Which Current Rolex Models Should You BUY or PASS? - Watch Dealers Honest Insight!

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so you've got the call from your local ID there's a watch in stock that they want to sell you should you buy it or should you pass so we'll start with a Rolex day just now Rolex day just we're always an under list watch what I mean by that is they were a watch that was in the shop window previous to last two or three years of the Rolex Market that you could readily go and buy and you generally got a discount and so did we because of the Rolex market and the way it is today with the sports modes that everybody wants Rolex will make you buy a date just whether it's a ladies day just on Wednesday just to work your way up the list for example I have here a Rolex datejust 41. this is a brand new 2023 model it's the steel and gold Jubilee fluted bezel black dial really nice watch had a price rise recently in January for all Rolex models this is Now 12-1 list my client bought it last week from his local ID to work his way up the list and decided he didn't want it so he's called me up yesterday to offer me this watch and I've offered him under list for it so that tells you that the market has changed with regards taking certain date just models from your local Rolex ad if this was a steel model that's worth more but the steel and Golds have become an underless watch for us to buy and so I will actually sell this under RRP so what does that tell you about the market for the steel and gold datejust you have to be careful in what you're taking because the old idea of having the promise to get the sports watch that you want there's no reason why you can't see why these watches are getting offered now to clients to get their spend up because they're actually the RRP is too high so that's something to bear in mind yes so they don't just revenge for let's just talk about men's for now so the men's ones the ones you should be taking are the highly sought after dials so the steel models they don't have to have the floated bezel they can have the smooth bezel and they can have either combination of the Jubilee or oyster bracelet the Jubilee is more sought after a more sellable and costs slightly more I think it's about 350 400 pound more depending on the model all but it's highly more softer so you can have any of the steel 41 mils preferably go for the blue dial so we've got a lovely blue dial we've got the rhodium which is the Gray we've got the Wimbledon and then we also have the diamond ones which can be sought after not as much as the other three so so those three there absolutely bulletproof absolutely safe you can even have a smooth bezel or the fluted either those are fine when you're looking at the steel and Golds unless it has something like a Wimbledon I had a client ring me last week with that particular watch there with a Wimbledon dialing picked it up exactly the same thing from his air day I bought it just came and spend up would you buy it and if I said I'd offer him a list for that watch which is 12-1 he would run down from where he lives and sell me that watch today and I have to say that for me is now an underless watch because when you look at the prices online they're just over list so just bear that in mind when you're getting off with these days just make sure it's one of the sort of the watches with the softer dials and the bracelet and bezel combination let's look at submariners I even get calls from people saying should I take a submarin a day my answer yeah of course you should the muscle after steel watch that Rolex produce for everyday wearing so the thing is the I'm happy on that is 8 800 pounds for the sub day and I think around about early age for the non-day but yeah I mean the rip is high the we've actually sold for some Marina days brand new models last week so that tells you how sought after they are if I could have a cabinet full of so many days I would so somebody on a date yes definitely take none day yes A lot of people will snub them under saying it's you know not as appealing as the day I prefer it personal because I think it's a cleaner classic looking watch but again extremely short after Samantha yes steel and gold Submariner so the blue one or the black I've got a blue one here so this particular one here the blues here as it's known as a lot of you all know it has comes in the the blue uh darling bezel or the black down bezel great watch one of my favorites great someone watch I think I've covered this in the videos just over list watch literally just over so don't expect there to buy this and sell it for premium if you're going to your local Rolex today you are going to get off of this watch we get a lot of our client fingers every day being offered this watch you know a lot of them are turning them down not because they don't like it but because there's nothing in it for them so yeah 31 I think round about lit 12 13 is Now list on this again you've got to think you know the recent price rise it has pushed it right up there if I was to buy this for stock I would literally try and want to buy a list or just under I really I won't pay a penny of a list for it and certainly try and buy just that little bit under so so yeah and the thing is what you've got to remember is a readily available watch now the the clients that are buying these the you guys out there to