Rocket Surgery: Inside the Russian Nikonov AN94

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AK: Rugged simplicity

AN: We shoved quantum mechanics into sheet metal

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 65 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/spider_enema πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wish I could buy a factory deactivated rifle. I swear Ill leave it that way too.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LynchMob_Lerry πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Larry Vickers made a video with one of these, and he was not having an easy time with it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MaddogOIF πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can't get over how awkward that magazine tilted to the side it. Also, does that feed ramp mean that if it was fully chambered and you took out the mag, would you have to rack the slide twice to clear it? I'm assuming you only need to charge it once to chamber/put a round in the feed ramp? Edit: a word

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thefletch32 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I NEED IT. Seriously, this is my holy grail of rifles. I will travel to the end of the earth by foot and dingy boat for this rifle.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ballsy_McGee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

So very unique.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sotar626 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Someone on here promised me a parts kit for one of these. I can't wait to have a box of shit that I can do absolutely nothing with. :D

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JeffNasty πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've always been fascinated by those rifle. After watching him take it apart, it's probably one of the more ridiculous rifles to field strip. Also, all those moving parts? God damn!

Despite this, I'd still love one in 2 round burst. That fire rate is stupid.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/joeysuf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 11 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

My god. I can imagine trying to clean snow out of a fucking rifle pully in siberia. How insane. Also I wonder why they changed the sights? Are peep sights really that much better?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RealBACONATOR2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 15 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
Hi guys, thanks for tuning in to another video on I'm Ian McCollum, and I am here today at the National Firearms Centre, part of the Royal Armouries in Leeds, England. And I am here courtesy of ARES, Armament Research Services, and we are taking a look at a very cool mechanically extremely complex and weird Russian rifle. This is an Nikonov AN-94. These were developed as part of Russia's attempt to develop something to replace the AK-74, and these were actually formally adopted by the Russian military, you know, they were given their equivalent of an NSN number, a GRUA, GRUA, something like that. So they are formally used by the Russian military, but they were never used very much. They have seen very little actual active service, I suspect largely because they are probably ridiculously expensive, and they are ridiculously complex. Now what you get for all that complexity is a two shot burst that feels like one shot. The idea with this actually in many ways kind of goes back to the US SPIW program, where the attempt was, "How do we increase hit probability with the infantry rifle?" And one of the ideal things is, "What if we could have a two-round burst where both rounds are fired before the recoil impulse hits the shooter and disrupts their point of aim?" You could do this, for example, by having two bullets in one cartridge case, which is something the US experimented with. Or you could do it by firing two cartridges so fast that the recoil hasn't hit the shooter by the time the second round is fired. That's what this rifle does, and it does it through this really complex mechanism whereby it's both gas and recoil operated. The gist of this is you kind of have two things moving here simultaneously. You have a bolt cycling, and you have ... the barrel and this internal receiver unit all cycling at the same time. And in two round burst mode, what happens is the bolt actually cycles twice before the recoil-operated bits hit the back of the receiver. Because it's when the barrel assembly and the internal receiver unit hit the back of travel that's when the recoil impulse is transferred to the shooter. So if you can have the bolt cycle twice during that timeframe, you get two rounds out of the barrel on one point of aim, before the aim is disrupted. The way this works is actually largely due to this wacky looking muzzle device which delays the recoil of the barrel assembly. So there's a gas operating system inside here as well, which looks vaguely like an AK gas system. ... When you first fire the bullet goes out, the gas system starts to move the bolt, and it also starts to cycle inside this muzzle device. The bolt moves backward, extracts a round, ejects it, and starts to go forward again, right about as the barrel assembly actually gets moving. Then the bolt is all the way forward, hammer strikes a second round, and the bolt cycles backwards again as the whole internal mechanism is moving backwards. By the time that second round is ejected the barrel assembly is at its rearward of travel, the bolt is at the rear of travel, then the sight picture lifts from recoil. But you've already had both rounds fire. Now what makes this very difficult ... if you think about it, you'll realise that in order to do that you have to feed two rounds out of the magazine. The problem is this thing isn't going far enough to do that. The way Nikonov of addressed