(內有Giveaway)#如果我係你 點揀手提遊戲機 ASUS ROG Ally 定 Steam Deck? 真Gamer VS 假日Gamer|繁中字幕|廣東話【Karenly:】
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Channel: Karenly :
Views: 47,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: price.com.hk, 消費卷, 評測, 比較, gadget, tech, review, unbox, 科技, 電子, 電器, steam deck review, steam deck emulation, steam deck baldurs gate 3, rog ally review, rog ally vs steam deck, rog ally unboxing, xg mobile 4090, xg mobile 6850m xt, xg mobile rtx 3080, linux, windows remote desktop, windows mac, windows form application c#, cyberpunk 2077 steam deck, cyberpunk 2077, price karen cheung, price karen j, pinky talks, pinky price, pinky price hk, pinky price.com.hk, 手提遊戲機, 手提遊戲機2023
Id: e0X1_-g-ZhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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