ROD has a PET CROCODILE?! | Ice Scream 3

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it's the evening it's spooky what better time than to put myself in front of good old Rodney you know rodders the ice-cream man who turns chubby kids into ice cream in his words not mine well concise cream three you guys been loving these videos I've been loving playing these games actually they're they're really good that way better than I thought they'd be let's hit play and let's see oh if we've got more story 1983 two children have been missing for a few days if anyone knows anything inform the police quickly if you haven't seen any of the previous videos I've done on these then basically two people have been kidnapped two big kids who are brother and sister I'm pretty sure there might be their picture yeah there is there is there is they're right here so I think this is me with the dot on me in the red shirt and then on the right I can't remember her name it was like Susie or something like that she got kidnapped in the last episode and then on the left is Charlie I thought they called him down but his name was Charlie or something but anyway he got kidnapped as well both are missing this guy he's kind of in love with this girl I know it's confusing they're like 10 years old and there's already like some kind of love triangle going on I'm not quite sure but he meant he he made me get perfume last time he made me get perfume to impress her but then she got kidnapped because she wouldn't jump out of the truck after I saved her I mean it sounds crazy it is crazy and that's approached the door and pressed the interact button ah find the main key to the door to get out okay in previous games we've jumped out the window both times so that so rod doesn't come and find us wait is this me Oh I'm like his best friends oh wait I feel kind of bad now that I've been calling him a chubby kid but that's what rod says and I'm not trying to be mean and also I'm liking this music this whole series gives me like stranger things vibes and I kind of like it I like it a lot actually and we haven't seen the rest of the house before oh whoa what does this mean wait can I write anything sob to dantdm please my name is on the fridge I'm in this game now amazing oh these are the items rods items your own - our three rods items yeah the last one for some reason it's like all these a blender milk and eggs I've just got it do you make ice cream you don't make ice cream with eggs do you you do use eggs well I learned something new today but what's also where is the rods uses children as well oh this is what we need honky gimme I will take that don't mind if I do is there anywhere else we can go I kind of want to explore this house a little bit ah the bathroom one of my favorite places to be here we go can't use the toilet though can't interact this game is now 5 out of 10 that's unfortunate oh I did not mean to leave what are we gonna see Oh fantastic rod singing he's humming that audible tune you could bro this is the guy this is the guy he's the one that's in love with the the chubby girl Liz Liz what is he doing what are you wearing no rod is stone-cold there is we might get killed by ice cream do you shove the whole thing in his throat what do you do oh wait wait I forgot that you could do this oh you go big rod is amazing I know he's supposed to be evil that he is evil but that was classic I'll give you props for that rod that was hilarious you must help Mike Oh his name's Mike I'm terrible with names by the way I'll just give them nicknames find a hiding place near the van and avoid being captured by as the ice cream maker I would love to get my hands on that a shotgun though give me this user hide first oh wait wait I need to go in the doghouse I forgot let's hide in here oh it's got a cold some kids today going to find some new chubby kids ice cream fun Oh Rodney Oh Rodney I'm taking that shotgun and that shotgun has your name on it Mike didn't finish you off but I I will bro I will it seems the van has a lock you need to destroy it get the rifle the mike has dropped here we go let me use this electro gun hold up aim at the lock and press the fire button power did Mike make this the map has now dropped Oh take the map of course we do this every time there we go open wide Oh No Mikey boy ha no no I did not realize he was gonna be here okay Roger okay buddy how are you floating he's skating and he's like oh you're making we broke rods this is hilarious I don't know why it's so funny but I'm gonna I'm gonna hide in here he can't see me what he's skating like that are your shoes made of ice just slide on by buddy slide on by oh by the way I think this game is longer I've completed all the ice creams in one go he stopped sliding now he's doing his weird sideways walk but I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do this in one go today but we'll see let's see how well we do I'm gonna need that rifle and I'm gonna need to get out of here give me the electro gun Oh Mike he's even wearing his helmet still I'm gonna plop this in here let's see what locations we've got camping metro station circus shopping center install okay so stall is normal circus we've actually had before let's go to the shopping center I have no idea where to go but we've got five locations this time yeah I think this one's gonna be a bit longer but let's see what is waiting for us at the mall I don't think it's gonna be wait I saw a burger I see Donuts this is the most unhealthy mall I've ever seen this also reminds me of stranger things it looks very similar oh look we've got a med kit just in case and ice creams oh hello how are you how you feeling buddy you're okay oh look at the size of your leg now you should have just pulled the trigger buddy you should have just done that here we