Rolex Oyster Perpetual Buyers Guide - Ranked Worst To Best

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so you're looking to buy a Rolex ecer Perpetual from the ad and you want to know which dial has the most value in the market today we're going to rank each dial from worst to best in terms of market value the OA Perpetual is the entrylevel model from Rolex the design is simple and classic however it's a time only model it's available in a range of sizes from 28 to 41 mm but it's only available on the oyster bracelet the only part that you can configure is the dial but fortunately there are plenty of options for you to choose from Josh thanks for joining me how are you very good how are you I'm very good mate so I just have to take my hat off to Rolex with what they've done with the ier Perpetual model because not so long ago like nobody was really talking about this model and then in 2020 they released those vibrant color dials and it just totally changed the game so what was the initial reaction to those colored dials so the initial reaction to the ice perpetual range with the bright colors was very mixed at the start so they were hot they weren't massively trading above retail price but they did have a premium when they first came out people were a little bit skeptical with the colors they've never seen it before in a Rolex off recent times it's maybe paying a bit of homage to the stads on the Day dates people were a little bit skeptical at first yeah but they seem to kind of pick up quite quickly I think there was a few celebrities that were wearing them maybe Mark wallberg LeBron James that kind of thing I think Rolex do a very good job on who they put the watches on yeah so it's a genius move from Rolex they managed to take one of their least interesting models EXA and really put it right under the spotlight anyway we're going to find out where they sit in the current market so we'll kick off with the DTI okay so the DTI we've got four pieces all right so the dtia is watches that have a premium of between 0 and ,500 over the RRP and we can see that these are all 31 mm models so who tends to buy the 31 mm op okay so predominantly it will be Ladies as it is a 31 mm watch but a lot of customers do actually opt for the DAT just 31 mil which is a little bit more jewelry esque on the wrist people prefer or ladies prefer steeling gold Jubilee bracelet yeah I mean I think the colors of dials that we see here in the DTI are maybe a little bit more masculine these do carry the least premium as we just do sell the least of them yeah I mean all of the isop perpetuals in the range all trade a premium right they're actually it's fun enough it's the entry level Rolex but it's actually one of the hardest ones to get it seems to be anyway let's move into the C tier so these are watches that trade between ,500 and £3,000 over the RRP okay so what do we see I can see we've got 36 mm and 41 mm in this tier but again it seems to be in the maybe the more quote unquote standard color dials which is the silver the the blue the black okay but I also notice we have the green and this was one of the color dials that came out in 20120 so why do we see the Green in this tier as well first of all it's still in production so it is still being released by Rolex two it's just it's never really took off as much as something like maybe the Tiffany the red and the yellow the other dials it's always carried a little bit less of a premium I think it's the most subtle color you know all of those colors were quite out there but the green is maybe a bit more everyday wearable because it it it just it's a little bit more under the radar so I do notice though that the 41 mil green 7450 on market price it's only2 200 more than a silver black or blue like why do you think that is I think it's just a to do with the supply off the watch I think there's a lot more of them being produced as opposed to obviously the hotter colors and that's all it comes down to I'm personally quite surprised that this watch is in this kind of category I think out of them all it's probably my favorite okay and I also notice a quite an unusual difference here the 36 mil seems to be a little bit more than the 41 mil when we looked at market prices so why do you think that might be a lot of gentlemen go for the 41 mil watch which means there's less demand for maybe the 36 mil making it a little bit harder to find and obviously the price will be a little bit higher because it's harder to find got you so out of the C tier what is the watch that you sell the most of in this tier okay so looking at this tier I can tell you I sell the most off the 41 mil green mhm and also the black di 41 mil as well right okay I think maybe for the ultimate purist right who wants a no fuss No Nonsense Rolex the black dial brushed OA bracelet just clean bezel very clean watch you know you you could you could wear that with a suit you could wear it with a t-shirt it's going to it's just looks slick in every occasion doesn't it you know yeah so I think that's that's pretty much why it's very minimalistic it's very clean looking obviously there's no date on the watch it's just very clean and simple cuz that that's a controversial topic isn't it the Cyclops some people love it some people hate it exactly yeah it's the same subar and N day or day which do people prefer right let's move on to the B okay so so the BTA being watches that sell for between 3,000 and 4,500 above the RP right immediately we're seeing that this is all 31 mil watches exactly yeah so this is back to the lady size right then and we've got this little purple mark on these ones that just means that those are discontinued dials you can see we've got the candy ping we've got the yellow and we've got the coral red all three of these colors are now discontinued so you can't buy them anymore you can't buy them anymore they're out of production only in the market right then so these 31 mil watches these are all ladies sizes but I can see that they're the more vibrant colors right they're probably the more feminine dial colors when you compare them to the DTI so I can see why you know they're going to be more popular and command a little bit more money so I can see as well though that the Sunray pink 6950 that's quite quite a bit more than the ones that we could see in the DTI why do you think that is the colors in the DTR are a little bit masculine and I think for a lady pink just works exactly yeah so it's the most feminine color dial you can physically get we don't see so many of those dials I don't think and and likewise with the the Tiffany 31 the Tiffany's the Tiffany or or the or the turquoise I should say I know some people don't like us calling it The Tiffany dial it is officially the turquoise style exactly right then let's move into the a tier okay so not too many in this tier so the ATA is watches that trade between 4,500 and 6,000 above the RRP right then what have we got in this tier so we've got the discontinued 36 mil coral red and we've got the 36 mil in a candy pink okay so who is the buyer for the candy pink 36 so the buyer for the candy pink 6 is again is predominantly a lady mhm based on the dial but we have actually sold it to a few gents because 36 mil does tend in the op range does tend to be a unisex model so it's for the ladies who like a little bit of a bigger size watch but also 