get your spend up for the steel ones that we've got here you know you've got to bear in mind that we might go back to the old days where you're buying a watch that you're gonna take a hit on to get the steel watch that you want so just bear that in mind how much are you willing to lose for example I had a client ringing them yesterday who bought an Amiga from his local uh D to get his spend up to get a Rolex they've had a price increase as well and it was a speeding the RFP is six thousand four hundred pounds and he had no discount so all of you guys out there know that you do get a discount on Amigas so if you walk into an Amiga Boutique you're literally going to get offered five or ten percent off as soon as you walk through the dock the ability will open their mouth and say you can have five to ten off anything in the cabinet unfortunately this client didn't get that discount he asked me what I would pay for it we agreed a price was a lot less than that particular price that he paid but he was willing to take that hit to hopefully get his Rolex now some of you guys have been willing to do that and some of you won't so you've got to remember just be really careful because we are going back now to the old days with some of the models that you're being offered where they are a list or an under list watch so let's look into some of the bigger pieces and discuss them so one of the watches that you guys are definitely going to be getting offered is a steel and gold Daytona the steel and gold model they come in three dial combination so you've got the champagne least popular black middle of the road why most popular the RRP on this watch is 16 100 that was only 14 six last year so we've had a you know decent price increase on that watch what is that watch worth today depending on the dial Choice champagne it's worth pretty much what you've paid for it's not worth a penny more black slightly over probably 500 pounds white probably about a thousand pounds that's roughly where we what we would pay in the current market we were actually selling the white dial for 25 000 pound last year black for about 22. but yeah so that is a watch that you'll be getting offered but just bear in mind if you don't choose the right dial which is very important in all the watches and all the models that we are discussing you might catch a cold you might actually lose money and are you willing to lose money on a watch to get your way of the list so another watch I want to discuss for you guys is the day-date range this is the yellow gold champagne which I've covered in other videos this is a under list watch RRP on this watch early 30s to mid 30s depending again on the dial combination but again a under list watch I have so many clients who've bought this watch over the last few weeks we've rang me up to sell it and I've said I'm not even interested I don't even want to stock it the value of this is probably 10 15 20 less than what you've actually paid for it so you have to bear that in mind if you're taking a day even if it has a really nice super clean white Roman numeral die which one of my favorites or the silver or you're some really clean looking watches and dial combinations it will be worth less than what you paid so that is definitely worth bearing in mind they also have the rose gold so only one of the watches that you guys will absolutely love I'm sure everybody's talked about it's one of the height dials is the anniversary green rose gold one so the anniversary green rose gold edit Forte is one that all your friends I'm sure will have discussed are on their bucket list so everybody knows a green dialing any model Rolex is one of the most sought after dials whether it's the old GMT which is discontinued obviously mayor again everybody knows that how to watch we'll cover that in other videos the anniversary is so we've got also the white gold day day again just about around about a list watch not much over the rose gold one like I said I can buy that watch from a flipper or from from a dealer our RPM that's roughed around about let's say 36 I want to say 35 36 I can probably buy that for a couple of grand over list and I do get offered that you know so readily available for just over list when the dial is worth 25 000 pound last year on The Hive so what does that tell you about the model sir yeah be careful which day do you get so if you're getting off the yellow gold one I honestly would say no I don't care what dials in it I'd say no white gold one again to do the blue dial or the green beautiful watches unless watch definitely say no and then if you get the rose one you know if we're talking for flipping by the way not just actually because you want to buy and keep and enjoy it I'm not talking about how beautiful they are I'm talking about to make money the green one yes at the minute and the rose chocolate one chocolate baguette just about list so so just bear that in mind when you're going after the dead that you're choosing or say yes to the right model and if you buy it to flip it and you've bought the wrong one you're gonna have to hold out for a price increase which could take six to 12 months so just bear that in mind so one of the models on the cover is the submarine today in precious metal so it comes in two variations we've got the solid yellow 18 carat yellow gold and we've got the 18 carat white gold nicknamed the blue brick