are but yeah speaking of stranger things this looks exactly like the mole in stranger things don't you think a carven what the mole is cool but it looks exactly the same from season three why I'm glad about though this is a massive open space so let's explore and let's see if we can find anything that we can use there's that Burger outs of this world looks mad tasty I'm gonna head over to this shot because it's got lights on it it is Outlands fishing oh wait we can't open this hold up we're just breaking in wait no no open it oh geez look at the fishes are those Nemo's there's a huge clownfish if they're Nemo's oh there he is wait wait let's not let's not get distracted by the fish hold up we're going into the outdoor shop I'll shovel where I might be able why do you sound so close there's no ways up here no way we've got the shovel that is good could take a few dollars maybe a tent is a changing room okay I think we should get out of here before we get stuck we need to store this in the ice cream van let's do that oh no he's following us already you're right buddy let's see you later man there's also in extreme modes in all of these games I should probably try that at some point but let's get the story over and done with first and then we get a challenge mode going throw that in there what else we got vending machines we did used to use a vending machine I feel kind of safe here not gonna lie to you this is suspiciously lit up why is this Spanish why is it Spanish why haven't you little man why you make you so much noise I don't know what that weird man and you were playing oh wait what kind of question is this break everything you want boy let's see if this way with a little luck I get bite hi come back soon okay you speak you're slow just be way too slow do you want me to call the police yes actually I look like the yes and be like take this ice-cream man away so let me get this straight this security guard is watching me on the security cameras get chased by a man in an ice-cream suit and he's doing nothing he's watching he doesn't care Wow I am shocked and appalled I'm calling the police on you next buddy right I see when we take the shovel let's go camping Oh tree house that's a lot of weird-looking tents right let's see where we can use a shovel okay I was going out of the wrong way never minds okay this looks like a tight little area I don't know it is gonna be that safe let's do a quick recreational look at the area I see if we can dig some stuff up maybe oh yeah we actually can't oh-ho your boys Got Talent I don't know what that's supposed to mean um I meant that I had some brains today I'm not sure why will you stop making noise you're scaring me I need to dig some stuff up nothing nothing come on there's got to be something around here you can't go far you have to help your friend I know I'm trying to Cole's wait Oh are there's loads of them yeah rod you're taking the biscuit with this one oh my goodness what why do people keep digging so many holes and leaving nothing in them and they left the ice-cream man here fantastic Oh oh no I don't like this why would you camp in a graveyard I've only just noticed what kind of sick individuals will go on a camping holiday to a graveyards huh one earth what am I trying to find please don't tell me that I'm meant to find something to go in every single one of these holes unless they might have a rabbit problem thing they have it always it's the girl the truth is your brother Charlie jump without problems I thought you wouldn't mind either it's what we should have done too but of course you're a girl oh definitely can't say that I did it because it was any way to escape of course did I say the only thing I think I'm I said the wrong thing definitely shouldn't pick option two though it's very offensive I don't know what my main character's name is but you can't be saying that kind of stuff buddy will hold up news wall hold up anymore dig sports back here well this is the tree house what we got up here let's have a look e oh great we need a tree house key of course we do get down I can't see any more Diggy holes I kind of want to know what this is as well leave me alone it's like an urn dude it's creepy it's so creepy ah here's one yeah these things are all empty that must be another reason for these dig spots I'm done here I'm getting out I'm getting out and going to another location let's get out of here we go into the metro station Metro station let's go we'll be taking holes there but we'll find other stuff backing up backing up before we go here oh all this isn't good we parked in an alleyway I feel like that's a terrible idea no entry oh there's a lot of one-way alleyways here not a fan all areas wait I can't jump these I managed to get past this guy what's he doing he's trying to get on the train okay um need something to break the fence oh I need like an axe or something okay I'm out of here this is not a good place to be let's go to a familiar location leave me alone leave me alone let's go to the circus we've been there before and last time the cryptic place the place where you get sent when you're caught that had some items last time that we had to use but here we are arriving at the circus dungeon Comics is now closed so we can't call on Mike oh never mind completely forgot that Mike's in here buddy you got the password to your card shop I could really use it right about now there it is rest in peace last time you could check the garbage cans doesn't look like we can this time there was also the old lady's house which really used last time as well but it doesn't look like we're gonna be able to go in there oh wait who are you hello maybe you could shelter him oh he's got a key like a clown's key maybe he's the native clown here I need to get something to cover him up but I am the