Rodney Mullen sits down with Tony Hawk - Dissent Part 1 of 2

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what's up Tony Hawk and this guy right here is the Godfather of all modern skateboarding tricks this is rodney mullen 251 yeah what happened there Oh like it looks like a Conner Punk and you slam maybe I went to go see Jamie Thomas I see him he's a friend and just staring at me he's like yeah I felt my face when I was a 12 it's been cracked up ever since and I just bit into a sandwich like a couple months ago it popped out so no never I'm with my wife it always comes up and I just point to her you know you know it's funny cause you and I used to bounce chicks off each other right and I remember you watch me doing air walk and then you're like oh I gotta learn that and then you go and do it on the flat I like words when I would do a chicken and see you do it invert like like finger flips oh yeah and I were just like oh my god he's doing that in pools and I'm having problems on the ground doing some other 180 like wake up and it would be so inspiring for me would you say that you're the first person really ollie on the flat ground I I mean I'm a Florida man golfing came and I watched him do it on Burton's it was a you know like a thrust yeah yeah it wasn't it wasn't about the tail yeah but there's an old freestyle trick just a transfer and when you need to get to your nose to do stuff like Chuck sands um you just click your tail and jump to your nose so go like that right just a quick hop and it was all just after seeing him I saw you know I'll just do that and jump that's all there was to it yeah you know idea is this transfer and then in all of a day suddenly you're getting over a foot it seemed like is a good way to get a curbs and there's a contest six months later or something rusty Harris series and I started my run with it and Stacey was I got to laugh and it was good uh-huh and he sent me to thrash it right away up north and they shot a picture it and they put a put on the cover and I mean started grabbing it not long after that yeah cuz I want to be like you say Liam gust escape ooh it's funny because I remember when you were doing like kick flips people couldn't figure out how you flip the board and then they call it the magic flip because they didn't know but I do remember when you start doing 360 flips people thought that was just a novelty am I wrong yeah and that's how I felt like people didn't barely notice the flip right because there's more of a shove it right and I was like alright so sorry double 360 flip see if they get in and you know it's like that good and it won't have to notice there's AC flip so let's double it and see if they notice but that was one they kind of went and it was like yeah I put that one back right right because people didn't seem to like it too much but but then when Jason came out and started doing with such Flair and style you know what I mean it's just so pretty yeah that's what brought it around for sure I think so but speaking of um going out and skating I know you skate so like what three four am yes I get home music between 3:00 3:30 yeah um alone yeah I'm you miss gaming alone for years like that right no tonight I mean I there are people that are like there's Rodney sightings I saw Rodney skiing this gas station 2:30 a.m. as if it's some rare thing right you saw Augie right there yeah I just take her around like that through the night and and that's like the joy for me so if anyone wants me it would be so embarrassing you know for me and then that's part of what I do understand it because I feel like you always kind of skated alone anyway even when you're growing up and skiing alone at your house so I had known Rodney so long that I did get to see him skate sort of transition in bowls and I saw Ron Iman do a hand plant in a little bowl one time with full gear and wrist guards hmm invert I saw it what would it take to do that oh man um I just built the mini ramp because again we lost our you imagine wow that's gonna be a that's gonna be a viewer-request yeah how was it when you finally made a transition Hiro started writing a bigger board and doing stuff on obstacles how was that for you so embarrassing like so embarrassing I mean first the nature of free start what I always did was just look down you're not gonna bump into anything you don't wanna bump anything avoid the cracks avoid the curves would certainly avoid the ledges and then it's like okay you're supposed to aim with this thing and jump on it and sliding and dude all I could do was look down and I kept running into stuff like I was wine look the blind guy can actually skate that's amazing you know what I mean because I'm at well right into it my timing was all off and the thing is people like oh wow that's right any moon he's really good no he's not welcome to my street Yeah right exactly speaking of switch I mean you made it your mission to just completely switch your stands and I remember right around that time my house if you could do like a quick trick tip for this video we're making like something really it would be easy for you impossible or a double kickflip or something anything and you said I can't do anything in my normal stance or it's like getting too close to the black hole because you would train yourself so well to start skating goofy-footed yeah that you were like if I can't do anything regular it's all over how you told me it was like this most serious I just can't do it there's no way that's okay the gist abysus I am I you know everyone's done um you back for bounces off you do the splits yeah and I did that kind of one too many times whatever it is bunch scar-tissue grew up and it pulled my leg into my hip so tight that it was grinding about 30 times a day and the doc says it's gonna grind the head off the bone and then the bone started sort of fuse in a way so my work and that started happening most the way through around 3:00 and it was horrible end of the day when the Sun starts to go down and temperatures like 5 6 7 8 9 10 dear I'm about when you're waking up let's just after breakfast um I have to put blankets on my leg I couldn't sit next to a wall on an airplane I couldn't I'd have to get two or three blankets oh it's crazy I was a well basically they just go you're kind of screwed and you get dr. can't cut on it because it's all throughout you and it's just going to generate more problems so here's how it works good luck and I learned basically how to tear that stuff out because it grows like weeds in you and you have to tear yourself and finally you have learns to put so much pressure on yourself it's enough to almost kind of break your own bone and the night I broke like I put my leg in my wheel well my car and reach for under the frame of my car and just rip rip rip and the hours ago by three cops are different different times because no night we come by because we yells they thought I was being mugged and by your own car goodbye like what and come out with a gun and I pick my head up for the calm okay officer I'm full of tears and so that was two years of that and I pretty much got rid of that 13 nights out of 14 I take a day off every two weeks and I realized like wow like every skater is good enough to stand on the board exactly the opposite in both ways where a kickflip and he'll flip a 360 flip should be the same way in our minds but your body won't let you because it naturally kind of forms that's the problem like think of like a trick that you always phone you back you know fake you five okay you put up a 360 flip you hurled you back or something why would you do that and because you're stuck and and so I was like okay I learned how to unravel my stance wow like I don't want to go back to doing what I was doing because who even cares if I learn how to flip out of a primo in another way do I even care like after Paul shattered and so I thought what if I can unravel it and approach the tricks that I could never do no matter how much practice and do essentially switch tricks they couldn't they're impossible to switch because at that stage it's really just for me goofy because you know like subjects by nature switch are really hard you know I figure look I'll just disappear and hopefully my sequences are tricks at that time we'll do the talking and then I can talk it and now I film three or four things - five or whatever that okay this is indicative like I don't know how matter how hard I would have tried to do a keep it one foot nose switch I could have done that because you know it's like to land on Thank You Manuel you go but to do one foot you have to turn your body around so okay that was a good test and like wow okay I did that but I still have some work and so so now I'm so I have a couple goals like once I get this one set of tricks that I know the rest cascade here's thirty more and and so it would mean so much to me if I can come out truly to have no stance to be stats less and do the things that I know I could never do no matter what and and if hey if my rest of my body gives out that's fine because at least I did something that did you know what I mean
Channel: RIDE Channel
Views: 1,014,865
Rating: 4.962131 out of 5
Keywords: Dissent TV, Tony Hawk, Rodney Mullen, Bones Brigade, Bones, Tony, Hawk, freestyle, flatground, skating, skateboarding, skate, Ride, Ride Channel, celebrity, interview, Skate, Skateboarding, Epic Fail
Id: v2xWBlfr1h0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2012
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