so the predecessor that was called the Smurf which was the blue dial Blue Bezel and then the new one has the black dial and Blue Bezel really super nice watch 41 million size least priced on that watch is about 35 Grand that watch is a watch unless you absolutely love it you need to be saying no and you need to be saying no because I can buy that watch pre-owned or nailing you or new for under 30 grand so what does that tell you about that watch I'm not saying it's not a stunning watch I'm not saying you know you went something completely different to what anybody else will wear you know it's a stealth well the guy that wears that watch has got money don't want anybody to know it's got money but other people know the watch game will know what that watch is it's a watch that I can buy and sell for under 30 grand and sell for just over 30 grand when the RP is 35 so that's a definite no if you're buying it to flip it right let's move on to the yellow gold one so the yellow gold one with the blue Sunburst dial unbelievable dial obviously Blue Bezel again rip on that is around about 33 I think from memory because white gold costs more to produce so that's why the RR pays more again stunning watch one of my all-time favorites I can buy that watch on the list and I can sell it on the list so that's another one unless you really love it and you're buying a flip it's enough so while on the subject of sub Manas let's do this marinade Starbucks I'm happy on this watch is I want to say layer eights somewhere around there early nine somewhere around there obviously spend a lot more money last year now we can buy them at a very good price so we're getting them and being able to sell them in the early teens so if you're getting off of that watch yes if you want to wear it as well so you don't have to flip it straight away and sell it in six 12 months you can still sell it for a profit so yeah either so that's one to buy and flip and also to buy and wear and then flip so that's a really good one to choose one of the questions we get asked on a certain model of time is the steel and gold ruby it's such a popular watch really really popular we see them get asked for all the time obviously retail so I think the reason why that watch is so popular is because it is a different look to let's say the blue Submariner some people like the yellow gold some people don't Some people prefer the rose it is a really nice combination watch I think the bezel on it is super nice and it does actually dull down the rose gold and make it look a really really classic expensive watch you can pick that up now for probably between I'd say around the 16 16 5 somewhere around there list on that watch I'm gonna say it's between 13 and 14 so if you get off of that watch definitely buy it can you flip it for a profit yeah it's not massive but it's worth a profit and if you hold it if you wear it and then sell it you're still going to get your money back I still don't get a nice return so yeah if you get off of that watch it's a yes for me so some of the gmts which I'm sure you won't need me to actually give you any advice on is the Batman Batgirl yes yes obviously worth a lot more than RRP the Pepsi Jubilee oyster Yes yes again obviously Jubilee is worth more than the oyster but certainly the oysters when you should consider uh both worth of a list so you can flip them straight away or you can actually hold where keep make some money down the line but yeah they're definitely yes yeses the Sprite we've not satisfying in I'm I'm so Keen to get my hands on one if any of you guys have got one at sensible money I would definitely buy it definitely want to if you get offered it obviously yeah a million percent buy it if you want to flip it straight away you will get a decent amount on that because it's still a hyped watch so we're not the watches and wonders yet of March so nobody knows what's going on whether it gets discontinued where it doesn't will it be a short run watch with it being a left-hand Drive watch nobody knows but yeah if you go for that watch definitely buy it you can hold that and have noise whatsoever you can still wear it and flip it and make a really good profit and obviously if you want to get rid of it ring me up and I'll buy it let's talk about the steel Sky dweller range so steel Skies they're coming three model variations the white the black the blue if I'm gonna say blue needs no asking it's a yes million percent one of our best sellers at the minute they're selling brand new for just around 20 grand I'm happy on that watch I'm gonna say somewhere around about 13 ish 13 6 14 somewhere around there even if you get the white one it's still worth a little bit of a list the black one a little bit more over list the blue one a lot more of a list and yeah so either those three definite yes yes yes you can wear it you can hold it or you can flip it straight away that's a definite yes so one thing we're going to talk about as well is the precious metal Sky dwellers definitely a under list watch so the solid gold the rose gold the yellow gold retail on the yellow gold round about 35-ish it's an unless watch for us to buy and sell so that's a definite no unless you love that watch do not buy it rose gold it's down to the dial combination if this is chocolate down yes is it worth much of a list not really is it worth a touch of this yes definite one that is