main attraction that's right I'm the clown now but she rod would make a good clown wouldn't he the old lady's houses is boarded up oh I don't know where he is I can hear him but I can't see him what's this I feel like I need that and I can't get in there that has to be the trailer with the key right it has to be okay we're gonna need to try and find something to cover this man up we scratch his back he'll scratch ours wait we can get over here hold up granny's house is still a thing I can't open it though oh it's you sisters a bit silly and fell into his trap okay yes he just captured out the day after you I show up so you wouldn't panic I don't know came out the secret lair and this guy out of this place at once um one crazy what are you talking about we leave you alone I mean it's a save you You cheeky little punk I'm hearing a shelf man I don't like him ok yes he captured other day after you show up she won't panic that stupid ice-cream maker had my sister is that really the most important thing right now of course we are but imagine I could handle myself that matter that doesn't make sense ok I am the bravest of the for sure to be so brave you seem to be hiding a lot right we could sass him but I think he's gonna be pretty mad now that you mention it Mike has been captured by Rod two and he did help me three get out that dumb box follow me towards van and watch hidden from there yeah let's go Charlie let's go bro you look ridiculous how are you gonna run in that oh my goodness okay I think I need to convince the other person as well okay oh no wonder he captured your stupid butt oh he's so slow as well oh he's getting captured for sure look at this guy he looks like he reminds me of like boo from Monsters Inc but way less convincing I'm just gonna run over there and wait for him Mike we have stupid friends really stupid friends you look like the mailbox get in here why do I even need him though like he seems like he's not gonna be helpful at all take him to the neighborhood's I must have the cage he okay that makes sense I'm going camping I'm gonna go and save the girl and then what do we do just like all grab him and beat him to a pulp take the mask off and it's like the big reveal of spider-man oh wait we got a cutscene we got a cutscene 1955 Oh tragic Oh morning did his dad died yesterday an unfortunate accident occurred the famous ice cream maker Joseph Sullivan was run over the identity of the person driving the vehicle has not been just this is rod wait I knew it you know this is crazy this person I was like a weirdly creepy but satisfying voice I'm not gonna find out what it says okay so his dad was killed so he didn't kill his dad which I thought could have been something that happens talking to the previous cutscenes oh my goodness are you going to stay here I hope you don't come out please don't come out okay it was you're just gonna stay here there fantastic I'm gonna go convinced there's other kids to come with us we are like the worst cast of a horror movie ever stopped speak speak quick speak quickly speak quick please quicker quicker number one he's in a box number three a girl in your class he's coming Mike is the one who's caged now when he saw that he captured you he became very angry and confronted rod without thinking twice I just got my girlfriend let's go he's super nice and I saved you the other time don't even thank me let's go back to rods and follow me well all we have to do is be together follow me to the van to escape there you can hide and they'll be no problem three ask me three yes no way that's creepy what's wrong with you oh my goodness how did these kids not get caught rods for not catching these kids you are unbelievably bad can she get under here is she gonna get caught you got it she's gonna get caught oh no what's gonna happen what's gonna happen no the clothes I'm actually scared for her life I don't think he actually cares but you need to come this way as quickly as possible I'm scanning in the back of the van hope she's here this is all your fault you can tell you're related 100% idiots that's why I was referring to get in the van get in the van fantastic news this isn't gonna work is it um where should we go let's go let's go to the shopping why not so now I've got a walking bush and a walking cardboard box and a guy who's like fat and confused and can't move and stuck in a cage what am I gonna do with these guys what can I possibly do with them oh wait um I kind of fell outside the van this is not good I think I'm um I don't think I'm supposed to be out here oh no um it was Bush girl push girl pushed me outside the van guys can you let me back in please you can't survive without me I'm your Savior back in broad hey rod you come get me please I'm done with these guys I'm gonna I'm just have to walk out the edge I'm kind of scared well there's a motorbike shop though um I should have done that should I broke it I broke the game guys this isn't good a fallin out of space and time and it took me so long to convince those guys to come with me I think we'd have to start again oh now the whole world has disappeared oh no yep the whole thing is gone oh hey I did not know that there was like a hints page that's quite cool there's so many things and I've got to start again I'm not even I'm not even I convinced two people to come with me and that's literally it and I've got do this dumb stuff again I'm so mad you can't solve I'm Weitzman's we've gotta find key the treehouse Circus key shovel we've got the shovel hat shoes firecracker Jack fishing rod motorbike motorbike could be pretty sick forward and horses Liz and Charlie dumbest companions ever oh wait golden fish maybe you can use the fishing rods to call them ish a comedy well convince them dumb bombs again is there a fishing rod in here I need a