Delta Territory was born over the course of millennia from the deposit of debt reduce by the POE causing the progressive shifting of the Adriatic coastline the deltas an area between land and sea that is constantly evolving and which serves as a gateway between the sea and the Po Valley following the steps of medieval pilgrims and other Roman Garrison's before them the Delta is formed by the geographical triangle connecting the three magnificent cities of Venice Ferrara and Ravenna as well as Remini farther south the human activities linked to aquaculture and professional fishing are permitted and even encouraged in the park wetlands since they represent important economic activities with traditional cultural significance the Delta territory includes different types of water expenses the so called Valley our inner basins of fresh brackish or salt water such as a valid eco Macchio while the lagoons are fresh brackish or salt water basins islands are peninsulas whose width ranges from several dozen to hundreds of meters extend four kilometers they are formed by the sand brought to the sea by rivers and shaped by wind in waves these natural features protect the lagoons from the strength of the sea giving them the possibility to survive they are also picturesque on the side facing the sea they offer wave swept beaches while the inner side is covered with hallow philic vegetation which grows in brackish waters together with canebrakes plunging deep into the lagoon the biggest of these sandbars such as rosalina Mari Boca City and Barry cotta are used as beaches equipped for bathing [Music] the geological evolution of the Delta together with the turbulent history of such important cities as Venice in Ferrara significantly shaped the settlement and growth of this area the towns of the po delta are filled with churches villas in ancient country houses as well as important Etruscan and Roman archaeological findings theory is also a significant zone for traditional crafts activities the expansion of the Po River and its branches towards the east Kazakh decorative Phillip given origin to the city of Porto Tolly extending the island of Ariana and forming Sokka discard a very poor toto lay is one of the numerous urban communities of the Poor Delta [Music] venison Ferrara often struggled with each other for control over the policy nay as his areas known in the 14th century in 1404 and between 1482 and 1484 during the so-called salt war the two cities fought again for control over the policy nay between 1509 and 1512 the po delta was formed over millennia by the sediments deposited by Italy's largest river and redistributed by the action of the sea and wind over time humans have acquired an increasingly important role in the evolution of the Delta especially when four hundred years ago they caught off the poet portfolio which led to the creation of the modern Delta today their task is to revive the history and nature of this territory and become its guardians [Music]
Channel: Travel And Discover
Views: 48,160
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Keywords: ferrara, ferrara italy, ferrara tour, medieval city, best medieval city, late medieval italy art history, travel and discover, middle ages, europe, renaissance architecture, best cities in italy, best cities in europe, azzurra music, castle in italy movie, castle ferrara italy, castle ferrara video, travel in italy, tourism in italy, journey in italy, best place in italy, best place in europe, play audio, best city in the world, best medieval city in europe, unesco italy
Id: -DbPCg8HIZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2019
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