extremely sought after but again it's not much over this watch if you're spending just short 40 000 pounds to get your way up the list and spend more money it is one to do but it's not going to get you rich out of it so definitely bear that one in mind white dial I had a client message me yesterday he's actually a couple of old Sky dwellers to sell actually so you had two on the leather so you had a white gold one on leather which is extremely rare he had a rose gold one on leather with the discontinued Arabic dial really nice watch we used to sell those before and these to sell really well and then they sold even better because of the boom now because the way the market is in the sky does and they've become a under list watch and the modern version of that which is the oyster Flex Sky dweller so the one on the rubber strap they are definitely a massive underless watch so you've got the yellow gold one and the rose gold one and they can be picked up by us on the list and sold under list so if you offered them no but to go back to the leather ones that I've offered I actually said to the client I don't actually want to stock them in the current market tell them what he'd paid for them last year well we're always going to be miles away and for me the weather Market is and where the sky dweller precious metal Market is I just didn't want to stock them we just couldn't come to a deal you know it's just the way this guide will arrange at the minute so unless it's a steel Sky dwell or steel gold actually so steel and gold we've got one here let me just grab a stealing gold so the MRP on this one is around about 16-3 three dial combinations again so if you get this you've got a call yeah I've got a skydiving if it's a stealing gold and you've got what Dale is in there and he says why I'm going to say no I can buy that and sell it on the list if he says champagne I'm going to say no again because beautiful watch really really popular dial as well but it's worth on the list black just about list if I want to show you maybe a Touch under so that might be a watch just stunning and unbelievable values that is and I really really back this watch because when you look at all the other steel and Golds and how much this actually costs compared to it I think they are unbelievable value for money but they're on the work just list or just under if you want to flip it so again bear that in mind if you're looking for your steal and then making you take this watch definitely take it but you've prepared you might take a small loss so watch that you guys probably have been offered will get offered are going to get off it is an OP range so the Oyster Perpetual 41 mil they come in 34 mil 36 mil and 41. you've got to be really careful on which one you choose you are going to make a little bit of money if you bought it so if you bought like a silver one I think the RP on that watch now I'm gonna say it used to be 4750 I want to say about five one or something like that so if you've got Silverdale with the gold butter markers black dial blue dial any of those three worthless or just over to to uh to a deal like us not a big margin if I'm honest with you and if normally people get that offered quite a lot and then you're into the dials which I think the current dials in there you've got the dark green dial that's one dial that you might get offered that's worth a little bit of a list so that's worth one to buy but yeah you're probably just gonna get the entry level so silver black blue something like that yeah definitely take it actually a lot of watch for the money when you compare it to the the price of the other models and also to let's look at other companies like Amiga or Breitling or whoever you know Cartier you know there are a lot of watch for the money really Financial level watch you should definitely take it definitely say yes but don't expect to get rich out of it alone I'll touch base on is the Explorer too this is another one you guys probably definitely going to get offered list price on this I'm sure is around about eight grand I'm gonna say eight ish definitely worth over list you've got the black down you've got to pull the white dial with the blue minute hand so definitely yet if you get off of this yes is it worth modern list yes how much of it a little bit but really so after I mean we've got this one advertising it's 97.50 it's a brand new watch under 10 grand last year we were selling these for well over 10 grand the polar white near 12 Grand you know if I got a brand new Paula White in now I've still marketing around about the 10 grand or just over so a lot of watch around about 10 grand Mark really popular watch good size 42 mil nice that brush stainless steel watch not too thick not too heavy good all-day wearer I know a lot of people slate this watch and you know think they've been underestimated or underrated with the Gaza looks but I think for the money I think it's a really good buy so if you go for this yes Paula White yes I could do this all day so hope you enjoyed it and tune in next time I'll do another should you buy or should you pass
Channel: The Honest Watch Dealer
Views: 445,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rolex, luxury watch, watch expert, omega, breitling, Audemars Piguet
Id: 0Jm4zqYHoKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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