Roland ROASTS Black Conservative Over GOP Pro-Life Hypocrisy: 'Be Pro-Life From Womb-To-Tomb'

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Tate Reese is not doing it in Mississippi and so what I'm saying is this here no no no no what I'm saying is this here when I listen to Republicans talk about being pro-life what I want to know is where are there pro-life stances when it comes to Head Start where their pro-life stances no no when it comes to prenatal care where their pro-life stance is when you have black women who have a higher rate of dying in childbirth where are your pro-life policies when it comes to Black when it comes to infant mortality what I'm saying is when you are a republican in the state of Mississippi and you push a law and the Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade and you are ill prepared to handle the 5 000 new babies maybe because the money that you could care for the poor went to Brett Favre that's right but all I want to say is the governor of Mississippi who's opposing Medicaid expansion seeing rural hospitals shut down in his State and you got white women and black women who are dying and Republicans control the legislature they control the governor's man so don't tell me they are pro-life well they're unwilling to accept Medicaid expansion but then they say we don't want to accept Federal money from the federal government when they send one dollar to the federal government and they get four dollars back when you look at the I this this concept what you're saying to me right now is that because you believe that Republicans are not supporting um pro-living I disagree I look at the Republican support for um uh community health centers I look at the Republicans are you literally telling me that rural hospitals in Mississippi Alabama Texas Arkansas Tennessee Georgia North Carolina South Carolina are not shutting down are you actually telling me that I am not telling you that boy if they're shutting down how then are the people able to get care how Roland I'm what I am saying is that there are when we talk about aborting babies like so you're saying to me that because we we support life actually giving babies the opportunity to live I'm confused you know hello you're confused and feed something that I'm not well tell me what you're saying what I'm telling you I'm being very clear you cannot say you are pro-life when you vote against prenatal care for the mother you cannot say you are pro-life when you vote against Head Start you cannot say you're pro-life when you do not want to expand Medicaid to keep hospitals open you cannot say you are pro-life when you have OB gyns who are not available in your state you cannot say you are pro-life when you have black women who are dying at a higher rate during childbirth and you do nothing public policy wise to fix it you cannot say you are pro-life if you allow infant mortality rates to be Sky High in areas without black and brown people what that tells me is you are anti-abortion you are not pro-life because if you're a pro-life right you care about the child in the womb and when the child is out and if you're pro-life you're standing there with black folks when their kids are killed by cops your pro-life be pro-life from the womb to the tomb probably not just in the morning what I say is that I am pro-life no you won't know I am Governor Tate Reeves not Governor leave Tennessee not the Republican legislature in North Carolina not Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders in Georgia no here's the deal though okay let me ask you this is what I am I'm pro-black and I'm a call out anybody you should call themselves pro-life but they policies or not and I am pro-life let me ask you this okay let me ask you all your partners can I ask you this or hold your party okay let me ask you this call your party let me can I ask you this go ahead are you pro-life I'm pro-life when that black person is still and we're Republicans right when a republican says nothing when somebody has gone down but you know the record is clear oh my goodness Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick Republican legislature what I see of folks who are pushing anti-abortion bills not pro light bills because if utility you pro-life you better be pro-life in a whole bunch of areas Beyond a woman exactly we're not pro-life the pro controlling women okay I was at HHS when the Affordable Care Act worked on implementation Medicaid expansion was up and no Republican would would expand it here we are in 2023 that was 2010. 13 years have gone by Republic have consistently voted to expand support for Community Health oh my goodness okay because she actually worked okay I don't understand how this is a person who worked there okay mental affairs with the governors there was full resistance from Republican Governors to expand Medicaid and to your point earlier they actually got money from us to expand health services and primarily red States they wouldn't take it because they didn't want to be known as taking money from President Barack Obama right so if you can say you're going to say you're pro-life that you're going to let your community health centers fall you're going to let women die forcing them to give birth drugs are going up and you just didn't care now we haven't they tried to make it a partisan issue but it was about health care and to your point earlier the Affordable Care Act actually did benefit those people with that audience and Republicans have consistently been helped primarily but black people get access to health care okay you're going to talk Dina you're going to talk about Bill's going to talk but they went further the ACT also said you the states will set up exchanges yes so that people can buy Health Care a republican idea that people are supposed to fire their own company that's correct they refused yes so the exchanges have to be set up by the U.S yes which was also difficult as you all may remember right but we recovered and then the issue was it was it was considered uh what was the word that they would say like it was weird it wasn't you know it wasn't real Healthcare it was fake plans and they did that with red States and States out west with many Latinos who needed Health Care as well and it was very interesting how up here in the Northeast we all had Healthcare we had really good plans to choose from right when you went South you did it exactly and our people continue to suffer Republican Governors was turned away and we tried our best to make sure we've got people enrolled in health insurance this is one of the ones mentioned tonight in his speech Republicans have consistently been in support of expanding support to community health centers so you're saying that when you were at HHS absolutely the President Barack Obama was President Barack Obama wanted to do are you kidding Republicans so legislation to support community health centers was was um that was a key part of the ACT okay well a key part of the ACT were the community health centers and I was at the Department of Labor at the time and a key component was to train people for those Health Centers and including this is training people this was in the law okay we worked on this [Laughter] so to your to your question about or your statement about Republicans carrying so when we left when Obama left office when our Administration left there were many people in our departments that were specifically designed to