I Used an A.I. to Mix Metal

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today I'm going to be mixing an entire metal track using only Ai and presets companies like isotope who have put out countless numbers of amazing plugins have integrated AI technology to help you mix and master your own music today I'm going to put that to the test I'm going to be using one of my singles that I released called Redemption and I'm going to turn off all of the mixing and mastering that I've done on it myself and I'm going to only use presets and the AI capabilities built into some of these plugins to mix this track and just see how good it actually does has AI reached a point where you don't need to fine-tune and tweak everything yourself you can just click a button have it listen and instantly get awesome mix and Masters well come with me and let's figure this out together all right so I have my Reaper session pulled up for the track Redemption um if you haven't heard it before it's out on streaming platforms it's on YouTube and everything go give it a listen so you can hear what it uh ends up sounding like after I mixed it myself when I released it but I have gone through and turned off all of the special um EQ Q mastering everything i' I've just completely turned everything off and I'm going to go back through and only choose presets for the plugins that don't have the AI built in and then use the AI to listen to determine what kind of effects it's going to apply to the tracks the buses in the mix so I'm going to go by instrument order first first off is the drums and basically this is just a preset I am using uh the one kit Wonder metal from getting good drums and that's basically already a preset that I have picked I close and tight it is preset number six and that is as it is nothing fancy with it nothing crazy that's just exactly what it is and I don't have any of my drum buses or anything turned on normally I've got a separate bus for the drum mix snares Toms symbols and everything uh uh drum Reverb and everything and I'm not using any of those it is just a preset for the drum kit here and I will apply a drum bus set of parameters and and effects later on using the the AI and presets but it is a very basic setup for the drums I don't even have each individual drum routed out like I normally do this is just a basic simple setup and this is what the drums sound like out of the box with this [Music] preset so they already sound pretty nice tight and Punchy next up is bass and for the base setup I'm only using an instance of gin base the first gin base and the preset that I have for picked for this is the lone gain preset and um that basically just sounds like this with the volume really low and that's basically what that sounds like for the guitars as you can see I have quite a few different layers on this track of guitars but I'm going to go through and show you the presets that I'm using from the plugins that I've got on these tracks so for the main Rhythm guitars I have the archetype goira the original Gojira not goira X um with the chunk setting from Richard Henshaw which if you know me and you've listened to me talk before Richard Henshaw is one of my favorite guitar players and uh the presets that he has in here are just amazing it's chunk and that is for both the left and the right Rhythm tracks uh then we go down here and I've got this uh little clean sound here as like a little pad layer behind the rest and uh that's basically uh archetype Gojira again set with sparkly clean which I do believe is yet another Richard Henshaw preset so sparkly clean for both left and right on those then I have these other two clean sounding tracks and those are basically just an instance of sparkly clean yet again and uh for both of them actually both sparkly clean and they're exactly as they are for the guitar solo section I actually have a different plugin this time around it's not just archetype Gojira this is the archetype petruci with the preset the alien and that sounds something like [Music] [Applause] [Music] this very simple it's like the vocal track essentially in this mix and that's as good as it gets then I've got some more solo tracks for the actual solo Parts in this song so the preset that I have set up on this is the wide lead preset from Nali himself and that's used for both the main and Harmony part of the guitar solo and they'll sound like [Music] [Applause] this right really nice sound and leads then we've got this miscellaneous extra little guitar part uh for like a bridge section here it's just an instance of archetype petruci with the simple solo preset and that sounds like this so as you can see there are many guitar layers with this song but uh they're all set up with presets nothing custom it's just the presets built into the plugins so together as a mix with all of these kind of presets set up the way that it is without a lot of postprocessing going on right now this is what it sounds like leaves a lot to be desired right now to the fun part all of the bus sections so I've got a few basic ones I've got bus guitar and parallel compression and those are the main ones I'm going to kind of mess with today in this video I've got a lot more but those go into a more in-depth customized mix session with not what we're doing today and then I have my master section my master chain at the very end that we will throw on some extra special sauce with some AI powered stuff at the very end so we're going to go through and let's take a look at the Bas bust first of all so you can see the plugins that I normally use when I'm mixing base so I've got a neutron I've got AIA X comp um which is a multiband compressor and then ozone is like a a limiter on the base itself so we're going to kind of Follow that if we can um and see what we can do so we're going to add an instance of neutron here and uh we're going to see what we can have it do for our base B guitar so I'm going to scroll up here and I'm going to solo out our bass guitar and just kind of let that play and we're going to get a mix suggestion from Neutron so we're going to do track assistant and this is going to be uh base and we want a balanced style or do we want up front let's do balanced uh we'll do balanced and we'll hit next so it's going to analyze it it's going to see what it wants to do to this to get the base to a mix ready section I don't know you can see everything it's doing right there and we'll see what it does all right so it looks like it added a bit of EQ um it added an Exciter on there and it also added some compression so we'll see how that pans out later down the road now we're going to add the same thing of R comp and we're going to try to find a preset here hopefully that has something to do with base ah super super solid base let's add that and see what that does okay it does something pretty similar to what I already do so uh yeah we'll leave it there now we're going to add ozone cuz that's like a mastering plugin um and we're going to see what kind of AI capability that's going to give us on that so we're going to play our base here Master assistant and we're just going to go medium intensity why not it's going to analyze it's going to do its thing and then it's going to spit out some effects on this and okay there we go so it's added a little more EQ it's done a little bit more on the EQ end and maybe this is treating this as a whole track I'm not sure if this is going to work CU I only used ozone as a limiter for the most part but hey AI should be able to tell the difference right so we're going to just see