RODECASTER PRO Multitrack recording in Audacity

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hey guys welcome back to the channel i want to  talk about the road caster pro we know it's an   awesome piece of audio equipment i've been  using it for about three months now and it's   fantastic for podcasting and using as your audio  interface for everyday content creation i love it   and i'm learning how to record multi-channel  right now and so what i've been finding out is   that we know that this is an awesome mobile  podcast setup but also you can use this   hooked up to your computer via  usb so if you want to use your   road caster pro and you want to record in  multi-channel i'm going to be doing it in   audacity right now first let's go over to the  road caster pro and set up usb multi-channel   so here we see the road caster pro we're going to  click the little cog at the top we're going to go   into advanced and then you're going to go right  into audio and then here's your multi-track now   you can see you have the micro sd card multi-track  and the usb i'm just going to do i'm just going to   use the usb if you wanted to record multi-track  to an sd card and usb at the same time you can   also down at the bottom you'll see this post fader  you can turn that on and off depending on if you   want to record your processing along with your  multi-track so you can record all the processing   you have on your road caster to your recordings  or you can leave it off and just work with a clean   slate and do whatever you'd want to do and then  you just get right out of here and that's set up   now the next thing you might want to do right away  is unplug your road caster usb and then re-plug it   back in and what this is going to do is going  to go and change those settings for you where   it's not going to just say road caster pro anymore  it's going to say road caster pro multi-channel   and that's what's going to allow us to use the  multi-channel so let's take a look at this we're   going to go over to audacity and let's download  that program so this is audacity's website they're   an open source program that you can use that  is great for multi-track recording and editing   you go down to download and you can pick mac  linux or windows i'm using windows so we'll hit   windows and then you just install this and open up  your zip file download it and install the program   when you're done with that you're gonna go over  to the shortcut that's on top of the screen   right click it and just hit run as administrator  it's always best to do that with your programs   and then you're gonna open up the program we're  gonna go right into picking what windows driver   we're gonna use so we can see here there's  three choices this is your basics windows   drivers and this is your windows wasabi  wasabi lets you record in multitrack   this is what normally would be here  you're just your road caster pro   but since you accessed the multi-channel usb  switch on the road caster pro now you have the   availability of the multi-channel and then you're  just going to go over to here and make sure that   that matches with the output of the road caster  pro and you're going to click 14 because the road   caster pro has 14 separate channels and so we're  gonna record all of them at the same time that's   the easiest way to do it and i'll show you the  breakdown of that in a little bit okay and then   also if you like you can go into preferences and  make sure that your devices are set up properly   we see all that and then go down to quality and  then you can go and click the 48 hertz and the   24 bit and hit ok now if you have a little problem  with that and it gives you an issue just restart   it and try it again it did it was a little glitchy  for me a couple times for some reason but then now   you would think that you would go right up here  and you would just start a new track and add track   well you're not going to do that you're not going  to add anything you're just going to hit record   so just remember when you're up here and you pick  your drivers your wasabi then your road caster pro   and your speakers as road caster you just want to  make sure that this is not on stereo that you're   hitting 14 because this is going to record all  14 channels at the same time so let's hit record alright and so now we're recording all 14  channels and then you're gonna notice at the   top we have the first three and they're recording  and i'll explain what those are in a second so now   i want to show you down here 13 and 14. so if i  was to hit the sound pad on the uh road caster   you could see i just hit that  sound pad playing and now   now look what traffic showing up on showing up on  tracks 13 and 14. so that's the left and right on   the pad output and as soon as i hit stop it's gone  13 and 14 stopped recording so we're seeing that   all these tracks are working and recording at the  same time so now i'm going to stop this right here   and just explain up here we have track one and  two and track one and two is going to be your   output left and output right stereo track okay  and so your track three is going to be your mic   okay so that's mic number one and then preceding  that will be my two three and four and then you're   gonna have a separate track that's gonna record  for your bluetooth and your phone also so all   these tracks will be recording and then you can go  in and you can change the names of these tracks if   you want so if you want to go to track three  and just change this to mic one done okay and   this way you can keep track of what you want but  also i'm going to show you something really quick   that's going to help you and i'll put the link in  the description down below road casters website   i'll put the link to this it's showing us what  every channel is okay so this is going to be   super useful for you to understand what you're  recording in each channel and keep track of things   so just like we were doing 13 and 14 we could  see that this lines right up with what it was   recording and then your regular usb channel  is going to be seven and eight and then we   can see that my mic one was number three so all  this corresponds to what we were going through   and looking at so now if we go back over to  audacity we take a look at these tracks so if   you have one and two i just want to show you  that you can go right down to track one and   you can make this a stereo track so now you can  have track one and two be a stereo track together and then your mic one would be right below it so  you can make those changes if you want you don't   have to um but you just know that you  can and then when you go up to file   and you're going to want to hit export  okay you can go to export as an mp3   export as a wave or export as in  og now when you go to export this   and you hit save you can see right here it says  your tracks will be mixed down and exported as one   stereo file so once you go to export that way it's  going to export all these tracks together whatever   changes you made in each one of them if you  choose to do it that way or you could go up here and export multi so if we take a look at this  right now we can see that you're exporting each   file separately so you could pick the wav file  right or mp3 whatever you choose you can pick   your encoding depending on what you want to use  okay and then you can export now you can see   the export starts with each track and  you're gonna go through each track   there goes mic one your track four so now we see  that it's gonna save each one of these tracks   separately so we'll go through each one and you're  you're gonna hit them okay or you can change them   then and you're just gonna hit export and you  could see all separate tracks with the wave so   this is really useful because now you have your  tracks after you edited them or if there was a   mistake too you can go and just make go back  in and make a correction for one of those so   if you find this useful or this was helpful in  any way please like and subscribe to my channel   you can go in and take a look at your files if  you'd like and you can see i saved them all to   my desktop so now if i go to 13 and 14 and i was  to hit those it would have the music there it is   from the keep from the keypad the road caster  pro is very useful in a lot of different ways and   the multi-track recording  is super helpful and it's an   add-on that they did with a firmware upgrade  so make sure you have the latest firmware   also and i hope this was useful to  you and i'll see you on the next video you
Channel: Coffee Talk & Tech
Views: 14,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: audacity, Rodecaster Pro multi-track recording, rodecasterr pro multitrack in daw, rodecaster pro multitrack recording audacity, rodecaster pro, rodecaster pro multichannel, rodecaster pro multi channel recording, rodecaster pro multitrack tutorial, rodecaster pro multitrack recording in audacity, how to setup multitrack on rodecaster pro, rodecaster multitrack recording, multitrack podcast recording, multitrack recording in a daw with rodecaster pro, multitrack recording audacity
Id: RnlCqVBpr0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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