fishing rods ah yeah buddy okay time to go fishing okay let me see mine uses rods my me just doing some fishing ah drop it drop it I thought I'd be able to get away this game it's tough this time it's tough out here there I am oh that's you I've seen myself for the first time beautiful Oh revolvers okay I see how it is I want the guns or we got scissors I'll take scissors are to cut these okay sweet link you Inc you ain't just gonna escape just gonna escape wait wha there's the alligator what on earth I'm throwing those in there just in case I need them hello rods why have you got a pet alligator feeder it's where rod feeds his crocodiles with fish oh I see what I need to do now with his eggs you do not steal the crocodiles eggs rods rod why'd you have a crocodile buddy why is that a thing he's caught like he's got something on his head that I feel like I needs oh no he's just gonna walk through it because he doesn't care I'm gonna go and catch a fish for you okay a shopping center where'd you go up to when I catch a fish the shopping center let's do this definitely not wasting my time with those two little Punk's again I'm just going fishing relaxing take my mind off things you know where's my fishing pole did he steal it like for real Oh Annie's chillin out there I'm gonna feed a crocodile a fish did not think that was gonna be one of the things that I would do today in this game but it's happening no he's told me from there this guy's had like laser eye surgery or something because his eyesight is impeccable today okay I'm getting the rose and I'm getting out of here he's closed shop again okay okay okay this shouldn't take too long at all no quick quick quick yes okay if you could just get out of here I need that fishing rod come here you in frosty frosty man sir so Ike let's grab that fishing rod oh no I don't think I'm gonna be able to I'm gonna try it though I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it no the fishery was not there the fishery what is it there where have you eaten it one earth where is it the fishing rod is gone I could just catch one with my bare hands I need a dip in right here give me give me a fish I genuinely don't know where the fishing rod is gone if we can't use the fishing rod how do we get a fish sir fishing rod in it there's electro cutting scissors it's a fishing rod go though it's gone just straight up gone oh great no he's it okay I'm gonna grab the shovel I'm out here broke see you up ah the motor shop but I got stuck wait gap looks like you need some tool to lift this blind okay I'll try and figure that one out but if I can't get the fishing rods I might have to restart again all right Jenny we have to restart again I'm sorry again oh I'm going straight to the fish shop and I don't care you ain't taking this rod off me this time rod okay he's there I should be able to fish now if he sees me though think I'm dead come fishes I need to feed you the fish go away nice that's really handy he gets away every time I stand in here you know gonna be able to get away are you yeah it's old you I'll call a fish all right we're going to rods place I please get out there we go right let's get out of here I'm taking the fishing rod just in case I don't know if you could fish up a crocodile I don't think that's advised but let's get out of here I'm going to the store wait wait a my fish go did I leave the fish somewhere oh no I think he's gonna come to me did I leave the fish somewhere I left the fish we almost got caught oh geez we have made no progress I've been playing for an hour and I made no progress where's my fish I caught the fish and then just left it where's my price where's my we're gonna have to go in again we're going in again I'm gonna try and catch another fish oh he's right there as well right I'm gonna have to do this get in catch the fish come on oh there it is it's right there give me the fish give me the fish I'm gonna fish I run Nemo Nemo is mine oh so I had to pick it up no wonder I thought it was still alive like in the let's go oh that I'm an idiot I thought it was still swimming you know what just go ahead my imagery fine nah this fish is a pesky little customer don't mind me just gonna go and feed an alligator hilarious Oh buddy he's coming oh he's coming for it I don't know why I need to get this I'm guessing it so he doesn't eat me Can I grab something off you alligator still kills you good to know now where's MA there's my scissors give me these am I gonna have to catch another fish now I'm done I'm done get me out of here let's go and see what happens you you so if I put this down but why would I need to do I need to steal an egg cuz I could I could pretty much do that now hello I know he's coming for me it's coming for me oh jeez oh oh oh he's quick oh she's a quick little crocodile oh no this is bad chased by a crocodile and the crazy ice-cream man all in one day and he's go get another fish guys right let's go this way let's feed the crocodile and see what happens there we go let's just see what happens he's going over there kinda and then what happens look at the poor little fish I'm so sorry everything is the fish dead is the crocodile dead did we kill the crocodile are you okay the crocodiles okay the crocodile is okay how are we gonna get out this time guys anything different in here we at least need to find some more clues before I attempt this again because we aren't doing so well right now are we h-how'd you can't figure out get out of here I have no idea there's random boxes and random planks but oh wait ah as a secret tunnel okay was not expecting that at all hello hello I don't really want to see you but I'm getting out of here okay so what else can we do let's go back to the campsite I feel like there's more there right well throw the crowbar down just in case