this problem is to actually have a two-stage feed system, where you have a round in the magazine, it gets fed up onto a lifter, and from the lifter into the chamber. That is also why the magazine is angled off to the side. You may not be able to see it well from that angle, but if I point the rifle at you, you can see that the magazine is very clearly canted off to the right. What happens in the two round burst mode is when the bolt is making that first stroke backwards, there's a cable and a wheel and a counter recoil thing, so as the bolt goes back it pulls sort of a faux bolt forward, which cycles a round out of the magazine onto the lifter. That way when the bolt is at the rear and then goes forward, it has a second round already halfway into the chamber that it can load. This is clear as mud? I think it probably is, so let's go ahead and take this one apart and take a closer look at how these components actually work. So first off, before we get started I do want to point out that this is actually a factory deactivated AN-94. So it's not fully functional, they've taken the head of the bolt and the head of the cartridge lifter sort of thing, I'll show you when we get there, they've taken those and cut them off at an angle and they have plugged the barrel. So I unfortunately cannot demonstrate this with dummy cartridges because the barrel is plugged and the bolt face is cut off. But we can still take it apart exactly like it should be taken apart. First however, let's take a quick look at the markings. We have right here that MMG indicates that it is a factory deactivated rifle, and then AN-94, serial number, and an Izhevsk manufacturing mark. The magazine release is one of the few parts that is basically the same as an AK-74, as is the magazine. These are of course chambered for the 5.45x39 cartridge. The magazine just rocks out of the receiver there, although as we pointed out the magazine is slightly canted off to the side. We have a safety located here to the side of the trigger group. Zero is fire and that other character is safe. Alright, we then have a selector lever just above the trigger guard, and there are three positions. The farthest one back here, AB, or Avtomat [Π°Π²Ρ‚ΠΎΠΌΠ°Ρ‚], is full-auto. And on standard full-auto this fires at about 600 rounds a minute, so pretty typical. Then the next selector position forward is 2, that is, of course, the special two round burst mode, which is an extremely high rate of fire. That's about 1,800 rounds a minute for those two. And then all the way forward is semi-auto mode. The rear sight is also a particularly interesting and unusual style. It's mounted at about a 45 degree angle, and it has five separate apertures. Kind of ... like an HK system, 7, 6, 5, 4 and 2 So ... whatever your range is, set the dial to that and then you have an aperture sight. The front sight is kind of goofy and weird. It's a normal small front post, but it's in this sort of oblong, protective thing with a notch up at the top. I suspect this has some purpose, but I don't know exactly what it is. Now disassembly is going to begin with this lever. I have to lift that up off its pin, and rotate it just past 90 degrees down. (... get that with a dummy cartridge, lift it up, there we go), and we can rotate that all the way down. The trick to getting the top cover off is to use force from the charging handle, so you want to hold the charging handle forward. Also hold the barrel assembly forward so that it doesn't move, and then ... There we go. I have popped it just slightly forward here. Now I can ... pull the top cover the rest of the way off. With that out, now I can actually pull the entire rest of the action out of the gun by pulling this slightly up, and then this internal receiver unit all comes out. Alright, next up we are going to take off the pistol grip assembly, which is also the fire control assembly. In order to do that, I need to rotate this lever down 90 degrees. And in order to do that, of course, it's kind of locked in place by the stock button. So I have to push the stock button all the way in. This is a little tricky, and you won't be able to see it behind my gloves. There we go. With the button down I can get that lever started, then I can pop it the rest of the way around to there. And now the trigger assembly comes out. We'll take a closer look at this in just a moment. And then this is a very important component, this is the lifter. This is what picks up the second round from the magazine, and holds it halfway between the magazine and the chamber for that two round burst feed mechanism. So just a quick pause here to give you some perspective. The magazine's here, and I've got the lug lined up here where the rifle would be at rest. Notice that the bolt handle is here, so the chamber is here. The magazine is back here. We have space for an entire second cartridge sitting right here in the middle of the receiver. That's critical, that's an essential element of how the two round burst works. Now looking inside, you can see that right at that point we have this lifter mechanism. And that comes out of the receiver by pushing in this button, and then sliding the lifter forward. Slide that out of its rails, lift it up. There's not a whole lot to this, but it's critically important to the gun working. So now this is the internal receiver unit, it's got the muzzle device, it's got the barrel. Here's our gas port, right there, gas cylinder, gas piston, bolt is right here. And you'll notice that there's a little wire cap, and this wire runs around the wheel, all the way down to this thing right here. Now this thing (which I believe has been cut off at a 45 degree angle as part of the demil process), when I pull the bolt handle back, it goes forward because ... through this wire it's connected to the bolt. ... Its function is to pull a round out of the magazine and up onto that secondary lifter as the bolt is coming backwards. ... In a normal gun, the bolt