ROG ALLY硬件缺陷? 软件半成品? 一月使用感受分享! #博德之门3
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Channel: Lynn's Little World
Views: 6,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam deck rog ally, steam deck rog ally comparison, steam deck rog ally 比较, steam deck rog ally 尺寸, steam deck rog ally 价格, steam deck rog ally 屏幕大小, steam deck vs rog ally, steam deck asus rog ally, steam deck vs rog ally 帧率, steam deck vs rog ally 游戏实机游玩, steam deck vs rog ally 暗黑4, steam deck vs rog ally vs switch, which one i choose, steam deck, rog ally, rog, ally, Rog ally 值得买么, 值得么, choose rog ally, 我要怎么选, 游戏推荐, 实机游玩体验, 玩家国度, 玩家国度 ALLY, 败家之眼, ally值得买么, 博德之门3, BALDUR'S GATE III
Id: o-Ze38YxxfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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