what it can do um and this is everything that it's added to so what we got before we added any of the those [Music] in then when we turn on all of them it sounds like this I don't know we'll find out if that works or not now let's get to our guitar bus all right and you can see here normally I have an instance of neutron on there because I can add the different modules and again another um multi-band compressor with a Rex comp and we're going to be basically follow the same suit but we're going to let Ai and everything and presets take over so we're going to search Neutron again if I can spell it right and we're going to throw Neutron on our guitars and I'll probably play the heaviest uh dense section here at the very end of the song and we're going to go track assistant and we're going to have an instrument Be guitar we want a balanced style and we're going to hit next I'm going to hit play and next what is it going to do I'm extremely curious as to what it's going to do what's it going to do o I don't know about that highend okay if you say so now let's add RAC comp again uh reex comp and uh do we have a preset that can work with guitar super solid super smooth spectral female DS solid base um H H hardness remover super solid super smooth Three band was that it sound any good super solid okay uh maybe we'll just use the base one uh maybe not let's see spectral control now hardness remover now that's top end oh boy this is going to be tough um opto mids we're just going to run the guess we're going to run run the base thing again because it's doing the the the the compression down low with the pal mutes that I want but that's that's the best I can see with any of these presets that are going to do well no there we go super solid too let's use that cuz that's doing basically only what I want and nothing else oh boy so let's listen to our guitars before and after I don't know guys I don't know next we're going to pull up our parallel compression and I've got Ruff Rider 3 on here and it's already got a waffle stomper uh preset into it but I'm I'm curious if neutron has a uh thing that I can use like a preset or some kind of AI thing that'll work for this so I'm going to throw on a compressor module and I'm going to go to the presets built into that cuz I don't think this is uh what the capability of AI can do with the track assistant built into this this is going to this is looking for a specific instrument and since parallel compression isn't really an instrument I'm going to try to use some of the built-in uh presets that they've got here so we've got a couple parallel things here we got fast parallel drums slow parallel drums and parallel bass um so maybe let's do slow parallel drums or fast [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't know I don't know I don't know if these are going to [Music] work okay so I think the best one that works here and I could most definitely be very very wrong because I am kind of just shooting in the dark with a lot of this is fast parallel drums seems to work the best and we're just going to roll with it all right now we're getting to the very end of everything and I'm not too sure about how everything is sounding at the moment but hey this is where you get to polish things up this is my final uh Mix Master chain here and as you can see normally I do some newron 3 with EQ excer compressor and I've got an instance of ozone as a as a limiter and a final Master plugin so we're going to follow suit yet again with that we're going to throw on Neutron and uh we're going to do track assistant if we can and uh see what it can actually come up with and it may not work we might have to use a preset um but we'll find out so let's let's hit track assistant we're going to do instrument Auto detect other piano it's very instrument specific so let's just do auto detect balanced and hit [Music] next okay this is what it's doing it's giving us a bit of uh EQ here got some compression going and an Exciter oh boy uh we're we're at a very interesting point in this whole experiment uh we're we're going to add Ozone now to top everything off and see where we go with that um we're going to do Master assistant on this at the very end and hopefully this can clean everything up so let's hit play and hit Master assistant and medium intensity [Music] go what's it going to do what's it going to [Music] do ah I don't know ladies and gentlemen and this is this this is what we've got um I'm not sure if it works or not okay so the next thing I'm going to do is with all these presets put in place I'm going to get the relative levels of everything the volume levels between the instruments to be at a decent level and then we'll see if all of the effects that Ai and presets have applied here are actually going to work okay so I'm going to do a little bit of a testing here because um this mix is sounding very interesting interesting for sure but um I know I mentioned it earlier with the drums I think I'm going to throw on an instance of neutron here after the contact of the GD uh metal kit um and see what it does for the drums in this mix so I'm just going to hit play and let it go to percussion Balance style hit next and see what it does hopefully it can make the drums uh sound a bit better and uh we'll find out I guess cuz it's mixing a drum kit as a whole um so so I think it did it did something okay so we'll go with that so now for the main big reveal of what everything sounds like using only presets and the AI track assistant built into the isotope plugins this is kind of what we've [Music] [Music] got [Music] [Music] okay so I think that was maybe a failed experiment so far um I don't know maybe it sounded good to you but it definitely sounded 10 times worse than my original mix that I did myself um and maybe I did some things wrong in this experiment and maybe I can try again in another video and tweak some things with what I'm doing cuz again I'm shooting in the dark doing some interesting different things here um and I just don't think it worked out very well I think there are a lot of limitations with the track assistant and you can't find tun everything with it and it doesn't uh know everything about the mix that's going on it's kind of mixing everything individually as individual pieces instead of how it fits in an overall mix so it turned out to be like a very thin narrow sounding mix here in my opinion um if you want to hear the actual good mix in my opinion go listen to Redemption I'll leave a link down in the description or something for you to go find and stream it on your favorite uh streaming platform or whatever it sounds a million times better the way that I did it and I was kind of expecting that with this video but this was a fun experiment um to see the capabilities of these things and maybe I didn't do them Justice today but it turned out the way it turned out today so let me know your thoughts good or bad down in the comments and uh before you go watch some of the videos on your screen boost that watch time for me we're going to get monetized sometime here soon and um I'll see you in the next video
Channel: SinisterBunny
Views: 1,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai in music production, ai music, ai music generator, ai music production, archetype gojira x, izotope elements neutron, izotope elements ozone, mixing metal music, mixing metal music using artificial intelligence, mixing music with ai, neuraldsp amp modelers
Id: 93RzU1ALDrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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