we need it oh wait what's this map of key are you kidding me it took me this long to get the map where is it it's this way I've dug up all these holes all these holes well before I did as well it's over there you can't look at the map it's just kind of like oh wait is it here is it this is the one that's the hole and I don't have the shovel back to the supermarket this is painful look there it is give the treehouse now we're getting somewhere hey let's move this which we've done before move it move it let's go let's see what's in the treehouse open this up now you can access the treehouse beautiful well we got firecrackers what does it say Devil's fingers oh my goodness a wooden blue horse rods chest wait that's what the four colored horses are for okay now we need to think why would we need firecrackers and we are probably gonna need a way to light them as well hey at least you made some progress guys I'm gonna have to look at all these open tents now because I feel like I've missed something super obvious okay that might he's here he's here what over firecrackers where do these go I actually have no idea if these firecrackers will even work here to be honest with you I didn't see any open flames I don't think that the the man that needs some shelter is gonna need firecrackers is he uh run you okay buddy are you okay oh no he's not upset he's just coming to find me it's nowhere looks like I wasn't trying to give this guy firecrackers that's not what it was you can know place this object on the homeless man oh I'm definitely dead oh no oh no there's another like thing as well an underground thing who needs firecrackers someone tell me I'm gonna throw these in here and go - I feel like the metro station we haven't looked at that well because I feel like we can't really get past him that well he tries to get on the train and then that's it and we know there's a way to smash that but I don't know what item it is let's have a look here what we got what's on the floor cans oh he's right there but we can open this what's this I can get in the safe wait no way is this that's in here no no one's here let's get out here oh man there's literally no items I'm going oh that was terrifying he's so close to getting us that's a door I didn't know those were doors how that one works wait what's this I just go here by a train I'll just go ahead by a train you know what is happening here get get away from me get away from me I just go hit by a train that was one of the wooden horses that is unreal I was squished alright I'm out I need just to move those things and get through the secret passage that's pretty much that done though but how'd you know what I can move the I think if I get cool again I die anyway but let's move this out of the way wait crowbar is the crowbar stood in here I can't remember where I put it the corbels in the van I might be able to smash that thing with it so the metro station please mr. ice cream man I'm gonna see if I can break that with the crowbar if so that'll be some progress right there nope cannot break it firecrackers though firecrackers could break it I don't have anything to light them but they could break it oh we get on the train as well didn't even think that either it works this actually works I was only joking holy cow I was already joking let's go come and get me now a Rodney there's another office on this side let's see what's in here you Inc oh hydraulic jack oh I know what that's for 100% no that's for the who oh do I have to stop the train maybe oh I just have to guess three this could be like any combination have I seen any numbers anywhere I must see some numbers somewhere there's no way that I can just guess that I'm gonna take this hydraulic jack and get out of here oh great now he's there seven one six seven one six I saw it seven one six so now I can get the wooden horse that stops the trains nice radhe what's good buddy oh here's a crow through the thing what you doing see you later friend so I think this hydraulic jack is to do with that remember we tried to open the motorbike place I think that's do with X I said I needed something to open it so I'm gonna go do that ease all the way over there so we should be okay open yeah sweet for kids 12 and older I am a 19 year old so I am okay what's in here well show me the goods show me the goods we got here small motorbike who wants the small motorbike this Oh oh never mind your bike ride it oh this is sick yes look at me go Rodney can't get me now boy I don't know why I need this unless it was to smash Oh last time we used the vehicle to smash something down I don't know what we're gonna smash whoa oh oh I've crashed I've done ass done and I've crashed did this thing picks up some speed look at this look at me go I could just do this all day running guys I've got myself a small motorbike and then one mission and my one mission is to get away from rod but also smash something so guys you're gonna need to leave me some hints in the comment section down below thank you so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it so far hope you're enjoying chapter three if you are then please do leave a like the be greatly appreciated subscriber to our brand new bye isn't that big red subscribe button just below the video I've got me a minibike and a mission help me with that mission and I'll see you in the next one yeah bye [Music] hostess bar swing wagon candles canvas of a full rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 2,225,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, yt:quality=high, child friendly, kid friendly, family friendly, ice scream, ice scream 3
Id: bzH53ecpgGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 22sec (1882 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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