Rogue Tator Fishing In The Woods

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[Music] hello ladies gentlemen and as always thank you for watching today has been a very very busy day we've had several car wrecks one fire versus a deer that a car versus the bridge we had one upside down in the middle of Cape now we've got one upside down our one in Cape upside down in the middle of a devil bridge and now we've got another left in an SUV upside down in a creek or Scott County I do not know if there were injuries as always I would ask that my lady gears please as ask for prayers for everybody involved and my non-believing viewers your good thoughts well wishes greatly appreciated as well anyway I thought I would take a moment just to explain whenever they called for this roadway and apparently nobody's trapped in the vehicle we were not requested to quote expedite which means we are not authorized to run red blue lights and sirens we can only do that when we are requested to do so by the dispatching agency whether it's a Sheriff's Department I withdraw a local please fire department whoever the dispatching agency is has to authorize us to run dreadfully lights and siren run code there's a whole bunch of different terminology but the point is I cannot choose to run code on my own I do not have that authority I have to be told to do so I know I get a lot of questions about that so I'll try to help explain that through some of the videos as we go home but anyway I'm going to get off here focus on driving and we'll get on scene and see what we've got okay ladies gentlemen vehicle is supposed to be about two miles down this county road turn to camera turn to camera on Wow sharp curve just may prove interesting [Music] that's a pretty good little incline we just turned from pavement gravel to over oh my got the directions correct blue Tirpitz honor if the cars down in these woods off to the side I'm gonna that that's probably what happened where it is there we go we are here see what's going on Oh Wow it fit right in between our two didn't it yeah here a minute do we know whose property this is can we cut some of this brush away or is it state right away or do you know I'd like for your good boy I was just wondering if we could trim some of the brush away to make it easier if not that's it's not problem they said it's easier to go down down this way dig in and slope down go see what we got well bet this was hard to find to you man but this was hard to see did y'all find the driver no idea Oh yeah there's more barbed wire down here Mike watch yourself well car was in pretty good shape [Music] honestly Mike I'm thinking I'm thinking a little well I'm thinking that we just do a do two lines okay one on this side and one on that side if we can get no no what I want to do is like when we bring it around the white line will run down to these two tires okay hello sure the blue line will run down to these two okay that way we'll pick it up in return just right we'll take it straight through there and then we'll bring it out and then I can let one side down and roll it roll it roll it back on the road yep we'll just if we can we wiggle it through the trees we'll try to do that without cutting anything I think I can if anything not done that one yeah I think if I pull forward in another five feet or so I can probably sneak the boom in here I mean the booms gonna hit some of these limbs there's no way around that nothing big right all right find me some good solid attachment points down here I'll go get truck set up buddy solid yeah we want we want we want our chains or straps whatever we use we want it to be a solid hook okay yup from that or syrup since this is stolen-vehicle I guess we need to take extra precaution with it the correct okay all right just try not to taint evidence basically this does not like always okay yes sir have you got it to where it terminates on both ends at the center are you still working on it looks like a good spot for that I'm just asking if you had it to where it terminated at both ends you do [Music] walk out for widow-makers watch out for widow-makers tree limbs falling down from above make sure your terminating on both ends make sure the hooks are in good okay all right on the full extension all right you hit you down safe are you safe over there okay all right yeah I'm gonna smoke it up and see what we got and we may reposition the chain just a little bit well this one like here there here we go the farthest ribbon okay once will get this back-end off there and we'll see how it hangs there yep watch out in case it swings oh man look at that good job man almost perfectly balanced good job good job all right guys coming up we'll have to get the plastic and stuff out from down here but let's not do that while it's hanging yeah we'll come back after that things up on the road good wait look what I got kids it's a beggin it's gonna take just a little bit cuz I got to bring it in and up at the same time I mean it won't take long I just bringing it in in both winches up at the same time so it stays kind of level we're all the carrots forward away from the tree they can boom up and in so that it brings it to me and tries to keep it about level we got to bring it around this tree the hard part is just getting this one around yeah we'll get it yep let's get a line on this side yep hold on hold on no I'll get it I'll just push it away from us a little bit so it's down closer to the ground okay yeah if you would close that door for me and then it should be in that next next room up right there no second second or second door on a spool to be on an orange spool I know this is just plastic that's the Prasad man at the facade before I was looking for yep just go around the shock or whatever anything you can grab ahold of to get around it doesn't matter just so we can spin it around control it ain't gonna pull take much just so we can pivot it around that tree good right you'll need to be back over there though yeah yeah no because look how the front is you'll want to you'll want to pull them you'll want front this way yep that's all right you can still pull it that way it'll work it'll work just gonna be close quarters in between here so and another Widowmaker right there laughter bringing in clothes to get down underneath that rotten lamb there Mike your wife really yeah yeah barely all right coming around Mike [Music] coming around straight [Music] and get it away from my truck now [Music] you can let it go Mike we're clear sheriff you guys need to do anything before I roll it what I'll do is I'll just let that's why I had you rig it this way I'll let one side down this sides the heaviest damage so I'll let it down and then I'll take the boom and roll it over this way yep I'm waiting to see if the deputies need to do it we're good okay now go ahead and you can unhook it if you need to Mike yeah all right this is the side with the most damage so I'm going to let it down here and just kind of roll it over try not to damage it anymore but it it's gonna happen a little bit Oh Mike well once I get it down closer to the ground we can go ahead and let this blue line halt that way we don't like you said we don't get tangled up under it yeah all right nuclear and a year ago [Music] girl beautiful didn't even scratch the paint didn't even scratch the paint thank you sir thank you very much hazmat [Music] hey Mike Mike if we get inside which would probably don't need to biologic hazard biological hazard try not to get inside gentlemen you're going to want this at the station in the cellar in the Sallyport okay okay take it to the Sallyport at sheriff's office no trees cut today which is good not quite but it gets us a lot of jobs that we wouldn't otherwise get and get your name out there so you got it well here you want to operate it go more okay no wait a minute it's we get her tape measures but if it doesn't meet the legal length we got those back yeah catching her late they've been away your truck will be down there I sure yeah all right we have to cut some trees [Music] I had two battery-powered you gas powered take it to your place alright we'll contact the insurance company all right it's on the report let them know that it's been recovered you all got it all right just stay out of the inside because of the biohazard just get it up on get it up on the deck and skate it off there you go yep all right you got all the rigging put up ahead was the four chains thank you do what now we did it did a fine job thank you you did an excellent job rigging well balanced yep did real good I'm gonna move he's going to come up and grab the car and then we'll all bug out okay ladies and gentlemen there it sits on its wheels I'm gonna go finish helping Mike get it loaded up on the deck we're not going to get in the car for legal reasons and also there's a biological hazard of mold since it's been in there for a while anyway as always thank you for watching and God bless [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Ron Pratt
Views: 425,572
Rating: 4.8926239 out of 5
Id: oS1E7vm_GUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 49sec (1909 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
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