36 big enough for a gent as well why is the 36 candy pink l so much more than say a 36 in green or a 36 in blue yeah I think again that's down to the demand in the watch and obviously the supply of the watch it's the most popular 36 mil model that we sell and it's the one model that gets as for for us to Source or obviously as soon as one's in stock it sells the quickest I think the 36 candy pink would look well on a younger person's wrist I think it's quite a a trendy watch yeah exactly right then let's move on to the S tier this is watches that trade for 6,000 or more above the RRP which to be fair is crazy considering the most expensive of these watches at RRP is 5,400 czy but they're just so hard to get you know they they've created so much demand for the entry level model uh it's just it's I don't know it's it's Madness right then so what have we got here we've got actually all three sizes we've got 31 36 and 41 and these are in some of the very hottest colors yes so as straight away we can see that we've got the the yellow and the 36 the red and the 41 and the yellow and the 41 all three discontinued right so discontinued colors again not in production and then we've obviously got the celebration and the Tiffany okay so first thing that I'm spotting here is why is the 36 yellow more than the 3 red the reason that's there is because when we were doing a bit of research for this video we kind of find pretty much any 36 mm in the yellow dial yeah which carries a massive premium because there's literally null in the market to about that's the thing it's just a supply and demand thing I I think when these were in production less people would have been asking for the 36 mil versions more people for the 41 and there just seems to be less of these in the market so it might be that next month there's more Reds in the market than there is yellows and the prices could could move around a bit so we have the new celebration dial this was a novelty for 2023 and we can see all three sizes here and I mean the 41 coming in at nearly 20,000 what is the story with the celebration dial like why do you think it sits in the ster I think it sits in the S straight away because it's so out there it's something that again Rolex originally obviously brought out the dials which was already crazy and then they've added a specific dial on top of the Tiffany dial which was always going to be crazy it's called the celebration I'm not sure what they were celebrating were they celebrating all of the colors which you could by I think so yeah I think it a better for wind up to Hest who knows who knows I mean I think it's probably one of the most out there dials that Rolex have produced I mean it's certainly in the modern catalog you know unless you getting some of the um like off catalog dials you know like the the the eye of the tiger and all of that lot which you know really wild design but do you think more people will be buying this to wear or do you think they'll be buying it to put away I think with the celebration Tiffany I think a lot of people will be putting them away mhm I can see them in the long R probably being discontinued I can't see them being a general release for many years to come and I think there's more people putting them away then actually wearing them right yeah I can I mean I can see why I think if this wasn't a Rolex would it receive the attention that it is it's almost like because it comes from Rolex and it seems like such an un Rolex move it's very popular more inand but at the same time I think it also shows that Rolex are very aware of the current times that Liv in you know and they they know how to get a reaction out of Their audience which I mean I think it's great so if you compare the celebration dial to the regular turquoise dial which one do you think is going to perform the most over overtime yeah so I think short term I think that the Tiffany is probably going to sit where it is the original turquoise I think the celebration D is actually going to take a little bit of a dip when we see more of them being produced obviously it's still quite a new release so there's not that many in the market but then I think long term it's actually going to outperform the turquoise yeah well we'll see I think what it'll come down to is if this is an even shorter run than the turquoise then yes I think just by Nature there's going to be less of them about there and the price will reflect that okay so now we've got everything on the board which watch do you sell the most of so out of the full board I would go again with the 41 mm turquoise it's the watch that we get asked about the most if we're looking at any op as of recent times though the Green in the 41 well I think the green just provides good value I mean it's the Rolex green it's a little bit different if you don't want a quote unquote standard dial even though these normal dials are beautiful in their own right yeah I can see why that is maybe a bit of a sleeper one and I think when this does just continue I I don't think there'll be a jump straight away but I think like will jump on it in years to come I think people will look back and be like like actually that was that was pretty cool very underrated and then the other way around people who call up watch Trader wanting to sell an OP what is the most common op that they try and sell yes so we spoke to John so the most common op will be these three or these four even so it'll be the 41 mil in the silver black blue or the green I think this is purely because profit wise you're probably looking at the best profit if you are going to get one from an 0 and then in terms of the ranking right now moving forward into 2024 do you think going to see much of a change in where these Watchers currently sit I think the main change we'll see is a 41 mil green or 36 mil will probably increase into the B category yeah other than that I can't really see a massive change I think the market will sit pretty much where it's at and maybe the celebration creeping down to the a tier I think with the the coral red and the yellows the Market's just nearly extinct for them truthfully it's there is literally none out there I think everyone that got one before the discontinued he either got it on the wrist or they've got it put away because they're hiding at the minute okay brilliant Josh thanks for that I appreciate the Insight again I'm going to let you get back to selling I know you're a busy man but if you do want to buy a watch from watch Trader get in touch Josh will always look after you as we can see there's a huge spread in the market price even though the difference in RRP from the smallest size to the largest size is less than £1,000 this is pretty exceptional considering the only variable is the color of the dial so what do you think do you agree with the market places these dials or do you predict any changes as we move into 2024 if you enjoyed this video please drop us a like and consider subscribing thanks for tuning in and we'll see you in the next [Music] one
Channel: Watchtrader & Co
Views: 48,344
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Keywords: watch trader, watch trader and co, watch dealer, buy rolex, sell rolex
Id: Yd8BZxnFc_4
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Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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