has to come all the way back and eject a case, and then it has to push a cartridge forward. We have to be able to do that twice within a single recoil stroke of the action. So it's essential to have some second device to feed the number two cartridge into the system. Note that we also have AN-94 here, deac AN-94, on the internal receiver unit, as well as its serial number. Now, I can take some more of this apart by taking tension off of the wheel. So if I take the secondary lifter here and just push it forward, I can take tension off the wire which allows me to remove the wheel. Then I can thread this back through its guide and can take that off. Now we have the bolt disconnected from the lifter. This is our actual bolt mechanism, notice that it has its own recoil spring. So we've got actually three recoil springs in this gun. We have a spring for the bolt. We have a spring here to put tension on the wheel and the secondary lifter. And then we also have a return spring for the barrel, which is located right there, you can see that oval wire hook. That connects to a lug on the barrel, that connects to that hook right there, to pull the whole ... internal receiver unit forward after the recoil action has taken place. Now we can take this recoil assembly out by pushing in and lifting up. A really heavy-duty buffer assembly there, and recoil spring for the bolt. You can then take the bolt and lift it up and out, somehow. There we go. Actually, I'll take this out first. This is the hammer. This is vaguely similar to a Reising in that you have this traveling hammer, which is an important element to how the gun can fire both 2 shot bursts and regular semi and full-auto. We'll touch on that in a moment. So I can take the hammer out. And then I can pull the bolt carrier back. Here is our bolt carrier and the bolt. That's also vaguely AK like. Note that, unfortunately, they have cut the bolt face off at 45 degrees as part of the demil process. There also should be an extractor in here, but it has been removed as well. If it's a deactivated gun it really doesn't need an extractor. Now I'm going to leave the secondary loader in the gun here, because it's kind of a mess to take out. But it also has a recoil spring there (and grabs my gloves), and it simply travels forward and backward opposite of the bolt. Now a lot of people look at this and they think this is a counter-recoil system (which is what the Russians call it), because you do have this wheel, and you do have ... counter-rotating reciprocating motion as the gun fires. However this is not there to absorb recoil. I think that's the main misconception with this gun. People think that it fires without disrupting the shooter's point of aim by having some sort of mechanical system that balances out the recoil. In actual fact what this is doing is making use of the bolt's rearward energy to simultaneously push a cartridge halfway forward into the secondary feed system. What ... allows the gun to fire twice without changing the shooters point of impact, or point of aim, is that this whole unit is recoiling backwards. The shooter isn't going to feel it until this stops. And this doesn't stop until after it's fired two rounds, thanks to the fancy double-feed mechanism. Now the slide hammer here has also been demilled. This round cutout at the bottom shouldn't be there. That prevents it from actually striking a firing pin, although there isn't a firing pin. What happens is the bottom of this has a sear [surface] right there, that interacts with this catch. That catch interacts with this button, so when I pull that down the sear drops. This, the main hole on the back, is its recoil spring, or its main guide spring. (And I can put that in right there.) So this moves to this point forward and gets held by the sear until this goes down, which allows this slide hammer to go forward, hit the ... firing pin and fire. The trigger mechanism does that by simply pulling down on this lever. So this lever is going to hold on to this pin like this, and pull it down like that. So the fire control selector on the trigger unit ... cycles this falling catch forward and backward. And what that does is it means that this ledge interacts with the sear here at different positions during the internal receiver units rearward travel. And that's what allows it to fire differently in 2 round bursts, semi-auto and traditional full-auto. Thank you for watching guys, I hope you enjoyed the video. I certainly really appreciated finally getting a chance to take apart one of these things, and see how this Commie Space Magic actually works. I guess they're not actually commies, but Russian Space Magic actually works. If you did enjoy this, a couple things you should do. You should check out Armament Research Services blog post, where there will be high resolution pictures of this and its internals. You can see the link to that down in the description text below. And also make sure to get in contact with the ... National Firearms Centre, part of the Royal Armouries. Their collection, which includes this AN-94, is not open to the general public, but it is available by appointment to small arms researchers and other interested parties. And as long as I don't let that fall over, they'll let me come back too. Thanks for watching.
Channel: Forgotten Weapons
Views: 2,246,280
Rating: 4.9558654 out of 5
Keywords: an94, an94 real life, nikonov, assault rifle, russian rifle, military rifle, burst fire, spiw, awesome rifle, spetznaz rifle, 5.45mm, ak74, experimental rifle, recoil forces, recoil impulse, new small arms, receiver unit, inside the russian nikonov, Forgotten Weapons, Armament Research Services, rocket surgery, project experimental rifles, mccollum, kasarda, inrange, inrangetv, history, development, an94 disassembly, take apart, disassemble, how it works, rifle, gun
Id: gtMssTSnRHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2017
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