implement the Affordable Care Act they all had to get removed they all move to different offices absolutely many of my friends people who are careers when Trump came in yes sorry thank you I did not make the point when Trump came in we don't need to continue that work remember they stop even advertising signing up for the courtroom yeah she was very op and and my former colleagues and friends they were miserable because they couldn't actually do the work that they were telling you they turned the money down for Medicaid expansion they turned the money down for community health centers what are you talking about the GOP supports it I'm talking about Utopia no I'm talking about very specifically and this is what like I don't want to speak to things that you you clearly worked there and you have an expertise and a knowledge that I don't have but what I will say is that what I want to understand and we will post this because we do we're black press as well so at uh what I I don't I don't um I respect you and you you clearly have you've worked there but what I want to understand is when we're Republicans made these overtures to not accept this money I want to understand because we always have areas where you accept it and something else like we want to make sure that there's a standalone that there that Republicans can support community health centers without the stipulations and I don't under so all of these I don't know so all these years that I have been that I have been um even as I as I sit and meet with legislators and they talk about the 13 000 community health centers that are that are championed instead of organizations like Planned Parenthood give the money to Community Health Center so if I have been here Planned Parenthood is not oh yes they provide but they want the health screenings they do but the but the greatest proportion the greatest okay now I'm letting different folks talk but never tell me nothing so when you're talking about community centers okay you can understand you were speaking about which is totally different than when you what she's talking about and again we're talking about what bill is talking about the resources that were in there when you say oh we don't want stipulations that's the whole point so what what you're trying to say is oh just give us that little piece we want right there and nothing else but here's the reality that ain't how Congress operates the reality is this state this is not the unrestricted funds of coven like Biden talked about right this is looking at the health of the people in that state holistically and universally and not just what y'all like Dina let's get real the Republican party was against the Affordable Care period of course we want to play no no I'm not going to say that did I ever say that and we saw tonight so they are against lowering prescription correct I never said that with the Republican like pro-life and pro-health how is that prologue explain to me I still want to know why is the Republican Party against long prescription drugs I don't think that the Republican party is against lowering prescriptions the question is how are we going to pay for it but but this is a great Point again this is the great great I'm just gonna say this real quick he was speaking there tonight but he's really putting in the clips for the war over the next 24 months maybe very specific right when he first and Merrick were laughing about this whoever wrote that section in there on those junk fees yeah needs a raise yeah see what's going to happen is imagine that it's gonna be a two minute ad with people frustrated at the airport checkout line with people looking at their cable bill because he don't know a damn thing about paying no cable bills right but he but he's talking to very targeted it's almost like micro targeting voters right he didn't spend a lot of time on the culture wars abortion and all that because that's not going to poll well but what he's seated in there the class Warfare he snuck in there when it comes to quadrupling the taxes on the stock BuyBacks was for a commercial on Rising gas prices right because he's going to have they're going to see somebody to pump somebody worried and then Joe Biden's voice gonna come in this video I am going to tax the people who he's giving 200 billion exactly he's making commercials finally I'll end with this because it was a speech but most people don't watch this when they're not into policy like this they're going to watch the commercials that come out over the last next 12 months I I I'll end with this I think it's very important the Dignity of work he kept coming back with that what he's who he's talking to is the people who are going to vote the reason that he's not trying to expand the base now because Joe Biden his advisors know very clearly that most people in this country have checked out they are micro targeting to win primaries to win the general election and guess what he did not say a word about how he's going to pay for it in terms of dollars no he did no but he did it explain it we come back you're going to explain that part about uh how he said he's gonna pay for it I know that clip off right ready to Hudson Tiffany Lofton got him on as well we're going to talk about again the police reform aspect of it the most emotional moment of the night when he introduced Tyree Nichols uh family so a lot more to cover it uh trust I see I told y'all Jake Tapper can't do this no Rachel mad at him they ain't having this conversation uh and so just the conversation that we all had growing up uh in black families uh where we kept it real and we kept it honest but here's the deal because my grandparents taught me bring your ass to the conversation start line you gonna get eaten up so they told us don't come in here selling wolf tickets because it ain't gonna play so we gonna keep having this debate I gotta go to a break we gotta pay some bills girl it's called pencil your mom an executive producer she know how this works you gotta pay some bills so think about that pound cake you're watching Roland Martin unfiltered it's special say the Union uh post coverage back in a moment all right unfortunate video in just one moment when you talk about Blackness and what happens in Black Culture we're about covering these things that matter to us uh speaking to our issues and concerns this is a genuine people-powered movement there's a lot of stuff that we're not getting you get it and you spread the word we wish to plead our own cause to long have others spoken for us we cannot not tell our own story if we can't pay for it this is about uh covering us invest in Black owned media your dollars matter we don't have to keep asking them to cover ourselves so please support us in what we do folks we want to hit 2 000 people 50 this month raise a hundred thousand dollars we're behind a hundred thousand so we want to hit that y'all money makes this possible take some money orders go to PO Box five seven one nine six Washington dc20037-0196 to cash app is dollar sign RM unfiltered PayPal is our Martin unfiltered venmo is RM unfiltered Zale is rolling at Roland s [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Roland S. Martin
Views: 477,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roland Martin, #RolandMartinUnfiltered, Black Star Network, Pro-Life, Republicans, GOP
Id: xlU15GE-ygQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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