Roman Roy can't take it anymore (Succession - Season 2)

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anything you save under the 50 we can split well that'll cover the subsequent therapy yeah no no i'm kidding yep me too but i think it's a good plan i land the deal i kill candle i'm crowned the king just like in hamlet if that happens in hamlin i don't care just like hamlet he is back he is back like a pedo on parole he's dying riddled with cancer wrong what's a funny joke dad's got cancer what's not funny about that so i think you're a super talented superstar and i i love you oh you're such a [ __ ] [ __ ] you got a haircut yeah i hate it that's because it's stylish yeah dad's going to play a merry tune on you and then throw out the [ __ ] window you know that right well he's like a sex robot for dad to [ __ ] he's like an old beaten dog well he's both of those things and also a piece of [ __ ] roman what do you think i don't know i [ __ ] love money but i'm really scared of you so can you just come over like i can want you in the room can i come over yeah okay [ __ ] you [ __ ] you we're getting bolder oh yeah yeah is that a good idea [ __ ] great idea it's kendall's baby and now we're gonna burn it so we were thinking uh me and uh tabitha and i uh that we'd like to have you and tom over for dinner oh sorry what do you roman roy did you guys invite us to dinner all right shut up yes i did metro poser [ __ ] napkins and chit chat ooh race relations kale yeah he did and now they're doing it they're actually doing a thing that i said [ __ ] i think maybe you just did your job should we get some more champagne i mean it could be right it might not be but it could be maybe i'm smart sure maybe hey matthew [Music] uh i have this overwhelming urge to either knee someone in the vagina or spit on the floor he's been a little bit nervous about tonight uh if kendall's going rogue then let him sooner or later it's going to blow up in his face i'll love it when it blows up in people's faces i do it's my [ __ ] favorite [ __ ] i swear to god that if you bring him back i am walking back to my office too salt [ __ ] fine i don't [ __ ] care all right come on let's go murder a terrified mammal and now your trophy girlfriend is sucking some waiters dick in palermo so now you come crawling back like a [ __ ] worm makes you kind of glad he's back now how are you doing terrible pretty awful is his obsession with milk you know who drinks milk kittens and perverts [Music] hey hey dirk turkey can we get a photo hey picture time oh excuse me hey um can you take a photo for us thank you so much all right here we go okay hello i'm guessing you two aren't [ __ ] much excuse me you need to get home and figure this [ __ ] out this is a sad state of affair for my friend this woman needs satisfaction that you are clearly not providing thanks for coming enjoy the park what was that i said gobbledygook and i would love to [ __ ] you i am so wet for you right now um that's not a you don't have to be so specific i'm being sexy yeah can you not do that thing with your voice it's like breathy and unnatural that's what i sound like when i'm turned on roman i know i just don't like it you know it's just like let's just be normal like i want to [ __ ] you in the [ __ ] okay well i was trying to get into it but you know okay no fine you're right sorry um [Music] i'm [ __ ] you i'm i'm [ __ ] you hard amazing what are you gonna do next you're gonna i don't know change your water filter cartridge oh jesus [ __ ] chris oh oh i'm coming i'm coming uh king yay thank you hooray bye thanks you mean us having a dream no we're not planning to have a baby because that would require us having sex whoa hey now i'm so sorry i don't i don't mean to pry oh yes you did no no it was totally fine that's just that's like not how we do it it's not our thing kind of like you nick the besties he wouldn't say that it works for us it's a joke obviously she's kidding we're actually quite relentless in that regard just [ __ ] city bingo bingo bongo do you want it to seem like i'm dead i don't want to get into semantics oh my god no it's just going to be a little less like sex yay yeah i um i think maybe the morgue is closing for the night okay it's just i'm i'm just saying if we like politely agree on the wrong thing then it's no longer wrong i mean that's just like basic bone or arithmetic yeah no thank you for that lesson professor can't [ __ ] i jerked off in jerry's bathroom last night so classy of you it's okay don't worry but it was actually her idea i think i really got the old gal's juices flowing even as a joke that is a stomach turning thought hey nice vest womb scans it's so puffy thank you roman was it stuffed with your hopes and dreams oh wow what's going on you doing the old cocaine you know how you're so efficient and good at your job well thank you and also sort of like invisible like wallpaper like a boring old sort of nothing like a competent kind of clever filing cabinet that everyone seems content to have around and i'm like a [ __ ] rock star [ __ ] right i mean obviously these are our public profiles not our true essences i have thoughts but continue well just floating like is there an angle here for a team up like me kind of a jagger tarzan fronting things up and swinging through trees with my little dick singing and killing [ __ ] and you back home cooking a soup and making sure the numbers are right huh rock star and the mole woman wow you're really selling me come on is it me or is this [ __ ] maybe this may be that wrong careful is this one of those things i need a woman to explain to me why it's bad [ __ ] is it bad don't [ __ ] ask me i'm not your rope geiger counter good to see you too dad i hope we can swing it with mom we need to play them yikes um [ __ ] coachy [ __ ] coo yeah i haven't seen him like this for a while yeah not since sally ann and the summer the horses remember that [ __ ] right well do you think um like do you think they're [ __ ] oh my god could you imagine like a rhino [ __ ] a hummingbird she'd have to go cowgirl right otherwise he'd just like snap her like a candy cane dude are you like talking yourself hard right now you think should i wake him i think so yeah [ __ ] it he needs to see this i'm gonna get him up wake him up definitely you're gonna see him boning you're gonna see him boning hey what's poppin ma lala roy good kid yep i screwed mom for you that's you know that's the [ __ ] dream right i said i love you dad like 10 times in a row i think that doubles my lifetime count oh jerry says she looks like the new thing well it happens jerry was the new thing once remember huh you think you ever blown jerry i don't know i just think we need to be careful hey what's up hey how are you loud what and you're wearing the same clothes as yesterday you want us to think you got laid nice try thank you wow well done look at you fitting right in like a cap counselor in my butt when i was 12. scottish kicky ball it looks like two eunuchs trying to [ __ ] a letterbox it's corporate daycare what's up with dip beer that's not a good retort don't [ __ ] laugh at that [ __ ] thanks for taking this seriously i do it's just it's transparent uh you know rey is who dad wants clearly so but he's wrong in case you want it in writing maybe you know you should look if we come through this is there a thing where we like talk to each other about stuff normally you want to talk to each other in your mind okay you mean talk about the bean [ __ ] yeah we can talk about we can how am i the mature one here we don't have any feelings what are you talking about who is this helping oh and um one more thing real quick should we get married what you know not that like an equivalent of a thing like i abduct you and force you to live with me that's not equivalent well then you kill me you chop my dick off you know something i'm kidding but you know what i'm saying you eat me i eat you like they do in germany anyway what to think about i get it so let it but
Channel: Nada Acontece Feijoada
Views: 181,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Succession, Roman Roy, HBO, Séries, Series, Roy Family, Roman, Roy, Chaotic, Insane
Id: UhdEBffg5Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2022
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